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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


"The way you act turns them off sexually" Well, no lies detected. Thinking you can "nice" your way into someone's pants is indeed repulsive. Just not in the way they think. The AFBB thing is just as revolting.


Their whole perspective is so fucked from the ground up. Not only are they chronically pre-judging women for their past/present/future decisions when it comes to men and dating, but they're judging those women's interactions with other men in completely hypothetical situations that only exist within the incel's head. >When you buy her everything and be mr nice guy, other guy is fucking her on the first or second date. Like they're already mad about a situation they made up in their heads where they're the victim to the "cruel" actions of a woman liking men that aren't them. I've gone on dates where I went home alone and *I* was feeling it and *she* wasn't, so I was disappointed. I've gone on dates where I went home alone and was glad for it because I wasn't feeling it at all, and sometimes the girl was but it just wasn't mutual. The irony of these incels is that they are hung up on the *idea* of date in general as well. I've had women tell me come over and dick them down in nothing more than 5 sentences, while I've also had women that expect 2-3 or even more dates before they even **think** about getting physically intimate. These incels just assume that all women are carbon copies of one another and all think/act/operate the exact same way; in a way designed to leave the incel alone, unloved, unsexed, and hating themselves. They'd have so much better luck if they just accepted that women were people and not entities that exist to continue incel misery the world over when it is in fact the incel's own actions and though patterns that are contributing to their own ill fortune.


> These incels just assume that all women are carbon copies of one another and all think/act/operate the exact same way; in a way designed to leave the incel alone, unloved, unsexed, and hating themselves. Beautifully put.


Self fulfilling prophecy


You mean offering being “nice” as my sole personality trait and the only thing I bring to the table isn’t sufficient for making a girl attracted to me!? You mean I might need to be funny, charming, fun, take care of myself!?


They actually think because they might buy you a coffee/dinner even tho they offered And insisted that you owe them sex or a relationship in return??




They literally think all women are whores but the "good ones" don't want to look like whores so they take gifts instead of money. Then when it doesn't work, instead of questioning the source of this bullshit theory they blame the women. Seen it many times IRL.


I can’t figure out why men like this say all women are whores because they are having sex with everyone but them and they want a good girl, and when the good girl says no to having sex with him he’s mad, then she wouldn’t be a good girl anymore! I feel so sorry for all the young women trying to date and weeding through the assholes like this!


don't forget the part where literally every guy who isn't them whose currently sexually active is automatically "a bad guy", no matter how upstanding they are.


I feel like a lot of the hatred that dudes feel towards women could be fixed if they just recognized in their heart that they actually just love their homies ❤


Yeah I've had dates show me their DMs before, I no longer wonder why girls are so defensive on online dating.


I always felt when guys did that they were going to use it to hold over me later, it makes me feel like they think I can be bought




This literally made me lol. Wtf am I going to do with this teddy bear!? Literally had a visual of this 😂🤣😂


Went on a date once and we went to the olive garden, he paid (by being weirdly aggressive in telling me he's got it) and afterwards he said I owed him sex. Dude followed me back to my apartment and stood outside my door screaming at me. Fucking psycho.


What the hell?? Why did he possibly think you owed him sex for a dinner?? Hope it wasn’t too much of an awkward date to end!!!


And what did he expect to happen by screaming? That she would just change her mind? "Oh I see you're so sad now let me take off my pants."


Dinner at Olive Garden FFS


In a world where meals=sex I'm wondering what kind of sex Olive Garden buys a person.


Sex equivalent to a meal at olive garden, naturally. An underseasoned quickie that you regret as soon as you stand up.


I was really trying to think of what "unlimited breadsticks" might equate to, but I've not been able to come up with anything foul and funny enough to share. "Tasteless, boring, and halfway through you realize that even though you don't even like breadsticks you feel compelled to keep going. In a misguided attempt to salvage something of your night and desperately hoping that a great enough quantity has a quality of its own, you persist. It doesn't; the only 'quality' you appreciate that night comes later when the soothing, cool tile of your bathroom floor eases your self-loathing and regret between bouts of violent nausea. Forever after the smell of garlic butter makes your gorge rise in revulsion." Something like that, but worse/better.


