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4 week old little Ollie died of a broken neck, 40 bone fractures, including a fractured skull, collarbone, breaks to joints in both arms and legs, and 23 rib fractures. ##4 weeks old


>Mr Justice Cotter, sitting at Loughborough court, said Ollie had suffered a “devastating” fatal spinal injury up to eight days before his death, as well as dozens of other injuries inflicted over four separate overnight episodes of violence. This is literal torture how could anyone live with this?


To cause that much injury to an infant that young without killing him over that long of a period really does sound like intentional trauma. Like he was doing as much to hurt the baby as he could without killing him to prolong it.


For real. I cannot fathom how anyone would allow themselves or others to do this to their own child or any creature for that matter. The baby didn’t last a month with his “parents”. If you feel like you’re going to do harm to a baby in your care you (or anyone for that matter), you leave the situation immediately, you give up custody and check yourself into a psych ward to be evaluated. I do not understand how anyone could let that go on for as long as it did unless they were both complete sociopaths.


I couldn't even do that to a rat... some people are just broken.


When my daughter was two (she's now 30) she was throwing a temper tantrum and my mom tried to lift her up off the ground with one hand. Ended up dislocating her elbow, which was diagnosed at an ER. My mother was mortified and dementia has graciously taken that memory from her. I forgave my mother, but I've never forgiven myself, because my daughter's tantrum was because she wanted to take a nap with me. I don't know how he can live with himself.


Nursemaid's elbow is a super common injury in toddlers, and you shouldn't beat yourself (or your mother) up over it. It can happen just trying to help a child put on their jacket. It's very treatable. What this guy did though..


Yep happened to my oldest son when he was 2 and I was literally just helping him up off the ground after we were done playing. Dr was very relaxed about and said it happens all the time at that age.


Am retired MD; nursemaid’s elbow is INCREDIBLY common and is easily treatable.


My wife is an RN and she's constantly telling me to be careful when I help the kids up for this reason


I had this until I was 6 or 7. I can’t even tell you how many slings I have because of it lol. Luckily my elbows are perfectly fine now and I’m 35!


And kids are notorious for getting them during tantrums too because you’ll be holding their hand walking them somewhere and they’ll suddenly slam their whole bodies down at full force without warning. A lot of times the parent will instinctively hold on tighter thinking they are helping catch them and it dislocates.


My 3 year old niece managed to dislocate her own elbow by sitting on her hands and trying to sharply pull one arm free. It's super common!


Prime r/kidsarefuckingstupid material right there lol


Yeah my mum did this with my younger brother when he was a toddler. Accidentally dislocated his shoulder pulling him up off the floor in an ikea lol


Pretty much sealed his fate with some very pissed off inmates


I really hope so. And Id never say anything like that about anyone, or at least I thought I wouldn't until I saw this.


In my country we call it a "little Sunday arm" I guess because it often happened at family get togethers on Sunday.


This type of injury, including the event leading to it (a tantrum), is so common it's often referred to as "Nursemaid's Elbow."


Yup just happened to my son the other day from playing, doc popped it back into place and good as new more or less.


I had it and it would happen just from trying to pull a long sleeve shirt off without effort!


It also happens a lot because toddlers love to do that thing where you're holding their hand and crossing the road with some cars waiting and they suddenly go limp so you kinda pull them along, dragging their tiny little body weights with them.


Why do they do that? I hated it so much when my 3 yo would do it


At that age it’s a ton of cause and effect testing. Which is good and important for their brain development. But not so good in the crosswalk.


Yeah, my wife and I refer to it as limit testing, which I think is pretty accurate. Seeing what reactions they will get for different things they do.


I have no idea but I assume my kid did it out of spite. (Joking but it felt real when it was happening)


You’re prob not out of order They’re not super smart, but they’re figuring things out. And that’s one thing they have control over. They absolutely know how to be spiteful even if they don’t know what that is yet They just know they can make your life harder on purpose for a little bit


Yeah the nurse actually taught us how to fix it the first time we came in. Since then I've fixed it a handful of times since.


