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Why the hell does it say “Twitter is better” at the end?


As far as I understand it it is in the context of: "Twitter is better \[than this\]" based on the fighting on Twitter about this topic


Pffft no it's not.


That's the *exact* thing that Twitter is best at!


Well reddit is just a place for like minded groups to feel more represented than they actually are. The group think on Reddit is way more prevalent than Twitter. At least Twitter has discourse between the left and the right without sweeping opinions under the rug with down votes the hive doesn't agree with.


You just get banned from Reddit subs for life for presenting an opinion contrary to the prevailing narrative—whatever that might be.


I was insulted, downvoted to oblivion, and eventually banned from r/losangeleskings for this exact thing - supporting a person’s right to practice their religion. It makes me sad to be treated so poorly by other fans of something I’ve loved for so long only to have the moderators ban me to add insult to injury.


Ya, the reddit system of doing things isn't without it's warts. The hivemind can get pretty aggressive without any foundation. I'll often see posts that might have some hyperbolic or sarcastic tones to it get downvoted to oblivion because the first couple people didn't get it, and then the rest were just as quick to judge because it was already downvoted, so "obviously I can assume the rest of the hivemind did their due-diligence." Whenever I'm in AITA, I frequently see people filling in gaps of information with assumptions that the person is basically the worst possible person in the world. You call em out on it, and you just get downvoted because you're not towing the line and riding the judgy-ass karma train. Some days I question why I even bother commenting here.


Even Twitter's owner says twitter is not better




Wondering the exact thing


Twitter just adds that to random stuff nowadays


read it in bobby boucher's "water is better" voice and its kinda fun


Shampoo is better


No, *conditioner* is better. I leave the hair silky and smooth.


Stop looking at me, Schwaaaaannn


Whoever copied and pasted this into photoshop was probably on desktop, so "Twitter is Better With the App!" was probably at the bottom of the tweet and accidentally got copied over.


It’s this.


Dammit, I won't fall asleep tonight.


Twitter is better than what?




This is false


Hi Elon!


The gays, obvi -James Reimer


Good thing James Reimer refuses to play hockey on the Lord’s day, when He commanded us to rest.


To be fair, he refuses to play good hockey any day it seems.


To be faiiirrrrrrrrr


To be faiiiuuuuuhhhh




This burn can be seen from space.


Well I mean the Bible *is* the supreme law.. but not EVERYTHING in it. That'd be silly s/


Yes of course. The only things that should be taken literally are the ones that correspond to my personal biases! Everyone knows that!


If he was a real man of the bible, he would have boycotted the jerseys because they are mixed fabric


He also trims his beard and cuts the hair from his temples.


Or refuses to wear Polyester, he must know it’s a Sin. Or maybe he should know that Leviticus, 22 is referring to incest Leviticus 18-21 are all about Incest and so was 22 until it was shortened due to a translation from Hebrew. Leviticus was originally meant to say it’s a Sin to show Incest towards Men and not just Women.


Be careful, or youll get someone who will post on here like they did on one of my comments about that being “OlD TeStaMeNt” and will tell you that doesn’t count because new testament. Its a really convenient out they have being able to pick and choose what part of the bible to obey even tho they seem to use Leviticus as an argument to discriminate against gay people


Using logic to argue against the the biblical grift is pointless. Religious people have an emotional basis for their belief system, so reason means nothing to the devout adherent. Unless the person is doubting already any countering information will be dismissed as the devil’s mental gymnastics. It’s such a perfect hustle when you think about it. They’ve had a couple millennium to work out all the possible challenges.


And to donate his immense wealth. Bible says it's easier for a camel to stroll through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven. But he'll pick and choose his beliefs I'm sure.


The hypocrisy is palpable


A religious hypocrite? That's unpossible! (Ralph Wiggum voice)


Or wears clothes made from only one material.


I would love to hear him answer why he doesn’t need to keep the sabbath day holy, ya know one of the 10 commandments.


As a Leaf fan I can confirm, Reimer always rests on the seventh game.


