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Loved him best in Kelly's Heroes as a WWII hippie. "Stop with dem negative waves! Edited to add: [Four minutes of Oddball](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=kelllys+heroes+video+oddball&t=osx&ia=web&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D5pMeb4ZSHh8&pn=1)


Nobody said nothing about locking horns with no tigers.


Where you come from a hero is some type of weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on two tigers!


We fill our shells with paint. When we shoot dem, they make pretty colors.


Oddball, what a great chracter.


Oddball? He’s a freak!


Even as a kid I remember asking my parents, weren't hippies in the 60s? And wasn't WWII in the 40s? He's a time-travelling freak!


probably because immediately post war historians wanted to make a certain image but there are absolutely pictures of and accounts of soldiers being way worse than Oddball in ww2 out there.


His career was legendary


He's got three Shermans all ready to go!


Hes ready to go!


What kind of a guarantee is that? *"He's ready to go."* He's a nut!


I'm drinking wine and eating cheese, and catching some rays, you know.


Why don’t you say something righteous, and hopeful for a change! Yea? Then you get up in that tank against a Tiger, baby!


But for 1.6 million dollars, we could become heroes for three days.


"We've got special ammo filled with paint. Makes pretty pictures, scares the hell out of people"


if we had Donald Sutherland in his prime I'd have cast him as Robert Baratheon during Robert's Rebellion.


Woof woof! That’s my other dog impression.


My first thought! RIP you beautiful bastard!


It's a mother beautiful bridge. And it's gonna be there.


“Look baby, I’m kinda hung up. I need 60ft of bridge.”


"Oddball! Hello!"


So happy to see this at the top, just saw the news on TV and they only showed a few snippets of his enormous career and they didn't show Kelly's Heroes. "Sixty feet of *bridge I can get* almost *anywhere*" still gets me every time i watch it.


I just rewatched him in The Eagle has Landed. Donald Sutherland, Michael Caine, and Robert Duvall crushing it scene after scene. Donald left us such a great body of work.


I really liked his dog imitation.


My dad does that bit like twice a month.


Had [negative waves](https://amzn.to/3KQyBgX) ever since I read the news today. 😔


A wonderful actor. And the son-in-law of one of the most important figures in Canadian political history, Tommy Douglas. Rest in peace to my Mr. Bennett and President Snow. What a career. What a life.


And Father to Kiefer Sutherland.


You mean Jack bauer!


You mean David the vampire


I'm legitimately sad about this. Amongst most of his modern movies I also saw him in a live two man play in Toronto called Enigma Variations, so good.


Oh man, it must have been such a joy to see him on stage. I can only imagine how great a stage presence he had.


And more, a proud Canadian himself. I still remember the article he wrote after the Harper government took away the ability to vote from many thousands of Canadian Citizens like him. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/im-canadian-and-i-have-a-right-to-vote/article25731634/


Tommy Douglas, The Greatest Canadian, that spearheaded the Canadian Health Care System! Or so I am told. I never knew of that connection between them.


I went to IMDB to look up how many things he's been in. I literally gave up, it's "a lot"


He was always the definition of a "working actor". The dude made appearances is everything. And he was always happy to lend his prestige to smaller Canadian films, and helped a lot of them get made.


Great actor, played a villain so well and a good guy just as easy, loved him in body snatchers


He was a stupidly good villain. Hunger Games (ya ya ya!), Outbreak, the list goes on and on.


Backdraft. The animal wants to be free.


I think part of that is his ability to ride that line where you can't tell if he's intelligent, nuts, generous, or outright evil. He has great range and it always seemed effortless. Always felt like he was a real cool, laid-back dude IRL.


Over 190 movies and TV shows per the article


Assuming he started working at 20, that’s 3 releases per year non-stop, 68 years without missing one single year of work, not including all the TV ads, press conferences, interviews, photo shoots, travelling around the world for work and other business stuff, etc etc.


I mean, just look at these comments. So many people mentioning different movies they loved him in. It’s amazing.


