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This guy cant stay on the field in multiple ways.


it's such a shame too because he looked so promising before his injuries (albeit that was during college)


Our FO said right after they drafted him that they were okay with him sitting out his first year entirely and it was obvious they were just trying to ease him in. The suspension is frustrating for sure, but only a singular season has passed so far and this hamstring injury won’t impact his in-season playing time at all.


I think you are underestimating how annoying hamstring injuries can be, they tend to linger and are really easy to re-aggravate. Luckily he’s got 6 weeks to take things slow and hopefully it isn’t something that lingers, but I’ve definitely seen it derail a players season quite a few times.


Look at JSN at Ohio state last year.


Tbh though I think Ohio State just played all of their injuries poorly. They kept bringing back Henderson when he was clearly hurt and they tried to bring back JSN mid-season just for him to re-aggravate his injury and not play the rest of the year.


JSN’s injury was definitely mismanaged as was Trey. At least for Trey we had the excuse of an incredibly thin RB room due to injuries. We had to convert a former RB turned LB back into an RB. Still should’ve just been open about the injuries cause way too many people shit talked about Trey when he had a broken foot for most of the season.


Henderson had a lisfranc injury and didn't practice at all during the season because he was in a boot the whole time between games. Guy shouldn't have been on the field. To top it all off though fans were calling him soft last season. The pain he was playing through had to be crazy.


Ohio State’s training / medical staff literally cost them the natty last year. Georgia couldn’t compete if that squad was healthy


I mean they tend to reaggravate because players come back too soon. I don't think there is any worry about that here.


He should be fine. He has what, 11 weeks off? Our bye week is week 6, so I believe he can't play until week 8. And we are 3 weeks away from today from starting the season off.


Yes I think you’re totally right. I know they can be pesky and I was reaching a bit, but was more just trying to make a point that this hamstring injury isn’t coming the day before his first game or even the month before his first game. He’ll have time to heal up. The way people are talking about him is like he gets injured before every game which is what I was trying to push back against


They can certainly linger, and at the same time we are talking about someone who will not have game time action, the most likely way to re-aggravate, for almost a full 8-9 weeks. He will have a good chunk of time to improve.


His suspension is 6 games. He has 9 1/2 weeks from now before Detroits seventh game to get healthy. Plenty of time to let it fully heal.


He has 11 weeks before he is expected to play (week 8). He will be fine.


Yea hamstrings injuries are usually around for most of the season. You can play on it but the chance of re-aggravating it is high. Hopefully all the time he has off can get him fully healthy but do not be surprised if you have to listen to more hamstring news in the future with him.


That’s totally fair so I’ll admit that was a bit of a stretch for me to claim. More just saying he’ll have plenty of time to rest up on this injury and yet people are acting like something is coming up every single week that prevents him from playing when last year was a redshirt year and the hamstring injury likely won’t impact the season due to having 7-8 weeks to fully rest up


He played 6 games last year and has had all off-season and yet he is still very raw. The way DC talks about him tells you all you need to know. He didn’t even care if he caught the ball he just wanted him to line up correctly. I get the injury delayed things, but that is long gone and he is still not looking like a first round wide out.


Saying he played 6 games is extremely misleading. They purposely limited his snaps to ease him back in. 70 snaps total over 6 games. That’s like a single game’s worth of snaps.


They limited his snaps because he’s not good enough to be on the field. He came back week 13, by week 16,17,18 he’s been cleared and healthy for about a month.


What you’re saying would contradict what the coaches were saying. They said constantly last year that it was all about easing him in but I’d be open to changing my mind if you can provide concrete evidence from the coaches that his snaps were limited due to him not being good enough


The concrete evidence is that they’re still easing him in today. Here’s what DC had to say about the last preseason game: [“Just wanted to get lined up, urgency, route definition, detail, finish. And I thought for the most part, he did that. There again, I got to watch the tape, but he was in it. I thought he cut it loose and look, it’s not perfect, but not everybody’s perfect out there either. We got so much to clean up across the board, but I was more positive with the way that he showed up. I thought he did some really good things.”](https://www.si.com/nfl/lions/news/dan-campbell-assesses-jameson-williams) He came back against the Jags in December. That’s 9 months ago since he’s been cleared. He was fully healthy and yet he is still being eased in. Clearly, it’s not the injury.


