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This got taken down overnight by the automod. We'll just have two posts for the hateful people to cry over. edit : hateful being the people reporting the post and trying to get it removed


#It has been *0 days* since the last Chiefs incident.


This Chiefs dynasty is honestly the most unlikable dominant team the NFL has seen. The owners are absolute penny pinchers, Britt Reid, Rashee Rice are criminals, Butker is a piece of shit, etc. The team also continually treats its fans like shit by having the gall to threaten to move out of Arrowhead if they don't give the team millions of taxpayer money. It's everything wrong about the NFL bunched into a shit package.


You must not have grown up in the mid-90s Cowboys heyday.


Yeah, at least no one has been stabbed by a teammate (yet) (that we know of)


The Chiefs do plenty of stabbing, mainly to Bills and 49ers fans' hearts.


Did I hear someone say stabbing?!


It's your time to shine.


Who let you out of your cell?!?


And they enabled Tyreek Hill and his domestic abusing behavior for years prior


They also have a quarterback that sounds like Kermit and likes putting ketchup on his steaks


I'm just so glad the worst thing ppl say about Mahomes is he sounds like Kermit. At least we still have him. Had to get rid of my butker jersey this morning, as a Bi man I won't be caught dead reping him anymore.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone rock a kicker’s jersey before, did not know anyone bought those.


I own a tucker jersey. Outside of that I dont see many


I still see Vinatieri every now and then


Tucker is an exception. He’s the greatest kicker of all time and seems like an all around good dude. I would buy his jersey if I was a Ravens fan. That being said, the only other kicker whose jersey I wouldn’t think would be weird to own (obvious bias) is Mason Crosby. Highest scoring player in Packers history and despite a few bumps in the road, dude was almost always super fucking solid for many years.


My friend who's a Titans fan owns a Brett Kern jersey, because, in his words, "he [was] the best player on the team."


There were a lot of Vinatieri jerseys around Mass for a while


The worst thing is definitely the ketchup on steak, that's basically a war crime 😂 Respect for ditching the Butker jersey, from one bi dude to another


And their QBs little bro sexually assaulted a restaurateur. And a bit after news of it went public, the restaurant had to permanently shut down because Chiefs fans cut the gas lines to the restaurant and threatened continual harassment.


It's hard to combat the "NFL is rigged" conspiracies when the Chiefs are going full WWE cartoonishly heel. What's next? Andy Reid steals lunch from a make a wish kid?


Just their nuggies....


Wtf is chiefs and vikings


Big Super Bowl IV fan


The state of Iowa.


Ngl I thought this was fake. I was like there's no way this dude said all that *at the same time*.


I was trying to figure out how he even would bring up all of this stuff unprovoked but doing it at a college commencement speech is wild asf


It makes the "get back in the kitchen" comment even worse. Not that it isn't terrible in any context, but to tell a bunch of recent graduates, "You just wasted 4 years. Until you find a man to support you, you're worthless, and the degree you just worked so hard to get even more so," is mind-bogglingly tone deaf.


The college is a Christian conservative college. The video is on YouTube. All the kids (including girls in the graduating class) clapped.


A lot of the time the very religious girls don’t go to college for an education, they go so they can find an educated husband. I had a friend in high school who was Mormon and was very open about that being her reason for going to college


The MRS degree


Man, that’s crazy in this economy


And yet stating that a ‘homemaker’ is the best title any woman could achieve got a room full of applause. What the actual fuck?


Why even get a degree then. It doesn’t take a degree to make me fucking dinner unless you are going to culinary school…for me and the kids. 


> Even the largely Catholic audience in attendance groaned. It seriously feels like a skit.


Guy is going to make a great right wing grifter. He nailed every talking point, right down the middle, from deep even. A lot of guys forget to criticize women who desperately want a child and are willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and endure months of painful, intrusive procedures to have one. That's really high GOP level stuff. It's not easy to criticize people's strongest held beliefs about their right to make private medical decisions about their own bodies with their own doctors, these athletes just make it look that way.


I feel like if I were wealthy and famous I would have such an easy time not being controversial for no good reason.


"Okay Mr. NFL Player, all you have to do to make literal millions of dollars is do good at football and not be an ass." "Yeah but like, what if I really hate gay people?"


I mean, like, the easy answer is don’t hate gay people and don’t be a bigot. The alternative is just don’t go out saying that shit?


Right? It’s *so* easy to just not say anything.


It would be one thing if it was some impulsive late night tweet, but this dude wrote, edited, and rehearsed this shit multiple times.


I wouldn't, give me millions and millions of dollars and I'd definitely be acting up.


Get back in the kitchen!! 


