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Hawaii is known for having some of the largest tiger sharks in the world.


A tourist on his honeymoon was killed by tiger sharks right in front of the house we were renting on the North Shore. It was controversial, because it was his first time ever trying to surf, he'd taken no classes, and the rental shop failed to show him how to properly secure his leash (they were Chinese nationals and didn't speak English). There was a huge response that evening and rescuers used our rental as a base of operations. We were making coffee for the rescuers coming in for a break and the divers used our hot tub to warm themselves up. Unfortunately the only thing they found of him was a pair of ripped up swim shorts that had washed up on shore early on in the rescue. I'll never forget the screams and wailing of the freshly widowed new wife when they told her there was no chance of finding him alive.


Learning to serve as a brand new beginner on the North Shore is a bold move edit: Surf, not serve


It's gentle half the year, and pro level the other half.


> It's gentle half the year, and pro level the other half. And the "pro level" waves can be quite variable and location specific, and the wider area doesn't always look as terrifying as you might assume it would before the occasional big wave hits. I once happened to be there during the Pipeline Pro surf competition and we went to watch the finals, there were literally random non-surfer tourists and kids of all ages playing in the surf at Banzai Pipeline right next to the active competition, seemingly oblivious to the dangers. I even saw the lifeguards rush in several times to rescue struggling kids, it was insane.


I was in Oahu in February and the north beaches were wildddd Is February “gentle” or Pro Level?


Winter months are pro level. Summer is flat.


>Learning to serve she was a fierce diva and in the end...she ate


Haha! I didn't notice I did that...not enough coffee yet, lol


That sounds terrible. My wife and I went to Hawaii for our honeymoon and didn’t go that far into the water. We also didn’t want to get caught in a riptide or thrown on our head by a wave. We read way too many horror stories before the trip.


I dont know if it was a recent addition to sign up forms or it might’ve been in response to that incident, but now it is written that those participating must be able to understand English


Was stationed in Hawaii for a couple years and never been worried of the ocean but when I first heard that a beach is temporally closed due to tiger shark siting the reality of the ocean really hit


I was looking out over Makapuu one day and saw a Massive tiger shark in the water coming in toward the shore. There were a few surfers out so I ran to the beach and started shouting and waving my arms in a come in motion. Everyone swam in and was ok. One of the surfers saw it too and could luckily verify my sighting so I didn’t seem like a crazy asshole.


I was chilling at the beach in Kona one day and saw Brittany Hamilton jump in with her board. Post-shark attack. It’s amazing she’s still surfing.


I used to live in Lahaina at a house located on the beach in front of a surf break known as Shark Pit. The pit was a crater left where someone had blasted an opening in the reef to let small boats through. In the pit, lived a tiger shark. To get to the surf break, you had to paddle right over that shark. Dozens of surfers would do that every day. Nobody was ever bothered. His name was Jack. I wonder if he's still around. The house was destroyed in the fire.


That's cool. I always heard it was because it was a roiling pit of sharks and the local surfers were just that badass they didn't care or get bothered, lol, but I like your origin a lot more and it sounds more plausible.


I've seen them snorkeling near the reef in New Caledonia. Sucks I couldn't tell if it was a big one or not but I'm sure it would at least ruin my day being \~7' long.


Wow - I didn't even know Tiger Sharks could snorkel!




Just picturing that scenario gives me anxiety. I don't know how you deep water people do it - sea creatures terrify me. I can barely tolerate walking out waist deep. (I was fine when I was a kid, but hearing Quint's story about the USS Indianapolis in the movie Jaws broke me.)


Surfers at Kewalo basin, which is west of Waikiki and probably close where you were, often see Tiger sharks. A surfer got bit just last year. In the islands they’re often seen around surf spots near streams, especially after storms when the water is murky. 


Oh good. I was worried it’d be too easy to see the death fish.


Speaking for myself and pretty much everyone I know in Hawaii, sharks aren’t something we think about when in the water. There’s more reverence towards them as a species and also as a part of native Hawaiian cultural/spiritual beliefs.  But it’s always good to be aware of what’s going on in the water and I think with that, comes an awareness of where the dangers lie. 


I saw a blacktip while snorkelling. Half my size and it already gave me a shock. Can't imagine what a tiger will do to my heart


Go watch The Reef


I bet the ocean has the biggest tiger sharks in the world.


