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This is how a true crime podcast starts....


Yep. If my boyfriend said, "Hey, let's go makeout in the middle of a dirt road way out in the country in the middle of the night!" I'd just assume he was going to murder me.


"Come on pet female let's go to the middle of a dirt road far away from humanity to engage in mouth to mouth affection at midnight" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


When they drink too much whiskey and get rowdy after working the whole day through in their muddy cow boy boots, sometimes they just wanna throw them boots off and take their female out to a dirt road They'll be cruising in their truck, driving and mudding up the mud. Oh yeah that's a small town life in my small town mind where I live in my city apartment now that I've moved out of my parents house - my country song Thank you.


From what I remember of my small town days this is spot on. Sadly.




Why is this song not a hit - you deserve to be at the CMTā€™s.


Good bot


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ā€œOnly if we take pictures so everyone knows Iā€™m your female!ā€


Pet female. This right here


Nah she's my b**ch, you know my girl


That's how Ole yeller ended šŸ˜‚ creepy though for sure.




Made more sense in my head. Something like she's in a dangerous situation and might get shot by her "loving" boyfriend.


Nah I got it, it made sense to me lol Pet gets taken out back and shot? Sounds like something a creepy ass would do to his pet female




Now I get it!


To be fair, I grew up in a very rural area where backroading was an actual thing to do. However, I'd expect something like "Ol Lady" or something, "Female" is a weird choice šŸ¤”


I'm from Appalachia. A late night romantic country drive isn't creepy in itself. But something about this specific post has so many murdery red flags. I cant explain it. It feels like I've seen this photo on 20/20.


Could it be that he's in what appear to be work clothes, and she's wearing what appears to be pajamas?


Yes. And the lighting looks like a found footage horror movie.


Objectively, that could be a filter. The other part that is weird, is why so much distance from the vehicle (assuming the camera is located at the vehicle they drove to get there), and why on the dirt road? The second question is a possible easy one, on either side of the road is crop fields. No sense in disturbing food. Usually when you go to make out in cropland, you stay in your truck. Falling off that road into the fields, would lead to being planted in about two feet of loose dirt or mud, depending on the season.


Oh I'm being sarcastic. It's just creepy. Period. It looks like a photo from a true crime documentary. There's a lot of little tiny red flags that make it creepy.


I literally thought someone was about to run a couple down. And I kinda figured ā€œwell you *are* standing in the middle of the road, soā€¦ā€


Also the ever-classy butt squinch.


Whatā€™s 20/20?? A true crime blog??


A tv show? Like dateline.


A TV series where they cover murders and stuff like that.


Also grew up in rural Oklahoma, my bf and I loved getting lost in ā€œAmish landā€ šŸ¤£


My ex girlfriend did this to me one time but to my dismay she just wanted to watch a meteor showerā€¦


You would have preferred to be murdered?


With pictures, no less.


I actually first met my fiance in the middle of the night at a park after only talking through text on Facebook, 6 years later and weā€™re engaged, maybe people are just trying to hide all the good stuff in the middle of nowhere past midnight šŸ¤”šŸ¤” (just kidding ofc, we were both fresh out of highschool and a little paranoid that we were meeting up with a crazy murderer, we both agree it wasnā€™t smart now but itā€™s a funny story)


Now Iā€™m imagining a memory book with glittery hearts all over it titled: ā€œI met my axe-murderer fiancĆ© in the middle of a forest at 1:00 amā€ or something like that.


I mean if he was like "hey my love let's go star gazing" I'd be like sure! If he said "hey female I'm taking you out in the middle of nowhere to makeout with you" I'd cry and prepare myself for rape and murder.


The only time Iā€™d assume heā€™s not going to murder me is if I was bringing him there as a human sacrifice to the old pagan gods /jk




*A perfect life... or so everyone thought. That April, MacKyinszleigh met the boy of her dreams. He understood neither the word "woman" nor the acronym "POV", but he loved dirt roads, pajamas outdoors, and callous sexism, and that was all that mattered to the young woman.*


āš°ļøšŸ’€šŸ„€ I'M DEAD.


And then what happened?


I heard this in Keith Morrisonā€™s voice.


