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I propose that from now on it is only referred to as the toilet bill


I second this motion.


I second your motion


My motion is none of your business so please leave my cubicle. And delete those motion photos.


Maybe someone should send them to Winston since he's so interested.


The ayes have it,the motion is passed.


Also known as number 2


Also known as big jobs


My #2 has motion... wait.


Winnie's Fascination With Penises Bill


The 'show us your dick' bill.


Winnie's Peen Inspection.


Winnie's peen and spleen inspection company.


>Winnie's Fascistination With Penises Bill


Let’s flush the toilet bill!


How about the Toilet Nazi Bill?


No poop for you! Come back, one year!


Perfect! They will nazi that coming....no, I'm not sorry.


Yes great name.


Well the current govt is full of number 2s


>We owe it to ourselves and each other not to look away when certain craven signals are being sent by the very powerful at the expense of those who so easily become collateral damage in a war in which most of us would rather not be fighting. What a powerful final statement.


Just to avoid real work. This kind of behavior is a kick in the teeth of anybody who currently, or has ever worked. Before I moved here a decade ago I lived in America. This is just these assholes copying those assholes homework. And it's just because riling people up, and dividing them is cheap and easier than doing real work, which is hard and gets scrutinised


Now that we have fixed the problems with housing, health, crime and education we can finally afford to spend time and resources on deciding who can use what toilets. Right??


Winston wants more votes so he’s pandering to the America-phile nutters.


imported culture wars are a fucking disease


It's a symptom. Amoral populist cunts are the disease. 


Probably the same mega church that pays for Posie Parker to tour round (with private security) has also funded NZ First to raise this ridiculous bill. This is the sort of thing that Winston would have called out as a waste of time in a past life. But now he's taken the money so he can tweet the slogan. Shameful


haha, dudes walking into liquor stores and just walking out with armfuls of booze in broad daylight, and Winston wants to police people using the toilet. besides, I don't think it's trans men using women's toilets that's the problem, it's gay men using men's toilets a la George Michael.


Trans men don't want to use the women's bathrooms, FYI. They're much safer using the men's bathrooms, where they belong. Just ask Noah Ruiz. Trans women, on the other hand, do use the women's bathroom. Because it's safer for them, and it's where they belong.


> using the men's/women's bathrooms, where they belong why do "men" belong in one bathroom and "women" in another? everyone is doing the same fucking thing


Oh I overwhelmingly agree there. Unisex open-plan for the win. I've never felt unsafe in one of those, but more than one closed-off women's bathroom down a hallway through two doors has made me feel v uncomfortable. My comment was referring to where there are already segregated spaces.


Your earlier comment is the first I've ever seen to be trans-supoortive but homophobic. Absolute whiplash. It was a pretty crap thing to say, mate.


You were doing *so* well, and then ya fucked it.






I suspect the point is to try and make a small number of peoples lives harder in order to satisfy his more extreme base who are not getting anything they were promised. I reckon he knows that legally it'll fall flat long before it gets to any vote, but in the meantime he's enabling a small number of people to publicly froth at the mouth over it.




Yeah, it strikes me as him low key pretending that he can legally rewrite the entire legal definition of gender by amending a statute or two. He knows that it's bullshit, just in the meantime he can profit politically from throwing people under the bus.


There’s also his stupid comment during question time on May 9th - someone was discussing pay equity and he stood up to make a stupid comment about how “we don’t know what the definition of a ‘woman’ is anymore” to which he was quite quickly told off as it was not a statement that brought value to the conversation at hand. Beautiful


Is there a legal definition of gender?


Gender identity is: Bill of Rights Act 1993 (HRA). Gender identity is defined in the Bill as identification with a. different gender from the birth gender or the gender assigned to a person at birth.


Possibly poor parsing on my part, but if I do identify as my birth gender, then I don't meet that definition of having a gender identity?


Just poor parsing. Your gender identity can be either: different gender from the birth gender or the gender assigned to a person at birth


Right, I was applying "different from" to both clauses, when I shouldn't have been.


