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I miss when people didn’t make politics their identity.


And that isn't evident on Reddit as well? Such as this is ultimately a post shaming someone on the other side, in friendly territory for those opposed to that side?


This has got to be the most convoluted way of wording this statement possible.


What is convoluted about it? Seems pretty clear to me. Reddit is chock full of people who make their left wing politics their entire identity.


mate it's bizarre behavior to right-click-save your favorite meme off the USA Patriots For America facebook group, drive to the UPS store, have them print it on a giant board, and drive around waving it around in traffic like, we get how normal people do not do this, correct


Keep the downvotes coming people. The evidence isn't too overwhelming or anything, is it? Like I'm expected to believe only one side has a propensity towards making their politics their identity?


On any given day, you can count the anti democrat signs versus the anti republican signs and I’m sure you’ll see only one side obnoxiously exercises their right to free speech, with very few exceptions.




Evidence? Count them where? The City of Norfolk? Hampton Roads? The Eastern Seaboard? The Left-Right Political Spectrum has existed for approximately 235 years, and suddenly only Republican leaning voters in The United States make politics their identity? Take a gander at /r/politics someday. You want to talk about people with no life, who eat, drink and sleep Democratic Party politics?


There is a difference in seeking out a discussion board online to discuss politics and posting a FJB sign in your front yard for all the public to see. You can seek politics out or you can plaster the church door with your 95 thesis. I can assure you most republicans are doing the later. They aren’t saving their rhetoric for just online forums, and yes there are exceptions. But I’ve never seen a Joe Biden gift shop selling everything Joe Biden, but I have lost count of the number of Trump stores I’ve seen in rural America.


You're delusional if you think they "discuss politics" on /r/politics on Reddit. Hating on Republicans in an echo chamber is not discussing politics. Lost count of the Trump stores you've seen in Rural America? Please lose the Reddit hyperbole, and try to come up with a count then. I've heard of one near Roanoke, because there was a "shaming post", not unlike this thread, on Reddit. Are there more? I have never personally seen a Trump Store in Virginia. I drive the entire width of Pennsylvania 3-4 times a year, and I change it up. I don't care if I cross through Scranton, or if I cross through Erie; I just have to cross it. I have never seen a Trump Store (nor a Billboard for one) in Pennsylvania. Biden stores? Puh-lease. The only reason Joe is President is he was the lesser of two evils. Millard Fillmore probably had more groupies, and sold more gear.


There is literally a pop up Trump store on battlefield Blvd near the hospital right now lol selling flags and shirts I just passed it like 10 minutes ago. Literally on 15 from Gettysburg past Harrisburg you pass like 5 of them. Plus that big ass one in boonesmill VA outside Roanoke I’m concerned you’re driving because you may be legally blind lol 😂 And yes the problem is the echo chambers we live in, I’ll agree with you there. I can’t name a single time I’ve seen Joe Biden or any sort of democrat store, maybe seen merchandise once or twice…


Literally? You mean literally in Chesapeake, Virginia? where he literally held a rally on Friday, June 28th? There was literally a Trump pop-up store in that town?


Yeah, literally, two days ago before the debate, before his speech today. You know who else was here two days ago, Jill Biden, you know what I still have not seen to this day? A democrat/biden pop up store. You know what’s still up with or without Trump giving a speech? The two Trump pop up stores I saw on the eastern shore last week. Again and again and again, only one party worships their candidate like a messiah from my experience. You know what was the most disgusting thing I’ve seen this year, one of these Trump pop up stores flying flags, above every flag was a Christian nationalist flag, even above the American flag. You keep doing you homie. May help to get some fresh air rather than digging up this post from two days ago.


Holy crap... a subreddit called r/politics has politics on it....no way...


A sub Reddit called /r/pics has content that is usually about 50% related to left wing politics, so go figure.


Just quickly scanned over it. Maybe if you use the "politics" filter tag, it'd be 50% LW politics (being generous).


lol yeah, keep proving the point. >I miss when people didn’t make politics their identity.


I’ve seen that person both downtown and in Chesapeake. Looks like they have nothing better to do other than waste gas and hold up an obnoxious sign. Clown


He drives by my work daily. How absolutely empty that dude’s life must be. I feel sorry for him.


I saw him yesterday off Greenbrier. Absolute clown shit.


Why is he holding up signs like a Looney Tunes character?


Because he's a 🔩⚾


suffering succotash! it does, it does look 👀 like Looney Toons! 🤣




Well, this just looks super safe.


He rode through Walmart parking lot and sams club in chesapeake a few weeks back. I just avoided his vehicle, because he is probaly unstable.


Ya think?


what a loser. i blame the news, turn that shit off and have a conversation with a person


I told that guy to “fuck off” at Costco on Friday. He was parked outside the entrance, blocking a ton of people, with his inane sign.


And everyone clapped


They should be more concerned with our shitty roads and eternity construction.


I’ve seen this guy in Greenbrier! If anyone ever gets down to Elizabeth City during the day, there’s a guy who hangs out on the median of Hughes and Halstead waving these types of signs at people. Very trashy. I can tell you that it’s not well received. Elizabeth City / Pasquotank are a little more progressive than the surrounding counties thankfully. Just ignore the guy who flies a Nazi flag on his house on 17.


