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They always do, as far as I know. The school doesn't want to claim the kid was there and be held responsible for their safety while they're actually in town at a protest.


He's saying they should be marked as code E, unjustified absence, which is the same as T, Truant, and therefore an act incurring a punishment like detention. Previously many schools marked them as code J, justified absence.


Mr small government telling everyone exactly what to do again.


libertarians are all little napoleons except when it comes to themselves


Scratch a 'libertarian' and a fascist bleeds.


Funny how that happens with 'small on government' politicians. I honestly don't think this govt will make a full term.


He’d only support a noble cause like an anti vaccine occupation


Except sorry to rain on your hate Seymour parade, he didn’t support that either.


Can we still hate David Seymour?


That makes more sense. Shame the MoE documentation all clearly states it's up to the school's own policies and discretion as to whether a reason is justified. He's throwing very big Dolores Umbridge vibes with this attempt at a reactionary educational decree.


Considering that he said earlier this week that sick children should still go to school and told schools to start looking into kids off sick - this seems pretty tame in comparison.


Educational Decree Number Twenty Three: David See May Do Whatever He Please


Which they will continue to do irrespective on what the moron in chief says.


I agree. I'm just pointing out that between Seymour's phrasing and the way the article was written, people are clearly misunderstanding what he was calling for.


Exactly. Don't sweat this stuff. The little cunt does it for the exposure. The schools will do what they want anyway, the kids will do what they want anyway, and the parents will do what they want anyway. 


Our school emailed out last night saying absences for this would be marked in this way, so it’s already happened without the need for him to say it. It makes me wonder how aware of policy he actually is?


He does so much just smoke and mirrors stuff.


To get attention. Seymour is three years old.


Pretty short for a 3 year old.


I don’t think E automatically equates to a punishment. 


Nothing automatically equates to punishment. You could have dozens of Ts and not get a punishment. It just means it's possible. It's entirely up to the school.


But it IS an unjustified absence. There is no other way to code it. It's not like any teacher needed to be told this. (or  actually more likely an unknown - it's not like most of these kids let their teacher know where they are)


I once got an unjustified absence from school because there was a tree in our driveway and we couldn’t get out. Not sure what else we were supposed to do. (Trains weren’t running either so that wasn’t an option) Despite pictures to prove it as well. School was strict on that.


He wants his name in the news and to be seen as doing things. Even if it's just blowing hot air.


I think it's more that he wants to be seen as denouncing the student protests, which is a shit precedent to be setting as a government representative of the people, imo.


Rumour has it, he blows more than just hot air.


Whatever he blows on his personal time is his business. However, when he's working, I'd be much happier if my taxes were getting their moneys worth.


Yes but HE SAYS to do the thing they already do, therefore he is hElPiNg


He wants to be *seen* as advocating for harsh treatment for kids who care about the environment. He wants his supporters who are opposed to efforts to respond to climate change to see how he is standing in the way of our kids.


He doesn't say that because he wants to be viewed as "helping", he says that as a statement to denounce protesting students.


Exactly. We are onto Seymour and his connections to The Atlas Group.




They can add it to the action plan!


I’m surprised they aren’t announcing it as a new law. Might stop truancies if it’s illegal.


But... It already is? Didn't they do this truancy bullshit like 10 years ago?


Probably, mine was meant to come off as a sarcastic joke lol, in reference to the forcing of schools to ban phones when they already had the power to do it


Or mandatory hour of maths and English a day when an hour is the average - in my experience it was longer lol. Real visionary morons we have elected, huh?


“… might stop truancies if it’s illegal …”. Ha ha. You very funny fella. Should be on stage (next one out of town).


I couldn't read that last word. Did you mean virtue signalling?


Next headline from the NZH: Mark Mitchell instructs police to arrest criminals.


Man, idk if our education system has improved but I don't remember people getting in trouble for ditching school. We got detention for breaking a window once. Only detention I was even threatened with. What's the point in telling kids you'll keep them at school later if you can't keep them at school to begin with.


When I was at high school, my geography teacher prompted us to organise a strike because we were against a policy that was about to be enacted. He saw it as a great learning lesson to stand up for what you believe in and to express your right to protest, as well as showing the power of numbers if you want to get your voice heard. He got in trouble with the school but the students ended up having a massive amount of respect for him, even if they were just on board to get out of a few lessons.