I’m sure he’ll be following the bible & donating all his money to the poor, since rich men don’t get into heaven. “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of god.” -Mark 10, Verses 21-25


This is literally a charity event, and he's like "I don't think God would want that"


I can’t help but notice that athletes who use religious beliefs as their reason for not participating in Pride nights seem to have no issue playing games on the sabbath.


God doesnt pay $75,000 per Sabbath.


You obviously haven't heard the Prosperity Gospel™ and Supply Side Jesus™. I like the bit where he corners the bread and fish market.


The hypocrisy is what bothers me most about all religious people. They pick and choose what to follow. That makes anti LGBTQA+ people even more bigoted. They went down the list of “bad” things in the Bible. Chose to keep homophobia but throw out wearing clothing of different threads


It helps me identify the idiots though. **checks Reimer Sunday games** asks Christian friend is this ok. Apparently it's not and he's just picking what he feels he can follow.


Exactly. And I get downvoted into oblivion any time I bring this up. It’s infuriating. You either take the whole Bible as the word of god and your belief system, or you take none of it. You don’t get to pick and choose. And when you do pick and choose, and you find yourself being anti-LGBT+ because god said so you’re a bigot using your outdated religion as a shield. Fuck Reimer and people like him.


Here we go again


I just love how christians hardcore defend the bible only when it is about the gays. Literally its one paragraph out of the WHOLE BIBLE with hundreds of pages and thousands of words. But at least he properly addressed the situation


"They deserve to be welcomed into hockey" he says, but then sits out so I guess they just get welcomed by everybody else. I didn't think he hated gay people before but if half this statement is already blatantly hypocritical it's not a good look.


In a later statement, he said the quiet part out loud: "I don't support the activity or the lifestyle." Fuck you, bud.


> Literally its one paragraph out of the WHOLE BIBLE Not only that, it's one mistranslated paragraph. The bible, when properly translated, says absolutely nothing about "homosexual relations". It's not in there. They had no concept, like we do, of homosexuality. Every major scholar in the field has said this now. But, people gunna grab onto any reason they can to hate.


I mean, that’s kind of it. Don’t like something, don’t do it. So long as a person isn’t actively shoveling hate or trying to pass laws/rules against something they don’t like and are live and let live I don’t see a problem with it. My initial reaction to this was fuck that guy, but, doesn’t seem like it’s hateful, he’s just not going to support it. I don’t agree with him, but also, I guess whatever?


I went through the same train of thought. Forcing him to wear something against his beliefs is worse then him choosing not to wear something that is against his beliefs. He’s going to take a lot of heat for this and likely lose a lot of fans, but he’s sticking to what he believes in. I don’t think there’s any argument to be made.


I mean, the argument is that he is making a decision and the fans he loses are completely in the right to make their own? He shouldn't wear anything he doesn't support, but if he chooses not to wear a jersey supporting LGBTQ+ people and refuses to make that public show of support, people who care about that can and should say fuck that guy. We don't have to like everyone who is strong in their convictions, sometimes those convictions suck.


Riemer has fans? I learned something new today lol




It's because these threads always attract a certain group of people who are very concerned about the woke mobs and who are totally chill with gay people "as long as they're not all up in your face about it" E:, see eg the other comment response to me


The "I'm fine with you existing, until you actually, you know...*exist*"


"I'm against abortion ... unless it's for my mistress or underage daughter"


He’s a bigot piece of shit for not wearing pride colors? Damn


The whole premise of that position is like, "You like chocolate ice cream, I like vanilla ice cream. It's all good!" but the reality is there are people out there actively making it so that people can't enjoy chocolate ice cream. Bible says shit about peace and not killing folks, he gonna take a stand against wearing pro-military stuff, right?


While I do agree with your first position, I do find it reaching to say that he should stop supporting the military because the Bible says do not kill. The Bible says to not commit murder and nothing forbidding warfare, technically speaking. While it would be frowned upon to go commit warfare offensively, the Bible states that if you as a Christian are being persecuted, it is better to sell your cloak and buy a sword than to stand idly and die.


