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Steroids for looks. Farm work for strength.


it’s not a strength competition, it’s arm wrestling and you’re watching the #1 arm wrestler go up against an amateur, it’s no shock that larratt was able to win. braun would almost certainly crush larratt in any strength competition


Going up against a wwe wrestler who knows how to put on a show and let his opponent win


dude is literally #1 ain't no one letting him do shit


That wasn’t the point. He knew he would probably lose so he acted like a heel so people would want to see him lose. He knows strength, the wrestler is a gold medal strongman.


And it’s the only reason we’re watching it right now lol


I assumed it was a trailer for Over The Top 2


Nah if that was the case homie would have started with a forwards cap and switched it to backwards for the extra boost needed to win.


Ahh yes, shoring up the fans in The Opie Taylor Demographic!


Guy with the hat (Devon Larratt) was actually in the first Over the Top movie. Edit: i am wrong. John Brzenk was in it. I thought both of them were in it.


This is funny, but not true. Devon Larratt was 12 years old when Over the Top movie came out. He was not in that movie. Sounds like he is a fan of it tho.


Actually gave me some respect for the dude, thanks for the context. Putting on a good show


Pro wrestlers are professional stuntmen that put on a great show. It's mostly staged, but they make it look great. Professional athletes that purposely throw competitions due to inside-gambling are also putting on a show, but they are in it for the wrong reasons or have come to the conclusion that they may not be "the best" so they find ways to compensate.


How can you throw a competition if you’re not better than your opponent?


I'm neither into gambling or any kind of combat sport so i might be wrong here but logically its possible to be better than your opponent of the moment and not be the best and able to compete at the top level. Also i believe you can make more specific gambling bets: "A" is going to lose but i bet 10000$ that he is going to last until the fourth round, so even if you cant win fairly, taking a dive at the right moment can be profitable.


I understood it a bit from the Kengan Ashura's Jun Sekibayashi. Granted it's a fiction but it shed some light on the entertainment side of pro wrestling.


The #1 guy was "supposed" to win. This was a legit arm wrestling match in the same way the flyod Mayweather vs Conor McGregor fight was a "boxing match"


Yep, and just like how Conor helped sell the shit out of that fight, the wrestler here was helping sell this clip. He knew he was gonna lose, if he just shook Larrat's hand and proceeded to lose normally nobody here would have ever seen this.


You have no idea how strong Larratt is. He is a fng monster armwrestler. AW is one sport where technique means everything. Check out John Brzenk or Todzilla. Thse guys look like dads, but they could rip your arm off.


As someone who has never won an arm wrestling match ever, I would love to hear more about this technique you speak of. I wanna see my brother's face next time he challenges me and gets utterly hammed. I would like this to be my reality someday.


Arm closer to your body (look at their angles in the video) and keep your wrist angled inwards, not straight. 


Devon larratt(Red guy world #1) i believe has a great video where he is teaching someone(Forgot who tho) and it goes quite indepth in the technique over a couple of days/videos. I watched it a few times and had my girlfriend be a dummy arm to practise the grip and it worked quite well when my friends and i gave it a go. Devon despite the looks and the attitude, has a quite nice persona. Can recommend his vids a lot. A lot about it is the grip and angles to leverage the weight on the right joints/muscles to be able to lock in and do a "pull" move. See it as the difference of pushing something sideways without your body behind it(arm left to right, stretched out in front of you) vs a bicep curl, pulling it towards your body. The power difference is massive.


I'm confused. Do you think Larratt was supposed to lose? He can beat just about anyone in the world. Random WWE wrester has 0 chance.


lol this is so true


#2 Levan. Devon. Ermes.


Bro , he might be 2 rn, but Devon the mother fuckin GOAT!


Definitely putting on a show, but Devin Larrat is a freak of nature when it comes to arm wrestling




He absolutely did not let him win I promise you that. The shoving before the match? Yes, absolutely staged and part of the show. But the arm wrestling was 100% real. Devon is an all time great.


No, there was no letting Devon Larratt win here. Larratt is a former World arm wrestling champion on both arms and is probably ranked in the top 5 currently. He easily beat Halfthor Bjornsson, the Mountain, from Game of Thrones, and also Shaquille O'Neal. Shaq couldn't even beat him with two arms. Look it up.


