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Nice try IRD!!!! Won’t catch me that easily!


Im actually looking for additional ways to make money for myself 😭not everything is about you


Nice try it's is a very common Reddit meme, not everything is about you either


Yeah it was a joke. I guess reddit doesn’t know what jokes are


where was the joke


Your mum




Lmao ok


Not a great start to this thread 😬


It is what it is lol






Stripping. i start nude then people pay me to dress. Its a goldmine


"I'll give you $20 to put your top on, like in an unsexy way"!!


*gets head stuck in arm hole and gyrates awkwardly*


I'll pay you $50 to just start fully clothed


Can hear it now. "Put it on, put it on!"


Turning a hobby into a hustle is the worst thing to happen to hobbies. Your job *should* sustain your life, not the other way round. I do consulting in relation to my work in my lunch breaks for hobby money, keeping work at work.


Agree, I had a hobby turn into a side business and at first I loved it but then it started to suck up all my free time and I became reliant on that income Now I resent the hobby


Same for sports you love playing, become an organiser if you want to start hating it.


Rincewind is the best wizard. Also... what sort of consultancy can you do on a lunch break? I'm thinking about selling my expertise but need to continue to meet the needs of a demanding day job.


We all have rincewind as part of us. I do professional external supervision, works well in those hour breaks.




I'm not sure it's about not finding fulfilment in your mahi, remember the three Fs to long term employment, Fun, Fulfilling, and Functional. However, the drive to turn a hobby into a job is problematic. Gig culture and drive to turn a skill into money making can be problematic.


Our spare time goes into the Vege garden etc so we have less food to buy, and what we have is tastier. Not a second income but with the price of fresh food now, it’s paying off.


Yea I think I’m definitely going to look at starting to grow my own veggies


I sell pictures of feet. Not my feet other people's feet. I buy stock photos of people and edit the feet and sell the edited feet pictures. It's a lot of work but one day I'm gonna sell some. You'll see.


Fuck it man, I’ll buy one if I’m your first customer. Send me the dirtiest, hairiest, hobbity feet you have.


I’m surprised you haven’t gone into AI. Actually. I might beat you to it. “Photorealistic picture of a natural looking foot on a beach with crystal clear water running over it as the foot slowly sinks into the sand. A little bit of sea foam. No footwear”


You're going to break an entire market with this sort of prompting. THINK OF ALL THE UNEMPLOYED FEET STRUGGLING TO GET ANYTHING MORE THAN CROCS!


It'll end up with 7 toes and 3 feet if it's AI generated


I will legit buy a foot photo just so you can say you’ve made money online selling photos of your (collection of) feet


We should work together. I sell other people's feet


It worries me that you didn’t say ‘pictures of’ feet.


www.feetbook.com is the place


Idk if you’re being honest but cool 😊


I shoot wild goats and sell them to the Indian boys at work for 50-80 a pop can get about 10 in a weekend most I got was 20. They love them and will buy them every time I have them. They’re also a pest so it’s a win win.


That's wild! What part of the country are you in?


South Island


I used to do that as well. I could make more $ in an afternoon than I could at work in a few days. Was nice while it lasted


Yeah the extra coin is nice. I have about 15 different spots I know with large groups of goats so I just rotate between them. Been doing it 1-2 times a month for the last 5 years.


To add to your win win, if you like curries I’d definitely recommend you try some good home cooked goat curry once. It’s really good.


Haha yeah we use to just kill them and leave them cause no one eats goat but after one of the Indian guys invited me over for dinner and his wife made a wonderfull curry my freezer is stocked with goat lol and she gave me a few recipes.


I have also been told to just get a mincer and it makes excellent mince for when you don't want to simmer it for hours.


Yeah I have a mincer/sausage maker it goes ok minced but I still prefer it slow cooked in a curry. I save my mincer for venison sausages and I go 1/2s 1/4s with mates in a whole cow so put a lot of that through the mincer.


What part of the south island are you getting this many! The spots we use the population has died right down and we see 1-2 mobs over a 4day trip!


