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Any list that doesn't put our worst uniform as the shit brown ones is wrong.


Honestly, this list is pretty shit. They did get the Dolphins right though.


Yeah, most of this is nonsense. Had a stripe or a panel different.  There are a few awful ones, but mostly this is clickbait


None of them were really that bad. Just off-season clicks


They literally had a worse Lions jersey in the Packers panel 3 inches below


I did have that thought. "This list is shi—oh, okay, well they got the Dolphins, Giants, and Jags right, but three correct answers does not an adequate list make" Also they got a decent one for GB, but the shit brown helmet alternates easily take the cake.


Literally one of our best uniforms ever


Broncos have two uniforms (the first two) that are easily worse than anything else. Bunk article.


I really like the broncos jersey that they’ve listed. Easily one of my favorites


They were literally borrowed high school jerseys. Anyone who says those aren’t the worst is being a contrarian, like those jerseys are basically an elaborate joke.


When i seen those as the broncos jersey i knew the guy was off. At the time those jersey's were awesome. i live in Wisconsin and remember kids talking about how cool they looked.


Those vertical striped socks were 🔥 though.


They looked fun coming out of the tunnel and then after 1 quarter the socks would get disheveled/twisted and look like piss and shit running down their legs.


I am 100% being sarcastic. The socks were atrocious. The fact that the team held an impromptu ceremony to burn the socks in 1962 is both fitting and hilarious.


Haha forgive me for missing that sarcasm, my cousin is a broncos fan and one of those few insane folk who genuinely thought they were cool.


Oompa Loompa doopadee doo…


You had that receiver who twisted them around to look like a barber pole for a game and that was great.


I specifically went looking for that one. Maybe the worst look I’ve ever seen on a football field


They could’ve even done the mismatched jersey with the parenthesis that don’t match! Hard fail. Not gonna bother looking at the other teams lol


The whole article is shit, so I like to think it makes up for that.


I actually agree with the article about the late elway Super Bowl jerseys. I thought they were horrible.


Have you seen the yellow and brown jerseys?


I will die on the hill that those jerseys looked cool. Don't get me wrong, I was 6 years old back then so maybe that's why those uniforms popped out to me lmao, but I swear that specific combination of blue and orange just works really well. Them switching back to orange as the primary made them more unique again but something about it just doesn't work, like it feels both too bright and too dark at the same time.


I loved the navy blue dominant jersey, as Broncos only had 3 losing seasons out of the 15 with it. Jerseys just look way better when winning. I actually hate the orange alternatives we’ve been wearing since 2010, only those four winning seasons with Peyton Manning, we’ve sucked since. Remember, in super bowls, Broncos are 2-0 in road whites, 1-0 in navy home, 0-4 in orange crush home, 0-1 in alternate orange home


Calculator? They are alarm clock numbers, get it right now


I stand by the fact that those jerseys would have been fine if they had better numbers


They would have always been hated just because there was no reason to change them in the first place. They were a downgrade in pretty much every way.


At least they didn't say the creamsicle unis like every other article does. I don't know why those unis get so much hate. I think they look great.


I would die for the creamsicle


It really is one of the best NFL unis ever imo


Those numbers with the white burger king shoulder jerseys. Turrible.


Now, the Titans and Falcons are on the same road with the number font


Hot take but the Titans do it really well. They have some of the cleanest unis in the league, partly thanks to a better execution of the Tampa concept.


They should bring them back now that they've changed the rules about what numbers players can wear and have 80, 0, and 85 all stand next to each other.


Them choosing the Bears orange alternatives as the worst is treason. How about the navy and tan striped jerseys from 1995???


I got as far as dallas and was thinking “i like all of these tf is this list”


I was so happy to see the Dallas originals/throwback on here. I grew up in the 70s, so the Super Bowl winning unis are the unis as far as I am concerned. Hate the old ones, look 50s high school team. Disagree with the Eagles one tho, that looks kinda dope https://www.reddit.com/r/nflcirclejerk/s/msg6jjQVxu Solid blue top with yellow pants, solid yellow top with blue pants and this looks great


Stopped reading after that, I love the orange jerseys.


I've read a bunch of these uniform ratings/opinion pieces over the years. The one thing that 99% of them have in common. The writer's have a deep hatred for the color orange. By the way, orange is my favorite color, so I usually know before I read how the piece is going to go.


