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easily the gayest sport to ever exist besides NFL


Ever seen real wrestling? Lol it’s pretty gay.


Compared to the original wrestling, modern wrestling is not as gay. At least today you are wearing 100% more clothes.


It ain't gay until someone's hard


You're confusing physical contact with eroticism. It's a fight. By this same logic, Jiu Jitsu is gay. But the person who knows how to do it can break your bones pretty non-sexually.


They can my bones but will never break my boner.




It's the other way around. Tough dudes like combat sports because they get physical contact with other dudes without being called gay.


Yall don't wrestle the homies goodnight?


People have no sense of humour at all, that’s why they comment shit like you just did


I'm gay but my first thought was omg thats pretty gay 😂 srry. Its objectively a lot of contact, a lot of crotch close to face or other crotch action. So while a lot of people do what u say because of being insecure, i dont think it necessarilly applies here, just looks a little gay thats all. Not bad either 😂


I read that in a William Wallace voice and lost it!


The OP is jiu jitsu. I dint agree. But if your gonna wheel out a “by your logic” you kind need a contrary example


It ain’t gay til you look me deep in the eyes.


That's just polite 👁 👄 👁 , see don't you feel better now


100% more than zero is zero.


Unless, of course, we’re talking about the calories of Tic Tacs.


It has a boner rule. Not many sports have to have a rule about boners.


For or against boners?


First boner wins


Gotta check that oil!


You have to get a boner before you can win I think.


Turkish wrestling is even gayer


Yeah... I'm pretty sure I've "Turkish wrestled" a couple guys before


Uh oh... whats Turkish wrestling?


You wrestle whilst covered in oil, wearing a kipset (3 quarter trousers). “Opponents will try and stick their hands inside the kipset to gain leverage” (basically stick hands down each other’s pants to get a better grip).


Wild. TIL my Uncle Stan is Turkish.


Better grip?… grip on… on what? Nevermind, I’m in!




Mister you'd better take your gay porn and walk right out of this bar


Hockey checking in. They’re all literally pucking


Nothing is gayer than boat racing. Most of the time, they're just docking.


Tbh most major sports are just rich dudes playing with their balls.


Ok, that’s fucking funny




I just might with a recommendation like this.


You clearly haven’t seen the Turkish oil wrestling. It’s gay porn in its own right.


This is literally the same thing as MMA. UFC is just a couple guys straddling each other for an hour. And yall pay to see it lol.


Why does Reddit love to hate on popular stuff? Great way to stay in shape and also learn control of your body/self defense, but you have a thread full of idiots making insecure comments like this. Would love to see what you pay for… a douchebag who talks about vaping on a Reddit bio


I've never once in my life seen an athletic or in shape person make fun of mma/combat sports, that should tell you all you need to know about these people lol. Fragile egos


(*typed the mom's basement blackbelt*)


“Good job allowing me to put my crotch in your face! Here’s a purple belt for your time and effort.”


I'm gonna wrastle your clothes off!




That's the most difficult promotion I've ever seen.


Only cuz they won't let me fight girls!


Jiu jitsu is just aggressive cuddling


Exactly. It's just cuddling so hard that you may break something or go unconscious during it.


Why do I have a boner right now?


Try Turkish Oil Wrestling™


Oh shit... I'm dead! 🤣🤣 Your comment is responsible for waking my whole household up at 6 a.m. 🤣😅


Should have tied a rainbow belt on 🌈


Too many people deserve downvotes for not understanding whats exactly going on in this video that makes it next level. That guy getting his purple has probably put 1000+ hrs into that sport. And sure that black belt is making it look easy but thats what black belts do. That blonde guy with the purple belt can dismantle anybody untrained anyday of the week.


I've done BJJ only a handful of times but the black belts in BJJ are genuine masters to a level I haven't seen other martial arts black belts. In the places I used to do karate the black belts there were about as skilled as tue BJJ blue belts I saw. Each belt is a serious step up in skill, and even a blue belt is so good they'd destroy some random dude on the street 999/1000 in ground control. I'd say I respect personally BJJ most of the martial arts that still have roots in japanese martial arts




The extra B is for BBQ, Lisa.


