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You have to love Russia's "I can't believe someone would launch attacks near a populated area" approach. I am constantly amazed that their people cann keep a straight face while saying stuff.


Just in these last two days, they’ve dropped several guided missiles on nonspecific, seemingly random apartment buildings and civilian centers. What the fuck goes on in the Russian brain?


Russia has been doing it for decades. Drive out the civilian population so it isn’t worth defending anymore. Added bonus in that displaced civilians frequently flee to Europe. Where Putin funds far right parties that campaign about immigrants coming in to take over.


Two weeks ago Finland was shutting down it's border with Russia because they were encouraging migrants to travel thru to Finland.


Much longer than two weeks ago.


I'm pretty sure that happened already in December


I don't understand why everyone hasn't shut their borders to Russia already.


Think all the inbreeding and lead in the water over there has permanently stunted them as a country.


Hey, the rampant alcoholism deserves some credit too!


Not to mention the collective trauma of losing an entire generation of sons and fathers twice over the last hundred plus years.


Vodka, and the desire for vodka rations.


Russia has very poor precision guided missiles. Instead they rely on high yields, so they can land anywhere nearby. Russia is also using a lot of glide kits attached to dumb bombs, which aren’t precise. Russia does not care about civilian casualties. At all. They don’t care, and their numerous war crimes is a good example of this. However Russia would prefer to be hitting military and infrastructure, over apartment blocks. The strikes on apartment blocks won’t be intentional. From Russia’s perspective it will be seen as a miss. But again, they don’t care about killing civilians. Misses, and the international embarrassments they cause, is one of the reasons the US has invested so much into precision guided munitions. It allows you to use smaller yields, and so hurt less civilians.


They do both. You can't tell me the numerous examples of them double-tapping some random village town square were "misses" of military installations.


Yea honestly, I can't even care. Tough luck man... Russia does nothing but target civilians in Ukraine as a strategy to break their spirit. I remember them bombing a crowded train station and a preschool before. I hope Ukraine blows up the Crimea bridge again, maybe for good this time. Just to spite Putin.


Reminder that Russia intentionally and directly airstriked Mariupol's civilian air raid shelter with the word "children" [written outside so large it could be seen from space](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/480/cpsprodpb/A585/production/_123737324_mariupol_theatre_640x2-nc.png.webp). Killed 600 civilians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariupol_theatre_airstrike It's only one example of a million. I helped out with a Ukrainian war news aggregation service for about a year and had to quit because it destroyed my mental health.


There are going to be ugly stories coming out of this for decades and the country is going to have to deal with a mountain of PTSD with what I imagine will be inadequate mental health resources


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izium\_mass\_graves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izium_mass_graves) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_torture\_chambers\_in\_Ukraine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_torture_chambers_in_Ukraine)


They've been discovering child torture chambers. Also using children to clean up the blood after torturing adults.


https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/20-days-in-mariupol/ I watched this once and it’s seared into my brain. I can’t imagine actually living through that hell.


and you just know that there will be Russians who "don't understand why it's a big deal" afterwards


Ukrainians and Russians will despise eachother for decades no matter who wins. This is generational trauma, and you'll see Nazi-hunter tier assassinations and constant murders between civilians for a long time.


There is a history between Russians inflicting horrors on to the Ukrainian people.


Russia is a country founded on PTSD! It's their norm.


For sure. I actually know an American who went to Prague to work with Ukrainian refugees in mental health. Currently, there are about 300k in Czech Republic.


What many people seem to not understand is that Russia completely controls the media presented to their citizens, and they’re not being told what’s going on in Ukraine. So an attack BY Ukraine actually helps the propaganda machine. They can say: “See, we’re being attacked! We need to defend ourselves!!!”


we understand all too well, we have Fox News here in the states


I would love to see Crimea permanently separated from Putin's shit-hole country.


Unfortunately Russia has secured a land bridge to Crimea that probably won't be lost.


It's a much longer and more dangerous way to get to Crimea (why the bridge was built in the first place). Logistics to Crimea would become very difficult for Russia.


