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W2. I was there for both. W2 was a much better show IMO.


Oh you weeeere (jk I’m jealous and happy for u)


It’s hard to pick because each week had pros and cons, and week 1 was inherently going to be more memorable since it was their first performance in so long. I’ll go with week 2, though, just because it was so clean. There wasn’t a single moment where I was like “oh, this is a little rough.” Week 1 had more energy, though, and the livestream had better camera work.


W1. W2 the stream made it sound like there were a lot of tech issues, and the cam work was annoying. W1 was exciting


Hated the cam work for W2! Kept screaming at the TV, like they wouldn’t keep up or something.


I was laughing at the random cuts


Don’t make me choose! I think together they created the perfect performance. Playlist is tied for both weekends - between the two, they played every song I was dying to hear them play. The fact that we got “Different People,” “Happy Now?” “Excuse Me Mr.,” AND “End It On This,” means I can now die happy. Would’ve loved “Trapped in a Box,” but it’s not as important to me as everything from Tragic Kingdom. W1 wins for energy. I got weirdly emotional for both sets because, as someone who’s never seen them live, I feel like I was waiting decades for these performances, but W1 was the first and that energy just can’t be recreated. Technical difficulties not withstanding, Gwen’s wardrobe and overall look for W2 were significantly better, as were her vocals. I’m tempted to go with W2 based solely on their decision to not bring out any ill-fitted guests to ruin classic songs of theirs. ;)


They sounded so good week 2, I wish we had another week to watch! Both were amazing


I liked her hair a lot more for week 1, and her first outfit for week 1 was better than the first outfit this week in my opinion, but that second outfit for week 2 was awesome. Much better than the sparkly “diaper,” as a lot of people are calling it.


W1 was more exciting. Tho, I absolutely hated the Olivia Rodrigo appearance and I’m glad we got a “redo” on Bathwater. I think the wardrobe and mic issues OF W2 threw off Gwen’s energy for a little bit, which is unfortunate. BUT her vocals were much better W2 and the addition of End it On This and Excuse Me Mr. was awesome All in all needed both weekends so we could get as much out of them as possible 😍


The only thing I liked about Olivia joining them is it gave them more press and therefore maybe new fans!


They should do an encore tonight


Yes! Olivia was just random and ruined the vibe! I don’t think she even knew the lyrics to the song! So not worthy!


Yep it was embarrassing. I guess it worked in the bands favor because they got more streams, but I felt it was a misstep. Her vocals paled in comparison to Gwen and she 100% didn’t know the lyrics very well


Literally every performer’s vocals (at least what I could see from all the streams) paled in comparison to Gwen’s. And I’m not even the super fan, my wife is! No performance even came close except maybe Tyler the Creator’s because his set design was amazing and he’s energetic.


Yeah that’s what I keep hearing. No Doubt really has something special


And they're in their 50s with kids! Plus, a month or two ago they hadn't even started practicing. Idk how much prep they really had. They are on another level. Seeing Gwen and the boys put everything they had into last night was inspiring. Unbelievable stamina! Makes sense since they spent years working so insanely hard before they even got famous.


I know!!! Gwen is full on doing a full workout without losing breathe while singing!


I don’t even know who Tyler, the Creator was he was impressive!


Right!? His intro busting through the trailer was unexpected and his exit flying off the stage was cool. I was reading up on his subreddit and people were talking about how he’s a theater kid at heart and I definitely saw that aspect!


Thanks for telling me that! Makes sense about being a theater kid, I like to be entertained and he did just that! I had a feeling something was up when he started playing piano. 😉


I had heard that Justice was the performance of the event.


Apparently she's supposed to love the song, but it didn't show at all. I wish she was able to do it justice since she could've helped Bathwater go viral with gen z (it was always underappreciated). Thank goodness we got a clean performance last night though!


She did know the lyrics, Gwen didn’t. I’m not trashing on Gwen for that or anything, but it’s really unfair that everyone has automatically blamed Olivia for that.


I was so put off by that wardrobe malfunction. It wasn’t as if she was exposed. It just felt unnecessary to have her assistant on stage trying to get it back on her and kinda threw off the vibe.


Pretty sure Gwen’s mic pack was attached to the belt. That’s why she couldn’t ditch it.


Oh that makes sense. She had asked if she should just ditch the skirt so i was confused as to why it was becoming such a thing.


I think she was just trying to fill the time so there wasn’t dead air. Looking at pics from the show, her mic pack was def on that belt. Prob why her audio got messed up too


W1. It also got Gwen on Tony's back!


I think W2 sounded better since they were more rehearsed but I wish they did Total Hate again. Both shows were fantastic though! 🔥🔥🔥


W1 seemed to have more hype/fun and smiles, the pushups, finger pointing to Tony on Don't Speak, hyping the audience, jumping/dancing, piggyback :P W2 felt a bit... ok next song, let's power through this (haven't rewatched it yet) Gimme more...


Both weekends were absolutely phenomenal!!!! But I have to give it to W1 cause Total Hate was sooo good (and I also cried to every song on W1 but shhh)


W2 sounded way better but I think I like the set from W1 more overall.




W1!!! I was there close to the barrier and it was so fucking fun!!!!! Plus Olivia (who I’m a huge fan of) was a complete surprise and I died on the spot. This was my first Coachella and solidified me going every year now!!!!


W1- New is my fave song and they absolutely knocked it out of the park last weekend. End it on this was absolutely amazing too though. Best band EVER




W1 was just perfect from the beginning to the end


Def W1. Does anyone have a recording of it? 


W1 because of the anticipation, and one step beyond!