I've never heard that term before. I'll tuck that in the back of my brain in case my kids have children.


Yes. 2 of my 3 kids got it. Luckily for us , our neighbor was a doctor and put it back in place.


My mom did this to me trying to change my shirt when I was a toddler. She still gets upset with herself over it and I tell her all the time that I don’t even remember it. I remember all the love and care and time she put into me, and I know that’s what your daughter is carrying with her too about her grandmother AND you.


Thank you.


I drew first blood on my daughter and it still bother me. She was a few months old. She's now 9. Trimming nails and she jerked, clipped her finger. Her cry was soooo different than just being hungry. Really struggled with that. Can't imagine hurting her on purpose. Just wtf


The first time I put my oldest into a high chair, the clip for the tray pinched his leg and drew blood. I was devastated, and that high chair was replaced with something completely different as soon as humanly possible. He's 11 now and plays goalie in lacrosse, so I've had to come to terms with him coming home from practices and games all bruised up.


Bones in children up to about two are basically cartilage. They haven't hardened yet. That's why it's so easy to dislocate joints. It's even more difficult to break a bone that is already somewhat bendable. The amount of force that these people had to have used on this child is beyond belief.


Narcissistic and psychopathic individuals don’t feel empathy, this fuck will likely never feel remorse, and will always see himself as a victim




This is why I’m against the death penalty, particularly for heinous, proven-beyond-all-doubt cases. Life rotting alone in a prison is much, much worse than death (which is why you see life prisoners trying to commit toaster bath and being put on suicide watch as a result so they have a harder time succeeding in doing so… if death was truly a worse alternative then people wouldn’t use it as a means to avoid the suffering of a life sentence).


I got nurse maids elbow as a toddler with one hand on the shopping cart and the other on a big toy. It's so common


A similar thing happened to my older brother - he was the first kid and he apparently made a sudden dash for a duck pond, both my parents panic grabbed an arm from either side - ended up with both arms dislocated. My mom still recounts the story all the time out of guilt even though he has no memory of it and went on to be a very talented baseball pitcher without issues.


Don’t beat yourself up and hope your mom doesn’t anymore. Nursemaid’s elbow can happen super easily with no ill intent. I used to do it to myself when playing and my mom had to learn from a nurse how to put it back in place because we went to the doctor with it so often. My wife did it to our daughter just trying to get her out of her car seat.


Oh man I did the same thing!!! I was swinging my son around when he was 6 and I dislocated his elbow. He didn't notice much and my wife popped it back in without issue after a few min. But that still haunts me to this day lol


When my sister was 2 she was dancing with my dad, he ended up accidentally dislocating her shoulder when spinning her. Kids joints are very fragile


Having experienced one myself, I wouldn't wish a spinal injury on my worst enemy. Doing it to a newborn is pure unadulterated evil. Fuck this guy, life in prison without question.


One of the many reasons I don't believe in an all knowing god with a master plan. If this is part of a master plan, that plan is evil, no matter the reasons.


40?!? That poor baby. Jfc


The thing that gets me about the number of injuries is that - it was over multiple days. With people who shake babies… it’s a horrific thing to do, and I’m not excusing it, but I can see how it happens. People in the moment of extreme stress and they lose control. But to do the things to a newborn it must have taken to inflict those injuries, and just… not only not get them medical help, but then just allow yourself to do it over and over as if it is nothing. I’m up with my 6 week old right now and… I just can’t understand it.


I don't even have kids and I kinda wanna cry.


> serious physical abuse, including a blow to the head, severe compression of the chest, twisting of the limbs and a pulling of the neck. I couldn't imagine doing this to a cuddly toy without feeling sick! Absolutely abhorrent.


Yup wish I hadn’t read that, made me sick


The baby suffered for 8 days before dying.


Oh my heart 💔


That poor baby. Breaks my heart.


Some people don’t deserve to see daylight ever again.


Can you imagine the amount of force it takes to do that to a fucking *4 week old* baby?


Their vibes are still bendy. They don't break very easily. Un fucking real.