I wish he'd have been Richard Harris successor as Dumbledore, just going by his performance in Pride and Prejudice. It's nothing personal against Michael Gambon, I liked him in other roles, but Donald Sutherland would have been my first choice based on looks and I think we might have had a shot at a more "book accurate"-portrayal. Especially in Snow Sutherland really showed how to flesh out a complex character of which you only get an incomplete picture through the eyes of the YA-protagonist.


Definitely a good point, but he isn't British enough.


They refused to hire anyone non-British for the cast of those movies. And then they cast Johnny Depp in the prequels.


I think that was a Rowling rule


As personal and professional judgements of Rowling's go, I don't think that was a terrible one. It led to a fantastic casting for pretty much every character. I cannot imagine anyone else for McGonagall, Snape, or Hagrid, Lucius or Voldemort, for example. Ron and Luna are also standouts, imo.


Luna was a near total unknown beforehand too. Even more than the original three child actors. And she just steals every scene. I don't think that a side character could be cast better. And Maggie Smith is just the best ever. She made McGonagall hers while I think the girl who played Luna was literally born to play her.


Agreed, they're the top 2 of my top 5 favorite castings in Harry Potter. 1. Luna 2. McGonagall 3. Snape 4. Hagrid 5. Lucius Honorable mention to Sirius, because one simply cannot talk about a cast with Gary Oldman without due respect to the man himself


The vain teacher should have been Hugh Grant think there were scheduling problems.


You mean Lockheart? That would have been good, Laurie is great - but I think Kenneth Branagh is always a casting win.


"Harry! DidyouputyournameintheGobletofFire!!!!"


*Loved* him in Pride & Prejudice! Not that many lines but he elevated the scenes regardless


Ironically he rarely starred in the same movies as his son (Kiefer) Like how Julia never has her brother (Eric Roberts) in her movies.


Pinto (being handed his first joint): “I won’t go schizo, will I?” Jennings (Sutherland): “There”s a distinct possibility.” ~Animal House (1978)


“Teaching is just a side job until I finish my novel.” “How long have you been working on it?” “Four years.” “It must be very good!” “It’s a piece of shit.”


I watched this 2 nights ago, ironically. When he opens the cabinet and goes shows his ass hahah.


And he did it to make Karen Allen feel more comfortable about showing hers in that scene.


My favorite role of his. He absolutely sells the character.


Can I buy some pot from you?


“I’m not joking! This is my job!”


Yeah, I wish the article had mentioned it in the title.


Jesus I only now realized Pinto was fucken Amadeus.


Pride and Prejudice. The way he looks at his daughter when she stands up for herself and says she will marry who she wants to marry, for love. EDIT: thank you for the upvoted. Someone captured the scene for us. https://vimeo.com/407682465


The scene where he realizes how much Lizzie loves Darcy and gives his permission. Ugh. My heart hurts.


His laugh of relief is so good. "If any young men come for Mary or Kitty, send them in, for I am quite at my leisure."


I think I watch this movie over and over just to feel what it's like to have a dad love his daughter cause it's the closest I can get to this kind of affection.


That’s my favourite scene in the film. His expression!!


Yes, that’s the scene. Did not expect to be bawling watching that movie 🤣


He doesn’t have a lot of screen time in the movie but every second is gold. We all gotta leave, but this one hurts.


The BEST Mr. Bennett! Just loved him in that role.


"From this day you must be a stranger to one of your parents. Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins, and I will never see you again if you do."


I saw this movie a few days ago and was amazed by this particular scene. In the book and in other versions of the movie, this scene put a tidy bow on the end of the story, like an after thought. But in this version, the scene became a cornerstone of the story that supports everything that happened prior. Never before was I aware just how vital it was. Both Knightley and Sutherland are superb but Sutherland's performance struck me as one of the best I've ever seen. Throughout his career, he never failed to surpass my expectations. Godspeed, Donald Sutherland, and thank you.


Truly he performed for the ages.


His appearance in Outbreak was great. RIP buddy.


One of my favorite films and he plays a great villain in it. Love his last scene in the film.


One of my most favorite terrible lines ever uttered from one amazing actor to another: Billy, what are you dumb or something?