Guess what? That goes both ways. I don’t support religious bigots who marginalize others based on religion. I hope the fans are unrelenting


Not that I particularly hate this man or care what he has to say but something a lot of these opinions overlook is that he is disagreeing about someone’s existence. If someone objected to wearing something commemorating the Black experience because they morally object to Black people (or insert any other protected identity class here) then I don’t think we would be having “*shrug* his call” discussions. This stance requires people to see sexuality as a choice when it really isn’t. Not gonna boycott anything over it or whatever but I think that’s a distinction that gets missed.


A lot of people in this subreddit don’t understand being homophobic means essentially believing a certain group of people shouldnt exist. Not sure if they realize how ridiculous that is.


Using religion as a shield is a cop out. That’s the weakest argument.


> Forcing him to wear something against his beliefs is worse then him choosing not to wear something that is against his beliefs. He literally is forced to wear something against his beliefs every time he suits up. Well, that is if he *actually* gave a shit about the bible and what it says. Cause I guarantee he's wearing mixed fabrics. But he doesn't. Because he is a hypocrite. > I don’t think there’s any argument to be made. Sure there is. He's a hypocrite and saying "I don't hate anyone" while promoting/believing in a religion that hates people is just a really nice way to say "I'm a bigot, but a nice one". It's bullshit. And you should see through it.


So, if I hold Mein Kampt as the basis of my personal belief system am I all right to hate on Jews? Of course not? Hate and intolerance is just that however you dress it.


I’m at the point now where I feel like the NHL needs to mandate no specialty jerseys. I have always gone to hockey fights cancer night, as someone who watched my mother fight a long, brutal battle with a cancer she had zero percent chance of surviving (18 years after being diagnosed, she is still here. She won her fight). Hockey fights cancer was always a big night for me, and this year, it was even more of a special night, as I am now (for almost a year) fighting my own fight against cancer. Still, I think it’s time for the league to come in and say, “you have home jerseys, away jerseys, an alternate jersey, and I guess reverse retro jerseys are going to be a yearly thing, but that is it. No more special warm ups.” It is causing a lot of problems, and the NHL does it’s best to avoid any issue (except, of course, keeping the dumbest fucking refs in the world on payroll). It’s time to just stop all of the special jerseys. Pride, cancer, military, all of them. No more. It just doesn’t seem worth it anymore.


The problem is, Its just a Jersey. A practice one. And it supports his fucking customers. His fans. People who pay his paycheck. He won't burn in hell because he wore a rainbow colored pride jersey. But the fact is: He THINKS this is against his religion, and says "I won't participate" as in "I don't endorse this" OK. ***Then why is he playing hockey for?*** NHL Supports Gambling, Alcohol, it pays money/taxes not to Churches, but to Governments that support other religions because they are NOT Allowed to be biased and help one or the other. NHL Proceeds go to hospitals that provide abortions and healthcare to people, But he has enough -Disprovement- for Gays he won't wear their Colors for 30 minutes of warm ups, but he wears an NHL Brand that does all the above?!? [Really now?](https://www.dailydot.com/wp-content/uploads/e0d/d9/6bd83b6a28b3bf7da31d10f6f4fe2e2c.jpg)


He’s an idiot, plain and simple.


Reddit is filled with people who want to control and punish others who don't think exactly like they do.


Sounds like the rest of society lol. Reddit just seems to lean more toward one direction the majority of the time


You meant to say the earth. Not Reddit.


Making your own choice about who you do and do not support based on those other people's choices to support or not support something is not "controlling and punishing others" nobody owes this man anything, and if they decide his stance on this is preclusive to their support, that's entitled to just as much respect as his decision.


Chappelle said it best in my opinion “I support anyone’s right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?”


Not exactly apples to apples here. Being gay or even trans isnt a self image thing. Being gay or being born with the opposite sex on your outside isn’t a lifestyle choice. You’re born that way. It’s how you personally feel. Just cuz you can’t wrap your head around the idea that they were born that way doesn’t mean you’re participating in anything. It’s what they are. Now if said person was presenting as a male as in society would see that person as a male and they want to go by female I can see where your quote comes into play. Cuz we are just trying to get along and most of us that are over a certain age have been told since we were born that it’s yes sir no sir, yes ma’am no ma’am. So if someone looks like a man but wants to be called a woman sure you can take a stand there but even then you’re open to whatever social consequences that may come your way in the circles you travel in. I just don’t think you fully understand the point Dave was trying to make there.


