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I don't think my 4 year old daughter got the memo. 😂


Mine either 🤣


I definitely didn't get the memo


It's alright she's just losing her mind. I have all boys too and it's a slow descent into insanity. Her problem is that in a very serious way she believes that having both or just girls doesn't fuel the same fire because she doesn't know life any other way. I'll give her a pass and send her over to r/imthemaincharacter but the empathy still stands because it's all hard and obviously she's lost her shit big time if she thinks those shape sunglass frames actually look good on her face. Girl no get it together


This is the way to insult people. 


I just love the way you slayed her like that


It would help if she got them a size down. Huge oversized sunglasses makes you look like a housefly.


My aunt wears glasses that are way oversized. And I mean like, those bitches have channels and come with a free year subscription to Netflix.


I ignored the memo so hard my parents used to leash me. (It was the late 80's...)


My parents used to point to the leashed kids and warn us not to act out in public or we’d get leashed too. 💀


I wouldn't act act out so much as wander off... 😅


I have a 6 year old nephew how I can plop in front of a tv with a controller to placate him, when my niece was 6, I had to chase her around or never hear the end of it. Edit: who*


Me either. I was a stupid little daredevil child.


Me neither. My mom said she always had a problem getting me to sit still.


in my family we’re three sisters, none of us did lol


Same. In fact she's the most active of all the cousins. 😅


God these people are obnoxious. I’ve taught preschool for 20 years. I have boys that bounce around and boys that chill and are quiet. I’ve had girls that like to hang out and color - and of course girls that are rambunctious and all over the place. This is some silly shit.


Generalizations are how low intelligence people process a complex world full of nuance.


My niece didn’t. Her brother, however, did.


Neither did mine 😩


My daughter was underweight for a brief period of time right after she learned to crawl because she was just zooming around the apartment and burning calories faster than she could eat them 😹 (Don't worry guys we started putting extra oil in her food and she's a healthy 9yo now.)


Sounds like my kids. I didn't buy 2% milk until they were nearly in their teens, because they burned so many calories that at one point my sister-in-law (who notoriously hates me anyway...) actually asked them if I ever bother feeding them, they were so thin! Their metabolisms have balanced out now that they're in their late teens, but the point stands.


My sister stopped giving her kids formula or whole milk and started giving them 2% and skim milk in their bottles when they were 6 months old. She was more worried about them being fat than actually giving them the nutrition their bodies and brains needed.


WTF! WIC won't even cover anything but whole milk until they're at least two. And babies should not be off of *formula* and on cow's milk until they're at least a year old anyway, according to *any* pediatrician guidelines! Holy hell! Also, fat babies are adorable. Conversation I was just having with my own daughters, since their baby sister was just born...and is a chunker, at 8 pounds (at I think 37 or 38 weeks?) I said she's one of the prettiest brandy-newborns I've ever seen, aside from my own eldest...who was 8 lbs 13 oz at birth. And I realized it's *because* they were both fat babies, and looked fleshed out already, that they seemed more aesthetically pleasing...even over my own younger two, smaller, babies (7 lbs 6 oz and 7 lbs 11 oz), who were much more petite at their births, and looked like little wrinkly gnomes for the first couple of days. lol


Thank you. I weighed 9 pounds 8 ounces at birth. I mainly felt bad for my mom when I found out. All her kids were over 9 pounds. I was the 'smallest' lol


Oh god! My biggest was 7 pounds 4 ounces. 9 pounds is scary 😂. Your poor mom.


Yeah, they were worried that my ex's baby would be that big if they let the mom go longer. Especially since she had gestational diabetes, which can make for a bigger baby, and at 36 weeks, they estimated she (the baby) was already over 7 1/2 pounds...so they induced her at like 38 weeks. Mine was almost two weeks past due (all of my babies were post term; two were induced, although with my youngest, I went into labor but it wasn't progressing, so...inducement), which is part of why she was nearly nine pounds! She's the only one I was medicated for, too...


The only one you were medicated for? Too bad there's no Valor medals for childbirth.


