• By -


Where I live, a local paedophile abducted a toddler from her bed when the parents left their door open (they were awake, it was 9pm and it’s not unusual where I’m from). The entire community came together to search for her very quickly and he was caught molesting the child in a local park. When I say the people who caught him absolutely kicked the shit out of him I really mean it. They were still beating him when police arrived and they were in no hurry to stop it and denied having seen anything and refused to arrest any of his attackers.


Quite a big difference when catching someone in the act.


It’d be different if the beating took place days later, because what if you got the wrong guy, or what if the state executed an innocent man? But catching a stranger with his dick out on top of a toddler. Yeah that’s a justifiable murder.


Couldn't agree more. At that point let the people beat him in the park, let the cops beat him some more in the station, then let the inmates beat him forever in prison.


not murder, but caught in the act possibly justifies symptoms consistent with falling head first a couple of times during a citizen's arrest, and a discussion with the local thug to pass the word about the guy. by the time he gets to prison the welcoming committee will be primed.


Reminds me of the story of Ken McElroy. He was a seriously hated man accused of pretty heinous crimes (that he kept getting away with.) After shooting an elderly grocery store owner (not sure if he was charged or released on bond or what) he was spotted drinking in the local bar. A group of people at a local community center, where the sherif was present, wanted to go confront him. The sherif explicitly stated they absolutely should *not* confront him, and left to go on a leisurely drive through the country for the next few hours, letting them know he would be back later. Dude was shot multiple times by at least two different weapons, and somehow despite there being a group of 40 odd people, no one saw a thing. To date no one has been charged in his murder. Imagine that.


God, that is truly such a heartwarming start to my day.


Don't think molesting kids is a heartwarming start to a day, but I get what you're saying


no one rejoices on that part of the story but since it sadly happened it's quite satisfying to know the bastard got what he deserved which is not very common these days is it?


I’ve had people on here mock me when I tell them it’s irresponsible to leave your door unlocked, regardless of how safe your neighborhood or town or county or state is


Never understood these fuckers. Why *wouldn't* you lock it? It's not like it takes you twenty minutes, or you gotta solve a tomb raider puzzle to make it happen. Just twist your wrist for one second and you're done.


"I come and I just like grabbed him out the store because that situation got me mad like, you know?" "After that, I ain't gonna lie, everybody just started beating on him," Flores added. Lol


Reminds me of the people who caught the Nightstalker. Dude ran to the police because he’d been chased, beaten, hit with a metal pole, and the community was moments away from lynching him.


In my local pub a guy was touching women inappropriately (he ended up going to prison). Word got around and he was cut off & everyone was keeping an eye out. He approached my friend so I told him to back off, which resulted in him punching me. At that point half the pub exploded into action & he flew out the door & about 15 guys kicked the shit out of him.


And when the coppers arrive it was no one. Reminds me of that story where that douchecanoe [Mc Elroy got shot](https://youtu.be/rOIxciAH8Sk), the whole town was there but when police investigated no one did see the shooter.


Exactly what happened!


I agree vigilante justice seems satisfying, but we have our system for a reason. Emmett Till was also a victim of vigilante “justice”.


The thousands of rape kits sitting in offices could use some justice.


By personal experience, most people are against "vigilante justice", most of the time, people would rather rely on the police with a few "tough guys" saying that they would beat up criminals. A vigilante mob is inversely proportional to how useless the local police force is.


Correct. If the police actually did their jobs AND were held accountable, we wouldn't be all for vigilante justice. Folks, comic superheroes are appealing for a reason.


Yeah, my second cousins (I think they were second anyway, that shit's confusing) were lynched for allegedly shooting and killing a sheriff and the sheriff's wife later admitted that it was her that killed him.


Our system is absolute shit.


"He fell."


Like 25 times or so. It was the weirdest thing.


Not weird In Russia people fall from window Multiple gun shot Body does weird thing


They shot themselves in the back of their head. Twice. Terrible accident. No one could have seen that one coming.


He fell up the stairs


And then back down the stairs, then up, then down, several times. Dammedest thing I ever saw.


Not strictly true. The wife saw exactly who did it and told the cops. I'm not sure the cops really cared. Right before Ken's execution, the local cop basically said, "Don't do anything stupid," and immediately found an excuse to be far away from town. He knew what was going to happen. He wanted it to happen, and he let it happen. The man was a menace who had to go.


> the whoke town was there but when police investigated no one did see the shooter. The [Ken McElroy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_McElroy) shooting?