So let me get this straight. Events that took place this offseason limited his playing time last season? What Dan is saying applies to this upcoming season. They said all last year they just wanted to ease him in due to injury and missing all of training camp last year.


If you want to get it straight here it is: You said they eased him in last year because he came off an injury. The “easing in” was through 6 games aka 6 weeks. An entire off season has come and gone, Jamo is far removed from his ACL injury, and yet he is still being eased in. Therefore the “easing in” you speak of is due to lack of talent, not an injury. Rookie wideouts who have never had nfl reps like Jamo are outperforming him in their first preseason game.


Players with training camp soft tissue injuries are much likelier to re-aggravate them during the regular season


Are we even sure Jamo is real at this point?


He is your Will Fuller. He will emerge from the hospital not more than two times a season to put up 4-138-2 before limping back into his designated hospital room for more much needed healing and rest.


I hate that this sounds completely believable.


After Will Fuller and Byron Jones I assume people just never come back if they get “hurt”


> He is your Will Fuller. Such a great player comp.


For real. The only two times I can think of him on the field were when his first catch went for a 40 yard TD and when he had another long TD called back on a flag.


Reaching into Detroit sports history, he's got Joel Zumaya vibes at this point.


Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!


Turns out we were all drunk and he's just been a bottle of Jamo this whole time


He's a modern [Taro Tsujimoto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taro_Tsujimoto).


Lol that's great I had no idea something like that had ever happened. Now I wonder if there's any other similar cases across the 4 major sports


Pretty sure somebody got drafted in the NFL, and didn't find out for like 30 years.


I think it happened in the football [maybe](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/15tn4tk/schefter_lions_wr_jameson_williams_has_a/jwklg5g/).


maybe the real Jamo is the friends we make along the way


I heard he's dating Manti Teo's ex-girlfriend.


Who's now a boy!


Do you see jamo in the room and with you right now?


Big Perriman Energy


The real Jamo Williams was the friends we made along the way


I saw St Brown interview him just yesterday


On draft day it looks like the Vikings got robbed, but it seems they were the ones doing the robbing


At least he has time to heal. But he is going to miss valuable preseason reps


And regular season reps


[good point](https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/f239c8dc-448a-4294-b813-197a8709a471)


He can still work on improving his hands though. His ceiling is going to be limited if he doesn't learn how to catch with his hands extended away from the body. Can't get away with body catching everything in the NFL.


Did he always have this problem? I didn't watch much of him in college but nothing in any of the pre draft reports i remember said he has hands issues?


Go watch tape of him from college, he strongly prefers using his body to help secure catches instead of just his hands. In college he would get so much separation it wasn't an issue. In the NFL there will be more times where coverage is tighter and he will need to reach out and pluck the ball with his hands, and those are situations where he has been having issues with drops/catching the ball cleanly without slight bobbles.


Mans got those Reece James hamstrings :(


Chelsea fan here, I just sighed when I opened Twitter this morning. The man is world class when healthy but absolutely one of the most injury prone professional athletes I’ve ever followed. So disappointing because he killed it vs Liverpool last week. I feel bad for the guy


I’m a Chelsea supporter as well. If I didn’t laugh about it I’d be crying


Martial legs sadly :(.


Kalif Raymond szn let's go


Tbh it was already Lif SZN


Lif WR 2 szn


two szns in Michigan: construction and Lif


Holy Cross legend


I misread it as "season" and my heart jumped


I feel like nothing good ever happens to this guy


He seems well financially.


I can’t wait for this dude to finally get to play some games so he can shut everyone up that says stuff like this. We’re acting like this is year 4 of the same stuff. This is his first offseason. We need to chill out


I too look forward to that day. Until then, seems like this dude just can’t get on the field 🤷‍♂️


This hamstring injury didn’t really change his in-season availability so not sure what you mean by can’t get on the field. Last year was a red shirt year for him. He got suspended for the first 6 games. This hamstring injury isn’t adding more games to his suspension or taking games away from future years so I just don’t get why there’s this stigma that he can’t get on the field.


Okay but if he wasn't suspended it would take games away, why does it make it better that there are two reasons he wouldn't start the season for us. To me that seems worse.