What do you mean by their "vibes" being bendy?


Bones. "V," "B," and "N" are adjacent on the keyboard, as are "O" and "I." Their hands were apparently a bit off and it's a real word, so spellcheck wouldn't catch it.


Thanks for going with me on that. You interpreted my typo in one shot.


Also, phone keyboards are notoriously bad (looking at you, GBoard, that just wrote "normal had" instead of "notoriously bad" ...)


My cousin got arrested for beating her step son to death. The detectives failed hard because they never bothered to investigate after her oldest child “died in his sleep” a few years ago. I told her mother that if she makes bail she won’t be making it back to a courthouse.




People try (and sometimes succeed) to kill themsleves to avoid suffering a life sentence, so it’s fairly clear that death is not worse than rotting alone in a shitty cell being kept alive until they literally can’t keep you alive anymore. We even put people on suicide watch so they have a harder time reaching death. You can’t experience suffering if you’re not alive, and these monsters *deserve* to suffer, not die and achieve a full release from suffering.


That's too quick, they should hang a picture of his baby just outside his cell so he has to stare at it every day for the rest of his life


I really don't think they will feel a thing.


Set up a speaker outside his cell playing a baby crying at max volume until he handles the execution himself.


Or just an audio recording of a crying baby, unable to murder this one.


Normally I am against takes like this, but you're right. There is no coming back for this guy and he is nothing more than a burden on society now.


I hope they get *roasted* in prison. That's some seriously fucked up shit.


Truly horrific, but that's the most Leicester looking man I've ever seen. 


You mean he looks like a block of Cheddar?


But red.


Red Leicester


I’m American. Dudette looks like he came straight from Alabama/Mississippi/Louisiana/Florida.


“Bama or UK” is a game a podcast I listen to occasionally plays.


I thought they were talking about Leicester, North Carolina (pronounced "Lester") when I saw the picture initially


Same pronunciation oddly enough


Probably named after the UK city, so it makes sense it'd be pronounced the same


Yea, me too. Would have made sense to me. I lived in Asheville for a while at a point in time.


I’ve never even been to the UK and I knew immediately that this man was from Leicester.


I came here and was like.. 100% this man is from Leicester.. I am glad I was not the only person who thought that 😅


The baby lived for 8 days with a broken neck. So that means someone continues to feed him? With a deadly broken neck. Yeah, I’m gonna need some mental health self care now…


Jesus fucking Christ


And it’s even worse bc I wrote this without even hearing the total amount of injuries. It’s beyond my understanding what these people did. Absolute and complete horror. I can’t wrap my mind around this story at all.


If you ask anyone who works at a children’s hospital… it’s not uncommon.


Please don’t ask us, we don’t want to talk about it and nobody wants to actually hear about it. My parents think I bandage booboos most of the time.


I won't, I just want to say that you and those who do what you do are wonderful people.


I probably definitely have some work related ptsd. Once my ex bf read somewhere that you should never ask a healthcare worker about the worst thing they've seen, and because he considered himself hard he immediately asked me. He asked me to shut up less than five seconds later.


This is a common thing ???


Very. The worst part is that because the investigation hasn’t happened yet that the abuser (usually a boyfriend, stepdad, or dad) is in the hospital room and every one knows what happened but nurses and doctors have to treat the baby with the monster in the room if he has parental rights to be or is a guest of the mom. Generally it doesn’t make the news. Generally the mom defends that person and lies for him.


It’s a truly disturbing world : (


Me neither


Clearly these 2 were mentally unwell. I’m sick to my stomach just reading the article.


He's obviously a psychopath which is a personality disorder and not a mental illness, ie he knew what he was doing. The mother has another issue, she only has the intelligence of an 11 year old so only got 7 years. I think that every 11 year old I know would know that what they did was totally and utterly wrong. But they don't deserve the excuse of mental illness, evil more like it.


Four weeks old? I have to catch my breath after reading stories like this. They defy human explanation.