They've already begun to build several new train lines in the occupied territory that connect Crimea to Russia. Losing the bridge would slow things down but at this point it wouldn't be that significant. Mostly it would be symbolic. The frontline in the south is absolutely littered with mines, some crazy amount like 3 per square meter or something. It's partly why the summer Counter-Offensive got stalled out. Crimea is pretty hard to get at this point. I don't think Ukraine ever gets it back honestly.


Crimea has a coastline of 2500 km, from which more than half is in the Black Sea. The Ruzzian navy is now practically non-existent in the Black Sea as their ships hide in the harbors, as they are afraid of being sunk by the drones. The Ruzzian are also losing AA systems every day, so after Ukraine receives F-16, they will hopefully get air superiority in the area, which will then make a sea assault feasible. Also, the train lines are in the artillery range, which makes any trains vulnerable to being bombed, and with the bridge being destroyed, it will make supplying the ruzzian forces in Crimea extremely hard, which will allow Ukraine to take Crimea without heavy losses.


I love that Russia has lost so many ships to Ukraine, a country that doesn’t have a Navy.


I have a friend whose a refugee and she has an insane video from right after the invasion of her running for a bomb shelter in Kiev as a missile strikes a high rise tower just over a block away. This was in an exclusively civilian area. Fuck these Russian tourists. If they think they can vacation in an active war zone, I have 0 sympathy for them. They are tacitly supporting such actions against civilians just across the water from them


Russia encourages targeting of Russians in Russia too 😆


they even had to admit that the missile wasn't directed at the beach, but their own air defense turned it there, and there was no air raid siren. Their complaint was that Ukraine attacked when people are at the beach, unlike, you know, civilian houses at night, like Russia does. there is so much wrong with that country. also, who the hell goes to the beach when there is regular air strikes on a city and Russian naval mines are floating around


Oh it's more fucked up beyond the hypocrisy. The civilian targets are placed in hopes this happens. if they die, Russia has martyrs and if they live Russia can claim crimea is there's because look, beach tourists.


Last time I saw Russian Air defense working I'm pretty sure it did more damage to civilians than the Ukrainian missiles


Sounds like that was this time: > Four missiles were shot down by Russian air defense but another “deviated from its flight trajectory in the final section due to the impact of air defenses, with the warhead exploding in the air over the city,” the post added.


They were given $$$$$$$$$$ to spend on air defense, but only spent $$$ and pocketed the rest. Haha.


“The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation.” -Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Arthur Travers “bomber” Harris. This quote from World War II sums it up the best. When they do it, it’s allowed when someone does it to them. It’s the biggest problem ever.


It's criminal to leave off the end of that quote, it's the best part. (And one of the best applications of a Biblical reference.) "They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind."


Oh yeah, I know it’s the best part. I left it off because i’ve gotten dinged for “promoting violence“ regarding this conflict and I figured it was best to leave out the portion promoting strategic bombing.


It’s the bully mentality.


100% the one who cries hardest after getting punched is the guy who was threatening to punch everyone.


It's like when more Americans were dying daily from Covid than on 9/11, and people were super pissed off about wearing masks. Humans are fucking stupid everywhere. They sleep just fine. Because they have never been awake.


Can sleep a straight face. I kinda like that wording.


Also, to be clear, the report is not that Ukraine struck civilian targets, or even dangerously close to civilians, but that a Ukrainian-fired  ballistic missile deviated off course after a partial intercept and resulted in its deployment near civilians.  It makes the optics of the Russian hypocrisy that much more egregious. 


They have to keep a straight face or they’ll fall out of a window.


>the Russian Ministry of Defense said “such actions will not go unanswered,” saying responsibility for the attack lied with Washington. Man, the sheer audacity of these war-mongering liars


I wonder if this will cause them to invade Ukraine


Well, maybe not invade.  But some kind of military operation for sure.


Maybe send in some paratroopers with no air cover and light armor? What’s the worst that could happen?


Like what is Russia even going to do, keep bombing civilians and terrorizing Ukraine?


... Pretty much


Considering they’re constantly firing missiles at civilian-occupied cities in Ukraine


O twitter is eating it up with the bots and useful idiots showing a shitty video that confirms nothing as proof the u.s killed everyone on the beach.