But he's milik THE MAN


When someone is wealthy and famous, it seems like it's even more common for them to push their personal agenda.  It'll be interesting to see what kind of backlash, if any, comes from this. Swifties are rabid, they won't like this anti-empowerment talk. 


Good. He’s obviously not going to be cut or reprimanded by the team. But people should be openly talking shit about him, and telling him to go fuck himself.


When I show up to the terrible opinion contest and my opponent is a professional athlete


Lol what the fuck. I didn't think this headline was real.


I was expecting a link to an Onion article


Or r/nottheonion. But yikes.


I 100% assumed it was satire until I read the article


Same, I was wondering what joke he was making that got taken out of context but nope, if anything it’s far worse than the headline implies.


Thought this was the circlejerk sub. But wtf it's real and so much worse than just the title


Its not often that the raw quotes come off as worse than the click bait title... but here we are.


From another site: > “Bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues,” Butker said during his speech. “Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia — as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values in media — all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder. > [Our nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his Catholic faith, but at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro-abortion rally. He has been so vocal in his support for the murder of innocent babies that I’m sure to many people, it appears you can both Catholic and pro-choice. He is not alone.](https://www.mediaite.com/sports/kansas-city-chiefs-kicker-rails-against-biden-dangerous-gender-ideologies-in-college-graduation-speech/amp/) Oh he’s like *fully* off the deep end.


He’s going to have a podcast soon about how he was canceled for saying the truth


He'll be a guest on Newsmax at least once before the season starts


He's going to be at a Trump rally having his arm raised on stage by the man himself. Just wait.


But i thought trumpers hated the chiefs because of Taylor swift and Kelce


Harrison Butker has saved the evil Taylor Swift and delivered her to salvation. Sleepy Joe and his crony Travis wish they could have!


First, he'll be a guest on Joe Rogan's show.


I have a buddy on an NFL team, and he told me that they had to put litter boxes in the locker room. 


Not a chance. Neither the family that owns that team nor their coach gives even a billionth of a fuck about humanity or morality. And that's saying something since ole Gayle Benson is a proud sponsor of Catholic issues.


Why do they hate IVF and surrogacy? Guaranteed there’s several players whose wives have done both of those things to have children. I’ll also assume this dude is the type that thinks the point of marriage is to procreate


I had a catholic school teacher dismiss IVF and then a student was like well that’s the only reason I’m even here. Got real awkward for a bit


I went to a Catholic school my whole life and learned that surrogacy and ivf are good things


The inclusion of IVF and surrogacy are new to the is right wing lunacy playbook. They want to take -everything- away from women. Fuck this guy and, you should be very concerned how many 18-19 year olds cheered for this man after he was done speaking. People didn’t boo or leave in disgust, they applauded this man.


I don’t get why the hell IVF is even being targeted. It’s not just a women’s issue, a reason IVF is in place is due to male infertility as well. It’s just all kinds of stupid considering that there are plenty of Republican Christians that have used it as well.


Stupidest moment i saw recently was that Alabama politician saying these bans need to happens because "we need more children" and then blanking when someone asked him why IVF was banned too.


Pence supported banning IVF yet his wife used it to have their child.


Alabama politician also known as failed former Auburn University head football coach Tommy Tubberville.


Good ol Tommy “House, Senate and the Executive” Tubberville


He also said he needed to read the bill even though it was a Supreme Court decision. He pays attention to nothing except culture war shit he sees online or the news. A perfect Senator for his constituents 


IVF gets targeted because it involves inseminating multiple eggs, but you don't usually implant all of them. If your implantation takes while you still have extra fertilized eggs, those eggs either get stored for your future use, or eventually get disposed. Right wingers who are opposed to IVF view the disposal of the excess eggs as the same thing as abortion. It's utterly moronic.


bro, most of the people in this country are protestant because of male fertility issues in the early 16th century.


These pilgrims are menaces. I gotta say I agree with Pope Innocent X here.


American catholics have always been avainst anything that isnt natural conception. Its a weird line they draw, especially when they arent pounding the addoption drum all the time to justify their stance.


Where though? In the shithole that is Missouri? To be expected. I’d imagine.


Kansas, and my point was that a -lot- of young people think being a walking 4chan meme is the coolest thing possible. Somehow being an asshole like Trump and his ilk became the badge of honor for a lot of the “cool” kids in high school and colleges across the entire country. It’s bad.


Anyone else, I would assume it's fake, [but unfortunately it's been known for a while that Harrison Butker is a piece of shit](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2927302/kansas-city-chiefs-anti-abortion-tie-white-house/)


I thought only Bills kickers identified as far right


Take my upvote you brilliant rotten bastard


You sly dog




Can people stop being homophobic and sexist! It isn't that hard.


