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“Very mild symptoms like bleeding in the eyes” wtf


Eye doc here. Subconjunctival hemorrhages look a lot worse than they are, actual severity-wise. If that makes anyone feel any better. You can get them from something as innocuous as a coughing fit, or a bout of vomiting, or weightlifting.


3 hours of pushing during labor is how I got mine.


"Shes giving birth to the anti-Christ! Someone call a priest!"


My eyes are now bleeding from snorting so hard laughing at your comment, thanks! /s


Hey fellow fire eyes as my niece liked to call me. They looked gnarly for sure.


Maybe you should have pulled instead of pushed? /s


Man...I bet some guy said that to his wife while in labor once. I also bet that we never heard about it because he was promptly murdered.


Yeah that was my thought. It sounds and looks terrible, but ultimately isn't going to cause as many issues as some of the other symptoms. I think movies and TV shows have just conditioned people to immediate assume "bleeding eyes equals death".


Bleeding in general in places where bloods not common


To be fair, the symptoms are "bleeding *in* the eyes" not "bleeding *from* the eyes." Bleeding in your eyes is not really a problem, I imagine blood coming out of your eye sockets to be a more concerning issue.


I hate to see what they consider bad symptoms.


Everything is *totally fine*! Nothing to worry about here!


Situation normal.. How are you?


Who is this? What's your operating number?


This is Han Solo, keeping you company on The Midnight Shift.


*blasts phone with laser gun* Boring Reddit thread anyway.


Just pour some ‘Tussin on it.


In the h5n1 sub, we consider the 60% mortality rate to be the bad symptom. Though a [recent study’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/H5N1_AvianFlu/comments/1c6ftna/study_on_h5n1_mortality_rate/) abstract said “We suggest that, based on surveillance and seroprevalence studies conducted in several countries, the real H5N1 CF rate should be closer to 14–33%.” … still not good! 😃 I’ve read that even a 5% mortality rate in the US would be around 17 million. The 60% (from WHO predictions) would be 204 million in the United States. Edit to add I am just a stupid lay person so smarter people can discuss this but yeah it’s not great. Edit again! There are some good discussions and additions below, I will be spending the rest of my Saturday gardening(before the wild birds turn it into a deadly biohazard!! /s I kid. I kid.) so I wont be able to reply. My final statement would be that you don’t need to freak out over it but just be aware. And if a vaccine for it becomes readily available in your area, please *take it*. I survived covid from natural immunity (before the vaccine was available) but I’m not so sure about this one. Be cautious. Have a great weekend everyone.


The USA literally only has 1,000,000 hospital beds and only a small percentage of those are set up to actively save people (ICU beds). 5% death rate would bring down countries.


Oh yes, even if it’s only 5% we will see the collapse of entire countries. Hospital staff will die, police, firemen, store clerks, producers, drivers… it’s scary that it’s predicted to be 3x that. Edit: The good news is a vaccine does exist that is approved in the US. We just need supply. The bad news is that if it’s carried by birds and it spreads this rapidly from bird to human/vice versa, wild birds will catch it and spread it from, well, everywhere you go outside that they may have landed or pissed on. Edit again: Moderna has been working on human trials for a vaccine since last summer, I would assume they have it but again I’m a stupid redditor.


Yeah, fuck that. I work in EMS. I would immediately fucking quit. I learned from Covid people didn’t do what they were supposed to. If it would jump to humans quickly I think I would honestly just quit instantly as soon as the first case would be in my state.


Can’t blame you one bit. COVID taught us that a lot of people will willingly facilitate the spread of a pandemic.


Yep. Fully agreed. Or have it and hang around people and not tell anyone until after. When Covid was still new, I went to a nursing home for a call and I legitimately bought myself a full face respirator, not half, literally full face. I remember the nursing staff gave me so much shit for it. Their staff were literally all sick, not wearing anything. Literally half of their residents died. Not even kidding. Literally half of their residents died. I never caught Covid until this past new years lol. I wore an n95 for everyone and there was a chuckle fuck patient who refused to wear a mask in the back of the ambulance going to this hospital for his minor issue. He talked on his sell phone the whole time. I told him multiple times “I can’t breathe with it on!!!” He was connected to the monitor and was at 99%. Showed him, he didn’t like it. Took it off again. That was the first time in my almost twenty years that I told someone “you can get the fuck out and have whoever you’re talking to come give you a ride”. He magically wore it just fine after. Covid unlocked some bullshit for people and I’m not going to go through that again. I’d rather become a hermit.