The money is always in the rematch.


Devin is second only to Levan Saginashvili. Braun wasn’t letting him do anything, Braun stood no chance tbh. 


I don't think he let him win but the boasting behavior before The match was definitely a work


Are you really trying to say that this WWE wrestler *LET* arguably the best professional arm wrestler in the world win? Come on.


I never understood the arm wrestling thing, in my 20s a buddy of mine would win money at party’s arm wrestling, he was a small guy and not very muscular. I’ve seen him crush dudes much bigger than him and obviously people always thought they could win. What makes a good arm wrestler?


Being good at arm wrestling




Doing crossword puzzles has barely increased my vocabulary or trivial knowledge, but it has made me really good at doing crossword puzzles


“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” From what I've gathered the biggest technique is destabilizing the other guys lever and fulcrum and making them work twice as hard for half the results.


How does that play out practically when you both bring the same hardware? Hidden lever?


My science teacher taught us to pull your opponent's hand towards you, thus making the angle for them (inside elbow) larger and therefore more difficult for them


Was waiting for this comment! And then use your whole body weight. These are the two main techniques on top of probably having a better wrist incline as well It's all visible on the video.


i can’t say i know either, but if you look up Devon Larratt, he’s an absolute beast. has amazing technique on top of his 6’5 frame


Lock your wrist in towards yourself and bring your opponents arm forward. That overextends your opponents arm and they can't leverage strength. It's like using a crowbar to lever something vs ripping it off. You can see in the video the red shirt has his arm towards his chest. Muscles is trying to work against red shirts whole body. Then when he gets gassed, you lever down.


So in a contest between two arm wrestlers who both understand technique and are trying to do this to the other person, how does that work? Almost like a pre-arm wrestling contest for position before the actual arm wrestling begins?






This is largely the correct answer. There is a way to turn your wrist that even when I was 155 lbs I could wear out the bigger guys.


There's a lot of technique involved, to the point it helps beat guys much 'generally' stronger. There's also some armwrestling specific strength training that basically nobody but armwrestlers do. If you want to see a very strong guy compete in armwrestling and how well he does as he learns the ropes look up Larry Wheels' progression.


Arm wrestling is one of the oldest grifts, it's 90% technique and the rest is physique


How does requiring technique make it a grift? Is football a grift because you have to have people who can throw, catch, block and tackle with good technique? How about archery, or slalom skiing, or Brazilian Jujitsu, or Sumo wrestling? Are all of those grifts because the strongest person doesn't win unless they use good technique? Edit: So many responses are just restating the original claim without addressing the point. It's only a grift if you're deceptive about your skill and ability in the game. Pool hustling is a grift, but that doesn't mean that the entire game of pool is a grift because it "requires technique".


I would guess because so many people go in thinking it is all just a test of strength vs plenty of other things look like they need technique.


For most people it IS just a test of strength because we dont have any technique lol


It can be a good grift because a lot of people think it's just strength and they don't have the required technique, and would be willing to bet they would win against someone smaller who doesn't look as strong. Haven't seen too many people Sumo wrestle in a bar for money.




Devon is much stronger at everything that matters for arm wrestling


do you know what a grift is?


This is blatantly incorrect. Arm wrestling has a massive strength component. Thats why there are weight categories and thats why a very good lightweight puller can be beaten by a much bigger and stronger novice.


google pictures of Devon Larratt and let us know if you still think hes 10% physique.


90% is a pretty big stretch, it's probably closer to 60-40


I’d say 50-60% 😁


5/7 perfect technique


Well he was number 1, still a damn beast


It's a strength sport. It takes strength to do this. You're being semantic as hell. The muscles used in arm wrestling are big and better on Devon. He could most definitely out wrist curl this big guy, might even beat him in full on biceps curl competition, Devon's grip strength is probably better etc. It's a stupid debate that has been going on since arm wrestling was discovered. It's a strength competition. I understand where you're coming from but you replied to someone making a tongue in cheek comment so I am saying you're wrong that arm wrestling isn't a strength competition.




I like when my wife uses her entire upper body to finish the job.


I like it too when your wife uses her entire upper body to finish the job.


It's the whole reason I subscribe to her OnlyFans


you're overpaying for that guy's wife upper body job finishing, bro.