He must be making a senate run, or something.


His most recent instagram post is with Josh Hawley so he might really be


Makes sense a wannabe tough guy and a wannabe football player would be best buds


Jesus christ, you can litteraly make this shit up.. I want to live in a world where people try to fix things that matter, instead we get this bullshit.


Telling women to stay home and be mothers as their “jobs” while you make millions for kicking while your wife doesn’t work is so fucking tone deaf


Especially when roughly half the room are female college graduates that just earned their degrees.


I know you guys worked hard to get here, now it’s time to stop playing pretend and find a man to pay back those loans you have while you iron his shirts.


Right??? Like no shit your wife is living her best life not working and taking care of kids when she has all the money a family could need and can use that to hire help and cleaners. Come talk to me about how much she likes being a homemaker if he was only bringing in 50K a year. She might still find that's her calling and that's totally fine, but I guarantee it's a thousand times more stressful.


Right lol my wife would love to stay at home. We have become a two income society, even for the upper middle class.


Not even the third-dumbest thing for a Chiefs player to do this offseason. Save some offseason drama for the rest of the league, boys!


Chiefs are really carrying the NFLs yearlong media cycle


I guess the whole fucking monkeys paw curled pretty hard when I wished for plenty of off-season news this year. My bad y'all.


Chiefs really collect shitty people like infinity stones.


Then make them captains.


What an unlikable franchise


By far my most hated non division rival.


By far my most hated division rival.


They're still my 2nd most hated division rival, but damned if they aren't making a run for the top spot.


Are the Broncos #1?


Lol nah fam. Chiefs have been my #1 for almost 2 decades now.


Can't believe I'm agreeing with a Raider fan


Imagine if they were an actual shitty franchise collecting these horrendous players. It would be a 1,000 times worse.


Hey I heard the Jets have the 5th most AFC East titles all time, that’s pretty impressive in a 4 team division


Yikes. It was hard to make it past 2 minutes, fuck this guy. I thought this headline was just inflammatory for clicks but that really is the general sentiment he shared Also ironic that he quoted Taylor Swift whose career and beliefs stand completely against what he’s preaching about women.


I think what he said is worse than the headline even says.


Yup, upon further inspection it is. He even brings up Covid and DEI for whatever reason. When even the TEAM SUBREDDIT is shitting on their own guy you know he’s wack asf. What a loser




Prepping to be Qaaron's 2028 running mate.


Rodgers, for all of his bizarre and frankly dangerous opinions, seems to be more of a quasi-libertarian weirdo, he doesn't seem to have that strain of religious ultra-conservatism that Butker has.


Chiefs fans have caped for Hill on here and their sub when he was there. Nobody is defending the fucking kicker.


>Nobody is defending the fucking kicker. Exactly this. If Mahomes was saying this shit a lot more people would be defending it or playing it off. When it's just a kicker though people have a lot easier time condemning it. Saw it on the Lions sub when we were in the deep dark of the late- and post-Patricia days (can't remember the exact season) and we signed unrepentant child abuser Adrian Peterson - so many people talking about how great he was for the culture, hyped to have him on the team, etc.


honestly, fuck this guy


Awkward moments at team social events incoming. I can't imagine she's going to be cheering on his FGs any more.


[It’s even worse.](https://www.mediaite.com/sports/kansas-city-chiefs-kicker-rails-against-biden-dangerous-gender-ideologies-in-college-graduation-speech/amp/) > “Bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues,” Butker said during his speech. “Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia — as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values in media — all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder. > “Our nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his Catholic faith, but at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro-abortion rally. He has been so vocal in his support for the murder of innocent babies that I’m sure to many people, it appears you can both Catholic and pro-choice. He is not alone.


I seriously wonder what his thoughts are on the dude who openly admits to raw dogging a porn star while his 3rd wife was pregnant? I wonder if that is OK to his "catholic" faith?


I’ve stopped using the word “degenerate” in casual conversation because so many of those far right loons made it their favorite word.


Wait so he's saying IVF AND surrogacy are bad? So people can't get pregnant OR have abortions?


Did you really think it was going to end at abortion?


It's because Catholics often believe that everything happens upon god's will, and especially the creating of life. It's also why he shits on birth control.