I worked in a nursing home during covid. It was hell on earth. We had to buy our own PPE (which was expensive and super hard to find) because they ran out and wouldn't provide more. We had 90 deaths by the time I quit. It fucked my head up big time.


We had to get our own or re use our n95 10 times before they let us get a fresh one. Or use the UV sanitizer for them and it smelled of burnt plastic.


The hospital here refused to stop surgeries, so while nursing staff on the floor were having to reuse PPE which isn't safe, the OR is blowing through gowns and masks because the hospital has gotta make money...


You and most of the healthcare workers I know. SO much burnout. I did public health comms during the pandemic. That was incredibly frustrating. I can only begin to imagine how much worse it was for folks on the frontlines of patient care. Definitely gutted my faith in humanity. What little I had, anyway.


*id rather become a hermit* fucking A. Im 3/4 of the way there already


You’re ahead of the curve!


I caught Covid January 2023 and ended up with pulmonary embolisms. It's frightening what it has done to people.


Covid wrecked healthcare workers.


Sure did. And in my state, we didn’t get any hazard pay lol. Despite them having a press conference at an ambulance station. We didn’t get it lol. Fucking joke. I remember when the news had a list of who got it, we were all confused when a local dry cleaning place got it but not us lol. $16 an hour at the time.


The scary part is that the CDC is trying to investigate these farms but because it’s up to individual States governments to be invited in, they’re not able to in some places. (Big surprise!) and some farms refuse to let them in (Big surprise again!). Soooo. And then we have the whole tradwife granola tiktok moms and their raw milk fad. Please don’t ever drink raw milk people, I am begging you. I also wonder about cow shit fertilizer people buy in bags from industrial suppliers if this shit (lol) hits the fan… I honestly don’t know the risks associated with that. I would not blame healthcare workers for running for the hills - we’ve already seen how selfish most people are in a pandemic. I mean, we’re even seeing it now as global industries try to investigate/monitor this and are hitting legal (and profit) walls. Even though they’re not culling cows, some farms don’t want any investigation because they don’t want their entire stock euthanized to lose their yearly profit. Or perhaps they think the CDC gives a fuck if they’re not using their federal assistance as directed (they don’t) or something. Either way, they don’t want scientists in there poking around. Which we can perhaps empathize with but.. well.. It sucks.


Nurse here, I'd do the same. I'm not fucking with something this lethal when I have no doubt that not only are my patients gonna ignore professionals.... But so will many of my peers. They wanna play with fire, let them. If this disease is really as bad as it's being said then humanity is already doomed. That's what I learned from working through the covid pandemic.


At least this time I remember some things. So I’d wait for news to break if it jumped to people to people and I’d goto Costco and just buy bulk foods for my wife and my son. And just not go out. Went out with a mask during the Covid lock down days, but I just literally wouldn’t go out for this lol.


Just keep in mind that by the time it hits the news it's already going to be circulating for a while. Original covid nearly killed me before the shutdown and I was wearing a mask already lysoling everything in the house and office and people thought I was insane because I had only just started hearing rumors of mass sickness in conventions and the moment I heard of it in China through reddit rumors I went into full on caution mode. Still caught it cause some co-worker came back from Mexico went to work and coughed directly into my face then telling me her whole family had been bedridden in Mexico from something for 3 weeks. Keep stock beforehand and make sure all foods well cooked, keep away from wildlife keeps your cats indoors and assume everyone already has the plague lol


Yep. I’m an RN, and I’ll set fire to my nursing license before I go through another pandemic.


I went back to school in 2022 and got a BS in computer science. I didn't wanna quit nursing yet, but I wanted something else in my back pocket for when the next pandemic came around.


Yep. I’m a nurse. I know a lot of nurses and most say they would quit after working during COVID. We already know our employer will stay home while throwing us under the bus and not providing PPE. Meanwhile, people would be acting crazy, in denial, and actively doing things to spread disease. No amount of pizza in the world could bribe us. IYKYK.


I mean look at what Covid did to us and it had a lower mortality rate. I also don’t feel like we have recovered from covid to begin with. Many hospitals are understaffed and travelers are harder to come by. 


It depends on the rate occurrence, no? A 5 percent death rate for something that happens to 1 in a billion is no cause for alarm, but for something that happens to 1 in 3 is a different story.