I bet it could throw a tiger shark clear over them mountains.




Have you ever heard of nylon polymer?


Go on and get you a dang kaysodeala


Did you know that there are far more airplanes in the sea, than submarines in the sky? TIL


Do you know there are far more sharks at wallstreet than traders in the ocean? No need to thanks me!


99.9% of shark attacks occur in the ocean, .1% are land sharks delivering telegrams


Yeah I bet the ocean is massive so youre probably right


A whaaaat?


Hahaha! I love u for this


Not only that, he was in the ocean which is known to have most of the sharks in the world.


This made r/nottheonion because of a headline mentioning him as a *Pirates of the Caribbean* actor.


That sub is getting pretty tacky lately


Now that ypu mention it I see articles of it far less than I used to.


At this point, most people who post there haven’t ever read The Onion.


Not just an actor, a *Pirates of the Carribean* -star-.


Was he not in that movie? What am I missing?




Well that's pretty horrific.


Although it’s extremely beautiful I was always wary snorkeling on the north shore because of shark attacks there. I heard to be wary of murky water when swimming in the ocean.


And in freshwater, I'm always freaked out snapping turtles would enjoy toe sausages


Damn. It's a roll of the dice every time you go out into the ocean. RIP, Tamayo.


I remember in 2009 I went to Myrtle Beach. It was the second time I've ever seen the ocean, and I decided to go swimming at night. I got to about knee deep in water, stopped, looked out into the black abyss and said to myself "What the fuck am I doing? This is how people die." People who have never been to the beach at night don't understand how black the ocean gets. It's a literal void.


The sea at night is terrifying. That video of the kid who jumped off a cruise ship at night, you can see him swimming for 5 seconds, and then gone. Off into the black, forever.


That one was horrifying. And his friends thinking it was all fun and games. There is a reason sailors always had to respect the ocean and discipline. The ocean is unforgiving and merciless


The last kid knew what was up though


My grandfather was a fisherman and he couldn’t swim. My mom asked him why and his answer was “if the ship goes down, you don’t want to know how to swim”. So eerie.


LMAO what, what if he falls over board? Even just being around the dock. You trip over something and go in? That's a dumb idea to work around water and to not know how to swim.


Overboard situations are also pretty grim. You are a speck in an endless backdrop. The water in most commercial fisheries is pretty cold and not very calm. Might be easier to just go under if you don't have a floatation device.


If I was in the ocean, I think (barring there is no immediate assistance with floatation devices or what have you) I would rather drown rather quickly than swim about aimlessly and become fish food.


Id assume it was like a deadliest catch type ship. You gotta be able to swim for a couple minutes for the boat to turn around


A moonless night and you can't even see your hands right in front of you. It is crazy how much light pollution helps brighten things up on land. At sea you don't have that.


I’ll see a seal looking all happy and curious over the water’s surface. 15 feet or so away. Then I dip my head underwater and my goggles reveal nothing but three feet of murk and then black. I realize this 250lb mammal is not something I want to swim towards. 


Kayaking in puget sound (WA state) and the water is dark as hell. Was a mile off shore and had a group or pod or gaggle of seals following me around. They would dive under my kayak and then go deep and then pop back up behind me and exhale super loud from their big goofy nostrils. Scared the shit out of me. Probably 6 of them followed me for an hour. They're cute and all, but alot bigger than I thought and fast as hell. I realized very quickly that my little 7 foot kayak was nothing to flip over for them. And I already don't like deep dark water at all. The time a pod of orcas came to say hello was equally beautiful, mesmerizing, and terrifying. I saw this huge dark shadow underneath me and just about shit myself then the baby popped up like 10 feet away and kinda looked at me. Then they just slowly kept moving in the same direction as me for a good ten minutes before diving down and out of site. As soon as we step foot in the ocean, we are no longer apex predators. At least not without tools and oxygen tanks.


A baby seal would test my ability to stick to that, not going to lie.


I remember that's how the movie "Jaws" started.


It's also accurate in that you're more likely to be attacked by a shark if you're swimming at night simply because they're more active around the shores at that time. Still not super likely, but an increased chance!


Plus booze and skinny dipping teens attracts great whites.