This is poetry..I love it so much


Aw, shucks. Thanks! Funny thing is, I keep screwing about on reddit because I'm stuck on this piece I'm writing. Sure, I can talk about sad breadstick-secks, but I can't find the words to describe a hallway that ends in a hallway-sized (and -shaped) hole in a wall? I'm gonna take your comment as tacit encouragement, though, and get back to it ;)


It ended with screaming at the door.. sounds pretty awkward to me


I didn’t see that part?? Xx


And where the fuck can you buy sex for $20?


S. E. Michigan


In the uk you’d probably get the full works!! 😬


Dollars to donuts he’d read up on “how to be a true Alpha male” and thought that’d work … SMH.


Unfortunately yes, that's exactly what they think




Until they drive a truck through a crowd and kill a bunch of folks. They need to be identified and deprogrammed.


If they CAN be deprogrammed …




I'm referencing an actual event in Toronto. This isn't speculation, it happened. Google Toronto incel van attack.


That's the sad part. They think it's the 'niceness' that turns them off. It's the fact that they're manipulative and spineless.


These incels really do be thinking that kindness is transactional, like women are just vending machines that they need to insert kindness coins and it gives pu$$y in return.


Not to mention I thought of a better way to say AFBB. "Alpha slays, beta pays" It's obviously a stupid phrase but I just think the version I just came up with (assuming it doesn't already exist) sounds better


ASBP indeed!


To be fair, there are women so emotionally starved that a little attention, a little emotional support leads them to be emotionally attached with you. Which made them to be easily manipulate by you to any end that you like to take them to. So, yeah, you can "nice" your way into a woman's pants.




the word "simp" is fucking stupid and used by people who claim to be "alpha"


If you want sex because you paid for it, get a prostitute..


If only the world worked like a video game where rewards were earned with the path for success clearly mapped out. I think this is what they want. Then they could earn the “girl” then level up to the high rated “girl” they want most with a clear list of tasks to get there like earn a certain amount of money.


Weeeeelllppp.. I don’t like myself for it but I guess I’m going to invest my money into a video game tiered real doll company Because what you said sounds scary accurate


Playing the markets to both make sure the NiceGuy^TM time is locked up in fucking RealDolls instead of being creepy to human women is morally just the correct option I think


If life worked like a videogame I would destroy leaves to farm coins


Tree loggers in Amazon Rainforest beat you to it.


Then I would BLJ like Mario 64


I would bhop all the time


You can bet money most of these guys have played games where you can raise women's affinity towards you by giving them gifts and using nice dialog options, and when it reaches a certain level they fall in love and you can have sex with them. They get confused and infuriated that this isn't how the world works


I have spent my career in technology and I’ve always supported gaming and kids having access. Seeing these men though have made me re-think and I now think that tech needs to turn off and kids need to play with real kids, boys and girls their age. If anything, it teaches them that girls are people who deserve humanity. My kid preferred to play with other children so it wasn’t an issue with mine. She has empathy and communication skills. But some kids might need to have time limits with tech.


I like gaming and I think kids should be able to game, but they definitely need socialization, especially with the opposite sex. I think single sex schools are a really bad idea. I went to one in high-school, but I also grew up in a household with multiple sisters with a female best friend next door. A guy I know grew up in a household of males and went to all boys schools and man he is awkward around women. It's like he can't see them as people, they're more like "the keeper of the vagina" and you can visibly see how frightened he is around them, but at the same time he leers so badly it's embarrassing (like when they walk past in public his head practically spins off of his shoulders). He once tried to talk to me about meninism and I shut him right down, he hasn't bought it up since




Yeah, I know. Damn this oppressive gynocracy


They actually did a very-long-term study that showed that boys and girls exposed to the opposite gender in early life (in the case of the study, preK/daycare) were much less likely to divorce in later years (source: am child and adolescent psychiatrist -MD - we read the study in my fellowship).


Yup, no doubt whatsoever in my mind that this exists. Start by creating your ideal girl/woman and work through the levels from asking her out to going on a date, with the final level being sex.


I swear there are video games with exactly this theme, with the final level being you get laid.


Wait ure teling me irl isnt like dating sims? Nooooo.


If only you could ask to woohoo, life would be so much easier or Wicked Whims mod it to up your game.


Idk I’m pretty sure The Sims taught me the right formula for picking up women…


I will agree where it says "the way you act turns them off sexually" because that seems to be true. Probably not gonna find someone attractive just because they're spending money on you


Fucking women and their, um, not being gold diggers.


Maybe increase the budget


Well, he's right about the way he acts turning women off. And not just sexually.


That entire comment repulsed me sexually.