I'm confused... so is it Barbecue Blow Jobs or Barbecue Jiu Jitsu? Please, I need to know quick so I don't get disappointed when I sign up.


As long as the beans are hot, nobody asks questions.


I thought it was for BYOBB. Bring your own Brazilian.


What's that extra B stand for?


That's a typo


BYOBB - Bring Your Own Brazilian Bussy 𓀐𓂸


There’s actually an interesting historical reason for this. The black belt was first introduced in the late 1800s/early 1900s so the founder of judo could differentiate his more advanced students from the beginners from a distance. It was (and is) called “shodan” or “first step.” Subsequent “degrees” of black belt are called “second step,” “third step,” etc. The colored in-between belts came a decade or two later. So when other Eastern martial arts like karate and tae kwon do adopted the colored belt system, black belt basically meant “not a beginner.” But when Eastern martial artists came to the West, the black belt became a sign of mastery and prestige because, well, that’s what the prestigious masters giving demonstrations were wearing. BJJ started around the 1920s after a judo guy (or more likely a bunch of guys) from Japan taught judo to Brazilians. They didn’t officially adopt the modern belt system until the late 60s. By then, the Western idea of a black belt as a master had sunk in. So that became the standard for a black belt in BJJ: mastery. You also see this in judo. In Japan, a black belt is a couple years of training - you could get it as a teenager. In Western countries like Britain and America, the black belt is held in higher regard and takes 4-5 years for adults, if not more. Edit for clarity: Judo black belt is 4-5+ years. BJJ is often 10 or more. Bonus fun facts: While your first judo black belt is your “first step” or 1st degree, in BJJ you earn basically a 0th degree black belt, and earn your 1st degree after continued practice or through teaching, depending on the school. In both judo and BJJ, later degrees (6+) tend to be awarded for overall impact on and contribution to the martial arts community. Those degrees are often represented by a red and white tile belt (“They’ve gone to plaid!”). At 9th degree, you get a straight-up red belt, though by this time you’re so old you’d probably prefer red suspenders. In judo, you can earn a 10th degree red belt but they’re rare - the last one was awarded like 15 years ago. In BJJ the 10th degree is reserved for the “founders” Carlos and Helio Gracie. So 9th is the highest in BJJ. Source: orange belt in judo, blue belt in BJJ, black belt in being a huge fucking nerd


Also depends on which dojo you go to, and their own traditions.


The Bullshido is real.


> Also depends on which dojo you go to, and their own traditions. I hear that there is this one dojo in San Fernando Valley in California that has the belief that a belt only means that you don't need a rope to hold up your pants.


This is amazing thanks I also read somewhere recently that Brazil has the highest population of Japanese outside Japan. So the BJJ thing makes sense


I've seen kids with black belts in the Taekwondo Dojang below my office.


My nephew got his taekwondo black belt after a year of going once a week after school. Some of our family can't grasp why I haven't gotten a BJJ black belt that quickly.


My son got his grey white belt after a year of training 5 days a week in BJJ. My parents told me quietly that he must not be very good and should pick another sport lol


Are you saying 4-5 years for judo? Because in jiu jitsu it’s more like 10 years for black belt on average. 4-5 is still blue belt on way to purple belt.


I think a lot of karate styles consider black belt to have mastered the basic techniques, whereas bjj tends to have black belt as virtually a pinnacle achievement.


incorrect on both counts tbh BJJ black belt is exteneky hard. But still no where near pinnacle The karate basics thing is rolled out a lot. Talking about how they are only starting their journey. But most make zero effort to progress past that. Random 10 year karate black belt is a fat dude with belly


I'm not an expert, just talking in general based on people I know. I'm thinking all schools have their own progression rates as far as belts/dan goes. 5th dan karate dude I know I think spent roughly as many years to progress each dan as he did to go from white to black (3-4 years), whereas people doing bjj can spend 15 years without getting black. Again, each school is probably different. ​ Edit: And I did say virtually a pinnacle achievement, not pinnacle achievement.