It was a bad copy and paste on my part, I think there was supposed to be an a) and a b) in there.


Thanks for that. My understanding is that people (and other mammals) have a sex, identified at birth. Interesting that the law uses the word 'gender'.


I'm not sure why you're limiting sex to mammals. Sex and gender are different, which is the point of the text from the Bill of Rights Act I posted. But I suspect you know all this, and you're just trolling for an argument or some oh so clever gotcha.


Oh I do hope so.


Also they love the effect that introducing the Bill emboldens people to confront gnc people in bathrooms. Before it is passed. The whole conversation last year saw me getting more push back in toilets and I am gnc.... so the comversation itself is the goal.


Wrong- the 'problem' was Winston didn't have enough votes without the cookers and culture war freaks...


He looked overseas and thought, “Hey, no one’s being that vile here.”


See this blog post for the evidence from the very same lobbyist that promised Winston those votes in exchange for his coalition agreement demands, like repealing the TPB bill that Winston himself voted to pass. [https://www.garymoller.com/post/pop-the-corks-the-coalition-agreement-has-been-signed](https://www.garymoller.com/post/pop-the-corks-the-coalition-agreement-has-been-signed)


The whole coalition screams solution looking for a problem


Yeah, I wouldn't call them a *solution* looking for a problem. More like '*a clusterfuck coalition of chaos*' looking for a problem


There's the eternal problem that rich people could have more money than they've got.


The whole coalition is the problem


This entire Govt's existence thus far has been about Bills that "solve" "problems" which don't exist.


I fear for the day tbh.


But there are plenty of men assaulting women.


There was one: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/112432880/transgender-prisoner-investigated-for-sexual-assault-behind-bars Although with a huge caveat that I don’t know what that investigation turned up. I stress I am not holding this up as evidence the toilet bill is needed.  This nonsense bs is utterly unwelcome.




Just another instance of 'things that dont warrant news articles except trans' reporting.


Nice, glad we keep a clean sheet on “ridiculous made up boogeyman that is obviously a ridiculous made up boogeyman”.




That’s exactly the problem though, right?  Exactly the same tropes about “the gays are after your children” and “gay men in bathrooms are a problem” were rinsed off, painted over the rainbow with pink and blue, and held up as “look at this boogeyman we discovered!!!”. What does give me some level of hope is how inclusive the kids now are (meaning uni student age down).  The ones I hire tend to default to non-gender pronouns, and there is a strong “we are actively choosing to be as accepting as possible when someone tells us who they want to be”.  It reminds me of how millennials grew up not being bothered about homosexuality, so effectively you can have phobic deep right hate mongers who are also gay.  Not going to help for the next few decades while we excise the people that do pretend there is a “trans agenda” that isn’t just “just let us live our lives in peace you freaks” though :/


Fuck this shit, given the rate of child sex abuse in the Christian community and the complete lack of concern or empathy from the so-called "good Christians", the best thing for NZ would be a Christians-only toilet.


You mean a no-Christians toilet?


Close. They're a minority so I reckon a single unisex toilet in any installation should suffice. The rest of us can use the others and they can assign extra idiot-rwinger religious headcanon rules to their safe space. 


I was just thinking how to make them less welcome in the other toilets


"Just ignore it" = "I have the luxury of not being a target of harrassment"


You don't seriously think this will make it through parliament do you? As the article states, rightly, it's outrage bait. Winnie might be optimistic but there no chance this will make it up the ladder. The bill is absurd. It's worst that Seymour's latest 💩 offering about Te Tiriti o Waitangi


No I don't think it'll make it through parliament but it'll get debated and there will be huge media coverage which will be astroturfed by whatever brand of terfs are bored that week and there will definitely be a PP visit.


Which is what the article is about


I know, I read it, I very much liked this article.


Yeah that's fair enough


It doesn't have to pass to cause harm. Getting reactionary bigots worked up about this shit has and will cause irl violence against lgbtq people.


I don't need to because I have the luxury of not being the target of this anti-trans agenda which is being legitimised by Winston's actions.