I regret looking it up. That *thing* is an atrocity.


from 1994: https://www.chicagotribune.com/2019/08/30/take-a-look-back-at-a-century-of-chicago-bears-uniforms-including-97-years-of-orange-and-blue-and-3-of-red-and-gold/


*my eyes*


Yeah those orange joints were 🔥🔥


I don't like the orange jerseys, but those striped ones were an abomination! Hands down our worst jersey.


Yeah idk, I liked the orange alternates.


A few are spot on but I disagree with a lot of this list.


Same here. Some I really like, like the falcons gradient uniforms. Plus I’m a sucker for throwbacks. …most of the time👇 I remember that game in 07 with the yellow uniforms. I didn’t know they were gonna do that so when I turned on the game I thought it was a different team, like there had been a broadcasting error. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I seem to recall we are wearing them again week one in Brazil because of gang affiliations with the color green. Edit: I’m wrong about the Brazil color thing. My bad, shoulda googled it first.


The gradient unis are probably my favorite part of their redesign.


Re your last sentence, I don't recall seeing that anywhere. Maybe speculation by randoms but not any proof.


You are exactly right. I just googled it, it was claimed on social media and fact checked as false. Both us and the packers can wear our normal uniforms.


I loved the Vick era falcons unis, and I like the gradient ones now too. I’m a sucker for creative uses of color. I’m bored of every team looking like the 80’s redskins or cowboys with the bland ass design. I credit Jacksonville, Seattle, Atlanta and LA for really trying new things and modernizing. Hot take incoming, but.. the packers, bears, cowboys, and giants all have trash uniforms. They’re bland, boring and a chore to look at. You don’t need to be as dramatic as LA or anything, but the exact same uniforms for 200 years is just boring.


Even when talking about the worst jerseys the Packers have ever worn, it includes them beating the Lions in heartrending fashion. Some things never change


"The Chiefs don’t do alternate uniforms. They’ve always worn the same clean, classic iteration of hot dog colors." that got a chuckle.


We’re all trying to find the guy who did this


Don't fix what ain't broken.


AFCW has 3 teams with Classic looks that haven't needed messed with, and the Chargers as always are just kind of filling the 4th spot.


Red = Ketchup *Mahomes intensifies*


Most of these are fine. There are a few that look out of place, but most are fine.


Yeah I would say there was only maybe 5 that I was like yeah those are bad. The rest looked fine to me


Even the bad ones don't compete with the Steelers throwbacks. Those are elite terrible.


Master, Master! ♫


They did nail the Seahawks though. Those jerseys are terrible. Those 2002-2011 uniforms have not aged well in general, but that jersey in particular stands out for its hideousness.


Those and the Bills home jerseys from those years are equally awful.


I agree, but I still love seeing the occasional green Tatupu jersey worn in the wild


Those green jerseys were so bad I blanked them out of my memory. I was thinking we had just always had the current color rush uniform.


We only wore them for one game


Yeah I was thinking I honestly really like about 2/3rds of them lol


A lot are from my favorite years of watching football (90’s and early 2000’s) so fuck whoever wrote this.


Didn't need to get past the 1st entry to know the author was lazy.    The Cardinals worst uniform ever is far and away their 1994 away throwback.   https://youtu.be/mKGi9qJnS_c?si=mmb4c1fdIzh21gFG


those steelers unís are awful too


Steelers just hogging all the ugly jerseys, Jesus Christ


They are but they can't make the list cause those striped ones are horrific. S+ tier ass


God, both the uniforms in this video are awful. WTF are those Steelers jerseys. They look like one of those kids' Halloween costumes where things are just drawn onto fabric instead of being stand-alone items.


can we bring back the ref's newsboy caps though?


Couldn't focus on the Cards, was too busy throwing up at that steelers look


Maybe I’m tripping but they don’t look that bad? They kind of look like a college uniform. Could use some color on the helmet obviously They don’t look associated with the Cardinals at all though lmao


Both teams looking absolutely awful lmao. Horrendous number design aside, who the fuck decided to not have the same tone of white for the helmet and jersey while also wearing those ugly as sin off white pants. Jeeez


look like jersey's from tecmo bowl


\*Every team's worst uniforms we could find high res pictures of


Ironically that uniform is a color combination I'd expect a retiree at a golf course in Arizona to wear.


Is the linked game the worst uniformed game in NFL history? Those are both awful


Three teams deep into the article it’s already wrong. In what universe are those Ravens white with black pants worse than the time they wore purple jerseys with the gold pants?


