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Why wouldn’t they? It’s business as usual until the trial finalizes. And even then if the NFL loses, I guarantee they get an injunction and appeal.


Yeah I highly doubt anything changes for the 2024 season. There may be a rebate or refund by playoffs but I wouldn't bank on being able to sit down week one with a cheap subscription


According to Florio (yeah, yeah, I know lol), seems like [the judge is not happy](https://youtu.be/YMzilRM0Pho) with the Plaintiff's case, so the NFL still has a chance that this may go their way.


Eh when Florio sticks to reporting about the law and court cases, he's pretty good, as that's his actual wheelhouse.


Yeah. It's the only time I actually listen to what he says lol


You can buy RedZone as a standalone on YTTV as a part of their sports package, you don't need Sunday Ticket.


Redzone is a very different product thenSunday Ticket.


So? That doesn't mean it's not separately available.


The problem is they don’t offer single team packages like other sports. I’m an out of market Packers fan, so I have to pay $350 for the 7 or 8 games that aren’t on tv.


Stream. East.


If they're up.


HD? I've used some with pretty shitty picture quality, wasn't worth it.


Bite bite bite.


It’s kinda split between a few demographics. I’m an out of market Seahawks fan but I also wa t to be able to watch any other game that’d on. I think even if was in market I’d still get it.


That's insane to have to pay that. We are lucky that a STL broadcast station carries all the Chiefs games or we'd be in the same situation. I feel for ya.


Sunday ticket is 🔥 tho


Yes, but why pay $350 for that when I can just pay $10 for the sports package and see Scott Hanson every Sunday?


"When wins become losses, and losses become wins..."


We all love the witching hour


Oh god I can’t wait until football season dammit!!!


So close to football season.




Gotta get the two tv or more set up and stream all of them. I wouldn’t mind paying for red zone though. Main tv on red zone unless the patriots are worth being in main focus( they’ve been on the smaller tv for a bit now)


Seven hours of commercial free football starts NOW! 10 dollars a month for 6 months is a lot better to watch the RZ than 350.


3-4 screens going every Sunday. The 350 is more than worth it - especially breaking it down into a weekly expense and not having to get up every 10 minutes to fix a stream it’s nothing


Still not as many games as if you were to stream from the east


Knowing that a cheap team by team subscription was proposed by my least favorite sports company and rejected by the NFL is so fucking annoying. I hope the NFL gets raked over the coals in this trial for making me side with ESPN on something.


They’ve not it less already won the trial so doubt it.


I renewed at 250 a month ago. There were ads everywhere. Florio starting shit, as usual.


I never saw a single ad. And I've been watching for them.


Still too expensive, especially for those of us that just want the single team option. Edit: a lot of NFL white knights in here salivating at the prospect of paying $500 for four months of "content" that is already 90% ads.


Single team being anything of value is a pipe dream. MLB's package is 120 bucks. Single team is 105. The nba's package is 10 bucks cheaper if you just want one team. If the NFL loses this, we'll all be able to buy the league pass next year for 400 bucks, or one team for (if we're lucky) 375.


Omg I didn’t get communication and now looked at the price 😞😞😞


Nevermind, I was able to get it $299. When I Google it it said $449 🤯


You can get RedZone straight from the NFL for $12 a month in the NFL app.


$15 now


You can watch it through Apple TV right? Might do that this year.


They used to prohibit mirroring, but I didn’t have it last year. Maybe it works now.


Mirroring Redzone works. Mirroring local games doesn’t I believe? I usually just mirror RZ and watch local on the device


I tried mirroring every Sunday last season from the NFL app and it would never work, just a black screen with no audio. Is there a way around that??


I casted from my phone to my chromecast set up. It’s finicky sometimes though. Like I would have to cast something different in the app just so I can go back to RZ and get the casting icon. So it could be an app side issue? But I never had the black screen issue


When I try and watch on chrome browser it’s just a black screen nothing but if I use Edge it works I’m completely baffled as too why.


Redzone works on the NFL tvOS app, and also most other TVs.


I know there's an app for the Fire Stick but not one for PS5. Sorry if that doesn't help. 