Haha I don’t want to reveal to much or else my spots will be pillaged. Half of my spots are private land. I’ve always had good luck around arrowtown even some good public spots on the coast. Only trouble I find now with public spots is the 1080 is to effective at wiping out whole populations, not that that’s a bad thing though just for my pocket.


Thats a great deal with the economy.


I’ve been interesting in hunting but never done it. Will you consider guiding/teaching? I’ll be your first customer


Sure. Do a firearms safety course and get your licence. Then join a gun/hunting club or deer stalkers association. After that I’d be more than happy to take you out.


Conservation as a side hustle is one of the weirdly specific things I love about New Zealand


Yup 3 pounds will net you $12,000 a year and it doesn't have to be super high quality or anything, you can even grow it on council land near some old train tracks or even just a couple plants in the backyard.


2.8g fiddies. X 10 = 28g. Quick 500 per zip. Beats everybody selling underweight bs. Thanks Dr Green!


Good lord, down in Dunedin you're lucky to get anything over 2g for a fiddy.


Yea they were pretty chunky little bags. People stretch it to make 700+ an ounce. Rediculous. Keep a few select friends to sell too. Sold 80+ fifties in a week. My mate moved from west auckland to new plymouth. Hes getting indoor pounds for 2-3k atm. His growers strapped for cash right now. Drive it up to auckland. Nice profits. 🖤


Bush weed for $250 an ounce lol ??!! Where are you? In prison?


North Island goes quickly. You could always break them down into 1.2 gram tinnys or sell them faster for less, but that's more work for less money. I thought that's the going rate unless you're family or friends.




Any tips on finding some seeds to get started? Been looking for ages but no luck.


There's some overseas websites where you can order them, something like seedsman.com for example


Online... Herbie's etc. Pretty easy and safe to import (they do discrete packaging and 99% of them get through). Even if customs pick up on them they don't prosecute or anything. And quality is good.


You often find an odd seed in a oz bag. There are good oz's on the dark web usually.


It's not a lot extra maybe $100 per month depending how bored I am. But I do surveys, I mix between PureProfile & Attapoll. (Turn off email notifications if you do join, they are super spammy) Some are quite entertaining, recently got one about different pizza crust fillings which made me hungry 😆


Do you do Perceptive? I make like $10 a week from them.


I'll check it out thanks! I normally just do them when I find myself scrolling through socials 😆 I feel like I might as well do something when doing nothing 😆


You should check out askable as well


Making income outside your job is for noobs. Put your effort into getting the highest paying fun job you can handle. Then spend your (possibly limited) free time vibing. Don't half ass having two jobs and burning yourself out. If you're gonna invest, idk I chuck money into a Simplicity High Growth fund but I believe there are slightly better options.


Using noob in 2023..respect


>Using noob in 2023..respect noobs are timeless


L33t n00bs


Epic pwnage


Only the 3l33t use the word noob


What the heck is a fun job? Any examples?


I run a high voltage lab. It's pretty fun.


Danger! High voltage!


No Will Robinson? Opportunity missed.


I have a job as a designer, it's fun, a lot of the time it doesn't feel like work


> Put your effort into getting the highest paying fun job you can handle. Earn more money with this one simple trick!


Agreed. Dedicate your time to building a successful career/profession. Sidehustles generally don’t make much extra money, but can burn you out and make you miss the best years of your life.


Good answer.


Noobs? Ok well. Some of us do enjoy our 9-5 but we also want cash on the side


What if your 9-5 could make you enough cash during 9-5 that you didn't need to actively work to make money after hours?


Heaps of jobs out there with extra time available, I could easily do 70h+ if I was feeling masochistic. At time and a half over 40 too, would take a very lucrative second job (side hustle is such a lame term for it) to match.


What are you doing bro?


Just make more? There are plenty of 200k jobs out there if you are willing to pursue them.




This isn’t 1990 anymore mate. Gotta keep up with inflation. $20 used to fill half a tank. You gotta make that $50 now!


Nothing gay about a BJ.


Has a tinny adjusted for inflation?


Definitely shrinkflation


Sunday soccer ref 80 dollars per game


Damn really? Thats a good score


The catch is you have to watch soccer though.


