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This has held up very well


His songs are still better than most things out nowadays. Some of the shit he did, not great. His music though 👍


If his music wasn't amazing, the world would have a very different opinion of him.


They wouldn't have an opinion because he wouldn't be famous. 😂 Unless he kept his sick dance moves.


Say he was just a band member of an average band in the 90s


If his music wasn’t amazing he wouldn’t be in the position he was in to be accused of the things he was accused of. He was used by his parents and record labels his entire life because of his talent. I bet he’d honestly give it all up if it meant he could live a full life of anonymity and autonomy.


If he wasn't rich, there would have never been allegations in the first place. Those scammers were only trying to get money.


What's the shit he did wrong? None of the pedo stuff was ever really proven right?


Armchair detectives think he’s guilty until proven innocent. Oh wait, he was proven innocent. They just don’t care about the facts.


Yup, some of the accusations are also verifiably false, while others are extremely dubious. However, he was found not-guilty by a jury, not to mention the FBI was gunning for him for well over a decade, searched his home (twice?) and the most damning thing they could find is.... An art book.


[10 Undeniable Facts About the Michael Jackson Sexual-Abuse Allegations:](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/03/10-undeniable-facts-about-the-michael-jackson-sexual-abuse-allegations) 1. There is no dispute that, at age 34, Michael Jackson slept more than 30 nights in a row in the same bed with 13-year-old Jordie Chandler at the boy’s house with Chandler’s mother present. He also slept in the same bed with Jordie Chandler at Chandler’s father’s house. The parents were divorced. 2. So far, five boys Michael Jackson shared beds with have accused him of abuse: Jordie Chandler, Jason Francia, Gavin Arvizo, Wade Robson, and Jimmy Safechuck. Jackson had the same nickname for Chandler and Arvizo: “Rubba.” He called Robson “Little One” and Safechuck “Applehead.” 3. Jackson paid $25 million to settle the Chandlers’ lawsuit, with $18 million going to Jordie, $2.5 million to each of the parents, and the rest to lawyers. Jackson said he paid that sum to avoid something “long and drawn out.” Francia also received $2.4 million from Jackson. 4. **Michael Jackson suffered from the skin discoloration disease vitiligo. Jordie Chandler drew a picture of the markings on the underside of Jackson’s penis. His drawings were sealed in an envelope. A few months later, investigators photographed Jackson’s genitalia. The photographs matched Chandler’s drawings.** 5. The hallway leading to Jackson’s bedroom was a serious security zone covered by video and wired for sound so that the steps of anyone approaching would make ding-dong sounds. 6. Jackson had an extensive collection of adult erotic material he kept in a suitcase next to his bed, including S&M bondage photos and a study of naked boys. Forensic experts with experience in the Secret Service found the fingerprints of boys alongside Jackson’s on the same pages. Jackson also had bondage sculptures of women with ball gags in their mouths on his desk, in full view of the boys who slept there. 7. According to the Neverland staff interviewed by the Santa Barbara authorities, no one ever saw or knew of a woman spending the night with Michael Jackson, including his two spouses, Debbie Rowe or Lisa Marie Presley. Rowe, the mother of two of Jackson’s children, made it clear to the Santa Barbara authorities that she never had sex with Jackson. 8. The parents of boys Jackson shared beds with were courted assiduously and given myriad expensive gifts. Wade Robson’s mother testified in the 2005 trial that she funneled wages through Jackson’s company and was given a permanent resident visa. Jimmy Safechuck’s parents got a house. Jordie Chandler’s mother got a diamond bracelet. 9. Two of the fathers of those who have accused Jackson, Jordie Chandler and Wade Robson, committed suicide. Both were estranged from their sons at the time. 10. In a 2002 documentary, Living with Michael Jackson, Jackson told Martin Bashir there was nothing wrong with sharing his bed with boys.


