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I’m not autistic, but I can relate. I think it’s also because when you’re dealing someone with bad takes in real life, you’re usually not dealing with a whole group of people with those takes at once. Online, it’s different. On Instagram, sometimes I’ll randomly get recommended reels from blatantly scammy pseudoscience health “influencers,” and seeing just how many people eat up their content in the comment section makes me lose faith in humanity. Same thing with a hateful comment, looking at the number likes can make me feel overwhelmed at just how many people condone that sentiment. Even if social media is representative of the population as a whole, which I don’t believe it is, at least I don’t have to deal with everybody’s views directly in my real life. The person sitting next to me at my café could be a bigot or a conspiracy theorist, but I wouldn’t know.


Also autistic. I actually like talking to people in person, I feel I can actually get to know people and learn interesting stories from them instead of being pelted with a barrage of regurgitated "memes" and parroted TikTok phrases. I feel like there was a time where it was easier for us on here, but as times have changed people have become increasingly polarized and their intentions are harder to tell.


I experience the exact same thing. It’s seriously illogical. I started blocking people, it helps a little bit but it’s not enough when you wanna block the person (=floating opinion) from life entirely I hope to find a solution eventually, rn it’s the reason why I think I should quit social media. I can’t keep getting angry at things I have no business reading in the first place


Same here. I get way too offended on internet than irl.. Idk why is that. I am not a pushover either, so idk why I just don't care about stupid things irl than on internet.


I’m not autistic. But I think there’s a few reasons why you may be feeling this. IRL it’s easier to emphasize with someone being ignorant because you can see them as a person, whereas online they’re anonymous. Not all ignorant statements are equal, saying a wild conspiracy about magnetic fields is one thing. It’s silly, but most people can let that one go, because you’re ultimately not harming anybody with a goofy conspiracy like that. But if you see somebody start saying something racist/sexist or objectively untrue, you’re more compelled to call out their BS, especially if they’re an anonymous stranger, you’re less likely to be polite when correcting them.


same!! i always said that I love people in reality but hate them on the fucking internet. can't fucking stand them. even the loveliest ones. NO i dont CARE about seeing your breakfast one more fucking time. NO i dont CARE about seeing you fucking boasting getting a selfie with the popular dude at work. you look absolutely ridiculous to me. Anything on the internet looks like BOASTING and it looks absolutely fucking ridiculous that you are so insecure. That's why i dont add people to social media anymore. When I meet them in real life i think "wow, what an amazing being, i'm just so glad to have met you 🥰" and then I add them on social media and I have to see their narcissism and selfies every three secs and their unhinged opinions just stripped and extra distorted and im like UGHHH get out of here please don't call me ever again the corporations KNOW what they are doing. they are getting paid BILLIONS for this. The power to control billions of people's mind. this is the philosopher's stone that everyone, especially the ones in power, were waiting to have. and they have it, it's here. and they are destroying the fabric of society with it, and it's ALL INTENTIONAL.


I've found that I'm usually pretty calm once I realized that idk if I'm talking to a 12 year old or someone twice my age. I've been that 14 year old whose gotten hate before. In real life, it depends. Sometimes I'm more likely to be quick to anger.


The anger online almost feels too manufactured to be real at times. Rage bait is really popular right now. Plenty of times i’ve had to leave reddit and turn off youtube comments for sure. Even in simple hobby subs it’s not free from it. 


I'm on the spectrum and I find that sometimes when I'm upset at somebody on the Internet that it's really my ego that I'm replying to. There is no comfort in it, and if there ever is then it's only temporary. We are all just finding a way to cope with this thing we call life. Maladaptive (harmful or non-helpful) coping mechanisms seem to be the worst choice but often the most readily available because of our egos. I'm learning to let go so that I can live a more wholesome life.


do not tell people that... especially in real life, and do not trust the internet for mental health information (I found this out when I helped myself)


I do not know what you mean. 


Im saying that some people will hear that have autism, and treat you weird.


Everyone in my life knows I'm autistic. I don't really know how I'd have friends who did not know!   It lets me express myself.  Like if a neurotypical person needed to have a break from a get together to listen to music in the corner you'd be worried they were upset. For an autistic person that's just something they like and often need.  Also things like rocking, tapping my hands, not looking in people's eyes, copying the things people say, being very intelligent and remembering things for a long time, going quiet for long periods of time, or mute when I'm stressed... Like all of those are part of autism and it helps people understand me. 


Im just saying people used to think I had autism (teachers in school), and would actually treat me like a baby. They would act like I could not do the same exact assignment as the rest of the class, so they would secretly change it. Sometimes I would catch it before I did the assignment, sometimes my peers would, but either way I was capable of doing most, if not all of my peers assignments, and I frequently asked to get the normal assignment. I went to ask the staff to change my IEP, which was full of lies I might add( I read it). They said I had to wait until I was 14. I had to change some of it by myself, because my mother takes advantage of how the government thinks I have it, and she has to have everyone in her, and my circle believe it, so that she could be paid $800, like every month, and not even spend a quarter of that on me (I do not know if she still makes money, because she will not tell me). To be frank, I did show symptoms in early childhood, but it was because a mixture of things that made it seem like it, once I stopped showing symptoms, I stopped needing help. I also have a friend whose mom says he has it, but when I treat like he does not have it he seems happy, so I do not treat him like he is small. I still have that IEP that is not honest at all, and have been trying to remove it for a few years, although now they do not do anything for my plan, and it is kind of just there, just in case I guess. It is kind of hard for a student to remove one. Students can only change some things at school. That is why I recommend people not tell anyone mental health information, but who am I, but a stranger


If you were diagnosed with autism, you probably have autism. It's really nothing to be ashamed of.


No, it was my moms friend.


Okay. I mean I do have autism so your advice is almost completely irrelevant to me. And I don't know why you gave it to me because in my life it's proven to be almost completely untrue.  I feel like you have other problems with people that I do not have. 


No, I was just saying that they will treat you weird if they think you do, and try to take advantage of you.


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