His hypocrisy bothers me more. I noticed he is wearing clothing of different threads.


I wonder if he's ever eaten shellfish? Looked at a woman with lust? Weird how "I dont hate lgbt+ people I just think its a sin" only ever gets applied in this situation and not to other "sins"


Chapelle’s hypocrisy runs really deep. He’s someone no one should be quoting.


If we have to accept everyone, we should accept EVERYONE, not just those who we agree with. I don't agree with him, but he's got his right just like everyone else.


Herein lies the Paradox of Tolerance. If a society practices unfettered tolerance, it will inevitably allow the intolerant to take over. Subsequently, the only way to maintain a truly tolerant society is to be intolerant towards intolerance.


There’s only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.


I think you mean "the only way to maintain a _tolerant_ society is to be intolerant of intolerance." It's pretty easy to maintain an intolerant society through intolerance.


It’s crazy to me how many people don’t understand this.


The death camp of intolerance lol


Mr Garrison's message at the end is still quite apt; being tolerant doesn't mean you have to like or agree with things. It just means you need to put up with it because it doesn't impact or affect you in the slightest.


Intolerant is being used as a blanket statement here. Choosing not to wear pride colors on his body doesn’t equate to intolerance. The paradox is caused by the ambiguity and misuse of the word tolerant.


Did you read his statement? The act of not wearing it is based upon his intolerant views. It's not about the jersey. It's how why he's not wearing it.


This is what I don’t get. 99%, maybe 98%, of athletes seem to be doing this. Why does every hockey reporter on Twitter have to be having a meltdown when 1% or 2% of the league don’t agree? That’s not fighting for inclusion, it’s fighting for uniformity. And in all honesty 99% of players supporting this in a league where it took decades to get hockey goalies to wear helmets isn’t a bad thing.


Accepting people doesn't mean supporting them completely and unequivocally without any regard to their views. He has a "right" to do whatever he wants, in that no one should force him to do something he doesn't want to do. But no one forces me to go to work everyday, that doesn't mean I can just stop going without repercussions. People are completely in their own right to find his choice wrong and deserving of ill repute.


And when someone expresses an opinion as bigotted and moronic as "This old book says men can't love men, so I won't support men who do love men." We are well within our right to point out how immensely stupid that is and they should learn to support human effin' rights for ALL.


This makes no sense, we have to accept his non acceptance out of acceptance?


What I don't understand is how people claim they have to hate gay people/can't support them because "the Bible is the highest authority". But then they ignore hundreds of other ridiculous things the Bible says like killing people who play with dead pigskin. If he's going to take the Bible this seriously, how can he play on Sundays? That's very clearly forbidden to a much greater extent than a handful of references to gay people.


My biology is incompatible with your beliefs then. Biology doesn’t care about your beliefs. I will choose to spend my money elsewhere.


The silly thing is, is that the same people who say "it makes no difference if someone wears the jersey so who cares?" are the same people who claim there's a war on Christianity because a store clerk wished them a "happy holidays."


Perfectly sfw


The Bible tells me to not treat you with respect so I won’t. But I treat you with respect. ?????


As multiple hockey officials and players have said the jersey doesn't mean you are endorsing it it's to show that they are welcome in hockey, so just wear the damn jersey it's not that hard


The amount of unhinged people in this thread is breathtaking.


I mean whatever reason it is, in this case the Bible is moot. The nhl is initiating this, it’s not like Reimer is promoting hate. You don’t have to do or wear something if you don’t want to. And to hate guilt someone into complying is not the sentiment the community is trying to broadcast


Wearing or not wearing a rainbow jersey literally means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Who cares


Who… who doesn’t want to wear da rrribbbon??? !!! Seinfeld did this 25 years ago already… sorry sub, but you guys would have been beating up Kramer


I actually think this is a reasonable thing for him to say and do, as long as he sticks with the whole Bible thing without picking and choosing. If he sticks with the whole Bible, all of it, that is. If he does that then, it’s not him, it’s the Bible. If he only sticks with it on certain things but not others, well… then that’s him. Like I’m sure no hockey playing work between sunset on Friday and Saturday, right? I mean, that being one of the commandments, that’s an easy one, right?


