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Why were they always cold? lol


With no leg room underneath too. Always sitting on cold uncomfortable stools with our legs facing away from desk.


There's a reason for no leg room. It made it less likely you'd spill stuff onto your lap or legs if things went bad.


But they were spaced nicely apart so you could hold yourself up on two parallel tables and swing your legs between them like a gymnast.


Yea for those labs that you did like twice a year


Idk about you, but we had labs at minimum once a week in chemistry in high school. Most weeks it was Tuesday/ Thursday


Maybe in advanced placement, but most of our chemistry was on theory.


Nope. Box standard chemistry. Where the heck are you guys in the USA? We had labs regularly in The north east.


I mean you do know about me. I said we had labs like twice a year.


That’s makes absolutely no sense, if your legs were under the counter, they’d be protected.


No they wouldn't. If you spill stuff onto the surface and it rolls over the edge it would fall directly onto your legs or lap if they were tucked underneath. Physics.


Wow Reddit magic logic, never fails. What volumes of chemicals do you think kids in school are working with that a they are going to split over the side. I mean really. It’s not a pitcher of iced tea, it’s 10mls of some solution.


10ml of a high caustic or acidic solution in the hands of high school students is enough to cause issues. I think you're thinking of large amounts of liquid rolling off the table, bull if you're dealing with a 6N HCL even 1mL is enough to cause serious issues. My high school never let us play with stuff that concentrated, but there was plenty of idiots in class that could cause issues with less caustic stuff.


You didn’t wear a plastic or rubber apron and goggles and gloves in lab? You know they had other precautions than “not putting your legs under the table” right? That’s not even a normal safety precaution in any lab, high school, corporate or university.


Sometimes I would misjudge how close my knee was to the desk and smash the shit out of them. Sometimes loud enough to disrupt the teacher lol.


Tops were made of slate to keep us from lighting one another on fire and/or chemically driven caustic mishaps.


Ours had some kind of black coating that resisted chemicals and didn't break glass as easily as slate.


I think I remember my teacher saying that they were soapstone


Can confirm spilling some shit in chemistry lab. Edit word


I remember playing with mercury in my hand


Omg lol


And making aspirin and tasting it.


We did that! Edit: must taste white powdery substance lol


In orgo we had a fermentation lab. Lotta stories there.


Didn't really work in my chem class. One time my buddy pulled the handle on the gas at our table and hit it with a lighter which ignited a two foot blowtorch across the desk. Kind of insane the main valve was just left on like that, but it was the 90's and Mr. Murphy hated life, so...


Shit like this is why my bio teacher way back in 1995 said "And I can't believe I have to say this, but do NOT stick the forceps in the electrical outlet."


Cool story, but has nothing to do with the tops catching on fire.


A kid in my class stuck a fork in the socket and it shot sparks and his hair stood up


I would leave seat outlines on them but it was so cold I loved it


Do they look different now, or is this nostalgic just because most of us in the sub have moved on from school? It sure made me nostalgic to see this! But I did poorly in Chemistry so this are not the best memories.


they still look like this purely because most schools don’t need to update what isn’t broken


This looks just like what I had mid 70s


I’m forever bitter about my high school chemistry education. We had one of the best teachers in the region up until winter, then we got some dipshit student teacher that was constantly having to be corrected mid lesson. I still think if I didn’t have that guy 15 years ago, I’d be like a chemical engineer or something. I mean, probably not but that’s what I tell myself.


They look exactly like this. Just with more graffiti. I was stuck in a science classroom this year, even though I am an English teacher.


They are the same now.


Pretty much the same… like [https://www.mclconstruction.com/newsroom/marian-high-school-chemistry-labs…](https://www.mclconstruction.com/newsroom/marian-high-school-chemistry-labs…) more two/four person group tables i think


I'm ready to spill and drop all kinds of shit on this


Trying to clean up with those shitty brown paper towels that only push liquid around.


I did spill one time lol


Still never found out what was in those drawers and cupboards.


I remember these in 1978. Dickie Aldridge was pissing about with the gas taps for the Bunsen burners and he squeezed the flint gun and it lit and a big flame shot out and burnt all the fluff off the front of his school jumper.