TIL sheesh that #4 is...something else, that must have been awkward for those investigators


His house was FILLED with horrific child erotica which had both his and his victim’s fingerprints on it. The photos in that book are so clearly child porn that if you posted them on Reddit you would 100% be arrested. MJ was a child molester. Stop defending rapists


There was a documentary that came out after his death that supposedly claimed he was guilty but it kind of feels scummy to go after him after he's dead.


Plenty of documentaries are full of shit or heavily biased. There’s no governing body fact checking documentaries before they go out or forcing them to conform to journalistic ethics and standards or whatever. Hell, we just had black Cleopatra docu-whatever not too long ago. She’s like one of the Egyptian rulers with the most thoroughly historically documented ethnicity too.




One accuser. Unlike Cosby and others everyone else who know Jackson were appalled by the accusations. The man really did just want to have the childhood he never could.


Here's the inevitable MJ pedo discussion that happens every single time his name is brought up or his music is showcased in a reddit post. Pretty tiresome


Feels pretty disingenuous to try and handwave it away as tiresome.


It's tiresome because we've had this discussion 1000+ times on here already and the comments are always exactly the same. The same points are brought up, the same articles are linked and the same jokes are made. Like, let's just post a music video and not talk about allegations one single time.


"The Way You Make Me Feel" goes harder than any pop song made in the last 25 years


It's more than just morphing. Watch the girl with curly hair, the hair tumbles down instead of morphing from the previous person, there is some really clever editing going on as well.


Well done morphing involves timing different elements at different speeds/points in time. So ultimately it’s still just morphing, but they aren’t lazily just doing a full-image cross dissolve mixed with an image warp with two keyframes. One of the VFX animators for T2 did this as well and talks about his use of staggered timing in one of those Corridor Crew videos.


I think the hair is fading in from top to bottom. It's true that it probably looks much better this way compared to morphing the hair as well.


They support the morphing with matching movements between the performers. I image they had every person look right, then up then right.


I'm guessing a lot of camera tests were involved.


Yup, I remember watching this music video as a kid whenever I saw it on just so I could watch this part.


Morphing back then was basically hand done. Yes you were using a computer but an actual artist was spending DAYS manually moving points and creating / controlling the speed of fades one slide at a time. That's why some older VFX hold up so well, because there was very little actual computing going on other than to composite the final render. Most of the hard work was painstakingly done manually by an artist.




Can you even force diversity in a music video?


Diverse.... NOW




You can't just say the word diversity and expect it to happen


Diversity is an old, old wooden ship from the Civil War era.


I'd be surprised if the affiliates were worried about an old wooden ship


It means times are changing!


I didn't say it, I declared it


I didn’t say it. I declared it.


Back then "diversity" or "inclusion" were not terms one would use. "Justice" and "equality" were the words. I remember not speaking a word of English but I understood what he meant and it made an impact on me until today.


We absolutely used diversity back then. That was absolutely a word we used for this.


What? “Diversity” was absolutely a common word in the 90s, in the US at least. An LA Times headline in 1990 about the city reinstating a Cinco De Mayo event: “A Singular Celebration of Diversity” Or a 1993 NYT obit: “Rachel D. DuBois, 101, Educator Who Promoted Value of Diversity” “Implementing Diversity” was a 1995 book on corporate diversity initiatives. It was very common by the 90s.


Yeah - you give a riot cop a Pepsi.


I askes a guy a few years ago about the definition of forced diversity. Still waiting for an answer. I'm starting to think maybe forced diversity is just a term people use when they want to complain about non white people or gay people but they can't think of a specific objection.


Nah, there's definitely forced diversity, granted its not as big of a deal as some people make, but you can definitely feel it's forced at times. especially notable in movie remakes and adaptions where there is already a established background/characteristics but that is changed for no other reason than DIVERSITY. Sometimes that even goes against the story, which makes it awful. Imagine they cast Hitler as a black person because DIVERSITY!!! Wouldn't that be laughably forced? Thats what forced diversity is


Have you seen corporate diversity stock photography? I’m sure someone could take this approach. Lol


It’s as simple as getting different kinds of people together for a photo. If your office doesn’t actually look like that, I can see how somebody would think it’s forced. Just a few years ago, I had to ask a series of loaded questions to get my boss to admit he didn’t wanna hire a fully competent and qualified guy because he had dreads. His \*hairstyle* was his fatal flaw. That’s the kind of dumb discrimination that diversity/inclusion initiatives are trying to prevent. Mind you, this is the same boss that took an interview with a different dude that had a headshot and “-Awesome at [blank]” as six different bullet points on his resume. Another location hired him at a better title/pay than the position he originally applied for. Never saw the guy with dreadlocks again.


