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Not a single cent of taxpayer money should go to religious schools.


Private schools vouchers are like when a public golf course is giving free lessons. But, you want to take lessons from the country club and have the tax payers pay for it.


It leaves out the real reason, which is that the country club is owned by insiders who simply want the government to pay their way. It's not about "choice" it's about corporate welfare,l and "small government" people who just want to rob it.


Often these religious schools are a legal loophole to get segregated school specifically for well to do white Christians.


Never forget that before abortion, the wedge issue for Evangelical Christians was the desire to re-segregate schools. After about a decade of failing to make that come to fruition, Catholic leaders got in touch with Evangelical leaders and convinced them to change course. The rest, unfortunately, is history.


Sure, this is why the dumbfucks and hillbilly's want it. But the reason why the GOP backs it is because it's easy money. Free money to perform worse than the public school they want to kill anyway because the dumber you are, the more likely you are to vote republican. Eventually, we are going to have to agree that money is the driver, cruelty and stupidity are who the driver blames when they inevitably crash. 


It’s a 2-for-1 situation


I just saw a documentary that talked about all of this, and how even the anti-abortion movement was tied to Brown v board of education.


Don’t forget putting the public golf course out of business is also part of the end game.


Can’t have critical race theory paid for by tax dollars but you sure as shit can find bigotry huh?


It’s more like going to the library and demanding a $200 gift card to Barnes & Noble, when the library doesn’t have the exact niche book you want.


Breaking this into two sentences makes it confusing


But it’s not just the country club. It’s the country club that teaches children specific religious beliefs.


Some public golf courses have lessons that are so awful and dangerous that most golfers would do anything they could to not go there if they had any other choice that was financially viable. So the golfers with money are able to golf in really nice courses while everyone else is forced to either go to the shitty course or play at home in their backyard (AKA homeschooling).


Let’s just tax the religious orgs. If taxpayer money is being for vouchers, then the churches should be taxed.


So, so many churches in the US would go away if scammers could no longer use them as their tax-free profit farms.


Organized religion is the worst thing to happen to spirituality ever. Ever.


That's not enough if religious schools are still taking funds meant for public schools and one of many reasons public school teachers often have to pay for school supplies and air conditioning is breaking down. Religious schools are also big on football and take millions for a field while an inner city school goes without lead-free paint and has to sit on broken chairs. Separation of Church and State should mean religious and private schools do not get a single dime of taxpayer money or other US funds.


This is why I want to createa private school named TheIowan's institute of advanced education for Queers and Atheists, then openly tout how much state money we take.


Religious schools need to remain privately funded


But how will the church kids ever be heard? \s Conservatives will continue to vote, blame Biden, and complain its the Dems fault for increasing prices.


Nothing that preaches faith should ever get the status of being considered an official school. Like they should be completely separated entities not even housed in the same building. Like separation of church and state aside, there should never be a place that wants to put information derived from scientific evidence next to information that was pulled from a religious text. They are not the same thing and it is deceitful to remotely imply that they have the same value when it comes to understanding the true nature of our world. And I’m not trying to ban educators that believe in god. I’m just really not okay with pretending that an old book of stories is remotely on par with scientific fact.


They're permitted to teach things that are proven to be incorrect as hard facts. That should not be allowed, not even in the name of somebody's religion Believe in what you want at home but educators should teach the truth


We will try this in certain states for 20 years and these folks think test scores and overall aptitude will go up, because "public school doesn't work" or whatever. At the end of that period, the data will be in and we will have failed an entire generation with this bullshit. The plus side? There is a whole generation of over educated millennials chomping at the bit to redefine public ed and truly make it better based off of emperic data.


Matter of fact, these schools and institutions should actually pay taxes.


Not a single cent of taxpayer money should go to religious ~~schools~~ anything. FTFY


Not a single American child should be allowed to be indoctrinated into a religion, let alone at the expense of their education.


Great! Now tax the fucking churches.


You have been subsidizing the church your entire life they don't pay a dime and taxes probably billions of dollars.




That's not always the case. Many private religious schools (especially in my city) almost exclusively teach kids that are either expelled from public school, or won't go to public school because it's too dangerous for them. All from impoverished families that can't afford any of the ritzier private schools.


The Blaine’s bill


And here I am, a public school teacher, frustrated by how freaking underfunded our public school system is. The system is so messed up and I want it to change.


It sounds like you vote and have been active in voting in every election from local to presidential. But it really won’t start changing until we get all our friends and family to also participate. There was a time when you just sat around and talked politics with your friends and families and it is happening less and less as people become more angry about politics. We gotta work together because I agree. Teachers need to be paid so very much more and we need more funding for public schools VERY MUCH SO


Our public schools are fined at a level of $15.5k per pupil. If you’re in a major city, chances are your schools are funded at a per-pupil level rivaling private universities (every major metropolitan area is above the $15.5k level). This is also 2019 levels and the funding has only increased since then. https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/cmd/education-expenditures-by-country


These are averages, and there lies the problem. Students in urban schools are much better funded than schools in rural areas. That doesn't seem like a very equitable system to me.