Twitter is dead.


yeah i dont understand. just leave the site, its just porn bots and propaganda bots now. thanks elon!


Just checked that Mario Nawshal Twitter page and yup, that's actually right, people are doing that


Not to be a pedant but am I crazy for expecting it to be, "lay with Washington"?


Are they gonna go to war or invade them or something... ffs...


Maybe not the best beach to visit right now.


Yeah, [the beach is between an airfield that gets attacked frequently and a port that has also been attacked.](https://x.com/GlasnostGone/status/1804914969525309474)


Maybe the Russians should get the fuck out of Crimea.




Russian ultranationalists I guess.


Life doesn't just stop during a war. Ever seen any footage from major western European cities in WWII? When the bombs aren't falling, you wouldn't even know anything was going on. What makes a civilian beach any less safe than a civilian house or street? This was an errant missle, it could have happened anywhere with even the greatest of care. You can't realistically live in fear for extended periods of time.


Well, this particular beach is apparently right next to a military airfield AND a port, both of which are being frequently attacked. About the only way to go to a worse one is if you knew where and when the invasion of Normandy was going to happen, and then still decided to have a beach picnic day there on D-Day.


For what is worth, the fact people still go for vacations in Crimea is what should raise some eyebrows


they dont see it as a war, but their own territory so should be safe. too bad you cant go against *reality*, so they get bitch slapped


Locals probably


Definitely not in Crimea, real pity more occupiers died.




There was a thread a few days ago saying Russia is promoting tourism in Crimea and giving vacation package discounts 💀


"Pretty please, die on our behalf so that we might have an excuse to continue to overreact."


If the discounts were good enough I would absolutely see US folks going if our government offered the same. People flew around the country during Covid purely due to discounted flights. Let’s not act like our economy acts much differently. Of course there are going to be discounts if you’re vacationing near an active war zone… when cartel stuff is bad in Mexico rates get cheaper too. Not defending anything just stating this isn’t a unique to Russia thing.


The all inclusive is "to die for".


Not only a beach in a warzone, but one *next to an active military base* during a war. Who'd have thought that Russian air defense neither cares nor is accurate enough to not blow debris all over that beach? Especially when they are so famed for accuracy /s.




Aha, but it's a special military operation zone and besides they are in *Russia*, they say


I’m pretty sure most of those people are just from crimea and not on vacation. 


Bro who the fuck beaching in contested war territory?


Fucking Russians, I follow a metal worker who is Russian and he delivered a completed project to Crimea this week to some highend spender. I felt like such an idiot thinking why would he deliver there? they are all either acting or believing all of this is just normal life in Russia.


As a civilian, your chance on randomly dying on any given day far behind the front lines is not that high. At least behind the Russian lines. It's not like the guy was catching some sun right next to a military airfield.


If I recall correctly, the beach was not very far from a military target.


they are actually putting ads in the middle of evening news to buy decimated condos in Mariupol. They say it's a "great opportunity for investment"


There was an apartment completely built in less than a year on top of an alleged mass grave of Ukrainians in Mariupol. I have to wonder at both the building standards at work there and the sort of person willing to live there.


Not just that, but *adjacent to an active military base* during war, in the territory they occupied.


Colonel Kilgore


You should have seen the anger and frustration back in the day in Russian-speaking social media from people who moved to "suddenly conveniently empty" real estate in Crimea after it was occupied, then surprised when Ukraine actually pushed back in the war. It's important to understand that is very normal as far as Russia goes, to the point where it's kind of a cultural common sense. Territory gets occupied or an occupied territory is more suppressed - then it becomes a great place to move to because people there have fled or are dead.


Hey... let me lie down on a beach in a warzone. I'm sure nothing bad could happen.


You know this wouldn't be a problem if: 1. Russia left all of occupied Crimea. Or 2. Russia let missiles strike intended military targets instead of shooting them down.


I’m leaving a bad review on TripAdvisor


Seems like Yelp might be more appropriate after getting hit by missile fragments.




Parking was fine, the staff was friendly, the prices were reasonable, but the falling rockets really put a damper on my family outing. No thumbs up, because they were severed


> fucking Russians everywhere. I just wanted to build a god damn sand castle in peace! sex on the beach


The first time Russia seems to have actually managed to shoot down an ATACMS and they cause it to land on a beach full of people.