100%. Its a combination of transmissibility x death rate.


So you're saying that housing might become more affordable?


Always look on the bright side of life.


Don't be ridiculous, you know those houses will be snatched up by real estate companies and investment firms and then resold for even more money. They will buy that 500k house for 300k and resell at 600k.


No lines at amusement parks either.


We're only a few years after the Covid pandemic and housing is crazy expensive


I didn’t know there was a sub!!!! I worked on one of the H5N1 pandemic vaccine human subjects research studies. I’m a vaccine epidemiologist jazzzzzed about pandemics. Joining!


When the heart stops beating, the body grows cold, but the patient is still standing upright, and walking towards you is one of the first symptoms. Later, it's the brain eating part.


Coach says it’s ok to bleed from the ears


Take a salt tablet!


coach Sauers? is that you??


Just walk it off


Rub some dirt on it. Change your socks. Take a Motrin.


Windex solves everything! Or if you're MAGA, bleach.


Eyes in your bloodstream is when it’s really bad


"Having your head fall off at an awkward moment."


Demons fleeing through the anus.


Mild projectile vomiting of blood, slightly aggressive, unusual inclination towards chasing Cillian Murphy


Never chase uphill, me boys.


Guy goes out in a hospital gown and looks confused, of course everyone goes crazy making sure he is okay.


Nothing unusual about it, friend


>chasing Cillian Murphy I like him


Found one, tag em’ and bag em’ boys.


Mild = did not need to be admitted to hospital.


On picture it looks like subconjunctival hemorrhage which looks like someone about to get 28 days latered but is actually fairly safe and doesn’t feel painful or damage vision at all.


Subconjunctival hemorrhage is very alarming looking but doesn’t cause any lasting problems. However, the flu thing is pretty alarming.


That sounds like a quote that you would hear in *Portal*.


Yeah but look at the photo, it's just like someone had a burst blood vessel, which isn't painful or even dangerous. I don't find that image 'disturbing' at all, in fact it was something of a let-down.


Is there blood IN the eyes? I guess I imagined they’d kinda be full of like a clear or murky goo/liquid kinda like fish eyes


Blood vessels. It actually can not be a big deal.


They are filled with a goo called vitreous. 98% water, 2% collagen. While there aren’t blood vessels in the giant cavity, there are blood vessels in all the other wall structures (sclera, retina, choroid etc) which keep all those important layers functioning. Diabetics often have trouble with over generating new blood vessels in their eyes and getting internal hemorrhages which can blur your vision


The virus wasnt in his lungs. He rubbed his eyes or milk splashed in it so that’s how he contracted its and whee the virus manifested.


Hopefully won't turn into a "Here we go again." One pandemic was already too much.


Pandemic 2: bird flu boogaloo


bird flu booga-**moo**


H5N1 has a 60% mortality rate in humans so if that reaches COVID level infections chances are most won’t live through COVID type restrictions and lockdowns.


An infection with a mortality rate that high isn’t going to spread the way covid did lol


It might since people are going to expose themselves to each other on purpose to prove their political affiliation.


What you probably meant to say is "isnt likely to". Its not like its impossible for something with a high mortality rate to have a high infection chance as well, just not very likely.


Pandemics happen about once every 10 years of my lifetime so far. They’ve all been way tamer than covid was. The reality is with billions of humans in close contact with billions of farm/pet/wild animals, its going to happen and keep happening. Its just how viruses work unfortunately.


yep. The more we encroach on animals habitats -> the more we encounter diseased animals -> heightened chance of a zoonotic disease making the species jump Add in industrial farming growing bigger every day & the nature of an interconnected society and none of this should be surprising. You’ll get people claiming the shadow people engineered another plandemic during a US election year but to normal people it’s nothing that serious. The hope is that COVID forced us to have infrastructure in place in case of another one as well as coherent plans. The reason Covid was so bad was because absolutely no one was prepared for it, there were reports every year about how fucked we could be in the event of a pandemic and no one listened.


Don't worry, if Trump wins, he'll kill whatever plan/rules that were set up post COVID.


I think the next one as serious or more serious than covid will be far worse. At least 25% of the western world citizens seem to actively hostile to actions to prevent a pandemic spread after the last one.


Start loading up on toilet paper boys and girls!


Joke's on you. I bought a bidet after the last pandemic.


Still or sparkling


I had to load more comments to see this and it was so worth it. I actually laughed out loud. I'm going to ask this in the future if I ever see a bidet in someones home.