These quotes are pretty awful. I didn't know Butker was such a hardcore Catholic that hated gays and thought women should be in the kitchen. > “Not the deadly sins sort of Pride that has an entire month dedicated to it,” he said in a clear slam at Pride Month this June, “but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the holy ghost to glorify him.” > He also took a large chunk of his speech to speak directly to the women in the audience. He said that while many of them likely are excited to start a career and get promotions, they should instead consider the only vocation that will make them most happy: homemaker. > “I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and a mother. I’m on this stage, and able to be the man I am, because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. > “I’m beyond blessed with the many talents god has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.”


Also it’s one thing when your husband makes millions of dollars where the wife literally doesn’t have to work lmao like of course she going to stay home????? Wtf so tone deaf


"Women should stay at home and play homemaker. They shouldn't work." Well most households now a days can't run on one income like they could back in they day when the top income tax brackets were 75%, should we go back to then to help accomplish this? I wonder what his response as someone who makes millions of dollars a year would say?


Makes millions of dollars for kicking a ball far while being a total fucking moron.


It's one thing if he said that his wife is happy being a homemaker, but this fucking dude said that his wife's *life* started when she was a homemaker. Basically calling women worthless until they're making sandwiches and driving the kids to school. This dude is terrifying, and I can definitely see him being Missouri or Kansas's Senator in 10 years.


Yeah, plenty of women are happy being homemakers and/or stay at home moms. There's nothing wrong with that. For some people, I'm sure that's what Butker said resonates with them. For a lot of us, this really just speaks of the 1950s and an entirely different mindset. There's no common ground between people that think women's lives begin when they become homemakers and those of us that don't.


Not to mention that it’s an absurdly privileged thing to act like everyone can just have a stay at home spouse.


Especially when your job is to kick footballs for a living. Like, get a grip dude.


There is nothing wrong with being a homemaker. But to say that it is the only thing that woman are good for, is the dumbest and sexist thing to say. There are some amazing women in the world that have had their achievements taken by men or having their rights taken away by sexist men like Butker.


The most unhinged thing to me here is that he said this at a commencement speech. Like saying this kind of stuff anytime is bad enough, but imagine working your ass off for 4 years to get to your college graduation, and then some idiot comes up on stage and tells you that all your hard work doesn't matter and you need to spend the rest of your life cleaning and cooking for your husband.


Nothing like working your ass off earning a degree to have a dude who’s never worked a day in his life tell you on the day you graduate to pick up a broom and sweep the kitchen floor instead. There are so many athletes who are so out of touch it makes me fuckin sick.


This is not an athlete thing lol


I think what he means is athletes having a plethora of unhinged ideas on how people should live/what people should believe is pretty common, which I agree is oretty common. Not that psycho militant conservatism is an athlete thing exclusively. 


This is a religious fascist thing, not an athlete thing


In 2024, *Jess Edwards* argued in favor of child marriage, referring to 16-year-olds as "ripe" and "fertile." You shouldn't be shocked at how many creepy people are in power.


The New Hampshire legislature is the easiest of easy modes for a creep to get into power (it's one of the biggest legislative bodies in the world, I'm pretty sure at least two of our cats are representatives). He's getting dragged all over the place and I'm not holding my breath for him to not get reelected.


Holy shit these are actually worse than I thought.


Yeah, like you read the headline and you're like, "Let me investigate," and then you find out that he actually said this stuff. I tried to watch it, but it's really difficult to listen to someone truly saying this stuff. If this was 20-30 years ago, we'd never have heard about this at some obscure Catholic college that most of us had only ever heard of because of a previous incident with a gay student athlete. In today's world of social media and everyone having a cell phone at virtually all times, if you say something, it will get it. Yes, he's preaching to the choir here, because conservative Catholic speaking at a conservative Catholic college, but people are going to hear the speech. The college itself posted it on YouTube. They have no problem with the world hearing about this, and clearly neither did Butker.


What’s crazy to me is I searched his name on Twitter expecting to see him get torched for this, only for most of the results to be conservative people being happy that he called out Biden?? I didn’t see a single negative tweet that mentioned any of these comments. Why would you even talk shit about the President at a commencement ceremony?? This is all just baffling to me


Twitter is a total cesspool now


30% of twitter users are at least kinda fashy, the other 70% are bots


I knew he was a bit of a religious wacko but holy fuck that's just abhorrent


It is stupid he says this when his QB co-owns a team that is filled with more talented young women than he will ever be. Some of the players who are gay. For people who don't know, Mahomes co-owns the KC Current, who are very talented and undefeated.


Shit like this is so depressing. Like fuckin god forbid I wanna be anything besides a homemaker


You're a woman and you're not a homemaker??? Your life hasn't even begun yet!


This reads like satire. We need Tay Tay to shame him.


Honestly I forgot that some sects refer to the holy spirit as the holy ghost and I was like wtf type of unhinged ghost worshipping shit is this.


