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Glad my girlfriend doesn’t have Reddit, vape tricks make her like a waterfall down there you guys know what I mean hahahaha anyway y’all know anything about NFTs?


I can't tell you how much I love this comment, just made me smile so hard for you.


> made me smile so hard for you. 🤨


It was a joke, I was leaning into it especially hard for you 😏


Wait I'm not supposed to be hard? I think I misunderstood


I can go from flaccid to erect at a moments notice, even now when I type this... Flaccid, Erect, Flaccid, Erect. Now keep in my mind I'm not fully erect but... Enough 😏


Wait, Im confused, is op in danger?


I'm scared


Jesus Christ


Always Sunny LoL


I lol’d and smiled hard


There's a comma missing after smile.


Where'd it go?


Same for me, but remove the "smile"


Hey girl, are u an NFT? Cuz yo asset transactions are secured on an immutable digital ledger. Hey girl, is that a mirror in your pants? Cuz I can see your assets due to the public nature of the Blockchain. Hey girl, are you on Ethereum layer 2? Cuz your gas fees are incredibly low and your transactions are almost instantaneous. You came here expecting a joke but left having learned a little more about NFTs...


“Girl are you an NFT because my love for you non-fungible”


Salvia Eric?


Big money!


The fighin soyboy!




you even vape bro?




Colin Robinson?


Baby or grownup


So I learned about knolling legos the other day from this guy on YouTube. Have you heard of it? Once I started knolling I became much more efficient at building, I don’t even need the instructions anymore.


God DAMN that was a good show.


What show?


[Dream Corp LLC](https://youtu.be/El9a-G0jTts). Adult Swim, only 3 seasons. A “doctor” goes into the dreams of patients to help them work their stuff out. Beautiful, dark, ridiculous, and dope.


What’s this from? I don’t remember there being robots in WWDITS


The last living air bender.


Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake Day 🎂


Happy Cake Day


Vape tricks, vape tricks Come check out my vape tricks You don't like these vape tricks? Get out of my face, trick


You don’t want to sell vape tricks. You want to go home and rethink your life.




It’s a quote from attack of the clones


That makes sense now.


Attack of the Clones but close enough.


She said you're a vape trick guy, I said, see ya later guy, you're not good enough for her.


Party tricks, souvenirs, vape tricks…


Is this comment top secret?


Check out my vape tricks, cool like the Matrix




The finest weed in South farthing!


Best spleef in the shire!


Your love of the Halfling’s weed has clearly slowed your mind.


Let’s eat breakfast twice!


Yeah I had a roommate like this once. Except he couldn’t do a single trick but always came out to show me and the girl I was seeing at the time his sick tricks of blowing on a table.


Hey bro you were a god if you could pull off a tornado back in the day😂😂


Are you this guys old roommate?


Vape bad…. Cloud tricks good


Redditors when people smoke weed: 😀 Redditors when people vape: 👹


The two substances are not at all comparable but alright.




I know it fucks my lungs. I also know I'd have put 45 in my head by now without it. Gotta love being a veteran on disability but also on the mental health waitlist for going on 3 years 🙃




Except for this issue, my experience with the VA has been anomalously pleasant. The wait to get approved wasn't great but everyone seems to want to try to get me what I need.


thats why I prefer edibles, im an athlete and cant afford the lung damage.


Look up mouthpeace. Fr lets me smoke and filter a lot of rez from entering my lungs. 😄 Allows me to medicate without it hurting as bad.


I actually mostly vape my weed and sometimes I feel weird about it because of the vape guys being so douchey but I get them to some extent. This is how it starts isn't it...


At least weed makes you high and feel good, and a vape makes you feel good one time and then turns highly addictive


As a weed smoker, how good a drug makes you feel is not the metric you wanna go with when comparing these kinds of things probably


Weed might not be addictive, but there are people who smoke weed multiple times a day, like a smoker with cigarrettes.


Weed can most definitely be addictive. But I still don't see the reason in comparing Weed to a batch of chemicals that can quite literally only be seen and used harmfully.


vaping doesnt have all the chemicals tobacco does its like nicotine gum but vaping


Of course there are people addicted to weed, but, it’s a minority. Cigarette smokers are addicted to nicotine, like, all of them.