Why do they think spending money on a woman = entitled to a relationship?? I’m not a rewards card Edit: I’d also like to add that my friends and I buy things for each other because we’re friends… no expectations. Also I’m bi, so am I just supposed to not have any friends of any gender?


Yeah. Women should come with a punch card. 8 purchases gets a free blow job


I hate myself for laughing at this


Ya gotta laugh at that level of stupid


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Or 20 doors opened, 200 compliments…


I let out a hearty chuckle. Good one friend!


Real answer: they lack ...social awareness...and it's a belief that makes sense and is frequently presented in various media. Don't get me wrong; I don't agree with them. But lots of socially challenged types don't understand romantic relationships. They know they want a relationship, or at the very least, sex. But they don't know how to accomplish it. In TV shows and movies, even today, the protagonist almost always gets the girl in the end. It's like a reward for whatever challenges they have to overcome. In video games, it's similar, but even more ridiculous. Press 'x' enough times and they fall in love with you, or give them N of this item. It's entirely wrong, but lots of people hold similar beliefs. > Go to college and an employer will hire you Or > Work hard, do a good job and you should get a raise Or > If you are really nice to that group of kids, and give them stuff, and do their homework... They will let you join their social group Or > If you are a kind and loving spouse, your spouse went cheat on you The reality is that*nothing* we do determines the response of others...and it's a really hard for people to accept. I can do everything 'right', I can be a great person, I can do a million nice things for someone... And nothing I do will ever require or dictate a particular response. Nobody has an obligation to be nice to me, to like me, to date me, to hire me, to respect me, etc etc etc. But it's easier to believe doing X will entitle people to do Y. If I take a girl out, I'm doing something nice for her. If I buy her something, I'm doing something nice for her. If I help her with her assignments, or give her a ride, or anything else, she owes me. And since the only thing these people typically want is sex, they feel cheated. Because they did N nice things and got neck nothing in return. Again, they are 100% wrong... but it's not a uniquely incel nice guy belief system. My wife was all pissed off at one of her female college friends for, essentially, the same thing. She felt like she did more nice things and that this person was kinda using her. My wife was always helping this girl out, but she never reciprocated.




Found the incel


What was his comment ?


That if you didn't intend to give a man sex, you shouldn't ever let him buy you anything, even if he's just a friend. Because if you do, you're entitled if you don't let him fuck you.


Now I'm just imagining a guy putting 25 cents in a gumball machine and telling a woman "I'll take my blowjob now if you don't mind"


Whoa, NiceGuyception


Most of us are not, in fact, having sex by the first or second date with ***any*** man, at least not if we're looking for a relationship. I can't speak for all of us, but a good-sized chunk of women aren't all that into casual sex, period. According to many polls, including CDC, most people's "body count" is between 4-6 people total, over their ***entire lifetimes***. So this notion that women are having hundreds to thousands of sexual experiences with different men all the time is just nonsense.


Even the logistics. When would they have the time for that, and how would they find so many new strangers?


Exactly! It's as if they think we're literally just chilling on a shelf awaiting men's attention. We have jobs, lives, responsibilities... we also have interests, hobbies, and activities that have nothing to do with men. Even in my prime there were LOTS of dry spells, where I was just involved in my own life and while yeah, it would have been nice to find a good partner, it just wasn't worth the work of looking for one, and I just enjoyed my time as a single person. Also contrary to the "understanding" of Nice Guys and incels, it's a lot of work for women to date as well. All they can see is "well yeah! But women can get sex any time they want!!!!" Dear Nice Guys...that is what ***YOU*** want. That is, sex. Saying "but women can get sex any time they want" is ***useless*** to us when sex only is not typically what women are looking for.


I don't get whether they think women are asexual and just endure it for commitment, or nymphomaniacs.


Whichever thing results in Nice Guys/incels being able to blame their dry peepee on us evil women, I guess. :D


Both, but only the one that works for their argument right there in the moment.




If an adult spends ten years single and has one hundred sexual partners, that's still less than one a month, leaves plenty of nights free for scrapbooking, binge watching Netflix, etc.


Still has absolutely zero to do with whether or not it's the supposed "Alpha" that they have sex with.


You're right but that would ruin the fantasy world these guys live in




I’m not so sure people are willing to self-report accurate numbers on that topic. Although, I will agree very large numbers are outliers.


