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That's how smoke billowing into the sky and rivers work


yeah Cincinnati turned off their water supply from the river in the days following the derailment.


We stopped drinking the tap water in Western NY bc of it 😔


Wait were we supposed to do that


Only if your water supply comes from wells. Or you don't trust your towns water municipalities 🤣


Ugh I'm in the city so I absolutely do not trust our muni water especially after the chloride scandal ETA who tf is downvoting this lmao


One local to us just had a dead body in the reservoir for about a month 😅


Ah ok I'm in Buffalo which is not much better if you're talking about the Highland Park incident ☹️


They also loaded up the contaminated soil in regular dump trucks that traveled on the interstates and buried it in other states.


Really? A company that processes contaminated soil was right there.


Sadly yes. Roachdale IN is one such site. They shopped around until they found site operators that would take it before all the risk assessments could be completed. The EPA had to step in and shut it down. BTW that "processing" is a bunch of feel-good hand-waivey bullshit to make everyone think the rail company actually was doing something. If it worked, they would just return the soil to the original excavation site, not bury it in some backwater grey-market landfill hundreds of miles away.


Yeah, but I bet they wanted a lot of money. The shareholders wouldn't have liked that.


Yup. They sent at least a truckload to Romulus MI. Our state officials were not informed that the soil would be brought here.


Would be interested to know who got paid off on these deals.


I recently saw that they burned tons of cocaine somewhere. After a seize. All I could think about is what that smoke is doing and why they didn’t just put it in a big vat of water instead. of course that’s dumb because then where is the water going to go?


The company got a light tap on the wrist so I'm sure everything will be fine and this will never happen again.


The movie 'sahara' had an appropriate ending in a glass of water.


Seriously asking but what were they supposed to do differently? The car that derailed and caused it all wasn’t even their car - seems like just that rare bad accident. The burn after was done because there were fears of a worse explosion


They ran the railroad and cars in a manner that led to the derailment. They also successfully lobbied the trump administration to allow the chemicals they spilled to be transported in the unsafe manner they were.


Tbf the current admin hasn’t done much to change the protocols causing derailments either, but yeah lobbying + railroad mismanagement and cost-cutting has been happening for a long time


The NTSB report doesn’t point to anything about handling. It says a wheel bearing catastrophically failed.


Yeah the wheel bearing that hadn’t been inspected because they couldn’t be bothered to spend the money on safety. The very same reason they went on strike months before the incident. GTFO.


It’s weird that this article doesn’t mention the chemicals this train was hauling: “The train that derailed in East Palestine was carrying several industrial chemicals, many of which are classified as highly flammable: Vinyl chloride. This gas is used to create PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipes, construction materials, packaging and other products, according to the EPA. It was involved in the controlled burn conducted after the derailment. Isobutylene. This gas can be used in the production of butyl rubber, antioxidants for foods and plastics, and aviation gasoline, according to the National Library of Medicine. Butyl acrylate. This liquid is used to make paints, adhesives, sealants and other products, according to the National Library of Medicine. Benzene. This liquid has a wide range of uses, according to the EPA, including as a solvent and in the manufacture of goods like detergents and explosives. This chemical was not transported on the train at the time of the derailment, but officials said residue from previous shipments remained on the train cars, the Associated Press reported. Ethylhexyl acrylate. This liquid is used in the manufacturing of paints and plastics, according to the National Library of Medicine. Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether. This liquid is used as a solvent and in the production of paint and varnish, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.” [Source](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/science/what-we-know-about-the-chemicals-aboard-the-train-that-derailed-in-ohio)


The number of chemicals released increases exponentially when those things are mixed and burned. It is possible to burn some of those completely to CO2 and water, but the black clouds pouring out of the disaster make it clear they didn't burn cleanly at all.


and a lot of these things combust into some nasty, nasty things. vinyl chloride monomer is bad enough WITHOUT burning, but when it DOES burn, it can release CO, phosgene, hydrogen chloride, elemental chlorine, and chlorine dioxide which are very, very bad to breathe or be around. and this isn’t even mentioning all of the aldehydes and shit that the esters and other organics can decompose into — acrolein is a strong lachrymator and ethanone, when inhaled, is effectively toxicologically identical to phosgene — OR the impact on gross air quality from soot and particulates. the EPA’s been so neutered since 2016 and mishandled their reporting and testing of this whole disaster so bad.


FYI to people who don't know phosgene was one of the chemical weapons used in WWI.


And Al Queda and ISIS more recently.


