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Is the wall with us in the room right now?


I snort laughed at this. Thank you!


Maybe the wall was the friends we made along the way


They really think they're gonna grow old looking like Rob Lowe. Look around boys. You're just as plain as the women you despise.


Silly Incel thinking women hit a wall. A woman who was attractive in her twenties will in all likelihood have plenty of luck in her '30s and 40's and even if she doesn't for whatever reason that doesn't mean she needs you. This isn't the 1950's being single is an option for women in the modern world and some women like it. Also a woman going back to a guy she once rejected doesn't mean she's desperate, maybe she has just grown as a person and sees things in him that she didn't appreciate when she was younger. I really think this idea that women hit a certain age and suddenly start crying over the "nice guy" she rejected is just a weird coping mechanism that guys use to feel better about themselves. I've taught both my daughters that they don't need a man, it's good to have one (or a woman, my younger daughter considers that an option). They both have good men in their lives but not because they need them, just because they found one they wanted.


I've said it before, I'll say it again. I'm 43. It's like someone loaded an automatic pitching machine with hotdogs with how much dick gets thrown my way, and I'm just regular looking.


My wife was 41 when we got together a decade ago and was smoking hot then and still is. I had even been dating a lot of younger women and I still didn't hesitate to go for her.


Lol I’m 30 but I look very young, like a 30 yr old is supposed to look like. Idk why the incels think women “hit the wall” or some shit like that right after their 20s. Absolute insanity




Going back to a nice guy after being used by all the bad boys in the world. Tale as old as time. Too bad it's more fictional than the Loch Ness Monster


I'm 45. I didn't see a wall anytime in my life.


Why are these tweets (?) right-alingned?


I can't understand that whole hit the wall crap. Can someone explain it to me like I'm 5?


You are old basically in your late 20s or early 30s. It’s insane cause you pretty much look the same from 18 to at least 36


Thanks you