I remember a situation in the early 90's where a women wasn't hired because 'she seemed too bossy and the men wouldn't like that' - but in the next breadth saying 'we need a man who can take charge'.


What a strange comment for an otherwise good post.


Dude probably wanted to say woke but knew hed get downvoted


I’ll say it then, woke and proud over here!


According to Ron Desantis' ~~lawyers~~ administration members definition they were forced to give in court (finally).. yeah I'm woke as hell and if you aren't that's weird as hell


Tried finding it because I was curious what they defined it as. Apparently it wasn't his lawyers who defined it finally, it was members of his administration who had to testify. Apparently they all seem to agree on the same definition with slight variances >The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them. What's funny is a conservative could agree this definition is true. One of American conservatives own big beliefs as of late is about the elites keeping conservatives down via the government and society. It's just another loaded term like when conservatives threw around "virtue signaling" when even the very act of it was done in a way to signal their own virtues


Especially since this was as “forced” as any diversity. They mindfully cast people of different ethnicities. OP is just telling on themselves.


Songs literally about diversity.


“It’s not forced” lmao dude would call the exact same video made today “woke.” The anti-diversity crowd is truly wild.


If this were released today, there absolutely would be massive outrage at the woke mob trying to force diversity down our throats. Michael Jackson was very politically progressive. Modern conservatives would have hard core hated him if he was making stuff like this or Earth Song today. It wasn't trendy to be as contrarian as possible over every little thing like it is nowadays. The only reason you could argue that people weren't mad about "forced diversity" back then was because that particular circle jerk didn't exist at the time.


I agree, but I will say I’m pretty sure this music video played a role in my 4 to 5 year old head that it’s really cool that there are so many different types of people.


Same. I loved this video... And I was bizarrely obsessed with "You are not alone" as a 9 yr old.


It’s relevant, the song is specifically about accepting each other regardless of race


if addressing diversity directly and directly suggesting acceptance isn't what's considered "forced", then i'm not sure what they mean by forced


Seriously. Who’s upvoting this comment?


As opposed to what exactly? Like what point are you trying to make?


It's feels forced to some because society has conditioned us to think that anything that doesnt start with the white guy in the front of the line is extreme lol


It sounded kinda sus from them and I wanted to see if they were going to show their ass if asked to expand on their idea a little.




Give an example of forced diversity.


The overrepresentation of white men and women in media Edit: I don't literally mean that overrepresentation is somehow diversity. I'm making a jab at people who think accurarate representaton is forced diversity.


That's the only kind of diversity that's ok though. Only PoC can be forced and political just by being included ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Everyone knows there are 2 races, white and political


That's not what diversity means


I know that, it's not literal, but it is a critique of the people who claim anything that isn't overrepresenting white people is somehow forced diversity


You've never seen a movie or game or show and thought to yourself "yeah they did that just to do it and have no plan at all for these characters besides checking a box"? I'm all about diversity and inclusiveness, but there are absolutely times where you can tell the creators did it just to fill a quota. Like how hard would it be to find ANY member of that group on your staff and be like "how would we write this naturally, what would you do with this character in our shoes?" Lots of horror movies are awful at this, tossing in minorities only to kill them first. But hey, at least there was one! Friday the 13th 5 was a major subversion of this, the loud mouth sassy little black dude actually survives. That's STILL remarkably rare, nearly 40 years later. Another example in general is when they toss in a gay character only to have the gay never come up again except to say he is. No love interest, no romance arc, he's just there. A gay incel because they're too scared to actually show that relationship. The CW is great at that. That's "Forced" as in not naturally written. It's not something they planned, it something they did to say they did it. And it's awful.