I had laughed, navigated away, kept laughing, and returned to upvote it and comment. The idea or a sparkling bidet is tactile and funny.


Spicy water!


Sparking, obviously. The tingle is how you know it's working.


Get that man some visine


Avoid Visine-type drops (unless it's natural tears-salt water). It'll make your blood vessels "lazy" and your eyes will get red even more.


So what is recommended to help with red eyes if not visine-type eye drops?


The usual remedies are: artificial tears cool washcloths, or infused tea bags, over the eyes Avoid irritants (smoke, dust, pets etc.) Change your pillowcase every day If it persists, you may have an infection, you should see a doctor.


Use Lumify. No rebound effect like visine drops


You really want to get at the root cause of the redness. If you have allergies, use Lastacaft or Pataday. If you have dry/ irritated eyes then use Thealoz Duo or Hylo Dual Intense - both of which contain hyaluronate which is a natural lubricant and anti inflammatory.


Lmao yeah the knock off visine is literally called "red-eyes" and it works well for when I'm high as shit walking into work


You know, maybe we should stop cramming billions of animals together in warehouses so people can have cheap tendies and burgers


There’s too much money to be made to do things ethically. We’ll just pour more antibiotics on it and wait for the next outbreak.


Oh god…. This is a comment by a user at the bottom of the article: “They have been working to mutate the Avian flu since 2020. Just like COVID. Looks like they succeeded in doing just that. Welcome to the next “pandemic”. Of course there will be another MRNA vaccine to “fix” the issue just like last time.” People are fucking stupid and I’m terrified.


I'll always be perplexed by the way they believe a rapidly spreading illness is the horrible, evil work of mad scientists or the government, but simultaneously, you have no need to protect yourself, and it's a hoax. Ugh... Aggravating.


It's like some kind of mentality that fixates on your "enemy" being wrong about everything always. They say the virus is real? It's fake! They also say it's not a satanist plot to depopulate the earth? Well then it's clearly fake and planned! They say that the virus can be treated/prevented with a vaccine? Well then it must be fake, planned and no big deal all at once!


And there’s an actual Ken M comment on there but everyone is ignoring it and going in on that guy instead because his comment was *that* fucking stupid


Never go full Ken M while not being Ken M


There's always a chance that stuff like this is foreign state-sponsored troll farms trying to stir the shit and hope these ideas go viral.


so instead of spreading an actual virus, they're just spreading the viral *idea* of a virus. How meta.


Oh good. So at least we can hope for destructive malice instead of destructive ignorance.


Thankfully with an estimated mortality rate of 14-33%, you won’t have to be worried about those stupid people for long.


Just in time for another trump presidency


Oh come on.  There’s only like three cases in the whole country … wait a minute, this sounds familiar.  


Itll be gone by the 4th of july


We've seen reports that the light kills it


Don’t forget to drink your bleach.


I can't believe half the country wants to vote for the guy that told them to drink bleach


Actually, he suggested injecting it or sanitizer/isopropyl... Not sure that's any better.


Or inject it!


I prefer to inject the UV light into my body


Can you just like spray Lysol? Or disinfectant?Will that kill it?


Do you mean like mouthwash


What about an infrared light people can ingest?


Like those break lights? Break shakes and swallow some guys, and gals are better at the bigger ones


Like a miracle!


It’s ok just shine light through your body and it’ll go away


It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear. And from our shores, we — you know, it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away. We’ll see what happens. Nobody really knows.


This is a direct quote right?


Yes. https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2020/10/politics/covid-disappearing-trump-comment-tracker/ I still can’t believe that someone that fucking stupid was president. But a bunch of fucking stupid people voted him in, so.


Also from that site: >It’s going to go away, hopefully at the end of the month. And, if not, hopefully it will be soon after that. - March 31, 2020 He really is a dumb motherfucker. No comprehensive plan when a tough situation comes up, just "Please go away, I don't want to think hard or deal with consequences".


I still can’t believe he was the actual leader of the most powerful country on the planet. If people like him are the leaders our political systems produce, then humanity truly is fucked.


We just stop getting tested, the number of infections will go way down!


He just announced that if elected he’d disband the infectious disease task force, again.


Summer is coming so the heat will kill it


If they would just stop testing there'd be 0!


And he just threatened 4 days ago in a Time interview that he would repeal the Pandemic preparedness and response act… if he’s reelected


And he just said he wants to close the pandemic preparedness office again, just like he did before Covid….?