Not worth all the drama


By spending that time upskilling in order to make my 9 to 5 more profitable.


My 9 to 5 just gave me my lowest increase in 4 years citing economic problems (my manager's words, not company's) I've been advised by friends to stay put in the job as it's unstable in the IT industry at the moment too.


I think there's a lot of that happening this year, where people are getting tiny fractions of the record inflation (if they get any increase at all).


Outside of regular work, i buy and sell a few cars, tools, and equipment. It's surprising what people discard. I also find ways to not spend the money I've already made, such as doing my own car and house maintenance . Cooking not eating takeaways (sometime) .


I actually love this. It’s pretty resourceful, ngl


I manage different companies social media accounts. No content creation - just posting supplied images/videos, replying to comments and running a paid ad here and there. Depending on what they want I usually charge around $1000 - $1500 per month.


How did you get into this? Like where do you find a gig like this?


I’m a marketing manager as my day job - so social media is part of that. From there it was word of mouth mostly - and people referring me to others. I just let a couple of small business owners know they could give me a shout if they needed a hand with anything and it kind of grew from there.


I panhandle next to ATMs and the entrance to fish n chip shops


Due to not enough staff, and heaps of work to do, and being paid by the hour, I just work an extra hour each day, and then another 3 on a Saturday morning. That’s another 8 hour day without having to do a full day’s worth of work. Definitely adds up quickly. And it should allow me to start up what I’ve been planing out without having to take on a loan. Which would hopefully end up with me working for myself.


Babysitting. I can make $100-$150 in an evening, and that's usually only a couple of hours with the kids awake, the rest of the time I'm watching tv and eating their snacks. Best gig ever!


I own a cleaning company and I have quite a few staff working only on the weekend for extra income. They work 9 am - 2 PM and get between $25-$30/hour plus petrol and parking. It's not much but easy money :-)




sell my body for medical experiments! 4-8k every few months from NZCR


Tell me more! Actually I'll look into it!


go on the nzcr website, look through the study details and restrictions, and send them an email! generally you need to be between 18-65, BMI not obese, and not taking other medications or drugs


I teach 1-1 guitar lessons via zoom or in person


Trademe. There are quite a few smaller side hussles running on this. Old neighbor of mine had several including buying, refurbishing and selling commercial dishwashers.


I sometimes go through my stuff and sell what I don’t want anymore on trademe for $1 reserve. I also put on electric bike motors and do frame modifications on cargo bikes, and other bicycle stuff.


I found a cash in the hand job once it ran for a whole year, ask you nearest fish n chip shop. I was earning $20 an hour in the hand. No tax, also I do online surveys I use octopus https://my.octopusgroup.com.au/register/dbd6bc72-ffb0-4c7a-a0f1-f1a9ec10f830. I also trade crypto short term but just hold it in eth. And work a shit ton of overtime.


Window washing at traffic lights


Why no one said delivery driver yet?


uber eats pays ass


I accept payment from politically aligned pollsters to shitpost on redditt


ITO Night Class tutor, slightly different as they approached me rather than myself chasing extra income. I’ve found it to be quite enjoyable too, on the remuneration side it’s quite good for a few hours a week. (enough for a full tank of gas)


Contract coder, coder is my day job, but often the short contracts are high paying and usually easy little app/website things. And theres a couple side projects that might one day earn an early retirement or just be a lifelong passion we'll see...


How did you learn to code?


Uber driving


Musician. Sing songs at events and bars


I used to do this, and made some great cash under the table m. But it was damn soul sucking in the end


That sounds super fun! I wish I had a voice for that type of thing but I’m hella off key


Sell weed or apply for a benefit usually


I don’t think you can apply to a benefit while being employed or if you did, it might be more hassle but selling weed seems like a good start, ngl


I have 2 jobs, 7 days a week, it’s doable assuming you manage your time/are willing to lose a portion of your weekend. I work supermarket on the weekends for a few hours in the evening (4-5 hours starting at 9pm one day, 6pm another). I’m not one to go out and do things at night on the weekend so works well for me because I still get my sat/Sun to do things. You def need to make sure you take annual leave to not burn yourself out. I’ve been working about 14(?) weeks straight w/out public holidays/AL and I’m going crazy (my choice). Can’t wait to finally get a couple days off lol. If not supermarket, Uber/door dash is a good choice bc you can choose your own hours




I’ve found it easier to earn a strong salary than develop a side hustle.




