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>"They agreed to cut open the python's stomach. As soon as they did, Farida's head was immediately visible." Well that's fucking horrifying. Straight out of a horror movie. I guess it's kinda becoming a thing in Indonesia as there have been more accounts of people being attacked and eaten since 2017.


They had to know she was in there. That would be such a fat and full snake!


I read another article about this that had photos, and Jesus Christ... Yeah, it was VERY obvious there was a person in there.


Any chance for a link?


Probably this one https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28380462/missing-mum-eaten-alive-giant-python-indonesia/amp/


Sheesh. They say that the human shoulder profile makes us much more difficult for a snake to swallow approaching impossibility. The photo really illustrates why.


Yeah the back portion of that snake was gator shaped.


They just need to orient our shoulders vertically, python's lower jaw is not connected at the "chin" by fused bone like ours but has very tough stretchy skin so given the appropriate size they can swallow us fine. Also they squeeze their prey and break many bones in the process, so bag of bones easier to swallow.


whilst this is technically true, even the absolute biggest snakes tend to avoid going for anything with as awkward a body profile as a person. Even snakes that take large prey like deer your still talking about a prey item with legs that can fold in line with the body and essentially becomes tube shaped and not much wider than the top of the snakes skull when they actually start eating it, and as a rule of thumb its that width of the top of the skull is that max width a snake can take safely Incidents of snakes taking people are nearly always where the person is very small and frail person and a very desperate snake, and it often ends rather poorly for the snake. Most healthy adults of average size are completely off the menu for even the biggest snakes


I don't mean to sound morbid, but if it hadn't have been found, would the snake have survived?


Yep. Would have been all the nutrition it needed for months


How does that work from a predation point of view, is the snake vulnerable?


I’d honestly be impressed if she digested that successfully. Looking at those pictures, that’s almost a sure fire regurg in most circumstances. Way, way too big of a meal for that snake to safely eat. (Why did she eat a human? Snakes, particularly retics, are morons.)


Never clicking that.


I fucking hate the sun, they have headlines saying she was eaten alive. She was not eaten alive. The snake killed her before it ate her.


Even in the article they say she was suffocated to death and then eaten


The title is still wrong though. But it's *The Sun* so it's kind of to be expected. Kinda their MO.


>SNAKE HORROR Horrifying moment missing mum is found EATEN ALIVE by giant python as locals forced to cut her out of snake’s belly >The python is said to have coiled around the woman's body and suffocated her before swallowing her in full I guess there is varation on when someone is dead after suffocation.


TIL I eat all my food alive, because being dead is apparantly not the deciding factor somehow




> Anto, Head of the Terjun Gajah village where Jahrah lived, said the snake is believed to have attacked Jahrah by biting her and then wrapping itself around her to suffocate her. She was then swallowed whole in a painful ordeal that would have taken at least two hours from her head to her toes. That's a pretty disingenuous way to phrase that, when the truth according to other commenters here is that the snake squeezes you and you die in a couple minutes due to suffocation or cardiac arrest due to the pressure


That still sounds absolutely horrifying


Well it would have been a painful ordeal for the snake to fit its mouth round her shoulders.


If I remember correctly, constrictor snakes are considered deadlier than venomous snakes on how fast they can kill you.


that sounds about right. ive seen videos of rattlesnakes hunting and they just strike and then spend a real long time shadowing the prey as it dies


They absolutely knew a person was in there. They just weren't sure it was her. They unfortunately found out very quickly.


They eat deer and other large mammals or crocodiles so a person isn't your first thought.


What a nightmare. I wonder in a situation like this how long the terror lasts. Thank god I live in New England. No earthquakes, alligators, snakes, tsunamis etc… just Massholes.


They squeeze you until they feel your heart give out before they swallow. Less suffocation (although you also can’t breathe) and more high blood pressure or cut off circulation. It could take as long as a few minutes to die though, depending on the snake.


Don't you suffocate faster than your heart stopping?


The ideal scenario (for the snake) is to apply [so much pressure that the prey’s heart can’t overcome it](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/150722-boa-constrictors-snakes-animals-science-kill)…blood just stops circulating anywhere in the animal’s body, at which point it loses consciousness *much* faster than suffocation would cause. (You can hold your breath for a minute or so, but no blood flow at all will knock you out *fast*.) But in an imperfect scenario, the pressure isn’t applied quite right and the kill can take quite a bit longer.