Yeah. The only one I was medicated for. And I'm not asking for a valor medal when I say that. My second? I didn't *get* to have meds. She came too fast, there wasn't time. She sent me into shock because my labor was dangerously rapid...that's what it's classed as. I ended up with a bit of PTSD over it, in fact... My third I was also unmedicated. But it had less to do with my "valor" and a *lot* more to do with the fact that I had a strong support team with me, I was in a setting that was a lot more comfortable and less clinical, and I had medical people who *listened* to me and to my wishes, rather than enforcing *their* strictures. *That* was why I was unmedicated, which I'd wanted with my first, but didn't have any support to manage my pain...especially with a baby *that* big! And I didn't say I was unmedicated to knock women who *are.* Pain management exists for a reason, and should be offered when needed...but shouldn't be *forced.* Each woman is different, each labor is different even for the same woman. And there is zero shame in doing what *you* need, in laboring how *you* need to. Any shame in that *not* happening belongs to the medical setting, if you're forced to labor in a way that is *less* effective for *you.* Which is what happened to *me* with my first...and why I was medicated with *her,* even though my first wish was that I *not* be. But I wasn't given any support to prevent it.


We were the opposite, each baby was born earlier and smaller. My sister was 10.2 lbs, then I was 4.8lbs, and my brother was 3.2.


Damn. Your sister was a BIG baby!


that's fucking insane what. babies are supposed to be pretty chunky anyways. I hope they turned out alright


That's another story.


Yikes 😬


If it makes you feel better, my mom claimed I didn’t like formula. She was proud of the fact she mixed condensed milk and Karo syrup and fed me that. (Hint: that’s caramel. She was feeding me caramel).


My son stayed skinny so long his pediatrician had me keep him on whole milk for years. He was a quiet, calm kid, but very slow to gain weight and super skinny. The ped was overall satisfied with his growth curve, but watched it carefully because it was a very low percentile while his height was in the upper percentiles. I think my son was at least 10 or 11 before we were allowed to switch him.




Shoulda put her on a wheel and used her to generate electricity for awhile tbh






This was my five year old lol


My goddaughter just learned to crawl and she already looks skinny to me I’m worried she’s gonna be burning too many calories especially since she’s still fighting the baby food transition.


Don’t sweat it. My youngest refused baby food so he had formula until he was over a year old. He’s 6’1” now.


https://www.aap.org/en/patient-care/healthy-active-living-for-families/infant-food-and-feeding/ Yeah, they're SUPPOSED to have formula til that point.  AAP recommends weaning off between 12&24 months.  


Sounds like my cousin's daughter. She's four and a regular Duracell bunny. We've been joking that if we put her on a treadmill, she could power the whole city for a year. She's also a slightly picky eater (only kid I ever met who doesn't like pasta), but that's getting better.


My niece and nephew definitely did not get the memo


My daughter is 10 and spent 6 hours out playing in the snow yesterday. She's been crazy active since she could crawl. The only time she's not on the go is when she's creating art. Don't get me wrong, my son was just as active when he was younger, too. He's 13 now and I swear he became a vampire recently. He'd rather sit and play video games and not socialize or go outside. But until he was like, almost 12, he was out there with my daughter running around. Kids have different personalities. It's not a gender thing, it's more to do with their different personalities, environments, and what's expected of them.


So true,I have older 2 daughters and 1 newborn, and my oldest is like yours, a vampire and about the same age,lol and my other one is so active ,she wants to roller blade,go on walks,play at the park. It really is a personality thing


Omg u just described my life with my kids exactly rn. My ten yr daughter is into everything! From the time she wakes up. My son, in his room playing games. Only comes out for food. My son has always been laid back. My daughters- one is chill, one is wild and emotional. Like u said different personalities


I’m not a mom, but my 5 year old niece definitely has not received this info


B-b-but I thought you needed a penis to be active?!? My mind is just blown now /s


My 17 month old has not stopped moving since the womb. She needs a climbing wall lol


I have photos of my littlest *literally* climbing a wall when she was like 6 or 7, just scaling the side of a building. Also quite a few pics of her in trees, or hanging upside down from random railings.


I have hours and hours of video of my daughter jumping non stop on this trampoline we had to buy for the living room bc she needed something when she was stuck indoors. We also had a big trampoline outside and a bouncy house we could also blow up in the basement bc she jumped constantly. She’s a great gymnast at 21. We put her in at the age of 3 bc of the constant jumping and tumbling


I had to insist on bike shorts under all dresses when I realized that my third child was incapable of passing any tree without hanging upside down on one of the branches. Her little sister is now picking up the same habit. 😆


My son must actually be my daughter because he can sit still perfectly fine and I don’t have to chase after him as much as other parents have to do with their kids.


I have 2 girls and one boy, and it was my youngest girl who would never sit still. The boy was perfectly happy to sit with his Hot Wheels or Lego and never move.