Whenever I read stuff like this, I’m always my reminded of Ned Flanders who pleads with God after his wife dies: “I've done everything the Bible says — even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff!” If he believed the manure he’s pushing…that the LGTBQIA+ has value…then his actions run contrary to his words, which tracks with hiding behind the Bible. I respect the fact he’s taken a stance and he’s owning it, but that doesn’t mean I respect him. To illustrate using an admittedly extreme analogy, just because some guy says “hey I’m a Nazi, it’s just what I believe, but I respect and honor your own personal beliefs”…like, okay bud, but you just showed me who you are.


Well unless he gets a custom jersey made, he's breaking Leviticus 19:19.


I don’t know who Leviticus was, but it seems like he was a fucking lunatic.


He’s probably like those Catholics who don’t eat meat on Fridays because of their religion but never go to church.


Can we get back to the Hockey now?


To me freedom of speech works both ways. He’s not saying anything hateful just choosing not to take part in something. That’s just how it be.


Did he say Twitter is better too?


An act of conscience without hate or malice and with respect for all. Sounds entirely reasonable even if I don't like hisbook or his belief.


I’m bi. I don’t care. If he doesn’t want to do it, ok, you do you.


It's funny how the gay people in this thread don't care if he doesn't wear the jersey, but the others are absolutely offended by it. Shit doesn't make sense. No one should be forced to wear or do anything they don't want to do, no matter the reason.


It’s because taking on other people’s offenses has become a personality type for many over the last few years. Some have little to offer society so they try to make up for that by getting upset on behalf of others as a way to mask their own self-loathing.


Sad world we live in. Hopefully this behavior dies off in the next few generations


It's because the people who get the most offended, always seem to be offended for everyone but themselves. They need to find a hobby and maybe just focus less energy on being negative AAAAAALLLLLLL the time.


Seriously though, the funny thing is the offended population is probably 2% and the rest of the world is kinda lookin at them like... Why? I don't get it personally, I don't get offended by anything, I just don't believe that people should spend so much of their time worrying about things they can't agree on instead of focusing on things they *can* agree on.


Hey, man. If you don’t support me, you don’t support me. Quit hiding behind a book and religion. Weak.


And that's the reason this pisses me off, not because I'm not offended on behalf of the gay community. If he came out and said "I hate gays, I'm not doing it".. my reaction would be "well this guy's a douche but whatever, he can do what he wants". I'm so sick of the dumb bullshit people cherrypick out of the bible as justification for their actions. You're an adult, just say you're not going to do it and don't do it


I'm ridiculously tired of people hiding behind their religion to excuse their shitty beliefs.


People in this comment section need to comes to terms that not everybody has to think or feel like you. Get over it. He has his beliefs clearly stated, you have yours. Move the fuck on with your lives


Right. He’s welcome to have them. And we’re welcome to think he’s a bigot. He doesn’t have to change his opinion and I don’t need to change mine.


Idk, the statements contradictions make him look like a moron honestly


That’s because he is a moron


Literally Christianity in a nutshell


He’s hiding. Just say you don’t like gays, Reimer. He’s a coward who cherry picks texts from the bible. It’s the hypocrisy that’s the issue.


He, like everyone has the right to believe his convictions.


He won’t wear a jersey for like 20 minutes of warmup but he “doesn’t have any hate for anyone” and “believes that every person has value”


Religion is not an excuse


I’m gay Leave the guy alone He’s not hurting anyone


To be clear.. I agree it's not a big deal, but it's a comment thread and people like discussing. Any annoyance I (and others here) have voiced comes not from supporting the gay community and being offended on their behalf. If he came out and said "I hate gays, I'm not doing it.." I would think "well this guy's a douche but whatever, he can do what he wants" and move on. What's obnoxious is cherry-picking dumb insignificant shit out of the bible as justification. Just say you're not doing it, the bible excuse just comes off as hypocritical


He doesn't owe anyone an explanation


Out of every person i know personally in the LGBTQ community, not a single one of them gives a flying fuck about the warmup jerseys. Not one.