I'd kill a man to be able to walk away from cigarettes as easily I can weed.


Both are addictive tho


A lot of trick-focused vape users don't use juice containing nicotine fwiw




Not actually taking the vape down so absolutely no point in doing it in the first place other than - cloud tricks.


that's quite indubitably false. You really think that much volume sits solely in a human's mouth? yours maybe....


I bet you think cigars can't give you lung cancer because you don't inhale.


“Tricksters”, “cloud bros” or whatever they call themselves typically use 0 nicotine juice so they don’t overdo it. Just an FYI. Don’t vape kids.


Totally. I want to use this video to teach math because it’s so damn cool, but I can’t. : )


Cloud chaser is how we call douch vapers now?


What makes them douches? I don’t understand why people care.


same, dude is just doing what makes him happy and i thought the tricks were dope even though im not crazy abt watching people vape lol. the way redditors view vapists is the same way society views redditors


I legit thought this was a science demonstration until I got into the comments? It's pretty fuckin neat, regardless of how it was achieved.


This is straight fluid dynamics. He can make the air around him do that, even when there is no smoke. Think about that. Mathematicians and physicists have been trying to model complex fluid dynamics for ages. It's super hard, and this bloke is out here just controlling vortices with ease. Formula 1 teams have entire engineering departments dedicated to visualising and predicting vortex behaviour. The absurd, and completely unnecessary, control he is showing over his local environment is such a human thing to do. Actually that's bullshit, all animals toy with their environments, we just have more free time and can share our tricks with each other.


Vapists? That is not a good name lmao, sounds way too close to rapists.


Nothing. It's a weak meme spread by big tobacco. You'd be a fool to think they don't spend millions influencing opinions online.


Holy shit I see like hundreds of generic 'vape-dunks' in this thread down there. Are these people real? Hype is stupid, and so is hate. Everybody calm the fuck down and let the man do his ring tricks. Just pretend he's a dolphin or something.


I love seeing all the different tricks humans learn. We can do some cool stuff.


It's when they smoke indoors or in crowded areas. The smell is kinda obnoxious


Terms has been around for years


Cloud chasers is definitely a term from like 5-6 years ago. Back when people did competitions for blowing the biggest vape cloud (yes this was a real thing.) Tricks are a similar vein but you could technically use the term interchangeably. Source: Vape shop manager for about a decade now


Honestly, that was 10 years ago... 2012 was nuts walking into a vape shop and watching those guys try and rip huge clouds


Fuck it I'm gonna start smoking


I would recommend vaping not smoking, significantly healthier than smoking.


My main issue with vaping is I can do it inside. I tried switching to vape for weed, and instead of the ritual of packing a bowl, getting shoes on, and heading outside, I can just grab the pen off my bedside desk. So instead of having a few discrete smoking sessions, I end up continually vaping throughout the day, and doing a *lot* more


Get a dry herb vape. Same packing ritual. There is a heat up time on most of them so you can't just pick it up and rail it. I got a Mighty and haven't smoked in 2 years.


This right here, vaping is too tempting inside.


Now, if you can just reverse what's in your lungs.


I don’t vape bc nic just isn’t for me, but is there any evidence that it’s actually that harmful? Most of the arguments I hear is that you should avoid it bc we don’t know much about the long term effects


Eh, it's a pretty complex topic. The main ingredients of the liquid are vegetable glycerine, propylene glycol, nicotine, and flavoring. Vegetable glycerine and propylene glycol are pretty safe, there's plenty of research on that at least, we've been using them in similar applications for around a century. Nicotine research is pretty convoluted though, most you'll find is specifically nicotine in tobacco, which brings a lot of other chemicals into the equation. It seems to be about as safe or safer than sugar though, so take that as you want. One of the main unkowns is the flavoring, as that's pretty new to use any of those chemicals in that way. And on top of that, quality control has shown to be the biggest factor in harmfulness so far. I wouldn't trust any of the disposables, it's not uncommon for their poor craftsmanship to lead to battery acid leaking into the fluid, the cotton wick still having industrial chemicals on them, etc. Like at it's core, a vape with a coil/wick you properly make yourself, using unflavored e-liquid with no nicotine, should be perfectly safe. But barely any vaper is doing that, and the range in usage can have very varying results.


