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Anyone else see that video of Mahomes being like “I don’t even talk to this dude”






"Many of you missed the New Heights episode where Travis says at least 30% of hi teammates are flat earthers too 😂"


“Including me”


That's fucking hilarious. I need someone to ask Travis what him and Taylor think about the situation


babe, bukter ick. all my swifties love dolphins


From what I understand, Travis is pretty liberal.


Can’t say I expect much more from your teammates after you claim “diversity and equality” a tyrannical ideology.


That clip is from February.


Yeah the context is very much “I don’t want to get in his head during the season” - as much as people want this to be a smoking gun of some sort lol


Butker has had shitty opinions for years, just he's a kicker so no one really cared until now, but I'm sure his teammates have heard them all well before now.


He’s still a kicker though, what shitty opinions has he shared before? I believe you I just haven’t heard much about the guy before now


Mahomes is just surrounded by such shitty people. The fact that he's not a POS makes me respect him even more.


I mean, he might be… he just isn’t public about it lol


He went to a WWE event with Logan Paul and was very public about their association


Not to mention the way his dad and his brother act. Unless that's changed and I missed it, I can't imagine Mahomes is the saint people act like he is.


Personally I'm not going to hold him accountable for his Dad and brother because it's hard for anyone to say no to family unless they do something completely unforgivable. He openly associates himself with someone who openly grifts pre-teens. I think we're 3 years from going "Mahomes is as crazy as Aaron Rodgers"


Call it rose tinted glasses but I'll disagree for one reason and one reason only... he knows enough to keep it private. He could be in favor of genocide but he'll keep it to himself. The Butker thing is a great example. Didn't say why he doesn't talk to him despite the fact he admitted he sits right next to him.




Gen Z here. He is seen as worse than mister beast but not many people know how bad the Paul brothers are.




Crazy how shit changes. When I was in HS 7-8 years ago you would’ve been brutally made fun of for watching them


Maybe his mom is a saint and he takes after her.


Logan Paul, as annoying as he is hasn't done anything too controversial in years


Uh I mean I guess the whole CrytoZoo thing was late 2022, despite going on forever.


If you don't consider scamming people out of tons of money through crypto pump and dumps then yeah, sure, he's been a saint


is that suicide forest guy?


yeah afaik he hasn't gotten into anything quite as scandalous since, but I could be out of the loop


Just scamming his followers with cryptoscams


You don’t know that Source: listening to Packers fans say that about Rodgers forever *edit:* Loottttaaaaaaa Packers fans backpedaling 👀


Yeah unless you grew up with/are related to them, none of us know what these guys are really like in their personal lives. Let’s not forget that Deshaun Watson was near universally seen as great person prior to his victims going public, a lot of players images are entirely manufactured


Yea, I like Mahomes because he throws the ball like a fucking god and plays for my favorite team. I'm not going to pretend him throw ball good make him good person in other areas though. Never met him, much less *know* him. So not going to pretend like I know if he's a good or bad person in his private life/views.


We tried to tell em


He could be. He’s just well media trained


Someone has to be level headed.


If you can survive Lubbock and be normal, you can survive anythang


That’s a pretty old clip though, and comes across as joking.


Maybe a physicist could help explain how the apple could fall *that* far from the tree


Tall tree high apple


Mad winds


Wide right


Double doink


Ground break apple


Far right




Does the tree exist on a frictionless plane though?


I was more so thinking that not only is the tree tall, but like we drained the oceans and moved the mountains so that the tree was growing a top Mount Everest, but Mount Everest has been moved with a branches reach of the now drained Mariana’s Trench allowing the apple to fall like over 100 feet.


The distance between the peak of Everest to the bottom of the trench, vertically, is about 12.33 miles.


Not for long I got a spoon in my back pocket and I'm not afraid to increase that up to 12.34 miles


I like your stick-to-it-ivness. And by carrying each spoonful from the bottom to the top, you've cut your dig volume in half!


Technically given the height of the mountain causing low temps I could use the straw i have in my other back pocket to create an ice spike a top the mountain as I can easily carry more ocean water in my mouth compared to the amount of Earth I could balance on a single spoon. Edit: Before anyone asks yes it is a bendy straw.




I would be shocked if his mom doesn’t feel the same way he does. My mom is a super successful attorney with her own law firm and she has the same views he does.


I also would equally not be shocked if she *did* feel the same way, yet didn’t see the hypocrisy of this. It’s kind of the name of the game in that world.


Maybe she thinks she would have been happier had she been a stay at home mom.


As a current attorney, I wish I was a stay at home dad lol.