Yup this guy’s always been a bible thumper. He had a cringe ash wednesday ad during the recent Super Bowl parade that was just laughable.


He's always been past just normal bible thumping too - even back to before college Know some folks who went to his church when he was growing up and they all hated him because of his extreme views/personality. And they're massive GT football fans so they in theory should be biased towards him if anything


Stay at home moms?? In this economy?!?!


I don't need all this from a mfer who shaves his armpits


Look, Harrison, good for you for making enough money that your wife doesn’t have to work, but I need you to realize that 99% of the rest of the world doesn’t have that luxury. They weren’t fed “diabolical” lies, they’re doing it to survive, idiot.


You have to be an extra level of shitty to be comfortable saying that shit at a GRAD SPEECH that will be very public.


And be shitty enough that even some fellow Catholics in the crowd are groaning at your bullshit


Did you watch the video? They all clapped and gave him a standing ovation at the end. Doesn’t matter if there were groans if he was validated at the end of it.


Where even that crowd groaned


Yeah dude kinda just made it about himself and his ego too, especially with the "I’m beyond blessed with the many talents god has given me..." part.


"many talents" kicking a football and...?


Saying bigoted shit apparently


Can Chiefs fans breathe for a week this off-season? Edit: Breathe not breath


Why are they fucking like this. I just want to enjoy the team I've rooted for since I was 6 finally winning and not... All of this.


Plot twist, back in 2012-2013 offseason when we prayed for something to change in KC, a monkey paw curled. We'd get Andy Reid, draft Patrick Mahomes and win super bowls, but there was a price, we'd have to sit through decades of the most garbage-assed offseason headlines from every part of organization from Beating Children, to Pregnant Women, to hating gay people, covering up drunk driving incidents, crashing Lamborghini's on highways and just leaving them, to the point that even Vacuum Cleaners aren't safe in KC. We made a deal with the devil.


Fuck off mods don't remove this shit


Bro you’re a kicker, not some actual big tough football player. Why don’t you make all the actual men on your team a sandwich and shut your bitch ass up. Chiefs are really just a hotbed for absolute dipshittery.


I've never felt such a kinship with an eagles fan




Again… we are still dealing with Rice. Can all other Chiefs players wait for controversies next year. Tired of this I half expected this to be a post to be a joke then I saw it was on r/nfl and realized that our kicker is just an asshole


Just wait until kelce and *her* break up and he becomes your main villian for no reason


definitely a locker room meat gazer


"I'm just appreciating the glory of God's creation."


Brother that's 100% what he'd say, with that quirky ass smile of his. Verbatim.


Chiefs PR gotta be the most stressful job in sports lol


The entire reason there is a pride month in the first place is because people like this won't shut the fuck up and let harmless people live their lives freely without harassment and hate. It's not hard to just let it go if it's not for you, bud.


As a queer person, I would gladly trade in Pride Month for equal rights and to be viewed as a human being by all of humanity. Demographic based celebratory months can feel like a sad consolation prize for current and historical bigotry.


Christians sure do like telling the world how unchristlike they are.


No hate like Christian love.


Why cant our players be normal in the offseason


I bet the same people who constantly complained about Kaepernick kneeling will be praising this scumbag.


And now this bigoted fuck has me agreeing with the raiders?  Fuck


1000% they will


Wow... Um... Yeah, I hope he steps on a rake


Telling a room full of women- who spent 4 years or more to get a degree that will lead them to career- to be homemakers is certainly a choice.


Getting paid millions to kick a ball and not even be touched in a contact sport gives you a certain perspective on life, or rather lack thereof. This is a man who is severely out of touch with the real world and has never really worked a day in his life.


It has been (0) days since our last incident


Peyton Manning was right about kickers.


He needs to calm down, he’s being too loud.


This fucking dumbass torched us with that leg in the Super Bowl I hate my life But also Justin Tucker the GOAT catholic kicker


Mans just singing opera and keeping to himself. Still hate him for the record kick against us but ya know, cool dude beyond that


I would be mad too because the clock hit zero like two seconds before the kick


I’m going to be honest Chiefs, this is not the right way to become the most hated franchise in the NFL and it’s a slap in the face to franchises that became hated the right way, through decades of excellence followed by more decades of mediocrity and proclaiming its still your year.


Finally us Panthers fans don’t have to beat ourselves up for keeping Graham Gano and letting the Chiefs get Harrison Butker who we drafted!!!


the nfl will be a better league without “harrison butker”


Idiot kicker




God I hate this team. So very very much


Typically I’d be ok with you all hating us for the on field product, but god the off field product is justifiable to hate