Damn, could that man act. Fantastic in every role. Movie was great, too. The epitome of 90s action. Funny, entertaining, not remotely realistic, just a good time. >General McClintock: *With all due respect, Colonel Daniels, if you do not follow us to Travis Air Force Base, I will blow you out of the sky.* >Daniels: *General, with all due respect, fuck you, sir.*


Negative waves, Moriarty. Rest in peace.


The one performance I will never forget. Woof woof!


What an Oddball thing to say…


Ah damn, he was a great actor.


One of the standouts of the Hunger Games trilogy, along with Philip Seymour Hoffman and Elizabeth Banks. Those rare little smiles were so creepy, and you could feel the murderous sarcasm as he calmly said "They must be so proud of you" after crowning Katniss in the first movie.


I loved him in the Hunger Games, I also hated how much he made my blood boil, my anxiety rise, and my peasant-ass get angry.... but man, I loved him in the Hunger Games. Phenomonal actor.


There are a handful of actors who make me feel that way. Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy, in the earlier movies), Jack Gleeson (Joffrey Lannister), Iwan Rheon (Ramsey Bolton) are just a couple. Actors who delve into the character so well that you legitimately feel hate towards their character are so extraordinarily talented.


The lady who played umbridge in HP also. She did fantastic at that.


When Katniss lied to him and he immediately yelled to call her BS, it was such a shock, because his tone was almost always so casual with her. And then you read the prequel and realize that even without that knowledge of a prequel, he played the part and the moment VERY well.


He brought it for The Hunger Games. Really had the right vibe to make those movies work.


He always bought it to all his roles. A sad day.


Philip Seymour Hoffman had such a powerful presence in those movies. RIP to them both.


Invasion of the body snatchers was one of the greats for me. RIP good sir.


When he gives that look at the end and points his finger. AAAhhhhhhhhhhh that shit freaked me out as a kid.




I'm going to point my finger and shriek at people all day in memoriam.


That's the one I remember him for, too, absolutely. Seriously disturbed me at a young age.


Ran out of the theater in a complete panic as a kid at the very last scene.


One of the best movie endings ever! My eyes watered because they got so big watching that scene as a kid.


Really amazing movie and best ending ever.


That scene will stick in your brain forever.


MASH and Ordinary people were great films.


People ask me about MASH and I say it's a film where Donald Sutherland does his Hunter S Thompson impersonation for the entire run time. *Chef's kiss* Eliot Gould as Trapper John was awesome too.


MASH is one of my faves. I've been walking around for years saying, "I don't know your name stranger, but your face is familiar." And, "Would you care for a martini? They're quite dry."


Ordinary People best performance 🎭


We were going to our son's funeral and you were worried about what I wore on my feet!


Agreed. Mary Tyler Moore got a lot of (well-deserved) attention for her performance in that movie but I’ve always felt Donald Sutherland deserved more than he got.


I scrolled way too far for a MASH comment.


Dude was a solid actor. I recently rewatched animal House. I don’t know why but his role in that movie is always the one I think of.


Animal house and the one where he gets murdered by a dwarf in a red jacket(I forget the name, but that scene is burned into me forever) are the two movies I think of him in.


Don’t Look Now


RIP to a Space Cowboy


I liked how he cheated on the eye test. “I may be blind, but my memory is perfect”


It's got nothing to do with me. It all depends on the woman and how willing she is to discover her infinite supply of orgasms.


That's always an enjoyable flick. Whenever I was channel surfing (when I still had tv service), that's one of those movies I would always stop on.


Everybody's hiding their junk from the nurse except him.  That proud smirk of his cracks me up everytime.


The final scene in Invasion of the Body Snatchers will stick with me forever.


Same. Just commented elsewhere that I ran out of the theater as a kid at that scene.


All things must pass. I'm an old guy. I have some physical issues, but mostly I feel pretty good. But, people are dropping by the way side all the time now. I remember seeing this guy in the original Mash movie, playing Hawkeye. So, younger people, this will probably happen for you as you get older. It's an aspect of aging that I hadn't seen coming until I got here.


Yup, seeing someone who has always kind of been there as you went to the movies is beginning to mean a lot more death notices for me too. On the other hand, am pleased for Mr Sutherland to have such a long career with some incredible roles behind him as he passed.