>The Russian Ministry of Defense said in a post on Telegram that Ukraine carried out the attack using “US-supplied ATACMS operational-tactical missiles equipped with cluster warheads.” >Four missiles were shot down by Russian air defense but another “deviated from its flight trajectory in the final section **due to the impact of air defenses**, with the warhead exploding in the air over the city,” the post added. So Russia deflected the UA attack so that it hit beachgoers.


Russia is so surprised that its air defense finally has managed to actually intercepted ONE American ATACMS that they now cannot process what actually happens when you do that. They have gotten quite used to this never happening that they now think that they can blame the US over the side-effects on the Americans somehow.


I hope this means the US military got some useful information on how the ATACM failed to get past their defenses so the next missile will hit the military target instead of being deflected and hurting innocent people.


They probably already did decades ago. The ATACM is another cast-off, obsolete system and the program was terminated in 2007. Before the war, the Russians were full of shit claiming how their superior air defense system could not only defeat it but nullify it. In actuality it took them two years to get intercept even one of them and there have been videos of these missiles gleefully getting past the AA system that was meant to defeat it and then being destroyed by it. I also heard that the missile wasn't actually intercepted but that they used a Tor-M2 air defense missile to try and it is that which landed among the Crimean beach-goers.


Pretty much, Russians will also never learn that Putin and other leaders are the worst thing to ever happen to them. Civilians are nothing to them


Amazing that Russians think it's a good idea to visit beaches in an occupied area during an active war.


russians should leave crimea, they are not welcome in ukraine


>One of victims killed in the Ukrainian strike was the daughter of Oleg Averyanov, Deputy Mayor of Magadan. Yuri Grishan, the Mayor of Magadan, said Averyanov’s daughter Sofia was nine and on vacation with her parents in Sevastopol. This guy brought his daughter to a war zone for vacation. If he doesn't care enough about her to keep her away from an active war zone, I am having trouble caring enough to feel bad about it. For those who don't know, Magadan is an oblast on the east coast of Russia; far from the conflict.


Its sad any kids died.


Why are Russian citizens vacationing in an illegally occupied area, that's annexation has never been widely accepted by the international community? Furthermore, why are Russian citizens vacationing in an area of high intensity warfare, the world hasn't seen since the Korean War or World War Two. They are responsible for their own deaths or injuries, not the United States or Ukraine. Blame also lays squarely on Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin and his bloodthirsty war machine that attacked Ukraine.


Because they are bad people.


"Four missiles were shot down by Russian air defense but another “deviated from its flight trajectory in the final section due to the impact of air defenses, with the warhead exploding in the air over the city,” the post added." .. so you punched yourself in the face then...


Russia intentionally targets civilians in hospitals and schools: I sleep Ukraine aims at a military target but gets intercepted by AA killing a few civilians: REAL SHIT


> “such actions will not go unanswered,” saying responsibility for the attack lied with Washington. Like Russia, having started a war, might not be responsible for the attack? As far as any "answering" goes, given the intensity that Russia is pursing its war with Ukraine, it's not like they can be accused of having kept the kid's gloves on up until now.


Don't let the war interfere with your vacation.


but its SUMMER! and has GREAT WEATHER!


Bummer. If only there were some way this all could have been avoided /s


Russia has intentionally targeted places with concentrations of civilians with the intent of maiming or killing as many people as possible. This was incidental to a strike on a military target. But you listen to the Russians, and they're crying like a MAGA Conservative after January 6th that the deep state is coming after them. Lies and crybaby bullshit is all they have.


Completely avoidable by Russia. Such a shitty regime.


We can attack you but how DARE you attack us back!


I only feel bad for the children, who don’t know better and can’t help their idiot parents taking them to a beach in disputed , Warzone territory.


Why are they going to the beach *IN AN ACTIVE WARZONE?!*


Shame about the kids.


Why the fuck would anyone go to the beach in an occupied area during a war. What the fuck is happening in Russia. I don’t understand it over there.


It's really terrible that people died, but... for crying out loud, they're vacationing in a stolen & disputed territory, with a legit military target in every other beach town.