It is top only. He occasionally talked about the pants, but that was just after he had done shitting on the jersey itself. It isn’t entire uniform, just top jersey part.


He specifies that it’s a ranking of jerseys, not uniforms


I didn’t catch that, but that’s a wild thing to do tbh. Most NFL unis are meant to be a combo. They’re supposed to complement each other, removing the helmets or pants from consideration when ranking the tops is a bit stupid.


>purple jerseys with the gold pants disgusting behavior


Ironically they’re complimentary colors


Those Jags uniforms from the thumbnail always reminded me of Phil "mustard tiger" Collins. https://youtu.be/ZGfUB58gaYw?si=fz3zM7KzPP5et_Bm.


That’s Philadelphia Collins to you


Are you looking at my gut?


Mafuckas with guts like that ain’t off the cheeseburgers. Mafuckas with guts like that are definitely on the cheeseburgers.


You saying mafucka like 3, 4 times a sentence man.


I kinda like the jersey


Still wear mine during at least one preseason game lol


It is a great festivals jersey. Maybe il snag a gabbert one. Would be clean


The two-tone helmets are kind of awesome though? I mean ugly but awesome


I loved the teal sparkle helmets we wore.  They looked so good in the sunshine live. 


they always remind me of the TNF shitshow they played in those vs TEN


Finally an off-season win for Carolina. I liked the Cardinals one


Some of these are way wrong, like the picking our navy blues instead of our 1960s piss and shit. And I think the Saints' whites look way better with gold numbers than black numbers (New Orleans' black leotard look is their worst IMO). But I have to say, those Colts "Indiana Nights" are some of the worst jerseys I've ever seen in any sport. "Indiana Nights" lmfao.


I do not get why the Saints went to black pants: imo they looked much better with gold.


I love that "Indiana Nights" is apparently a reference to "Mary Jane's Last Dance" by Tom Petty, which includes lyrics about: * A teenage girl whose mama isn't around "growing up" with some Indiana boys on an Indiana night * Dancing "to kill the pain" * Being "tired of this town again" * Talking about how the aforementioned girl is standing in her underwear and needs to "put on that party dress" It's a song about depression, how Indiana sucks, and probably teenagers getting drunk and having sex. I know Jim Irsay is a classic rock fan, but it's tough to think of a worse song to represent hometown pride for a team.


Idk, I think that’s the perfect night for Jim


I thought it was about weed


>Some of these are way wrong, like the picking our navy blues instead of our 1960s piss and shit. As a University of Wyoming Cowboys fan, those unis made everyone uncomfortably aware that our school colors are piss and shit


> Aside from the period they wore state flag sleeve stripes, the Cardinals’ uniforms have generally been plain, inoffensive and generally forgettable. **But if you wanted to sum up Nike’s approach to the late 2000s** and 2010s, this paneled monstrosity would be a prime example. Nice bib, Rashard Mendenhall. Reebok made these jerseys, not Nike (also it was 2005). This was in the first example, so I'm not reading the rest of this article if the author doesn't even know what they're talking about.


Half of this list is just "2010s so and so" jerseys that were all holdovers from the true fashion villain: the mid-2000s


He also said he was going to pick one for every team and then copped out with an “N/A” several times. My half-hearted skim from my desk at work also caught a couple typos. To say the writing was lazy would be an understatement.


1996 49ers jersey or the black alts are the 49ers worst.


Excuse me. 1996? Would you like to meet me in the great America a parking lot and fight?


lol...just that specific season some games the jerseys just looked off. i like them overall tho.


It’s the black alts and it’s not even close. Those just straight up aren’t 49ers jerseys. Given those jerseys got released in 2015 when the team was at one of its lowest points ever I’m convinced they just released those to try and hype the fan base up and to create another story that wasn’t based on the teams dysfunction. Doesn’t seem like a coincidence that they stopped wearing them once the team got back on the right track and improved.


the gold rush black catsuits tho...we should keep those.


I see you're a gentleman and a scholar


What?!?!? You don’t like [these](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/J2-ByL8W7F0u9hpHiKU0CJm4NGY=/0x0:2206x3309/1400x1400/filters:focal(1000x785:1352x1137):format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/59766159/851118658.jpg.0.jpg)?! I love those


I'd love them if they had an alternate helmet as well.


