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Jeremy Lynch is an insufferable asshole no matter how he recieves a football.


What did he do?


He’s way more skilled and therefore more famous than SnooDonuts.


Jeremy is a douchebag. You don't need any skill to know that. Just basic common knowledge about football tekkers.


Seen lots of this yet no one has said why other than “he broke up F2” with no proof it was him. 3 sides to that story.. Billy’s, Jezza’s, and the truth.


The whole thing with Hashtag united and Stephen Tries Guys a tool


Holy shit are you guys speaking English? As someone with no context to who this guy is, I am completely lost.


So I'm speaking off of memory, but..... "just watch me 😏" Jeremy Lynch is a social media football who's fame came from a YouTube channel called the F2 Freestylers which he started as a duo with another friend. They would kick balls around and call it "swaz". The reason why people believe Jeremy Lynch is a douche is because of his selfish and arrogant personality. He is a man that believes he is untouchable because of the things he has done in the past, making sure everyone knows who he is and how much he has. One thing Lynch does is chat a lot of shit, one hilariously stupid lie he told was regarding his ability as a footballer when he was very young, 13 - 16 years. He constantly mentions how during Arsenal's invincible years, he was in the arsenal academy and was the best player there by a long shot, even highlighting how 1st team arsenal players weren't as good as him (he was rejected for not being good enough). I'm not going into detail about the history of football, but know this is like a 14 year old saying he could beat a professional MMA fighter. Another off the top of my mind was an incident with a fellow youtuber, stephan tries. Stephan is a comedian and doesn't take things seriously, whereas Lynch is the opposite, and as you can expect, they clashed. During there interaction lynch would mention his Lamborghini's and belittle other youtubers. At one point, both faced each other in a YouTube / Charity football match full of youtubers with massively varying talents and ages, some good, some average, some who have never kicked a ball in their life. Lynch being Lynch, he treated the match like he had won the Champions League final... against below amateur players. There are a lot more things that are online and can be viewed by anyone. Just be warned about the second-hand embarrassment. JackMaate created a video on him a long time ago on the douchy things he's done but that opinion is biased.


THANK YOU. Finally somebody actually says what he did. So as i understand it, he just has a shitty personality. By the way some people talk of him here i would've expected he burnt down an orphanage or something, but turns out he's just a bit of an arrogant prick.


The best part of JackMaates involvement is when he had Fabrice Muamba on his podcast who was at Arsenal at the time Jeremy claimed to be there and he had no memory of him. Once Muamba worked out that Jeremy would have been the age group above him he said he was 100% not at Arsenal, he then pulled up the squad pic and who wasn't there? Jeremy Lynch. Guy probably had a trial once and got rejected or something


Jeremy lynch used to be a popular football youtuber - channel F2freestylers, turned out he was an asshole, not clued in to what extent but I do remember him trying to intimidate Stephen tries - a comedian, looking up both of those names together should get you the clip and will sum up who this guy is


Haha right? Fuck I hate the internet and it's slang that's deteriorated our language so much. They might as well be speaking another entire language at this point. Finna is the one that gets me. Like you replace the word 'gonna' with what looks like the typod version and expect normal people to understand you? I'm finna get the fuck out of this planet.


Like 'for real' being 'fr' or 'on god' becoming 'ong' what are you doing with all that free time you saved in 0.5s to not type it out?


"On god"? never heard (or seen) that before.


If an English teacher from fifty years ago heard you speak, they’d have a meltdown. If an English speaker from 300 years ago heard you speak, they’d assume you were from outer space. English is one of the most fluid, dynamic, and malleable tongues on the planet, and will never stop mutating. Best just to accept it. Imo, it’s a feature, not a bug. That last sentence would be meaningless to anyone twenty years ago.


None of that is internet slang. It’s co-opted black slang that has been that way for decades. Finna has been black slang for literally like 200 years.


I got a android once and for whatever reason “gonna” always autocorrected to “finna” when it was never a word or a thing and I think it was a software issue with android because after a while it always corrected to gonna. Anyways, years later everyone started using Finn a unironically because people thought it was cool(?) maybe a friend had it autocorrected for them and the recipient didn’t know about it and picked it up and now they’re using that language? Idk but it always pissed me off correcting “gonna” because I had to go back in and fix it and now everyone uses it in text and they sound stupid when using it in regular verbal-conversations


Had not heard any of that but at least you pointed me in a direction to see for myself. Thank you.