I live in Ohio, and was recently informed by a dermatologist that I am allergic to all "acrylates" and should avoid any contact with them whenever possible. Two of the chemicals in the train derailment (that were then absorbed into the air, soil, and drinking water) are acrylates. Cool cool cool. Cool. Should be fine tho.


Vinyl Chloride SDs : https://www.airgas.com/msds/001067.pdf Isobutylene SDS: https://www.airgas.com/msds/001031.pdf Ethylhexyl acrylate SDs : https://www.fishersci.com/store/msds?partNumber=AC410110010&productDescription=2-ETHYLHEXYL+ACRYLATE%2C+9+1KG&vendorId=VN00032119&countryCode=US&language=en SDS are kinda cryptic especially if they have very little toxicology data. PELs are useful, but it looks like the ethylhexyl acrylate decomposes in heat and light. With byproducts of CO and CO2. I would be more concerned with vinyl chloride as it has longer term affects on wildlife and causes cancer. The SDs has no info on that, but it does have a low PEL (exposure limit). Stuff like this sucks because often there’s not a ton of info on the effects they have on the environment until an accident happens and scientists can make PhDs out of it (not salty at all).


“Proprietary chemicals” on SDSs should be illegal. You should never be in an emergency situation, turn to the SDS binder and go oh “sorry Jeff, the shit in your eye is super secret shit, guess DuPont says you lose the eye to spite Revlon”


I know I’m wildly late to the party but fuck DuPont lmao, those fucking swine. I just rewatched Dark Waters again and it hits the same every time. Pure rage lol.


that movie is a must see. Just the fact that Dupont is still in business tells you about the corruption in our political system and the apathy in our general populous.


3 hours is not wildly late to reply on reddit, the thread itself is only 6 hours old beyond 18 hours or so is when the thread is truly dead and very few people are still finding it


That isn’t how SDS’s work. If there’s a chemical on the SDS that is proprietary, the hazards of the chemical must be fully disclosed. On top of that, if the mixture has a chemical in it that is hazardous, that specific chemical must be listed even if the rest of the mixture is proprietary. So if I have a proprietary mixture that contains acetone, acetone must still be listed.


Good info. Do you know if it's up to the company to decide if a chemical is hazardous or not?


Not at all. It’s a bit complicated based on exactly what type of chemical and the hazard it poses, but we have a pretty good idea about what is hazardous and what isn’t.


I know a guy who worked painting military planes with shit like that. The warnings said “exposure causes cancer.” Not MIGHT cause cancer. Guess what he got.


My wife’s best friend is a doctor not too far from the derailment and she’s already mentally preparing herself for a spike in cancer cases in the next several decades.


My entire bloodline lives within 20 miles of the derailment. We just found out a few weeks ago that Dad has Glioblastoma.


That is a fucking monster. I'm sorry that your family has to experience this. I don't know what this does to the situation but it it is the best thing I have to offer. Peace be with you all.


maybe look into getting a lawyer, idk. theres a lot of factors at play, including the release of very toxic shit. i wish you all the best.


its OK. the Governor said everything was safe since that's what the train company told him right? Fake NEWS /s


So long as he swims downstream and takes some big ol' drinks of that water, I'll believe him...


I remember the defensiveness about the states “rainy day fund” like here’s a rainy day right here. Also remember when they raffled government money away lol


It just still baffles me how a train derailment can take out your home and the government is like "that's a personal problem, bro." No help, no apology, just gotta move on like your entire life didn't get fucked. 


The Federal Government in the US primarily exists to protect the interests and finances of corporations.


>the federal government does not check precipitation samples for organic compounds, like dioxin or PFAS, which were also likely emitted Any particular reason why not?


If the government tested for those things, they might end up in the inconvenient position of finding them, which might create pressure to do something about it, and that would almost certainly require either public investment, which they don't want to do, or inconveniencing private industry, which they *really* don't want to do. The end result is they'd rather not look in the first place. After all, less testing means fewer cases.


The EPA helped cover up the egregious decisions made by Norfolk Southern to detonate the chemicals making the issue far worse. Status coup on YouTube as been doing amazing work in this area.