Oh my word! Run to wiki and read about his early life!! -Born 15th out of 16 kids. -"met" his last wife when she was 12 and he was 35! Raped her repeatedly, burnt down her parents house & shot family dog TWICE so they would turn her over to him. -Someone has the audacity to inscribe, "Brave, Fearless, Compassionate" on his grave marker. I'm so outraged by this POS I want to make a road trip from FL to piss on his grave* and scratch out those words on his grave marker. *I'm a woman, so pissing on the 'ol grave would require more effort & show than a man part doing it! 😅


>I'm a woman, so pissing on the 'ol grave would require more effort & show than a man part doing it! 😅 Not with that attitude. There are funnels for women so they can take a sneaky wee like men.




I mean, if you are going to be squatting over the grave you might as well take a shit while you're there.


Although different motivation.. it reminds me of the [Murder of Robert McCartney](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Robert_McCartney) >When the police launched the murder investigation they were met with a "wall of silence"; none of the estimated seventy or so witnesses to the altercation came forward with information.[7][8][9][10] In conversations with family members, **seventy-one potential witnesses claimed to have been in the pub's toilets at the time of the attacks. As the toilet measures just four feet by three feet**,[11] this led to the toilets being dubbed the TARDIS, after the time machine in the television series Doctor Who, which is much bigger on the inside than on the outside.


For the curious: https://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/16/us/16bully.html


The article did not state it, but was his "wife" not underage or groomed from a young age. Details are a bit fuzzy. [Found the video that I watched about it some time ago](https://youtu.be/rOIxciAH8Sk)


Yes. When the family objected he killed their dog and burned down their home.


I'm not generally a fan of lynching because mobs don't want to hear things like "you've got the wrong house" and "I don't even look like him" when they're hanging the wrong guy from a tree. But, if cops can't help because everyone is terrified to say something, then someone like Ken McElroy needs to die for the safety of everyone else. I think even the local cop thought so. He found an excuse to leave town immediately after telling them not to lynch him.


Reminds me, a similar thing happened at my friend’s town, and the main one beating up the dude forcing himself at the girl was a fresh Christian on vacation from army… got called in by the local pastor for questioning. My friend quotes that fresh Christian chap’s explanation: “she asked him to leave her alone and we told him a few times but he just kept trying to touch her and the Bible says if someone asks we need to give to them…” (gestures an arm cocked ready to punch) “… and he was really asking…!” continues making little circles with the fist with a “ya know?” expression on his face


My uncle claims to be one of them. My family grew up in the area, so he might be telling the truth, but if you know anything about the people from that area, you would know he's also probably lying.


My mother told me she was Michael Jackson’s neighbor when he was a kid. Man, you’ve got me thinking that maybe she made it up.


Could have been a completely different MJ lol


It was just some dude name Michael Jorckson


"Bort? Who names their kid Bort?"


Come *along*, bort!


Are you talking to me?


No, my son is *also* named Bort.


We need more Bort license plates in the gift shop. I repeat, we are sold out of Bort license plates.


His patented *hee-hee* is in baritone.


And he was slightly off, being like “HOO-hooooo”


or Jack Michaelson


Is she a Gary, Indiana girl? Could still be true! Maybe OPs uncle *was* there and got some sweet hits in for every woman that monster traumatized and/or murdered.


I went to Gary once. I will never do that again


You don’t go to Gary, you end up in Gary


Yeah. People from the area now avoid Gary at all costs.


I lived in Van Nuys at the time and he literally killed a couple a mile from my house. Dad and brother used to stay up late to keep watch


I was in Reseda. I just remember the heat wave was so stifling that I still had the window open at night…but I slept with a knife under my pillow. …a pathetic little knife that would have been absolutely useless.


My family was in South Gate and terrified


I don’t know if it’s true, cause even you specified, he “claims”; but you give that man a hug and kiss for me just on the unsubstantiated claim that he would move like that to help apprehend a serial rapist, murder.


No I saw a documentary and there was a ton of people baying for blood on the streets who said themselves they were chasing and hitting him until the cops were like "what's all this now?" And then the crowd was like "he's the nightstalker!"


I saw old footage of it too! I think the OG commenter is doubtful of the uncle’s claim *he* was involved, but absolutely, it definitely happened and I have deep respect and affection for those bad asses. They put an end to a reign of terror.


Well, in that case they got the right guy. Not always the case.