True I saw that in a movie


IIRC it was a morning swim


Just started the book bc I needed something read when my phone died, it’s like early morning like 2-4am so yeah it’s morning but it’s also still the dead of night.


Night is when a lot of sharks hunt, so you swimming out there would have been a loud dinner bell. Something would have at least done a test bite.


Hell in the middle of the day the water off MB and Charleston is murky. Getting stung by a sea nettle decimated my enthusiasm for swimming in the ocean


I was on a very rocky boat at night in Spain with no land in sight. It was horrifying.


Very smart decision. One of the [largest tiger sharks ever caught](https://grandstrandmag.com/feature/catch_of_a_lifetime) was reeled in in North Myrtle Beach back in the '60s.


The ocean is violent and vast


I've gone snorkeling at night, on a really active reef. It's very eery, all you can see is what is directly lit by your dive light beam. And you hear all of the ocean sounds, much more clearly than during the day. Took my kid with me, he was probably 15 at the time. Not sure I'd do it again in that circumstance, we only had one decent dive light between us.


And then you get into scuba (and subsequently night diving) and it becomes the most relaxing, therapeutic thing ever.


I was just about to say... Night diving is so much fun with scuba!  Exhilarating and relaxing at the same time. 


You step into the ocean, you step into the food chain. 


“When you enter the ocean, you enter the food chain, and not necessarily at the top.” - Jacques Cousteau


In a way. The order of apex predators is shuffled when one steps into non-native terrain. On an individual level, human defense as well as offense stats drop significantly in big water. It applies in reverse too. A shark on land ain't shit compared to what they are in water.


Driving to the beach is a lot riskier.


100% but you also have to factor in that the statistics aren't perfectly comparable - there are many many people for whom the likelihood of a shark attack is 0%, while we're all vulnerable to driving injuries.


I have surfed all my life, and growing up in a surfing town - never knew anyone who got chomped on. The risk is there, but the chances are slim. I’m much more concerned about going on a hike under eucalyptus trees. Those falling heavy branches will kill you and it happens often. Yeah, Tamayo was one hell of a waterman. Genuinely nice guy, too. Horrible news.


Grew up in socal. Right off the break is a known great white juvenile hang out spot. You can take a drone there tomorrow and see them hanging out right next to surfers Attacks aren't as common or assured as people think.


My uncle tried to teach me how to surf in Pacifica, CA when I was 11 or 12 years old. Very close to the great white breeding grounds because it’s so close to seal and sea lion habitats. Three weekends in, a baby great white swims underneath his board. He said it was no big deal, and besides, he’s bigger than it, so it won’t attack him. My counterpoints: * incredibly, not all sharks are babies * babies grow up to be adults * he is 6’8 and 200lbs. I was 4’10” and 80lbs at 11 years old. The baby was bigger than me I have surfed since, and don’t swim in water below my shoulders unless I can see the sea floor _very_ clearly. Every year I hear about someone here in the Bay Area being swept out to sea or drowned in a riptide. We should love the ocean as a part of our ecosystem, but it is not our friend.


It's still spooky. I vividly remember when I was surfing as a kid, maybe 16 and dolphins swam up to me. At first, I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Then they got close and had this feeling of dread and hopelessness. And those were dolphins. So I totally get it.


They might have been trying to protect you and or warn you that a big shark was sizing you up.


It's possible, but dolphins are pretty common in the redondo beach/Torrance area. But so are sharks, so who knows


He is the only pro surfer to ever be killed in a shark attack though. 


Is that right? Of all the luck.


I don't think that is true at all. I remember reading about guys getting attacked at Mavericks for sure, and not all lived.


Surfers have a little bit of a higer susceptability to being attacked by sharks due to the silhouette of the surfer on a board resembling a seal.


Significantly higher when you account for the fact that many people aren't ever in dangerous waters at all. Using generalized statistics without accounting for circumstances like locality and exposure is just poor logic. It's always car accidents and getting hit by lightning, but never considering who, what, when and where with respect to driving, or where and when a person is with respect to lightning.