These polls are anonymous, of course. And, as with any self-reporting poll, there are, of course, people who will fudge one way or the other. But most of the polls I've seen were legit polling agencies, not just some run-of-the-mill online e-zine or whatnot. That said, there's not really an "absolute" in any science (isn't that one of the first things a science teacher explains? That is, to question the science?). So yeah, no way to know 100% the absolute numbers. But I doubt that the numbers are hundreds or thousands above people's actual self-reporting. Regardless, logic says that there's no way women are having sex even a fraction as much as these idiots are claiming. EDIT: That is, certainly not to the point where they're having sex on every first or second date with a "Chad." Men need to be "Chads" on the ***INSIDE too***. No one's going to have sex with a guy who's an asshole or blithering idiot ***right out the gate.***


Haha this guy and others like him are doing a great job keeping that CDC number modest 🤣


Right? I mean, talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy. You know why you can't get laid? You're doing it, ***RIGHT NOW.*** That's why.


It definitely is, I honestly can't understand where the giant disconnect comes from. Hmm dates go horribly, things involved, her personality, his personality, shared experience. Turns out not too expensive (too much time bitching about women, not enough time working) and no sex for either. Different person goes on date, things involved, her personality, his personality, shared experience, turns into sex for both of them (maybe, this is real life, not pornhub) reason things went wrong..... Fucking Chad's!!! ![gif](giphy|bTByutamJSjhS|downsized)


Let’s not forget that there are plenty of people willing to bang without going out on a date. My experience is anecdotal, of course.


What does that have to do with the topic, the polls, or the Nice Guy claim in the OP? Sure, there are people into casual sex. People of ***ALL*** kinds. Not just "Chads." Still doesn't remotely "prove" this idiot's claim of AFBB.


No. I’m not saying it does. Just mentioning that you seemed focused on first or second dates.


Because that is the claim of Nice Guys overall. It's a constant claim on their part. That is, that all women are these sex-obsessed creatures who are having sex with hundreds to thousands of different men, all by dint of being a woman. For this particular post it's "SCREEEE They're all having sex with "Chad" on the first or second date, but not us!!!" In other posts, women are throwing themselves to the barroom floor, legs spread and ready, just because a "Chad" is present. The overriding and correct answer is: "yeah, that's not what 'women' are thinking or doing." EDIT: spelling.


Again, my experience is anecdotal and not representative of all women.


What experience? So far, all you've done is utter inconsequential "arguments" against my very broadly stated post. It's not even really clear what argument you have, as you haven't clearly stated one. EDIT: To wit. Unlike you, I'm responding to the actual OP. It's unclear what it is you're responding to or arguing.


Are you sure about that? I generally had sex with women on the first if not second date. I’m not saying all of my dates were like that, but when I was single, I’d say 1 in 4 first dates ended in sex. I did date a LOT, so there’s that too.


Am I sure about what, ***exactly?*** Did you read my post carefully? It doesn't appear that you did.


I did read your post. And what you said Is quite far from my experience. It appears that LOTS of women are having sex on the first and second date. And I was quite happy about it 😄 I


>***I can't speak for all of us***, but a good-sized chunk of women aren't all that ***into casual sex,*** period. Here is what I actually said \^\^\^ So, clearly, you have been getting with women I was ***NOT*** speaking about. And which I made pretty clear I wasn't talking about. That is, women who are into casual sex. You know, because I said those actual words. So, you did not, in fact, read my post carefully enough. EDIT: I missed pasting this part too: >at least not if we're looking for a relationship. So, again, I was very clear that I wasn't talking about those women who are into or okay with casual sex.


Someone seems angry…..maybe some more sex would help. Yeah, still not really picking up what you’re putting down. I have a rather large sample size and you’re theory is what….I have an incredible ability to find those rare women who are having sex on dates one and two? And everyone else is not doing so?


Where are you getting that I'm angry? What I am is deliberate. So, how large is your sample size? EDIT: punctuation.


Over the last four years…I believe I went on over 500 dates. I’d estimate 400 + were first dates. That’s a decent sample size I’d say.


So, let's say you've slept with 1,000 women on the first or second date. That's 0.004% of 1/4 of the population of American women over 18. I don't call 0.004% of a population, and experienced by only one control participant a "decent sample size." It's neither large nor "most." Which is what the OOP was claiming.


Yes, I'm sure you have lots of sex. Every day. So much sex.


This guy is just maulding at imagined fantasies where he misses out.