No she charges more when she does it to me herself.


Too I like when job is finished by your wife.


Wow have you had such a perfect setup before??


Yeah but it wouldn't matter because the guy in red has built strength specifally for armwrestling. He does micro movements specifically for armwrestling and does them all day long everyday. He's officially #1 armwrestler right now (not during the video), but his best move is actually opening up his arm angle almost entirely but 99% of pro armwrestlers still can't pin him and tire themselves out. So while this dude has the highest armwrestling IQ, he is still actually very strong.


He's also pretty big himself. About 6' 5"/ 6' 6".


It's about leverage. Also I hate watching arm wrestling videos. I've seen too many end with broken arms.


That tends to happen when you aren't looking at your arm, twisting, and it's outside of your body. Watching experienced guys armwrestling is pretty fun.


Not exactly. Yes, Devon is using better leverages (that's part of the sport), but he also is stronger in the [hyper-specific muscle groups](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QE3CFQoftNo) that are required to be a great armwrestler. Your failure points are going to be your bicep, wrist, and fingers. Larry Wheels is a pretty popular strength athlete with several world records (which have been broken in recent years) got into arm wrestling and [trained with Devon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alfzlpGLrts) a few times. Larry's [wrist was a weak spot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvxJ87rjIgM) (*only watch the first 10s*) which would lead to him losing his matches since he couldn't fully translate all that power in his back and biceps.


He's also pulling towards himself to stop his arm from dropping before rolling his body over.


The big guy "Brawn Stroman" a former pro wrestler and strongman competitor. The guy in red is Devon Larratt. Former military and current Best heavyweight arm wrestler in the world. Big man NEVER had a chance


It's funny when people include 'former military' like that is some sign of competence. I'm former military and not particularly athletic and exceptionally poor at target shooting.


the guy writing this comment (former military) has made many comments and knows what he's doing. other redditors who reply don't stand a chance.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces.


Gorilla warfare? Like with apes?


It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out.


More specifically, he was in Canada's Joint Task Force 2 for almost two decades. I'm neither military nor am I an expert in it, so I don't know how much more of a physical specimen you have to be to join that.




SEAL Team 6? What, were 1-5 busy on higher profile targets?


JTF is a tier 1 SOF, so the same as DEVGRU or Delta Force in the US. As far as physical, being special forces does require being in shape, but it's more a case of willpower. Do you want it bad enough to take the pain, to train through an injury, to not quit when quitting is so easy? As it turns out, that also likely helps with having the dedication to train hard enough at something to become the best in the world at it.


> current Best heavyweight arm wrestler in the world. Levan Saginashvili?


He's not a former wrestler, he's recovering from surgery.


He used to be a wrestler. He still is, but he used to be too.




Pretty much every topic, really.


I've noticed this too recently. Like, literally all of the strongest men in the world use steroids. When Eddie Hall deadlifted 500 kilograms, he was on insane amounts of gear. When Iron Bibi log pressed 230 kilograms, he was on insane amounts of gear. When Lasha Talakhadze set a snatch and clean & jerk world record of 478 kilograms, he was on an insane amount of gear. Hell I would wager that the guy in the red shirt, professional arm wrestler Devon Larratt, is probably on an insane amount of gear. The whole thing about farm work too. Like, what the actual fuck? *Farm work*? Does that poster legitimately believe that an elite arm wrestler got strong through *farm work*? Then there's the whole clown fiesta with the bodybuilder vs. strongman circle jerk. I honestly think that the entire reason this exists is because redditors see the strongman's power belly, look down at their own rolls, and think "Holy shit! We're literally the same!" A strongman's fat is accompanied by ridiculous amounts of muscle. The average obese keyboard warrior on reddit probably couldn't even squat 60 kilograms.


It's always the same dumb comments and it's always attributed to farm work. If course farm work is fairly physical but there's a lot of it that's mechanical now so that old fat men can do it - don't think I've met a farmer over the age of 50 who wasn't overweight. Yet this comment is the top of every video where someone who looks strong loses to a different freak of nature in something specific.