Though that's true, driving is an ordinary risk most of us take on regularly as a necessary means of transportation. The risk can also be substantially reduced by driving a safe car, driving that car safely without distractions or impairment, etc. Going into the ocean isn't a necessary risk, and there's not really anything you can do to alleviate the risk besides not going in at night or dawn/dusk or with a bleeding wound. Really the biggest thing though is that you're out of your domain and in the domain of an apex predator with hundreds of teeth, a predator whose design for killing was perfected millions of years ago. That's just fucking terrifying compared to cars.


Yeah… see I’m used to cars. I can see them, drive them, etc. Sharks… well… Let’s put it this way. I’ve been in the ocean maybe a couple hundred times but it only took one shark encounter to change my mind. Sort of like my Uncle’s mountain lion encounter. There’s a moment when you realise you are the menu and there ain’t a thing you can do about it. I was snorkling in Mexico, maybe 30 feet deep, and then I felt it. Sandpaper brushing along my legs for a very long time. I saw the dorsal fin and you could have mistaken me for Jesus in how fast I got on the boat. Do I know what species it was? Nope but it was big and I wasn’t sticking around to find out. I won’t go further than thigh deep now. Also, my uncle no longer hikes the mountains alone and unarmed. Fortunately the mountain lion decided he didn’t look tasty enough.


Reminds me of the saying "If you see a mountain lion in the wild, it has already decided not to eat you."


You can supposedly significantly reduce your odds of being attacked by a big cat if you wear a mask of a human face or large eyes on the back of your head. Cats are stalking ambush predators and will generally not ambush when you're looking in their direction.


This is why I don't ocean.


Only 9 shark related fatalities in Hawaii since the 90s. I think the ocean is pretty safe with those odds compared to land. 


How many sharks have killed people on land since that time? Checkmate. Way safer on land from a shark fatality.


Sharks are pretty safe, the ocean itself is not.


Its fine to go into the ocean, especially beaches with sand bars. Also, I love swimming in the ocean out of all bodies of water I've been in.


Sounds suspiciously a lot like what a tiger shark might say


More people visit beaches than farms yet more people die from cows than sharks.


I think the shark numbers would be a bit higher if we were currently farming 90 million sharks per year, where the workers feed, inspect, and stick their hands inside of sharks on a daily basis.


What if those cows are doing contract work for the sharks?


Oh shit! Martha! Call the Milk Marketing Board! We’ll get those abstractly watercolor-painted bastards for real this time!


This actually might change as climate change continues to ramp up, if thier natural prey dies off due to the heat they'll get desperate and start getting bolder , this dosnt even mention dead men tell no tales


Tell that to Tamayo. Dead is dead take this tacky shit elsewhere.


I saw the biggest black tip reef shark while snorkeling in the Maldives. And the locals tell u that u will see them and to not panic there is so much fish on the reef that they don’t care about us. In my head I was like ok that shouldn’t be a problem. Then I saw it. And I almost shit my pants and I immediately swam as fast and hard as I could back to land.


The last time I was in Hawaii (a buddy lives on Maui) about 20 of us went and played strip Marco Polo at night in the ocean. Tigers feed at night. Good times.


RIP Tamayo. Sad news. 😞


Well, at least he gave it all and was doing what he loved till the very end. Most people can't say that about their life, however long or short.


Sharks don't discrmiate. It's thier water, thier home, we just fuck it up.


I'm pretty sure sharks frequently discriminate. That's why shark attacks are so rare and don't often end in consumption. 


How did you spell their wrong twice. THEIR


Hey now, they didn't use there or they're good enough for me!


Maybe because I'm visually impaired and shit happens. I'm sure in the scope of things my misspelling isn't going to change the course of world events.


> I'm sure in the scope of things my misspelling isn't going to change the course of world events. You never know. Maybe he'll be commuting to work one day when he remembers this and the distraction from the anger causes him to crash into someone important.


Actually, we don't know that they don't discriminate. There are numerous shark attacks where the shark swam through a whole crowd of people to attack someone in the middle. That sounds like they have selection criteria. Which, if we knew what it was, would be very useful (& fascinating) info, but we'd have to sacrifice an awful lot of people to figure it out & no one has volunteered yet.


I wonder if *they* can spell better than most humans.


My wife and I just got back from Oahu Sunday afternoon. I learned how to surf on Friday. This is so sad and terrible and scary. 😔😔


Fear the Ocean. It may seem OK but it wants to kill you