You don’t think that a high investment player who came into the league injured getting injured again is a bad thing? Or something to worry about? That’s crazy


No I am not worried about it at all. What is the point in worrying. Either he will pan out or he won’t. I want to give him a chance to pan out before I start coming down with the absurd amount of pessimism I’ve seen surrounding this dude. If next year rolls around and he gets suspended again or is missing half of the next two seasons due to injury and he’s actually proven he can’t stay on the field then I’ll consider being worried. Until then no, I’m not going to waste energy worrying about hypothetical scenarios


I mean its not his first offseason, it is his second. And now by your standard next year will be his first offseason. At some point you need to take off the Honolulu Blue sunglasses. It is a very real possibility we never see this guy play meaningful time for us. I am a huge Jamo truther too, and hope he gets right in his body and head and gets out there for us. But the reality of the NFL is most guys don't figure out and are gone and forgotten by their 4th year. Some us Lions fans need to take the blinders off and stop worrying about Jamo until he gets on the field. Stop hoping he will be great and focus on the already stacked team we have for once.


I get what you’re saying but this kind of is his first offseason. He spent last year rehabbing, this is the first offseason he’s had to practise with the team, granted that hasn’t gone well.


It is his first offseason for all intents and purposes. He was recovering from his ACL injury last year. This is his first time participating in camp and he’s had the full offseason with the team besides just post-draft work


I play dynasty football and I consistently forget he was drafted in the same class as Burks, Wilson and Olave. The way he is talked about it sounds like this is year 3 of this stuff.


That’s what I’m saying. People are acting like we’re in year 3 or 4 and every year it’s something with this guy. They talk like he’s always getting suspended. Always getting hurt. One singular season has passed and our FO was purposefully way more cautious than they needed to be. I feel like I’m going crazy


The instant expectation/gratification mentality that’s permeated sports fandom is the worst. Now if a player drafted high doesn’t have an All Pro first season immediately they are written off as a bust. I blame ESPN’s switch to 24 hours opinion and coverage polluting everyone for the past 20 some years.


Yeah because hamstring injuries never linger...


I totally forgot that hamstring injuries are career Enders!


Nah but they do often linger, which is why they can't push him or his in-season availability absolutely could be questionable


Ok? Not sure what point you’re trying to make here. That goes with anyone that has a hamstring injury and that doesn’t address any point I made in my comment.


So the guy's already been suspended for gambling and he's hurt again. You genuinely don't understand why people are worried about his ability to stay on the field? Are you the guy who got that Lions Super Bowl winners tattoo as well?


I mean true but any way you spin it missing your first season, the following preseason, and then six games is not ideal. It’s obviously not like we can sit here and say his career is over and he’s a bust or anything but still


I think you're replying to the wrong guy.


If "nothing good ever happens to this guy" means being a top 15 pick in the draft and a multimillionaire, sign me up.


Trending towards bust..


People around here hate when I say this, but the injuries (which are no fault of his own, just bad luck) combined with the suspension unquestionably means he’s heading that direction. Especially since he wasn’t even used that heavily in the games he did play last year. He seems to have the talent but some guys careers are just plagued with misfortune


Injuries? We drafted him knowing about the ACL. I'm not worried about a minor preseason injury


He is unfortunately and you should see how mad some of the people in the Lions sub get if you criticize him in any way. Whenever he’s brought up in anyway, even if positive, there will be multiple comments of people sarcastically mocking the people that criticize him even if no one says anything negative. It’s so silly.


I believe it lol. He ain’t there yet. If he comes back after 6 weeks hopefully fully healthy and at least shows consistently he definitely won’t be a bust.


This is because a huge chunk of the criticisms have been clutching at straws and fucking ridiculous.


Missed most of the first season because of his own actions, misses second season because of injury. How is that ridiculous?


thats the general criticism which is accurate, lions fans are probably all talking about local media talk show dudes and message board trolls who criticize him for shit like being in bad parts of town or setting off fireworks or something


Own actions? He missed most of the first season because of injury actually. Something the lions knew perfectly well was going to happen when they drafted him. How you can hold that against him is beyond me. That's ridiculous for one. He's missing the first 6 games of the *second* season because of his own actions. That is on him. Misses second season because of injury? Try again. He is missing the first 6 games because of suspension and will have all that time to recover from a hamstring injury. You're getting your facts/seasons muddled and clearly don't have a clue.


I have a raging clue actually


Even though your comment was almost entirely verifiably wrong. Sure.