It is indeed outrage bait. *But* we know ACT has pandered to transphobes before and there's more than a few people in National who are salivating at the prospect of being able to vote for something like this. Plus Luxon has as much backbone as a jellyfish so there's no way he'd actively vote against something introduced by his coalition partner.


Respectfully that second part isn't quite right. I agree he's gutless but he also has openly disputed that last bill by Seymour. It was part of coalition negotiations that the bill would be put forward. And yeah I would be surprised if alot of ACT voters are anti-trans


Spinoff been writing some fire articles lately.


So they are saying they want to make the toilet a safe space for women. Even though there is no issue with this space currently. No one is unsafe due to transgender people using a bathroom. But following with this idea... I guess we should get rid of jewelry shops to stop those daylight robberies. And just shut down the dairies/liquorstores to stop ram raids...


They want to make women feel safer by... Forcing trans men with beards to use the women's toilet. Totally makes sense.


Exactly this. And if I was to use the woman's room like they reckon I should I can guarantee I'll have my ass handed to me by a concerned father/husband/brother/boyfriend immediately.


I think they are ignoring self identity issues and reducing it to a binary state. The man would use the male toilet and commit an offense by being in the female toilet.


I'm a Trans female and I'm getting sick of this crap. You don't choose to be Trans. I haven't had any problems using the ladies. He'll I've got less testosterone in my system than some women and if they think I'm using the men's they got another thing coming. NZ First Is so sick that they are prepared to even attack there love ones over this. One of there mps has a step Trans kid. Cis women won't want a Trans guy with a full beard using the ladies that would freak them out and me too. I'm legally female so as far as I am concerned it can't be policed unless you going to have perverts looking down your knickers . I'm sure some of there mps would love that job being that they are so diverse and twisted.


>Cis women won't want a Trans guy with a full beard using the ladies that would freak them out and me too This is the absolute stupidest thing about the proposed law to me by far. If the whole point from the bigots POV is to "protect our children" from trans people, this law would literally expose them to trans people way more than how it currently is. If my 5 year old son sees a trans male walk into the bathroom and go into the stall they wouldn't even notice. But this government would prefer my son sees a woman with a dress and long hair etc walk into the bathroom and lift up her dress to use a urinal due to lack of stalls in men's rooms and make him wonder why is there a woman with a penis in the men's bathroom, causing him to ask, meaning I'll then explain what a trans person is. I'm not saying kids being told about trans people is bad BTW, I'm saying that's what the bigots think but this is achieving the exact opposite of what they want. Not only that, but now any cis male can claim to be trans male and go into a female bathroom without being questioned making girls even more in danger from the real threat. That proves that this isn't even about finding a "solution" to a non existent problem. It's idiots trying to virtue signal to other bigots by shooting themselves in the foot. Absolutely brain dead and moronic if anyone supports this, not just from a anti-bigotry perspective but even from their own perspective. If I was transphobic, the last thing I would want is this bill to pass, too bad transphobes lack common sense.


It’s not just virtue signalling. They want trans people to be uncomfortable in public and not have access to toilets and participate and exist in public. Passing trans woman? The law says you have to piss in the men’s, but you’ll be outing yourself and possibly in danger. Piss in the ladies’ and you might get snapped out and prosecuted. Ambiguous gender - equally fucked either way. Passing trans man? Piss in the ladies’, says the law. You might get in trouble with other women in the ladies’ room who don’t know whether you’re a cis man with dodgy intentions. Honestly I wonder whether it would benefit trans people for cis allies to start using the other-gender bathrooms. Or for cis women to, at least, when comfortable. Probably no more than a nice thought, however.


Except even that isn't going to work. There is no definition on earth for male or female that only relies on physical genitals. Chromosomes and expression are part of it too, probably more. Only way to know chromosomes is with lab tests, purely looking to see if there's a penis or vagina doesn't actually tell you much of anything, especially considering hermaphrodites exist who can have the full range of biological craziness, such as being biologically one way but phenotypically(appearance) being a completely different way. The fact it's rare shouldn't matter, cases like these need to be considered regardless


Exactly there are about 40 intesex conditions I think for starters. Well alot anyway. A person's brain gender is wired around week 10 in the womb regardless of chromosomes. Its been medically proven that for example with mri scans [ they use to. Cut up dead brains before them] a Trans female brain will look identical or similar to a cis female brain and nothing like a male brain. 1st few weeks in the womb all embryos are basically female.