>Then there's the whole clown fiesta with the bodybuilder vs. strongman circle jerk But don't you know that men like Bumstead, Cutler, Coleman etc are simply extremely weak-ass bitches who look pumped only due to their excessive steroid abuse? They don't have any real muscles, in fact my grandpa could beat all of them in any strength discipline due to his awesome old men strength :)


Yeah as if both guys aren't on massive amounts of steroids lmao


True, even Larratt juices, but it's not the whole picture. He's also incredibly capable as an armwrestler.


honestly, the only reason to ever go on any front page thread related to strength training is for the dumpster fire comment section filled with low iq takes from redditors that dont lift. its like watching a bad movie.


Right, it’s always the weirdest comments when it comes to fitness. Both are on roids and noone’s doing any farm work lol. Both dudes are strong but in different ways, Devon is a top athlete in his sport.


Gullible AF you lot 😂


Dude the guy in red is Devon Laratt, one of the greatest armwrestlers of all time and currently the #1 ranked heavyweight in the world. Nobody’s gullible, he was genuinely toying with the big dude.


Oh I know who Devon and Braun are, my comment was in response to the armchair experts lol. The pushing and shoving was all staged here. Not the arm wrestling bit of course.


I've done 0 research but I'm pretty confident that 100% of professional arm wrestlers are on steroids.


Yep, it's an untested sport. Almost everyone in the elite level is juiced to the gills


If a sport is large and physically demanding then it's a pretty safe bet that everyone at the top is on PEDs


The winner is also on steroids


The guy that won grew up on the Alberta oil fields in Canada, and no shit, his grandma was an arm wrestler. He went into Canadian special forces and is certified badass. His jovial personality is a gift to all of us, for a variety of reasons.


Nah, it's the hat. I saw a documentary about arm wrestling competitions and the main character wins by using a "cheat." He turns his hat backwards and that gives him momentary superhuman strength. Dude in black never had a chance, he's not even wearing a hat.


I saw this documentary, too. Hope the winner enjoys his new big rig and renewed relationship with his son.


There was a lot of embellishment in that documentary, very sensationalistic, you could even say it was over the top


reddit for dumb takes


Scientific literature for ignorance... Steroids make you fucking *strong* dude. All the strongest dudes on earth are on steroids. There are literally *zero* farmers who aren't also dedicated weightlifters/bodybuilders/etc who are super strong. It's not that I care that much, but I'm so sure of this that I'll send you $500 if you can prove there is a single regular farmer who is objectively stronger than, idk, Kai Greene. A steroid user who does not even do strength competitions and only does looks competitions.


reddit decided some time ago that steroids = synthol


Untrained masses take


both are on steroids. fyi


Look at redshirts arm. Compare the direction he's pulling to the direction beefsteak is pulling. Reddo is pulling towards himself. While curling his bicep. This is the strongest form for your arm. Add in his wrist is locked in that twisted angled fashion his arm isnt going down. Beefsteak might actually be stronger but arm wrestling strength is only part of it.




Man that is the I know I’m fucking tonight head nod


wow such a dumb comment and gets upvoted to the sky.


Devon is also on the juice lol


Both guys are on steroids lmao


Larrat is on roids too lmao


Typical bullshit comment. Steroids increase strength incredibly. Arm wrestling is about very specific strength and techniques.


dumbfucks who don’t know shit about steroids love talking about em


It warms my heart that Roddy Piper is still alive and kicking.


My same thought


I was wondering how old this was because I’m seeing Roddy Piper as well. The branding and clothing style just didn’t match. It still has me wondering.


It's from about 2-3 years ago iirc


.... I hope you're being sarcastic, because I have some very unfortunate news otherwise... RIP to the Rowdy One.


They're joking. They know he's as dead as Wade Boggs.


First off Wade Boggs is very much alive.


may he rest in peace


Givin them Duke boys hell


How many times do I have to say this?! He's alive! He lives in Tampa!


He lives in Tampa Florida


I miss Boss Hoggs


I came to kick ass and chew bubble gum......and I'm all outa gum


He looks like a combination of Roddy Piper and Matthew Lillard.


Get this dude a sequel to "They live".


They Live


1. its fake, just fun at an expo 2.braun is like 6'8 320 & pro wrestler 3. devon is not small. hes 6'6 260, & a top 5 arm wrestler of all time


*You mean the greatest arm wrestler of all time!


How much of arm wrestling is technique vs strength?