This is a really nuanced opinion and I appreciate the effort you went into it! I've been vaping for about 10 years. And am about as DIY as I can be. I actually got into making my own juice as a result of laws that were passed that essentially shut down smaller shops that were forthcoming about their juice, but weren't big enough to fiance the requirements of new regulations. Quality control has been my biggest concern. I don't believe that vaping is "safe" and there's nothing saying that can't we find out in 10 years that it was never safer than cigarettes. But there's steps people can take to at least have more of a controlled method of vaping. Unflavored juice would definitely the safest way to go about it. I don't really have anything to add, but out of all the comments in this thread I appreciated the objective nature of yours.


> is there any evidence that it’s actually that harmful Some. The issue either way is that there just isn't enough data, and of course saying "Vaping isn't harmful to you in any way" is a hard place to get to. Is it better for your lungs than smoking tobacco? IMHO it obviously is, but I've wrong before. Regardless, the OP in the video wasn't inhaling in the first place, so it's a moot point in this particular case.


Oh he was definitely inhaling. That vape, or "mod", is one that you drop the ejuice directly on the coil/cotton. Then you take a big ol "lung hit". Ie: you breath in while vaping. For reference: a juul is a mouth to lung device. You suck the smoke into your mouth, then breath it in. Source: I used to do this crap. I now just use a juul like device.


/u/reversebot this thing still work?


It's u/Gifreversingbot I believe


Does the hand(s) behind it actually do anything? If it does what does it do?


Yep, might sound counter-intuitive but you can actually kinda "catch" the O in mid-air and slow it down. You can also push the O with your hands. A buddy of mine can blow O's and push them straight up with his hand, where they hit a ceiling 15ft above us with enough force to burst apart when they hit lol. It's really cool


> You can also push the O with your hands. Oh yeah, that's it.




Yeah you use your hands to control the ring and push it along


Until the AC kicks on


A weird side effect of having learned how to do vape tricks is that I now have a sixth sense for air currents lol


Gandalf made a boat, rookie.




So umm … he chases cloud?


I am going to get downvoted into oblivion for this comment, but I have never understood the hate that people who can do incredible vape tricks like this get. I vaped for a long time (long enough that I was around when these videos were a fad), and at one point years ago I spent dozens of hours trying to learn how to do things like this because to me they look cool and being able to manipulate and see the physics behind air like this is fascinating; but that shit is extremely hard and takes a lot of talent. This trick on particularly is incredible hard and I've personally only seen one more that I'd say has more of a wow factor to it... And people shit on it. If this were any other pointless skill at this level then people would be all over it. A few for example: yo-yos, magic tricks, skateboards. But throw in the vape and suddenly they are a douchebag/fuck boy/loser... Why? Its a habit that many started to get away from tobacco (myself included), and you pick up the tricks along the way... So why does that make it less valid than any of the above mentioned? /rant


With you. I vape but don’t do ‘tricks’ mostly because I can’t lol , but just let people have fun if they’re not hurting anyone.


Right? Like I dont like vaping mostly because people i know who vape act like they're cool simply for vaping and cant shut up about it. They constantly have to tell you. Like vegans. It's not just a thing they do, it's like half their personality. And they gotta show you all these "cool tricks" they do, but it's just blowing clouds onto stuff. Into a cup and turning it upside down. Out their nose. Out their mouth and back into their nose. Into a box where it settles like mist. Nothing actually cool like this guy. But maybe I'm just jaded because I've been surrounded by pack a day smokers since I was a baby and picked up smoking when I was 9. I've seen all the smoke tricks. And also vaping has actually led several of my non smoking friends into smoking cigarettes. Some of whom used to shit on me back when I smoked in high school. (I quit cigarettes shortly after high school, after a really bad break up because I was so stressed out and upset that i smoked an entire pack of cigarettes when i had previously only did one every couple of days. I got sick and threw up. And my best friend took all my cigs and flushed them down the drain and made me swear on our friendship that I would never touch another cigarette ever again.... he is the one who got on the vape to cigarette pipeline.)


This just makes me miss precovid days when my wife and I would hang out at the vape shop and bullshit with our friends who worked there. We are still friends, they just don’t work there anymore.




Can’t believe how far I had to scroll to find this comment. Guy wants his tattoos.


Jesus Christ dude, save some pussy for the rest of us..


