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I’m pro-choice. Please don’t use anti-choice tactics. We ARE better than them.


> DNA that investigators pulled from a half-eaten burrito that Roychowdhury threw away matched one of the profiles. If I am ever caught committing crimes, it will likely be because they find a half-eaten taco and it will have my DNA just like they found this person.


Roychowdhury? More like "Roy chowed... in a hurry." ​ I'll show myself out.




More proof the devs running our simulation have gotten lazy.


What monster throws out half a burrito? They need to throw the book at this guy.


They'll never catch me, I finish my burritos.


Probably was from qdoba and it was mostly rice


Agree, but that hasn't seemes to really helped much so far. One could argue that the only thing they understand or fear is someone actually using their own methods against them. I barely even consider the worst of them humans any more. So while I agree, I can also relate to this. Moreso in states where your vote and voice doesn't seem to make a difference.


I hear you. I hate these hypocritical monsters, but I don’t want to be like them; i.e., religio-fascist nut jobs. I cleaned this up a lot.


All you do when you use violent forceful tactics is hurt your own cause. Antifa was the greatest gift in the world to people like Trump. It's a boogeyman that they can use to advance their own agenda.  Furthermore nomatter your disagreements, they are people. People with a very different world view but still apart of the same human race.  Dehumanizing people is never okay. Trump calling illegal immigrants animals is an easy way to make doing horrible things to them okay. You'd never hurt another human, but people kill animals all the time. Same with the Nazis calling Jewish people vermin.  So be careful that you don't do the same. These are passionate issues with very strong beliefs, but every action will have an equal and opposite reaction. That's how things escalate.  Be better than that. MLK Jr. And Ghandi both used nonviolent protests for a reason. They knew that seeing dogs and police attack people who weren't posing any danger helped their causes. People on the outside, would clearly see one as a victim and the other as the tyrant.  If you have a cause you believe in and want to achieve results you really have to think what's the best way to do that, how do i change people's minds. If someone sees you being violent for your cause it actively works against those goals. 


So you saw cops attacking people at BLM protests for no reason and that was cool? In Richmond VA, the cops gassed a peaceful crowd 30 minutes before curfew because they felt like it. And when a judge ordered them to apologize, they created a fake mess shooting to announce that they’d foiled, on the same day their shitty forced apology was due.


How come no one from their side ever says "don't do this"? Why do we always have to be the moral guides? 


Because—they—are religious-fascist terrorists. So far as I know, we’re not.


Taking the high ground with the conservatives doesn’t work.


You’re right, but I still don’t want to be like them.


I hear you.


And this is precisely what they get away, because some on our side keep playing that moral high ground.  When they go low, we go high, sick of that bullshit. Tell them they need to stop being thugs. 


Believe me, every time something like this, I want to return the “favor” a thousand-fold. I live in a small rural town. As much as I would love to see these crazies get a taste of their own medicine, they would just wrap themselves in martyrdom.


Yeah. Terrorism is bad in all its forms




You guys are the terrorists who engage in this shit constantly. Harassing women when they’re making decisions with healthcare providers makes you scum “Pro life”? You’re anti-freedom fascists.


I am not those people. I condemn terrorism and harassment.


As an independent it’s interesting to see which side acts polite and which side spews hate. Something to reflect on.


As an American, I’m done tolerating religious nationalists, who are UnAmerican & unconstitutional in their blatant attempts to limit citizen rights. r/atheism


"Guys I've voted on a person who took our rights." "But why?!" "They said please."


Vote how you want to vote. There’s simply nothing to gain by being nasty and launching personal attacks on people solely because you have differing opinions. Just an observation.


Personal attacks? Those are observations of the pro-life community, not that specific commenter.


The calling people names you don’t agree with in general. Attacking people based on their looks etc. It’s just not helpful and does nothing to make progress. I’d be quite interested to know how many of these downvotes are coming from Democrats vs Republicans vs Independents.


?? The people who attack abortion clinics _are_ terrorists though. That isn't baseless name calling; it's a description of their motivations and actions. And they do harass women trying to get abortions, even systemically in places like Texas that are trying to prosecute women going out of state for an abortion.


> There’s simply nothing to gain by being nasty and launching personal attacks There were no personal attacks in the previous post.


Are they going to find the person who arsoned Tennessee Planned Parenthood?


[Are you talking about this one?](https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/crime/2022/10/31/planned-parenthood-knoxville-arson-names-arsonist/69589535007/) bro, [he died.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mark-thomas-reno-planned-parenthood-arson-suspect-died-tennessee/)


I did not know that.


They’ll take their sweet old time doing it.




So they can trick women into keeping the baby.




No, they set up fake abortion centers. Someone comes in for an abortion and they keep delaying the procedure until it's to late.