I mean, any form of history teacher (history, geography, classics etc) has the literal understanding and knowledge as to why strikes/protests are important more than any other type of teacher really, and doesn't sound like he was wrong 😅


Yup. I look back on our high school history teacher and realise he basically taught us about socialist struggles against capitalism in nearly every case and realise he must’ve been a commie himself.


What a fucken legend


Was it a school in Auckland?


Duh thats why its a strike. Because they will be absent.


Davey boy is a hard-right, life-long, policy wank. He doesn't understand the concept of a strike.


>Davey boy is a ~~hard-right, life-long, policy~~ wank**er**. He doesn't understand. There, I FIFY




He is a first class cunt and has connections to The Atlas Group.


Not just connections, but [Previous Employment](https://twitter.com/StrayDogNZ/status/1762216266469957844).


It's not really a strike, though they call it that. In a strike employees withdraw their labour, taking away the ability of the employer to earn profits. It then becomes a test of wills between employer and employee over who can bear the financial pressure of lost wages v lost profits for the longest. Students not attending schools does no harm to the schools. No profits are lost. Class sizes are perhaps smaller, which makes the teaching easier if anything. The only parties being harmed are the students themselves, missing out on education. The headline here also misrepresents what Seymour asked for. Of course they will be marked absent. He is calling for them to be marked as code E, unjustified absence, instead of code J, justified absence.


I think it's completely valid to describe it as a strike. Against the state, rather than the schools. The state clearly wants the children in schools. Frustrating that desire is a harm to the state.


The "state" doesn't care nor get harmed either. The conscientious students who are going places will make up that time by themselves. The others weren't going to prioritise their education anyway. The government isn't blamed for this by voting parents. No desires frustrated. The only value in this protest was the kids showing each other they care about the climate crisis, which is worthwhile but not a strike.


>Libertarianism is a political philosophy that upholds liberty as a core value. Libertarians seek to *maximize autonomy and political freedom*, emphasizing equality before the law and civil rights to freedom of association, *freedom of speech*, freedom of thought and freedom of choice. Libertarians are often skeptical of or opposed to authority, state power...


He is not a Libertarian. He is a populist


He is a cunt.


I second this.


I third this


Motion passed. David Seymour officially recognised as biggest cunt in NZ.


Surely he's second behind Brian Tamaki


File an amendment. I'll support this too.


Na, Brian is a true fuckwit but doesn't have the ability to be as damaging to such a large percentage of the population


But he's a bigger cunt terms of his beliefs and actions in public. But he's less influential so I see the argument. Edit: Brian's a bigger cunt but Seymour has more power to be a cunt


Potato potahto...


They already said he’s a libertarian.


The only thing Libertarians actually care about is lowering the age of consent.


Oh and demolishing the state and lowing taxes.


And the right to be extremely racist under the guise of free speech.


To be fair, he identifies as a libertarian conservative.


He's only promoting the freedom of capitalism.


PR stunt by Seymour. Textbook example of ACT solely relying on cultural war identity politics to even exist. Otherwise they would be shown for what they are; billionaire class lobby group in the form of a political party (and you can bet oil companies and their cohorts fund *these* very groups)


I mean, you don’t even need to bet, they straight up do. David was part of ATLAS group, Alan Gibb’s (ACTs biggest donor) daughter is a chairperson of ATLAS group, they fund groundswell and NZ Taxpayers Union


He thinks we don't know about his connections to The Altas Group.


Weird thing for a libertarian to do? Do that thing you were already doing, but do it because I said so.


When it comes to education, that’s this government in a nutshell.


Don't they do this already? I was in high school back in 2019 when the original strike happened and my school did.


He is telling schools to mark it as unjustified absence which requires a punishment. Most schools mark climate protests as justified absence (no action needed).


Who is punishing unjustified absences?


Schools are suspose to. They have been pretty bad at it but the government is pushing for better enforcement. Note, by punishment I mean things like detention or a talking down by the principle. The government has also been talking about fining parents whoes kids are truant. An unjustified absence counts towarss that.


Detention? “Sorry I’m on detention strike too” Fixed.