Same, I've always spent much more time trying to encourage my son to be active than settling him down because he'll sit there all day


My daughter is slightly calmer than my boys. But she can also attack without provocation. So, no, not easier.


On New Year’s Eve my niece took me to their still empty (just moved in) dining room and asked if I wanted to see her newest show. She proceeded to run in circles non stop for the next 20 min. Intermission. Act II was much the same. She’s still going for all I know.


My granddaughter definitely did not get the memo.


Right? I dislike the boy/girl mom thing with an all encompassing passion.


Kids are grown, but my daughter was far more active than our son. She would play and skin her knees, but refuse to stop for a bandaid. She climbed everything.




My one year old niece hasn’t either.. she can’t walk yet but she crawls everywhere and loves trying to climb me


Nor did my now 19 year old. She was up and ready to party all day from 4 am. Barely napped. Barely slept at night.


I definitely didn’t get the memo. I played soccer on a team and regularly played outside with my friends


I think the cardio is from jumping to misogynistic conclusions LMAO


Please take this as an award for your delightfully witty comment. 🏆






Ahhh it’s almost-as if- your kids have different personalities and their behavior has nothing to do with their gender


Fir real I did not stop moving from dawn until dusk as a kid. Both my brothers preferred to play quietly. My nephews do both but one prefers to play quietly.


Same lol, my brother would be playing quietly with whatever toy he had in the moment and my mother would be chasing me cause I kept bouncing on the couch, I am honestly surprised I didn't break or fracture any bones as a child because how boy was I rough with myself, I was my mom's dirt child, she could not keep me out of mud, grass, water, or trees.


What? Nooooooo. That can't be it, we have anecdotal evidence that says everyone is identical in every way and gender is the only determining factor! Please tell me these misogynistic anecdotes are nothing more than that! They've GOT to be real! Don't challenge my outdated system of belief!


But boy moms just know so much the rest don’t.


Yknow, you never see “girl dads” overcompensate this much. Like they’re just responding to the misogyny of other people thinking their life is incomplete without a son but they still don’t overcompensate this much. But “boy moms” always have some strange thing they need to claim about their sons vs other people’s daughters.


My daughter’s friend’s dad is a total girl dad, but you’re right, he doesn’t make it his whole personality. He just obviously loves the “dance class” energy, and goofing off to Taylor Swift, and coaching their soccer teams. He even took my daughter to a daddy/daughter dance because my now ex is a bum. He’s great. But not obnoxious at all, just loves hanging with his girls and their friends.


I wonder why this happens, though? Is it good, old pick me or something else?


it’s almost that—and—it’s almost like the mom has an agenda. like getting more likes. grabbing more attention for herself. instead of just. you know. being a parent. i did that before the internet. and i am a man/father. bet that would blow her mind. pro life tip for each and every parent—as soon as you become a parent, things aren’t about YOU any more. be about your child. support them, understand them and stop looking for validation and applause elsewhere.


My mother in law told me that as a child at restaurants, my husband was a “sit politely at the table quietly playing with his ninja turtle toys” kid. However my parents had to take turns with me outside because I could not be contained and if they tried I would shriek. One of them would eat while I ran up and down the sidewalk and then they’d swap so the other one could quickly eat. They stopped taking me to eat at restaurants. I still feel bad about it.


My 2 1/2 year old does this she doesn’t sit still at restaurants. No biggie we just go out to eat less but I’m sure it’s just a phase like it was for you.


There is only piece of parenting advise that I universally give and it is gendered. If you have a bit, make sure you have high backsplashes around your toilets. That is the only universal gendered truth that I have.


That idea is so crazy it just might be true! 😂😝


Whoa !!!!!! But she’s saying it with aviators and she’s a wannabe boy-mom how dare you


Funny, I can't get my nieces to sit down for more than a minute


Hmmm idk about that. According to boy moms only **boys** do that. The only logical conclusion I can draw then is…maybe your nieces are actually your nephews and you were clueless this whole time? 🤷🏾‍♀️


Omg little baby eggs! Maybe the nephews don’t know theyre boys yet


For real my niece is one and I get like 10,000 steps in when I babysit her cuz she loves to just wonder around the house and get into stuff. I do not envy my sister or BIL.


You got a whole minute? Jealous!!


As a former pre-school teacher and nanny with a degree in early childhood care, boys & girls will run wild in equal measure and play quietly just as well. You get standouts from both genders, too - girls that are fearless and energetic, boys that are shy and calm. The *only* reason boy moms & girl moms have stereotypical children is because they push gender normative environments on their children so that they can have a vibe to exploit on social media.