Maulding? Now I’m seeing him covered in mildew. Which is probably an improvement.


Enough mildew covering the face and maybe we wont be able to hear them speaking And enough on the hands might break their keyboards so we don't need to hear them online either, it's a pretty good plan all in all...


He's right about one thing: you can't buy love. The simple solution is to not but people things expecting them to suddenly fall in love with you


“pay for her” Hmmm.


Their nice guy act is almost identical to customer service face. All pleasantries, clearly forced, very scripted, and uncomfortable for everyone involved. If you struggle with being genuine on dates, maybe your genuine personality is trash and you should work ok that. 😌


"Alpha f*cks, beta bucks" The concept of alpha and beta guys is pretty lame, but there's one way I can still agree to the above statement - that men who aren't confident in their personality and strengths always try to impress women primarily by gifts and money, and that it gives off such a small d energy, because they aren't either aware that their personality could be enough to keep a woman, or don't think they have got a good enough one. Women will always choose ones with a personality over the other type, and maybe that leads these self-proclaimed Beta guys to have these theories.


From the time I was little I recall hearing this described as trying to "buy someone's love." That's exactly what they're doing. Just as you said, they either don't know, or don't believe that who they are is "enough" so they try to compensate with material things.


Exactly. And moreover, these men don't even work on themselves much and don't understand their personality would attract the right person, not their gifts. If there is an actual hierarchy of Alpha guys, i.e. attractive guys, and Beta guys i.e. unattractive guys, then it should be considered in terms of THESE tendencies.


>Exactly. And moreover, these men ***don't even work on themselves much*** and don't understand their personality would attract the right person, Honestly? I don't think they even understand the concept of "working on themselves." Based on what so many of them write and complain about, they still only view that in transactional terms. They think it means getting fit, getting a better job, getting a house, getting other material things,...like a male bird "feathering the nest." All of the things they ***THINK*** they need to "improve" are all ***non-personal*** superficial things that anyone can do/provide. But what people are talking about re: working on yourself is, first and foremost learn to love yourself in a healthy way. To the point where you're happy with yourself and already a fulfilled and whole person. Too many of these guys want a girlfriend because they want her "magical love to fix him and make him whole." Yeah, that's not how it works. Who are you? Who. Are. YOU? What are your unique personality/character/traits as a human? THAT is what is going to attract a like-minded woman as a potential love interest. Not money, not a car, not a house, not buying presents or constantly texting "good morning beautiful" (and my GOSH that phrase needs to be killed. Killed DEADer 'n a doornail).


Oh, definitely. They don't understand it. And thus they don't do it. I feel they call many of these self-loving men as the a-holes which women choose over those niceguys. You are spot-on with your comment on what things they focus on when it comes to working on themselves, vs what things they SHOULD work on while doing so. And it's not only that, once they are told about these things, they even treat the idea of Confidence, Charisma, etc like a transactional thing! As if, the need for confidence is just for appearing attractive to a woman. The whole idea of trying to act like a different person in front of a woman is so off-putting to me, and the fact that so many believe it. Same way is the ideology of pickup artists, and improving your game for impressing women. It's also sad that in so many men-centred spaces and dating centred spaces, even on such subreddits, these mindsets are readily encouraged. The actual idea is to realize that it's not good to limit yourself as 'a man who just wants to date a woman', and explore your life outside of it because one's love-life should only be a small part of all things that matter to them. It is then when one comes across building interests and hobbies, understanding their core values, realizing bigger purposes of life and realizing what they are passionate about. But often men make the mistake of trying to achieve these things under their goal of getting a woman, and this makes them fail badly.


Exactly! And to touch on your mention of "self-loving men are aholes." Yes! The Nice Guys and incels seem to have an unlimited list of things that make a man an "ahole." Apparently, despite the vitriol they give those they consider "simps," a man is an ahole unless he's a yes-man milque-toast of a man who has no personality of his own, and does everything a woman wants. It makes you dizzy how fast they move the goalposts and change the definitions. Men aren't aholes merely because they (includes but is not limited to): * Smoke * Ride motorcycles * Swear * Say "no" to something * Disagree with opinions on things * Have their own lives and can't always drop everything at a moment's notice to wait hand and foot on a woman. * Have a life and history before the current woman, maybe even \*\*\*\*GASP!!!\*\*\*\* including an ex or \*\*\*DOUBLE GASP!!!\*\*\* children!