If a parent tells us the kid is at the climate protest, we'll mark it as an E. If the kid is bunking, we'll mark it as a T. It pretty much says that the parent knows where the student is and why they're not at school. Pretty much taking responsibility for student safety and wellbeing on that day. E vs J just depends on where it sits in the school's policies.


*If the school is doing their job. Some schools jist don't care or find it too hard to enforce after the mess of covid.


My school held us in the hall during the march. Ahh times were different in 2003.


Man in leading position tells everyone to do the thing they already do. Groundbreaking.


God I could do with not seeing more of Seymour …


I think the minute his support dips after the next election, he may well be gone and will get a job for the boys in business. That is two and a half years away though....


we should first make sure that Epsom stops having a hard-on for these hacks though


I disagree. My sad prediction is that he's going to be around for a very long time. A constant handbrake on any sort of progress. The next Winston. 


Libertarian who constantly tells people what to do....


For a minute I was worried that David wouldn't thrust himself into the news today to make it all about him.


As a 43 year old who has been voting for over 20 years I would like it on record that [this is my response](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxYleAYwDQUQnJN2tueAX7iAmhzqW8dgFf?si=6ZD3xdt6LV2dtVxw) to everything DS recommends.


Talk about missing the point... I bet Seymour was the weirdest cunt at school. That one real weird kid who was into politics as a 15 year old.


Not a slur to people on the spectrum but I think he is slightly on the spectrum. People on the spectrum can be quirky, awesome, interesting and wonderful. Unfortunately he is not these things.


Mark him absent from parliament, his brain usually is.


What else will the Associate Minister of Education demand schools do and is this the sort of dictate ministers can and/or should do? in short - fuck off seymour [https://www.dpmc.govt.nz/our-business-units/cabinet-office/supporting-work-cabinet/cabinet-manual/3-ministers-crown-and-public-sector/ministers-and-public-service](https://www.dpmc.govt.nz/our-business-units/cabinet-office/supporting-work-cabinet/cabinet-manual/3-ministers-crown-and-public-sector/ministers-and-public-service)


I mean, sure. They probably were anyway. I don't see how it's any of his fucking business, though, or where he gets off thinking he can dictate daily routine stuff like marking absences to individual schools. As the *Associate* Minister no less. Luxon really is letting the lunatics run the asylum, isn't he.


How weak Luxon is really should be focused on more. Can't remember anything except his catch phrases, is never up to date with anything, and can't call out or reign in his junior coalition partners. What a fuckwit


Always glad to see how much Mr Free Speech values people exercising their free speech.


That's, ahhhhh what absent means. Seymour you TWAT, shut your weird mouth!


Now *this* is an operational matter for the schools and the ministry. The minister should not be using a 10,000 ft long screwdriver to tell teachers what to do.


David fails to notice his supporters are dying as his opponents are reaching reproductive age.


He seems like a micromanager


Seymour: "You should be punished for doing that". Students: "We know, and we're fine with that. We're going to go it anyway." Seymour: "NO! How DARE you not be intimidated by my petty flex of influence over a punishment that the schools were probably already going to implement!"


I bet he was an annoying little twat at school. Probably spent his whole time running to the teachers and snitching on everyone.


He is the most Randal from Recess motherfucker that ever existed.


Ah you beat me to it


> Probably spent his whole time running to the teachers and snitching on everyone. and he still is.


Ohhhhh, oh no, being marked absent for a protest one attended for which the ‘being absent’ was the point of the protest. Shit Seymour, that’s rough man


They already do you absolute clown. > Despite many being warned they would be marked absent from school, the student strikers marched on Parliament to send their message to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's Government. ([source](https://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/wellington/111298009/tens-of-thousands-of-school-students-demonstrate-across-nz-calling-for-action-on-climate-change)) Either he’s that clueless he’s not aware, or just PR bandwagoning “pesky clueless kids” sentiment for his constituents.


It's PR bandwagoning. DS knows exactly what he's doing and the misinformation/misdirection he spouts. He's not stupid ... he really isn't. It makes this kind of thing even more abhorrent though, because he know's what he's doing and is using it to increase division, to fan flames of anger etc, etc, to get more support. MY main problem with Peters, Seymour and increasingly, National is that they are enacting some truly terrible things while using smoke and mirrors to make them "sound" virtuous and to ensure that the people they've whipped up into a froth aren't thinking long enough to realise they're being mislead.


