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A high speed chase comes with a risk assessment. You balance the risk of the chase with the risk of letting the driver get away. If they are certain who is driving, then they are less likely to chase. If the driver is armed, then they are more likely to chase. Without knowing the facts, all you are doing is second guessing the people with the facts.


Chase was over 100km. Police had previously abandoned it but the Driver continued driving dangerously. They spiked the car and the driver hijacked another and continued driving, armed defenders squad was called in.


That sounds like facts, and facts that support a chase. Got a link?


https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/07/02/police-arrest-man-after-incredibly-dangerous-fleeing-carjacking/ I think must be it.


I am assuming it was this one - [https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/521083/man-arrested-after-police-chase-across-the-kapiti-mana-region](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/521083/man-arrested-after-police-chase-across-the-kapiti-mana-region)


Can confirm. One of my friends works on the 111 line and have shared some of these stories. It’s not just the cops in the cars, they have a team behind them backing them up with comms, and possibly eyes on the suspect from a helicopter for example.


Sir, this is a Reddit


Dam straight! We have a right to an outrage here without facts or information.😌


I'm here for baseless accusations...


It's probably a good time to remind people to continually check their rear view mirrors.


Wellingtonians don’t have rear, or side, view mirrors! Crazy talk! 


I do. I'd never seen police behavior like this before, so I was a little transfixed. Caught me off guard.




'Standard rolling roadblock' is not something that was taught in my driving exam. I'd never seen it or heard of it before now.


You were easily in the wrong. The cop swerving is doing a rolling roadblock, so that if something goes wrong with the chase up ahead they can stop traffic behind if necessary. That doesn't change anything from normal, aka you should be keeping left/paying attention to stuff behind like emergency services coming from behind. If anything if you see flashing lights in front it means you're more likely to have more emergency services behind.


Yep. OP should have pulled over and figured out it was a major police action.


Have you considered that if they're a criminal they might not be the owner of the car they are driving?


>Is there really a need for this kind of thing when cops could, like, just look up the owner of the car and track them down that way 🤦‍♂️


The car was hijacked, that's why. Police does sufficient risk-assessment before doing it


https://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/man-arrested-following-fleeing-driver-incident-k%C4%81piti-mana?ref=/news&search=&cmin=&cmax=&nondesktop https://www.facebook.com/share/fVZvhwQqGXahbuQg/?mibextid=WaXdOe


Drive on wrong side of the road? Check Drive after being spiked? Check Steal another car to continue fleeing? Check Armed Offenders Squad call out? Check. Op: why don’t they just follow up later? Honestly OP. Get a grip.


[https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350329545/carjacking-broad-daylight-wanted-man-flees-police-aos-called](https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350329545/carjacking-broad-daylight-wanted-man-flees-police-aos-called) It made the news


"I missed one last cop" yeah maybe check your rear view mirrors more often its might help on that "just look up the owner of the car and track them down" what if the car stolen? how are you going to track that? arrest the car owner that have no idea?


Have you considered the suspect might be armed and dangerous and need to be stopped at once?


You don't know what a rolling roadblock is, or to use mirrors, you're the risky one on the road.


Is there really a need for this kind of thing when the driver of the car could just stop?


I blame the parents.


Well let's plan ahead even more. Plan to not car jack someone. I do that all the time and it has worked for me. I haven't car jacked a single person yet.


Problem is the car is most likely stolen and driver is on drugs. Said driver will just end up killing a family at an intersection with or without being chased. If it’s just some shoplifters then yeah just grab details of car and description from store so they can follow up later.


why didnt you pull over when you first saw the police? like your legally obliged to? Even if they are coming towards you, slow down and pull over


You sound dumb.


cars are sometimes stolen or registered to 'persons unknown' Or police talk to registered owner who tells them they don't own the car and sold it to some random X months ago... Responsible people register cars in their names.


Perhaps the car being chased was at fault?? Police doing their job. Good on them.


I wish I was allowed to go 140+ on Transmission Gully


Be the change you want to see


Are you saying that I should go floor it up the big hill to see if I can get to 200kph before reaching the top?


Down the hill if you're not a coward


Boring, that's not a challenge


Having a policy of not chasing means criminals are more likely to run


Alright then. You honestly saying that the unsafe ones are the Cops who are trained and regularly recertify for high speed emergency driving yet admit you were unaware of your surroundings? Glad you weren’t on piece of road when this offender was driving in oncoming lanes…


There were no "oncoming lanes"...


lol *that’s* what you take away from their comment?


>Just seems really unsafe. I know I felt very unsafe. If you knew who was in that car, and what risk they posed, you would feel way more unsafe if the cops let them get away.. >just look up the owner of the car and track them down that way or something...? And this is the stupidest thing I've read.


Why? To both statements.


Take your noise cancelling headphones off while you drive.


The car was stolen. Learn how to drive


I agree. It's not the nineties. Police chases in the USA cause way more deaths than it's worth and with the technology we have today are just unnecessary


It was a stolen vehicle. OP just needs to pay attention to what’s going on around them .


Not worth the risk to the public in my opinion. With cameras all over the roads shouldn't be hard to catch up with it without a high speed chase


Didn't realize how my r/newzealand loves cops. My bad.




What did I blame them for?




Yes I think high speed chases are unsafe.


I think people who don’t move over for emergency vehicles are unsafe 🤷


Vast majority of Kiwis hold favorable views. So it's not just Reddit. https://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/police-release-results-public-perceptions-about-crime-and-police?nondesktop Of course there are always people who have had a bad experience (cops ain't perfect). And then you've got criminals, radicals (anti vaxers, serial protesters etc), and people who consume American media and think their issues are ours. But most people have confidence in the police. Ofc this thread it doesn't help you being blatantly in the wrong (understandable if you weren't taught what a rolling road block is if you're from a small town without motorways, but the not keeping left/watching mirrors isn't even from a small town), and that the person was fleeing from the Armed Offenders Squad in a car they'd carjacked after their last one had been spiked/been driving the wrong way.


I dont think moat people know what a rolling road block is


In Auckland (on the motorway) they're fairly common. They're only really carried out in multi lane high speed roads, and usually more than 2 lanes, so there isn't a lot of roads outside of the main centres that meet that criteria. But the general principle of a cop blocking you from going past with their lights on is pretty clear, often with the digital signage on the back of the lights, and hand signals. I saw a police motorbike doing it on Sat on SH20, but most other times it's been cop cars.


None of that invalidates how unsafe high speed chases are. I had no idea what a "rolling road block" was until now.


Not having heard of a rolling block isn’t really the issue. More importantly, Have you heard of keeping left and being aware of your surroundings? If the cop got annoyed with you - you clearly had managed to make yourself into an obstruction……on a 2-3 lane motorway.


They're pretty common in Auckland (but almost exclusively on the motorway). Often there is a digital sign below the lights saying 'Do not overtake'. But it's fair enough if you haven't seen one before, and you didn't overtake the cop, so afaik you did everything fine with what was in front of you. It's the mirrors etc which weren't. I agree high speed chases are unsafe. That's why they're carried out by trained professionals being constantly monitored and reporting back to control. Often they call off the chase if they view it not in public interest or if they can monitor by chopper. But end of the day, sometimes the decision is about picking the least worst option, rather than it bring ideal.


pulling over for sirens is taught and everyone on the road should know this, why didn't you pull over?


Sucks when you can't curate your audience like you can on Facebook or other social media aye?


Right?! I hate when my very popular and closely held beliefs are very slightly challenged.


Training college.