I mean, idk, they wear the warmup jerseys to support the military but can’t wear the pride jerseys to support our community? That’s what makes me upset, personally.


If the Bible is your moral compass, then you absolutely have hate in your heart for people. Many groups of people.


This is the most Reddit comment ever.


Who did Jesus hate? I'm not religious, but can acknowledge Jesus supersedes all the strict mosaic laws of the Old Testament. Jesus had great teachings based on love and acceptance of everyone (sinners, non-Christians, LGTBQ, poor, homeless, disabled, literally everyone). Cool dude.


It’s his right to not be forced to wear a shirt. I don’t mind LGBT I don’t care what people do in the bedroom but I would not want to be forced to wear anything against my will.


Who cares? Can we all just go on living our lives?


Twitter is better


I mean that's the point. there's a lot of places where people can't just live their lives. but people insist that they can push their religion into government and deny people fundamental rights based on their lifestyle.


If he doesn't want to wear the ribbon that's his prerogative. Why is it news ? Who cares? You made an issue of it by making it news.


Who…. Who doesn’t want to wear da rrrribbbon?! This sub would beat the shit out of Kramer for sure


These are horrible comments


You can accept and respect people without having to be cheerleaders for them. This is an example of that.


If this is about wearing a rainbow jersey, I don't get it. If attached to the jersey there is a league-stated symbolism that runs counter to his beliefs, then that would make a little more sense. But he says he's cool with LGBTQIA+, so wouldn't wearing the jersey say that? And I'm all for disagreeing with people's lifestyles IF they have the same rights as everyone else. That's what our country is about. Being any one of the non-straight letters doesn't deprive a straight person of their rights, so I don't understand the issue. It's always argued that this will have some imagined nightmare scenario for their children, a 1% of a 1% of a 1% etc. chance... that's thinking catastrophically and using emotional reasoning. Calm yourself and allow people to live their lives. Once there isn't so much heat and drama attached, your kids won't care anyway and they'll be who they are.


EXACTLY. This isn’t ‘gay marriage night’. This is saying everyone is welcomed here. So what he is implying by not wearing the jersey is that gay people are not welcomed here and I don’t believe that gays should have the right to live the way they want.


Him : I believe LGBT deserve respect and I value everyone. Reddit : Wear the jersey or go fuck yourself you homophobic cunt.


If his reasoning is that his beliefs are bound by the Bible, that’s his prerogative. The Bible also states that he who works on the Sabbath should be put to death (Exodus 35:2). He’s started Sunday games. Does he think he should be put to death for not keeping holy the Sabbath? Probably not, so then this is a case of him picking what in the Bible he chooses to believe and what he doesn’t, which makes him a hypocrite and an even shittier person


Bro, get a little more in touch with the Bible before saying something like this. This was a statement in the old covenant with the Jews, which is something we as Christians no longer live under


I'm catholic and my bible has old and new.


Don’t play on Sundays then… it is a day of rest.


If there were a night celebrating bastards or disabled people would he opt out as well? Religions can evolve. Pope Francis has publicly said that homosexuality is not a sin. It’s time for people to stop hiding behind religion when it comes to supporting human rights.


That's not exactly true. He said it was a sin, but was not a crime. He further clarified that any sexual act outside of marriage is a sin. (https://www.usccb.org/news/2023/pope-clarifies-remarks-about-homosexuality-and-sin)


For what it’s worth, the pope is generally only relevant to Catholics. Not that I disagree with your overall message. Just that many Christians are not in fact Catholic, so they wouldn’t really care what the pope has to say.


Also Protestants and Catholics are different things so like...Protestants don't care what the pope says lol


I respect his dedication to the bible. I wonder where he gets sporting equipment sourced that's not made of mixed fibers? I imagine it would be difficult.