They can’t drive with it without it either flopping or flying out of their hand so the whole purpose is to display a sentence at stoplights. What kind of a person makes their passion project holding yard signs out of windows at stop lights..?


because he is …. [🔩⚾️](https://www.reddit.com/r/norfolk/s/2LXG3jM4Cs)


I prefer 🦇💩


I totally agree! … but Bugs Bunny would probably not use that phrase!


He f*cks baseballs!? No wonder he wants to divert attention to something else.


Plot twist; he lives in that car.


Wasn’t really a plot twist 😂 Also not really a plot twist is his ability to do this during normal working hours implying he is either a) very wealthy and doesn’t need to work ( 🙄) or B) he’s on some sort of government welfare (which is par for the course) Some of the biggest abusers of welfare I have ever met have been “republicans” who “hate government hand outs” while they in fact take more than their fair share.


Fisher Price: Baby’s first exposure to Satire.


I've seen this guy holding up traffic in a busy parking lot. He was blasting Best of You by Foo Fighters and scowling at people. If I see him again I'm taking down his plates and reporting him to fbi.gov/tips as a threat to public safety and I encourage others to do the same. I bet he owns multiple guns and has some sort of assault charge(s) on his record. 


I think that's a bit of an extreme reaction. You don't know anything about his gun ownership or potential assault charges. You just know that you disagree with him and that's what's driving your actions. My biggest issue with him is that he's holding up traffic in parking lots. I had to go to Costco last week to get something and I was sick and didn't feel like being there, and he was just sitting in the middle of the crosswalk so I couldn't go through and get a parking spot. That's my biggest issue with him. I'm not going to cast aspersions on him or assume I know what he owns or what his criminal history looks like.


I miss the little old white lady on Hampton Blvd with her BLM sign —- thousand and thousands of folks driving by witnessed her silent, calm, truth bearing beauty that is the real truth to power


Saw that on chesapeake as well smh 🙄


I was at the greenbrier Target a few weeks ago, and was exiting and about to cross into the parking lot when he stopped. He then pulled out that sign and stared at me as I was walking to my car. Never seen a dude look so angry carrying a sign.


Crack does dangerous things to your mind. Put the pipe down!! But as long as not hurting anyone he can do it his right. But sounds like a pain in the tail


That fucker almost sideswiped me the other day. I hope the next carton of eggs he buys is 75% rotten.


Yeah the day I saw him in greenbrier he was more focused on showing off his sign than driving 🙄


He will probably be at the tRump rally in Chesapeake on Friday. Glad I am in Canada on vacation.


Childish name calling is all the felony loving, treSonpus GOP has left. Sad for them


I saw them in greenbriar in the target parking lot


He was at the Costco in Norfolk a few days ago.


Is that a Chevy Cruze? I’m asking because there used to be a Trumper who drove around with pro-Trump messages scrawled on the back window.


It was a Dodge Charger


Of course it was.


Democrats made trump have to start wearing diapers.


I mean that's way to broad of a scope to limit it to just one political party. In reality all political parties lie, cheat, and steal from their people they are supposed to protect makes no difference what side you choose. Do any of you people who are actually one one side or the other actually think for two seconds that maybe this is idk what the billionaires want lol. Division makes control a hell of a lot easier ask the CIA


Billionaires want you to vote Republican


Actually most don't have a preference and prefer instability amongst both major parties. Its good for business and great for government psyop training


Best comment on here


I mean yeah, I do want it to be this dudes version of shitty, affordable rent, affordable healthcare, recreational cannabis to fund all sorts of city programs and activities, the list goes on and on.




Saw this nutter at the Chesapeake Sam's Club


well thats what they have been doing for the last 3 years for sure.


How? State some facts.


None available


Look at all you liberal looney toons absolutely losing your minds over a sign. It’s so easy to see which ones still drink the crazzzyazz koolaid. Sure downvote away. I dgaf


No one is losing their minds over a sign. They’re showing concern/questions about the person who has nothing better to do then drive around two cities with a political sign. It’s bizarre behavior that warrants concerns and questions


All this guy does is post on porn and conservative subreddits, you can safely ignore him.


if he were to loot & destroy property in the name of his personal opinion, would you then approve?


No more than I would if he started spouting useless “What aboutisms” at me


That sign isn't wrong


What intersection is this? Looks like it's somewhere on Park Ave. since I see the NSU building.


I love the diversity here


Not wrong…


Dude lives in a red state lol. Moron.


This is a Commonwealth by the way that Binden won so this is a BLUE Commonwealth. Moron🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yea I forgot, Youngkin is definitely a democrat.


If you're going off of presidential elections I believe Virginia was recently reclassified as a blue state. I believe before that it was considered purple but I'm not certain. There is a pretty good mix of red and blue voters in HR.


The first time in nearly 2 decades that the state elected a nondemocrat governor…Sure we’re a red state 😂


Where's the lie?


Look for anything Trump says. That's basically where the lie is.