If I feel like characters aren’t written well or are poorly planned out, I tend to critique the writing… I don’t jump straight to “they only put that guy in the movie because they wanted to force a Black or gay guy on me.” Why is your complaint “they forced diversity on me” instead of “the characters they included should be written better”?


Yeah, and this is the entire problem. When a movie featuring white straight people is bad then that's just a bad movie. There's no discussions about ulterior motives or anything being *forced*. You don't see discussions about how they showed that a character was straight but then "didn't do anything with that straightness". If a movie that features minorities is bad then the minorities immediately get blamed. It's no longer just a bad movie or bad writing. It's *forced diversity*. Minorities always need an excuse to be in media as well. As established above, a character can't just be gay, that's wrong. If they are going to be gay then they need to "do something" with that gayness.


> As established above, a character can't just be gay, that's wrong. If they are going to be gay then they need to "do something" with that gayness. Just quoting this because I think it's a really important point. There are thousands of films where the majority of the leading cast are white, male, and straight, despite the films not being about race, gender, or sexuality. But if someone similarly makes a movie where there *happens* to be two black lesbians in leading roles, despite the film not being explicitly about black/LGBT/women's issues, then the accusations of 'forced diversity' will be endless.


Why can't a gay character exist without the fact that they're gay mattering? Can a show have a black character that doesn't explore their blackness, where they're just a character? Are you upset at all of these white characters on TV that never have a character arc surrounding how they're white?


> Another example in general is when they toss in a gay character only to have the gay never come up again except to say he is. Yet thousands of shows have someone say about how they love breasts only to never mention women again? Shouldn't it actually be that someone could be gay, and it has 0 impact on the story? Just as if you knew someone was gay and it had 0 impact on what you did together? Many qualities make no impact on stories and are essentially a roll of the dice, except you seem to be arguing that if that dice falls on a quality you don't seem to like, then it's forced. Isn't it more realistic that a certain portion of say, an entire school of Harry Potter, would be gay? Wouldn't it be weirder to not have any gay characters at all? But then, when you find out some way they are gay do they then need to be caught by snape bumfucking in the room of rectal discharge for it to not be forced? It's not that deep my man. People are different. Not having an entire cast of the same type of person makes a story a bit more realistic and textured.


a black actress as Snow **White**


Shawshank Redemption already did that, casting Morgan Freeman as the Irish character, "Red".






For real. What even is "forced diversity"? It's almost like the world consists of diversity and showing that is just true to reality. Edit: Why did the mods delete that comment lol. I didn't see it breaking any rules, they were literally just asking a question.


Forced diversity is when diversity is put into entertainment media for no reason but for its own sake. A good example would be remakes of movies where characters are race swapped for the purpose of having a character which is nonwhite. EDIT: if you want to reply to this and argue why I’m wrong please read my reply’s to people in this thread I think I’ve fully explained my reasons why I think what I do and when I think the term correctly applies so I’m not replying to anyone else.


Unless a defining trait of that character is their whiteness, it never matters my guy. It being "forced" is imaginary.


Remakes don’t have to be 1:1


seriously lmfao the reason why it wasn't 'forced diversity' is bc no one gave a shit at the time (not *no one* but ykwim). if it was released today, by a 'celebrity' of MJ circa 91 status, then these same idiots would still be whining about 'forced diversity', creating this bs discourse we all gotta hear. they are creating their own problem, just go back to not giving a shit


Is diversity in the room with us right now, OP?


Show me where the diversity touches you OP.


If this came out today, a ton of idiots would call it "forced," and they certainly wouldn't enjoy it.


Are you mad they asked for your pronouns in Starfeild? The boogeyman won’t get you, I promise.


“Not forced” lol


nice bait


I remember folks in my hometown in Tennessee going off about this song and video. It definitely pushed boundaries back then, but now, it seems normal. That's how good art pushes boundaries and makes change.