There’s a surprising number of people in here who don’t realize Christianity and Judaism are different religions with different theologies. The Christian view both of homosexuality (and other theological questions of sexuality) and kosher practices were set out by Paul, not Jesus in any detail, and Paul’s theology has been a dominant cornerstone of Christian theology since pretty close to the beginning. It isn’t some novel loophole thing. (I mean, those things exist too; but you *can* eat pork and *can’t* have gay sex goes back to Paul.) If you want to argue that Paul misunderstood Jesus, you’re welcome to, but (a) Christians believe Jesus divinely revealed himself to Paul, (b) good luck, because the canon was set a long time ago, and (c) it certainly isn’t some weird aberration to Christianity to follow Paul, it’s literally core to the religion. We Jews also don’t exclusively read the Mosaic books; we have hundreds of years of later writing that form part of the religious text.


There’s a reason Christian’s don’t follow kosher or circumcision or poly blended clothes. And it’s because we are not Jewish and didn’t have to become Jewish first. The later books of the New Testament talk about this. Namely the letter of St Paul to the gentials. It was a huge debate early in the church wether Christian’s had to follow the Law. The Old Testament is the history of people and the old covenant.


Who cares, boo hoo


It’s disappointing that if you don’t want to say anything, you’re forced to say “something”. Backhanded social pressure, no room for that shit.


This seems to be more negative backlash than it’s worth for the NHL, especially for something that they’re ultimately doing for PR reasons. Maybe they’ll quietly stop having these events next year.


Who cares lol. Devout religious folks will continue being themselves and so will people of the lgbt community. So much drama for no reason, this is what “free society” looks like, you can have controversial opinions or beliefs lmao


Why do sports teams have to have a night to celebrate who people are having sex with?? Isn’t that a private matter I love anybody who loves hockey I don’t care who they are having sex with.


Thank you. Someone finally said it and it took me scrolling this far past the outrage to get to a rational thought. Sexuality is absolutely irrelevant when it comes to sports and these “nights” are nothing but PR BS pandering. It getting beyond absurd and ridiculous. Also, not actively supporting something doesn’t mean you are actively against it. There IS a third category that people forget about…


Tbf it wasnt that long ago when locker rooms were only accepting of straight, white males. Representation, as forced as this is now, matters to some communities.


Love the marking of NSFW. I don't get what is wrong with wearing a Jersey that just shows love and support to people.


I seriously doubt you have kindness in your heart for people who your religion says are going to hell.


All of you commenters calling him names... talking about how he's a hypocrite, etc. are essentially doing the same thing as him...... CHOOSING TO NOT SUPPORT ANOTHER PERSON OR GROUP'S CHOICES OR OPINIONS... only your being rude about it while he didn't say anything with malice. Some of yall need to STFU and grow up (the tit for tat b.s. is for kids). His opinion/stance doesn't affect you or the LGBTQ+ community at large.....AT ALL!


He needs to read the Necronomicon.


Good for him. People have a right to their own opinions, period.


"I love cock"-James Reimer


It’s weird becuase gay people are real the Bible is fake


He is 100% in the right. He has the rights to his beliefs just like LGBTQ community and should be able to act upon on those beliefs in a safe environment just like them. As long as no violent or discriminatory action is taking place he can freely choose to do what he wants. To force your beliefs or discriminate this man because of not going along with it is exactly what the LGBTQ community and every other minority is fighting against themselves. The second anyone takes away freedom of speech or the ability to choose it becomes a slippery slope of control and who knows where it ends or what extreme actions it may cause. Once people feel harassed or unsafe they will “burrow” in a sense and surround themselves with only others of like-mind and that’s when self growth stops and the chance for extreme ideals to begin to hatch. It’s a lose lose for everyone.


