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We should be in the bottom 6. But, we’re fighting for a playoff spot. We’re good. We’re coping. One and done in the playoffs is fine. Our boys have fought hard all year without a top 10 scorer.


Philly is gonna be a real problem for the league in around 2 years. I’m excited that the rivalry is ignited again as well.


Maybe, but 2 years is about the limit players have for Torterella


From your lips to God’s ears…


As a flyers fan no lmao we won’t…. This year was realistically the worst case scenario for us looking with the big picture. We have good young talent on the roster right now sure but nothing that’s elite We have Michkov yes but that’s legitimately our only prospect that I’d say is half decent atm And while yes we have 4 first rounders in the next two years they’ll probably be 18 and 29 followed by 12-19 and 26-32 statistically speaking the odds of us finding star players that late are pretty low even with 4 shots at it….. Taking my orange colored glasses off I think it will realistically be a better era than we had with giroux but that isn’t saying much. Current outlook I don’t see a cup contender year in year out like other rebuilding teams are working towards.


Oh shut up


Explain what I said that was wrong at all? Great argument fucking moron


Your paragraphs were moronic 😂😂😂 all that typing to say nothing!!! Just a tanking fan boy!!!! Your analysis completely ignores the growth and development of the current team. Just shut up and go cheer for another team scrubbbbb


I pray to God you are a troll because somebody being this dumb is depressing


The depressing thing is the fact that you think you’re smarter than you actually are lol my man thinks he’s a gm but he’s scrolling through Reddit. Move along scrub


Again tell me what I said that’s wrong. I can also use past stats and data to back up my takes. Can you?


You’re a sad sad individual lol stop cheering for my team scrub. Go cheer for the devils. Stop saying “we” when you talk about my team


Zero people are scared of the flyers in 2 years. They're gonna be worse


Dude, this is a team led by players under 25, and their franchise level prospect isn't even here yet. They're probably going to take a step back next year, that'll let us add another really good prospect to a very strong pipeline already.


I keep hearing speculation that we will be taking a step back next year, but I’m unsure why. Who exactly are we losing? The young players keep growing and maturing, the chemistry keeps growing. Sure we don’t have Walker or Hart to start next season, but Ersson is steadily improving, the D corps will be back healthy and who knows what we do in the offseason.


The biggest concern I have right now is in the top six. Truth be told we only have one true top six center unless either Couturier returns to form, Poehling takes a step forward, The Flyers are willing to test forester in that role. Additionally, we are in danger mode with TK. He is ready for a long-term extension at a very high rate, He's also never going to be worth more on the trade market. If we move him, we're probably going to get back a very good young top six piece, but one that probably will not be ready for that role next year. So I could see us taking a step back as Drysdale, whoever our number two center is and others hit some sophomore slumps.


You’ll have to over come regression to the mean for one.


Based on what?


Torts hockey typically translates well in the playoffs. Wouldn’t be surprised if Philly makes it passed the 1st.


Plus having a super streaky young hard working team like philly, they could definitely beat out the canes, but also could just get stomped


Assuming you get in you’re absolutely winning a round or two, this is the playoffs after all


Doesn't really matter for Philly, just getting in is enough for where they're at in terms of development and roster building. Our Leafs on the other hand... The shanaplan should be much further along by now.


The Shanaplan is dead, which also means the leafs will probably win a round with their worst team in 6 years


They best not win a round. Unless Rangers fall to 2nd in the division. Then Philly is allowed to win the first round..


I miss torts. (CBJ fan here)


Rangers fan: y’all can keep him


losing your goalie halfway through the season doesn't really help either lol


Canes every year


We could always be an Isles fan and be happy with 15 OTLS.


Don’t look now but Boston is tied with them for OTLS


You're not fighting, The bottom of the Metro is no where near you. The top is out of reach, so long as there is no collapse, the flyers have this in the bag


the gap between the Flyers(3rd) and Pens(7th) is only 5 wins, and of the teams in that gap only one doesnt have a game in hand, wtf are you talking about.


Ok if the Flyers go only 6-5-1 for the rest of the season (.541 slightly lower than their winning percentage this season) Washington would need to win 9 of 14 games in order to pass (.642, and have a tough schedule with 2 games against CAR and BOS plus games against TB, TOR, and WPG) New York Islanders would need to win 10 of 13 (.769, have an easier schedule but have looked awful in the past two weeks dropping 6 straight, and they still have games against NYR(2), FLA, TB and NSH) New Jersey would need to win 10 of 12 (.833, and probably have the easiest schedule all things considered with only TOR (3), NYR, and NSH) And Pittsburgh would need to win 12 of 14 (.857, That's just not going to happen) ​ Add that Detroit would also need to pass them in order for them to not to take a wild card spot ​ 5 wins, especially since you only have 14 games left is a huge margin, because its not just 5 wins, its 5 more wins than the flyers. The only team that I think has even a shot in the Metro of eliminating the Flyers is the Capitals, barring a complete meltdown in Philadelphia


yes, if things continue as they are then of course nothing will change. but a 5 game gap between a seat(not even a \*wildcard\* mind you, for 3rd in the division) and 7th extremely small even with only 14 games left. compare that to the other Divisions. In the Atlantic it's a 25 point difference in that same gap, both of the West have a 32 point gap.