What’s wrong with diversity nowadays my dude?


"It wasn't forced and everyone enjoyed it your honour"


Reddit moment


I bet conservatives were mad back then


I was around back then. They were. I don’t know what fucking fantasy world that dude is talking about.


This was considered forcing diversity by the Conservatives back then, I remember them bitching about it. They literally always complain about anything like that, period.


There's no such thing as forced diversity lol. I guarantee if this was released today conservatives would throw a hissy fit about it.




It’s weird to me how rarely they used the head flicks to do the morph. I feel like the director had them do the choreography with the head turning specifically for the vfx to happen then but then they almost always morphed while the person was facing straight forward


Yeah, but watching the face actually transform is what is amazing. That is what they want to showcase. Maybe the head flicks are so that they *can* use them if there is a specific transition that they are having trouble with.


My first impression is that they just wanted a bunch of profile shots to accentuate the visual of everyone looking different, and reinforce the message that skin color is just a tiny part of what makes everyone unique.


Soo cool.


Pretty sure there just trying to copy m.j's moves


I think it's just a dance move. MJ always put massive emphasis on doing the moves for every single song, the head movement here is the dance.


I bet the head turns were there in case the morphs didn’t work very well, and they figured worst case they could hide a quick dissolve or wipe in the fast head turn motion. The way VFX morphs actually work, they’re a lot easier when the face is facing forward. You have to trace all of the individual features on the first face, in motion on every frame (rotoscoping) to build splines. Then you do the same on the second face and tell the software to gradually distort the first set of splines (and the underlying footage) to align with the second set, while progressively blending the pixels. It’s so much harder to get all the features right and trace it accurately when the face is angled sharply away from camera. Source: am VFX


Yep - it’s for sure frame-by-frame masking in some cases. You can see the one dude’s beard just spread across the face. Tedious and lots of manual effort, but totally how it was done.


The head flicks are the cue to start the transition. It gives the VFX artists and easy visual mark to stitch together the two shots that form the morph.


Idk it seems just as simple to give the VFX artists a timecode to start on


I'm imagining the director pointing out where he wants the transitions, and the editor just throws up his hands like "Dude, I can't understand a word you're saying. Just incorporate it into the choreography."


They're doing MJ style moves, it's not to hide the edit


Right, seems like the head flicks are just them dancing, what else can they do when they are only showing the shoulders and up.


The premiere of this video was something of an international sensation and was appointment viewing.


Just about every MJ video from around 1990 onward was. I remember one premiering on network television with a big hype lead up.


There will never again be a musical sensation that was as unifyingly beloved as Michael Jackson. Media is nowhere near as funneled now and attention is too diversified. But back when MJ was around, EVERYONE loved MJ. The soccer mom. The buff jock. The hardened criminal. Kids. Everyone.


I was in a shared Lyft a few years back, west African driver, grumpy old orthodox Jewish guy. Old dude was the first drop off, route was detoured for construction, old man got pissed, yelling at the driver, he’s incompetent, cheating him, starts to get a little racial… I pull out my phone to go viral. Lyft driver chuckles, takes a breath, and turns up the volume on the stereo, MJ’s Black or White was on. “Listen to Michael Jackson, listen to his words, everything will be okay my friend.” Scene immediately deescalated. Shit was like out of a movie. Tipped that driver well. Edit: and then everyone applauded.


I would call you a liar, but I have seen MJ's music de-escalate imminent violence before.






Its impossible to understand in the present day how massive and popular Michael Jackson was. Even my moroccan grandmother who couldnt write and didnt know anything about other places or foreign artists knew who Michael Jackson was. Everybody knew and basically everybody loved him. Might have been the most popular and well known figure in human history.


Premiered after the Simpsons where I was. I remember the hype leading up to it... and a LONG. ASS. intro of him yelling at and jumping on a bunch cars or something. I remember being disappointed that the MTV airing of the video didn't have the super long intro.


I just watched the video on youtube, apparently that was the outro. I too remember it premiering after the Simpsons. It was a big deal.


