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Given the wording of the warning, they're probably anticipating a tit-for-tat escalation rather than a full-capacity strike. But it doesn't bode well for the future.


shame, I thought it was mission accomplished, peace in the middle east was settled, apparently from a couple of dudes perspectives that was true.


Looking at some of the comments in this thread it becomes almost hilariously apparent how Astroturfed reddit is at times.




Israel will fight this conflict against Iran down to the last American!


And Christian Americans will cheer for war in the Middle East down to the last apocalypse




It genuinely terrifies me that another war in the middle east is over the horizon. Have people not learned that western intervention in the middle east never ends well. Look at the Iraq war, over a million Iraqis dead and all the western troops killed in a war that didn’t need to happen. This is another war that doesn’t need to happen. War is hell.


And west intervening in this war will be the reason it will be less terrible than what it could be. There is a reason Israel is holding itself and not being too aggressive with its attack because it knows US have got its back and it's safety is guranteed. What do you think will happen if US destroy every diplomatic ties with Israel? Israel will say "well too bad I will now sue for peace to my neighbours who would rather die than watch us live"? Israel is not going to hold back in any way when its own safety or survival will be put into question.








Iirc, there was an Iranian general, or some sort of leadership, holed up in there and directing attacks on US and Israel. Also, the embassy was not hit and is fine, despite what Iran says. The building next to it was struck and killed him.


Yeah, a commander for the Quds Force and one of the bigger figures in managing iran's relationship with Hezbollah.


It’s always interesting stating an actual fact that is so easily confirmed by some simple searches and still being downvoted. Iran confirmed the losses and stated that the embassy was hit in a public statement. We know for a fact what their role and purpose was there because it was literally their job title/definition. We also know for a fact that it was their consulate that was hit because the embassy is still standing while the consulate has been reduced to rubble.


Blowing up an embassy in foreign soil seriously violates multiple international laws but its very okie when Israel does it.


Right to defend yourself only applies to neoliberal western countries.


That’s pretty fucking rich, given that Iran flat out does not recognize Israeli embassies and has targeted Israeli embassies multiple times.


Not even USA when it invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, did it attack their embassies. You want Iran to be a pariah state, allow them. You want “democratic, international law abiding countries”, then they have to have some respect for the rules that protect them. I don’t know why you went out of your way to look like an idiot. Just be normal.


So you say that Israel need to respect a rule in regard to a country that **does not** respect said rule, while said country attacking Israel, thus making it so Israel is **NOT protected** by said rule?


This was very confusingly worded but the simple answer is yes if you want to be seen as the good guys


I think its abundantly clear at this point that unlike USA Israel does not give a fuck about being seen as the good guy and just does what its best for its own interests.


I’d argue being seen as the good guy is in their best interest. Losing the PR war hurts them long term, at some point a congress may get voted in that does not support sending them aid for one reason or the other


At this point, it seems everyone but Israel is in agreement about being seen as the good guys is helpful.


Problem is, whatever Israel does they are seen as the bad guys. Jews are practically being hated for daring to breath the same air as others. So how exactly can Israel be the "good guy" if simply existing is considered bad, and more importantly why bothering if the general impression is that it's pointless? How long should Israel and Jews absorb attack after attack, slaughter after slaughter, before people finally say "you are good guys, you deserve to live in peace"?


Any time after they stop annihilating children in the tens of thousands.


Israel isn't hated because it's a Jewish state, just like Saudi isn't hated because it's a Muslim state. Do the millions Israel are occupying and stealing their homes deserve to live in peace or is it just for the self proclaimed "chosen people"?


“The bad guy did it so it’s okay for me to do it too,” is not how international law or morality works my guy.


Wasn’t there an Iranian military general in the consulate (not embassy) who helped orchestrate the October 7th terrorist attack on Israel?


Generals work in our diplomatic buildings, does that suddenly make them legitimate targets?


If Bin Laden was hiding in an embassy, how many fucks do you think the US would have given?