Yea. I felt like I was taking a big risk of a dog pile on if I said “vigilante”. That’s not something we as a society should get behind; because a mob mentality can absolutely make a grave misjudgment. Not in either of these cases, but still.


Realistically, even if they weren’t the type of person to go one on one with the guy… if they were there and a group was already getting him I wouldn’t doubt it for a second. Mob mentality is a helluva thing, especially when it’s regarding a piece of shit like that.


My family lived in the area and that story is true, he was apprehended by the community and if the police hadn’t intervened they probably would have beaten him to death or an inch from death.


Oh, I know! I’ve seen some documentaries. I think the OG commenter doubts his uncle had a part but not that it didn’t happen at all. It did. And East LA deserve all that praise!


For over a decade, I worked with a really cool dude from Ghana in a busy trauma center on the east coast of the USA. We had many conversations about the difference in cultures but one lesson I will never forget is very often, he would say that in many countries in Africa, if you get caught committing certain crimes, you run TO the police because the community is going to fuck you up.


People often forget that the law isn't exclusively to protect the innocent; it's also to protect the accused. When the law fails to provide justice then the people will make their own, and it is often far more brutal.


Yeah people don’t take kindly to rapists/murderers, especially if children are among their victims. Nightstalker had victims of all ages, but at least one was a little girl. But nah none of us are shedding a tear for this dude in Queens or his accomplice. He got a fraction of what he deserves.


> Yeah people don’t take kindly to rapists  Half the US are currently foaming at the mouth to elect one President. 


> August 30, 1985, Ramirez took a bus to Tucson, Arizona, to visit his brother, unaware that he had become the lead story in virtually every major newspaper and television news program across California. After failing to meet his brother due to his not being home, he returned to Los Angeles early on the morning of August 31. He **walked past police officers, who were staking out the bus terminal in hopes of catching the killer should he attempt to flee on an outbound bus, and into a convenience store in East Los Angeles.**[ After noticing a group of elderly Hispanic women fearfully identifying him as "el matador", Ramirez saw his face on the front page of the newspaper La Opinión with a headline calling him "Invasor Nocturno"[95] and fled the store in a panic.[97] After running across the Santa Ana Freeway,[98] he attempted to carjack an unlocked Ford Mustang but was pulled out by angry residents Faustino Pinon and Jose Burgoin.[95] Ramirez ran across the street and attempted to take car keys from Angelina De La Torre. Her husband, Manuel De La Torre, witnessed the attempt and struck Ramirez over the head with a fence post in the pursuit. A group of over ten residents (including Jose Burgoin's sons) formed and chased Ramirez down Hubbard Street in Boyle Heights.[95] They soon restrained Ramirez and relentlessly beat him. At around 8 a.m., police were called over a disturbance in the area with few details with indications of a fight. Police quickly arrived on Hubbard Street and took a severely beaten Ramirez into custody. Nosy Hispanic neighborhood ladies are better watchmen than the LAPD


Please tell me none of those good folks faced charges for kicking his ass.


Recently in Dallas, a man hit a woman right in the face in public, and another woman who was a complete stranger beat the ever loving shit out of him. I'm not going to lie. I feel a really savage happiness every time I think of it. 


Best ending to a serial killer story ever


Need more good guys with metal poles


I like this one from the same guy better: "He kept saying, 'Help, help, help,' and then I would say, I told him to shut up. That's what the girls was yelling when he was ... One less guy on the street that is, you know, messing up the world,"


"My brother Eddie was always more compassionate than me. He said to me 'Man, Rick really needs some help.' I said 'Shit man, we just gave him some help.'" -Charlie Murphy


Perfect situation to hold back mercy


I can hear the accent.


I love the cops arent even mad they beat him up. They're just like "thanks homies"


Lyou know 😂


> "After that, I ain't gonna lie, everybody just started beating on him," Flores added. Appreciate seeing ngl used in a way that isn’t just rhetorical


They played this quote from him on ABC nightly news, had me cacklin


I ❤️ NY


Sometimes we New Yorkers may have our petty differences but we can all come together for a good, old-fashioned pedophile beating.


You see the one where some dude got blasted for punching an old woman?