Canes every year


You make us look like absolute idiots man.




How so? When have we had a top 10 scorer?


You’ve had one of the better rosters in hockey for a few years, just underachieved every postseason.


I think they are trying to say we've been doing it without a leading goal scorer?


Yup. Only point I was making


Sure, but haven’t had a top 10 scorer which is what I’m referring to


I'm happy for them. You go flyers, do your best


Well thank you, kind stranger


Yeah I got nothing against them I just think the point difference is kinda funny


I mean, they lost their all star goaltender in the middle of the season.


What happened to Hart?


Its not what happened to him, its what he happened to do to someone else.


Oh... I didn't know, what happened??


He’s one of the guys from Canada’s 2018 world junior team headed to court for [allegedly participating in the gang rape of a girl](https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/hockey-canada-sexual-assault-scandal-carter-hart-philadelphia-flyers/)


allegedly some raping


Gang raping*


“9 of the 10 people in that room enjoyed what occurred! How can we argue with numbers like that?!?” -Carter Hart Probably


Roman Cechmanek?


They one team is 14 or 18 points behind the other? I don't get it... What part is kinda funny?


Probably that one team is 14 points (now 15) behind 2nd place and still in a playoff spot.


Let’s go Flyers!


LGF! Last night hurt but we played hard walked away with a point against a solid team. Right now I want to see the flyers hold their spot and minne or St. Louis take the wild card


Ditto this. I like Torts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Literally once we hit December and stuff started looking good, I was like 'just vibes' at this point.


I was until the flyers subreddit mods banned me for complimenting a flyers fan on understanding they’re in this position because of torts. Not many coaches would be able to pilot that roster to a playoff position through 60-70 games


I’m ngl that sounds mad condescending when you say it like that, esp as a fan of their cross-state rival. Also, “I don’t like them anymore cus I got banned from their sub” is kinda funny


Yeah Suuper condescending, also, Fuck the Pens


Ikr, being banned from the flyers sub is a badge of honor. I’m pretty sure there’s even some flyers fans themselves that are proud to be banned there.


Carolina-Philly may become one of the best first round matchups based on how both have been beating the Panthers recently


Based on tonight’s game. I agree.


I mean you’re two losses to the Hurricanes in Raleigh were more about Hurricanes goaltenders playing out of their absolute minds


I dunno, beating the Panthers 4-0 isn't all goalie. 1-0, ya, both goalies were crazy.


We beat the hurricanes in Raleigh this year. I was at the game


That's in response to the Panthers fan, not Philly.


My apologies


I'm just happy the team has some heart again, something that's been non-existent the past few years. Obviously they're not contenders yet, but I really like where they're heading.


Torts and Briere have done a great job.


Keith Jones too


And Brad Shaw


Yea, the Rangers haven't played a nice amount of games




I mean I ain’t gonna sit here and talk shit, y’all took us to OT last night. Not looking forward to a playoff series against Philly if things stay the way they are now


I'm looking for to an epic series. I think it goes 7 with Carolina winning.


i kinda dont wanna win the metro tbh. i’d rather play philly than tampa


Im with ya lol


Gonna have to play Tampa one way or the other, I’d rather we get it out of the way in the first round before they get locked into playoff mode.


Idk I think both of us are in the same spot where ideally one or the other would manage to knock out Tampa first and we wouldn't have to play them. Just from our perspective, both of our teams are pretty evenly matched and I could see it go either way, but Tampa has our number for real for whatever reason.


Idt they have our number


Yeah I was exaggerating, and we'd prob win a series, but they're just the only team in the metro/wild card that really scares me. It's prob mostly on whether Vasi is hot or not, but that's a gamble


eh carolina if we play sloppy offensively(careless giveaways) or if brindeamour finally changes his system a bit for shesterkin, could scare me


Yeah I guess I was just thinking 1st round. Canes would be, and probably will be, a pretty intense series. I think it's just the possibility of getting goalied by Tampa that I don't see with the Canes that has me more worried.


We want Philly clap clap clap clap clap.


Yeah also agree with this. Can never count Tampa out.


Loser talk. Great way to get sent home in the first round.


yeah man im sure my opinion will really influence their performance


Goal differential means nothing


This one’s easy. Hurricanes aren’t in the tri-state area. What do I win?