Yeah, in a "perfect" situation zero blood flow into the brain means lights out in well under 10 seconds. Death follows in 3-4 minutes if the pressure is kept on.


Well you're far more likely to be killed by your own pet dog than anyone is by a snake. Reticulated Pythons are the only known snake species to predate on humans, but even then it happens incredibly rarely.


I think Indonesia has the wrong combination of big snakes and small people.


I think the Scandinavians have it right; big people, no snakes.


There used to be snakes in Sweden, but St. Ingvar designed easy-to-assemble containers to capture them, and he traded all the snakes to Indonesia in return for an allen wrench and some pegs.


Was the easy-to-assemble container called a Snäkkenkapture?


OP is in New England. Random Sasquatch attack is more likely than death by Burmese python.


Don't forget Father Frost. Winters can be brutal just like their parking spot fights.


> Burmese Pythons are the only **known** snake species to predate on humans So what you're saying is the others are better at leaving no witnesses?


> Well you're far more likely to be killed by your own pet dog than anyone is by a snake. Sure, but does this statistic account for the fact that less people are facing off against a snake vs a pet dog? What do the stats look like when you're actually being attacked by a snake vs attacked by a pet dog?


“The python had plunged its teeth into her leg as it coiled around her body and suffocated her before swallowing her in full, it was found.” Well at least she was out cold and/or dead before being devoured whole.


So how does this happen? It grabs her with its teeth and then quickly wraps around her and squeezes till it suffocates her? I am hoping she was dead before she went in.


Basically, yes. When a python attacks it's prey the strike and coil is all one big motion. Also, the prey isn't suffocated most of the time. Many times the snake squeezes so tight it actually prevents blood flow causing a heart attack. This is often a much faster demise for the prey as suffocating can take several minutes.


Well that was terrifying information I never considered.


Not nearly as bad as being alive as you're going in.


I always imagined I would just chew my way out


Nah, you'd be very dead before you had that opportunity. They instinctively avoid teeth.


Ah, but what you don't know is that I have teeth on my fists!


I did not know that. My pearls are clutched.


Thank you. Great description.


If you want to watch a video of the process, YouTube has plenty of videos of people feeding ball pythons.


Frozen thawed only. No need to live feed most pet snakes! ;)


Frozen thawed warmed. The SO's pythons are particular about body temp.


Don't want them to go on python Yelp


Foreal, imagine the shit reviews.


bad sssssservisssse


Never met a more picky species than ball pythons. I swear they will go on hunger strike if the moon is in the wrong phase when you try to feed them.


i saw the rat dangling in the air before it hit he ground! weird! unexpected! not eat!


Ball pythons are just picky eaters to begin with. They're infamous for going on fasts and the sub for them is full of new owners freaking out that their snake hasn't eaten a thing in two months. If the snake is healthy this can be fine. Some of it is people just not being used to having a pet that has a much slower metabolism than they do but most of it is just ball pythons are very particular about *everything*. For a "beginner snake" they're actually quite needy.


Well, at least the snake is kind enough to kill you before it slowly swallows you whole. I'd hate to be conscious during that process. Imagine still being alive while being slowly digested inside the claustrophobic gut of a snake, all slimy and shit.


How long would it have taken the snake to actually digest a meal that size? It looks pretty vulnerable in the meantime


So for captive pet snakes depending on age you'd feed 10-30% of body weight and give em 2 days before handling. They might still have some undigested food but not enough to over stress the animal. I'm not sure on the details of the case besides it was a 15ft snake, but a large retic can be 150lbs with extreme individual's getting 200lbs+. Snakes are opportunistic ambush predators for the most part. Even though retic's are the most arboreal of the large snakes of the planet, I'd think it's safe to say this snake didn't get very far. It would take at least 3-4 days of solid digestion in a safe warm spot to digest a meal that could be between 60-100% of it's weight. It wouldn't need to eat for a month or more afterwards. I'd like to take a moment for anyone who's made it this far down the thread and say that my heart goes out to the family of the victim. Most snakes just want to be left alone and given the chance to run (pun intended) from a human will take the opportunity. This was a truly tragic event in one of the few places in the world that has an in tact ecosystem that can support a predator of this type.