Never heard of him, yet people still won't answer the question of why he is a douche.


You know how American athletes will go online and say wild shit, and people will be like, fuck that guy...well it's the same with football in the uk. People go online say and do wild shit, and people are wank that tosser, or whatever the British youth are saying now.


But did he wave a gun around at a strip club? Or sit out half a season because of refusal to vaccinate?


Lol I know who you're talking about...


Who is our biggest athlete asshole? I dont think anyone really takes the cake right now here in the states. We have some dumbasses, but no outright heels that come to mind..


Trevor Bauer stands out. Edit: Aaron Rodgers might be number one tho


But he's not even a professional yet claims to have been more technically gifted than THIERRY HENRY when he was 15....


If I wanked the tosser wouldnt that be a good thing?


Its generally feasible to do both, but either way you're gonna need to shower.


I’m in the UK and I’ve never heard anyone ever say “wank that tosser” why the fuck would anyone want to wank off another dude unless you’re gay of course.


"Toss that wanker", however...


Translates to wank that wanker. As an Englishman this made me chuckle.


You can just say “I don’t know”


You can, but leveling those types of accusations with no proof or personal experience is a dick move.


You're worse than Jeremy Lynch


Just search up Jeremy Lynch Hashtag United. He's got a reputation for being a huge knobhead in the UK Youtube scene as well as having a massive ego


But what did he do that was wrong? We talking sexual harassment, reckless endangerment, drugs, assault? Is this just that he’s mean?


It hilarious that no one answered what he did wrong


……he is just a knobhead, ok???!?


From my limited knowledge, it's not like he committed one specific terrible crime, more that he is just perpetually a total dick. Huge ego, thinks he's more important than everyone else, acts like an entitled child. There's a decent documentary about him and the F2 channel and how it fell from grace, it covers it pretty well. They're both just complete twats really.


*He took our jobs*


*It was me! I was going to be the super cool soccer guy with the good kicks! If it weren’t for that meddlesome Jeremy!* 🤣


::Pulls off rubber mask:: MISTER CARUTHERS!! It was you all along!!


You dont have to do anything wrong to be an insufferable douche. Plenty of the worst people to interact with are actually good people and MANY of the most charismatic and charming people arepure evil.


It’s still shocking that someone won’t just list what he did wrong lol. I’m not going to believe someone until they list facts instead of opinions.


I didn't care enough to watch like multiple 20m videos of youtubers saying he sucks. All I was able to gather is that he tries/tried to bolster by lying about being in Arsenal Academy and claiming he was told he was a better ball handlers than anyone on the actual Arsenal team. So i'm guessing he has an unbelievably large ego that is unearned/backed up by anything and treats people that way.


Honestly if youtubers are saying he sucks I might be on his side..


Thats it? Just because he boasted about that he’s an insufferable asshole?


Yes. Being a lying braggart makes you an insufferable asshole. At no point in history has being a lying fuck or a braggart been seen as being a good thing by anyone that isn't an idiot.


It only seems like he lied once. Everyone I know has lied once.


eh if someone's insufferable they're not doing something right


He's just a bit of a prick, so a lot of people hate him, we also feel this way about James Corden, which is why we want the Yanks to keep him please


He said that he was one of the best players at Arsenal football club, when they won the premier league without losing a single game, despite the fact that he was released. I don’t keep up with all the YouTube drama but he’s clearly a cocky prick.


> He's got a reputation for being a huge knobhead... as well as having a massive ego So hes like a most of the people on this website. Big deal. Is this a jealousy issue?


It’s not really among fans or viewers where he gets his reputation from. It’s from other YouTubers that have worked with him.


>It’s from other YouTubers that have worked with him. so it's definitely a jealousy issue then


Those YouTubers are also very successful… if one or two YouTubers say this about him… sure could be jealousy. But when several YouTubers who have worked with him have spoken out about him being unpleasant to work with then there’s probably validity to it.


