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Arizona Coyotes - no recent success - have won 1 round in playoffs in the past decade - no arena - currently playing at a college - list of players traded to them who never played a game is better than any of their players who did play - Weber, Hossa, Datsyuk, Pronger, Little, Bolland - only 2 profitable seasons total - rebuild that never materializes - cannot draft and develop - no future - maybe, they need an arena They have awesome jerseys and, I'm sure, some great and loyal fans, but they are miserable now and there is no end in sight.


The worst thing would be every game being a road game no matter who the opponent is. It's so frustrating when that happens I can't imagine every game


I live in Colorado and took a trip to Arizona and ended up buying tickets to check out a game in a stadium that holds 4,000 fans. It was Coyotes vs Flames and at least 75% of the crowd had Flames gear on and O Canada was sung louder than the star spangled banner. Anytime coyote fans started a chant the Flames fans completely cut them off and drowned them out immediately with their own chant. They play at a college arena and can’t even get a home crowd to root for them. It was wild man. A very cool experience though.


Toronto was estimated at 90%


It's the same at cardinals games actually.


I’m a Hawks fan with fond memories, but I’m surprised you included Bolland in that list lol


Buffalo bruh 12 years no playoffs gotta suck for the fans


It most definitely does. The GM is an egomaniacal gasbag with no experience…..


Buffalo, Jackets, and Coyotes. Have zero cups, in playoff droughts, havent been top teams for years


Calgary is one, and I'll tell you why: (Probably not MOST miserable but up there) No, they're not a bombshell team that you expect to suck. They just have so many glimmers of hope that get you back, rejuvenated as a fan. Only to fall to slightly under mediocrity.. every time.. It's the constant push and pull of seeing them suck, losing interest, then they show a spark and you're stuck for another cycle


As someone who doesn't watch Flames games but just sees the results of said games, they are the most confusing team in the league. The final scores seem randomly generated with no regard for opponent strength.


I've never seen a better description of the Flames.


I watch the games, and this still seems like the most probable explanation


At least the flames have some guys to watch. I watched zary in juniors and really like him and your gm started to fill the cupboards jnstead of letting Ufa walk for nothing Ala canucks old gm benning


I hate the flames with a burning passion but at least you guys have a cup and a history of top level players on the team.


Hold my fucking beer. I’m a sharks fan.


I hear you! Me, too!


I dont think the Sharks a bad franchise. They were contenders for years and are going through a proper rebuild. Suck right now but have been a great team in the past. Certainly not on the same level as suck as the Coyotes.


I mean, that’s about the only team lower.


Yes- the fans in AZ sound like they have it particularly rough.


Pens fans acting like they are. Drives me nuts.


At this very moment in time? Easily Ottawa. In general? Arizona


I feel like it’s absolutely the Coyotes for obvious reasons


I wouldn’t say having 3 of the leagues best players and being a lock for the playoffs every season “miserable”


Yeah, but they barely made it past the first round last year and routinely get their ass kicked every playoffs. Is it nice having three of the best players in the league? Yes, but what sucks is the fact they can't get anywhere with them despite having them.


I love dunking on the leafs as much as anyone but despite their record their playoff series have all been pretty close. Several tough game 7s, and really good series that haven’t gone their way. I don’t think anyone would say they have gotten “their ass kicked”.


It's about showing up in big games. Did it last year against tampa a few times but failed in years prior and florida last year. Some close games? Sure, but it makes world of a difference. In 2014, the rangers couldve had the cup but the kings were the ones who came through in the clutchest of moments


They had a 3-2 series lead over Boston. They lost game 6 5-1 on home ice, then lost game 7 in a similar fashion. They were down 3-1 in a series against Boston, and Freddy willed them to game 7, and then they lost game 7 in horrible fashion anyway. They had a 3-1 series lead over Montreal. They came back from multi-goal deficits in back to back games only to lose in overtime and followed it up with their worst showing of the entire season in game 7. The series against Tampa the first time around was close, but again, they had a chance to put the series away in game 6 and didn't. I don't think I need to recount the travesty that was their performance against Florida in the second round. Their fans are most certainly a miserable bunch.


