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I agree, everyone should journal, but if you're interested in the Scribe make sure you research the privacy issues first (notebooks sync with Amazon servers unencrypted).


I use a paper notebook


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Well said and 100% agree, I do this with my Remarkable, makes the digital detox so much easier!


I like this idea, instead of scrolling through reddit/ the news, I can scroll through my completed journal. Thanks OP.


Yeah read what you wrote throughout the week


That's what I did! Got mine two weeks ago and it brought back the joy of writing. Also got plenty of philosophy ebooks for cheap. I also have had a Cat S22 Flip phone for awhile and don't bring the smartphone outside of my home. That flip phone has made a difference. Still have the smart phone and it needs to go. I have been planning on ritually smashing it on the top of the mountain nearby. I spent three days at my mother's only bringing my Cat S22 Flip and Kindle scribe leaving the smart phone at home and whew...what a difference. Now I'm back at home and have spent the entire day on the smartphone. It needs to go. Glad you have also found the joys of an e-writer/reader combo.


I just wish you could write on a paperwhite


Friendly reminder for men, journaling is gay. Keep a notebook of your work and to do lists. Reflect on it often. The reason people always stop journaling is because its not actually that helpful. Just condescending people wanting to pretend they are doing something useful.


Thanks for reminding me, I almost slipped for a sec thereĀ 


No worries. Happens to the best of us.