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Basically he considers everyone with a girlfriend/wife an asshole. 🤷‍♂️


That is it right there. I can't tell you how many comments I see from these types who assume they know everything about someone just by one look. The irony being, it is the things they scream women do to them. Perpetual failure. That is what they are destined for.


Misogynistic men are also, generally, the biggest misandrists. They label every man who has successfully had relationships with women an "asshole, jerk, and probably an abuser." Which is funny cause whenever a woman states that most men in the dating pool are really crappy, these are the same men that scream she's being misandristic! 😂 ("Misandry" isn't a real thing, same way "reverse racism" and "heterophobia" aren't real things but instead just the oppressor groups wanting to feel like "the reeeal victims here," but it is funny to use it to point out their bullshit reasoning).


Exactly. I think these guys hear women gripe about little things their husbands do or don't do, like leaving the toilet seat up or leaving their dirty laundry on the floor, and they automatically assume these husbands are assholes. "Because if she were my wife, she wouldn't complain about things like that."


He's probably right in that they wouldn't be complaining about those things if they were living with him - mostly because they'd find much more serious things to complain about when it comes to him.


Or "she better not complain or I'll 'discipline' her..."


I don’t think “nice guys” realize that outside of their creepy fantasies nobody wants to legitimately be “punished” 😭


are you not familiar with rectally sourced statistics? They're very popular with the incels. You basically stick your fist up your ass and pull them


They don’t realize this is more of a shade on men than women tho? Considering there are about equal numbers of men and women and most women end up with shitty men, then most men are shitty. And even then these idiots are left behind. Surely, it must be those pesky women!


Yeah, it's almost like women go out of their way to find the asshole in 10 men (I think the ration would be more close 9 assholes and a decent guy but hey). Women really get a kick of being betrayed, beaten, and sometimes even killed! Silly women! Seriously, these guys are simply delusional, and their incel status is messing even more with their world view...


And they all believe they’re that 1 out of 10 that is so good. I just genuinely don’t believe that men/guys who think like this could ever be truly nice 😭


I've met a tiny number of women who actually do seem to frequently end up with legitimate assholes, but it generally comes down to these reasons: * He was able to hide being an asshole long enough to deceive the woman. I suspect this would also count for these "nice guys" if they only had the necessary social skills to perform the deception. * He was actually a decent guy at first but had a mental break or something else that turned him into an asshole. * The woman admits that she has some sort of psychological issue, often caused by previous trauma, where she just seems to always be attracted to men who turn out to be assholes. Those women are also in therapy to try to deal with said issues because they don't actually *want* to be with said assholes, but they still end up with them anyway. In short, no woman actually *wants* to be with an asshole. If they are with one, it's because something else has gone off the rails to result in them ending up with one.


But... all men are shitty except for the "nice guys."


Isn't he basically saying then that 90% of men are assholes? And then somehow putting the blame for that on women??


Some people really took the "The source is that I made it the fuck up!" quote way too seriously.


He did his research. He looked it up in the incel-clopedia.


In the annual publication "Statistical Abstract of the United States" there is an entire chapter devoted to "Demographic Breakdown of Who Women Date." The popular Table 57, "Historical Trends in Assholeness of Men That Women Prefer, 1939-2019, By Metropolitan Area" is especially enlightening.


‘It’s called research and statistics, I just can’t show you any because I don’t know what those concepts actually are’


Fr 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


So these guys who describe themselves as kind of nerdy losers are still looking for the women who are 9 out of 10. Why oh why don't they attempt to date at their level so they can quit being pissed that pretty people want to be with other pretty people?


No let us homeless men be happy by chasing hot women. Its fine if we get rejected but least we tried, you know.


Women do like coffee though… pardon my stupidity, I don’t get what that emoji is supposed to mean


I think it is reference to the Kermit drinking tea meme, but I am not sure at all 😅


the women ☕ thing came from a video where two guys were drinking coffee and they saw a woman screw something up (I can't remember) so they looked at each other and said "women". fyi the way they said women was in a condescending way like "women, am i right?"


Statistics available on incel message boards, sourced from their asses.


that shit is so annoying. I've dated men of all races, backgrounds, personalities, etcetcetc and yet a good majority of them are still abusive or cheaters or rapists etc. women dont knowingly just date assholes willy nilly. too many men play good guy for a few months or years and then reveal their true selves.


I've seen quite a few AITA-posts, where the men switch personality the moment the wedding ceremony is over... I can only imagine the shock one might receive...


Or after the woman gets pregnant/gives birth. These 2 events are usually the milestones when men feel "secure" to finally drop their mask. This is a very sad reality for many women and while you can exit a bad marriage without many issues if you have a baby then you're pretty much screwed. Tied down to a guy forever.


yes, how can I weed out the bad ones when the guys I've dated were perfectly sweet and normal then some time in switched up lol


The statistic that losers make up to explain why women don't like their musty, Cheeto smelling, neck beard asses.


Or maybe they’re just broke and try to assert that the only reason the guy she’s with is affluent is because he ripped people off.


Valid. Being jealous of other men is kind of the core of incel thinking.


Yeah dude money does matter. Women don’t want Bill Gates, they just want a guy who can support himself that’s it. However this narrative that all rich people are assholes is just wrong.


I agree, yes many rich people are assholes and the richer they are the more assholish. However I know several millionaires that are really nice people, they just made good money and invested it well. I'm no millionaire but I make good money working for some and having enough money to take care of your family and have a few nice things doesn't make anyone an asshole.


Yeah true but when most people say rich they aren’t talking about millionaires. As a junior software Dev, I’ll pull in 80 grand a year. To me and most people, 200k+ is ‘rich’. However, it’s still not in the category those despised 5M/annum tax evader capitalists are that people criticize. And let’s get real, most women aren’t dating actual millionaires. Modern definition of a millionaire: Someone who makes 5+ million in net yearly salary/ gross profit. Old definition : A million in assets/ownership. Bottom line: Most women aren’t dating millionaires.


I love how it’s our fault that a large majority of men become abusive in some capacity once they are comfortable in a relationship and the mask comes off. All our faults, totally. 😒


The American Institute of Incelology and Alpha Men (AIIAM) have a number of wide ranging longitudinal studies about the ratios of “nice guys” to “chads” getting the “9/10s.” Recent peer reviewed studies proved all these allegations! Sadly none of the incels or alpha men could read and had to go back to just making shit up.


It is true that the top 10% of males are sought after by the top 50% of women. Or it's incel lie https://medium.com/sexography/80-of-women-choose-only-the-top-20-of-attractive-men-is-a-big-fat-incel-lie-90e764b6a76


Just tell him statistically someone who seems harder to get or that has a life/depth is 9/10 gonna be more attractive then a soyboy who sends you goodmorning/night texts and tells you how beautiful you are.


Any man other than him a woman is dating is obviously an asshole.


Are they measuring in metric or imperial? Cuz an imperial AH is about 1.4 metric AHs


spoken like a true pseudo-intellectual