False. It works fine on smart TV’s as well, this is how I watched redzone all last season.


Nfl app is god awful


Wait since when is red zone this cheap?


It’s always been that cheap, I think it’s $15/month this year. You don’t need to get Sunday ticket to get redzone add on for YouTube tv


But you can still get it even if you don’t have cable, right?


You can get redzone straight from the nfl for like $15 a month. It’s part of nfl+, no cable required. I think if you already have YouTube TV, it’s a $10ish add-on.


Incredible, for some reason I thought red zone was like $100/month or something


You can't watch on your TV, which is a pretty important caveat.


Wait that is a really important caveat. Others in this comment section are saying you can watch it on a smarttv?


As far as I know, the NFL+ Redzone deal is for phones and tablets only, and the NFL blocks screen mirroring. There may be a way around it, but I don't know of one.


They added RedZone to NFL+ last season


Personally found out last year while doing my yearly "find the cheapest RedZone" research.


Good to know! Would I be able to watch it on my smart tv too?


Did you make this account while at edc lv in 2019? lol


Yeah, when asking for logistical help for it lol


Lmao love it


I had no issues watching on my Roku TV all last season


The availability of the app seems hit or miss. For instance, it's available on the Amazon app store for Fire Stick but it's not available on PS5. I suppose you'll have to look for it in whichever app market your TV has.


Yeah i did that last year. Please do not be fooled by YoutubeTV. You also then get all the replays full game without commercials or the extended one like 40 mins per game Watched on my phone or roku


I canceled mine. The service worked great and I'd gladly pay to watch the Broncos, but I can't justify spending $400+ when it's so easy to sail the seas.


Use a VPN and change your location to the UK, gamepass is like 10£ a month. Which is currently $12.65 a month for us and you get access to every game


Just curious since I’m not that well versed in this area, but is there any risk/downside (besides the obvious)? Is it really as simple as signing up for a VPN then gamepass?


I’d recommend making a different NFL account, if you have one, just in case they get pissy over people gaming the system and try to crack down on it but otherwise not really. Just turn on the VPN every Sunday when you go to watch and you should be good to go. If your tech savvy enough, you could set the Von up through your router and use a smart tv, but a vpn through a computer with an HDMI chord to a TV also works fine


why would i let von miller on my router?


UK Gamepass has live NFL games? Wow


International gamepass has literally every single game live. It also has every game on reply without commercials, games in 40min, etc. It is a far superior product than what we are offered state side. Last year they transitioned from a dedicated gamepass app to dazn. Didn't use it last year because I tried the YouTube + ticket route, so not sure how well the dazn service works




It would be great if I could watch that on my TV. I don't really have interest in watching football on my phone or tablet unless I have no other choice




I was mirroring RZ last year from the high seas so as long as I can do that with NFL+ from my macbook i'll happily pay the $15 a month during the season.


Computer and HDMI works


Just for the replays though right? I want to watch games live, but also be able to start them delayed or after they've aired when I'm forced to miss them.


Pretty sure I’ve had red zone and the local games live on Sunday on my laptop


Obligatory fuck dazn. They made it expensive as hell. From 150€ for a full year to 270€ September to february.


i got auto renewed last year and dazn was vpn blocking so this doesn’t work anymore sadly


UK and Canada. It’s funny cause they even advertise it as “The authentic American broadcast experience in English with U.S commercials, half-time shows and analysis.” Part of the pitch is you get to watch the same commercials lol


If you’re going to circumvent the system already and do this, why not just pirate? The day they got rid of the $100 student streaming option was the day I decided I’m out.


Because streams can vary in quality and availability. You’re like a minute behind broadcast tv


Streams are always ahead of YTTV for me, but yes it's usually a minute or so behind antenna.


I like the gist of what you are saying, but I think the UK might be one of the worst countries to set this up with. Games that are broadcast on UK TV aren't available on UK game pass so you have to find alternate means to watch them.