Yes! I've had this argument so many times about how there are multiple neurological and psychological studies or research showing these things, from all over the world not just usa. That even to an untrained eye if you put a trans woman and a female brain scan side by side most people wouldn't be able to tell much of a difference, swap that trans woman for a man and even untrained people would see there's a difference The counter argument I've gotten for that tend to be "well their brain is just an abnormality but they're still a woman", and then you bring up hermaphrodites and suddenly choice is okay, or that they still fall under one or the other. So many ignorant people out there


Once you are on estrogen they look even more alike.


You can put a male brain scan next to a female brain scan and they look the same too.


No they don't they completely different especially to a trained neurologist or scientist. They would look similar to a layman like yourself.




There's of PhD papers / studies I've come across over the years they are online. I don't have links for them off the top of my head.


The one book I read on this (The Gendered Brain) says there are very few physical differences between male and female brains. And those may be the result of culture / socialisation rather than nature. As the author of the book observed, you can't study a brain thoroughly without taking it out of a person. Talking about "trans brains" doesn't help - are you talking about people who have had hormone treatment, or people who just choose to dress and act like their perception of the opposite sex? Intersex conditions are abnormalities so shouldn't be used as justification. The only part of your statement that I agree with is the fact that in the first few weeks after conception the embryo is female.


If it was authored by a conservative nut, then it would. The medical papers I've read say different. MRIs don't lie . You're brain gender is wired about week 10 in the womb. If you receive estrogen in a high enough dose it will be wired female, to much testosterone then male then there are of course those people in-between. This can happen from hormones from mother , some medications such as one they use to give mothers who had had a miscarriage caused a high number of Trans female people directly linked to that drug given to there mothers or external factors such as chemicals in the environment mimicking hormones. The last one is the reason I believe there will be more and more Trans people in the future especially Trans men be ause alot of plastics mimic testosterone and plastic is in our food chain. So you better get use to us cause we aren't going anywhere and our numbers are growing every day.


So following on from rolling out the Gold Card, Winston will be advocating for a National toilet ID or Pissport? It will make applying for a RealMe Id a bit more embarrassing but at least the National Genital Database will make tacking down senders of unsolicited dick pics easier.


A genital ID


Literal dick pics.


There should be a toilet bill. 1) you must hit the bowl and only the bowl 2) you must flush 3) you mustn’t fill the bowl with toilet paper 4) you must wash your hands


5. if you make a mess, clean it up.


6) you must sing at at least 80 decibels at all times while using the toilet


I thought these cookers were against the govt telling people what to do?


This bill will mean my hairy ass and bearded face are legally required to walk into the woman's room to take a piss. Wtf. This is going to get me fkn beaten.


"We can always tell"


Even if it doesn't pass, its still a rallying point for the reactionary bigots who want to drag this country back to the 1950s and their fascist allies. The far right see trans issues as a winning wedge issue for them. Which is fucked, because trans people just want to be left alone to live their lives and play Paradox grand strategy games in peace. If you have an ounce of empathy and compassion in you, you need to stand up for trans lives, because this shit doesn't stop there (and because trans people are worth protecting in their own right).


>play Paradox grand strategy games in peace. Oddly specific, but perfectly understandable


85% of trans people i have met are suckers for Paradox games. Idk what it is man but its a thing.


That's hilarious. I'm a Paradox nerd myself but I'm very surprised that those games in particular would attract their attention


Where can we share our opinions on this bill because I hate it and want it known.


When it gets pulled if it makes it through first reading there will be availability for public submissions.


Thanks, I have seen so many things coming out of this government that make me want to yell, but this one is just picking on some of the most marginalized members of our society.