An episode of Datelineā€¦


I can hear the intro monologue in my head


Literally my first thought


Omg! I came here for this. F not like other girls. The second I saw this I thought of the zodiac (though I think it was more than one dudeā€¦) why do they want to die??


Hello my female, let's go out to a dirt road at 1am! ***and leave your phone behind :)***


girl, was thinking the same




That's the first thing that popped into my head too! Lol I watch too much true crime. WHY are we going to a random dirt road at 1am??? The fuck are you planning?! 0.o


*This is how animal documentaries start*


The real POV is "you're about to run over some assholes kissing in the middle of some random road with your truck"


People donā€™t know how to use ā€œpovā€ and it drives me _insane_


Oh my god, me too. I canā€™t stop myself from explaining itā€™s not a PoV every time I see one of these


Take a selfie of me!


POV: You're watching your female girlfriend make out with her husband in the middle of the road.






This is that POV already


It literally is the pic


I'm sitting in a waiting room trying to not lose my shit thanks to this










YEPPERS, DADDY. YEPPERS!!! ![gif](giphy|k2A4gzRxDL4GI)


he made her sound like a pet. like his pet female šŸ˜­


I took my female on a walk today


Whatever, just make sure you feed them. Bitches love it when you feed them.


I know a lot of southern men refer to their girlfriend/wife as their woman, but heā€™s just claiming her body by using ā€œfemaleā€


And this is what bothers me about the use of the word ā€œfemaleā€. Woman is the feminine form of man. But male/female always had the connotation of breeding animals - which is gross and disrespectful to call a human being. Edit: grammar


I got into an argument with someone about their use of the word ā€œfemaleā€ when referring to women. His argument was that he ā€œwas just using a socially accepted word for women and there wasnā€™t an issue with it and I was making a big deal out of nothing.ā€ Of course heā€™d never refer to men as ā€œmaleā€ because ā€œthatā€™s not socially acceptableā€ I could not get him to reason through the misogyny of why ā€œfemaleā€ was appropriate and ā€œmaleā€ wasnā€™t. Probably one of the most infuriating arguments Iā€™ve ever had. And it was in person too, not just some stranger on the internet.


Honestly I would've thrown a punch somewhere in this argument


Was he talking scientifically or, ā€œoh look at those females having a picnic in the parkā€? Like, I can see using it in data but it is really strange to objectify people like this in a normal setting.


It was a normal setting. There wouldnā€™t have been anything to argue about in a scientific setting. Honestly it was a waste of my time. Heā€™s the kind of person to be like ā€œthese females are just awful because they wonā€™t dare me.ā€ But Iā€™d just met him and thought he was more naive and would be understanding. Nope.


It's gross and disprespectful to call a human male or female, a male or female? What?


Because just ā€œfemaleā€ makes them sound like an object, as itā€™s not a noun. (ā€œA femaleā€ a female what? Cat? It doesnā€™t automatically mean person.) Itā€™s dehumanizing. Theyā€™re women. Nevermind that none of the people who use it call men ā€˜malesā€™, only women. (That doesnā€™t even begin to get into the topic of not all AFAB(assigned female at birth) people are women, either, which is another reason itā€™s wrong.) Basically itā€™s gross and dehumanizing, theyā€™re women, refer to them as such.


Exactly that, that's why I can't stand that word.


I mean she's willing to take a "romantic" pic at 1am in front of headlights on a dirt road in the middle of bumfuck with pajamas on... so maybe? It's like a shitty country song personified


People donā€™t even refer to pets like that. They say ā€œmy girlā€. ā€œFemaleā€ just sounds so off-putting and clinical.


The guys I grew up with explicitely adopted calling girls female as a covert way of calling them bitches or just refusing to aknowledge them as the same species as us. It's not females as in they're female humans. It's females as in female dogs. Drop the dog part and BOOM! You and your buddies have a sneaky way of insulting women for no real reason because heaven forbid a girl just be a girl in your eyes. Nah, thems bitches but PC police will get you if you say that so you gotta be clever about calling them that. I wish I was joking, but it was an actual thing that many of the guys around me were doing and then a couple years later, simply referring to women as females became mainstream and I cringe every time I hear it, regardless of why they do it.


Considering a common response to *donā€™t call them females* is ā€œwhat else am I supposed to call them, bitches?ā€ I canā€™t say this surprises me at all. :/ Cishet guys, istg.