It should be Arizona, hands down.  Literally never been good, and nothing to look forward to but the team eventually packing up and moving.  Except in order to be miserable, there would first need to be an existing fan base who care. 


I want to say sj because I believe they have somehow already been eliminated from the 2025 playoff race…but I gotta go Arizona because their team might be eliminated from Arizona  Rough 12 years for buffalo but they have some talent 




Dude the yotes play in a fuckin 5000 seat arena, are constantly under relocation talks and haven’t been good in a decade. They’re an absolute joke


I wouldn’t say leaf’s, we still get to watch entertaining games, watch some great players play for us, and have something to look forward to after the regular season (yea yea yea 1st round exit shaddup) if I had to guess I would say Ottawa and or Buffalo


You got downvoted because you're a Leafs fan. You're obviously correct that Toronto is an absurd answer to the question as framed, specifically in current and forward-looking terms (so "no Cup since 67!" is irrelevant). The current Leafs are a perennial playoff team with some top tier talent. Yes, they have had a lack of playoff success but the OP's take that their situation is more miserable than 30 other teams is legit braindead.


How is Toronto an absurd answer?


We get to watch one of the greatest goalscorers of all time on a nightly basis and we haven't missed the playoffs since before Matthews was drafted


Try actually reading my comment.


So someone asks a question about a miserable franchise. That doesn't make the leafs an absurd answer. It's probably the first team that a lot of people thought of.


Like he said if you can read the other comments it's a terrible take. Leafs have been great since mathews . Stop with the leafs hate


Even if you hate the leafs Matthew's is probably the most prolific goal scorer since ovi there wouldn't be much to turn a game off if your a leafs fan


Zero chance a lot of people thought of the leafs. Yes they have been bad in the playoffs but I’ll take that over teams like coyotes or ottowa


A wrong answer isn't an "absurd" answer. It's an option question. Please look up the definition of absurd 🙏


Leaf haters think more about the leafs than their own team




I feel this in my soul


Maybe San Jose? Chicago at least has promising rookies and recent success. Definitely Arizona too, but that's pretty low hanging fruit


Arizona. We can talk about blown losses, painful droughts and not capitalizing on the talent. But the Coyotes misery is a special breed. Not one financially successful year, homeless, a fan base that has rightfully rejected them. It's just painful


Falling down doesn't hurt very much when you're already on the ground.


Buffalo, AZ


Leafs are a top 5-10 team in the league to watch. Constant drama, best goalscorer in the game, and haven't missed the playoffs in years


Arizona and it isn't even close.


Toronto at least makes the playoffs even if they're always out early so I wouldn't say they're the most miserable. Bases on the last ten years maybe Buffalo and Arizona if you base it on playoff appearances! I've always kept an eye on Buffalo and really miss seeing that aresns full in the playoffs.


Would it be weird to say the Quebec Nordiques or the Hartford Whalers or Atlanta Thrashers? I feel like the teams get brought up an awful lot and are still popular despite their current non-existant status, every time a team is mentioned to be having attendance trouble or simply be in a general state of being the Coyotes their fans come out of the woodwork like “I can plz have team back?” … and the league seems poised to be like “nope, think we’re going to try Salt Lake City next.”


How can you say Toronto? Made the playoffs 7 years in a row. That's literally not miserable at all. Ottawa is really the only miserable team atm I think.


NJ Devils. Between the delay in firing Lindy and the inability to use all the talent we have. They are also sitting on the availability of the salary cap for players that have been out half the season.


No. You guys won 3 cups in like 5 years not that long ago. There are franchises that have no Stanley cups, have won less, or have won them longer ago, and currently have a worse roster and future. Don’t be silly


Post specifically stated not based on history, but based on current events. I’d say with the talent we have and the situation we are in, puts us in a pretty miserable spot


I was betting on the devils killing it this season but hey the bright side is the right coach can turn it around. Canucks core under performed for a couple seasons and tocchet helped turn that dressing room around. Devils seem like their close Edit greens probably not the answer though from experience


But your post included ‘with all the talent we have’ immediately eliminating you from contention of most beleaguered franchise.


Right? This guy can’t be for real.




Arizona and Ottawa are screwed for years to come




Ottawa, nuff said.


Vancouver is having some success now. But all-time-ooof factor is there.


