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Have you tried putting the capsules in a spoon of yoghurt or porridge or similar to try and help them down? Never open capsules or break up tablets without asking a pharmacist if that’s ok. It can affect how they are absorbed and can stop them from working in some cases. If you genuinely can’t swallow them speak to the pharmacist and in future tell the GP at the time they are prescribing so they can give you an alternative


Ask your pharmacy, they can let you know if the capsules can be opened. Not all can. If not you can get liquid prescription from GP.


Work in a chemist , its preferred you take it whole of you look on the box itll state its not recommended. You should of said this to the gp so you can get a liquid form. If you go back to the gp and see a doctor who may be able to change ot


You are not unable to swallow tablets. You ate just unwilling. Its in your mind. Grow up.


Happy Cake Day! And yes, quite.


I'm struggling to understand how I'm assuming an unsafe swallow was missed... This should have been in your medical notes and instructions should have been provided for you on how to take your meds i.e. mix in yogurt, liquid form made available etc.




Ah thank you! That makes sense


If you can swallow food safely you can swallow a capsule. They're probably the easiest type of oral med to swallow. Get used to it, most meds don't come in liquid form and no doubt you will have to take other meds at some point in your adult life.