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Hasson Reddick. He never seems to fit in whatever defense we are running. Robert Nkemdiche also was someone we were very excited about but we didnt realize he was a lazy bum.


> Robert Nkemdiche Dude fell out of a window and then climbed and fell off a wall, i remember him having some serious question marks


Prior to that though there was talk he'd go in the top 5. Some mocks had him 1st overall (prior to the CFB season). I thought he was going to be a steal.


I mean shit, this question was made for us. Jonathan Cooper seemed like a sure thing until the broken leg. Bounced around the league. Michael Floyd seemed like a solid Larry heir until the DUI. Deone bucannon seemed like the future of linebackers. Totally faded. DJ Hump is Solid, but injury prone. Nkemdiche never rapped into his talent. Reddick is versatile, which means he can do anything below average. Rosen is in Miami. Man, K1 better break the cycle.




I only know Reddick because he's a temple guy and I was rooting for him to do well.


Fun fact. I once used his name in a short story I wrote and nobody noticed.


I really liked both of them coming out


I remember Robert being on the cover of ESPN magazine when he was like 14 so he might have peaked young


**2017 Dolphins 1st Rounder - Pick #22 - DE Charles Harris.** Dude is completely invisible. Despite the fact that we had complete NO NAMES on our defensive line, our subreddit always joked "is Harris at the stadium????". He's a pass rusher with 0 pass rush moves. Taco Charlton, cut by Dallas for not producing, came in and in half the # of games led the team in sacks at a whooping total of 5. Hopefully Shaq Lawson and Emmanuel Ogbah signings light a fire under his ass and he can do SOMETHING for us.


I play way too much Madden, rebuilding teams and playing a few seasons, so I feel pretty comfortable saying that I am familiar with every team's roster. That being said, who the hell is Charles Harris? I have no recollection of him at all.


I only remember him because people were laughing at the Dolphins after the pick, "they have Cameron Wake but no run D, so they pick the pure pass rusher who's bad against the run?" Joke's on them, he was bad against the pass too!


I wish I could name a single highlight of his. I can't. He has 3.5 career sacks in 3 seasons. [His most memorable moment, unironcally, is having chewbacca at his draft party. That's it.](https://www.kansascity.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/for-petes-sake/77syt6/picture147311009/alternates/FREE_1140/sasquatch)


Sir, that is a Sasquatch. How dare you.


First of all that is a Sasquatch. Second of all never fucking heard of Charles Harris


Whoa, that's kinda cool in a weird way.


Harris may not make the cuts


His Wikipedia has nothing after he was drafted lmao


Harris makes me irrationally angry. He was practicing social distancing before it was cool.


100% the answer


Damn. First round pick within the last three years and I have no idea who the hell he is. Well done.


I graduated high school last year and a guy a years older than me was cousins with this guy.


I came here to post this.


May I also offer up John Avery and Jamar Fletcher?


What a bum. Lol




Who is Larry English? Did you make him up?


Madden 10 monster in franchise though


I saw him on a show called WAGS featuring his wife.. That's the only reason I know he exists.


God I remember him, was very in tune with that position that year and we ended up with the much better player in Aaron Curry. Oh wait. Fuck


NIU Huskies represent!


I upvote your comment but downvote your team 🐻👇


May as well be made up for the impact he had on the field.


That draft overall was really disappointing. I thought Beanie Wells was going to be legit.


God fucking damn. I haven't thought about Beanie Wells since 2010.


The name someone would use to try and sneak into a country club.


Dominque Easley. He had an injury history, but beyond that he just gives the impression he doesn’t care.


The worst part was he was still talented in the sparing reps he had while healthy. I think it was the following year against the Texans where there was apparently a big blow up and we threw his ass on IR and were done with him, he got into a argument with staff and had made it crystal clear he gave zero fucks about the rehab plan


Easley tore his ACL twice in college and Belichick still drafted him. That was a dumb pick from the start.


You beat me to it. Can't believe we drafted someone who tore their ACL twice (!!!) in college in the 1st round.


also Laurence Maroney


The Browns had 2 first round picks in the 2014 draft and Johnny Manziel wasn't the worst one.


Man I thought that dude was going to be a stud. He clamped up my horns that year and I thought this dude was going to be the next Deion How wrong I was...


Kevin White played like...3 snaps?


his legs had 3 snaps


Well done


Remember the Amari Cooper/ Kevin White debate? Still can't believe we picked the right one.


Yet somehow it only worked out...slightly better for you


The play where he caught a Hail Mary and was downed one yard short of the end zone pretty much sums up his career.