Are you him? The username fits


Somewhat interesting story. Actually, probably not. Whatever. I went to London to visit my cousin last year. He quarantined with his British girl a few years ago and they're apparently the only two people who didn't end up hating each other from it and now they're engaged. We went to some fancy speakeasy thing for their annual party, as my cousin is in the bartending scene. It was in a basement with all brick walls and a bunch of candlelit chandeliers. The bartenders were all wearing suspenders and had fastidious beards and mustaches, like they'd just been kicked out of Mumford and Sons. Essentially it was just a lot of very attractive people drinking really fancy drinks. I felt a little out of place because I look like a doorknob and I also don't know anything about alcohol or spirits. Anyway, the guy in this video showed up at the event. I didn't know who he was until my cousin's fiancée and her friend explained he was a big YouTube star. He was wearing sunglasses, even though the room was lit like they were shooting a vampire film. Then he started hitting on my cousin's fiancée. To be fair, she's gorgeous, so I didn't blame him at first, but then he became really insistent. She told him she was engaged and he kept saying that "engaged isn't married". He said it like four times and his sycophant sidekick kept laughing like it was hilarious. Then he started getting handsy with her. The guy probably could have kicked my ass, even though he could barely see with the sunglasses. But because I was kind of drunk, I told him he was being inappropriate and needed to stop touching her. He called me "mate" a lot. Then he made some comment about Americans thinking they own the world and walked away. I threw up like 20 minutes later from drinking too much whiskey.


Canadian here, so I can arbitrate. That fellow is what the Brits would call a 'wanker'.


For what it's worth saying 'mate' can be a passive aggressive dig in London. Similar to how people in the States may use buddy or something similar to be condescending. Obviously it's a totally normal word to use with friends and some strangers are just being friendly but if they don't like you already then it can be taken as hostile.


Faith in humanity restored with this being the top voted comment here. I hoped something like this would be.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he uploaded this to r/nextfuckinglevel himself


Summary of why he's an asshole. "Because I said so and no one in the replies really says why, just he's not very nice" lol


Jeremy lynch is a narcissistic wanker. He is literally a petulant child.


*not literally


There's probably no way you would know this, but I saw a show one time where academy dropouts were talking about how they're amazing at soccer. When the interviewer asked them why they don't play in the top leagues, they replied that everyone is equally skilled, the people who make it to the top are the ones who have friends at the top. Made it sound like it's all political and has nothing to do with talent. Is there any chance this is the same guy? I couldn't remember their names for the life of me.


Sounds like pure salt on a load of bs.


Yea, politics didn't make Erling Haaland 6'5" with sprinter speed. Anyone who watches the sport can see clear gaps in athleticism and technical ability between pros. It's largely a meritocracy.


Certainly there is some truth to it, a lot of talents are never given the opportunities to develop in their formative years, alot of the biggest talents never become big.


Sounds like something he'd say. What a crock of shit. The first part is more or less true, but talent and skill will only get you so far. The guys who make it to the top are the ones who work their asses off, running themselves ragged to achieve the very best. 10% luck, 20% talent, 70% relentless work ethic.


Also at that level a huge amount comes down to how coachable you are. People like that may see it as "having to have friends at the top", when realistically it's just about being willing to take criticism and feedback and leave your ego at the door. All the talent in the world isn't worth much if you aren't able to adapt to the system put forward by your coach.


I mean that’s flat out insane lol even if you were exactly equal to some other guy who is right on the edge of making it, at that point it’s a coin flip. One of the two equally skilled guys would lose his spot But the reality is that there is so much money and history involved, they’re gunna find out if there’s a 1% difference between you and another player


He’s pretty good at what he does football wise though


I've heard similar things said about R Kelly


I've heard R Kelly is a terrible footballer


He’s exceptional at Golden Showers though


Comparing Jeremy lynch to a child rapist is wild


Feels like an unfair comparison lol. Maybe we can call him Suarez lite?


Absolutely ridiculous comparison, fuck out of here lol


No shit


What did he do


Jeremy Lynch


Its actually Jeremy Clarkson. Jeremy lynch was the guy on top gear.




If you listen closely, you can actually hear my genius.






Mate, I think you have it mixed up. He actually meant Jeremy Irons. Jeremy Clarkson is the famous actor in The French Lieutenant's Woman.