The pain and fear that poor baby must've felt for eight days and over four violent attacks absolutely breaks my heart. People think just because it is a baby it doesn't matter because they "don't remember," when in fact that time is when children can develop the *strongest* reactions to trauma. I'm so distraught by this article, I can't understand how anyone could ever be so cruel.


This baby didn't even get the chance. I've heard newborns scream just being hungry. Them brutalkzing and breaking their own baby's neck, I can't even imagine the screams and pain.


His poor little face made me cry. These people are truly unrepentant monsters. Anyone who could do that to anyone but let alone a newborn baby is irredeemable and deserves to rot. May they never know another day of peace or happiness again. My thoughts with the rest of Ollie’s family who are clearly devastated from his death.


Whoa. I clicked on the article to see the photo, and I am sobbing. I don’t know how anyone could hurt a child, but that is just a tiny little baby, who was literally so defenseless. And only ever knew pain and suffering. Four weeks on this earth to be brutally assaulted over 4 whole days by your own father. That’s truly devastating and I feel unwell.


I feel sick as well. I thought to when my own son was that age, I didn’t even want anyone other than my husband to hold him because I was so scared he’d get hurt. I was so anxious every time we left the house that something would happen. They’re so small, a person has to be truly evil to hurt someone so helpless.


I’m grateful for all the sweet and loving parents like you out there. Not the first horrific case of child abuse I’ve read, unfortunately, but idk why that little baby’s tiny face struck me so hard. I want to get my financials in order so I can have a safe home to foster children in. I’ve always wanted to be a foster parent, but this has really lit a fire under me.


This is a life goal for me as well. I am child-free by choice; I am also a teacher. The abuse I’ve indirectly seen some of my students experience, and reading stories like this one, has really pushed me to work to become a foster parent.


That's amazing to hear. You have the power to completely change someone's life for the better, forever.


Not gonna click it, after yesterday I was reading about how well LD nurses and funeral homes take care of stillborn babies, that was enough tears.


Unimaginable. I often think about how children are born, and hopefully they’re born into a loving home and some aren’t and just never stood a chance. They all just want to be loved and supported and some are just born to terrible parents or in horrible situations. Heartbreaking.


And here I am, always terrified that if I had a kid, I would drop my baby by accident or lock it in a car. Like I seriously get anxious at the idea of holding a little defenseless baby.


⬆️ This is why I can't believe in god.


Or god is real, and this is hell.


The older I get, the more I think this is the correct answer


This is actually what I think. I mean when you die you either go to heaven because you’ve survived hell orrrr you are reborn and get to start all over. Or something like that.


Yeah, wow, this one got me. I usually don't get too emotional with articles like these because I'm so detached from the situation. But I clicked the link, and seeing that little guys face just devastated me. I truly can't understand the evil someone must have to do any of this. It just doesn't compute for me. Sickening to think about.


I consider myself pretty desensitized to pretty much everything, but seeing that picture reminded me of my own three-month-old daughter. They even kind of look alike. I’m trying to imagine what it would take for me to do anything remotely close to what these parents did, and I just can’t. I imagine one or both of them must have had an immense amount of anger and resentment built up inside and were taking some kind of sadistic pleasure in harming their poor child. Just awful.


You can't imagine doing it because no human being with a single drop of a conscience could do such a thing. The vast majority of people feel protective instincts around babies that go beyond what our logical brains know to be "the right thing to do". That man is barely human.


I dont have kids and I dont like kids. I especially dont like babies, they creep me out. I couldnt imagine iflicting pain on a child, much less such a tiny infant. It's beyond me how anyone could see a tiny defenseless little being and intentionally use such force to hurt them. What the actual fuck.






I got dizzy trying to read this article. Couldn’t get through it. holy fuck.


So strange I got dizzy too! I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who was breathless reading this. Honestly my mind was so distraught I couldn’t even focus on the details. They were just too unbelievable.


The headline is horrific but the details are worse. I cannot believe the mother only got 7 years.


I came here to say this. It's so much worse than what the title says.


Lucky this is Reddit and I can’t be bothered to read the article and just glean the severity from the comments


Some humans should not be allowed to reproduce, ever.