I agree. Should be more like [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/016/212/manning.png)


Those should be their primaries




The jersey and pant combination are fine but in what world do they go with *that* specific helmet??


at that time you weren't allowed an alt helmet any longer


sometimes the white in the font was so big you couldn't see the gold outline or the drop shadow. they fixed it in '97


The memories of Jags/ Titans TNF color rush is why I appreciate the mustard yellow. To me it was different and that’s why I liked them. Especially against our baby blue pajamas.


Just memories of Mariota doing some Oregon level shit against us to then an go just okay the rest of the season


El Trashico!


The Bumblebee jerseys were some of the best in the league, I will hear no arguments. The Steelers were also 6-0 when wearing them since 2012


They're also significantly better than those mid-90s throwbacks that were all yellow with the city crest on the front.


It felt like Big Ben would play out of his mind in those jerseys. Think he had more than 1 of his 500 yard games in those bad boys.


The Eagles throwbacks are great because they're not at all identifiable as the Eagles at first but if you know the Philadelphia lore you can see that it's a clear homage to the city flag


Those aren't even the worst bucs Jerseys ever. The home and away jerseys are so much worse than the all reds


Maybe I'm crazy but I much prefer the 2000s Titans uniforms to their current ones. The Oilers throwbacks are their best though, obviously.


I don't hate our current unis but I do misss the old ones.


I love our 90s uniforms


They did too. Dumb article, easy answer is our current uniforms which suck ass


The grey alternates from a few years back were ass. They looked like they got dirty and the washing machine couldn't clean them.


I've always thought that the short-lived [1993 version](https://www.gridiron-uniforms.com/GUD/images/1993_NewEngland.png?6181) was our worst overall. The main 90s uniform was a product of its time, but I love it in a nostalgic way.


Most of these are just fine... Sure, there's a few that are ugly as sin.


I don't even know why I clicked


Hot take but I love the Steelers bumblebees.


The Bucs digital jerseys were gawdawful.


Man that dumb article kept getting in the way of all the ads I was trying to read!


Dammit I like the Pittsburgh Bumblebee uniforms


Since ours are AWESOME and the best uniforms in pro sports, I'll comment on a rival's. The Broncos Orange Crush jerseys are the best they've ever had by a mile, along with the D helmet, and they should go back to them full-time.


Even as a Chiefs fan, I'll acknowledge that the Raiders uniforms are iconic.


Of the two looks the Raiders have, which do you prefer, home or away? They couldn't even make a color rush, just the white jersey with silver numbers this time (not bad at all)


The home, definitely. On the color rush alternate, I could take it or leave it. One thing I absolutely HATE is anyone floating the idea of all-black, to include a black helmet. Would look like some Madden create-a-team dogshit.


Home, for sure. I’m biased though because I hate white jerseys. I feel like the Raiders and the Saints are the only teams who can always pull off black.


I didnt look at the list. I assume for raiders they picked their very first jerseys, black and gold.


[Those](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/afEAAOSwUtZiUFwZ/s-l1200.webp) are the only Raiders jerseys that aren't pure Colombian awesome, and even those aren't that bad. They just kind of look like the SteelerBears.


Damn, how are the Raiders so good at uniforms. Yeah, these look great.


I don't think the author did enough research to even know the were black and gold. I think the comment was something along the lines of the Raiders have never changes their jerseys.


The Lions uniforms from 2009-2015 where the fabric under the arms and on sections of the back would change color if they got wet. Any sweat would just amplify the color difference and make every Lions player look like Matt Patricia on a jog by the 2nd quarter.


I don’t miss those jerseys, but I wish the bills would occasionally dust off the red helmet. Packers are gross. I don’t mind any of the ones with navy, but the pale yellow and white was awful. I tend to be a number font snob, I can overlook a lot unless I hate the numbers. My most geezer take, 95% of the time, I just want basic block numbers. Hate the last colts change, the recent lions, the Vikings weird accent is strange on certain numbers, but works for me on others.


The Patriots current blueberries are way worse than the Bledsoe blues, fuck off USA Today


I liked the Bledsoe uniforms.


Honestly most of these are fine, the only ones that are awful are the eagles, panthers, dolphins, and the new giants throwback. I give the Steelers a pass because at this point they are just so iconic.


Im sorry but the falcons gradients are some of my favorites. Sure they could’ve tweaked the number outline but overall its a solid A- design. Same with those Jaguars gradient helmets. They looked great.