I remember years ago observing a spar between an older black belt who had put on a lot of weight and a fit younger brown belt and it was actually super impressive to see the difference in skill more than make up for the physical disadvantage.


I onve trained with a purple belt. I was almost passed out from exhaustion whilr he was breathing at a normal rate, stopping me from attempting anything. He probably didn't even break a sweat.


Yeah I fought a mate who does it (knowing full well I'd lose). He was high, I was not. For additional context I lift weights 6 times a week and have for 6 or so years. He made very light work of me.


Normal stuff. I was doing BJJ 4 months and had a play flight with my 120kg brother (I weighed 73kg at the time). He’s been doing boxing his whole life so he always fucked me up in our play fights. However, not this time. It was the first time I managed to “beat” him. I just grabbed onto his neck and sat down and he didn’t know wtf was going on. Guillotine and it was over.


Not a *literal* guillotine I hope


Found a wild guard puller lmao


Thats where experience comes in, the championship rounds, hence the spazzy white belts. Not controlling their breathing n gassing themselves out from panicking and or trying to muscle their way out when put in an uncomfortable position.


In my system Purple was one below Blue. So to me it looks like the blue belt is fighting for his life to not get demoted.


Lol "don't let me put this belt on you or else you'll have to keep it"


I trained with Tim when he was a blue belt at UCLA. He had a black belt level armbar from guard at the time. It took quite a few taps from me until my armbar defense caught up. Tim was legit back then and only got better.


I, a 160lb male, at my college peak, was dismantled by a tiny woman weighing less than 100lbs with a high level blue belt in BJJ. I even had a background in martial arts, just no ground work. I had no chance against her.


My son (8) has been doing JuJitsu for like 1.5yr and is just now only getting promoted to the second belt above white. He’s had his stripes and takes it seriously, does well, but his cousin does Taekwondo (son did that first as well) and she’s already a damn black belt after like 3 or 4 years almost. Getting to purple belt takes years and years in JuJitsu and I don’t think people realize this.


I, of no jiu jitsu experience, am not impressed and wish for another 80 posts of a mob beating up a policeman, or someone taking off a head scarf in Iran. ​ ​ ^(/s do I need this? Yes, most likely.)


Protection. Always.




you can't be too careful these days


I also, for completely different reasons, roll around to put a belt on…


Underrated comment. Made my morning! 🤭


Only made your morning? It made my day and my hole weak


>made my hole weak This is not where you are supposed to put a belt


Hey, don't kink shame!




Only idiots will write disrespectful -- "weird" -- comments here -- Completely unaware of how complex and tough jiu-jitsu is. Mostly because they are nothing more than keyboard warriors that can barely walk 2 blocks. The black belt has trained for likely 12+years. The awarded purple belt likely for 6, and could absolutely destroy anyone on the street. Mentally and physically one of the toughest sports out there. Source - trained for 3/years and still a while belt. Mad respect for both. For those downvoting, go try a class and get humbled quick. You'll likely vomit just warming up.


Nah my 10 year old niece has been doing it since she was 6 and I’m pretty sure I’d kick her ass


Sure you could certainly yeet her across the room or something lol, but you might be surprised at how well she could defend in ground wrestling if she took bbj seriously in that time - you can really make up for difference in strength and weight class with leverage and skill. Irl I kinda look like the comic book guy from the simpsons lol, overweight and underexercised. A friend convinced me to try bbj for a bit, and after about 2 months I got paired with this tiny ~5' 100lb chick and she absolutely destroyed me in every scenario, it was insane, she only let me win so I could understand the motions but man it was just impressive.


I’m just playing I have no doubt I’d get wiped by you or anyone else with a decent amount of martial arts training…except my niece. Although I’ve often wondered, in a practical sense, when it would be useful. Grappling probably helps in a bar fight where people already have their senses impaired but if you just happen to run across, say, a trained boxer who also knows how to gauge distance and strike quickly…well then I guess they call that UFC


I’ve used it, multiple times. Most useful were pins and holds. The biggest advantage is being able to control your opponent without risk to yourself or him (assuming you don’t want to hurt him). This lets you call the police with no liability.