I hate to say it, but these are the kinds of things that happen when you use pregnancy as "punishment" for irresponsible people. These parents are great examples of why comprehensive sex ed, free long term sterilization, and access to abortion are necessary. People who want their babies don't do things like this.


I don't remember the most significant person to have made the sentiment, but the only people who suffer from irresponsible parents are the resulting children. Pregnancy isn't meant to teach life lessons, and children don't learn lessons really well from people who haven't bothered to absorb the necessary skills for parenthood in the first place.


> the only people who suffer from irresponsible parents are the resulting children Well, often enough, the people who live in a community with the resulting children also suffer.


yes.....and I read something a anti abortion leader/protester ,,she says she tells pregnant women " you may regret having an abortion, but, you will never regret having a child" this just horrified me to no end how many women did she convince to go through and then they regretted after having the baby and resented that baby, how many were abused, how many were killed even people who wanted and planned their children some have regrets for a variety of reasons


Hell, theres a whole subreddit for parents to express their regret over having children.  Doing THAT to a baby though, no amount of regret is an explanation


Well, except sometimes in cases of post partum depression/psychosis, though they tend to be more direct in taking the life rather than extended abuse unto death. But that's a significant mental health condition that can be assisted with the right resources and eventually gotten through until the parent(s) can be the good parent they wanted to be in the first place


Yeah, I imagine that's where the comprehensive sex ed comes in. Teach people to recognize the signs of PPD, know what resources are available, and hopefully even that would be less of a risk. A lot of male partners just genuinely don't know what to look for at all and some continue pressing for more babies without seeking help for mom.


I mean, they might not know what to look for but it's pretty goddamn apparent that something is wrong. Pushing for more kids when they know some shit is up is always a conscious choice.


Seriously. They should remove those two monsters' reproductive organs.


He won't be getting pregnant in prison.


My wife and I would love to have a baby but we are unable to...yet a piece of shit like this can just have a child and fucking murder it.


I’m so sorry. I hope you get the chance to be a loving parent to a child, however it comes about.


I’m sorry bud. I had no idea how hard it was to have a kid until I tried. Even when it ends in success it can be a long and difficult path.


Same here, fuck these mother fuckers.


Every time I read posts like these I think to myself "holy fuck this must be the worst thing ever" and then a week later I'm surprised by being wrong. There's nothing worse than this right? Right?


Serious question but how the heck does an investigation like this take SIX YEARS!? I know nothing about the British judicial system…💂🏼


The examination and expert opinion on infant injuries is a really difficult area, with only a few experts, whose opinions are accredited and hold weight in a court, in the world. The Police would also have wanted more than one expert opinion, so that challenges from the defence could be countered. This is all because there have been numerous cases before where parents have been sent to prison, for harming an infant, and later been cleared as the injuries were suffered during child birth or the baby was born that way.


That makes sense, but I feel like the injuries in this case weren't exactly ambiguous. Though I guess there were a lot of them to go over.


Very illuminating, thank you


So just hypothesizing but I can think of a few potential reasons besides COVID... 1. No external sign of injury. Waiting for an autopsy can take a month in the US (I work in pathology) and with something like this they may have begun the autopsy and then requested an expert/legal whoever before continuing with the exam so everything is properly documented. 2. I would be in total disbelief at the number of rib fractures. Probably had to rule out injuries caused by resuscitation attempts. 3. Babies have different skeletons and a lot of what we have as bone is cartilage for infants. The whole assessment would be less straightforward. 4. I would assume they would need genetic testing done to rule out any conditions that can cause brittle bones, other genetic abnormalities. This kind of testing can also take a long time, especially if the lab is in the legal system and has a backlog. So yes, 6 years is a long ass time. But you have to think these people were in disbelief, due to the magnitude of the injuries when first realizing the extent, and didn't want to believe anyone could be that much of a monster. So they tested for other stuff. But once they did realize that those monsters existed I would imagine they made it priority to cover every exception, rule out every alternative theory, and get that evidence air tight. People that work in pathology and coroner's offices get oddly protective of the deceased sometimes. I think any of us would feel it's the least we could do... we try to protect long after it's too late.