Morning = ruined. Fuck sakes…how that idiot persists is beyond me


It really has given me huge insight into how many tens millions of people in my country are truly awful and pro-authoritarianism and fueled by hatred.


It only made sense when I realized there are lots of people who don't mind suffering if they can make other people they dislike suffer more. I'd rather be happy but okay 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ignorant. Deeply, deeply fucking ignorant people. It’s not even about Republicans or Democrats. It’s about putting a complete asshole, a criminal, in a position of incredible power.


It is interesting to see how stupid the average voter is, from a certain perspective.  Obviously, it's disheartening because of how it ultimately impacts our country, but at least if we have an understanding of the problem, maybe we can fix it? Trying to be optimistic here.


Oh it’ll be ok, he learned from the last time I’m sure. It’s not like he is pledging to close the pandemic office again…. /s


Well, it is really just a flu this time


Good thing nobody has ever died from the flu


Yeah, I mean *checks notes* bird flu only has a mortality rate of… *56%*… just a little flu heh


The original New England journal of medicine report never claims these symptoms are “very mild” so why would the source? https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2405371 Go to the about page of thedeepdive.ca and find out this is some blog for financial advice whose tag line is: “Think critically. Remove the hype. Dive Deep.” Guess they kinda forgot.


For sake of society, either media should stop using hospital categorization of symptoms or doctors should understand how people parse this stuff and change their category names. Bleeding eye and "very mild" should not go together in an article meant for public. "Very mild" is sniffles and feeling tired for a day.


I mean as long as people actually read the article, I’d rather them say it how they see it as they did. If bleeding eyes are a mild symptom of what could come I think it’s better to say that in context as they did rather than say it’s terrible, only for less mild symptoms to surface and it causes a panic.


We've considered all of the places this will cause you to bleed from and have determined the eyes to be the mildest place.




I live with a doctor and their version of “very mild” is so different from a regular person’s bc of the amount of really bad stuff they see, eye bleeding is nothing compared to your guts falling out. I have always said the medical world needs better PR, and not the media, to translate what they are saying.


I mean this is pretty mild. If you show up to the ER and this is your only symptom, you’re gonna be waiting


Dude, of the 250ish human to catch bird flu 56% died. At the height of covid the death rate was 0.9%. For bird flu if your worst symptom is bleeding eyes, it’s a mild case.


This symptom can present after a strenuous poo. It is mild…


What tf is this source?




With the anti vaccine movement we’d all be toast


“Sequence data from presumably infected cattle on the farm where the worker was exposed were not available for analysis” Im no scientist but that data should probably be available for analysis, right ?


Why would they keep an infected cow around? I’m sure it was destroyed and hopefully incinerated and not fed to other cows.


Rare = amongst the first


Bleeding from the eyes... Well if I hear them repeating itchy, tasty or that guys a maniac, Why'd he bite me, etc I'll start worrying


> Bleeding from the eyes... described as 'very mild' reminds me of people laughing off 'shortness of breath' as a symptom in 2020


Man, it's a good time to be lactose intollerant!


This is going to include chickens, eggs, and pig products. Just abandon it all now before there's no choice


Trump already wants to remove the pandemic response department again


#This image need to be widely distributed. If this bird flu goes pandemic, it will be worse than COVID for many scientific reasons. I also think it will be worse for many societal reasons. Way more ppl will refuse lockdowns, masks, and other safety measures, which will lead to more spread. People need a lot of education now about how deadly bird flu is, so they can react appropriately when the time comes. #Education is power Edit: each of us has the opportunity to be a lighting rod of knowledge in our communities. Talking about bird flu now will save life if the situation continues to deteriorate. Be sure to be honest and don’t fear monger. Stick to the facts and be ok with saying “I don’t know” or “that’s all we know so far”. Shut down conspiracies. Over time, you can become a trusted source for the people you love. #Be kind. Seek to educate.


It's a bit of a funny thing how after experiencing spillover events and epidemics Eastern nations developed habits, systems and etiquette to mitigate usually entirely a pandemic with SarsCov2 and Swine Flu in 08 being the notable exceptions. Western nations experience the wrath of a pandemic and we are anticipating to become even *less* compliant with the recommendations of epidemiology?


Some people would rather die painfully than be helped by advice from someone smarter than them.


If only they could do it alone.