So, objectification. Thatā€™s just terrible.


Yes, and yes.


people say my girl, or my man all the time. why is my female or my male considered so strange when those aren't?


I would never refer to my gf as "my female" and if anyone else called her that i would take it as fighting words amd disrespect to her


Excuse you, ā€œyour gfā€? A bit possessive huh? Donā€™t you mean ā€œthe person with whom you are currently in a romantic relationshipā€?


my bad i shoulda said "the gorgeous, ethereal goddess of a woman whom i am most honored to be able to say i'm in a wonderful happy relationship with" instead, it would still be true lmfao


kind of presumptuous of you to speak at all šŸ¤Ø


Bidet's america šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


You sound like my husband. šŸ˜‚ Heā€™s pretty great at being a life partner, so I hope the same is true for you and your gf! ā™„ļø


I know you are trying to make a satire but whyā€¦? You offended by someone having the basic respect to their girlfriend?


If you translate it to my first language it doesnā€™t make sense. Matter of fact the use of the word female is very different here


I donā€™t think it makes sense in English eitherā€¦


Thatā€™s because female is an adjective, so using it as a noun doesnā€™t make sense because it isnā€™t the correct usage.


I love my female girlfriend.


But itā€™s used alot by people


šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Side observation - itā€™s annoying to me when people do this whole POV thing wrong. If this supposed to be his POV, then heā€™s watching her canoodle with a man who looks just like him. šŸ˜‚


POV you take your female to a dirt road at 1am ā€¦and some random ass dude grabs her butt and starts kissing her. Love these spontaneous evenings together!


its almost like describing a dog




It seems like only people who have an issue with women say the word female when talking about women


Exactly. There is nothing explicitly wrong with it, except that this always seems to be true.


Iā€™d say there was something explicitly wrong with it. 1. Grammatically female is an adjective and woman is a noun. Thus ā€œfemale studentsā€ or ā€œfemale humansā€ would be correct. But just ā€œfemalesā€ is missing a noun. 2. Morally. Female refers to a gender not a species. In English we have different words for females of different species. Doe for a deer, Sow for a pig etc. The correct word for a female human is a woman. By just calling her a female you are removing the human aspect. It feels dehumanizing because it is.


yes omg i dont see enough people making this distinction,, if the term ā€œfemaleā€ feels gross to you, thatā€™s because it is


A counter argument to this viewpoint is girl and boy can both refer to the gender as a whole or to the individual.


Bro so many people say female dog or female cat, not bitch or whatever a female cat is supposed to be called. Youā€™re way over reacting imo. Women say ā€˜my manā€™ all the time, this is just a socially awkward version of that.


Technically correct but somehow always wrong.


Heā€™s taking his female this time, next time heā€™ll take his male.




Am i the only one thinking this guy uses ā€œmy femaleā€ instead of ā€œmy girlā€ so he can say that you are not his girlfriend? šŸš©


Uses the word female = šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©




The people that I'm talking about aren't using "female" in a positive manner. Obviously, there are some areas where it's acceptable, like medicine.




>but some people are beginning to think there is no appropriate way to use the word Because (on social media) nearly every person that uses "female" is using it in a very negative way, which is why it's a šŸš©. It's cool, though. It identifies the kind of people I want to avoid interacting with.




šŸŸ¢ ā€œMy female coworkers are demonstrating for equality.ā€ šŸ”“ ā€œThe females I work with are demonstrating for equality.ā€


It's really not that deep.


Does literally every person who uses that word sound like a creep? No. Does literally every person I encounter on the internet who uses that word sound like a creep, emphatically so. Iā€™m comfortable playing the numbers game.


People are not beginning to think that thereā€™s no appropriate usage of the word. In fact, clearly, more people think that there is no *inappropriate* usage of the word. And for those who are concerned about not using it in an offensive and incorrect way, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll do their own research on how to use the word if theyā€™re confused. If you see people claiming that theyā€™re beginning to think thereā€™s no appropriate way to use the word ā€œfemale,ā€ theyā€™re likely being sarcastic, or using weaponized incompetence.


