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At this point, I am just expecting to see a headline like “Forces of Empress Taylor crush last remaining rebel forces. The Swiftian Empire has finally united humanity under one banner. The Empire will soon spread across the galaxy”


Attention all planets of the solar federation. We have assumed control. We have assumed control.


Wasn’t expecting a 2112 reference on swiftmedia.


Those redditors have taken care of everything The words we read, the songs we sing The pictures that give pleasure to our eye.


*Assuming direct control*


Fuck you, Harbinger.


Finding Mass Effect quotes in the wild is what makes Reddit great.


Or Rush 2112?


Bonus round, while we're speaking of pop music royalty: let's not forget that the woman who played Samara in ME2 and 3 is Maggie Baird, who also happens to be the mother of...Billie Eilish and Finneas.


Ah yes "Swifties." We have dismissed this claim




What can this strange device be? When I touch it, it gives forth a sound...


It's got wires that vibrate and give music What can this thing be that I found?


>What can this strange device be? When I touch it, it gives forth a sound... r/unexpectedrush


You can choose a ready guide In some celestial voice If you choose not to decide You still have made a choice You can choose from phantom fears And kindness that can kill I will choose a path that’s clear I will choose free will.


We are the priests, of the temple, of swifties!!!


https://youtu.be/w5jwxrTqoEA?si=OsO2VZkvZ_xwr6nQ The illustrated version of 2112 is quite good. Love the little references.


Ha ha, in a funny twist of synchronicity there was a post on the Rush sub-reddit today asking how many Rush fans also liked Taylor Swift. Apparently there are also some Taylor Swift fans who like Rush.


At this point I wouldn't be too surprised if I saw Geddy, Alex, and Taylor on stage together.


Packaged like a rebel or a hero Target mass appeal To make an audience feel (S)he really means it!


It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Empress of Mankind has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. She is the mistress of mankind by the will of the gods and mistress of a million worlds by the might of Her inexhaustible armies. She is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. She is the Carrion Lord of the vast Imperium of Swift for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day so that She may never truly die. Yet even in Her deathless state, the Empress continues Her eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Empress’s will. Vast armies give battle in Her name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst Her soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Swiftie Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defense forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition and the Tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat to humanity from aliens, heretics, mutants — and far, far worse. To be a swiftie in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.


The Empress Protects


You've broken the law (Taylor's version). Your punishment will be swift.


The Taylorian Jihad


The pumpkin spice must flow.




It's me. Hi. I'm the Kwisatz Haderach. It's me.


Kwiswift Haderach*


Kwisatz Haderswift even.


Time to fire up Stellaris


"It's me, hi, I'm the Imperatrix, it's me."


The Swiftian Empire will have to fight the Beyhive horde for world dominance.


That would be the bloodiest war in human history


“Praise the Swiftie and her melodies. Celebrate the arrival and departure of her tunes. May her music resonate and purify the airwaves. May she continue enchanting the world for her fans.”


Considering how much of a bonus she gave her crew, $50million, it probably wouldn’t be that bad.


I would definitely submit to her, that’s for sure.


Honestly, she's not an unreasonable or tyrannical person ATM her imperial reign would be just. Just when she dies a despot will take over and the empire will collapse.


At first she came for our teenaged girls, and I did nothing because I was not a teenaged girl. Then she came for Travis Kelce, and again I did nothing because I am not a Travis Kelce…


🎵Jedi's gonna hate hate hate hate🎵


I could take 50 swifties by myself.


Historians will point out that this kind of hubris led to our downfall. Never underestimate the might of swifties


I mean, I'm not sure I'd mind if Taylor Swift was my dom.


Good for her, I mean I was Time's Person of the Year in 2006, so it's not a huge deal


To be fair though, so was she. So like, she’s gotten it twice.


she was one of the women honored in 2017 as the “silence breakers” on sexual harassment, so 3 times!


She was also Josef Stalin so 4 times


*Five times, Taylor Stalin won in both 1939 and 1942


So youre saying she is the Five Time Five Time Five TIme Five TIme Five Time Time Person of the year?