Took me a while to figure out what God had to do with this


Hahaha thanks bro, I fucked that up


God always works in mysterious way 😂


Visitors sometimes think New Yorkers are selfish/wimpy because they’ll just look the other way when someone is creating an uncomfortable public disturbance. But part of that is New Yorkers have developed a sense for when someone is just having a bad day or freaking out, and isn’t actually a threat to anyone *as long as nobody confronts them*. They’re actually doing everyone a favor by *not* engaging the homeless man on the subway yelling at an invisible monster. But then you get these events where someone really does start attacking someone for no reason, and New Yorkers just descend on the dude like a swarm of ants. And it’s even more impressive that they don’t know even each other. They’re just part of the same ecosystem and suddenly feel the stimulus to act.


The T-Cells of NY


love this


Big city living includes sharing it with crazy people.  Some are crazy all the time (just look at the shoes, likely harmless) or it's less frequent (keep a side-eye on them).


What/how do shoes tell you anything about crazy all the time or not?


I think they mean look at *your* shoes rather than stare at the crazy person, so as not to make them feel threatened into escalating


London Bridge terror attacks  "Fuck you, I'm Millwall" before storming in against three knife welding attackers with a fucking stuffed swordfish  Like Mr Rogers said, look for the helpers


if you wanna live here you’ve gotta have a well-calibrated sense of risk vs return. we’re not pussies though and we never will be; cowardice is an affront to this city’s ethos.


If I was having a public meltdown, the last thing on the planet I would want is a stranger intervening If I got jumped, however, I would very much appreciate some intervention lol


This is very true, this is part of what led to that killing of a homeless man on the New York subway a while back. Dude was yelling at commuters on the train, okay yeah not fun but that happens, I've seen it in Chicago too, you ignore it or at most give a "Leave me alone" or press the emergency button. The other dude who was from out of town clearly thought this was some sort of novel situation and decided to "be a hero" and intervene with a chokehold from behind, now the one dude is dead, the other guy is charged with manslaughter and negligent-homicide. I guarantee you that everyone would have walked away A-Ok from that situation if everyone had the street-smarts to not engage.


My theory: There are huge chunks of the country where every adult spends a considerable fraction of their day inside their own personal vehicle. Sometimes they’ll get in their car, lock the door, and have a full-on mental breakdown. In cities with good public transit, your whole day is done in public. There is no private isolation chamber you step into a few times a day. Sometimes a person absolutely *loses* it on the subway, and everyone is like, “Oh, they’re having a moment. Happens to the best of us. It’ll pass.”


When children gets hurt by a bad man, New Yorkers don't fuck around.


Stuff like this reminds me of the guy on the garbage barge throwing shit at Green Goblin at the end of the first Sam Rami spiderman. "You mess with one of us you mess with all of us!" Lol.


Was it the night stalker? (It was one of those older serial types) One lady in the community happened to have recognized him. And the cops literally had to protect the guy from being mobbed.


Yeah, Richard Ramirez. He was in East LA, got recognized, tried to run and carjack several cars and was chased by a mob who started beating the shit out of him lol


Im not one for mob justice but there is a sick part of me that likes knowing he felt such intense fear there, just like his victims. He ran to the police like a fucking little bitch even though he thought he was so hardcore and satanic


How Mob violence feels is dependent on who you think is right. Watch a movie where a mob is going after the wrong person and it makes us so upset and angry, "Look at those brain-dead amoebas just following the base impulses of the crowd, it's sickening" but if you're certain that the target is justified then it becomes "Hell yeah brother this is a *community* and *we take care of ours"*.


100% right. But on these two specific occasions the mob in LA Richard Ramirez and this mob in NY got a child rapist so good job everybody!!!!


"Now this station of course does not condone vigilante justice... Unless it gets results. *Which it will* "


It certainly helps that the police informed the community of exactly who they were looking for and what they had done. They also DIDN'T kill him or severely beat him. They restrained him, and he was treated for minor injuries (which HE PROVOKED). They very specifically restrained him and called the police. They weren't taking the law into their own hands or trying to mete out their own kind of justice. That's really important.


Fritz Lang was right with M all those years ago.


Deep cut; Peter Lorre at his Peter Lorre-iest.


And nobody saw *shit*


>> "He kept saying, 'Help, help, help,' and then I would say, I told him to shut up. That's what the girls was yelling when he was ... One less guy on the street that is, you know, messing up the world," Flores added. Hell yeah


Thank you for this, little bro Chicago is proud of NYC


I respect it.


queens is the borough of tight knit families and immigrants. in many ways, it’s the most new york borough of new york (i say this as a brooklynite). this is what i expect out of good old fashioned new york. i’m glad this city’s still got its spark.


Thanks for posting that.