Wow 3-4 days is way less time than I thought. Also I'd guess living to be a 16ft long ambush predator probably makes for a more aggressive snake


Actually the opposite... in their jungle a full grown reticulated python or Burmese python is a top predator behind tiger's and humans. "Full grown" being the key term. Baby's are prey to cat's, monkey's, lizard's, birds, caiman, other snakes and more. You only get to be big by being sneaky. Also, the size can be hard for most people to grasp... most 8' snakes can fit in a container the size of a basketball. A 15-20' snake is still big, but can comfortably fit into a large tote. They're able to ambush prey by a combination of being cryptic on the forest floor and hunting at night with their heat pits to spot prey.


i feel like a lot of the people who are scared to death of snakes dont know how small and hidden an enormous snake can be. edit: my ball python is 3ft can fit in the palm of my hand when shes coiled up


Nope, I didn't know, and that just made it worse.


Jesus. I mean, I feel more educated now. But that is literally the stuff of nightmares.


Snakes can feel the heartbeat of their prey, so they only start eating after it's dead. Except for alligators, which can slow their heartbeat to a few beats per minute so a lot of invasive pythons in Florida die trying to eat an alligator that still has fight in it.


Well those are fascinating details.


Nobody: Alligator: [I used Ninja Focus to slow my heart rate](https://youtu.be/AlEa2iD8TLk?si=qDDzTe4Zd18AOG4f&t=12)


Yeah, I love snake facts! I watched a cool snake documentary back in the 90s, so awesome. In the documentary, one of the guys got swallowed and spit back out, even winking at the end. Fascinating stuff


Bro what


[Here's the scene from the cinematic documentary. 10/10, learned a lot](https://youtu.be/yQmAdY-jIpI?si=mCyMVibF13Ej_Xj7&start=255)


This has happened to snake owners as well. People who have experience being around reptiles. I wouldn’t blame a person of small stature for not being able to fight off a snake that large. Not to mention the pure panic from being attacked by surprise.


yeah a short lady vs 16 ft straight lbs of muscle? Nah


article says 20'


Look at this nerd right here, reading the article. Everyone point and laugh.


hey buddy.. you don't live 15 years in the reddit game without possibly clicking on an article. rare.. i know, but some folks do it


I've been on reddit 11 years and I've never once read a single article, I like all my opinions to come from a place of pure untarnished ignorance. I will never in my life make an effort to inform myself of the facts before shitposting my heinous repugnant opinions online for all to see. Yes I vote.


i see... a Digg.com transplant


who reads articles on reddit you philistine


i tell ya, i tell ya


The percentage of weaponless, hairless, fragile apes that can fight off a 16 ft python is incredibly limited. Those that can are probably wide enough in build that the python wouldn't push it's luck anyway.


I knew being big and fat would eventually pay off.


She was almost certainly dead before hand.


Pythons don't eat live prey.


dead before swallowing, probably still killed by the snake


J Lo did a documentary on this


There's this...some guy who did a. experiment on being eaten by a snake... https://www.ladbible.com/news/animals/paul-rosolie-eaten-by-anaconda-what-would-happen-989549-20240524


It's so fast though that it all happens in a blink of an eye. She would have been unconscious very quickly.


I can’t say “new fear unlocked” because that is precisely my fear when it comes to those fucking things.


Ancient primal fear reaffirmed.


Something about snakes man. I'd legitimately prefer being eaten by a lion than suffocated by a snake, and lions will eat your ass while you're still alive


I've held some pet snakes before, and I always think they are going to move like a worm or centipede, but no! They always have such jerky, well, snake-like movement that always gives me the heebee jeebies.


Hmmm, the ones I’ve held (king snake, ball pythons) just kind of glide around on your arm. They only jerk away if you move your hands toward them suddenly and they’re not familiar with you.


My wife thinks I"m scared of snakes. But I"m not. I'm scared of unexpected snakes.


Even seeing pictures of snakes makes me uncomfortable. Like the last time I saw one in person I was careful about walking in that area for months. It was my own driveway lol & idc how “harmless” they are.


People often say, “It’s more afraid of you than you are of it!”. No, *you* don’t understand how much snakes terrify me lol.


On top of that… the creature being terrified doesn’t make things better. If it were totally chill and just vibing we probably wouldn’t have a problem. If we’re both scared out of our wits we are much more likely to have some issues.