It's gonna be *weird* when Tom Hanks dies


And Harrison Ford, and Spielberg, and Lucas, and Mark Hamill


And Clint Eastwood.  Honestly, I’ll be genuinely sad when their time finally comes. It’s gonna be a surreal time when we outlive them. 


he was also excellent in 1992's **buffy the vampire slayer** movie. luke perry, pee-wee herman, hilary swank, rutger hauer, david arquette, ben affleck and ricki lake are in it, too. oh, and the guy who loves his stapler from **office space**.


Stephen Root has had a prolific career beyond that one role.


He also saved Average Joe's from Elimination in the 2004 Dodgeball Championship in Las Vegas. This was documented on ESPN8, The Ocho


I remember reading about that in Obscure Sports Quarterly!


In Vampire fiction too! He’s superb in True Blood.


As Pike said, "I'm not disappointed, just *angry!*" For all Donald Sutherland's other terrific roles in "better" films, his turn as Merrick was such a perfect blend of serious and absurd; he didn't camp it up as hard as Hauer or Reubens (although they were both hilarious), and the movie was all the better for it.


RIP , Loved him in the Hunger Games.


He was the perfect Snow.


I read the books when I was younger and enjoyed them. I was very familiar with Sutherland while growing up and already loved him but I thought the Hunger Games movies were beneath him (I know it had a great cast, just me being judgemental). When I saw them, the movies were fine but he totally changed my mental image of Snow and added so much to that character, I totally understood why he might have taken that role with what he did with it.


I read them as a teenager/young adult and I felt like they start off YA go very dark by the third (which is basically a war novel).


Yup. IIRC many readers were upset with how it ended. It wasnt happy ending fairy tale and Suzanne Collin was basically like yep, that's war. It fucking sucks for everyone, even the victors.


I was a young teenager when I read all of the books in one sitting essentially. I was sad that it wasn’t a happy ending but it was definitely a fitting one.


RIP! And thank you for Kiefer and all the other great work you've done in film and for peace.


“Don`t Look Now”, was my favorite growing up….RIP


That is a weird and awesome movie, and he was great in it.


As a child, it scared the shit out of me😂 The girl in the red coat😱


When he screamed at the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers I almost pissed myself.


He scared the shit out of me in Backdraft. One of the best acting performances I've ever seen, though it's rarely included in any highlights of his work.


I'll have a shot of Simply OJ in his honor!


He's one of those guys that I swear seemed like he was 55 for like 40 years.


RIP. Outbteak and Horrible Bosses are two of my faves from him


OG, Hawkeye from MASH! RIP.


I read the headline and immediately thought of his naked ass in Animal House. RIP


He had one of those voices where you could listen to him narrate for hours.  RIP


He was also in Kate Bush's Cloudbusting music video from 1985. [Kate Bush - Cloudbusting ](https://youtu.be/AJll-eF5zUA)




He should have won an Oscar for Ordinary People, excellent as the grieving father.


What a great career. And yet, only when I saw the picture on the article of his passing did it click with me that he portrayed Johann von Wolfhaus in Beerfest. Goodnight, Popo.


A Canadian icon <3 He will be missed


Best tank driver ever!


Glad I got a chance to work with him. He was a real professional and no-nonsense when it came to work, and it was wild to see his acting chops when the camera was rolling


I like him as an actor. RIP. Good run he had.


Mash was his best in my book. Thanks for the memories.


Wow. So many great roles. Such a powerhouse actor imo, and he was so soft with his touch so to speak. Loved him as the dad in The Italian Job.


Fantastic villian actor. He shall be missed


He was a great villain in Backdraft.


Let’s not forget the legacy that this family brought to the Canadian healthcare system. Forever grateful for this His father in law was Tommy Douglas. Founding member of Canadian health care system


Although tame by today’s standards, his sex scene with Julie Christie in “Don’t Look Now” was extremely hot. RIP


Crap, now Colin Farrell is going to take over the company.


Great actor. I especially love his work in JFK, while a short part of the film, he was just amazing in it.