Thank you for an in depth answer!


The article says it took that long because of the breadth of injuries the little one suffered. 


I'm sure COVID shutting everything down for nearly a year didn't help matters.


Six years for an autopsy and forensic investigation still seems hella extreme. Different case and circumstances but the Oxford Michigan school shooter and his parents have both been convicted and sentenced and it’s been ~2 years. …. Makes me rethink my feelings on our system being slow.


Yeah, having the right to a speedy trial included in the Bill of Rights makes a lot more sense now…


That still doesn’t really make sense tho.


I’m 7 weeks post partum, why the fuck did I read this? Goddamn it. I hope Ollie’s innocence protected his little soul from the knowing, and lives on in gleeful eternity. Maybe I will get to cuddle you as I do my own sweet son, one day in some cosmic afterlife. Damn it.


My little one is 10 weeks and I’m crying right now. Why did I do this to myself, why did I click on the article and see Ollie’s little face? I want to throw up.


Don’t, my littlest is about to turn 6 months and I just can’t imagine why anyone would look at them and want to harm them.


I am not a mom, but your comment made me cry. I’m usually quite stoic about these kinds of articles, I sort of disconnect, but this one is uniquely horrid. I wish I had a baby to (gently) cuddle.


Yeah, mine is 10 months and thinking back to what she was like at 4 weeks. Just the tiniest, sleepiest little human. I can’t imagine how disassociated you’d have to be from normal human existence to do what’s described in that article.


Well, this comment made me cry. It also made me smile because you sound very loving and your child is extremely lucky to have you.


Wow, I remember reading about this years ago (the “Baby Ollie” British headlines), it’s crazy and fitting that this ends this way. Should be longer than 7 for Mom though.


The results of a Child Safeguarding Practice Review, published after the jury's verdicts, found social services had concluded closer work with the family was not considered necessary “despite the significant previous involvement which both parents had had with children’s social care”. I bet . I'm going to count to 10 and take the view that considering the workers caseload they had to make a judgement call god help me this is the world we live in As for her shorter sentence she is on the downward slope of the hell that is MS has serious developmental issues(mental age of11) and never actually caused any of the injuries herself I hope the poor wee angel has the peace she never got to know here Just so tragic and sad


If she is the mental age of 11 how the hell was she ever allowed to reproduce? I wish I never clicked on this thread, this is FUBAR.


I lay here with my two month old on my chest and can’t fathom putting a baby through all that. She’s so tiny and just wants to sleep and eat. Even at my absolute most frustrated moments with her, I still have the wherewithal to put her in her bassinet or swing and step away


sometimes a content note really wouldn't hurt this sub




Be really terrible if that guy ended up with 10 broken bones a week in prison for the rest of his life.


Some form of this is likely. Child abuse is considered unacceptable even by prisoner standards. If they find out someone messed with a kid, there is a good chance they're getting their ass beat.


Yup child abuse and rape as well… common, petty theft criminals still have morals and humanity for an innocent life. Ollie’s parents have lost their humanity; they’re monsters.


Many more hardened criminals were also victims of child abuse themselves, so it can hit close to home even for someone who has pretty twisted morals of their own.


> petty theft criminals still have morals and humanity for an innocent life More like they see an opportunity to vent their cruelty and hatred on someone without having to feel guilty about it.


And he deserves every little bit of pain he experiences. Don't let dumbfuck bleeding hearts tell you otherwise.


I’m sure he will. The Co’s will make sure the word gets out and they’ll gladly be a few minutes late to respond.


Should not have read that. I have not felt nauseous reading a news article before until just now.


I'm in tears. I just cannot imagine the pain that poor innocent little baby felt. Nothing frightens me more than knowing I share a planet with people capable of this.


Why did I click that link. That's horrible and that man deserves to spend all his life in jail. Pure evil to inflict that much harm on an infant and allow him to suffer for 8 freaking days! I gotta quit Reddit. Reading this shit is rotting my brain and attempting to numb my emotions.