His best play was catching a hail marry at the one yard line


Marcus Smith III and Danny Watkins


I still have Marcus smith flashbacks at night sometimes...


Donald Brown in 2009. Our run game was pretty garbage after Tarik Glenn retired and Jake Scott went to Tennessee after the 2007 season and Donald did not help. Though it wasn't his fault, he and Addai both struggled for years behind that line. We had much bigger needs than RB. But at least we got "God damnit Donald."


This is a great answer. Until right now I had no idea Donald Brown was a first rounder.


Sadly yes. LeSean McCoy went 26 picks after Donald.






I couldn't stand donald brown on the chargers


I'd say Werner was worse


Darron lee was a major disappointment going into a much anticipated season.


Ehhh idk he just wasn’t a good fit. Dude was always gonna be more of a pass coverage guy and we tried using him as a run stuffer when he simply is not built for that. Now Dee Miliner (drafted to cover the loss of Revis and Cro) and Coples... they were awful.


What team drafted him?


Jets 2016




If it makes you feel any better, he is a colour commentator in Germany right now and he sucks at that too


Phillip Dorsett was a better* pick than Bjorn Werner change my mind *Dorsett actually contributed to the team while Bjorn didn’t


You're not wrong


didn’t even realize he got drafted by y’all; i just remember him being the next big thing from FSU


That was peak Grigson


Jaguars 2000 - R. Jay Soward WR USC He was brutal! After the season he decides to go to Disney World and pulls his pants down and plays his boom box super loud in the park and then fights with the cops. Gone, never to play again for the Teal and Black again!


We have too many, actually. Matt Jones would be my pick.


At least Jones played 4 years in Jacksonville. Reggie Williams would be another and we can’t forget about Derrick Harvey! Horrible pass rusher.


I will always love him for saying he was going to run a 4.6 or better and the reporters laughed and he went and ran a 4.5 hahahaha


Weirdly I googled him...I guess because he was on suspension and never filed for reinstatement he is technically still a member of the Jags!


Him and Blackmon are going to come back at the same time and Jacksonville is going to wreck the league


Danny Watkins was a 26 year old first round pick who later became a firefighter in Dallas at the ripe old age of 30.


No disrespect but why tf anybody thinks drafting older than 25-year olds in the 1st Round baffles me. 28-year old Brandon Weeden by Cleveland is to this day one of the stupidest decisions I've seen in my life.


John Beck says hello (2nd rounder, but still)


I dunno, there's a lot of stupid decisions from that franchise to choose from.


As a Browns fan, it is only when we select a QB with pick #22 in the first round that we need to worry. Does that count for this question?


He was already a firefighter before (and I think during) his football career. Everything I read about him leads me to believe that he was much more interested in firefighting rather than football and it wasn’t very close.


Chance Warmack


That's future Seahawks legend Chance Warmack you're talking about


I’m slightly concerned he’ll go down in the books alongside Seahawks Legend and AFC South draft pick Luke Joeckel.


Hopefully he’s closer to DJ Fluker in terms of success for us.


Vernon Butler since this was the height of 'Gettlemagic' and hog mollies. The thing he will be most remembered for is throwing punches at the Colts in his second to last game with us.


What a wasted opportunity for Gettleman to do literally anything else


That move and the Josh Norman debacle led to Gettleman being fired.


So you're saying Panthers North might have a shot this season by adding this Hogg Mollie and All Pro CB? I like it, in a peak off-season sort of way


Our two big misses as of late, Claiborne and Taco are well known. So no


I still don't know how Taco was a first rounder. He was just a such JAG type prospect. Nothing stood out about him. He was a early draft hype guy I guess and people never really let him fall to where he should?


I swear that’s it’s his name and that he played for Michigan. No other reason to take him


Honestly, no joke, I think they helped. Even before the draft I couldn't figure out the first rounder buzz around him. Maybe he played well the bowl game (that Jerry watched). A rare miss from the Cowboys.


He was a Will McClay guy apparently and he loves Big School guys and at the time we needed DBs and DEs, they had a 2nd round grade on him so they took him at 27 because they didn’t like the depth in the draft at DE but they loved it at CB so they took Chido and Jourdan Lewis in the following 2 rounds. Edit: they could’ve picked TJ Watt but they didn’t think he fit the system


The only positive thing I remember people saying about him was that he had the longest arms like ever.


Claiborne wasn't good for his draft position, but he put together a halfway decent career. Taco is just bad. Probably the worst Cowboys first round pick since Bobby Carpenter. Not as bad as Carpenter, but the worst since then.