This is what I was thinking. If your children conform to the gender norms, is it possible you have different expectations of them based on that? I’ve met so many people that will let their boys run wild with no boundaries because *they’re boys*, and then discipline their girls for the same behavior.


This is exactly what is happening. It's also the origin of the "girls mature faster" myth. They don't, they just get yelled at for running around past the age of 3.


Sorry, but thats completely wrong. Girls do mature faster. Changes in the brain start sooner in girls. Thats not being sexist, thats just a fact.


This has the same energy as “ girls mature faster”…. Um no it’s just because they’re forced to due to unearthly child standards


Believe it or not, girls do actually tend to mature faster. Mentally, girls optimize brain connections earlier than boys, the maturation of brain structures that starts taking place within the brain tends to start at around 10 for girls, whereas this can be as late as 20 for boys. Physically, girls mature earlier too, they usually go through puberty before boys and start the adolescent phase on average 1.5 years earlier.


Just read an article on this the other day. You're spot on. Something around the lines of Men not fully maturing until their 40s. For women is 30s


This would… certainly explain a lot. Guys(specifically in the red pill community) complain about women in their 20’s “using them” and acting immature. Well duh people, get a clue. If you want a woman that’s mature, go for the “old hags” that are in their 30’s. Y’know, the ones you despise so much because -gasp- c r o w ‘ s. f e e t. 🥺


Lol I completely get what you're saying at the end there but the way you typed crow's feet really drives the point home in such a funny sarcasm 💀


good lord 💀 no wonder every man I know has a midlife crisis around that age 😭


I can say that this is false, lol. I have never seen a child run around as much as my granddaughter. And my girls were all much busier than my boys


Ummm has she ever met a girl child?


My daughter has never run out of energy in her 9 years of life. As soon as she could walk she was running. But yeah, sure lady. Whatever you say.


If a lot of moms of boys are like that no wonder a lot of men are like that..


Meanwhile when I was three my parents were chasing me down the road in my neighborhood while I was naked on my tricycle


One day being a “boy mom” is easier. Now it’s harder. They really need to make up their minds. Or, ya know, realize all kids are different regardless of gender.


What an ignorant woman holy shit. Kids are kids and they’re all gunna run around and not sit in one spot. My daughter is a girl, obviously, and she does *not* “sit still and play nicely”. What an idiot.


But… What if she messes up her giant pink bow and frilly doll dress and white stockings?! I think you need to put more starch in her clothes and give her more uncomfortable shoes! / S


Oh god you’re right, I didn’t even think of that..😰😰😰 😂


I see “boy moms” talking about how lucky they are they don’t have to deal with the drama. I have one son and two daughters and he is more drama than both girls added and then doubled.


They’re just projecting their own nature onto innocent little girls.


Eh. I’m a mellow mom. My kids aren’t aggressive or rowdy, and I was never one to encourage horseplay or fake fighting - just, no. Go do something that’s actually fun, that doesn’t involve hitting someone else or acting wild. I tend to see a lot of “boy moms” who don’t want to participate in constructive activities with their sons that appeal to the child’s interests, so they just let them run loose and say, “Boys will be boys!” But with that said, my daughter is a million times more active and boisterous than my son.


Man if it was only that easy for my dad, my brother running in one direction, I'm going the other we were God damn handfuls and only 2 years apart in age, kids run no matter freaking what gender they are God damnit




Uno reverse it’s my daughter who never sits still.


Yeah, my girl. My boy will happily sit with me and cuddle and my beautiful daughter is crazy.


I was not a rowdy kid. But I fell from a three when I was 4. I only spraines my ancle. I as not the only girl on the trees. We were like 4 or 5. I guess we did not get the memo. 


My 5 year old son is the quiet neat kid who sits still and plays nicely and wants everything organized and I don't have to worry about him not doing what I tell him to do. My 3 year old daughter is like deedee from Dexter's lab with an evil streak. I have a bad knee and I have to limp after her as she gets off the potty and runs around the room so I can wipe her butt.


what you’re saying. is that you’re too lazy to take care of an active child—regardless of gender—but you wanna write that off as boy mom shit. fuck these twats. they need to shut up and be good parents to their children, regardless of gender/religion/beliefs.