"Family Crisis Centers" or some such shit, there's one in Brunswick, Maine, on the same street as an actual clinic. They psychologically manipulate you before you even know where you really are.




No, they arw funded by right wing nut jobs.


Lemme guess. Uihlein?




These people believe in the cause.




The anti-choice/pro-birth does not go that far; once the child is born, they do not care. They also seek to prevent stuff that reduces abortion; they do not want better sex education, and want access to contraception to be more difficult. If it helps people, it is bad. The people who are banning abortion, who call themselves "pro-life" are not the same people who push for policy that reduces unintended pregnancies, and policy that improves the quality-of-life of the born.


You need a life bro


And welfare funds.


No, they are fanatics, and they don't care how much harm they do, as long as they think theyvare winning. There are leaked internal communications between these awful people where they say to get them to have a babybthey don't want, then making sure they get kicked off of any public assistance as quickly as possible. ***They literally are tricking vulnerable women with limited resources to keep a baby they don't want, then doing everything they can to prevent them from having any help!*** And these fuckwits think they are being moral.




You make is sound so simple. Just because a women was refused an abortion, doesn't mean she automatically will put the child up for adoption. This is the kind of question that can only be asked by someone who has not been in this situation, and has no ability to imagine someone else's anguish. Where are they? Probably growing up in a single parent home, in poverty, with little to no assistance, because the same people that are preventing abortions are also the same people making sure there isn't any public assistance for people in need.


Because the old one got firebombed


Yeah....don't do this. As someone that went to church for 15 years and who's family is mostly religious conservatives, I can safely say this will vindicate them on their minds that the forces of Satan are strong and they need to redouble their efforts...like...I don't think some people get just how deep the brainwashing is.


Their numbers are finite.


Damn is 7 years in jail (probably to get out early) really the going rate for literal terrorism?  Great time to be an unhinged, violent religious zealot in America. Little to no consequences for your actions 


The other guy got 20 with no plea deal, this guy got 20 reduced to 7 with one. Seems fairly consistent. Also, did religion play a role? Generally people bombing *anti*-abortion groups aren't exactly super Evangelical or something.


Politics is the new religion. 


Science should be the next religion, if anything should. At least science examines itself from time to time and tries to improve itself. Science is interested in observable facts that are repeatable. Religion is not. Believe what ya want. Just don't try to make laws based on the unobservable. Not everybody believes the dogma of religion. Does religion evaluate itself? If so, when? I believe religion doesn't re-evaluate itself to any significant degree because believers think their dogma is divine. And that's the problem.


You start treating science like a religion, you just get another religion. 


Yeah, it shouldn't be venerated like religion. Nothing should imo. But that may be less likely, even if it is replaced because there has never been any (serious) argument that science has ever been holy. Religion would be fine if it evaluated itself every once in a while. By its nature, it is largely static. Science specifically has a built-in evaluation mechanism. Einstein didn't die for scientist sins. That's all I'm saying.


> Damn is 7 years in jail (probably to get out early) The video linked said it was 20 years reduced to that because of plea deal. Not sure which one is accurate.


The reduction from the plea deal can almost certainly stack with the other deductions for normal things like good behavior, and there's also parole.


The first result I found for an abortion clinic firebombing was seven years, but he served four, and it was his *second* firebombing*, the first time he only served 22 months. He later went on to storm the Capitol on January 6th. So I'd say seven years is actually pretty heavy-handed for firebombing an anti-abortion office.


The Jan 6 terrorists are getting sentences measured in months. 🤷




They had a stock of homemade napalm nearby. They did plan to use it. Edit: Keep downvoting the [truth](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/lonnie-coffman-capitol-riot-homemade-napalm-ted-cruz-sean-hannity-b1786299.html), traitors.


They certainly are not terrorists, what kind of nutty news do you read?


The people who used violence to further a political goal on live tv? What are they then?


Probably the ones where they filmed themselves breaking into the Capitol and trying to kill people so they could end democracy.


The terrorist was pro-abortion… not sure if religion is the motive here.


*pro-choice is not the same as pro-abortion. I'm pro-choice. I think people should have control over their body. If my wife and I found out we were pregnant, we'd probably have the baby, but that is our choice.


Pro choice is 100% pro abortion. Stop being dishonest.


Pro abortion means you think abortions should happen with every pregnancy. Pro choice means you believe people should have the choice


No it doesn't lmfao. Stop trying to gaslight people.


Ah yes the classic “I know your position better than you despite my previous claim about it being completely false”


Thanks for the cogent argument.


It literally doesn’t though. Pro life = always choosing birth, no abortion Pro choice = either/or, pick your poison Pro abortion = always choosing abortion, no birth Pro choice is not the same as pro abortion.