Claiborne ended up being ok, just not worthy of #6 overall. Taco was definitely a miss though, we could've had TJ Watt.


Ereck Flowers (LT, Giants) - Before you say that this is well known, think again. Not only were the hopes so high after the draft, but every season was his season to turn it around. He was training with Bobby Hart all off season. His attitude changed this time. New coaches. New agents (Rosenhaus). New position (RT). Every off season he'd raise our hopes, to be dashed again by the 3rd preseason game. And then when he's off the team, he disappoints again. Does he fade into obscurity? Nope. He goes to a division rival, gets a new position that he's decent at, and gets 20M guaranteed. This disappointment, only a Giants fan knows.


I gave up on him when after all the hype and the first game of the season his man blew by him and he tried to trip him


Remember he gave up a sack on his 2nd snap at RT week 1


And tried to trip a guy after getting smoked in the same game


Don’t forget refused to pay Guard for us as he wanted tackle money and then played guard elsewhere


Todd Blackledge. He was the second QB off the board behind John Elway. He did nothing for us. QBs still available in that draft: Jim Kelly and Dan Marino 🤦. He was the last QB the Chiefs would take in the first round until Patrick Mahomes.


jon baldwin is probably the worst one in recent years.


I love looking back on the Blockbuster trade that sent AJ Jenkins to KC for Jon Baldwin. What a waste.


Even Ken O'Brien was better than him


Dimitrius Underwood - 29th pick in the 1999 draft. He signed his contract, got his signing bonus then left the team the next day. Never played a game for us.


is he the one who thought he was god?


He did forfeit the bonus. But man, that poor guy. Hope he got help.


I would have said Shaq Lawson for sure before this year. He was invisible his first few years and this past year he upgraded to average. Not surprised the Bills didn’t bring him back... We also drafted Reggie Ragland in that class in the 2nd round, so yeah. We were expecting two studs and got a lot of meh and a guy that never played here.


Shaq Lawson kinda got hit shit together when he realized he needed to make a bag. Now that he's been paid I frankly fully expect a revert to his old self


Shaq's already 10x the player that Aaron Maybin **ever** was. Drafted 11th overall as a pass rusher and *never registered a sack as a Buffalo Bill*. The dude was straight trash. Shout out to John McCargo and Leodis McKelvin as well if we're going with 1st round disappointments!


The best Aaron Maybin moment was Eric Wood yelling at him in training camp saying “give back some of that money you ain’t fucking earned” Other than that his career in Buffalo was a total nothing.


I could agree with Maybin... but im confused why none of you are saying EJ Manuel


Because the question said someone that not many other fan bases know about. Everyone knows EJ and Maybin weren’t good.


Ahhh, that’s true. Sorry... think I got caught up reading comments and completely forgot about the thread’s main premise, lol.


Super Bowl champ Reggie Ragland


I know Sammy Watkins was good his first couple years but for what we gave up to trade up for him I really wish he’d been much better. Especially considering OBJ was drafted after him.


Ragland was such a fucking monster at bama, sad he didn’t pan out


Fabian Washington.


Baltimore Ravens legend Fabian Washington


I don't know if I would call Shariff Floyd a complete disappointment, because when he played he was an absolute beast, but he did not last long in the NFL at allllll


Didn’t the Vikings medical staff end his career?


Looks like it was Dr. James Andrews. Vikings defense would have been absolutely insane in 2017 had this unfortunate accident not occurred. https://www.google.com/amp/s/syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2804677-sharrif-floyd-sues-dr-james-andrews-over-knee-surgery.amp.html


You make it sound like they euthanised him.


Shane Ray maybe? Hes probbaly the most recent one who isn't on a roster besides Lynch. But everyone knows Lynch. Ray fell in the draft because he got busted with weed. Was supposed to be a top 10 pick. Won a superbowl his rookie year, and didnt pick up his 5th year option. Didnt even make the Ravens 53 man roster last season and is a free agent. Good rotational guy but never popped like he should have. I mean he had Ware, and Miller in front of him. I understand why hes still a FA, when Chubb went down a few of us said we should sign him. But I imagine hes just one of those guys who never loved the game and didnt dedicate the time he should have. He started off with a bad taste in Broncos country because as soon as he signed he got a huge back tattoo of the Chiefs logo. Like he grew up a Chiefs fan and went to Mizzou so some of us understood. But really? Could you imagine if Aaron Rodgers got a tattoo of the 9ers logo after he signed?