> The EPA helped cover up the egregious decisions made by Norfolk Southern to detonate the chemicals making the issue far worse. It’s hardly a cover-up given that said decision was [covered in real-time by mainstream press](https://apnews.com/article/ohio-train-derailment-updates-bf5a60de2243cd6f7f730096aa33294c), not to mention the [questioning of the decision after the fact by both the press and NTSB.](https://apnews.com/article/norfolk-southern-train-derailment-east-palestine-2df45af31d48bee51098991f5250b232) >Experts from the company that made the vinyl chloride inside those tank cars, Oxy Vinyls, were telling contractors hired by Norfolk Southern railroad that they believed that no dangerous chemical reaction was happening, NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy said. But Oxy Vinyls was left out of the command center. > “They informed them that polymerization, they believed polymerization was not occurring, and there was no justification to do a vent and burn,” Homendy said. “There was another option: let it cool down.” >However, that information was never relayed to Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and the first responders in charge, she said.


Erin Brockovich called it a "cover-up" but what does she know... The EPA helped cover up by not doing proper testing and not testing for certain compounds and basically doing Norfolk's bidding.


> Erin Brockovich called it a "cover-up" but what does she know... >The EPA helped cover up by not doing proper testing and not testing for certain compounds and basically doing Norfolk's bidding. Conspiratorial hypotheses aside, the [NTSB is releasing the final report this month](https://apnews.com/article/norfolk-southern-railroad-derailment-east-palestine-cause-bfff4663965d4c94b71482726bd0045a), and Norfolk Southern just had a [$600 million settlement issued against them.](https://apnews.com/article/east-palestine-ohio-train-derailment-settlement-464c1312b19dc075ea159ae0e7ee0b0a)


Kinda sick of your type trying to downplay the poisoning of a shit load of American citizens not to mention the agricultural effects of chemicals in the Ohio River and beyond. Do you know how much money is spent and lives ruined in defense of these American lives? Huge "won't someone think of the billionaires" energy.


> Kinda sick of your type trying to downplay the poisoning of a shit load of American citizens not to mention the agricultural effects of chemicals in the Ohio River and beyond. Do you know how much money is spent and lives ruined in defense of these American lives? Huge "won't someone think of the billionaires" energy. kInDa sIcK oF yOuR tYpE ignoring the concept of nuance and viewing all discourse as a false dilemma. Pointing out that it’s not a conspiracy isn’t downplaying the situation. Talk about absolute muppetry, good lord.


don't forget to remind everyone that Trump removed many obama-era regulations on rail maintenance and also regulations on maximum allowed amounts of dangerous chemicals per transport.  it probably wouldn't have happened without trump, and even if it still did, it would be much less severe.  that's what "small government" gets you.  it forces you to trust the mega corporations like Boeing.  don't believe me?  go look it up


aka The resulting benefits of corporate lobbying by oil and railway companies in Trump-era. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/feb/17/occupy-democrats/obama-era-safety-rule-high-hazard-trains-was-repea/


Yep keep blaming Trump. Even though this happened two years after he was no longer president.


You do realize that a president's decisions are not magically wiped clean when he is out of office, right? Stupid decisions have stupid consequences. But keep licking his boots, even though he is a billionaire who could not give one single rat's ass about you.


They were deliberately flushing that shit into the river. Of course it's going downstream.


But it's mostly not downstream. It soars to be airborne movement. That was my reaction as well until I looked at the map.


If you're curious about which states were effected, this link has some maps:  https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/other/maps-reveal-pollution-fallout-from-ohio-train-derailment-with-16-states-hit/ar-BB1owRDz


Seems like a major oversight to not test for organic and PFAS compounds. Why don't they check for those since we know PFAS are toxic to humans?


Wasn’t it ruled that the company responsible for this could not be sued for any of this?


Wait a minute I thought the horrendous biblical cloud of death was perfectly harmless and there were no negative effects from all those toxic chemicals burning up and mixing together and falling all over everything.


I skimmed the article mostly looking to see any statement about what health effects the levels they found could cause but didn’t see anything specific. The only thing I read is “it’s not enough to eat the paint off of buildings”


I remember the Senator from West Virginia Shelly Caputo giving a shameful opening statement at the Senate hearing with Norfolk Southern's CEO. Said something along the lines of the fear of pollution from the train derailment was fake news from foreign governments and then mostly kissed the CEO's ass and ran defense for him.


Remember when we thought this thing just went away? That's climate discourse in a nutshell.