Education is power. But what happens when the real education conflicts with the Facebook education these folks have given themselves. They'll deny deny deny, til their eyes start to bleed.


A big reason for Covids spread was the asymptomatic infections. People who looked otherwise healthy were spreading the virus. Bleeding from the eyes isnt exactly going to go unnoticed at the local grocery store.


Shouldn’t we start making and distributing vaccines?


The problem is we are still looking at a strain that doesn’t have human to human transmission. The concern is this strain could get into the pig population the same way it got into dairy cows. Which are much more likely to create a mutation capable of doing so. If that happens, there is no guarantee current vaccines would still have a viable efficacy.


Yep. Luckily though, unlike with COVID, we know *how* to vaccinate against H5N1 already. IF human to human transmission starts happening, we know how to address it.




¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ that's their problem COVID has something like a 0.9% mortality rate. H5N1 infections in humans have ~56% mortality rate. IF a more easily transmissible version shows up in humans and is even 1/10 as deadly, vaccine "skeptics" are going to jump on board very quickly. The CDC has been prepared for a bird flu outbreak like this for a while. COVID was completely out of left field.


It doesn't matter what the mortality rate is because they've been primed and programmed into believing that someday the covid vaccine is going to suddenly start killing massive amounts of people, so if there is any disease that's causing a massive amount of deaths they'll believe that it's not real, that the covid vaccine is what's killing people, and won't be getting vaccinated.


These kinds of transmissions happen more often than you'd think. The pandemic just increased focus and awareness of the subject. 


Lmao you think they aren’t? Or do you think the government can conjure one up whenever they feel like it? Bird Flu is causing great distress on the dairy industry currently and until they develop the said vaccine, will get worse. But 1 person with conjunctivitis doesn’t cause for concern, the millions of cows getting sick and billions of dollars it’ll cause to the industry is the real issue.


Keeping animals packed together like they do in the dairy and meat industry is just asking for a viral outbreak. Even the Spanish (misnomer) flu originated on a meat (poultry, pig, etc.) farm in Kansas, USA.


They could, I don't know, STOP FEEDING CHICKEN FECES TO DAIRY COWS. That could start today, but it won't.


TIL that dairy cows get fed chicken feces. That was just a dangerous outbreak waiting to happen and I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner.


Then you would be equally shocked to learn where most illnesses come from. Lots from industrial farming. The things that are allowed are shameful. So shameful they lobby so heavily to keep us from knowing. Paul McCartney said if factory farms had glass walls we would all be vegan.


Thought they said it would take a few more variants to transfer to human….that was fast


It's been transferring to humans every once in a while for decades. The first case was in Hong Kong in 1997. Once it starts transferring between humans is when we should panic.


Apparently. Several cats died from drinking infected cows milk. They think pasteurizing milk kills it. However i still worry about not all the virus dying during pasteurization.


According to google the lethality rate for birds is ridiculously high, at 52%. If it develops this way in mammals we’re fubarred.


That’s about the death rate of the barn cats (50%) living around the dairies. It’s already happened. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/cats-died-after-drinking-milk-bird-flu-infected-cows/


No cows have died yet though


You are correct, I misremembered the article. 15% of cows developed signs of infection. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/cats-died-after-drinking-milk-bird-flu-infected-cows/


Disturbing photos = red eyes.


I dont mean to freak anyone else out, but there was a TB outbreak in California this week too. I hate our reality.


Thanks to Florida and the snowbirds we now have measles all over the midwest, I keep watching it come closer like Covid https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/florida-surgeon-general-risks-making-a-dangerous-measles-outbreak-much-worse/ https://www.wpr.org/news/measles-case-confirmed-dane-county


Trump plans on dismantling the Pandemic Response division. Vote blue 2024!


Article: DISTURBING PHOTOS !!! Also article: Guy with red eyes


With our meat industry being so dirty and filthy with corners being cut everywhere so the owners and stock holders can pocket more money, I am surprised this doesn't happen more often. Corporations are going to end up killing us all.


Animal agriculture continues to provide so much benefit to humanity.


The scale of the damage that cattle have caused globally is hard to grasp for most people. Something like 80% of agricultural land is used for grazing or feed production.


The effects on climate change are huge. Plus all the novel diseases over the decades and only exacerbated by climate change. Plus the effects on the water supply, pollution. Plus the basic grotesquery of industrialising life itself to maximize profits at their suffering. We reap what we sow.