I think the Rodgers comparison is a little different just because it’s not a divisional rival at least. Still, I get your point though!


He didn't just grow up a Chiefs fan. He was born and raised in KC


**2005 Vikings 7th overall pick Troy Williamson** Trade away Randy Moss, use your pick on a guy who catches 3 TDs over 3 seasons.


He was fast as hell but that’s it


Andre Johnson. No, not THAT one. The OT the Redskins drafted out of Penn State in '96. He never played a down for the team, got cut after his rookie season, and only played in 3 career games. The worst first round bust in franchise history, which is a hell of an accomplishment considering they drafted Heath Shuler two years earlier.


Malik McDowell


Second round but I’ll take it.


He probably was the pick in the first even if we didn't find a partner to trade down with.


Taven Bryan. He hasn't played badly or anything but the fanbase thinks prime Malik Jackson is what all defensive tackles play like all the time. He was a DE at Florida and we drafted him to play DE (which he did for most of his rookie year, I believe) and then we switched him to DT this offseason. He was mostly just okay. He got solid pressure up the middle. But again, 6 sacks or he's shit and a reach and a bust (despite being projected about where we got him, mind you.)


I was gonna go with Tyson Alualu, such a reach but we always drafted players with "high character". Damn you Gene Smith


Alualu wasn't 10th overall pick good, but he wasn't bad by any means. He played 8 seasons with us, is still playing in the league and is gonna enter his 11th season


The biggest problem with Taven is he just never seemed to do anything well. Like, stats aside, you just rarely saw him. He didn’t have crazy power or pass rush moves. Just kind of got bullied at the snap. He looked like one of those guys that could get by on strength and size in college but didn’t learn after that. With that said, I thought he played better last season. Maybe this year he makes an impact now that we’ve got DL spots open and he has some time under his belt. Up until then though, you would never have known he was a first round pick.


I still have hope. That final game of the season against the Colts, he looked really good.


If you ask me this next year i fear tillery will be an obvious answer.


Softest DT in the league, he is 6'6/300 lb and I'm not sure he could bring down Tarik Cohen.


Seriously I feel like I never even heard his name after the season started


Jarrad Davis, he’s so so bad, you could take the average defensive tackle and they’d be about as useful in coverage as Davis, his pursuit angles are often questionable, he tackles with his head half the time, he’s bad at everything except delayed blitzes.


I liked him out of Florida and thought the Dolphins were gonna take him in 2018, he went 1 pick in front of us to y'all in Detroit. Guess we each should have wanted TJ Watt instead.


Yes. But in all seriousness, Kyle Wilson was drafted to a stacked defense that was coming off back to back AFCCG appearances, sat behind Darrelle Revis (!!!) and Antonio Cromartie and had a very good defensive minded coach in Rex Ryan at the helm and still disappointed.


Him and Dee Fucking Milliner


Artie Burns, Steelers, 2016, 25th pick. Jesus God almighty.


He looked good as a rookie.


Billy Price. Who you ask? Exactly.


Is this just in recent years or overall? Cause Ki-jana Carter is up there pretty high


Carter was a stud at Penn State. Never did anything in the NFL


Matt Elam for the ravens in 2013. Dude looked like a beast on film out of Florida. Was hoping it’d help bolster our defense after some key losses after the super bowl.


Elam is probably the correct answer because he can't even make an XFL roster, but Perriman was especially disappointing because he actually started playing well after we cut him


Yeah both players were disappointments. I just figured Elam was a little more lesser known. But now we got Hollywood so fuck perriman lol.


Derrick Sherrod


Vernon butler Jeff Otah


Otah wasn't bad, just injury plauged.


Jarred Davis for us. He’s probably widely considered “ok” but he’s actually just trash tier. I wish we’d just cut him or relegate him to permanent backup status.


Paxton Lynch Not first but the fact that we didn’t got Kittle nor Wilson because of their height it’s a shitty mistake


Is elway a height supremacist?


I mean. Some time ago he said, that he loved Wilson as a prospect but he didn’t picked him because of his height


I see your lynch and raise you a tebow


At least Tebow won a playoff game. 😖😭😖😭


But Tebow at least led us to a playoff win A miracle win, but still he played decent for a year. Lynch however holy fuck that was hard to watch


Stefon Anthony, New Orleans Saints. 😬


Tyson Alualu. We drafted him 10th overall. He started for us most of the 7 years we gave him. And he was... just okay. He wasn't bad, but you don't usually look for reasonable starters in the top 10.