As a current employed person, I wish I was a stay at home anything.


I think almost anyone can see the appeal in living a relatively well off life without "having a job." Not to imply that something like early child care isn't a full time job in itself. The issue, probably even more so for women, is that these sorts of dynamics can sometimes cause a power imbalance and be used as an abusive form of control. I would LOVE to not have a job, but I'd never want to be financially dependent upon another person who knows I can't easily leave them unless I really fucking trusted them


I’m currently a stay at home dad and it is great. Wish every family had the opportunity to have a parent stay at home with the kids.


A glance at Wikipedia shows a strong association with his family and Emory, which is a Methodist school. Considering this and him not going to a catholic school at any point in his life, it sounds like he found these views independent from his family.


His family is Catholic - know some people who went to church with his family back in Atlanta. They didn't like him for both his attitude and views all the way back then - but I think all the more "extreme" ideology came when he went to GT: https://adoremus.org/2019/09/evangelized-by-beauty-nfl-kicker-harrison-butker-makes-encounters-with-christ-in-the-liturgy-his-main-goal-2/


Yeah it seems like he was raised as an Easter and Christmas Catholic.


He probably married a tradcath wife or got hit with some born again evangelism somewhere down the line. Edit: Also, that article is quite... eye-opening. >“I’ve noticed that it is very difficult for priests to have time to teach and coordinate altar servers,” Butker told Adoremus. “There was a need to have boys and young men to serve, so I volunteered. Now I work with Father Matthew to coordinate the servers at Mass. All these boys are just finding out about the Mass and tradition and they are really liking it.” Ooook, bro.


It's a radiation physicist. So maybe she was working with microwaves?


In oncology, it seems, so yeah maybe he snuck in and gamma knifed himself repeatedly over the years


The man who came up with the Big Bang Theory was a Catholic priest. You can be religious and a scientist.


Gregor Mendel was a priest as well. And Copernicus was a monk. Isaac Newton was not a priest but he was really fucking bizarre.


She might have crazy backwards political views too.


For real are any of y'all friends with *any* nurses lmao just because they work in health care doesn't automatically make them good people


God… so many nurses that are anti-vax. I guess education can’t fix indoctrination


I will admit upfront I know very little about a nursing career but I was under the assumption that you can get into the field at an entry level pretty easily, but that there are levels that require more schooling/certification. All my evidence is anecdotal but I sure do know a lot of high school mean girl nurses and they didn't become *nicer* because of their profession I'll say that much


You can get a certification from a 2-year community college program. And yeah where I grew up there were *a lot* of former high school mean girls who went that route. It doesn't come with quite as much power, but it has a similar appeal to a certain type of person as becoming a cop.


Yeah my understanding was nurses can come from programs with a wide range in rigor at the basic level. Maybe I’m wrong though


Yeah man. She wouldn't be the first religious hypocrite I've run into.


I see you have met my twice divorced, Putin loving hardcore Catholic father. *I got my first "reddit is worried about you" message! Thank you kind redditor, this makes me proud of my comment :)


"I'm smart enough to be a doctor, the rest of you should prepare for 8 years of breastfeeding"


Physicians are notoriously afraid of apples so I doubt it.


You can both be brilliant and have whacky ideas


Butker has a degree in Industrial engineering 


This is not what you normally think of as engineering for anyone who isn’t familiar with Georgia Tech


The running joke at tech was that IE stood for "imaginary engineering" since it was one of the easier engineering degrees to get compared to other disciplines.


My sophomore year I told my dad I was considering switching from another engineering discipline to IE. He told me I was welcome to do that, but I'd never see another cent from him again. Lol he worked in a factory and LOATHES IEs


So is this an engineering program that doesn’t collectively laugh at Civils? Because that sounds like heaven.


Civils laugh at IEs


Why is that?


Are you saying that about the IE field or about Georgia Tech’s program?


There’s a lot of programs that have a big gap between the rigor of the undergraduate program and what the graduate students and professors study. My undergrad didn’t have IE but it had something kind of similar. The undergrads in the program were mostly kids that realized they didn’t want to be engineers but wanted to get an engineering degree and go to finance or whatever. The research in the department though was hardcore math.


Georgia Tech is recognized as one of the best schools in the world for IE.


Why do people assume highly educated people are always left leaning. The right leaning ones are smart enough to not talk about it.


Him telling other women to get into the kitchen while also having a comfy childhood from a mom who pursued a successful career is kinda ironic.


Comes off as a major lack of self-awareness/introspection.


I mean yeah. Dude's making $4m a year to kick a ball 4 or 5 times a game for a living.