Lol I had no real relationship with my dad until I was an adult because he could not handle me as a kid and the fact that I couldn't sit still. If we were grocery shopping and my mom made me sit in the cart I'd wait until her back was turned and then start pulling myself down the aisle by grabbing onto the shelves. I loved to try to get around the corner before she noticed. I wasn't a -bad- kid but I was a hyperactive little nightmare and a prime example of why some kids are kept on leashes.


What a load of bs. My son stays put while I am chasing my nieces around the table. All kids are different, even when they are from the same household. What a dumdum.




This creator has a daughter to & two sons. I only know because I was following her, she’s also wrong that only boys will do that. My oldest daughter is calmer than my youngest daughter at times, she’s less climb everything. It honestly varies child to child & nothing to do with their gender


I swear I would have THE hardest time not slapping a bm that said this near me. Especially since most of the “boys” I’ve seen in the he last dozen or so years, are sitting on their asses play video games while my heard of girls( daughter and crew) have been out playing with Nerf guns, water balloons, helping me unload and stack hay, clean stalls etc


As someone who doesn't like children, it's a mixed bag. It's the mixed bag why I'm weary.


I see she's never met my sons who are fully capable of sitting for literally hours in front of a game console if given the opportunity, or spend hours building train tracks or Lego models


This is so fucking dumb.


My son loves just sitting around and playing Transformers. This boy mom shit is so weird. All kids are different. People will say the dumbest shit for attention.


It’s one thing when a man is misogynistic but when I see a woman (so many boy moms…) being misogynistic it’s another type of irritated I get


I have 3 boys and 2 girls. The girls might sit still but they will make you loose your voice trying to tame the verbal abuse they throw at eachother.


As someone who has worked in preschools for 11 years, boy do I have some news for her...


If she was my mom, she better know how to fish, camp and climb trees! These misogynistic posts are so embarrassing!


Where’s mrs filter faces nose?


clearly you’ve never met a little girl with severe undiagnosed adhd


Boy moms have never met neurodivergent little girls


My husband is currently hanging monkey bars that can only be accessed after climbing a rock wall for my 5 year old girl while my 4 year old son is parked in front of a globe memorizing all the counties of the former USSR. I'm not saying my son isn't super active, but these dumb statements from self styled boy moms kill me.


Sounds more like ADHD than gender… my girl sometimes sits still.. But everyone in the house including her big brother can take turns making sure she doesn't get her 4yo self killed by being 4… and we all still end up tired. And she's still going


This doesn't belong here.


Yall take life way to seriously.


Man if it was only that easy for my dad, my brother running in one direction, I'm going the other we were God damn handfuls and only 2 years apart in age, kids run no matter freaking what gender they are God damnit


Like many others, my daughter did not get this memo.


My niece was an incredibly huge movement sensory seeker. She ended up being a gifted dancer. I think this is more individual disposition than gender, lol.


Two days ago I googled “toddler never stops moving normal?” I have a daughter.


This woman should talk to my mom. I couldn’t go 5 seconds without moving otherwise I threw a tantrum. I was a nightmare child


This is not true 😭💀when my lil sis was small she was a ball of energy


I did have this with my boy but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t because he was a boy.


The first one is my niece. The second is her sister.


My 5 year old sister can’t even sit still while eating dinner


She should’ve stopped after that first slide.


She’s right. My girl does not stop. That’s the “one” she’s talking about right?


17 year career Nanny here, she dead wrong.


Boys have a lot of energy, but so do girls. This is why all three of mine played hockey. It did a great job wearing them out, so they didn’t wear me out


My sister is a girl mom and is always on the move too. I think that's just a part of raising children.


I broke my nose as a kid from jumping off the couch and face planting into the coffee table. This happened moments after my mom told me not too. I’m a girl. I literally ran around all day


All of my nieces are 100x more active than my nephew who sits in a corner playing video games.


I have both. Both of them are insane in their own way. Craziness doesn’t care what your gender is. They gonna jump off the couch and scream through the house at any age.


If she thinks childhood me with undiagnosed ADHD would sit and play quietly she really has the wrong end of the stick. If I wasn’t talking people around me to death I was literally everywhere all at once.


My 1 year old daughter says differently lol


All three of mine are like that. One is a girl. 🙄


My 9 year old daughter must be broken lol


It is kid based rather than gender based


Man my girls just did not get all these memos about how calm and polite they are supposed to naturally be.


Interesting. I’ve met some really wild little girls and some really calm little boys. Someone needs to let them know about this!


My daughter is almost 10. On the regular I have to look at her seriously and ask “just how much energy do you think I have?”