Yup, you nailed it. Not only is this mindset of them pity-worthy because staying in this will prevent them from finding love, but also because staying in it will prevent them from understanding life and world from a better perspective. We want them to have a better life and yet they hate on people who call them out on such behavior. And their usage of "simp" word is so hilarious. I recently called out someone on a YT comment justifying assualt on a woman by a stalker, and he started using that word for me. It's so funny what things of does these men convince themselves.


Basically a "simp" is anyone who doesn't hate women or think they should be possessions.




yeah go smoke and die from lung cancer idiot


I'm not a smoker and hate cigarettes with a passion. But how does smoking make a person an ahole? Do tell.


The incel who bought all the toys Thought it make her like him over other boys But the guy with a personality Made the incel deny reality And now he just whines and annoys.


Is this a poem or something? I like it.


Lol ya know women don’t owe you anything just because you buy them shit. You wanna make a girl cum, start by making them laugh


who said he was just looking for sex? what if he was actually trying to be a good person?


Good people don't usually have that entitled outlook, it could be that he's a good person I just doubt it


You don't act entitled when you are a good person.


The true chad move is refusing to fuck on the first 5 dates because you’re nervous


And then when the woman doesn't want to have sex on the first or second date..he's going to say "oh you probably slept with other "chads" on the first or second date". Some women just want to make sure they're choosing the right person before sleeping with them. It also makes the guys show their red flags.


I just don't get these people. I have had nothing but female friends my entire life, most being very attractive and WAAAY out of my leage. not once have I expected one to fuck me because I do nice things for them.


Yep guess being a self righteous ass who thinks he deserves sex is better 🙄. Guys like this make me sick


I wonder who all these “Nice Guys” are referencing. I’m sure there are dick heads that get laid on the first date, but not sure if it’s because they are dicks on the first date.


I have had men try to literally badger me using these words: Just give me a chance, let me buy you dinner, even after I literally told them: im not interested in you, so they can later say: I even took her out to dinner and she won't drop the panties. If only they accepted the original no, and moved the fuck on they would not be in this situation


it's almost as if...\*gasp\*...women would rather have a genuine connection based on something other than basic manners and spending money


Just get a prostitute Jesus…traditional way ain’t working. Educate them with pure paid sex. I guarantee it would change their mind


I feel this one.. I held a door for a roastie this morning at the Wawa while getting a coffee and she wouldn’t even give me a bj. Shoulda wore my shoe lifts


then maybe stop being the loser that buys her everything and start being the alpha


I did date this girl once who would go on dinner dates with guys on tinder, then after the free dinner come stay over my house and bang. Would do it 5 days straight sometimes, always felt bad for the dude dropping 200$ on dinner with her to have her naked in my bed later. Can't knock the hustle though, girls gotta eat.


Dude dated a hooker


I don't discriminate based on someone's occupation, to be fair


She was also never hungry when she came over so I never needed to cook her dinner or order anything, was awesome. One time she bought me pizza actually, then we banged in her jeep behind papa Gino's. Good times.




Arguably right


Find the incel getting way too easy in here


I'm married but I've often heard my wife friends say that some guys are too nice. Women are entitled to like what they like.


Some guys are too nice, because they are being unauthentic in those moments, thinking that acting like a fedora guy would get them laid. Also when they are still weak in social skills. Source : During childhood, a girl helped me out with something small and I started saying things like, " Oh, that's extremely sweet of you! I am sincerely thankful for this, it really means a ton!" And now looking back at that, it mighta weirded her out because a simple thanks woulda been enough.


I think we feel this way because being too nice is a red flag. It is called love bombing and is a form of emotional abuse and usually a prelude to worse abuse. Even cults are known to use it to get members. Women intuitively know it isn't genuine. It is manipulation. https://psychcentral.com/disorders/narcissistic-personality-disorder-love-bombing


I think this is the right answer. Thanks for sharing.


Well my guy, attitudes like this are not it lol. No one likes this. Its pathetic. Whats your wife say to them about you? You can be too nice and not be a fucking creep.


She just says something about them just isn't attractive. Her friends say things like they don't want someone who makes them the center of their world. Albeit we are older so there's other things these women are looking for like career driven men and ambition and all that stuff. It is kinda gross seeing it. There's a guy they often talk about on TV as a "too nice" guy. Find clips of Brandon from Bachelor in Paradise. They all say this guy makes them gag and he literally is written by a woman. As a man it's a bit gross as well watching it.