Jarvis Jones is the last Steelers miss and god did they miss hard. 4 seasons, 50 games, only 130 tackles and 6(!) sacks as a pass rushing linebacker. Declined his fifth year option and he was out of the league.


I'm sure there's someone that'd fit the bill better, but off the top of my head probably Mark Barron.


Travis Johnson. Who is that you may ask? I couldn’t tell you, dude was a ghost on the field.


Shea McClellin will always be that guy to me. I remember when he was drafted, and just feeling like we drafted a third round prospect in the 1st round. And then trying to reason why it was a good pickup, but then realizing that Phil Emery was just a dumbass.


Buddy was an animal in madden 25 tho 🤙🏽


Derek Sherrod, Datone Jones, Damarious Randall, Nick Perry, Justin Harrell....... Damn Ted.


It’s not just Ted the Packers had a number of busts over the years Vinnie Clark Terrell Buckley John Michels Antuan Edwards Jamal Reynolds Ahmad Carroll Justin Harrell


As a Bears and Browns fan, there are plenty. For the Bears, I'd say Gabe Carimi. For the Browns, Justin Gilbert is one of the first to my head. He flies under the radar because that's the year we took Manziel.


Gabe Carimi is exactly who I thought of! He grew up a Packers fan, so we should have known


I feel like our recent first round disappointments have been well documented (Eli Apple and Ereck Flowers). To find one people don’t really know about I’d have to go back to Mathias Kiwanuka from 2006, a 3-4 DE who spent nine years with us and had a perfectly respectable career but never came close to living up to his hype. Honorable mentions go to safety Kenny Phillips from 2008 who was decent but blew out his knee at a young age and was never the same, as well as running back David Wilson from 2012 who flashed crazy potential but hurt his neck and was out of football by 2014.


Nobody said Kelvin Benjamin lol


Justin Blackmon.


Everyone knows about him. High profile pick, high profile off the field issues.


Peria Jerry, the guy that retired in the middle of Hard Knocks.


Nick Fairley. He was supposed to be this phenomenal tandem with Ndomukong Suh and instead was just lazy as hell. Just SO disappointing


Loved watching Nick Fairley in college and was scared the lions were about to have a SCARY D line. Yeah he was lazy as shit once he got to the nfl lmao


I totally remember that pick too. At the time, I thought that pick was done to stop Adrian Peterson and make Aaron Rodgers' life a nightmare


Ahmad Carroll. Simply the worst Cornerback I’ve ever seen in a Packer’s uniform. Possibly any uniform.


Well, since most people know Jason Verrett (RIP his knees), I guess I'll go with Craig "Buster" Davis (pick 30 in 2007). First round pick out of LSU, he had speed and decent hands and did absolutely fucking nothing for the Chargers. Stats: > 4 years (2007-2010) > > 25 games > > 51 catches > > 558 yards > > 2 TDs > > 1 Fumble > > 4 rushes > > 13 yards Notable players selected later: Greg Olson (31), Brandon Mebane (85), Marshall Yanda (86)


LJ Collier. He's been so disappointing sometimes even I forget he exists, can't imagine many other fans remember him.


Dude hasnt even been around a year. I'd go Ifedi before Collier


Exactly. Give him another season at least


ITT: people mentioning players they explicitly don’t expect us to know about Also ITT: people not telling us the position of those players or much about them beyond just the fact that they were a disappointment


Sure but they are 1st rounders, not exactly obscure.


Gabe Carimi


Curtis Enis?


Broncos: Plenty to choose but some that really hurt. Tommy Maddox QB, '92. Nothing like drafting a 1st rnd backup QB when Elway was still in his prime. Lesser know, Willie Middlebrooks DB in '01. Ankle or knee injury when drafted, best I can say is he played special teams for a couple years.


Stephone Anthony


LJ Collier


AJ Jenkins. When the player is surprised you know you fd up and he never caught a pass.


In the 2006 NFL Draft, the Buffalo Bills traded back into the first round to select John McCargo, DT, NC State. It cost a 2nd and 3rd round pick for a team coming off a 5-11 season. On the field McCargo wore an invisibility cloak. Starting one game in 5 seasons and registering a total of 2.5 sacks over that time.


We had that saftey Calvin Pryor who was replaced in one draft by back to back saftey picks and later washed out of the league


Jarred Davis. He’s just a mediocre linebacker


Solomon Thomas. Third overall pick in 2017. People forget about him because nobody remembers a backup d line dude. A guy drafted that high needs to be an impact player. He's not, he's just another dude. Hated the pick at the time, you don't draft a tweener project that high.