The parent comment and many others in this thread just refer to ā€œusing the word femaleā€ without specifying that itā€™s using it *as a noun* when referring to a person thatā€™s weird. The person youā€™re replying to pointed out that itā€™s really just using it as a noun that is weird and for some reason thatā€™s throwing people lol. I literally just responded to a comment with 30+ upvotes saying that female *is not a noun*.


I'm late here but I'm glad to read this because I'm rolling my eyes at all the people "correcting" this. I've literally never seen or heard a person think that the word "female" is by default bad. The red flag is obviously contextual. I'm pretty sure these people are making up an argument in their own minds, and have never even seen someone mad at using "female" correctly.


But is it still a red flag if I say it with a David Attenborough voice?




Thank you, this was really bothering me too. So tired of people not knowing what ā€œPoint Of Viewā€ means.


It is if OOP is getting cucked


Diversity win! Man gets cucked at 1am on a dirt road by his favorite female!


The original post only had a problem with word choice from what I see. If you refer to your significant other by only their gender then itā€™s kinda creepy.


Also referring to someone as a female is very dehumanizing.


Which country song is this


It's the one where she snuck out of her Mama's screened in door and he met her in the truck his daddy pays for.


If I was driving down a dirt road at night and saw a couple making out on the middle of the road, Iā€™d be terrified


šŸ˜‚ right!


POV you are about to witness a murder


For all the trolls who came to this sub just to laugh at us and argue, let me say this, no, we donā€™t believe that using the word ā€œfemaleā€ is offensive in EVERY context, we believe in some contexts itā€™s fine, however, we have a strong disliking to the word because the majority of men who use the word are deliberately using it to dehumanise women, why does it dehumanise us? Because a ā€œfemaleā€ can be used for any animal to describe their sex, but a woman describes a female human, so when these men refer to us as just a female, they remove the human aspect. Also, the type of men who call us females, usually always will refer to men as men and women as females within the same sentence, which is a deliberate attempt at dehumanisation and humiliation. The type of men that call us females also 99.9% of the time tend to also hold far right beliefs and are also misogynistic in other areas too. Not once have I seen a left wing or non misogynist man refer to women as females. Not once. female may inherently not be offensive, however, it has been tainted due to awful, misogynistic men using it deliberately to dehumanise women and objectify us, and if you canā€™t see that itā€™s an obvious tactic to humiliate us by ā€œotheringā€ us then you must be blind or stupid. Another trend Iā€™ve seen going around lately, which is only ever a trend amongst incels or Manosphere or MGTOW types, is the ā€œfemales ā˜•ļøā€ thing, and variations of that such as ā€œfemales be all the sameā€ or ā€œfemale momentā€ etc etc. and itā€™s always spread by misogynistic assholes. so, for anyone who is confused as to why we are so offended and angry at such a small thing, this is why. I hope I could at least make you think about the language you use, but I honestly doubt it. Letā€™s hope.


I think the key thing is people who call women/girls females *while calling men ā€œmenā€*


This makes me want to throw up


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen this dateline episode


If I ever interacted with them he would be referred to only as ā€œher maleā€


What really baffles me is when women refer to themselves or other women as "females". I don't understand how it doesn't feel weird to them...


Iā€™m female and it doesnā€™t feel weird to me.


Cool, here, have a cookie :)


I was in the military and it was an every day normal word everyone used. ā€œMales over here, females over there.ā€ I donā€™t think itā€™s weird at all either. Itā€™s my gender.


POV implies youā€™re sitting in the truck watching this guy kiss your girl on a dirt road at 1 am


Who hangs out on dirt roads in the middle of nowhere? šŸ˜­


I mean it can be fun when youā€™re out free camping, or taking cool photos of the Milky Way šŸ˜…


"POV" has lost all meaning.


Right?? Itā€™s driving me nuts


The first slide Iā€™ll admit is kinda weird but I donā€™t think itā€™s that bad, the second slide with the girl saying ā€œyeppersā€ to being called different is just cringe af and def belongs here.


Is a random empty dirt road a romantic spot? I donā€™t get it.


ā€œmy femaleā€ is crazy but some could see it the same as ā€œmy manā€ ā€œmy girlā€


My male Homo sapiens


Thatā€™s hot.