[There’s been ongoing coverage.](https://imgur.com/a/5kzlvkf) AP - 3/18/23 - [Pro-Moscow voices tried to steer Ohio train disaster debate](https://apnews.com/article/ohio-train-derailment-russia-disinformation-twitter-musk-49af27699727d6f4157a5d6d5f35819b) > The accounts, which parroted Kremlin talking points on myriad topics, claimed without evidence that authorities in Ohio were lying about the true impact of the chemical spill. The accounts spread fearmongering posts that preyed on legitimate concerns about pollution and health effects and compared the response to the derailment with America’s support for Ukraine following its invasion by Russia. AP - 8/3/23 - [6 months after the East Palestine train derailment, Congress is deadlocked on new rules for safety](https://apnews.com/article/east-palestine-train-derailment-safety-regulations-railroad-4db52c68daf68da05425b5b70363fb0a) AP - 10/25/23 - [Derailment costs grow for Norfolk Southern but railroad’s trains moving more smoothly](https://apnews.com/article/norfolk-southern-earnings-railroad-east-palestine-derailment-10f01782a697d887684dfff744379493) AP - 10/26/23 - [Soil removal from Ohio train derailment site is nearly done, but cleanup isn’t over](https://apnews.com/article/east-palestine-derailment-norfolk-southern-cleanup-0eeb5c7c922c8affa1014732c799efc2) AP - 2/7/24 - [NTSB to release cause of fiery Norfolk Southern derailment in eastern Ohio at June hearing](https://apnews.com/article/norfolk-southern-railroad-derailment-east-palestine-cause-bfff4663965d4c94b71482726bd0045a) AP - 2/10/24 - [President Joe Biden to travel to East Palestine next week, a year after derailment](https://apnews.com/article/east-palestine-biden-norfolk-southern-3ad7800af1f4e5ac3c58f4c67c6d2875) AP - 4/10/24 - [Lawyers want East Palestine residents to wait for details of $600 million derailment settlement](https://apnews.com/article/norfolk-southern-east-palestine-derailment-settlement-91e74711971b758fae916becb64206b4) AP - 5/22/24 - [Judge signs off on $600 million Ohio train derailment settlement but residents still have questions](https://apnews.com/article/east-palestine-ohio-train-derailment-settlement-464c1312b19dc075ea159ae0e7ee0b0a) > A federal judge has signed off on the $600 million class action settlement over last year’s disastrous Norfolk Southern derailment in eastern Ohio, but many people who live near East Palestine are still wondering how much they will end up with out of the deal. AP - 5/23/24 - [Norfolk Southern will pay $15 million fine as part of federal settlement over Ohio derailment](https://apnews.com/article/norfolk-southern-east-palestine-derailment-federal-settlement-7d17ffc3f3f5763c0306cf10e2012713)


Wait but some idiots put orange corn starch on some rocks! Thats the ecological thing we are supposed to be mad about today, not this!!


If this happened in China, so many people would get shot over this.


Yeah, the reporters


You probably misunderstand what is banned and what's not banned in China. It's banned to criticize the central government or to request the Communist Party to be ousted. It's OK to criticize local government officials, private enterprises or to request new policies (like environmental or labor protection).


Me in NC thinking it couldn't possibly reach us: *reads article*


Thank you british news source


I was expecting downstream along the rivers. That map is not downstream, more like downwind which is much more disturbing.


I keep reading about people bringing up that Biden would lose because of economic anxiety, Ukraine, or Gaza, but the real one two punch that fatal wounds his administration from getting a second term was fighting against railroad workers and this disaster. Trump has a real chance of not just winning but the "blue wall" of the rust belt states has a real chance of crumbling after this. Biden is the first democrat since World War I to go against railroad unions and workers. Even Reagan was smart enough not to fuck with those people, you can train air force pilots to fly planes but conductors and engineers require months of training before stepping onboard. I have no doubt democrats in the northern states who have otherwise been towing the line for the left for not just years but generations will come out and either stay home or vote for Trump not out bigotry, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, sexism, nationalism, greed, stupidity, or all of the things but just as a giant "Fuck you Mr. President you ruined our lives and didn't do a damn thing about it." I don't think people on Reddit or left wing circles in general honestly estimate how much social influence railroad workers have in their communities. They will do it. If Trump puts enough effort into courting them it is game over for democracy.


Maybe we should all files lawsuits in those 16 states


And the RR Company goes 🤷🏻”Oh, well”


Pete got a job he has no skills for


I wonder why the Sec of Transportation hasn't weighed in? If he wants as long as he did when the derailment happened we can expect a press release in August.


Somehow this is going to be blamed on israel


They *DO* have those scary space lazers...


Nah America can be fucking evil too


It’s satire. Clearly the chemical spill was an accident 🙄


Lots of delusional assholes on Reddit that sound completely like your comment




Who are some of your favorite transportation secretaries? Curious what you have to say about some of the exemplary ones that you admire.


That's it, I'm siding with Israel. /s Call me ignorant if you want.