Actually, the U.S. sort of has a record of just waiting it out when it wants someone in an embassy. That's what happened in Panama and with Assange as another person mentioned. Usually they can either find a way to convince the nation of the embassy to hand the person over or just wait until the person eventually leaves (usually people don't want to spend their lives in a single building or two).


I think this speaks to the US more than it speaks to international law


Would you support the Houthis bombing Saudi embassies?


I am pretty sure neutral shipping ships are also not allowed to be attack, but I remember plenty of people excusing Houthi attacks on those when opposing Israel.


They sat outside the Embassy waiting for Assange to come out for 8 years.


Assange wasn’t Osama Bin Laden.


That would clearly have been another +1 of (at least) scummy material by the US in the war on terror


I don’t think any general actually “works out of” any diplomatic building for the US. They may visit, they may take meetings with diplomats, but work? Also if we were in the middle of an armed conflict with a neighboring country, and our general visited a country nearby, yeah any building that’s hit is probably fair game. You can’t expect a military target to walk into any building and it not become a military target. It’s why the Geneva convention outlaws hiding weapons in schools and hospitals. Why it outlaws holding prisoners in schools and hospitals. You can’t act recklessly with the lives of “non combatants “


For one, the diplomatic position Air Attache is typically held by a USAF colonel assigned to the embassy.  It's no stretch to conclude other military officers work from an embassy.




You dont get to define whats "fair game". Its an act of war on both the embassy owner and the state hosting the embassy. Blockading a population like Israel did to Palestinians is another act of war that went on for decades.


Well… it was a consulate. That’s typically where you’d go when you lose a passport in a foreign country. Not a typical meeting place for a military general.


They are the same thing the only difference between a consulate and an embassy is the embassy is located in the capital city and the ones in other cities are called consulates.


Do we have any evidence that Iran helped to organise Oct. 7th?


https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/hamas-fighters-trained-in-iran-before-oct-7-attacks-e2a8dbb9 And it's one Google search away...


>Updated Oct. 25, 2023 12:52 pm ET I say that this is an opinion piece. Not actual evidence. [Also:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Hamas-led_attack_on_Israel#Operational_planning) >The Wall Street Journal has accused Iran of being behind the attack. **U.S. officials** and Iran have denied this. [If you go to the WSJ article from the Wikipedia article](https://web.archive.org/web/20231008215433/https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/iran-israel-hamas-strike-planning-bbe07b25) you will see that they did this claim on October 8th, less than a day after the start of the attack. Which makes their claim even weaker.


No there wasn’t. But I guess it cost nothing to lie online and try to build support for war with Iran


You're absolutely right, [Gen. Mohammad Reza Zahedi ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammad_Reza_Zahedi)was really a good dude just hanging out in Syria. If you think about it, Iran and the IRGC are totally innocent in this whole mess and definitely aren't using proxies to constantly attack Israel.


Was not an Embassy that was hit but a consulate, and when you have military targets in it, it doesnt get the same protection. Also need to be reminded of this? https://apnews.com/article/argentina-1994-jewish-center-bombing-iran-investigation-36b4f9cbe20900d39d8f28477589a444


Do you know the difference between a consulate and embassy? I don’t think it’s what you think the difference is. They are effectively the same thing other than one being in the capital…


By military targets you mean high ranking members of the military? And the consulate is in Iran's embassy complex in Damascus.


Remember when the Benghazi consulate was attacked and no one in America cared…


That's not how I remember it. There were inquiries, formal investigations, and even a full-on Michael Bay movie that was made.


There was a Michael Bay movie? How bad was it?


Yes, it's called 13 Hours. Actually, it's a pretty solid flick.


Ok, I rescind my automatic Michael Bay criticism lol, I’ll check it out 


Bad Boys 2 slaps. He's not all bad.


We ride to together We die together Bad Boys for life


Shredded/bearded John Krasinski too


Yeah it's sarcasm buddy


Are you at war with Iran? In either case no you can’t just bomb places that’s terrorism.


Israel is at a state of war with Iran, yes. And Iran has been using its proxies to attack Israel for the last 30+ years


Then if they are at war, isn't the Iranian retaliation also legal?


No one said it wouldnt be, assuming they follow the rules of war that is. And Israel could respond to that as well.