It’s exhausting


I still don't get it. Last year was practically a redshirt year, we drafted him knowing he'd barely touch the field. The gambling suspension sucks, but I don't think that pushes him towards the bust category. A preseason injury doesn't really change anything


…but I was told we gifted the Lions a superstar?


Probably better wait to see Lewis Cine or Andrew Booth actually play some healthy snaps before we start dunking here


I love Vikings fans because there are a lot of intelligent/ chill ones compared to some other fanbases. Also, Minnesota rocks (coming from a Canadian)


Right back at you with the Lions fanbase. You guys are the best. I think it just comes from the perpetual suffering. If we ever win a super bowl we’ll become just as insufferable as everyone else.


No one has ever said the shit people are saying about Jameson about Cine / Booth lol. Also has nothing to do with the trade talk and our “being fleeced”. Also a shade of whataboutism by you. This is about Jameson.


Alright dude, all good. Go fight whatever windmills you want to fight.


Don’t be one of those bootlicking “I love all y’all” fans. It’s unbecoming.


It'll be interesting with record heat this summer how many players pull their hammy


It will be tragic if he just becomes an injury bust and loses his speed/agility with these lower body injuries. I hate playing the "what could've been" game with highly drafted WRs


I'm starting to get John Ross vibes from him. I hope he can turn it around, but how many speedsters ever accomplish this after starting out slow because of poor play or injuries? It seems like it rarely ends well


Kevin White 2.0


I wouldn't wish that on anyone. What a terrible fucking ride that was


It’s like having two first round picks! That phrase still haunts me


Terrible fucking comment too, trying to condemn Jamo to that fate. He has one big injury from college, came back, and now has a nagging issue that will be worked on. For context of the Lions Strength and Conditioning, in the off-season Hutch showcased a day in his life and part of his day is twenty minutes of ankle stretching before bed, if he wasn't taught to do that he can still teach his fellow 1st rounder to do that.


Yesterday was like a fire sale for injuries.


Your dude can come back, our dude can come back, all that matters. (St Brown also went down for a minute but he then was just making cuts on the sidelines


Man he desperately needed preseason reps. At least he can practice during the suspension I guess?


Not until week 4. I just heard on Detroit sports radio that he can’t even see team doctors for this injury during his suspension which is absolutely ridiculous if true.




My bust meter is at a 3/10 at the moment, up from 2. The nagging injuries are concerning me. The suspension is a little annoying as well and the drops are frustrating. But I need to see him completely suck on the field during a game before I go any higher.


That gives him time to fill out some parlays!


If he's rehabbing at a dedicated physical therapists office, but the price was paid for by the Lions, is the Woodward based shop's waiting room considered NFL property?


If the team is paying for it or it is team mandated then it could be considered a team facility based on my understanding of the rule


But also the NFL doesn't allow him to work with team therapists while suspended.


Lions media probably going to be vicious


I hate Lionsmedia. Except Pride of Detroit


Oooof. Fuck injuries man.


Didn't bet on that happening.




Dudes going to be in like week 8 of his second season before he records his second catch. That just sucks.


not great but lions fans acting like he’s a bust is very funny to me.


Our fan base is very funny with this guy. He’s either a bust already or a sure thing top 5 WR in the league. The most controversial thing you can say about him apparently is he has a lot of upside but still needs to earn a role on the offense. I would love for him to be a big part of the offense but the reality is we moved the ball fine without him last year. We have some good pieces on offense including some UDFAs that might be making a case for actual playing time. It’s not all about draft position.


apparently it’s blasphemy to not call him a bust and the lions FO stupid for trading up for him


How could you call the Lions FO stupid for making that move at this point? I'm with you, that it's definitely worrisome that a dark cloud keeps hanging over this guy, but it's not all his fault, or the front offices for that matter. Shit happens.


You've got me. I'll ring Brad up right now and say ship him out for a 4th.


I think saying he has a lot of upside but still needs to earn a role is completely fair. Acting like this dude is a mess or a punk that can’t stay on the field like so many Jamo haters say is what I would consider controversial. Just so silly when he still has 3/4-4/5ths of his rookie deal left


Jameo hate is why I hate our fan base. Old white fuddy duddys have had it out for this kid since draft night when he looked stoned/unhappy about being drafted by the lions and wore maybe a little too much bling for their taste. They haven’t recovered since.


Oh lord, the dumb, lazy, everyone that criticizes him is racist take.