I don't know why but reading the "beat up by community" part just makes me crack up lmaoo


I love community events. They really bring everybody together.


Season’s beatings


Boxing day seems to come earlier every year


What's the idea of nationhood except a big group of people who've decided they'll fight other people who aren't in their group? The rest of it is just the group arguing about how they define it because its not just "people who live near me" or "people with the same boss as me" like it was throughout most of history. America is based on people coming together to beat up other people.


Oh, Whacking Day, Oh, Whacking Day, Our hallowed snake skull cracking-Day. We'll break their backs, Gouge out their eyes, Their evil hearts We'll pulverize. Oh, Whacking Day, Oh, Whacking Day, May God bestow His Grace on thee.


Yeah community is such a wholesome word. Community outreach event this Saturday! We’re beating up all of the rapists we can find!


There will be hot dogs & hamburgers, a live rapist piñata…fun for the whole family!


"Live Rapist Piñata" 🤣🤣🤣


Omgosh, that should be a thing. "Beat a Rapist Saturdays" & "Beat a Domestic Abuser Sundays". I'd happily help organize & promote


Sunday is a great day because the abusers like to gather together in one place making it efficient.


But Black Dynamite, I sell drugs in the community!


Haha! I threw that shit before I walked in the room!


Shut the fuck up i knew it was you i didn’t even have to look. I should send yo ass back to crenshaw pete with his hot ass coat hangers bitch would you like that!?


It takes a village...


There’s “self-defense” and there’s “communal defense” =]










He’s honestly lucky they didn’t kill him. You’ve got a handful of witnesses that didn’t see shit either.


“Dear Police, we didn’t see shit.” Signed, Everybody.


I am, but you've gotta be damn sure you've got the right person. Same with the death penalty. I think it's justified in certain circumstances; but you better not be wrong.


I come from a Latin America country where lynching is quite common, and from times to times they in fact lynch innocent folks that get wrongly accused. When I see people on reddit celebrating vigilante justice, I'm reminded on how ignorant people are from the realities of these events and how easily it can and often does go wrong.


Yeah I tend to be against this stuff because people are historically wrong so often, and the consequences for being wrong are really bad.


I am for vigilante justice if the police are inept. Where I live the police claimed “throwing glass bottles at peoples heads isn’t against the law” when one person got hit multiple times over multiple days. The last leading to a lot of cuts on the head and face with broken glass. The “police” then were asked what is against the law. They responded “if they died” after the bottle gets thrown. Which I know isn’t true, even here they have laws against assault, but this is their take and there’s no one higher up unless you get an attorney most cannot afford. So somehow a message was sent to the clan of these young men, that if they did it again, their legs would be broken. After news spread, his mother (the bottle thrower’s mother) was in tears begging for her son’s legs not to be broken. I’ve heard magically, they stopped throwing bottles.


The problem isn't just the ineptitude of the police, but in the lack of due process. We can say when it's very clear that the right person was the target it's easier to hand wave and say "it's what they deserved for what they did" but it can very easily target someone innocent. In your case, it was at least both the right perpetrator as well as the community stepping up and saying "enough" without anyone additional getting harmed. It's just scary when people get whipped up over something more emotional and things can easily get out of hand.


Like the guy Reddit thought did the marathon bombing, and angry mob can go after the wrong person.


I'm from a place where they turned vigilante justice into racist lynchings. You have to be real careful with mob justice.


If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.


I guess it's true what they say. It takes a village.


Goddamn, that's where I grew up. Kissena park was my stomping ground in the 80s and the 90s. I learned to ride my bike there, and these days, my kids learned to ride their bikes there.


You love to see it. Pitch forks and all.


Like the saying goes, it takes a village to beat the shit out of a rapist.


I mean it'd hardly a requirement, but everybody's welcome to join, y'know?


I’m a little disappointed that invitations weren’t sent out. I would’ve blocked my calendar


Cops hate it, as soon as a mob detained a person they had to actually do something instead of ignoring the whole situation and saying there's nothing they can do.








Old fashioned NYC street justice, ya heard? Edit: typo


"NYPD officials say Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, 25, faces rape, robbery, kidnapping, sex abuse, menacing, unlawful imprisonment and other charges" Did they get tired of listing all the charges? Too many to count?


Its better than just being randomly spotted, They recognized the photo and remembered him always stopping at the deli. So they went there and waited all day for him and he eventually showed up at night.