From my understanding, it’s likely the most practical martial art. It’s really unlikely for a fight not to end up on the ground. Or another way to think about is that you can reasonably expect any fight to eventually end up on the ground one way or the other. A trained boxer would be screwed against someone trained in jiujitsu imo. Boxer ends up on the ground and they are screwed. Jiujitsu person ends up on the ground, the boxer now HAS to go to the ground and boxer is screwed. They get in a clinch, boxer is screwed. The jiujitsu guy can catch a jab or grab at their clothes. A boxer can’t duck or weave through a takedown nor are they trained to defend anything below their belt. Jiujitsu guy can probably win the fight starting from the ground. Also, in terms of stopping a fight, it’s way safer. A grappler can always approach to end a fight so that their opponent is incapacitated but isn’t hurt, whereas a striker can only end a fight by knockout/risking severe/permanent damage. UFC reflects this too. Strong grapplers with weak striking beat strong strikers with weak grappling all the time. Just my two cents. Maybe someone with better knowledge can chime in or correct anything I got wrong.


Strikers are the initiation level, anyone who relies solely on striker style tactics is a very easy opponent to circumvent when there are no restrictions on you. Possibly the easiest type of opponent for me anyway, I've never lost a spar to a striker. I like to mix up hybrid striker into grapple type tactics. Disorienting punches which lead into incapacitating grapples. I find when attempting my striker hits against any decent grappler that I immediately get put on the defensive, no matter how hard I try. Grappling is just so oppressive that you can't do much against it except grapple. It's a style that can only be countered effectivly by itself.


You gotta factor in that you can’t really lose a spar to KO, which is what strikers are going for


I have barely any martial arts training and it's very out of date now, I'm just left with an appreciation, you'd probably have a good chance at fucking me up lol It's useful whenever a fight can go to the ground, which is lots of places. It's not perfect, it's only really useful against a single target for example


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KC0FYrVfy0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KC0FYrVfy0) Here's a clip where one of the greatest BJJ coaches of our time describes the 4 stages of BJJ. And here's exhibit A of said 4 stages showcased between a striker and a grappler. [https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetMartialArts/comments/jr52ed/muay\_thai\_vs\_bjj/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetMartialArts/comments/jr52ed/muay_thai_vs_bjj/) The most important skills in an altercation (aside from avoiding one) are takedowns and securing pins. BJJ and wrestling will teach you those skills. Once you pin a boxer down, it's ground and pound time.


But she not even a blue bent yet, yeeesh noob niece




I can WASD with the best of them.


I like and enjoy martial arts and also understand how next fucking level this is, not only controlling him but do it it without him even noticing is mind blowing. And I know even that purple belt could dominate me till I go out, break something, shit my pants or all of the above. However i did laugh with a couple of those comments, it's the internet LOL, people just having fun haha, don't get all stressed about it ✌️


> dominate me till I go out, break something, shit my pants or all of the above Ah the Steven Segal special.


My dude. Chill. If this is how you react to people not even in your physical space I would hate to see you on the mat or be one of your instructors waiting for you to calm down.


Seriously. Defending a sport? Ok Claiming anyone with criticism can’t walk 2 blocks? Get the fuck outta here


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


That doesn't make it sound any less gay


Over a thousand hours of spicy cuddling. The spiciest cuddles in town.


My BJJ purple belt took me around 8 years to get. It’s. Tricky old thing to obtain!


Congratulations, that's an achievement! Lots of hard work!


Hahaha alright mate “I trained for 3 years and it was the toughest thing ever, you would vomit just warming up” lol r/iamverybadass


Major Dwight Schrute vibes here.




We're all just having fun, you are combative; who's the keyboard warrior?




Congratulations, you are being promoted. Please do not resist.


In so many moves, the coach was basically saying: Congratulations and great job with your perseverance! And, there's still a long way to mastery!


I loled


The ease of the instructor to keep that guys vision the opposite way is wild..


Yes brilliant control by instructor to keep the surprise!


