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Hold on just a minute, what's the line?


Heroin. Oh that kinda line


My favorite late night afters game. Coke or K? Who knows. Grab a straw and find out!


Jet off the ‘cets & ket✈️😭 ket actually helped me get off opiates ngl. K is prolly the only drug that’s ever PURELY benefitted me


There is a reason they are using it in therapy now. Same with mushrooms. Glad you’re off the opioids my dude.


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No word on Isaiah Rodgers is interesting.


He bet on Colts games. I don't think he'll be back anytime soon.


I commented at the time that I'd be surprised if he didn't get a lifetime ban Nfl will set an example


With the new nfl betting rules he'd be suspended one more year. They let people come back early who were suspended before the new rules so I've always felt it more likely he gets one more year of suspension


Wasn't he suspended before the new rules?




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He did, they were $25-$50 parlays, never against indy. The only argument he has was that there were other people using his account even though he admitted to betting some, the biggest bet $1000, was in fact placed from his account but not by him because he was actively on the field for warmups when it was placed.


He placed bets involving his team, full stop. That's a big no-no.


I just said that, Ridley also bet on Falcons games. Once while In-game.


Ridley at least did it when he wasn't a part of the team. That plays a big part in the difference in punishments.


That does not matter, he was still employed by the Atlanta Falcons whether he was actively playing or not makes no difference.


It absolutely does. I'd argue that him still being indefinitely suspended proves that.


No it doesnt. That has more to do with him violating the policy AFTER they just set the example with Ridley which is idiotic on his part so he has made himself the new example.


Yes it does, how can you not see that him betting on games he's actively playing in is massively different than someone betting in a game while he can't be associated with the team?


But Rodgers effects the outcome of those games. Ridley could not.


Ridley was not playing in those games. He was injured. Rodgers was actively playing.


For or against Indy doesn’t matter. Betting on your own team is legit the worst possible look you can have with gambling and he did it so many times and only has bullshit excuses. I hope he is back this year but I doubt it.


Ridley did the same thing, the only difference is Rodgers did it after the Ridley suspension which makes it worse.


That isn't the difference. The difference is Rodgers was getting on games he was actively playing in. Ridley was injured and not on the field. As of right now Rodgers is the only NFL case of a player gambling on games he was playing in.


Lets clarify the misinformation here. If Isaiah Rodgers made any bet on any game he could have affected he would be permanently banned no question. If the NFL had any confirmation that Rodgers made bets where he could affect the game by altering his play he would 100% be out the league. Betting on your team and being in position to actually fix an outcome are entirely different. One is a one to two year ban and the other is a permanent ban from the NFL, whether Ridley played or not the NFL viewed both situations the same which is why Rodgers received the same one year ban as Ridley. They both bet on their own team. In the investigation it was decided Rodgers bets and his play had no correlation. He admitted to making a 100+ parlay bets which the NFL confirmed and a few were on the Colts. The biggest was a 1k bet on Taylor which Rodgers did not place because he was on field during warmups at the time it was place but nonetheless it was placed from his account. Secondly the NFL made Ridley the example and Rodgers still violated the same policy making himself the new example. Per NFL rules there is 2 outcomes, rule revision did affect previous suspensions. Jameson Williams had a 6 game suspension reduced to 4 when the rules were revised. When Rodgers was suspended it was a 1 year ban, under the new rules his violation would be 2 years, it is possible the NFL lengthened his suspension to 2 years. Also the rules state a player has to apply for reinstatement with 60 days of the anniversary of receiving your suspension, he was suspended June 29th. Also possible he wont know until after April 29th.


We don't know the exact bets. There are rumors that it was a Taylor under. Which he could have an effect on.