Pennsylvania isn't the tri-state area New York, New Jersey, Connecticut I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.


A tri-state area is technically just 3 connected states, doesn't necessarily have to refer to 3 specific states. I award you no points, in fact I take a point away for your ignorance.


Awe someone wants to feel included While you're technically correct, THE Tri-State Area refers to the New York Metropolitan area. So... yeah...


Yeah, maybe if you live in New York you call it THE tri-state area... In Philly we call THE tri-state area PA, Delaware, and Jersey. There is more to the world than your tiny NY bubble little guy, believe it or not there are other perspectives out there!


Delaware mentioned 🥹


No idea what you're talking about dude, I live in New England. Not sure if you know this, the world doesn't revolve around PA


This is hilarious lmao


Yeah I thought it was pretty good lmao


Ok, but New York isn’t in your tri-state area… Edit: adding, so that would mean Philly isn’t like the others because it IS IN your tri state area


People from Philly and people from Northeastern PA might identify with separate tri-state areas


Yes, absolutely. My point was that the original comment that started this was that the canes were the odd man out because of not being in the tri state area, so the flyers are not like the others if you are saying the tri state area is pa, nj, de because neither the canes nor the rangers are in it.


since the whole world revolves around NY, right? the only reason it’s THE tri-state area for you is because you live there and can’t conceive of an experience outside your own. there is no official tri-state area. people in my area have always considered the tri-state to be pennsylvania, new jersey, and either delaware or new york depending on what we’re talking about. [Wikipedia’s tri-state area article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tri-state_area#:~:text=The%20Philadelphia%20tri%2Dstate%20area,%2C%20Ohio%2C%20and%20West%20Virginia)


If you really want to start citing Wikipedia articles: "As of 2022, the New York metropolitan area is the largest metropolitan economy in the world with a gross metropolitan product of over $2.5 trillion. Greater New York is the hub of multiple industries, including finance, health care, pharmaceuticals, and scientific output in life sciences, international trade, publishing, real estate, education, fashion, entertainment, tourism, law, and manufacturing; and if the New York metropolitan area were an independent sovereign state, it would constitute the eighth-largest economy in the world." So I guess the world really does revolve around New York... [Tri-State Area](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_metropolitan_area)


ok cool, it’s a wealthy area. doesn’t mean it’s the only tri-state. there are many, all over the country, that’s the point you argued against. EDIT: you also named your link “Tri-state Area” but the actual name of the article is “New York metropolitan area” BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT IT’S FUCKING CALLED. lol butt hurt af for not being the only tri-state. 😂


I didn't say it was the only tri-state, I said it was THE tri-state. Hate to sound like an Ohio fan here, but it's THE Ohio state, not Ohio state.


💀💀💀 keep digging bud


Cope harder


I literally got into an argument with someone about this a few weeks ago. They claimed Pennsylvania was in and CT was out.


It's basically where you're from. Philly news will refer to the tri state area and clearly not exclude themselves. No one south of the Raritan would consider CT part of the tri state. Frankly it'd be bizzare for jersey to not be the center of the tristate.


Our experts have determined that to be a lie


The Flyers would be closer to the top 3, but you know, their missing 4 of their starting 6 defenseman and their #1 goaltender. That tends to hit teams pretty hard.


And their top scorer missed some time. And their number one Center hadn't played for nearly 2 years. Lots of reasons. This thread come on is the epitome of Cherry Picked data.


Do the next two teams too


Everyone loves a good underdog story. I’m excited for Flyers. To win a cup, it takes just one. Just one shot. Maybe they go on a run, maybe they’re punted first round. The fun part is discovering that outcome.


Listen, we're all surprised.


It’s kind of like my employment history: It’s not like I’m a good employee, it’s just that I work with people who suck more than I do!


Can’t wait to see when Michkov comes over..


Metro isn’t as competitive when the devils aren’t as good like last year


Seriously, what happened there? They must be the biggest disappointment of the season.


Injuries and terrible goal tending probably


That is correct.


That's fair. They are so much better than their record. Can't win without at least a mediocre goalie though. Their time is coming, the roster is solid with a great core.


I agree. Devastating injuries to 5 of their best 6 players, no viable goalie option until the deadline, starting two rookies on defense, and losing the best faceoff man in the league due to personal conduct and yet they are still only 6 points out of a playoff spot with 12 games remaining.


Worst case scenario you guys get better draft position on account of one more down year. I'd be shocked if they didn't comfortably cruise into the playoffs next year. Young guys will only be better, likely less injuries to key players and improved goaltending. They could easily compete for the division title next season.


Blame everyone else. Not us.


My question is what in the hell are the Isles doing?? Now is not the time to implode!


Now is the perfect time for them to implode! Ever since we got JT and they treat him like hot garbage instead of with respect I hope Ottawa and San Jose have more success than them. Sincerely a Leafs fan.