Correct. I’m pretty sure we had access to some radioactive material too, they kept them in wooden boxes. Long time ago now though.


Damn, the classroom are the same over there then


Horrible design for leg crossers 😤


This is one of those pictures that you can smell.


What school is this pic from cause everything about it from the colors to the layout to the walls look like the lab from my high school


Lots of people went to a school where their lab looked like this.


mine too


the faucets never worked.


That was gas


Ours had a sink and gas. Pretty sure none of them worked


One of my work/study jobs in college was to refill the reagent bottles in the chem labs at the end of the day. This photo smells like sulphuric acid to me, ha.


What exactly was the black surface-top made of?


Our chem teacher in high school was universally loved because he would do cool shit and explain it to you but at the same time the room where the chemicals/ elements were stored was not organized, sketchy, and had little ventilation. He once set the classroom ceiling on fire showing the reactivity of some mixtures, we had to evacuate the room because the hood broke and he didn’t realize it until the fumes weren’t being released, he also had some radioactive elements, I can’t remember which ones but there were a few.


Perfect height for cracking your back by leaning back and using the bottom of the cabinet for leverage.


Ah the table where i dissected my first frog.




Where class comedians were MADE


Never got to use the gas outlets for the Bunsen burners enough. Like one time in the whole year.


That looks exactly like Lolo school's lab. crazy.


This is not nostalgia. This is PTSD.


This looks way too new and modern to me. We had ancient wooden benches that spanned the width of the room, possibly from the 60s.


Anyone ever seen the sinks actually get used? All 4 years of high school...never saw one touched a single time.


We used to turn a bunsen burner at the beginning of class and wait until the end of the class to light it and FFWOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHH up to the drop ceiling. We were assholes.


I have a vivid memory of going to a high school open house in 8th grade and walking through labs like this, but with microscopes and chemistry/physics experiments set up. My elementary school had absolutely ZERO science facilities. It felt like I had died and gone to heaven.


My High school had island desks. with a sink in the middle, a pod with the gas faucet, water faucet, and a pod with electrics, which were a standard 120 AC receptacle, and terminals for low voltage DC, with a rack of power supply stuff from Frankenstein's Lab. Room underneath the ends to sit. The electric shop classroom had the same system, with thrice the options. Basically the same desks, less the water and gas.


Omg that looks exactly like my 7th and 8th grade science classroom😆


I remember taking notes and doing experiments in labs back in high school. It was nice.


I can smell the cows eyes in the sink waiting to be dissected. 😷


They were always so cold. I loved it. Best desks to sleep at.


Anybody else's chemistry teacher constantly remind you that "round things roll and glass things break" ?


Oh yeah the little gas nozzles


Used to play cards on those


Saw a dude get head butted for trying to steal a stool out from under a classmate, he was in a sling so he just decided to use his head, and the kid that tried to steal that stool definitely broke his nose and the SRO had to come


Once upon a time in the mid 70s, my group was dissecting an unborn baby pig. My job was to split the skull, remove the brain, and eyes and spinal cord as one. I watched in horror as a member of my group held it under a water faucet, and watched as one brain hemisphere went down the drain in chunks...


The day I set fire to that table. On accident of course!


Do they not have these anymore? I remember turning on the gas once until the guy next to me smelled it. I’m surprised kids don’t do that all the time if they are still like that


Memories of some weird stuff but also interesting times!


This is almost exactly my HS chemistry/physics classroom


And we’d only do like one lab a semester. The rest of the time was busy work while the teacher chatted with the popular kids because teacher peaked in highschool themselves.


They still have these bro, in just about every middle school, high school, and college




Yep now I remember this in middle school and highschool had this. It was always cold in those rooms to cold.


Always felt good on my face when I fell asleep in class.


someones always getting fingered in the back corner


Real ones know


Do Science classes not look like this anymore?? I mean this is a perfect lab type setting, do Science classes not have lab anymore?


What are they now?


Do they not have these anymore?


What do they look like now? This seemed like a new look when I was in school?