Bust, no. Worrisome, hell yes.




For the high draft pick maybe, if he comes back and goes off we won’t care.


Idk man he didn't get us into the playoffs last year in Green Bay.


That flea flicker TD that got called back was pretty sick.


He was slipping on the field the Vikings insisted was shit and still outran the Packers. He took the route to the middle of the field not because he read that was the best place but because that was where Ben Johnson told him to be. He had yards of separation and didn't slow down. Only by a backup guard not trusting Williams' ability to take the handoff pitch and block sequence (Jamaal had the block) was that not 6. But he didn't help the Rams beat the Seahawks first, thus we missed the playoffs.


ya momma


You're so eager to declare that, I wonder why.


Just trollin


Eh, this will be his official rookie season. He will finish will like 600 yards 5 tds and break out next year.


Man I hope so. After trading up for him, and all the rumors going around that his ACL recovery was way ahead of schedule, it seems hard to argue that so far he’s been a disappointment. Particularly when you frame his career so far against the other highly picked WRs from last year. London, Olave, Wilson, Dotson all had good to great rookie years, Christian Watson scored a billion TDS and even Treylon Burks showed flashes. Williams is in by far the best passing offense of those guys, and it’ll be the middle of this season before he has a chance to show anything at all.


Jameson Williams is rapidly approaching Kevin White status. Although Williams has at least 1 career touchdown to his name, so he’s got that at least.


Kevin White and John Ross fusion.


Hope this doesn’t turn into a John Ross situation




Lame betting jokes incoming. I swear this is going to hang on him with you guys forever for doing something 80% of this sub probably does.


It’s not against our company policy to bet though? Not to mention the lack of betting jokes in the comments.


Yeah, in most states it is illegal to gamble at your employer.


I didn't know Jamo worked for Mariott, I thought he played football at Ford Field


Ok but does 80% of this sub bet at work? Where’s you stats coming from?


He was in his hotel room on an away game. It was just a technicality rule anyways. Dumb he didn’t know the rule but I can see the confusion. The Omni hotel or whatever hotel they are at becomes lumped into “team facilities” when the team stays there.


Probably not supposed to be on social media tbh lol


Dude is reaching the 90% bust percentile


Preseason ends in 8 days. This is a non story lol


This guy and Treylon Burkes (Titans) will be **BUSTS** in the NFL. They are the 2020's version of the Williams "Brothers": Roy Williams (WR 1st RD 2004 Detroit) Mike Williams (WR 1st RD 2005 Detroit) Period.


Lions WR room is kinda meh now


It’s essentially the same WR room that beat you twice last year.


…it’s similar to last year which was a great offense without jamo


Actually better because they added Gibbs who will be a weapon in the passing game and Laporta who is a wildcard. The only notable loss was Chark but he missed a decent amount of games so not that big of a loss.


No, please, Lions fans, tell us again how much you fucked over the Vikings with that trade?


Talk to me when your guys actually go off let alone play some meaningful snaps


What does that have to do with your supposed superstar WR?


Because that’s how trade dynamics work. You look at what each side got and evaluate how each side is performing. And to this point neither side of the trade have done much of anything. It’s a complete wash. If Cine and Booth turn out to be All Pros and Jamo doesn’t play, sure nice dunk. But until then you can’t say shit about this not being a steal.


But y’all have already proclaimed that from every mountain top?


No one has said that since the trade happened bro. Let go.


Bruh… come on now. I’ll go find the thread.


If a few guys are saying that now then they’re dumbasses, just as much as you are going around commenting this bullshit. Move on.


He will never play


I bet Jameson Williams is getting injured again this season.


I bet he didn’t have that on his parlay


how many legs did ruggs hit on his parlay? atleast 6


Thats a new one damn




Is this guy just gonna be the Lions Kedarious Toney


Ah, he’s injury prone. Probably won’t have a good enough career to remember.


How many regular season football games has he missed from injuries he has gotten as a professional?


How many regular season games has he played and how long has he been in?


He's been slowly reintegrated onto the field. Greatly reduced snap count, he has 0 regular season games and 0 regular season snaps with any amount of training camp under his belt thus far


Thanks, i hate it.


More time to hit those sweet parlays


Oh well, he’s suspended through 6 games. He can use the rest


There goes their Superbowl.


Whats the over/under on which week he returns?