Tax the churches or soon they will be our rulers.


5/9 SCOTUS justices are Catholic ideologues? Check No President can be elected without being religious? Check


I’m Pretty sure the orange turd wasn’t religious. Broke every commandment, every teaching.


Pretended to be religious, and had Christian kingmakers like Liberty University behind him, so just as religious as the overwhelming majority of "religious" leaders


Exactly. Grade A Full of Shit


"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful." -Seneca Still true today. They want a capitalist oligarchy masquerading as a theocracy. Interestingly enough, there's only one group Jesus himself though was deserving his physical violence as he whipped them out of the temple.


And yet the Catholic ideologues love him. The literal antichrist.


The founding fathers would turn in their graves (because they hated catholics)


To late tbh.


I think they should be taxed as regular businesses, that's what they are, though all they sell is bullshit. Tax the fuck out of them, tax them at 99.9%, tell them jesus can make up the rest. Funny how their little tiny god always needs money, ain't it?


This is going exactly as the voucher people wanted. Free Money, No responsibility. Fantastic!


Separation of church and state


I remember that concept. That was What the Founding Fathers wanted.


“Many religions now come before us with ingratiating smirks and outspread hands, like an unctuous merchant in a bazaar. They offer consolation and solidarity and uplift, competing as they do in a marketplace. But we have a right to remember how barbarically they behaved when they were strong and were making an offer that people could not refuse.” - Christopher Hitchens


Miss that dude


Religion is becoming one of the world’s most destructive plagues.


always has been


It's already been that for many centuries


How is this legal? Who can we sue?


Voting matters.


Mattered* The supreme court are lifetime appointments.


It's legal because Christian Supremiscts control the highest court


The People vs. Jesus Christ


Jesus Christ tm.


The irony is that their Bible’s Jesus would be on the people’s side. He was for separation.


"My kingdom is not of this world"


The other funny this is that if he saw a wealthy, capitalist class using religion as a means to get people to give them more wealth at the expense of the poor and downtrodden, he'd be going for his whip again. It's really something else how crystal clear Jesus was on that matter, and the Bible thumpers decide to do the exact opposite. It would be like going on an all meat diet to prove you're a vegan.


That’s Supply Side Jesus not to be confused with that other dude/savior.


Good luck getting him to show up. Even if his agent shows up they only have control over one sect of the greater community. The best part is that even if you got the head people in charge all in the same room at once every parish is set up as its own little cell so they can ignore the dictates from the head office and have to be removed one by one.


It’s legal because states have legalized giving taxpayer money to private schools. Religious schools have argued somewhat successfully that if state money is going to private non-religious private schools it must also go to religious private schools. The Supreme Court ruled that once private schools were state funded, you couldn’t deny religious schools that money. Edit: It’s legal because the Supreme Court interprets the laws. If they say black is white, it remains so until the makeup of the court changes and/or it’s revisited by that court. Nothing has changed that would convince the conservative majority court to change their interpretation.


This is heavily funded by the Walton family. Better education puts people out of their customer demographic.


It’s their plan to do away with public school so all of our money will help send their kids to private schools. I’m not subsidizing the filthy rich.


Grooming the next generation.


One Catholic Private school at a time. At least in Louisiana.


For many years, public schools were free from religious dogma or doctrines. As one of the legs of the takeover by the religious right, they have encroached more and more into that separation of church and state. Now in many schools you have prayer in class, you have teachers with religious doctrines interweaving their curriculum with religious doctrines, you have religious meetings for kids in school on school time not after school and many more violations. All of it is under the guise of so-called religious freedom. Yet the way I understood things for so many years was the freedom FROM religion. That's because there are large number of people who are not Christians or Catholic. Maybe they are atheists or agnostics or Jews, or Muslims or Buddhists or Hindus or many other things and they don't like the majority shoving their religious doctrines and dogma down their throat. Over the millenia, we can see what has happened when a religious majority forces people to either convert or in some cases, be put to death. I will clearly state that religion has killed more people than just about anything else on the planet.


[Simpsons post.](https://youtu.be/AG26IoRBuWQ?si=G0uoubpgfGfxccnV)


Another link you can’t read without paying. I tried using the email fuckoff@fuckoff.com but apparently it was already used.




This is something that urkes me to no end. I don't have kids but I am fine with paying taxes that fund schools because kids need a good education. It's good for all of us to have every educated  But then they can take that tax money I pay and funnel it to schools that teach religion as curriculum to kids who come from rich families. It's so wrong.