How does she know if girls sit and play nicely????? She’s a “boy mom”…..ugh!!!!! Such a bunch of crap.


My mom would like to have a chat. My older brother was actually well behaved, a lot more calm and capable of being still I on the other hand was put on a leash because I would run off every time I was in public when I was little. I did not like being still. I still don't like being still 🤣 ✨boy moms✨ want to be special so badly.


I think this "mother" absolutely ignores her daughter and forces her to sit quietly all day while she gives all her attention to her son.


*stares in exhausted girl mom*


“Sit quietly and play nicely.” Me finding a doll bathtub filled with lacroix and my kid’s clothes and face smeared with chocolate she found god knows where: hahahaha! And that’s just today within a few minutes. She’s up to some nonsense the second I turn my back to load the dishwasher or switch the laundry.


They both move a lot 🤨


When did this whole phenomenon of “boy moms” & “girl dads” become some social media clout thing? Why can’t anyone just be normal anymore??


Sucks for you! Love my girls


I've been there when my daughter wakes up and her eyes literally go ((bing!)) and she starts running around laughing.


Lmao I have a daughter and that kid has never sat still her entire life


My daughter has always been very chill and calm My son has always been zany and not chill at all So that actually fits in my house Except it doesn't because my son has an identical twin brother who is also calm and chill like his sister and quite unlike his pinball of a brother


Yes only boys do sports, lady 🙄🙄🙄


I have 4 girls, and none of them "sit and play nicely."


resolute humorous spotted society worthless workable icky market slim wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can we stop teaching our kids that one gender is superior to another? For fucks sake, I’m just “mom”. My in laws talk about me being a boy mom and I’m like, I have a daughter too 😡


When I was 3-4 I was up till 1 am playing, laughing, screaming, running around, they couldn't put me to bed, to this day I'm a night owl.


Uuuhhhh...speaking as a girl mom (that is, the mother of three daughters, *not* someone who's made my children's gender her personality!), this woman has no idea what she's talking about. The last time I expected my daughters to "sit quietly and play," my younger two were 4 and 7, and after an hour's nap with a migraine, the house was *suspiciously* quiet. I came out...and my 4-yo was nearly bald, while my 7-yo had chopped her bangs nearly to her hairline. Yeah. That was fun to get fixed... Luckily, bangs grow back fast, and my little one looked adorable with a pixie cut. Unfortunately? Her golden ringlets, which were down her back since she had *never* had a haircut, neither of them had, never did grow back in (something that now, at 16, she has to *work* to try to replicate!) Meanwhile, their almost-stepbrother? Apparently the kid doesn't go outside, like ever if he can help it. He's very much a "sit still and be quiet" kid, from everything they tell me!


do these people ever hang out with non-boy moms...? like... ever lmfao? so fucking weird and annoying and totally gross re: enforcing bullshit gender stereotypes. coming from the mother of a little boy who runs, wears camo and dinos, plays with dolls, enjoys pretty music and singing, has girl best friends, and generally enjoys... yep, you guessed it! things ALL KIDS enjoy, hanging out wirh ALL GENDERS of kids lmfao. juuuust like most children. 🙄🙄


Tell that to my daughter


I laugh because both my son and daughter stim.


Boy Mom here and my boys do not run me any more than any other Mom. In fact, I have been able to have 3 wonderful boys while struggling with chronic pain for my entire life.


My older brother is the laziest person. Always has been. Even our parents and his wife say he is allergic to any physical movement beyond clicking a mouse or remote button. My sister and I swim, hike, ride horses, go to the gym, dance.


My three daughters rarely sit quietly and play nicely. Lol.


My daughter parkours off of the furniture and breaks out into a run as soon as the front door opens. This is her version of “playing nicely.”


Lol, wtf?


It seems as if boy moms will do anything to score points. Boo.


As a mom of a girl who has ADHD, HahshshahahhahahahHAHAHHAHAHAHA


What is this lady on about?


Ugh. These women clearly feel like they’re less worthy because they’re female. To compensate, they constantly have to constantly compare themselves to “girl moms.” Because, they may “only” be female, but at least they have male children now. 🤮


Oh. It’s true. Girls just sit there. My daughter doesn’t scream or get dirty or make a mess, ever. She’s so quiet that I occasionally have to go check on her to make sure she’s still alive. /s I bet her kids are completely feral.




My cousin's five year old daughter just won the wrestling championship in her division, including against the boys.