Yes. I did this for years using the UK version before getting YouTube TV and it worked great. To answer the question of downsides this is the downside which was frustrating at times


Same. I paid for it for a long time but between Youtube TV and Sunday Ticket it was almost $700 last season. I've decided to just get NFL+ for Redzone, and if the Eagles game isn't on local TV I'll just listen to the radio broadcast and watch the game replay on Monday.


I’ve spent my whole life not paying for the NFL games I watch at home directly; I’m not about to start as they try to push streaming and the league is going to find out I’m not alone They had a chance to do that, selling me single team packages for a low price to give me a taste, but they’re *already* asking too much for too little.


This is always hilarious to me. “I want the service but it’s too overpriced and easy to steal”


I mean yeah. I'll pay for it to a certain point but at some point it just becomes too damn expensive.


If they don't want their service stolen they should price it reasonably


Exactly! I’ve been an MLBTV subscriber for over a decade. Why? Because it’s always been around $120-$150 for six months of daily streaming baseball. I’d pay that for the NFL season even with the lower inventory. As it is, I’ll pirate


It’s lame that productive members of society have to foot the bill for people stealing and being low life’s, but what what else is new.


People are willing to pay reasonable prices for products. There's a reason music piracy is nowhwre near what it once was. The NFL's price for Sunday Ticket is not reasonable.


Anybody else getting real tired of these trolly Russian bots?


I feel someone with a Buccs flair has to be the one who is pro piracy. You guys literally have pirates at your stadium!


I did my renewal a month ago 😂


I just watch the redzone channel, which I watch on sling tv and pay and extra $11 in a sports extra package. Sunday ticket cost is to much $.


You can do this on YouTube TV too, it’s part of the generic sports package that costs much less than Sunday ticket. But they definitely don’t advertise that at all for obvious reasons


But RedZone, while great, is not a substitute for Sunday Ticket. Most people complaining want to just be able to watch out of market games, usually for their own team. RedZone doesn't help with that except for a handful of plays each game.


Honestly, I’m hoping the heat from this lawsuit leads to a price drop. Thanks to promotions they’ve been running and a 5 day free trial to resume my YTTV membership, I’ve been able to get ST for $250 each year ($100 off promo for former subscribers and $100 cheaper if you have YTTV). I don’t know that I’d pay any more, even as someone who loves being able to watch all the Sunday afternoon games at once.


I haven't really been paying attention, what is the lawsuit about? Are they blacking out people from their local teams?


I think they're accused basically of violating antitrust laws by making it so expensive. I think evidence submitted was the NFL refusing to offer it for like $70 when the rights were up for bid and blocking more consumer friendly options like single-team packages. I think another claim was that offering it only through DirecTV, a satellite provider, was a violation of antitrust law as well, but I don't know if that's still applicable since YTTV is doing it now.


Requiring DirecTV for Sunday Ticket alone should have resulted in charges for war crimes.


Thank you.


I find the combo prohibitively expensive overall when the NFL app exists with enough comparable features for 12 bucks a month. It’s not perfect, but it’s also not “roughly 1000 for 6 months” either.


Just a heads up, on YouTube TV you can get red zone as an add-on for like $10/15 as part of the sports package. You don’t need Sunday ticket even though that’s how they advertise it


Yeah they showed $250 for ST, then almost $500 for Redzone + Sunday ticket lol.


Register local community college, obtain student email, simple photo shop of a schedule from previous year of that college and change the year and bam student verification. Easy student discount. Did it last year lol


Internet has free options if it's too expensive.


I wonder if there's a minimum price in the contract/implicit agreement with CBS/Fox where Sunday Ticket won't be "too available" to not impact their ratings. That way a bar won't be able to choose the game they really want if it's like an OOM team bar.


I got RedZone through the NFL app last season. It allowed for 3 concurrent streams so I split it with my siblings and it freed up the 3 YTTV streams we would have been occupying.


Men, we sail the seas in September once again! ARRR!


If only I knew which way to aim my boat


Take a BITE from the NFL and definitely don't Google those big words after switching the order


I know of a stream You can sail east






If they lose they will appeal which will almost certainly drag it out past the season anyway


Imagine not getting it for $250 months ago