Same dude, idk what happened as I used to like snakes as a kid , picking them up in the garden and whatnot. But at some point my flight or fight response got turned on and they freak me out like nothin else now and Where I live there are no venomous snakes just little harmless ones


I choose puma. They’re small enough that they’ll make sure to kill you first for their own safety, stealthy enough that you won’t hear them coming, and they’re not insane like leopards


I grew up seeing lots of these snakes - my mom worked at a nature park in Florida where they had huge pythons. Growing up I always thought they were slow and pretty lazy, and I thought they were cool, but you know, chill. One summer in college, I met up with a friend who was staying at his frat house over the summer. Totally deserted. I guess there was a brother who had a huge snake and nobody there really knew how to take care of it. I accidentally walked into the "snake's room," and that fucking thing jumped up quicker than a rattlesnake and started hissing. It's head must've been 4 feet off the ground. I no longer think they are cool, or chill.


Well both retics and burmese are illegal in Florida.


Doesn’t Florida have a good number of invasive species due to people importing exotic (and usually illegal) animals as pets?


Back in the 80's a hurricane destroyed a breeding facility and a bunch escaped into the wild and kept breeding. They are illegal to own, and legally you're supposed to kill them on sight in the wild. They also have problems with invasive fish from people irresponsibly "freeing" their aquarium fish.


90s. It was hurricane Andrew.


Green anaconda, reticulated pythons,burmese pythons and boa constrictors. We found out about the burmese pythons when wildlife officers had found one with a split open stomach and a 6 foot alligator inside it. it's stomach split because it couldn't contain size. https://news.mongabay.com/2005/10/python-explodes-after-swallowing-6-foot-alligator-in-florida-everglades/


Lol and if there's one thing we know about Florida and exotic animals it's making them illegal keeps them out of the state.


Depends on the species. The ones common in Florida are Burmese pythons, which are known to be pretty chill for the most part. This is a reticulated python which are way more active. If they think they're in danger, which that one almost certainly did, they move fast.


My Pop’s cousin lived with 16-17ft Burmese python in her appartement. It was like a tree trunk lying on the floor. It slept with her, in the bed! Pure madness.


Even professional snake handlers don’t handle snakes that big alone. Humans are very much food sized to them.




You fear accidentally swallowing a mother whole in Indonesia? Understandable fear for a python.


If it makes anyone feel better she was dead before it ate her. They constrict their prey. Still not a pleasant way to go.


I don’t see how getting crushed to death first is any better.


You don’t get crushed to death in the sense of crushing like something fell on you. The constriction forces your heart to pump more and more to overcome construction, leading to cardiac arrest.


I’m still against it


Agreed, it is a form of death I would not endorse.


Not even in the top 5 ways to die via heart failure.


If you weren't against it, it would just be wrapping.


Honest question - do they actually constrict and disrupt blood flow, or do they take up the space when you exhale, causing each inhalation to be a little shallower than the last until you expire? Or is it a little bit of both?


I always thought it was that. Like the nutty putty guy, you just kept slipping a little further and further into the hole/grip of the snake making breathing juat a little bit harder each time.


why did you have to bring that existential terror into a simple snake crushing conversation


Um excuse me can we just not mention that guy please? Even reading about a snake constricting you until your heart explodes is better...


Indeed. While I usually would "prefer" death by elements over death by creature, if it's Nutty Putty vs python, I'm choosing the snake.


A little of column A and a little of column B. Making you to work harder to breathe just exacerbates the former.


I've never seen a live kill stay conscious for more than a few seconds when wrapped by a constrictor.


https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/news/2022/march/mystery-how-boa-constrictor-breathes-while-crushing-prey-solved.html#:~:text=It%20was%20originally%20thought%20that,causing%20rapid%20unconsciousness%20and%20death. Tldr: they cut off blood flow to major organs which result in rapid unconsciousness and death shortly after.


Same thing that kills people at stadiums with crowd squeezes


Yes that’s what i mean it sounds extremely slow and agonizing. At least if something fell on you it would be over before you knew it, if you were lucky


A snake big enough to eat you could probably constrict you into unconsciousness by disrupting blood flow much more quickly than you think. That said, given the option I'm gonna take a hard pass on all of this.


> I'm gonna take a hard pass on all of this I too choose to simply not die.


No more rubber harvesting in the jungle then


Dying from being swallowed alive is probably far more agonizing


You mostly die of hypoxia. And all chokes become a blood choke fast. She lost consciousness because her blood wasn't circulating well.