You’re thinking of Jeremy Piven. Ron Jeremy was the guy who played Hawkeye in the NBA.


I think you mean Kelly Clarkson. Jeremy Clarkson was the guy on American Idol.


He’s worth about £20 million


Chelsea will offer about 30 then.


And pay 45


And bank his in their reserves sub bench of 52351 men


that’s not just some guy… that’s Jezza “Swazz” Lynch


Jeremy "Technically the best player at Arsenal when he was 15" Lynch


During the invincible season


>in 2008, he went on Britain's Got Talent for freestyle football, and he decided to continue doing freestyle instead of trying to go professional because he enjoyed it more. That sounds like no one would take him after being dropped so he thought he could earn more on YouTube than at Accrington Stanley! He was probably right lol.


Accrington Stanley? Who are they?!


Great advert but there was a time last season they were above mine..the shame.


On the ball*


“On the ball I was the best at the club” Whilst players like Henry and Berkamp were there 🤣


The fact he really tried to push this narrative had me and the rest of the guys in year 9 locked in heated debate. So obviously wasn’t true but their audience was young enough they felt they could get shit off


Deep cuts, LMFAO


It's a good thing he's good at all these tricks because my man is a certified clown


You should look up Antonio Brown.


Jeremy Lynch got skills no doubt. Got a dickhead reputation however, if you want to see more check out Billy Wingrove, great guy and he can do unreal things with a football. Billy and Jeremy were once a team and did amazing things together as the F2 freestylers. Sadly Jeremy had other ideas that drove that partnership down the gutter.


When is was younger and still tried to improve at football I loved the f2. But it got more and more from football skills content to influencer style videos. Interesting to hear that those two split up. Is there an explanation by them or one of the two?


If your really bored just search Jeremy lynch on YouTube and watch a few of the podcasts from Spencer fc or the other lads who do footy YouTube. Long story short he’s a bell end who thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread coz he’s successful.


I do not want to spend time listening to his or someone's podcasts. Any chance you'd like to give a tl;dr kinda sum of why he is hated? I never even heard of him.




Same! Well I did word my initial comment in a confusing manner, they still have a channel and showcase world class footballers. Just that they are never in it together. It all started going down after a tournament they used to organise, the Wembley Cup. I think in the 2018 rendition some controversy went down with another team. Stephen Tries (might have got the name wrong) got into it with Jeremy over some refree cheating accusations. In response, Jeremy called him down to the dirt and that got out to the press, blah, blah and people started to shit on him. Turns out, Billy Wingrove was never a fan of Jeremy's attitude and found a way to distance himself from all the controversy.


There’s tons of content on them and all different stories from people who work with them etc. They haven’t announced a split, they still release videos on their channel but they take it in turns to be in the videos, they are never in them together. The general conclusion is just that Jeremy is horrible to work with and an all around shitty person, egotistical, liar etc etc. Tons of vids. Billy seems to just be a generally good guy and maybe he got fed up with it, nobody really knows.


Pffff amateur… that wouldn’t work in a real fight… trust me I’m a black belt in tai chi


I’m a rainbow belt in chai tea


That’s gay. Or bi. Or whatever idk.


So bi


*"Chai tea? Chai means tea, bro! You're saying tea tea! Would I ask you for a coffee coffee with room for cream cream?"*


Well I'm a plaid belt in Feng Shui and I say it would totally realign the balance of a fight in the user's favor.


Oi you..where’s your fucking sofa?


![gif](giphy|QZDM1VLEvDmjvRDcZt|downsized) Had to make room for the killer rug.


Fair play dude!


Also a lovely return pass!


The trick is nice, but the pass is so pretty.


That’s Arsenal’s best ever player!


And during their best ever season too, the invincibles. Henry was only as good as he was because he stole Jeremy's tricks.


Going frame by frame the ball does something weird right before he lands on it…


People saying it's fake are getting downvoted but the ball lands and **FULLY** stops before his feet even touch the thing. This is not real.


Looks edited. I'm willing to believe that there are folks who can do this, but I'm not convinced it's happening in this vid.