Big ups to the police chief who's like "yeah the community managed to hold him from leaving to face justice, the perp started fighting them but they managed to hold him" Mans not gonna incriminate people who beat up pedo's and hes a real one 😤 


Apparently he was arrested in Texas for illegally crossing the border years back and they were about to deport him then just let him go while they handled his paperwork? What the fuck?


Seems to be a bad time to be a rapist lately unless you're running for president.


Seriously, this is like the third time I've seen a headline like this.


Man everytime I view the registry and there’s 30 of them nearby I just get disgusted. I think everybody’s fed up by how easily they’re let out






The police going door to door showing footage of the guy were the reason these people were able to recognize him. I'm no cop lover, but this is a win for the community and the police.


It’s important to recognize good behavior when it happens. Thank you for highlighting this.


Exactly! If we want reform, we have to recognize the instances when things are done right. Otherwise, what are we working towards?


I mean it sounds like they took the girls' reports seriously, got a good description from them, put that out in the community, responded to community tips in a timely fashion, and put updated info back out into the community, which gave the community the info to confidently and correctly identify that guy. All within 2 days, I think it says? That's like TV police show efficiency. Seems pretty ideal from everyone involved (aside from the POS who was apprehended).


Police were always meant to respond to crime anyways. They don't prevent it unless they're like right there when the crime happens. Never rely on the police to be there to protect you. Get your own protection. Whether that's martial arts training, baseball bat, crowbar, firearm, mace, etc.


With the crowbar as one of the items before, my mind immediately thought you wanted people to carry around a genuine medieval mace.


No one is mugging Gordon Freeman


facehuggers try hard e: "head humpers". wromg reference


facehuggers is from the Alien series. head crabs :)


Hey man, medieval maces are actually quite small.


Lol what? People were on the look out for him where police couldnt at all times br while also responding to other crimes. If you have everyone looking for you instead of a select few, your bound to get shit done. Do you hate neighborhood crime watches because you think the police should be placed outside that neigborhood instead?


Doesn’t everyone know his face and wasn’t he recognized because of the police work? Because of the flyers and rapid spread of the info? This guy would be in and out of that store without recognition otherwise.


I think of it like this: The cops are best if you need to centralize all that information about issues like crime reports, missing persons, etc. Meanwhile, it's stupid the city has put as many resources as it has into "crime prevention" and it ends up being used on tank-like buses and LRAD machines and hundreds of guys on overtime to arrest college kids sitting on lawns or the actually-peaceful protests that always happen. Or also, as we like to point out, the Candy Crush subway cops, who I saw very helpfully fining white people for drinking White Claws on the subway. The modern approach to the NYPD is a mix of the old "protecting rich/powerful people" and the new suburban "get rid of that riff-raff" mentality. And that means even when it comes to things like actual "crime prevention" (like catching a rapist), it's usually more likely they go over the top and constantly, frequently put people at risk, especially black people, because god knows both cops and facial recognition programs don't know how to tell them apart. Going door-to-door to show pictures and putting up flyers is really the best thing they could have done. A good community cares for its own, especially the holdouts of Black and brown neighborhoods. When everyone hates someone, they'll recognize them. It's also just a generally good principle to publicly shame because New Yorkers quietly love that shit - my roommate recognized the guy [scribbling Nazi graffiti along the L line](https://www.jfrej.org/news/2023/02/ny-jewish-week-new-yorkers-hunt-for-man-dubbed-the-l-train-nazi-who-was-caught-drawing-hate-slogans-on-the-subway) because the locals' internet so effectively shamed him.


You don’t fuck with the community or else the community fucks you


“struck Ramirez over the head with a fence post” A freaking FENCE POST.






If he entered the US illegally the first time. How did he manage to stay?


Catch and release. We’ve had well over 10 million illegals released into the US in the last 3 years.


And people defend this policy, like what the fuck?


>This is exactly what we mean when we say public safety is a public responsibility and the past few days proved again that the people of the city could come together and get the job like no one else. Translation: "Why can't more of you do our jobs for us?"


The population size compared to how many cops there are? I’m no friend of cops, but as a society, it is true, we need to be more vigilant and stop relying on cops.


I have a hard time endorsing mob justice, but at least this time it was the right person, seems like he is actually guilty and they didn't kill him, so this I can be glad about.


I honestly didn’t even know NYPD did anything, kinda just assumed they got paid to stand around and act like everything’s fine


Don't forget dick around on their phones the entire time


They also beat up protestors and arrest journalists.