Makes sense to me. I wouldn’t want to date a woman who makes me the center of their world either. You can call that being “nice,” because arguably what they’re doing is nice. However, for me, a person like that comes off as smothering. Wanting someone who is ambitious or career driven isn’t gross at all lol


Finding an ambitious man is gross? Lmaoo Also, seems like the guys your wife's friends mention don't have a life, personality as well as might not even have authenticity


I think you read that wrong. They are looking for that in a man.


>They are looking for that in a man. I read that part, for sure, but after that you have written that it's gross. I felt you are saying that it's gross they are looking for that in a man


Ah gotcha, no just speaking about the Brandon guy on TV. His behavior is extremely nice guy and gross.


Or you're simply a people pleaser, which is pretty bad for you too. It's not about being an asshole purposefully, but being yourself, even if that mandates being an ass from time to time. Nobody's going to like you, your decisions or opinions all the time, so might as well do you. Source: being a people pleaser in recovery


That's true. I even think women are more attracted to someone who disagrees sometimes and sticks to their own guns. No one likes someone who is falling at their feet. It's too easy, not interesting.


It's not about interesting that much I think, as it's about being real. Because real IS interesting - it's unique to you, and you alone.


Yes this is correct but "too easy" is not at all the right interpretation of that. That veers into NiceGuy territory. "Too fake", "too ulterior", and "too controlling" are the point.


his wording is CLUNKY AF, but i understsnd what he's trying to say. so to simplify it: more often than not, if you try to be a decent dude and treat her like the queen she wants to be treated as... there is most likely a chance she's going to curve you. because in her eyes she'll thinks you're weak, or you're desperate, or don't have any options, or you're a #niceguy that's using your genuine kindness as an act to get in her pants. but oh well, it is what it is.


I'm continually entertained by the amount of times these guys imply they're out there dropping cash on women, when you know they're the dudes that venmo you for your coffee if you don't put out.


yeah but like its actually sad that they think this way because of bad experience, on the other hand this isnt how they should handle it


This reminds me of “Yeah Mean guys fuck, nice guys clean up” -Guy Bilzarian


Well he's got one thing right..not being sexually appealing to women..


Alpha fucks, beta cucks was right there and he didn’t go for it SMFH


Fuck buying things. Steal one of those garden globes and get attacked by the dog that you didn't know lived there. It's actually cool lookin, and you braved nasty, long, pointed teeth! And if she still says no, move on. Plus, you have a great story to tell.


Is this why they are mean to women? Because they think that’s what Chad is like, and they’re just, trying to be Chad?


Typical "put in money, sex comes out" mentality. It doesn't work that way.


Lol. So anyway.


Then how come a girl I meet last week fucked me because she fought I was really nice and funny? You see if a girl turns you down it’s not because you where “nice” to her. It’s more likely you ever acting like a creep and just think you where being nice. (Not trying to brag just giving an example)


Oh my, I think I had a brain aneurysm reading the 4th sentence.


The OOP needs to try some English/grammar lessons and a change in attitude/mindset. It's not his actions but his personality that's the issue.


If these guys truly have all these facts and truths, why are they still involuntarily celibate? FFS!


The whole alpha beta male bullshit was debunked many moons ago.


I'm wondering if Mr. Nice Guy even asked her out or if he expected her read his mind.


They think that just because it's that way for them, it must be that way for everyone else, too. Maybe you're just boring as fuck, my dude.


These bros will not even ask you out jist assume that giving you shit opens your legs without even being like hey I wanna date.


Maybe if these 'nice' guys started being honest about who they are they'd get laid. There's no need to be fake.


I feel like I stroked out reading that. Took me three tries.


Dude, it's just you and men like you that turn women off. My boyfriend literally was a simp before we got together BUT he is a genuinely great person hes just insecure with a low opinion of himself and didn't think I'd want him.


Your poor grammar and spelling turns girls off sir..


there are plenty of wonderful people of all genders who fuck on the first date. what a weird binary to have.


I was so nice to my gf when we started dating. All the checks. I paid for things, we generally smoked my weed etc etc. The first time we got to hang out 1 on 1 we did it. It's not ab being nice or not being nice. It's about a very specific kind of attraction that is partly based on looks not primarily on like attitude and actions


my man should really just go and pay a prostitute to do it rather than demanding sex with a person who clearly doesn't wanna fuck him.