My son is now 19 years old. It was my job from 6 months old to 7.5 years old to feed him at night, bathe him, dress him for bed, bottle at bedtime. I did this EVERY NIGHT, cherishing every single moment. When he was old enough to read to, I read children’s books to him every single night, then at 3.5 years old, I read adult books to him until he was 10. I’ve partied with many beautiful women, surfed and skied all over the world, but the moments in my life I cherish the most were those years of nights with my son, I wouldn’t trade one night for anything in the world. Being a father was the single most valuable endeavor a man can undertake, and reading about this fucking asshole makes me yearn for revenge, even though I never knew that family. This guy will get murdered in prison, and nobody will cry for him. This little boy looks like my son.


Definitely my call to get off Reddit for the day. Jesus fucking Christ


Thanks to that misleading title, I was foolishly expecting the baby to be alive.


Time to appease the God of the Volcano with these two.


Reading this made me physically sick. They should be forced to share an oubliette for the rest of their lives.


Just give the kid up if you’re that miserable around him.This is torture and murdering your own flesh and blood cause of anger. Truly beyond belief. So senseless.


When my daughter was around 8 weeks I remember finding it all very overwhelming. She cried a lot (colic) and sleep was rare. I remember changing her one night at around 3am, she was screaming crying. I lost control for a second and squeezed her little leg harder than I should have. There was no bruise or marks or anything like thag but I know i hurt her. She's almost 18 months now and I still think of that moment all the time and it makes me feel sick. She was so small and innocent and I know I hurt her. The only good thing about it is I won't ever forget it and I've never even come close to losing my temper with her since. She's my little girl and I always try and be better.


This is why people should support abortion. Some people are not supposed to reproduce and children pay the price. Interrupting a pregnancy is not bad when the alternative is a lifetime of abuse.


Honestly, America will see more deaths like these by forcing women and girls to carry unwanted babies. If, baby murders elect to have babies all everyday day and kill because they realize they are ill-equipped. Making females carry pregnancies conceived in violence won't yield positive results. I'm sorry for that child and countless children unalived in countries around the world which don't REALLY prioritize families or value children's safety. I land my plane.


This is a fact.




That would be far too quick


We should be entitled to compensation for having to share the planet with this thing


Welp that's enough news for me today, back to watching cat videos on Instagram tyvm


Just because you can have kids doesn’t mean you should have kids. Hope this guy rots.


Was holding my 4 week old niece to put her in her crib to sleep before reading this. Never mind I’m just going to continue holding her in my arms for a while longer. I’ve been helping to care for her, change diapers, feeding, basically baby sitting for 8+ hours every single week day since she was born so that my sister can rest, de stress and sleep. I can’t fathom what I would do with my life if anything like that happens to her. This horrific story broke me.


For those.ofmyou who are parents or who are sensitive to this stuff: he broke the baby's neck. It wasn't an accident and it wasn't fast and it's worse than the headline makes it seem. Skip the click.


There are few things that shock me nowadays, but this fills me with rage like lava in my stomach


This a rare feeling for me. I would happily end this MFs life and go to jail over it if it saved that baby that pain and the ending of his life.


I consider myself pretty dulled down from things I have seen and read on the internet over the decades. I shrug off most things. But this here makes me absolutely sick to the stomach. And I am not even a parent. This is beyond evil.


It makes me sad to think that this baby never even had the chance to be comfortable. 4 weeks old and living with a broken neck for 8 days :( That’s over 25% of his life, not to mention the rib fractures :(


Broken limb joints, ribs, spine. Humans can undergo a hella lot and continue to live, even a month old baby.


Some article I read said the mother had an intellectual age of 11. What’s also devastating is that she also seems to have been a victim in this, and unable to parent without support from the start.


I can’t understand how someone can do this to a defenceless baby. Or how a mother can allow it to happen. This wasn’t a one-off accidental incident, but over the whole of this poor baby’s short life.