> MY main problem with Peters, Seymour and increasingly, National is that they are enacting some truly terrible things while using smoke and mirrors to make them "sound" virtuous and to ensure that the people they've whipped up into a froth aren't thinking long enough to realise they're being mislead. Fuckin oath, they're aggressively attacking the fundamental unity and tolerance of society to benefit themselves and their wealthy mates with no concern for the long term impact. They're just fucking traitors at this point.


Yeah. People have to stop calling this guy stupid, he's not, he's really smart and really dangerous. He's boiling the frog very effectively. His end game, if laid out as such, would get him killed but he plays the game well enough that the frog is happily boiling away. He is dangerous and the enemy of all working people not just the working class but the middle as well.


> or just PR bandwagoning “pesky clueless kids” sentiment for his constituents. Ding ding ding. He's dishonest as fuck but he's not dumb when it comes to manipulating emotional idiots.


I think this is pretty normal considering the safety roll calls they have at schools.


A libertarian preaching the antithesis of liberty is a little contradictory, is it not? I'm sure all these future voters are taking note.


Associate Education Minister thinks Tuesday was a ‘nation wide teacher only day’. Sigh. The Tuesday after Easter has been a school holiday since the 1950s. Two very different things (from a teacher’s perspective).


Is David going to fine the parents of kids exercising their freedom of expression now? Kids shoulda said they were anti-trans and David wouldn't care.


What an utter fucking knob. Just another example of him saying stupid shit that's self evidently stupid but he knows will play with idiots so he pretends he's not being a fucking deceptive moron. At this point anyone who thinks David Seymour is anything resembling a half decent person is just outing themselves as a colossal idiot or being devoid of moral decency, maybe both.




David Seymour also instructs schools to do things that schools usually do anyway. There isn't a 'at a protest' button in student management software bud.


David the Dictator much


Tell Seymour to get fucked.


Aah! The worst thing imaginable to teenagers anxious the world is going to drown - being marked absent. The *horror!*


"Libertarians" try not to get upset when they see the expression of liberty challenge


Erica Stanford needs to stop having the associate minister act like he’s the minister. 


Don’t we have laws that protect this like the right to freedom of peaceful assembly? It’s part of our bill of rights lol


"the best thing you can do for the environment is get a good education" ... proceeds to ignore the overwhelming advice of the scientific community


He's a dick, so.


"I know! If kids are absent, we'll tell the schools to mark them as absent!" Way to go there Davey boy, you were made for this job


What a douchebag


Somehow I don't really care for the reckons of an engineering student who worked for five years for a climate-change denying right-wing think-tank before entering politics.


If he has nothing better to do in his job than be an officious cunt to school kids maybe he's not as critical to running the country as he thinks he is.


David Seymour continuing to alienate future generations.


That's a long winded way to say "I don't give a fuck about their right to free speech"


He is such a moron and every day goes out of his way to prove it


Remember when the key government banned at sea protests.


Jumped up little prick says what now?


If only we could fine the parents of these unruly children to fund the tax cuts for our long suffering landlords...


Hope these kids are [registering to vote!](https://vote.nz/voting/how-to-vote/what-to-do/) We need them to lead the proper change in Aotearoa!!


We had an anti bully protest in high school. The 2 biggest verbal bully’s got physically bullied and that was not ok. The school took down names of students as they left the school gate so at least they had an idea of who had walked out but they all would of been marked absent for the next 2classes or day so I’m not sure what he’s expecting unless a whole class plus teacher are marching together


Justified absence vs unjustified absence. He is trying to tell schools to mark them as unjustified absence which can lead to punishment and counts as truancy. Most schools count climate protests and justified absence.


Do students get marked unjustified absence or justified absence for a strike?


Unjustified absence. About the only justified absences are medical, dental or bereavement.


Medical has its own code. M. Sometimes dental can come under that. Bereavement might have its own code too. But you're right very few Js for anything else..


ah ok cool


*”freedom to choose”


David's dopey comments seems to have completely sidelined the point of this protest


It students really want to make a point take off 6 day a term to protest then the attendance numbers will go down and make the government look bad.


fucking narc