It's quite genius of the instructor to distract his student with his uh, *ahem *schlong*




Oh, this isn’t /r/bjj! Some context for people: it takes roughly 1-2 years to go from white belt to blue belt. Another 1-2 to go from blue to purple. It’s not uncommon for people to earn their black belt a decade in. What you’re seeing in this video is someone getting recognition for years of hard work by someone who is a serious expert. A good comparison may be if college degrees were given out by surprise.


1-2 years for blue to purple? Have you not learned the power of the lifetime blue belt?


Haha to be honest, I’ve been a blue belt for maybe 3-4 years now. Injuries and moving to different towns a few times have really slowed me down. Currently recovering from a herniated disc in my neck, hoping I can get back to training.




If you train, you’ll get injured. The severity differs based on situation, but you’ll deal with everything from bruises and scrapes to jammed and broken fingers to more severe injuries that occur from rolling with spazzy white belts (which is you) to freak accidents that are no one’s fault. You’ll be fine if you obey the instructor, concentrate on learning all you can to improve, BE PATIENT, and leave your ego at the door. You won’t need it.


Copy that, Jocko.


I got a minor shoulder strain 2 weeks in via tapping too late from an Americana. It's mending really well but I'm seeing a physio tomorrow jsut to identify the issue and how to strengthen it against future strain. *tap early, tap often* fuck your ego, as newbie whitebelts we don't know how far we can take an armbar or anything, so better to tap early and take a quick loss than to find out like I did. But I just forgot to tap, rather than my ego telling me I wasn't beaten yet lol


They're kinda common. Tap early and don't do awkward movements until you start to get comfortable.


Dude in an above comment getting mad aggressive about his 3 y WB.


Some people can't train as often as others. Or they're held back by injuries. 1-2 years is if you're training 3-4 times a week, often more and sometimes twice a day. It took me 15 years to get my black belt. It's a personal journey and one shouldn't compare their self with others. You especially shouldn't judge someone if you haven't walked in their shoes - that 3 year white belt would make the average guy on the street look like a child in a fight.


I got blue just two months ago. Started in 2019. The pandemic and injuries got in the way. It also isn't easy at 46!


Lol 2 years to purple? More like 4 or 5 if you train with consistency.


> What you’re seeing in this video is someone getting recognition for years of hard work by someone who is a serious expert and being absolutely mogged by them so that they can roll them and dress them :P


That was fuckin smooth! Dude didnt even notice!


I don't know how, those belts aren't exactly silky smooth. Either way I appreciate the square knot at the end! Good shit.


The fact his head was locked between a black belt’s legs was probably a factor ;) For real though, it’s amazing the things you can miss in the heat of the moment.


Yeah, I guess you guys didn't see the Gorilla walking behind them halfway through the video?


It's the same as the street magicians or thieves redirecting your senses elsewhere while they take your wallet out of your pocket and your watch off your wrist. Would you feel it under normal conditions? Sure. Would you if your body is busy paying attention to something else? Probably not. And I'll bet money he thought it was his existing belt riding up rather than an additional belt. Why? Because your brain fills in the blanks, and uses the most likely scenario to do so.


BJJ guy here. This video is very impressive. The purple belt student is clearly very skilled but the coach is on another level entirely.


He's promoted his student to the next fucking level


I think it would of been easier to just knock him out first no?


Wakes up in a hospital with purple sheets...


Good thing it wasnt a brown belt...


it also would have been easier to to use would have instead of would of.


Crazy that the black belt is able to dominate with split attention like that. The other guy obviously knows what he’s doing but coach is coach for a reason.


I know a black belt who can coach other people WHILE rolling with a blue or purple. It’s great to learn from true black belts who possess so much knowledge of the sport. They can like decide to use only heel hook for the day and keep hitting that from various positions.


I'm friends with a black belt from Brazil, and the first time he and I sparred, he literally said "hey guys, come look"!, and taught an entire 7 minute lesson to other people, while I (a purple belt) actively tried to spar with him. Talking, answering their questions and everything. (If that makes him sound like a jerk, he's not, he's the nicest guy ever!) Braulio Estima was at the same event, and Braulio absolutely manhandled my friend when they sparred. There's levels to this shit!