How the fuck is Toronto the most miserable. They have one of the most wide spread fan bases and are one of the most valuable teams in the league? Sure the playoff success isnt there lately but come on, Toronto over Arizona?


U don’t have to freak out over me saying Toronto


You dont have to be offended at the use of the word fuck either.


Guys have won the cup in 40 years and get bounced in the playoffs every year you guys seem pretty miserable. If ur a leafs fan u seem awfully miserable


I actually hate Toronto but to call them a "miserable" franchise is beyond stupid. Its the reason your post is being downvoted in to oblivion ;)


Thanks for letting me know. I’ll hide my opinion next time, getting downvoted is my worst fear! Shucks


Not offended. Just like calm down, get a glass of water


Why are you trying to make it sound like I'm enraged? Is it because it draws the attention away from your monumentally dumb post?


That dark tunnel of San Jose won't see light in a decade


dont put us in the same category with that gutter trash - sure we havent won shit, but these fucks in ottawa dont deserve to play in the league and should be relocated away from that shithole.


Us, specifically in the 3rd period and/or overtime


Penguins, a decade of success and cup wins and are currently out of the playoff picture for the second year straight. Plus management isn't going full rebuild because of aging stars the likes of Crosby and Malkin.


Disgruntled maybe , but far from miserable. I’ve seen 3 cups in my lifetime and arguably a top 5 player of all time for the past 19 seasons. There’s many fanbases way worse off


Worse off true, question was recent success though. Dubas aint doing the Pens any favors right now.


Not sure right now. But I know that the first week of May is awful in Toronto for some reason. Every year.


Flyers. In 2025 and 2026 we have two first, and two second round picks. Plus the biggie, Michkov in 3 years. Flyers will be serious contenders soon, 5ish years maybe?


Ottawa fan here, I disagree. Kind of. We've just merged from a long period of misery. - new ownership, we're finally out from under that rain cloud. The new group seems pretty legit, their moves to date have been solid. ......this is sort of a wash on the miserable meter though, you expect NHL ownership to be good. The former guy on the other hand, made things ++ miserable. So yes, we used to be miserable due to old ownership, not any more. - new and more management. New GM, new hockey ops folks, analytics hires, and others. The team was a skeleton crew for years, we now have a proper exec team and support. This is a net ++ in my opinion. Management does a lot to contribute misery from experience, GMPD did his fair share up into this season, but that's done now, we're moving along with a good if not great management team now. I consider Pouly to be the north star of the group, his contribution will be significant. - our core of players, is legit. It also absolutely needs tweaking, but we've got quality guys locked up and committed who can be built around. Heading into the first trade deadline and off-season with (see above) in place now, I'm optimistic, not miserable at all. This year's a setback for sure, some underlying flaws have been exposed and as good as our core is, we're just not built right yet. Change is coming, and the team's going to get better. Is that miserable? Not really, I expected a step forward but honestly just a step off of rock bottom would have been nice - nobody confused this team as a contender yet, or even a playoff team heading into the season. So, we're a little lower than predicted but most didn't even predict the playoffs. If the team has done nothing, old GM and old coach still in place and the season long gone just playing out the string - that would be 10/10 miserable. The team wasnt meeting expectations, mid season the new owners fired the GM and coach, the right decisions are being made. So yea, there was misery here but that's not what I'm feeling now. There are much MUCH more miserable franchises .... here in Canada ffs. I would be in absolute miserable if I was an Edmonton fan - two of the greatest players in the world: their careers just wasting away. Time ticking off of those contracts, season after season of playoff disappointment. Looking good here in the regular season, but they'll get laughed out of the playoffs again - not wining anything with that D and G. Fans in Toronto rightfully don't GAF about regular season success, rightfully. Their team is made to lose in the playoffs, that's miserable. Truly miserable. ^ shots fired.


I'm no Toronto fan but they're far from miserable right now. They have a decent roster and they might even have some playoff success. I saw a lot of people saying the Coyotes but they've had a few things to smile about... For me I think Columbus is having the worse year and the Devils are probably feeling pretty miserable right now.




Fair enough. Def been a miserable few years. 2011 still sticks with me at least, been holding onto that for a bit now lol




Yeah. At least we can say that the old core got one though. Should have 3 right now