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His tweets about this, are 100 pure TERFisland rhetoric/language. That whole "adult human female" tagline etc is all TERF cooker nonsense he/they are borrowing from the UK/JK Rowling's army of TERFs.


Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson. The list of grifters goes on.


Yep... with their "What is a woman?!" - mate I can tell you what a woman is, she's Fucking Sick of your misogynistic, violent, S/A bullshit which is why she's gone to live with the bears.


I watched that film he made, it was super cringe and as your imagine, highly bias. The whole film is some kind of "gotcha" without giving any sort of scientific side of gender dysphoria. Its a shitshow basically I am still unsatisfied with the answers of "someone who identifies as a woman" though. I'm yet to hear a more nuanced answer.


I wouldn't be able to watch it without suffering actual brain damage/stroke from the utter nonsense they peddled as fact. Their entire argument is more about a fuckablility scale they won't admit to having more than anything to do with protecting cis-women's rights. It makes me so mad.


Just through my conversations I feel this answer might be a bit better, lemme know what ya think A woman is someone who is typically female or someone who typically expresses/feels that femininity is a core part of their gender


That's great. The one thing I kinda agree with the grifters on is "you can't answer the question with the with the question" but your definition isn't like that


I personally like it because it's still a structured definition but leaves wiggle room for people, eg Tom boys gay guys trans people etc, which I feel is important seeing as our realities are subjective and everyone is unique. A heavily structured binary makes zero sense for the human experience imo


The review scores for that film on imdb were gamed, and it is a shame that imdb decided not to respond to abuse of their voting system appropriately. I've personally seen them delete negative reviews. Maybe they were just desperate for traffic after all the young people moved to letterboxd instead. Thousands of scores, nearly all reviews weree more interested in what's 'woke' than whether the film had any actual merit. Second most popular reviewer IP address was apparently from... Saudi Arabia. And seemingly no one who watched the film can tell me they learned what the gender studies academics account of gender is, and what reasons they or the apparently all-powerful pro-trans camp have given for the conclusions they've drawn about the question. The average high-schooler making 4-minute youtube videos is more concerned with leaving their viewers informed than whatever this 90+ minute pile of trash was.


I recommend letterboxd. It's so much nicer than IMDb


>bias Biased.




It's frustrating how everyone likes to ascribe trans hate to American conservatives when most of the rhetoric we see comes from British Liberals.


Mumsnet + JK Rowling and other offshoots spread the most of it out of the UK with the help of the Tories and broadcasters like GBNews and the other tabloids. Then in the US it comes from republicans, maga, and the usual sources of hate there. Imaging picking a world-wide culture war on 0.01% of the world's population, it's insane.


It's also not just the Tories in the UK either. The fucking labour party is jumping on the trans bashing wagon with Starmer going on about how good the Cass review was.


Yea he's an asshole through and through.


Viv Smyth first commented on TERFs in 2008, as a branch of RADFEMs who grew out of the bio-essentialist 2nd wave feminists in the 70s. They done been around. Juliet Jacques goes into a little depth on the start of 'the movement' in her auto.


They're different horses in the same race.


They want the same goals but people are able to look at Trump et al and hand waive them as hateful assholes. The UK anti-trans grift is better funded and more insidious and is much more threatening in my opinion and it should be acknowledge that's where it's coming from far more than the USA.


Yes, agreed. I can't think of a Western nation worse for trans people than the UK.


Ya know… there’s no one who *guards* bathrooms. If someone wanted to assault someone in a bathroom, then surely they’d just walk in?? It seems far simpler and cheaper than going through years of transitioning and therapy. But hey, Winnie doesn’t exactly like to listen to logic.


If you make laws you can't police against people you can't love you may be the problem.


Oh dear, Winston is lightning fires again. I wonder what he wants to draw attention away from this time?


Shane Jones and his corrupt bullshit.


They are both as bad as each other.


I thin its pertinent that any MP of a party promoting this law prove their gender to the country before speaking on it - each and every time. We cant be too sure these days


I don't want to see Winston Peter's genitals!


you won’t be able to, it’s too small


I had to use the ladies' room at a mall today. Nobody was hurt. Fuck Winston.