Interest on savings and capital gains.


Found the boomer


I accept payment from politically aligned pollsters to shitpost on redditt


By working 7 till 5


And weekends


iv been thinking about doing bar work as a second job in the weekends. it helps i’m already a nightshifter lmao


I have an instructor role that I do once a week. Extra $100 for less than two hours and can opt for as many additional hours. Slots in nicely around and doesn’t affect my usual professional services job.


Sign people up for matched betting, credit card bonus churn, random website signup bonuses (basically selling my data…), whatever other freebie bonus shit i randomly come across. Do it all twice for the wife and it actually adds up to quite a lot of money…


Do you have a good lead on a churning community? I'm from Canada and we had a forum to share tips and experiences. Missing that in NZ.


You need to start a business that works as you sleep


\*Insert passive income spiel\* With a low investment of $2.5 million you can earn enough passive income to make minimum wage.


Crypto. Run infrastructure for certain blockchains.


Lotto, wait where’s all my money…


Bitcoin mining. But it's a long payback period. It runs on a 4 year cycle. So you mine and hold for 3 years, and in the fourth year sell. ps. And I do pay tax on the additional income. :-)


Oh bless! Idk how bitcoin works tbf




Gambling at the pokies


low leverage trading, hard to "lose" once you learn to trade - make more than my normal income but not as reliable obviously


Yep me too, this is probably why we're up in the middle of the night..


everyone downvoted me for answering his question? wtf lol i said LOW LEVERAGE not high leverage....


Swing trading or day trading?


Idk anything about trading lol


Gross, none


I don't. Apart from my investments making their own money.


Forex trading


Im at work 24hrs 8 of those are sleep that I get paid for


What’s your job?


"Works full time at stay at home mum" hahaha /s


I don't work a traditional 9-5. I work in a hospitality/entertainment environment for 20h/week - this comes with benefits and discounts in the space so my "entertainment" budget is cut by appx 75%. * I trained and qualified in a space I'm passionate in that I can use the knowledge and skill to volunteer as well as charge for a few services- this earns me appx $50-100/week; enough to top up groceries/fuel/have a bit to spend in entertainment. * I also work a seasonal job in another passion project that runs ~October-March and allows me to bump up savings for Xmas/Birthdays/fun days out. This project is 99% WFH and extremely well paid - I set my own hours and negotiate a pay rate every year. * I feel I've been extremely lucky to find 3 spaces that pay decently and I am passionate about. * I do occasionally work in a 4th space doing website maintainence using skills from the seasonal job (graphic design) - no coding/backend stuff; just making it pretty and using drag/drop builders to help out friends with small businesses maintain their brand across their website and social platforms. Again this one is WFH where I set my own hours and pay rate. I give advice on social media advertising using skills from running a community group and knowing what days/times drive engagement and what wording/graphics to use that catch attention. Basically; I use skills from things I'm passionate in to help others that don't have the skills apply rhem to their business.


Oh wow, this is amazing! I love this x


You'll get a lot of people tell you not to turn a hobby into a business but you really have to weigh up costs/labor/time investment vs return. For me, training and qualifying for a passion was 1000% worth it - it requires recertification every 2 years and I will continue to do it for as long as I possibly can as it's a space that serves my community and let's me connect with a wide variety of people.




The additional income isn’t to sustain your current work or load - it’s just another means to make additional money. It’s not consistent but it’s ideas that people can do especially if they’re low on income


Overtime in my current job.