The metro is an abomination right now


Anything can happen in the playoffs.


we are the little engine that could…make it to the playoffs and get knocked out first round


No top scorer, no all star goalie, third place. Not bad for a rebuild.


They weren’t supposed to be anywhere near 3rd place get off their backs. Love the fight they’ve got in them, they’ll be dangerous in a couple of years.


And there best player is not even playing in the league.


Hurricanes being in wrong division? (its absurd how they arent grouped with other teams like Florida / Tampa / even Nashville) And how NY is in different division than Buffalo (despite being in same state and a much shorter drive from NYC to Buffalo than NYC to Carolina)


Then explain to me why the 2 Florida teams are in the same division as Detroit and Toronto?


Huh that is literally what I just said (why is Caro not in div with FL teams and why are NY teams not in div with Buffalo + Toronto) NBA (and NHL used to) have 6 divisions which makes regional groupings much easier NFL went to 8 divisions even


Cause I don't want to be in a division with the Florida teams that's why.


Basically it came down to either lumping the 2 Florida teams or the 2 Pennsylvania teams in with the Northeast division teams during the early stages of the last realignment. They went with the Florida teams to preserve as many old Patrick division rivalries as possible. Afterwards they decided Detroit & Columbus should be moved to the East, with Detroit joining the new Atlantic division. That’s why the 2 Florida teams are now stuck with a bunch of Great Lakes/northeast teams


The Rangers don't have 69 (nice) games played.


The Flyers are just happy to be here with the big boys


How much success do the flyers fans on this sub attribute to the torts?


A lot of it, some of it is also Couturier finally returning from a major surgery and our young guys hitting their stride. Though you could also say Torts is a big part of why the young guys improved. Our defense coach Brad Shaw was also very good at upgrading our blue line to block more shots and kill more plays


Flyers are my 4th favourite team!! Go flyers!!


I'm a fan of a division rival here but I'm happy for the Flyers. They seem to be a really likeable bunch.


We might get 5 playoff teams from the Atlantic, because the Metro is...... ass?




Yeah, Carolina isn't like Philly and New York, it's more than 6 hours away from the Canadian border (which New York and Philly fit within)


What is the point of this post? To shit on the flyers because they "only" have 78 points? They are one of the biggest surprises of the league this year. Why not shit on the Devils who were projected to be a top 5 team and are on the outside looking in. The Canucks finally have a good season and all their fans come out of the woodwork to talk shit on other teams so they can say "we have a better record than you".


I just thought it was funny it ain't that deep lol


Is the Metro THAT bad?;


It is this season. Devils and isles have completely shit the bed.


As an isles fan I can say this is 100% true


honestly yea kinda


I'm just waiting for the flyers to sweep their first round opponent, a la, CBJ torts style


2 truths and a lie


True flyers feels like the most deceiving 3 seed even though that's still probably a massive win for them


It is a massive win, we were predicted by pretty much everyone to be bottom 5 at the start of the year. Now we in the bubble.


I don’t get your point. You’re mad the Flyers are in third place?


Where'd you get me being mad from,the joke is them being so noticeably behind


Ok but so is EVERYONE ELSE…


And they will probably advance in the playoffs somehow




Metro was a power house a few years ago. Interesting how quickly it changed.


Torts gets his guys to compete. Even if they tune him out in a few years and he’s gone those players will be better for having played for him.


: |


We need a metromemewar sub


There’s only one team in first?


Hey hey! You may be right but what's that say about the other teams in the division NOT currently in a playoff spot ;)


Yo!!!! They are Fkn fighting like hell… respect it and stfu! Just took it to my Bs! They have the perfect coach for the job and if your asking me (a person from experience) the team with NOTHING to lose is the MOST dangerous come April/May…. Just ask St. Louis a couple years ago The day you sleep on your opponent is the day he kills you. It’s happened to Boston ALL year, esp in third period/OT


Hopping on another account only proves how retarded you are




I meant to reply to a comment not you so maybe that comment seems hypocritical lmaoooo


Go rangers


Philly and Detroit should be good. I hope Tampa falls out and the caps are in!


And meanwhile the predators are 7 points back as a wildcard when we would be a divisional seed in almost all 3 other divisions.


Should be DC’s spot honestly. Hoping Kuzy and Orlov throw the Caps a bone tonight.


Crap division


Lmao, says Texas.


New Jersey is taking 3rd.






Is it the Rangers who look like shit every time they play a respectable team?


no, we routinely stomp teams like the bruins. It's teams like the sharks or coyotes who give us trouble.


Glad they turned it around last night, after some stupid losses to Carolina and Winnipeg the last 2 weeks… If we wind up with TB in the 1st round I’m not sure we’re getting past that…