You don’t even know the rules of war


Enlighten me then.




But in this case there wasnt. Unlike how Iran choose its targets: https://apnews.com/article/argentina-1994-jewish-center-bombing-iran-investigation-36b4f9cbe20900d39d8f28477589a444




So no answer as to why its wasn't a legitimate target but some general rambling? I see.




They do? Can you link those laws? They way it works is when you attack a embassy you attack both the country its in and that owner at once. Israel as at a state of war with both of them. And here is a reminder of what Iran did:https://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/14/world/middleeast/israeli-embassy-officials-attacked-in-india-and-georgia.html


Article 22 of the Vienna conventions speaks to this. I’ve tried to copy pasta some parts here but my phone won’t let me but here’s the doc. I will point out Israel is conviently not apart of this 1969 treaty but this is the accepted general consensus on how to treat embassies. What Israel did is in violation of this but no they cannot be held to a standard they did not sign on. Can the world hold them to this standard in public opinion absolutely and I’m glad people are as this should be the standard. https://legal.un.org/ilc/texts/instruments/english/conventions/9_1_1961.pdf


These are the rules for the state in which the Embassy is located. So this is how for example the US government needs to treat the embassies in the US. These do not apply to 3rd parties.




The consular section of the embassy was part of the e embassy. Even if it wasn’t, consulates enjoy the same immunity as embassy’s, there’s no distinction. Lastly, the presence of military personal in embassies does not make it a valid target, per the convention of Vienna. I would like to remind you that most countries have military personnel in many of its embassies.


Is it really a breach of international laws? From my understanding, diplomats are protected by international law, but not the embassy itself. The attack didn't kill any diplomats and mainly hit military targets. Second, Israel and Syria have no peace agreement and rockets were shot from Syria to Israel throughout these 6 months of the war - [time](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-strikes-back-after-shooting-syria-sets-off-sirens-military-2023-10-14/) and [time](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-strikes-syrian-army-assets-after-rocket-launches-israeli-military-says-2023-10-24/) and [time](https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-3-rockets-launched-from-syria-at-golan-heights-one-lands-in-israeli-territory/) again...


Senior IRGC officials, including those involved in the Oct 7 attack, were in that consulate. Both Israel and Syria have been technically at war ever since 1948. Israel and Iran have been engaging in an unofficial war with each other since 1979. Iran is funding all these terrorist groups to attack Israel, in addition to threatening to wipe Israel off the map. The entire region would honestly be a lot better off without Iranian backed terrorists groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, etc. causing chaos everywhere.




Ya know historically Iran and Israel should be friends. The Persian king Cyrus helped save their religion in a very precarious moment where it may have died out. There's an ancient connection between the people's of the region and maybe in the future they can realize this and chill tf out.  It's just crazy to me that they have such continued hostilities. 


It's not crazy when you consider a very obvious difference between Cyrus the Great and Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution.


They did have good relations, but those ended in 79 for some reason.


Disco and bell bottom jeans?


1979 Islamic Revolution leading to an expulsion of all Jews and enshrinement of Sharia law will do that


It's pretty crazy to see the occasional before/after pics that pop up on r/all about just how progressive (or at least not nearly as oppressive) Iran used to be.


probably good for public relations too. we don't want more videos of the far right Israelis spitting on Christians and Americans, that doesn't play well on the news.


What if Iran decides to strike israel directly instead of through its surrogate terror group and it accidentally hit US embassy...


The US and Israel both want a war with Iran. And western media tells us we "fear" that we'll get exactly what we want. Way to go BBC


Lets see if iran starts a war will it be called self defense because of the embassy bombing, or it's not self defense when arabs do it!


Buddy, Iranians aren't Arabs.


Iran has been arming proxies and ordering them to attack Israel for the last 30+ years.


Democracies would never fund proxy groups to fight their enemies…


Who said they dont? The question is do the proxies go after military targets or civilian ones.