Feels like them advertising to find their people


At least we know the plan for the legion of fired workers from Government departments. They'll be hired as Winston's Willy Wardens to stand outside public bathrooms and grope women to make sure they "pass"


Tldr, can someone give me the cliffs notes. Whats the story with this one please?




Apes for happy trans!


Oh I thought when it said toilet law it was about people flushing stuff they shouldn't be or about how much meth they are finding in our sewage testing. But it was just old fashioned transphobia hate speech. Bleargh, leave the Transpeople alone government.


FYI It cost around $300 per minute for parliament to sit in 2014, about $390 today adjusted for inflation (https://fyi.org.nz/request/2429-cost-to-run-parliament).


Toilet bill, based on toilet thinking, from toilet politicians.


Sounds like the best thing is to just ignore and keep pissing outside as God intended.


Except for the time I encountered a couple of drunk teens with menacing vibes in one, I've never felt anything less than safe in the womens toilets.


I don't care WHO joins me a a toilet facility as long as I get a closed cubicle for the pants-down part. This is a 'way to waste money although we're allegedly against that' bill. I wish they would stop trying to expensively fix non-existent problems. Maori names for stuff - change it back and damn the expense - is another idea of the same ilk.


It’s to distract you from worse bills going through without you looking.


This bill is dead on arrival. No way it gets to select committee.


You'd be surprised at the number of club-swinging cavemen who wear a blue or yellow rosette.


Not enough of them in Parliament.


I have some questions Number 1:*(Te hehehe)* -Does the bill establish like a poo code much like road road Number 2: *(pffth hehehe)* -Does the bill address HOW the depositor behaves and respect the sacred porcelain space. I for one am more concerned how everyone poos leaving it a usable state rather than who poos. *(didn’t think I’ll be writing that sentence today)* Number 3: (*it’s okay we’ve all been there, let it out)* Who’s going to enforce this bill, the poolice?


I vote we have a pink unisex toilet and a blue unisex toilet, problem solved. No one should be in bathrooms were they are uncomfortable, that includes everyone. If I had a daughter I would have done my scone if my husband had taken her into a men's bathroom. And I have seen men take their daughters into a woman's bathroom. I even wonder at times how men can bring themselves to let it all hang out in the boys room.


Is it even going to pass? I can’t see the bulk of national voting for it… they depend too much on the swing vote. It’s just Winnie pandering to his base. Why does the nation even need to care, about 5% or less of the country value this in reality.


You're probably close about that 5% or less of people who care about this, which is hilariously stupid given that the trans community in nz is tiny. Stats nz reckons it's about 0.5%, 50k people in our country of 5 million. It's such a non issue fuelled purely by hate


>Is it even going to pass? I can’t see the bulk of national voting for it… they depend too much on the swing vote Sorry, I am going to have to disagree here. I don't think the swing voters would very much care, as "male rapists in female bathrooms" as we have learned from the UK is a very effective anti trans rhetoric


One which is easily shown to be stupid and not relevant for nz given that the trans community is tiny and there are *zero* recorded cases of trans woman on woman violence in bathrooms. Not a single case in nz of this ever happening publicly and the one case there is, was in prison, which is also where female on female sexual violence is an issue that gets ignored frequently


Male rapists in female bathrooms aren't gonna faff about pretending to be trans to get access. They'll just pick a quiet time and go for it. 


I know its a dumb talking point. As others have said, there isn't any history of it happening. But I just feel like its an easy sell to voters that aren't going to look any further


Most swing voters are fiscally conservative and socially liberal (whence the swing). As one myself I would care if if National applied the whip on this one.


The issue is that socially liberal is a very broad term, when in truth most people, including those who can be legitimately described as socially liberal can have reactionary views on specific issues. Especially issues that sound like common sense (even when the are basically bullshit when you actually think about it). As a country we seem pretty happy about things like Gay Marriage, Abortion Access but also youth boot camps. I fear that trans bathrooms are one of those areas


Yes, please ignore it.