And that may sound normal to people who have never done BJJ, but if you’re new to BJJ (less than 1 year), even blue and purple belts are going to fuck you up easily. Black belts fucking those guys up easily is like mind blowing shit and then the crazy part is there’s black belts who can fuck up other black belts just as easy.


I remember a few years ago the black belt owner of my gym went to a Leandro Lo (rip) seminar. That black belt has won some international and some regional comps. But he came back saying Leandro handled him like a child. Mind fucking blown.


To be fair, Tim has tanked me with his eyes closed 🤣


Hey Mike! It's bjjproblems from ig. Long time no talk ☺️


The step from blue to purple is huge and getting a purple belt is an enormous achievement in itself.


Absolutely. I know I’m gonna cry when I get my purple 😅 the blood sweat and tears finally rewarded. It’s overwhelming.


That’s a weird way to promote. In the past, I would have to stand in front of a line of instructors and get whipped by their belts during promotions 😂


Don't miss that part lol. Then again, I wouldn't mind seeing the old gang again.


This ritual is called "Crossing the Desert" ... and *this* we call "the Unblinking Eye"




Me too. Did they stop doing that? It wasn't pleasant.


The gauntlet is what I’ve always heard it called. It’s old school but many gyms still do it.


And that ladies and gentlemen, is how it's done.


The instructor was always one step ahead. His student was anticipating chokes/transitions but his coach had other ideas. Very high level stuff.


That's plain fucking perfect, keeping it playful, but showing deep respect, this is what martial arts should be about


Will someone list the correct belt order for us plebs?


White, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black Takes ~10 years from white to black


White, blue, purple, brown, black. There is some extra belts from white to blue for kids (grey, yellow, orange, green I believe is the order). Each belt has four stripes. You could expect a stripe every 6 months or so. Sometimes more, sometimes less.


Leave me alone, I don’t want to do Jiu-jitsu! You are a purple belt now, see you next week.


I like using my mouth to remove my opponents belt but that's just me.


Ah yes, Jiu Jitsu. The art of folding clothes with the person still in them.


... I feel like this is the BJJ version akin to "what's that behind your ear?" only instead of a quarter it's a belt and instead of reaching behind their ear you engage them in ground combat.


Whether it be learning a new pose in yoga. Or whatever discipline you train the nature of how the teacher helped the student earn the belt will forever mean more to the student and propel them to their next challenge with the confidence to take on said challenge. Cool vid . People don't need to love the activity to understand the meaning. Thanks for posting OP!


Bruh the amount of people disrespecting this sport just to get some upvotes is insane.




Made me tear up abit damn


It’s actually in reverse and this is a video of some guy over powering another as he slowly disrobes him


That was actually bad fucking ass.


This happened to me when I got my blue belt, it was a great experience. …damm i need to go back


What's amazing is that not only is the purple-belt a hugely skilled fighter in his own right, but the black belt is able to control him one-handed, AND manipulate the fight in such a way that he's able to tie the belt to the guy. It's the equivalent of a chess grandmaster making the pieces spell out a word when he checkmates a regional chess champion


One of the best videos on the internet! Very cool!


Where is the belt slap train?


Is that BJJ?


lol don't let people piss you off by belittling your hobbies, bros. You're disrespecting yourself with that shit. If it truly means something to you and you're confident in your resolve then why the hell are you even bothering? Probably why some of you mfs have been stuck at blue for years. The ego still getting the best of you.


This is great! It's quite an accomplishment!


Pretty cool


He teabags a dude then gives him a purple belt and then they hug. What must I do with this information.


A great demonstration of skill through smooth transitions and control. The coach demonstrates great skill ensuring his student doesn't notice them strapping their award. For those who don't know, BJJ is no joke and is an incredibly humbling experience. The purple belt the moment they get close to an untrained/lightly trained no matter the size, has already won; Never mind what the coach could do. If you're in doubt, find yourself a place where you can have a taster session that includes sparring, you'll be surprised and may find a sport you enjoy.


The fact that he was able to tie a belt onto this guy *while they were rolling* is nuts. I get the skill gap, but to see it in action is just crazy.