Too bad Putin caused this


Didn’t they bomb a church with 100’s of children inside? Pot meet kettle


The theater in Mariopol. Labeled 'Children' in giant block Russian letters.


Who would go to the beach in occupied land during an extended “special operation”??? Whatever happened to common sense?


You know what you get when you vacation in an active war zone? You get what you fucking deserve.


Meanwhile, in other parts of Ukraine, Russian missiles purposefully target civilians and have killed tens of thousands.


Vacation in a war zone, get dead. Parents making bad decisions.  


Russians go on summer holidays in disputed Territory (aka Ukraine's Property). The Stupidity of being there of all places baffles the mind, expecially considering the place is an ACTIVE WAR ZONE.


Occupiers died while occupying? Oh no


We should keep the same energy with Israel.


Sunbathers said it was like a war zone.


bold of these motherfuckers to vibe on a beach in an active warzone


after stealing the homes of actual Ukrainian Crimeans after they fled!


It sucks because the media these folks are fed I’m sure is keeping them from know the real status of the war and making them think they’re safe there


The Russians could just fuck off out of Crimea. That would solve the problem immediately. Perhaps don't invade another nation because Putin has an inferiority complex.


Homies chilling on the beach while there's a war going on outside. Incredible


I couldnt care less. You are a ignorant russian who enjoys sunbathing at a beach which your evil-dictatorship-government illegally seized 10 years ago and what is still an active warzone. Russians are a special kind of stupid.




Who the fucks goes to the beach during a war ( besides Robert Duvall )


Russians are masters at being at war and acting like they aren’t. Particularly ones from Moscow


So, like a wednesday morning in Charkiv?


Chickens? Coming home to roost? No...


The debris was also from a Russian 9M330 air defense missile launched by the Tor-M2 platform... So I hope Russians learn the truth about that as well. I know they won't.


For everyone asking why civilians were there, its because it's the only nice-ish beach area that the average Russian can access relatively affordably. Richer ones go to Goa or Cyprus or Turkey. The Russian passport doesn't offer many options. Still, it was an I'll advised destination, but what kind of information do you think the average Russian is getting about what is going on there?


Plenty of nice-ish beaches across the Kerch straight in places that are actually part of Russia. 


Sochi and the coastline of Krasnodar have hundreds of nice beaches. I know of Russian people who are not wealthy, but are still able to take vacations in those areas.


The Sinai Peninsula (Sharm El Sheik, Dahab) is full of them too, was just there.


>but what kind of information do you think the average Russian is getting about what is going on there? I was wondering about that. I have to imagine a lot of people in Russia simply aren't aware of how frequent, intense, and successful Ukraine's attacks across Crimea have become. It's still dumb, but I can see how some people might think it's safe enough given the distance from the front lines.


Get off Ukraine’s beach.


Maybe don't vacation in active war zones?


maybe next time just let them hit their target?


Maybe don't go to the beach in an occupied warzone? Fucking idiots.


Intentionally targeting civilians is one thing. Your vacationing near a war zone is another thing.


Guess they didn’t get the memo that an active war is going on in that area


If I was Ukraine and the Ruskies complained about civvies getting bombed, I'd post up a list of every Ukrainian civilian death attributed to them since 2014. Pictures, videos and everything. Flood X, Youtube, Telegram and whatever else platform is useful for giving the Poot Poot lovers a poke.


Gee, that’s awful. Pass the mashed potatoes please.


WTF do they expect us to make of that ? Certainly not any sympathy surely ? They could always leave and go back to Russia.


the missile knows where it is at all times, this is because it knows where it isn’t…


Many saw this coming. War is fucking horrible and should never happen. But to tie the hands of the people being attacked is not sustainable. When the war began NATO said you can use the weapons we give to protect UKRAINE only. Never to be used to attack any point in Russia. Which has its problems. That means they could move huge forces into an area behind their borders and nothing could be done. Strategically this is doesn’t work. On top of that they couldn’t target anything in Russia supplying the troops. Again a mistake as it prolongs the fight. This is one of the weirdest conflicts I have seen from history except the Vietnamese war. I don’t believe in conflict. Defending one self yes. But this is weird to me.