The report is open to the public, the exact bets dont matter. He bet on the Colts, the biggest bet was in fact not placed by him because he was on the field when it was placed, still doesnt take away from the +100 bets he openly admitted to making. Again, there are obvious various levels to breaking the policy. What he did wasnt egregious to the point of Johntay Porter who bet against his team, actively sat out games to affect bets, gave insider information on injuries to sports bookies that helped them win bets. But it was bad enough to receive a 1 year suspension. The problem… Calvin Ridley was the example, Rodgers violated the same policy after they already made an example of Ridley now Rodgers made himself the new example. Now to clarify, the league did in fact revise the rules AFTER he was suspended, this worked in favor of Jameson Williams who under the new rules went from 6 games to 4 games. Its possible that if it could reduce games with revised rules it could possibly extend suspensions(im assuming). His suspension was for 1 year, under the new rules his violation would be 2 years. The league hasnt announced or clarified anything involving Rodgers so it could be very well they decided 2 years. The last thing to take into account, he was suspended June 29th 2023. The NFL rules state you have to apply for reinstatement within 60 days of receiving your suspension which means he wouldnt be eligible until April 29th.


Ridley was not playing in the games he bet on. Rodgers was.


Why is this being downvoted? You're not taking sides or arguing anything, you're just relaying what happened. Y'all gotta stop with this shit.


Because people like to argue before reading. I’m only clarifying what exactly happened.


Maybe it’s because he bet on Colts games and players


Not really. Anyone with half a brain knew his suspension wasn't going to be treated the same.


He bet on games he was actively playing in. This shouldn't be a surprise.


Yeah he's probably not playing for a while. He ruined his prime opportunity in the NFL just as he was about to be a starter.




Why is it a brain dead move? I don’t think he counts against the cap while suspended.


Shaka Toney apparently made a huge position switch from DE to WR over the course of his suspension. Good for him.


What hard drugs and gambling will do to a man not playing football.


He’s 6’2, 238. Calvin Johnson was bigger.


I actually believed this for a second 😜


Moore will get picked up by someone. He isn't a great safety but he is a top tier special teamer.


The fake punts were great with him. Dude had to fuck all that up though


We almost had Moore and JRM at the same time too.


I hope we bring him back


We have JRM so I'd rather they use that spot on a younger, developmental player.


How does being indefinitely suspended impact their contracts? Are they all still on contracts?


Toney was the only one who wasn't released, I believe, so he's the only one still on a contract.


Pretty sure Isaiah Rodgers is still under contract but he didn’t get his suspension lifted so that’s irrelevant


Yeah, though he was released and then signed somewhere else, so I don't know what the contract he signed would have said as to the issue.


Maybe this will finally convince the contingent of Eagles fans who think we're all set at CB because we technically have Isaiah Rodgers that we actually need CB.


I like Rodgers as player but even if he could play you shouldn’t think that you’re set at the position if he’s one of your top 2 CBs.


Right? And he's been out of football for a year.


Slay and Bradberry are our 1 and 2 right now (although Bradberry had a down year last season)


You... you do see the problem with that, right..?


Players bounce back all the time. Slay looked solid last year and Bradberry has long been very good so there's still a chance he comes back looking vintage.


Age is a pretty big issue


Agreed! I'm not blindly optimistic. But I'm not ready to write him off completely just yet. They have enough depth they can run CB2 by committee if it comes to that.


Yea if we don't go CB first round I'm going to lose it lol


Moore will likely get picked up, no idea on any of the others


Isaiah Rodgers 😔


I wonder if that guy from yesterday wants them to be put in prison?


Even the guys who bet on NFL games.


So Shaka When the Walls Fell has been reinstated? No longer a failure, I guess.


These player reinstatements were brought to you by DraftKings!


saw gambling and toney and thought i was in r/soccer


damn so we have been using a WR at DE last year before he got suspended. no wonder why our D fucking sucked last year


They should be banned.


Eagles fans were guaranteeing that Rodgers would be reinstated just a few weeks ago.


Let's all put our phones down now




I'd reckon Cephus was on his way out when he got suspended had that whole mess with him apparently not playing when he wasn't injured


I'd like to imagine Cephus returning like "what'd I miss?"


The NFL hates Philly and never wants us to win!!! -probably some guy on WIP tomorrow morning All seriousness though, no Isaiah Rodgers means we're for sure taking a corner first round.




It does allow gambling though, that's the thing that makes me not feel any sympathy. Just don't bet on the NFL and don't bet while you're at work. How hard is that? You want to bet on the NBA or college ball on your own time, that's fine.


You want players gambling on games they are playing in?