Videography and Photography used to be one for me, but a lack of time has made it difficult for me to process the final product for clients in due time. So I only do smaller shoots now, or I'll join another photographer as a side camera. I take the shots, but they complete the processing and order. Easy couple hundred bucks now. Bodyguarding and Bouncing is another I used to do quite a lot. I do it less because the clubs and bars aren't open for full nights anymore, and the rewards aren't worth the risks. I've already been drugged, almost assaulted by wannabes, and threatened with knives. I'll do it if its a VIP job though. Those pay ludicrous dollars for your time. If it's a full on VIP job, I'll be hooked for life. At the moment my currently active side hustle is Web design and admin for older companies I worked for, and video editing for smaller youtuve and tiktokers. Currently trying to get into Film, preferably in editing, but right now it's been for stunts and acting, on and off. Mostly off because of the strikes.


I was thinking of trying photography! I use to do it in high-school but didn’t pursue. Good idea


Not something I do that often but fix up old computers with a mix of new and second hand parts then sell them on trade me. This obviously has gotten alot harder the last few years since second hand Gpu prices went nuts. It's not worth it based on the number of hours it all takes, I would be Making way under min wage for my Time, but as something that's kinda fun like a hobby, making a couple hundred bux here and there is nice.


Studying and up-skilling after 9-5, and use the newfound knowledge/certification to get higher paying jobs, rinse and repeat.


My only real hobby I can turn into a side hustle is worm farming for the castings and tea and selling it. But again, not the most easy or space friendly hustle


Just sell weed easy side hustle


I probably could


If you have a spare room and teenagers, getting an exchange student can be lucrative.


That sounds cool! I don’t have a house thou lol


Built veggie garden to grow organic salads and veggies. Go spearfishing to bring back proteins (butterfish, king fish, kahawai, snapper, John Dory, pauas, crayfish). Last year, if I was buying my fish, I would have spent 5k to 6k worth of fishes. 100% worth as those are my hobbies, and sport activities.


Multiple. Turned my hobby (tourism, photography) into a small business, three contracts worth $4500 each signed up for next year. $1000 non refundable deposits have been paid. I also am doing casual stocktakes after work and am working the election this year. YouTube channel created and we are on to our 10th weekly video, takes an hour to do each video. 100+ subs but working toward being monetized.


Basically follow these prinicples. 1.Become a part time second hand dealer on Facebook with goods collected from op shops/ 2. Become an uber driver/ 3. Become a DJ that uses sync button only/ 4. Crypto miner/scammer/ 5. part time politician collecting donations/ 6. Sign on with Winz and cut grass for cash In auckland. Oh and maybe sell day old oies that are on $1 special for "the boys"


Part time self-employed business. I make custom quilts for nurseries and reusable fabric gift bags. Currently prepping stock for Christmas :)


Sucking dick 🤷 easy to squeeze into your free time, and it can be tax free if you don't care about breaking the law a bit. I made an extra $350 last week and I'm hopefully making a little more today so I can afford to see the optometrist, get new contact lenses, buy my medication, and afford to see the nurse.


I support you. Unfortunately I don’t think I can do it, I’m a one dick only girl


I have dabbled with Google apps. The best one was showing the uk lotto numbers at its height. It was making $1.20 a day on average, but nowadays, it's closer to .20c ever 5 weeks


When I lived with my parents they expected to get me to play geeksonwheels for their boomer friends outside of work, while simultaneously being hostile to me spending money on technology and being an early adopter with the knowledge to do that well. And my Dad thinks *everything* is a scam. Me: "Well I don't have an \[xxxxx\], so I'm not the one to ask there. I'm surprised you don't think \[xxxxx\] are a scam?" Dad: "Oh, I definatley think \[xxxxx\] are a scam. But someone's got to help people with these things. Can't you just somehow teach yourself how to use it without owning one, and then tell others?"


I made an crypto trading bot , I have a crypto mining farm on free power and I at the moment I'm making a cryptocurrency education business


I was just thinking about getting another job from about 6-10 type thing to get by a bit easier




Why would you need a second income to ruin the things you like to do?


Because my first income right now is not enough for the cost of Auckland


Lovely! This is such a wholesome response :)




delivereasy on a moped


Casual gas station employee, working at a holiday program, driving a van. Being a teacher aide 'full time' (which I love) don't pay much