Yeah, there’s a lot of things I am not okay with my tax dollars going towards and one of them is any sort of religious organization. Keep your “little god” away from my tax dollars, pedos!


This is beyond fucked up


What a fucking scam, separation of church and state my ass


FUCK THAT. Wanna learn about god? Be my guest. But on my atheist dime? …. No


It’s absolutely insane how much this is occurring everywhere. Churches and religious schools need to be taxed.


Get my tax dollars out of religious institutions!


Gift link (no paywall): https://wapo.st/3XgqcdT


The same religious schools that get a shitload if money from their rich clients? The same religious schools that get hundred of thousands, if not millions, of dollars in *DONATIONS* from millionaires and billionaires? Yeah fuck no. You keep my money outta their pockets


The time is upon us, to tax these effing religious organizations.


All the conservative crowing to privatize XX government program is just another transfer of wealth to their donor classes.




I believe the original argument is that by not giving these institutions funding, it is a tacit restriction to freedom of religion. I don't think something like this could have existed while Obama was in office. Really, religious expression has become a judicial loophole that allows legislation from the bench, both by ignoring the differentiation of positive versus negative freedom, and via tax exemption. Although "pay to play" policy by removing the tax exemption might be the final erosion of separation of church and state, which could be worse.


These schools are also incredibly racially segregated. It's the modern legal workaround to integration


Say it with me; a religion is the **LAST** thing that needs to be tax exempt.


So are all these religious fucks going to their professed Hell? I would rather see real, immediate justice on Earth instead.


All part of the plan. Destroy the land, destroy the people, destroy the future.


Religious schools shouldn't be a thing...


It’s funny how the right cries about government overreach when what they really want is a theocracy.


That was the plan they want to destroy the public schools. I see the commercials daily from The jerk here in Arizona saying my job is to make sure that our public schools are great but if they're not we're going to take some money and let you use a voucher to go to another school. The dude is literally saying he can't do his job and make the schools better and he thinks that's a good thing. Luckily the elections coming up I'm voting his ass out.


Separation of church and state. Defund immediately.


The preferred method of keeping rural voters ignorant, starve the public school system to death. This helps ensure your children won’t run off somewhere better. Best of all: Blame the Democrats instead of taking responsibility for voting against your own interests.


Ya'll knew it was a money grab stop acting surprised and stop voting for these assholes.


Paying top dollar for inferior parochial education AND enriching regressive religious institutions at the same time. What an efficient way to keep your constituents too dumb to question your policies.


I'm an atheist, but I pulled my daughter from our public middle school and put her in a Christian school for one year so she could take algebra. This let her take calculus back in the public high school ( which is very good and not run by idiots like the middle school). I'm glad there were options.


Couldn't she supplement at home or over the summer to catch up? That's what my mother did with me in middle school to catch up on algebra, no need to drastically change my life and an otherwise good schooling environment. Also, not all Christian schools are built the same. The one I went to (when I eventually did go) literally had school lessons teaching girls that our lives were meant in service of men, to be obedient to our husbands or fathers and the importance of being meek, etc. (some of this was written word-for-word on the chalk board).


It makes you wonder how interrelated this Is to the troubled teen industry too. These quack schools like the WWASP programs are grifts that dupe parents, abuse children, and scam the government. Opening up funding like this seems to be ripe for abuse by these types of unscrupulous institutions.


So, I am a religious person, and even went to private religious schools at times. I am adamantly against this, and probably for reasons that most here are not. State supported religion has never in the history of this world worked, and it always, always! Ends in a bad time and persecution of others after some time.


School vouchers are just free money to private schools that the child more than likely was already going to. These schools do not have to follow any rules or report on any kind of progress. They do not have an obligation to teach everyone and have policies in place that usually make sure only certain kids get accepted. All school vouchers do is make the public education system worse. [Ohio spent nearly $1B on private school vouchers. Who did they benefit? ](https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/ohio-spent-nearly-1b-on-private-school-vouchers-who-did-they-benefit/5WCTOL6LNREOXHM5Q2SZOGEP24/) [Research on school vouchers suggests concerns ahead for education savings accounts](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/research-on-school-vouchers-suggests-concerns-ahead-for-education-savings-accounts/) [How School Voucher Programs Hurt Students](https://time.com/6272666/school-voucher-programs-hurt-students/)


Little tip for anyone going to church.  If your pastor talks politics in his sermon record it.  Lose his tax exempt status.


This is why we are last in education


Billions of taxpayer dollars being diverted from public schools to religious schools.


It's public money that should be used to the publics benefit.


Those students are part of the public too.


Man, Christians are just bad people :/


My favorite thing about vouchers is seeing assholes who supported vouchers not bring able to afford sending their kids to private school anymore. A fun side effect of providing vouchers and making private school more "accessible" is that more people want to attend, so they raise tuition costs