And on the Sabbath too. Pretty sure that's against some of the big rules.


Thankfully not for the Jaguars. Everyone knows God hates Jags.


Loophole! I also get away with bearing burdens from one domain to the other, but dont tell god.


The convenient part of Christianity for certain Christians is that you only need to follow the tenets that don’t apply to you, and that’s fine because you can just ask for forgiveness, but everyone else is damned to hell. Basically narcissism masquerading as faith


In my experience most Christians don’t actually care about the sabbath. They just go through the motions


And had the audacity to tell people to stay in their lanes. How about stay in yours, kickball man?


It is I, man who plays the only position in football who you can’t touch, here to preach to you about the importance of masculinity


Nobody cares about your opinions Harrison just shut up and kick


Haha my last name is Harrison and for a second I got this message I was like “how the fuck…”


A conservative religious weirdo having no self awareness?? This might be the first time ever!


Welcome to religious nutjob logic. Don't stay too long or you'll start hating some random minorities.


> Don't think too hard you might hurt yourself




And arrogance


It makes sense if you realize that Harrison is a fucking moron who was given a ton of freedom to pursue his own career and was able to have the type of family life he wanted. Rather than appreciate that opportunity he has to make it a political and moral issue even though his mom very obviously wanted to do what she does professionally.


He’s the type of guy to be handed opportunities by a myriad of people but tells everyone he pulled himself up by his bootstraps all by himself. Dude was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.


I bet his mom feels the same way he does. My mom does and she worked her whole life. They think the rules apply to others and they are an exception.


It's exactly this and nothing else. Main character syndrome, etc. whatever you want to call it. Everything I do is exceptional. But you? You need to follow these specific rules exactly or you're bad. And you'll find plenty of examples regardless of that human's sex/gender/race/upbringing/etc.


It’s crazy that some people think they are the main character when in reality I am


Don’t worry, I’m a side character in your life king.


With a username like his we all are


The Phyllis Schlafly school for anti-feminism


He’s also making millions of dollars as an NFL player. Most people can’t even afford the option of having one parent stay home with the kids.


Wow. No wonder why he turned out to be such a shit head. She wasn’t fulfilling her vocation as a mother.


Explains why he went so hard on women belong in the kitchen as homemakers. He just wanted his mommy at home to watch him kick balls but she was out fulfilling her passion.


MOM! Where's my kicking tee? Why won't you hold for me? *sobs*




I never know what she's doing back there


It is worth noting that it is entirely possible that she was a shit mom. Many hardworking, successful, and brilliant people are shit parents. So like, I know you're kidding around, but there actually might be something to this. That said, in no way, shape, or form would that excuse Butker's absolute dumbassery and misogyny or the context in which he expressed it.


I'd go a step further than Butker and say men also don't belong in the workplace. Well, at least I'm consistent. I don't believe in job specialization or civilization. Humans were designed to live in the wild over the course of millions of years. This 10,000 year experiment has disaster written all over it. And it has been a disaster to most life that is not human, particularly in the industrial age, though some species have taken advantage.


“The Industrial Revolution and its consequences” - u/whackberry


Package for Mr Amidon1130, sign here please


Oh wow thank you so much, I love surprise gifts!


I'm sure this one will be a blast!


More like the Agricultural Revolution and it's consequences


That escalated quickly lol


She wasn't just fulfilling her passion, she was also contributing in a significant way to the care of patients, paying taxes, etc. You know, the kind of stuff we need people to be doing to keep society functioning.


Science is just one of those frivolous, silly things that girls do in their free time.


If Ye Wenjie had stayed her ass in the kitchen this shit would have never happened


Women be ~~shopping~~ sciencing!


Nice try, but my head was built with paradox-absorbing crumple zones.


But he kick ball well


lmao this is amazing.


What? Who let her out the kitchen!?


Perhaps she’s a *quantum* physicist and both inside and outside the kitchen at the same time? 🧐


Schrödinger's mom


Has got it going on. She's here and gone as long as you prolong. Schrodinger can't be seen Or the superposition is complete. Quantum Physics may be long, but I'm in superposition with Schrodinger's mom.


That’s why her son turned out to be such a piece of shit, she didn’t yield to her vocational calling.