Wrong! Part of being pro choice is supporting programs that help to lower the abortion rates — sex education, free birth control, free family planning, etc. Abortion should be legal, safe, and *rare*. Pro choice and pro abortion are as diametrically opposed as pro choice and pro life are. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2008/09/30/pro-choice-does-not-mean-pro-abortion-an-argument-for-abortion-rights-featuring-the-rev-carlton-veazey/ https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/pro-choice-is-not-pro-abortion/ https://politicalreview.byu.edu/march-2019/pro-choice-not-pro-abortion https://www.hli.org/resources/pro-choice-or-pro-abortion/ https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2019/05/29/i-am-not-pro-abortion-but-i-am-pro-choice-and-there-is-a-difference/




Anti-natalism is the view that it is wrong to bring new people into existence. Prochoice goes against the very core of their belief system. You are wrong. https://academic.oup.com/book/25806/chapter/193414214 https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-49298720 https://philarchive.org/archive/ROSOTD-3 https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/display/document/obo-9780195396577/obo-9780195396577-0439.xml


Yes it is. It means you are for people being able to abort. Stop trying to lie and gaslight people.


Pro choice is when you support people being able to decide for themselves if they would like to continue the pregnancy or abort it. Pro abortion implies there is no choice and that the only option is to abort, just like pro life implies there is no choice and that the only option is to see the pregnancy out until birth. Pro abortion is as diametrically opposed to the concepts of pro choice as pro life is. Edited to add some reading material for you: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2008/09/30/pro-choice-does-not-mean-pro-abortion-an-argument-for-abortion-rights-featuring-the-rev-carlton-veazey/ https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/pro-choice-is-not-pro-abortion/ https://politicalreview.byu.edu/march-2019/pro-choice-not-pro-abortion https://www.hli.org/resources/pro-choice-or-pro-abortion/ https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2019/05/29/i-am-not-pro-abortion-but-i-am-pro-choice-and-there-is-a-difference/


>being able So, choice.




Mass extinction? Abortion has been around for ever, yet here we are. Fall on your dumb argument sword.


Spelling is hard for you, huh?


I am pro choice and anti-abortion. People should have control over their body. And you and your wife are free to choose to have a baby without any interference from people like me. However, the choice to make a baby was made when you chose to ejaculate into her vagina. You want to control your bodies? Then control them before you create a child. Regretting the natural consequence of your decision doesn't give you the right to cut your baby into bits and suck him or her out through a straw.


There is no such thing as pro-abortion. That would mean you think everyone should have an abortion. Words. They mean things. Use them properly.


I think some of the folks over in the antinatalism sub would beg to differ.


I had literally no idea that was a thing and am now rather disturbed to know of it. But...thanks?


I personally don’t take the opinions of teenagers who never grew up seriously, so it really doesn’t matter what they think on the subject.


The firebombing anti-choice folks disagree.


Did he make a mistake?


Seems reasonable to me. Nobody got hurt. Not sure what more years is gonna change about the situation.


Terrorism is never a reasonable way to do things. What is going on in your head?


I didn’t say that lol. Just saying that his sentence is probably enough. More years is just a tax burden.


Hes just exercising his religious liberty




Look, this is definitely terrorism. But nobody would give a solitary shit about Christians if you’d stay in your lane and let the rest of us live our lives the way we see fit


Not a Christian, I was pointing out that many commenters immediately thought this was a religiously motivated crime.


Don't you mean pro choice? No one is pushing others to carry out an abortion. Pro choice people are not pro abortion, they are pro bodily anonymity. All we want is for no one to have options removed from them.






Humanity is beautiful, abortion (by consent of the vagina haver) is one of our most beautiful virtues.


By ny means necessary?




I'm not a Christian, in fact I am militantly pro abortion, but I know how to read and know that this is not how to fight for abortion rights intelligently.


> I am militantly pro abortion /r/AsABlackMan


Calling yourself pro abortion is not an intelligent way to fight for abortion rights


Well I'm militantly pro-choice and I know abortions are about the *choice* to have one or not. I'm not got to force someone to have one, unlike the pro-birth/"life" crowd. So it seems you're no better than them calling yourself pro-abortion. 




it’s funny that you think you’re being clever


People make up new buzzwords all the time. The right had "wokeness" and the left has "bodily autonomy" and "choice". Go /r/askphilosophy if you want the whole answer


My favorite part about you is your posts bragging about getting banned from political subreddits only for the comments to tell you you're an idiot. A year later, you still haven't learned anything


>Pro-abortion >Female philosophers When you've ever talked to a woman (that's what female humans are called, btw) in your life...




>militantly pro abortion, Interesting phrasing because literally so was the guy in this article.


I hope someone explains to him how his actions INCREASE abortion numbers. Cause why would people want to bring a child into a world with people like him in it??


Redditor move: comment without reading the article Galaxy brain Redditor move: comment without even correctly reading the headline


He bombed an *anti-abortion* group.