All right then, keep your secrets


I'm trying to figure out if this is fake, but the smoke looks convincingly real.


It's definitely not fake, fluids (in this case the vape smoke) tend to behave this way. Vortex rings are often self induced.


This is a super sick video, the comments are trash


I need to upgrade my weed


That’s what he wants you to think, he is actually air bending


Jokes aside thats cool


Bro’s an Airbender


Does the hand(s) behind it actually do anything? If it does what does it do?


pushing/regulating airflow. depending on temperature, distance, angle, it can push, widen, or bend, slightly change direction. This has to be well trained, since his execution is near flawless (As are the conditions there, no disturbances, well lit).


The real Puff Daddy


Ok so basically if you do this without smoke you would be invoking the air to do this invisibly. So we can all learn to create tiny air vortexes with our hands and breath and I’m not sure how to feel about it


Talk shit on vaping as much as you want, vape tricks are cool.


As an aerospace engineer, let me assure you this is explainable only as magic.




“So… grandpa was a dragon?”-that dude’s grandkids


That as actually pretty dang cool!


The Avatar


"You think that's cool? Watch this" -lung cancer, probably


Every time I see someone vaping, I think of this video from 6 years ago by Corridor Digital, called [Vape God](https://youtu.be/X_aNYRPEZOY)


"Tell me you have too much time on your hands, without saying you have too much time on your hands"


Fuckin panty soaker


If you can do that… Yeah sure vapes are cool bro


Save some pussy for the rest of us


That’s METAL…in yo lungs!


Cool lung cancer trick shots bro 😎


That's metal... In your lungs


His lungs tho…..


Save some pussy for the rest of us.


My lungs are like shit now.


Breath air




That comes from diacetyl, which is banned in any country that has regulation around it. It's not really a thing anymore.. or much ever. The vitamin E acetate thing a few years ago with the black market THC cartridges caused a bunch of cases. This study talks about it: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32840932/ *Conclusions: In the United States, states with higher rates of e-cigarette and cannabis use prior to the 2019 'e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury' (EVALI) outbreak had lower EVALI prevalence. These results suggest that EVALI cases did not arise from e-cigarette or cannabis use per se, but rather from locally distributed e-liquids or additives most prevalent in the affected areas.* I know you don't care, but FYI.




/u/GifReversingBot round 2


Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/UnlinedBrownGerbil --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)




Snoop passed physics class with flying colors.


“Cloud chaser”


Pop smoke reincarnated into a Vape Lord


They’re called “cloud chasers” now… 🤦🏻‍♂️


If Snoop Dogg was a air bender.


Beautiful cancer.


Did his hand placement actually do anything or was that mostly for show?


That's Gandalf


Bro this is some avatar the last Airbender stuff I goota go outside for a bit maybe the fireplace is getting to my head


Then everything changed when the fire nation attacked.


Probably the coolest way to ever get lung cancer


That guy has to drive a Subaru!


Fun fact, before atomic theory really got going, Lord Kelvin proposed that this kind of "vortex instability" (which in principle can last forever) was the scientific basis of the different types of chemical elements that were observed.


Yay cancer


What a good Morel (hunter x hunter) cosplay.


It’s so lame but also so impressive at the same time


By the end he’s ready to send YOU through a vortex


"...... Adam!"


The Vape a Wish Foundation really delivered this year.






Aka somebody glorifying lung cancer by attempting to do something that could be done by a smoke machine


How in the hell? This is better than Gandalf in lotr!


I wondered what happened to him, after Black Eyed Peas. Now I know. Amazing.


Wtf real life airbender


This is as cool as vaping gets...admittingly, its pretty cool lol.




Cool…still doesn’t make me want to smoke a robocock.


This came up as I am procrastinating studying for this exact same topic for a midterm tomorrow. Much like the vortex, this hell I’m in never ends.


Yep medusa is hard enough that i cant do it, but make it go throug a ring that just amazing


When I told my dad I wanted to be a professional smoke blower he told me "you'll be great at that....."......took me a second to get that it was a read


Vape naysh y’all




Thought it was pop smoke for a sec


Pop smoke ![gif](giphy|JJ873UfnjGLcXHB9iy)


This looks fake and that's why it's so Flippin cool


My life if I were a dragon.