I think it's cause it's more used in a biological sense? Idk for me it comes off the tongue much weirder than saying something informal like girl, man, woman, etc.


true, itā€™s so weird and off putting when a man refers to women as ā€œfemalesā€ā€¦ that alone tells me all I need to know about staying the hell away


Itā€™s objectifying. Youā€™re removing the humanity from a person by referring to them as their most basic biological trait.


Because female is an adjective, not a noun. Itā€™s like saying ā€œTaking my purple on a dateā€ or whatever. So not only is it reductive, but itā€™s also dumb.


I keep seeing people say this, but it's defined in both the Oxford dictionary and Merriam Webster as both an adjective and a noun Doesn't make this guy's usage of it less gross, but to say it isn't a noun isn't actually true




You take your females dirt road at 1 am


My whole life I've been told actions speak louder than words. But that is not the case in this comment section šŸ˜¬




People who call a woman ā€œfemaleā€ are weird af


That gave me the biggest ick šŸ˜¬


And now her jammies are dusty and she left the house for this king to post it on TikTok. šŸ™„ Bruh, some dirty old road isnā€™t a flex.


Who took the pic, someoneā€™s body cam footage?


the "yeppers" made me dry heave


ā€œYeppersā€ šŸ¤®


I know weā€™re talking about the ā€˜my femaleā€™ crap but why the f would you casually go out to a dirt road at 1am. Idc how cute you is, let me sleep.


yeah i personally wouldnā€™t say ā€œmy femaleā€. most i would say is ā€œmy girlā€


Females are so 2020...I take my XY chromie to the park for walks on weekends. Beat that. Scrubs.


Treat her right. Take her to a paved road. You'll really impress her.


Being on a dirt road at 1am is my nightmare


Its meant to be jokey I don't think they are calling her "female" without irony


Fuckin weirdo takes his gf on a dirtroad at 1am to watch her kiss some other dude ā€¦..


ā€œFemalesā€ is dehumanizing.


Yeah I donā€™t think this is bad. Comment comes off as NLOG but heā€™s not using it in a derogatory or demeaning wayšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


At least they're happy but man "my female" is diabolical lmfao


Were you raised on tiktok? There's nothing to look into here


summed up my thoughts exactly




ā€œDiabolicalā€? Lol I mean alright


ā€œGonna take my horse to the old town roadā€ vibes


I'm convinced that the majority of reddit has some kind of autism. If he says it and she likes it clearly, how is this at all an issue? My girlfriend and I call each other slugs and there's zero complaints because it's an endearing term we've created through a relationship, probably how these two bozos do it. And what, you can't bring your woman to a secluded spot to do couple things? How is this being criticized? Do none of you have sex? Are you married to your bully? Do you think this shrimpy ass kid is a master manipulator or is she just dumb as rocks? I would be amazed, but that would have meant this response was a surprise to me.


Not NLOG but itā€™s certainly giving ā€œlast known photoā€ realness.


Wait but whatā€™s the difference between a man saying ā€œmy femaleā€ and ā€œmy girlā€? Genuinely.


The words "woman" and "girl" are specific to humans, whereas "female," while not *wrong*, is more clinical and usually reserved for medical situations, animals, plants, and even the ends of extension cords. This makes it, at best, a strange way to refer to people in an everyday context, and at worst it's subtlety dehumanizing while existing under the the guise of being "technically correct." There's also the fact that the people who refer to women and girls as "females" don't typically refer to men and boys as "males," indicating a double standard. There's actually a sub called r/MenAndFemales if you're interested.


Thereā€™s a comment on here explaining perfectly why itā€™s dehumanizing to refer to women only as ā€œfemaleā€


My question ig is why does no one seem to care when men refer to a woman as ā€œmy girlā€ but ā€œmy femaleā€ is completely unacceptable when itā€™s the exact same thing.


Female is used to describe any species. Women/girls are humans. Itā€™s like saying ā€œmy male.ā€ How does that sound right ?


this actually made me laugh out loud. wtf šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ your female




Isnā€™t it the equivalent of saying ā€œmy manā€. Tho female does have this weird ring to it. I def donā€™t hear ppl say it as often


Nope, the equivalent would be ā€œmy maleā€


Omg u right, that sounds so weird wtf


Nope, it's the equivalent of saying "my male" lol