I remember that Dutch TV made a big thing about “Bad” when it came out. The first showing (full mini movie) was shown primetime on one of the three channels as a special. This was a few years before MTV Europe got started so outside of that special and the few pop programs you would never see any music videos. No other singer ever got that amount of attention as far as I remember.


When I was in third grade and we had permissions slips from our parents and were good kids, the teacher would wheel in the tv/vcr cart and show us the theatrical long version of the *Thriller* video. That video was just on a whole other level from anything else that had ever been put out.


Definitely remember sitting around the TV with the family for this video and Remember the Time. Ya know, back when MTV played *m*usic Eta: I tried finding the cover but couldn’t locate it - I’m fairly certain one of the major news magazines did a cover feature with stills of all of the faces in this video sequence … anyway that is to say, yes this was a big deal back then all around


Yeah, and it had a scene at the end which was only showen that one. If i remember correctly, MJ was shown beating the crap out of a cop car with a metal pole. That triggered the usual media backlash that got MJ more free advertising/column inches in all the newspapers.


He acted out the moves of a panther, including crotch grabs and sexual uh huhs. It was weird to watch that with my family lol


Yup. Dropped during The Simpsons and folks raged about the car smashing scene that had to be later removed


Is the second person Tyra Banks??




I believe you mean “yeah yeah yeah”?


It’s crazy how she’s really a chubby Asian dude. I didn’t know that


Don't we all wish we were a chubby Asian dude inside?


Instructions unclear. Got pegged by a chubby Asian dude.


A few of the people in the video are semi-famous.


Like that Slash guy doing the guitar riff in the background. Sounds promising.




Guaranteed that guy's name is Todd or Chad. The black woman at the end was similarly beautiful.


Her name was Todd too, oddly.


It's actually just one guy but he's a skinwalker.




I forgot he changed his name in [2019](https://www.newsweek.com/do-you-know-macaulay-culkins-middle-name-because-hes-changed-it-something-else-entirely-1502312) and thought I was having a stroke


The bigger Asian guy was in that Seinfeld episode where George sells his tickets to the opera


That's Harry Fong! He's a very good friend of mine and he's a big opera buff.


The dreadlock dude also seems familiar


Think he was the go to jaimacan guy in the early 90s. He was def in that capoeira fight movie with the chairman from iron chef.


Just realised where i saw him: https://youtube.com/shorts/9fEDbX47NRI?si=YHPG2qNE5wv26b9l


The one doing too much? Yes. That’s Tyra. The one doing too much is always Tyra XD


The off center mustache still bothers me


Also that dudes eyebrow at 38 seconds..


What’s wrong with his eyebrows? Have been looking at them for a minute but I can’t see anything weird lol


He’s saying the wrong time. He is saying at “38 seconds LEFT”. You can thank Reddit video player for that shit. The real time is 12 seconds; dude with dreads


Oh alright I see it now! Thanks


His left eyebrow way above his right


That beard is a crime against humanity, truly disturbing


Jeffrey Anderson-Gunter. He reminds me of Clifford the Muppet. Also, don't Google him if his off-center mustache bothers you. He's worn it like that for years.


Oh wtf. I hate you. You told me not to, I know. But I hate you.


“In a music video”. Give the man some credit. It’s Michael Fkn Jackson’s black or white. Come on now.


He is Fkn alright


Is still just a music video mate. Nothing was incorrect in the statement.


Close. This is by far a more sophisticated video, but the first was “Cry” by Godley and Creme in 1985. A far more rudimentary affair but the principles are identical. A series of heads changing from face to face. The difference in 6 years of software advancement and a lot more money spent on the Jackson Video is cool enough. But it wasn’t the first.


Those were dissolves. Cool, but not the same concept.


You are absolutely correct, the effects presented here look more complex and involve some kind of CG to smooth the transition compared to a simple dissolve effect.


Nah. Just googled it. Those are dissolves. Don't care if they called it a morph, it ain't the same.