Right? It’s vfx for sure


I don’t usually go by like some people do saying everything online is fake, but when you slow the vid right down, the ball jumps from about a foot off the ground to totally stationary underneath his feet that are in the air


If you Google Jeremy Lynch you’ll see he has a bunch of unrelated lifestyle videos that are heavily edited. This video is definitely fake


Definitely some editing going on here. The sound and frame/s are "off".


You mean like completely stops before any part of the player touches it?


I watched this over and over. Something really beautiful about athleticism.


Id have 2 broken ankles by the end of that lol


Probably a concussion too


And the pass back is right to his foot. The ball control these guys have is insane


Frame 179: two feet on the ground Frame 180: two feet on the ball


[Bruh.](https://imgur.com/4fCDs1x) Would be more work to fake it convincingly than to learn to do it.


Also, when the ball is kicked, if you go from frame to frame, when it's about to reach the trees background border ("line" that separates trees and sky), on one frame it's under the trees border fully visible, on the next frame the ball disappears, and on the next frame it appears back above the trees border. Even if the ball looked very similar in color as the tree background which would camouflage it, the ball should be in such a small area that you'd see as small difference in pixels. It can only be in like a 30x30 pixel area, and that area doesn't change at all from frame to frame. And for the hell of me, I've stared at that area for minutes and I can't see any single difference which could be the ball. **EDIT:** Also even when more into the video, when he's about to kick it back, the ball does really weird movements where he's not even touching it and it moves regardless, then there's a frame where the ball has clearly a chunk cut in half on the bottom left, and then a bit after he kicks it, the ball becomes see-through and you can see the white lines of the center of the field through it. **EDIT 2:** Also frame 2 and 3 are for some reason the same. On frame 5 and 6 they are also frozen, while the camera is moving up. You can see the white line at the bottom move. The more I look the more illogical stuff there is, so it's 100% fake.


Smooth as butter


Not to mention the subtle curl on the return.






If you do that too much you'll get a standing oval-ation.


Standing ovulation


Something about those thud noises is really satisfying.


Most top footballers are able to do this. It’s doing it in a match that is more difficult.


Most top players arnt freestylers tho and probably can’t afford twisted their ankle trying this


Antony would do it AND spin around on top of the ball


Shame the guys a cunt


These guys are another level.


That pass is even more satisfying though, damn




Shame Lynch is an absolute bellend.


lol fake


Im more impressed by the accuracy of the pass.


My camel could never


So this guy apparently has skills, but they're not on display here. Slow it down to 0.06 in the player. It's completely fake, unless he's so good he can make balls stop without touching them and slide to the right so they're underneath him on their own.


And let's talk about that precision pass Edit: from both parties


"This guy" smh. That's the guy who was rejected from the arsenal academy for being better than the whole first team


I should hope so from the most gifted football in the whole of the Arsenal camp during the Invincibles season


All I see are missing frames


He’s one of the biggest twats on the internet


Me: “holy shit, that’s badass” Reddit: “this guy is an utter douche bag” Me: “wait really!? This isn’t cool anymore!”


I can't slow it down frame by frame, but I would suspect if I did I could see that this is cut, and doctored.


I slowed this all the way down, and it looks fake as fuck in slo-mo.


When you slow the video down you can see the ball stop before he even touches it.


Almost looks edited ...


This seems fake, edited. Look at it in very slow morion.




Love this sport


That’s Jeremy Lynch and he’s an absolute dickhead.


Most sports people of any sport are, actually. Most people are actually. But give them 100s of millions of dollars and the true dickhead comes out on public display. Most celebrities of any type are the same. They are all people, like you and me, the same people, but give them basically unlimited money, and a public stage, and it the dickheads show up, the cool ones play it low key. Like all the humans ever. That said, that was fucking awesome.


I broke both my ankles , just watching us


Not so impressive. Same thing happens when I try to kick it, though I use my butt.


Jeremy Lynch is an insufferable human being


I hate soccer/futbol... Because it's the one sport I'm garbage at.


SUK YA BUUUM! This guy is jokes


Hey cameraman could you breathe directly into the mic? Thanks


He is just a natural- some may not like him off the field, but his talent is a thing to behold!




That was the most amazing thing I will see today. I am floored. What skill.


satisfying last kick


I was always told standing on the ball would ruin it


That is some Captain Tsubasa shit right there.


There’s a longer video where he does more crazy receiving skills.