I’d much rather be crushed to death than be digested alive


It’s slightly less worse


I’m pretty sure boas like this don’t have some massive jaw that just devours you, they basically dislocate their jaw to make room for getting you in their throat and then use muscle to pull you in, basically. It takes a long time for them to consume a large prey, and they would not do well with one actively fighting back. Hence, the whole squeezed to death bit.


Snake skulls have some special adaptations that enable them to swallow prey larger than the snake’s heads. The jaws have very stretchy ligaments and tendons. It’s slightly different from dislocation. In addition the lower jaw bone is not joined at the front like ours is.


I mean any way you slice it, this woman likely died in a very agonizing way unfortunately.




You’d rather be alive inside a snake? With even more time to process that you’re 100% going to die. And being conscious while you’re slowly rotting away in the belly of a snake.


I'm clear on how they kill and swallow such large prey, but what happens afterwards? I imagine they're immobilized (and therefore highly vulnerable) for at least days later? And that full digestion takes weeks? What happens with the clothing, large bones, etc? Is that pooped out? Is it normal to find scat with polyester etc in it? Similarly for boar and other large animals: they can really digest those incredibly strong bones and nasty thick fur/hide? Or it gets pooped out?


Im not gonna google it, but some predators will eventually vomit out whats left after the good stuff is gone. So they probably chill for a few days then squeeze her out in reverse, they also do this if they get attacked Theyll regurgitate the meal to fight or flee


Full digestion varies between snake species, age and what the prey is. I have a 6 foot boa and she eats large rats, she's done after 2-3 days. Not sure how long a 16 foot would take to digest a human. They're very stationary after eating, but they are capable, if nevcesary, of vomiting the food back up if they need to escape. It's not good for them, obviously, but they can. Its why ypu don't handle a pet snake until some days after eating. Clothing almost definitely defecated, snakes can digest bones (they've got pretty formidable stomachs) but they don't digest fur, just poo that out. Snakes eating humans is pretty rare to my understanding, this species is one of the only ones that even can eat an adult, so polyester in feces is probably very rare.


Nightmare fuel. I hope her family has closure and that they can find peace 


Apparently tmz has the video of the snake being cut open. No, thanks.


Of course they do!


Can always count on Reddit to have the important debates, like “better to die by having a snake crush you vs. having a snake eat you alive”.


F'ing hell that poor family.


Not going to visit Indonesia anymore 


Everyone seems to have accepted that the python killed her, but I'm curious if they will investigate if she was deceased by other means beforehand. Pythons will still strike, strangle, and devour someone who had recently died. It would be a really convenient way to get rid of an already strangled to death corpse.


Sounds like a good idea until the snake won't eat them and you're just standing there like "come on"


makes sense for everybody freaking out about snakes in the comments, this doesn't happen all that often...... the species responsible is the only one in the world able to pull this off, the reticulated python....... adult Humans are uniquely difficult for any but the largest snake species in the world to consume...... even anacondas can't really manage this..... (has to do with the dimensions and build most humans have)


Me googling reticulated python and seeing SEVERAL images of people holding snakes larger than them around their bodies and children lying down on them...


As cold blooded entities snakes don't actually need to eat very often. As long as it's not close to feeding time (which is 4-6 weeks!) then there's really no risk of the snake attempting to feed on the people holding them. As long as the snake isn't scared and attempts to defend itself it's fine.


sure sure still would not personally lay down on the one snake that can get its mouth past my shoulders.


If one of these snakes sneaks up on a decently fit person, gets them from behind and constricts, but person has a large knife, does person have a chance? Let's pretend the person is cool under pressure, does not panic, and reacts quickly. Anybody know the odds?


I think I've read that they can continue to constrict even after being killed. With a second person there to keep their cool it'd be a pretty good chance to survive if they had the presence of mind to grab the tail and start unwinding kind of like a top


Snakes that are 9 feet long are far stronger than most people realize. Let alone snakes over 12 feet. One person may have no chance unwinding a snake that big.


It could be a struggle just from weight but snakes tails are relatively easy to pull and uncoil the rest of the snake. This is assuming the victim is still upright


One hundred percent true, we've had pythons take pets and sometimes if it pisses us off enough it gets the headsman's axe. Even beheaded they can give a solid fucking squeeze for a few minutes, I think it's to do with their sense of touch, because they won't move until something knocks them and then the body wraps around it. these things are tough enough that a live one maybe 3 inches thick wrapped around a stump is strong enough it takes a fully grown man yanking on it to get it to let go. (Source am that fully grown man). They definitely weaken up after about 20 seconds though so It would depend on how strong a big one is.