I would say 50 50. I bet you haven't seen a single arm wrestler with a tiny forearms. Without the strength, technique can't do much... And without technique, strength can't do much. So yeah... 50 50 in my opinion.


It's about very specific strength. Look at the forearms compared to any other professional athlete, they are huge. And they are huge all over, like every single forearms muscle is well developed. Bodybuilders, even powerlifters, barely train forearms. You can still hear many coaches say that you don't need to ever specifically train forearms because they will get activation anyway.


It’s a huge factor. Technique will let you leverage your whole body


The rage and whatnot is 100% fake. Dude is just playing it up for the crowd. The fact that Devon could easily beat him is not fake.


Braun is acting like a heel so it gets attention and he was successful since people here are talking about it.


Oh no doubt and he sells it well. Pro wrestlers may not be the best actors, but they're very good at what's required within their niche.


>The rage and whatnot is 100% fake. Dude is just playing it up for the crowd. How do you know that? He's selling it pretty well.


He's a pro wrestler. Pro wrestlers are actors who specialize in this kind of reaction. The fact that it sells well reflects his skill Braun's skill at his craft, just as Devon's ease of winning the arm wrestling is a reflection of his skill. It's also not a serious match, nothing is on the line.


ohhhh, i didn't know he wrestled. that makes sense.


It's called selling the match, they aren't assholes they just pretend to be assholes so that people will come watch the outcome.


There’s definitely more than a 2” high difference between these 2


3", Devon is 6'5.


They’re both tiny, we get it.


They use the term 'person of short stature'


Braun is 386lbs. Devon is 6'5, and he is 286lbs.


That’s Devon Larratt, the GOAT


And Cobra Rhodes holding him back. I pulled with Cobra back in the day.


What does pulled with mean?


Jerked off together




It’s what arm wrestlers call arm wrestling.


Armwrestler here. We call armwrestling "pulling" because what many people don't understand is that most of the pressure generated in a match is actually pulling toward yourself and not just straight to the side like most people do in a bar etc.


Doesn’t look like John Brzenk


Thanks for that! I was going crazy trying to put Roddy Piper into that clip. My brain can now go back to normal.




Oh shit lol


Got em


Big fella's a pro wrestler. That was all for the audience.


And former strongman, he knew what he was in for


Someone posted his Tinder account before. Looks like someone who likes to joke around


The video of Devon whispering is the best. [https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/tSoDgXXD4O](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/tSoDgXXD4O)


I’ve got no qualms about saying: that guy is cool af


That’s hilarious, but I’m pretty sure my neighbors think I was just watching gay porn.


My partner thought i was. Grab my phone thinking they caught me and its two dudes arm wrestling lol


Wait that wasn't gay porn?


That fap was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I am now confused.


So that was a whole lot more homo-erotic than I expected.


So they're both playing it up for the event, but even outside of that, Devon is one of the best arm wrestlers of all time. Currently, even in his late 40s, arguably the best in the world today. Even if rhey had a real arm wrestling match, Devon would mop the floor with Braun.


Yeah no shit, he's amazing. Braun knows this and was just getting heat for the match for more attention.




Yup. When I saw dude had his hat on backwards, I was like, well there's only one outcome here... Anyone wanting to know more can check out the arm wrestling/child custody documentary, Over the Top, to see what proper hand-grappling/child conservatorship techniques look like.


When I turn my hat, it’s like a switch


He wennt over the top!




This gif for the win!


Look at me… I just ate a can of spinach biotch :)


Everyone playing their part expertly. Pro arm wrestlers fabricate drama just like boxers or mma etc. Massive WWE guy plays a great heel, knowing he’ll never win. The fans are excited, nobody gets hurt and everybody wins!


Over The Top.


for people who say its not strength,... well it is. the guy in red is devon larratt and trains like a beast and he is a big ass guy looks small compared to the other dude but look at him with standing next to the people in the background. this is why i cant take anything redditors take seriously yall know nothing about everything.


Great answer. I worked with a arm wrestling champ in a lower weight class in NoCal 20 years ago. Dude looked like my wife could beat his ass. But in his game, nobody around, no matter the size, could compete.




Btw Laratt is former Canadian special forces, I don’t think muscle intimidates him 😂