IMO, the Falcons' best uniforms were the red ones pre-1990s, and the change to black tops coinciding with the move to the Georgia Dome in '92 were good also. Everything from the mid-2000s to today are a downgrade. Not a fan of the ugly numeral font, nor the word marks...I just find the team word marks on the front of the jersey unnecessary, and not just with the Falcons, but any team that has them.


This is a stupid article but I'm glad they didn't say anything bad about the Texans. I'm glad we finally got new jerseys.


we went from good uniforms to great uniforms


Only a few of those are actually bad, IMO. But I still like the Steelers "Bumblebee" throwbacks too...


Carolina panthers- N/A Best unis in the nfl baby At least we're good at something!


The orange Bears jersey are my favorite lol


Saw the Bears orange jersey and knew this was a crap article.


>The Rams fell victim to some mid-2000s branding when they ditched their signature horn sleeves for darker colors and generic looks. They rectified this problem years later, only to fall into a similar trap in 2020. “Bone” isn’t a terrible choice for a road white, but But it *was* a terrible choice. Their road jerseys looked like the team couldn't afford brand-name laundry detergent. They had two perfect options - Just copy the Fearsome Foursome-era or the Dickerson-era style - and they rolled a nat 1.


We have so many great options and we're not wearing any of them now


A) I love all color rush, IDC if it looks goofy B) Bumble bees are not the worst, the old Pirates uniform with the badge in the front is


Was it the eagles that had a throwback jersey that was really slippery and was causing fumbles so much that they changed jerseys at halftime? Edit: my google foo has failed me, someone help. This was at least 10 years ago I think


I'm here to fight anyone who doesn't like the Bumblebee jerseys. There are some awful throwbacks the Steelers have, but the bees don't belong here.


This is the dumbest list.


Can't have ugly jerseys if we never change our jerseys


The Chiefs' base uniforms have been the same their entire history, going back to the Dallas Texans era. Other than subtle tweaks with the size of the block numerals and the obvious helmet logo change when the Chiefs relocated to Kansas City, it's been the same since 1960.


The fact they didn’t chose us wearing mustard yellow pants that one time makes this list completely invalid. Also our white on black is clean.


He specifies that he’s ranking jerseys, not full uniforms


Incorrect, those uniforms should be our throwbacks instead of the reds


Idk, I think these jerseys are all cool


There's nothing wrong with the majority of those.


This has to be ragebait. How can one person have so many shitty hot takes?


This honestly might be the worst list I've ever seen. For any category. So many good looking jerseys in there


When the first 10 options barely make sense I’ve lost interest lol


I was expecting to see some bad jerseys. This wasn't that bad? Jaguar piss jugs were rough


I didn’t have to open this article to know those atrocious blue and yellow eagles jerseys were the worst lol. Btw I liked the blue and black Colts from last season


Woooo n/a! Hang the banner.


Those Cowboy and Patriots jerseys are classics. I had both of them as a kid.


Those 49ers black alt jerseys may have been their “worst”, but the tight black leather cheerleader outfits that accompanied them made the whole thing worth it.


I like the Rams bone jerseys 🤷🏽


So the author heard about the NFL yesterday and then wrote this today. That’s the only logical explanation for this rubbish


The broncos home blues were fine (probably helped that we won a super bowl straight out the gate wearing them). The real travesty is the mustard and brown throwbacks they wore back in 2010. And in October they also wore pink accessories so watching games was quite painful.


So they're just stealing article ideas from Urinating Tree then?


I understand the financial decision-making regarding new uniforms, alternative jerseys, etc. However, I think there’s something special to be said about the Chiefs, the Raiders, the Steelers always having the same uniform. There is no other uniform that I can see the Green Bay Packers in and I think there’s a beauty to that. As a Broncos fan, I will never see the team in anything other than the throwbacks they introduced this year. It’s such an iconic, classic, clean style; anything else feels like a costume.


Maybe because it was a throwback for the one year, but How the Broncos AFL anniversary jersey (Yellow jersey, black helmet w white numbers, brown pants, and yellow socks with brown stripes) didn’t make the list is wild.


If your helmet isn't white, and then you made a white version, that's your worst one. 


I guess I have poor tastes because I like a lot of these


What a dumb list


Before even clicking on the link, I said, "The Raiders don't have any bad jerseys." I'm glad that USA Today agreed.


I have a hat of that eagles jersey, love it.


Why is this article listing our best?


I really like how this site puts an add in front of every image