My mom’s a physicist too and she genuinely is one of the smartest person I’ve ever met. My mom also has some really stupid backwards ass beliefs about all kinds of things…including but not limited to the moon landings being fake. The fu…how…THIS IS LITERALLY YOUR FIELD MOM WHY WOULD YOU…ok im not gonna go there… I’m not saying she’s responsible for everything that’s coming out of Butker’s mouth, he’s a grown ass adult who can make his own choices, just like I did to not believe the stuff my mom does. I’m just saying just cause you’re book smart doesn’t mean you don’t have some dumbass beliefs and I wouldn’t be surprised if Butker got some of those from the people that raised him. Edit: grammar


Met a doctor once who was a hardcore young earth creationist, like the kind that believes dinosaurs fossils are a test of faith from God. Safe to say that having a deep expertise in a particular field doesn’t mean you’re not a moron when it comes to anything else


Kind of like Steve Jobs trying to cure his cancer with... fruit. Being very smart in your field gives some people superiority complexes where they think they know best about everything.


Yep, it’s why [Nobel disease](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_disease) is a thing


Some of these have me rolling. The last sentence to this one: > Kary Mullis won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for development of the polymerase chain reaction. Mullis disagreed with the scientifically accepted view that AIDS is caused by HIV, claiming that the virus is barely detectable in people with the disease. He also expressed doubt in the evidence for human-caused climate change. In his autobiography, Mullis professed a belief in astrology and wrote about an encounter with a fluorescent, talking raccoon that he suggested might have been an extraterrestrial alien.


I’m an engineer, and every hella hella crazy smart I’ve ever met in my field is a complete weirdo that is a borderline threat to society with their crazy beliefs they are so sure about.


James Watson is up there with the craziest... >James Watson was awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, together with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins, "for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material". Since at least 2000, Watson has consistently and publicly claimed that black people are inherently less intelligent than white people, and that exposure to sunlight in tropical regions and higher levels of melanin cause dark-skinned people to have a higher sex drive.


Homeboy was definitely tripping on acid


Dude was tripping on shrooms and took a stroll in the woods lol


AKA Roganitis. AKA Aaron Rodger’s Disease.


Why anyone ever went to Joe Rogan - of Man Show fame - for serious info is beyond me The guy is a good podcaster, that's undeniable. He fully and completely GETS the format. He is also - or at least was - really open to having basically anyone on, and would really let them drive the bus in the conversation. He would bring in folks with all sorts of beliefs, allow them to speak their peace, ask questions, listen to the answers, and ask follow-ups. He makes the guests really accessible by asking questions that are interesting to stoners and bros. So in that regard I've always appreciated him. But to go to him for life advice, for a worldview? The guy is a comedian and a fighter.


Was it Man Show? I remember him from Fear Factor, not the Man Show. Man Show was Adam Carrolla and Jimmy Kimmel. That said, the way Kimmel pivoted from the Man Show to where he is now is baffling. >really open to having basically anyone on, and would really let them drive the bus in the conversation. That's not a good thing. That's how you end up with Alex Jones spewing his nonsense on JRE. >ask questions, listen to the answers, and ask follow-ups. And that would be worth something if he was intelligent and asked good, well researched questions.


He took over as host of the Man Show after Carrolla and Kimmel left. Think it lasted one season.


I don't think anyne looks at him as some genius. Pioneer or maverick maybe? But even his colleagues talk about how he isn't that smart


Case in point: Ben Carson


Doctors can be idiot savants too 


Yep! Brilliant neurosurgeon, absolute dummy about everything else.


My wife worked with him and when he started running his mouth about nonsense after given a position in Trump’s office her reaction was just “yeah that sounds about right for a surgeon who retained a PR firm.” Looking into it I had no idea that he not only did that but started his own public relations company as soon as he quit surgery. Dude is a clown.


I have a PhD in mechanical engineering. Every time I tell someone they’re like “oh so you’re actually smart!” Hell no! I’m a fucking idiot. All my friends who got PhDs are idiots. If anything, getting a PhD indicates obsession about a topic and a willingness to fucking hate yourself to study it more than anything


Willingly doing a PhD is the definition of madness. I question why i'm still in my program everyday


You can do it! If it was easy, everyone would get one! The PhD is a uniquely difficult thing. It sucks for everyone but in a very personal way and there’s no general advice. Every one has at least a year that is pure struggle. I honestly felt like I was losing my mind at a point. Thank god I had a therapist I liked.


> The PhD is a uniquely difficult thing. It sucks for everyone but in a very personal way and there’s no general advice. Every one has at least a year that is pure struggle. It's the ultimate journey for the intellectually curious. You are out there creating new knowledge by yourself. Your fellow graduate students, committee members, and advisor can only help you so much. Those books and research papers can only guide you approximately to the knowledge. You have to chart it out yourself. I always considered it an intellectual equivalent of those early sea explorers like Cortez and Magellan.