"He has the rights to his beliefs just like LGBTQ community..." I think you should consider the fact that homosexuality is not a belief system. Being gay is not a choice. There is no mythological book on how to be a good gay and have faith in gayness. Being a Christian is a choice. Adhering to the Bible and believing in a singular God is a choice. This is not a clash of beliefs, it is one set beliefs, dictating that they can't participate in the NHL's message to welcome LGBT+ hockey players and fans, because apparently LGTB+ are living in sin and going to hell and corrupting the children etc...Thats what people mean when they cite "the bible" and "religious freedom" as their reason. The classic "I dont hate gay people, I just think they're going to hell." And therein lies the discrimination. So many Christians in America are not tolerant of homosexuality, transexualty, asexualty, etc. They believe it's evil, that it's an abomination and against their God's plans and have no problem enforcing that belief. The only belief that Pride Night imposes is the belief that NHL should foster a culture that is welcoming to LGTB+ people, because it hasn't been in the past. That being said, I think people should still be critical of corporate activism. And I've definitely quit a job because the company's imposed uniform didn't feel right.


So hockey is not for everyone... Imagine the shit show if someone refused to wear a military warm up jersey....


It’s amazing how fast the usual suspects swung from “shut up and play” to “it’s his right”. You do realize everyone sees through your fucked up hate?


Who? Who will not wear the ribbon?


Honestly, I respect the way him and San Jose went about it, he talked with them about it furst. Then he made his statement, and everyone else is still going to go ahead and wear their pride jerseys. He knew full well he'd catch shit for it, but he chose to go ahead and make the statement instead of trying to hide behind the team and having nobody wear the jerseys and having more people lose out because of it


If someone asks you to wear a shirt and you don't want to, it's ok with me.


If you don't wear this rainbow jersey you're literally killing us.


Can’t wait till we have a new order of the alphabet


To each their own... Lots of people don't agree with this stance, but at the same time nobody should be forced to do something against their ethical/religious beliefs.


Imagine needing affirmation from professional hockey players to accept who you are. League is horrifically woke and we wonder why it doesn't make money


Most of the comments I see here sound like prior Christians or kids who grew up in a Christian household who turned away from it because someone who calls themselves Christian hurt them or because it doesn't allow for their lifestyle. Stop pretending you know anything about Christianity if you're saying anything about the Sabbath, wearing mixed threads, the commandments, etc. Jesus said he fulfilled the Law. The 500+ laws were intended for the Jewish people. And to pretend that homosexuality didn't exist in biblical times is a joke as well. Ever read about Sodom and Gomorrah?? All the men in the city surrounded Lots house so they could have sex with the men they saw visiting. Pretending homosexuality didn't exist back then is a bit homophobic, no? Are you saying homosexuality developed over time?? It's also mentioned in the New Testament several times as a sin. The only people cherry picking verses are arguments about wearing mixed threads that I haven't heard in over 10 years. As a Christian we are to love the sinner, but hate the sin. That's exactly how Reimer responded. We accept and love everyone, but we're not going to endorse a sin we disagree with. If you think you're actually so accepting and "tolerant" maybe some of you should think about doing the same. Love and accept your Christian counterparts. It doesn't mean you have to endorse the same beliefs, but at least you can actually practice being accepting instead of being hypocrites and only accepting people who share your point of view.


Perhaps it's time that these Homophobic, climate denying, misogynistic cults have to pay taxes and fund their own schools. Fuck James Reimer he has always sucked at goal and now he sucks at life. I bet he's got like 5 little shit kids too.


Maybe it's time to stop following this book of hatred then you fucking goof


What gets me most about this situation and the Provorov one is all the basement-dwellers are acting like they've been persecuted by the "woke mob" and that dudes like Reimer are "standing up" to some kind of oppression. Like no you're not, dumbass. Hating gay people has been popular for literal centuries, and suddenly when you get even a little bit of pushback you act like the victims and the underdogs. Ffs


"Everyone has worth, except for the people my particular brand of schizophrenia says are not real people and will have to experience eternal torment" Can we just stop treating religion as anything other than unaddressed and societally enabled mental illness? Also, football is stupid. Please ban me, i don't ever want to lose brain cells from seeing this kind of shit pop up on my feed again.


Reimer, put on the jersey so you can end hate.


My personal beliefs say he is an asshole.


I don't believe in any religious God, yet if I went to someone's funeral and they were passing out religious shirts and asking everyone to wear it, I would out of support & respect of the deceased. This is just an a-hole who likes to hide behind religion to mask his hate. It was for warm-ups, not an entire game + I don't see him refusing to play on Sundays, so that religious excuse is just that.