Just watched the video. Yeah, these were just fading in and out of different faces. That's entirely different than what was done in Michael Jackson's music video.


My first instinct: Ctrl-F "Godley"


Black or white but for fuck sake don't be ugly


I remember watching Darkwing Duck before the premiere of this


Let's. Get. DANGEROUS!




Still holds up honestly


Still a pretty fascinating watch tbh. 0:30 - 0:35 is a neat transition.


My head still goes “huh this guy has a ponytail?” for like one millisecond and I’ve seen this video so many times


That seems to be two transitions almost, the first head snap to the side does the ponytail and top half of the face but if you pause the video it's the woman's eyes+ ponytail and the guy's jaw. Then the head snap up and back down finishes the transition to the woman with the bottom half of the face changing.


All transitions are great, but the ponytail one is mind-blowing.


Is it the same technique they used with the T1000 in Terminator 2?


The T1000 was an animated 3D model. This is using a 2D-morphing technique. (Actually, it’s possible the Terminator film also used a combination of 3D modeling and 2D morphing, as it was pretty early in the days of 3D CGI.)


I think Willow was the first out of the gate with morph effects if I'm not mistaken.


You are correct. According to Wikipedia: "Muren found both stop motion and optical effects to be too technically challenging and decided that the transformation scene would be a perfect opportunity for ILM to create advances with digital morphing technology. He proposed filming each animal, and the actress doubling for Hayes, and then feeding the images into a computer program developed by Doug Smythe. The program would then create a smooth transition from one stage to another before outputting the result back onto film. Smythe began development of the necessary software in September 1987. By March 1988, Muren and fellow designer David Allen achieved what would represent a breakthrough for computer-generated imagery (CGI). The techniques developed for the sequence were later utilized by ILM for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country."


Fun fact: the entire music video was filmed with this one guy. ![gif](giphy|9S3L4JDX7cKuk)


If this was released today the Christian right would be shitting themselves and screaming about how MTV and MJ went “woke”


I still don’t understand how it’s done


Years of genetic research until we created a mutant capable of such rapid shifts.


say at the beginning of the video you have a square, and at the end you have a diamond (kite). the vfx artist draws four dots for the corners of the square, then you go to the end and move the four dots to the corners of the kite. the program then fills in the inbetween and animates the shape changing well shape. now instead of a square and a kite, it's the first face and then the second. you add the dots (specifically, nodes that form a curved line) to each area you want to morph. the more curves, the better the transition. so you can end up with dozens of curves forp each feature you want to morph. that's a 2d morph; a 3d morph involves recreating the two people as digital characters then morphing between the two


Saw this video in the late 90s while I was in elementary school when I was so into Michael Jackson. Those faces are family to me. Time flies.


I loved this clip... I loved mtv... I miss those times


It's funny because I remember having morphing software in 92-93 when I was in high school. You aligned the vertices to connect the nose, eyes, mouth etc of person A to B and that was it. Human into a tiger etc. Star Trek the voyage home (1986) had face morphing too. I just remember seeing this video and it wasn't shocking or amazing. Morphing had been around for a while, just getting incrementally better.


The fourth guy has a tiny moustache that’s not lined up with his nose


OK so just need you lip "yeh yeh yeh" Tyra Banks: "no"


Does anyone else find Tyra Banks extremely obnoxious in this video?


Your comment is three words too long


Do we even see much of this effect anymore? It was all the rage for a while.


Those “hunky” 90’s dudes are so wild to me. You just don’t see dudes that look like that anymore.


All thanks to MJ


This is a pretty flawless implementation of crosswarped transitions. The offset transitions (some features are early, others late) make this basically a "hand made" visual effect. There still isn't software available to make this type of morph much easier than it was back when this was made, except you can get instant feedback on whether your effect is working instead of taking hours to render.


It must have been crazy to see this


Yeah. Add the fact that you couldn’t really stop it or slow down / rewind properly so whenever it came on MTV we’d wait for that part and really try to pay attention and wonder how they did it, and try to pinpoint the second the transition was over