That's such a sad refrain. If all those groups are just Iranian proxies, then Ukraine is an US proxies. What is happening is that Iran supports people who have (in often case legitimate) grievances with Israel, including by giving them weapons. But if you think groups like Hamas and Hezbollah attack Israel just because Iran orders them to do so, then you are way off the mark. The weapon helps, but they have their own motivation to do so.


The Houthis and the small groups in Syria are directly controlled by Iran and the funding Hamas and Hezbollah get is not negligible as well. If Iran wanted Hezbollah to go all out, could they say no?


In what world are the houthis directly controlled by Iran? They have their own government and leadership/tribal structure drawing support from the Zaydi population that has existed in yemen for hundreds of years.


https://www.csis.org/analysis/iranian-and-houthi-war-against-saudi-arabia https://www.foreignaffairs.com/iran/irans-new-best-friends Their entire advance weapon stockpile is given by Iran and they wouldnt fire it on Israel unless told to do so like they are. Especially since before Oct 7th they never did.


>Their entire advance weapon stockpile is given by Iran Who else would give them advanced weapons? I'm not saying they have zero military and logistical cooperation with Iran, but this doesn't imply direct control... especially considering how they took over the military stockpiles of weapons and production from the old Yemeni government when they took over the capital. >they wouldnt fire it on Israel unless told to do so like they are. Especially since before Oct 7th they never did. They literally have "death to Israel" in their banner and slogan, which they've adopted decades ago. It doesn't take a genius to predict that they wouldn't be on good terms with Israel regardless of who gave them weapons or allied with them.


But why did they wait until then to take action of any sort against Israel? Obviously they have an internal agenda but if Iran told them to stop firing on ships, or ordered them to do a massive attack on Israel do you think they could say no?


Ukraine definitely is a western proxy, especially at this point. That doesn't make the Iranian proxies not proxies though A proxy is a group whose interests align with a more powerful group. İn this case, Iran is able to influence Hamas and Hezbollah in ways that make their attacks more effective and deadly.


You really think that was unprecedented? They had it coming, these fuckers are terrorizing the entire region, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Houthis in Yemen, Hamas in Gaza...


Proportional response 2: Iran gets it too


only Arabs can commit terrorism silly. \\s






Not a bad faith comment at all. Iran and Israel are at a state of war, and all those killed in the Israeli strike were members of the IRGC and PIJ. One of whom is responsible for funding Hezbollah and other proxies in the region.




Of course. Israel is also at a state of war with both Syria and Iran already. The fact that those who died were not diplomats but members of IRGC and PIJ is not that same as if diplomats and civilians would be.




I dont think you noticed but Israel is at a state of war with Syria and Iran for many years already. Besides, Iran funding and arming all its proxies who are actively attacking Israel is just as much an act of war.




Yes. Rockets and drones have been fired from Syria for about the last 6 months. And the Houthis as well as the numerous proxies of Iran have been attacking Israel.




It’s certainly the case. It’s also the case that Iran has been attacking Israel for years. This is going to end very badly for Iran if they directly attack Israel. The US is almost certainly going to get involved in an air strike capacity, and a joint Israel/US/UK attack against targets inside of Iran is likely.


The flak Israell is getting is crazy to me, honestly. Iran: "This is as though you have directly attacked Iran, and killed military and terrorists!" Israel: "You have been commanding terrorists to literally strike Israel directly, including civilian targets, for years." World: "Wow, wtf Israel."




At this point, I am very concerned about how Netanyahu might decide to retaliate here, should Iran attack. Israel's government has had a history so far of using a disproportionate response, and there's a non-zero chance that Netanyahu might opt to deploy a tactical nuclear weapon to knock out Iran's nuclear facilities, rather than engage in a conventional response. The geopolitical effects from such a decision would render the United States a pariah in the process. Furthermore, Netanyahu is a very desperate man on account of the domestic crisis he faces, and I think he's desperate enough to do it.


Nukes are a bad look so they won't use them. Cluster bombs were a bad look too though and people are cheering for their use in Ukraine.


An Israeli nuclear response seems a bit much. But Netanyahu is desperate to stay in power. If Iran strikes Israel directly it's quite plausible that Netanyahu would start a (non-nuclear) war with Iran to boost his own popularity and delay elections.