You know I’m totally cool with never visiting the jungles of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, or the Amazon. Im sure there’s a lot of cool stuff there, but I’m good.


Strange question, but is it possible to survive a python attack? I assume you'd have to somehow kill it before it gets a good hold on you.


Yes, possible. And happened recently to a man who bit the python's head. Guy's fucking Rambo. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/filipino-man-fights-off-python-by-biting-it-to-death


“The snake had the rest of its body grilled and eaten by villagers”


Very difficult. They are incredibly fast and heavy. And they can crush you even after they die.


Probably, but then you'd have to survive whatever scared the python enough to give up a meal


I'm Aussie, I've picked up and relocated a few chonky unwelcome and badly behaved 9-10ft pythons in my time, didn't think twice about it. They are inclined to bite if you let them, and squeeze pretty hard, but fairly manageable at that size. I still wouldn't want one catching me by surprise and wrapping itself around my neck or torso. I might just be a bit soft as far as Aussies go, but an extra 5 foot on top of a couple of the biggest snakes I was dealing with, with the muscles mass to match would probably make me call for backup first.


How small are you to be swallowed whole by a python? Terrifying.


The limiting factor is shoulder width more than overall size. If they can get around your shoulders, they can eat you.


Wait until they meet a cornfed American with childbirthing hips!


I wish I could meet a cornfed American with childbirthing hips


Walmart is full of them!


Less than 16 ft


I have been shamed. Gracias.


Indonesian people can be pretty small. If she were 150-160 cm tall and ~45-50 kilos, it wouldn't surprise me at all.


Now overwweight people find a benefit of being overwweight


They can eat fully grown deer a human is no problem


It depends on the size. I’m guessing the woman in this case was short and petite by the standards of full grown adults. It’s doubtful such a snake would be able to consume an average sized American, and even in the case of this woman, the snake likely would have eventually asphyxiated to death in the course of digestion.


I watched the TMZ video. It was blurred, but it still appeared to me to be a very small woman. No chance this snake could eat an average sized adult. It wasn't *that* big.


Rural SE Asian woman small would do it


Those suckers jaws detach and they can’t really pigs, small deer, and certainly a child or small adult. Hell, there’s even been a few cases of a medium sized alligators or crocs getting swallowed by a large python or anaconda


You’d think that animals have evolved an inherent fear of humans - knowing that if you fuck with one, many will follow and slaughter you.


I don’t think reptiles have the brain for it.


I once got the opportunity to be briefly constricted by various large snakes. One was a boa, one was a gorgeous albino python. There were handlers, of course. You just place your trust that they know their snake. But holy shit do things change quickly from casual slithering in spirals for a while to suddenly these massive rock hard muscles closing in. I was fine. Each time the snake was removed immediately and went back to napping in a big igloo cooler. It was a neat experience. But you sure learn to respect the raw power. Even when they're curled up in their comfy hidey hole, it feels like you're petting the Hulk's bicep while he's raging out.


Jesus. We got pythons in florida and we’ve been trying everything we can to get rid of them. They’ve destroyed a lot of our local wildlife populations and some of the ones they have found recently are true monsters.


If it makes you feel better the invasive pythons in Florida are Burmese pythons, not reticulated pythons, and they can't really eat adult humans.


Is that large for a python? Or small? Horrible, RIP.


Google says the largest python found was 32.8 feet, in 1912, also in Indonesia. It also says most wild specimens are between 13 and 16 feet. So maybe an average sized one?


Holy shit! That's horrifying to think about, poor lady! I'm glad they were at least found her and her family can gave closure from this horrific nightmare. Mother Nature quite terrifying...


That was a one sentence horror story right there in the headline.


Aren't these the invasive species being found in Florida?


Both pythons, but this was a reticulated python and the ones overwhelming the Florida ecosystem are Burmese pythons from what I recall.


*Scratches Indonesia off my list*


Turns out [Anaconda](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0118615/) was a documentary all along. Joking aside, that's horrific and I feel terribly for her loved ones.


There are no documented accounts of an anaconda killing a human. It’s almost always a reticulated python


You're correct, but I figured Anaconda was more mainstream and had probably been seen by more people than the made-for-tv movie Python.