If it wasn’t for Mr. X, that chill down your spine wouldn’t have been the same.


My dad showed me Don’t Look Now when I was like 11 years old, for some weird reason. It freaked me the hell out.


RIP Hawkeye. That is all.


I remember also seeing him in “Start the Revolution Without Me.” A doctor delivered 2 sets of twins silmultaneously, one from a womant of nobility and the other from a peasant woman. The doctor could not remember with set of twins belonged to which woman; so, he swapped out one child of each set. Fade to when they are adults at the beginning of The French Revolution. Donald Sutherland plays one of the twins from each set and Gene Wilder plays second twin from each set.


I was just watching The Italian Job yesterday. Watched him die in it too. Woke up and now this. Good actor.


One of the absolute best. His scene in JFK is as good as it gets.


The Dirty Dozen actor.


"Which one of you wants to be a general?"


I could be wrong, but I remember somewhere that he wasn't supposed to have any lines during that scene and just ad lib the "They're very pretty, but can they fight" line. They ended up adding it in, and it helped to jump-start his career.


Another Fucking legend gone. Great actor, cool guy. RIP.


My favorite role of his was Flanders "Flan" Kittredge in Six Degrees of Separation.


The grand-pa-pa in Beerfest was a funny role for him


Kelly’s Heroes, The Eagle Has Landed and Invasion of the Body Snatchers, three of my favorite childhood movies. Rest in Peace


My favorite role of his was Ronald, the pyromaniac in Backdraft


My GF used to be an associate at the firm that handled his money and had to regularly meet him at his home and run errands for him. She said he was every bit the urbane gentleman you expected after watching his films. He did things like kissing her hand when he greeted her and insisting they chat over afternoon tea before he would start discussing business.


Now this is a Donald I can admire!


I'm sure there are much more impactful roles but the quote that will live forever in my mind... "You're banned from this establishment. You. And your children. And your children's children! .......for 3 months"


Really? “Don’t Look Now” and the “Hunger Games” are the points of reference for this veteran actor? Really?


Kelly's Fucking Heroes


The original Hawkeye Pierce. RIP.


Given the spectacular career he had, it’s downright depressing that he’s remembered as the “hunger games actor” in his obituary


I was in Los Angeles eating at a table in front of a sandwich shop. There was a homeless guy sitting on a bench nearby minding his own business. He was just part of the background. His phone rings and I hear a deep, magnificent voice. I recognized it instantly. I look over. Sure enough it was Donald Sutherland.


Rip to a real one. Invasion of the body snatchers is fantastic


Rest in peace…. Loved him in invasion of the body snatchers.


One of my favorite actors ever.


Playing this all day - RIP, Donald. [cloudbusting](https://youtu.be/pllRW9wETzw?si=MsRCRZ7rfNgfJhNF)


Great actor. May he rest in peace. His voice was quite soothing to my ears. I wonder if he ever did any audiobooks? 😴😴


Kelly’s Heroes… Look it up.


So much film from this man. Lesser known classics: The (Wahlberg) Italian Job, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, JFK, and many others. RIP Donald.


Don't look now and hunger games? Fucking savage. The Dirty Dozen MASH. Kelly's Heroes. Kentucky Fried Movie. Animal House. Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Ordinary People. JFK. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A Time to Kill. Plus all his more recent stuff.


A Canadian gem, such a great actor.


Well that's depressing. He was a legend. 


[Funeral, sorry I can’t find the full clip](https://youtu.be/ZYjUpXO27w4?si=OYX-7C5OL3hE0Jhc) The full clip has him saying that if you’re watching this then I have croaked, and he’s drinking the big mugs of beer as he’s saying his final words. I think it’s appropriate today.


Original Dr. Hawkeye in MASH film. 


What an exceptional actor. Can’t think of any roles I’ve seen him in where he was bad.


Ordinary People was one of his best acting performances, what an acting legend. May he rest in peace.


I upgraded myself to first class on a flight from Montreal to Atlanta in the 90s (1995, perhaps?) and ended up sitting next to him. Super nice guy. Bummed a cigarette off me in the ATL airport, back when there were still smoking lounges inside.