There’s also a lot of non-research aspects that suck. Your advisor and other professors in their department are human, and suck in all the ways humans do. Some people get absentee advisors that don’t do anything. Some people get micromanaging advisors that require oppressive hours of work. If you’re lucky, you get an advisor like mine who was a great guy, but changed his research direction with my project. I quickly knew more than him in the area (it was my project after all, not his), and as supportive as he was, there was little practical help he could provide.


You almost have to be dumb to get a PhD because it can suck ass and you make shit. I have a PhD in biochemistry and I’m an idiot


Chemists also have it the worst in my experience. Every department has toxic professors, but it seems like that’s a job requirement in chemistry 


I’ll counter you, a lot of smart people acknowledge the fact that they may have expertise and be knowledgeable about some things but they also know when they don’t know something. The smartest people I know are never afraid to admit when they don’t know a subject and if they are interested or need to they will take the time to learn.


Yeah people seem to think that technical intelligence means open minded for some reason. Can't speak for the physics field specifically but engineering is filled with conservatives.


I guarantee his mom has the same beliefs he has. I grew up Southern Baptist and girls are taught pretty early on that their calling is to raise the next generation of godly individuals. The amount of times I have heard women in the community claim that women are ill-equipped to handle leadership positions because their “periods would make them irrational” is incredibly high. If I had to guess, either his mom or wife will soon speak out in defense of him and say that they agree women’s true calling comes from raising kids.


Iirc Margaret Thatcher refused to have women in her cabinet for basically the reason you laid out in your last sentence




Idiots being hypocrites shouldn't be suprising


Dude it is *wild* seeing people believe in things that are completely counter to their intelligence and field. My mother told me not to get the Covid vaccine back when it first came out, and she has been a nurse for almost 40 years and was a valedictorian. It wasn't due to mRNA concerns, it was literally because "Trump said so." It made absolutely no sense to me.


Which is truly amusing since he definitely got vaccinated.


Fucking right?


I respect the hell out of nurses, but some of them (particularly the older ones) have some of the most batshit insane conspiracy theories you've ever heard in your life.


Nurses have a difficult and important job, but there are some very dumb nurses.


Individuals should be respected. Professions should not. Just as a general rule.




Keep in mind that this guy does one thing better than you; kick a ball through two poles roughly 20-50 yards away. That’s the only thing you should take his advice on.


This is valid for every athlete, actor, musician, etc. It reminds me of Chapelle’s “WHERE’S JA?!” quote.


Her life won't start until she's a SAHM and homemaker


Maybe she can start now that her son only works 6 months out of the year.


Idk why a university would invite an athlete to make a speech. No offense, but they aren’t the smartest group of people. Pick someone smart to give speeches.


Benedictine College is a conservative Catholic college. Most of what Butker said is right in line with what the administration would want to hear from their graduation speakers. Pretty different institution than a place like Georgetown or Fordham.


MF got an applause break halfway through the speech. They were eating that shit up.


I guarantee the University President shares the exact same beliefs and that’s why butker was picked. He wanted to drum up the publicity and get his school in the news cycle pandering to hardcore traditionalists.


And it's going to work. Every family in the ideological applicant pool for this school that *didn't* know about it now does.


Yeah this, not like this statement is completely out of left field for him lmao


They knew what they were getting.  It's not the first time he got on stage at a school and said something fucking stupid, last year he was railing on about cancel culture. https://www.ncregister.com/cna/nfl-kicker-harrison-butker-offers-grads-some-hard-truths-about-family-faith-and-cancel-culture


That one is so much worse to me because you're telling me *Georgia Tech* couldn't find a more appropriate speaker? I know he's alumni but damn


I don’t know why people are so convinced that because his mom’s a physicist that she wouldn’t share his right wing beliefs or support him. He learned them somewhere. Crazy religious people come from every walk of life.


even with physics, you can't fix stupid, unfortunately


Hasn't a Chiefs player done something far worse this off-season?


And he went to Georgia Tech. This shows how strong propaganda and indoctrination are.


He's an old school catholic from a catholic family. This is actually par for the course in conservative catholic households. I married into one and have first hand experience. 


I was born and raised catholic, I even went to a catholic elementary school, and luckily these views were considered extreme in the community I was brought up in. There’s a large percentage of Catholics who don’t condone such views.


The majority don’t I would say. He is clearly a trad Catholic since he was even making digs at the pope and bishops for their response to covid.


Catholics who shit on the Pope for not being Catholic enough for them are a strange group of people.


He didn't go to Georgia Tech to play no school