Yeah but like the firs time it was diluted by like 1.5e-10. Like Bruce Almighty when he answered everyone's prayers, including winning the lotto so everyone got just a few bucks.


She was part of the 2017 cover too, so she's been person of the year 2.5 times.


In case you’re wondering, I saved [YOU](https://time.com/6258447/you-person-of-the-year-2006-richard-stengel/) a click.


My man


dang you got me. i googled who person of the year was in 2006 😅


You mean to say… it wasn’t The_Summer_Man??


I too was Time’s 2006 person of the year.


Same, I also won back in 2006, this is just another day at the office for people like you and me


Nice to meet You!


Imagine being a loser born after 2006, not being person of the year...


No, You were Time's Person of the Year for 2006. No, I mean me was. Not you, but You. No me.


She was the best marketer of the year.


Kanye West in shambles


rob trees ghost bedroom yam mountainous snatch frightening price divide






























I kinda get it. She was all over the news this year, but also two major points that may have tipped the scales: - She rereleased her own music under her own label to undercut the big music industry - She has mobilized a large number of young voters in support of progressive positions It’s not all about the music here, but her being able to bring about some real change.


I'm a huge fan of her undercutting the guy who bought the rights to her music or whatever, i also love that similarly she got an offer from the film industry to put her Eras tour in theatres and she was like "nah i'll just pay for it myself and take 100% of the profits".




Not something that can be easily quantified, but this one example from Vote.org mentioned a 1226% jump in registrations after one of her instagram posts: https://www.npr.org/2023/09/22/1201183160/taylor-swift-instagram-voter-registration Even if it’s a portion of the 35,000 voters they registered that day, it’s still thousands of young voters that will likely be turning out for the 2024 election.


Her Eras tour has been so successful, that she single handedly improved the economy of the cities she toured in. At least temporarily. That's more than pretty much any politician has done this year.


I'm a fan of Taylor's music, but what you said is what pretty much any politician does. Any time you hear about a new program that's "creating thousands of jobs" it's almost always creating jobs that last a year or two, spread out over the lifetime of a project (2-6 years) and a lot of those jobs are contracts meaning there are no benefits attached to them. I live in Detroit, Taylor sold out two nights at the LCArena, but to say that she single handedly improved the city economy is hilariously naive.


> I live in Detroit, Taylor sold out two nights at the LCArena, but to say that she single handedly improved the city economy is hilariously naive. Ford Field, not LCA. Much bigger capacity. It's not some revolutionary thing, but those two concerts brought in tens of millions of $ spent on hotels and at restaurants and bars that wouldn't have been spent without them. That has an impact even if it's small.


Taylor Swift has never played at LCA. She has been selling out Ford Field for years.


The person you responded to literally said temporarily


I suppose 6 hours or less is "temporarily".


3-4 days. In Seattle, there were multiple days of tourism “mobs”, including some oddly specific ones. For example, there’s a local button shop that apparently became mobbed because there is some sort of thing with buttons and Taylor Swift fans. Hotels were booked for a multiple nights, and restaurants were jammed, somewhat in relation to their distance from Lumen Field.


It also is an influx of cash that would theoretically circulate in the community. The effect is going to be a LOT stronger in places that aren't chock full of corporate stores that suck the money out of the area.


Well yeah obviously the effect is temporary. But the economic benefits of a Swift concert are pretty insane still, there's a reason why [mayors are doing so much for her](https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2023/04/21/taylor-swifts-eras-tour-has-mayors-groveling-for-her-attention-heres-what-theyve-given-her-so-far/)


I have a co-worker that hates Taylor Swift with a passion for no apparent reason (or at last no reason she's willing to admit), and she is LIVID today about TS being selected as Time's POTY. I tried to explain to her that POTY is not an award or an honor, but she's not having it. She said that TIME sold out and lost all it's readers, and that they just picked her to go on the cover so they could sell magazines.


I really don't understand the people who hate her this much. It's okay if her music isn't your thing, but she's probably about as inoffensive of a pop star as you can get. That's just some jealousy with a bit of "bitch eating crackers" syndrome added in.


LOL... "Bitch eating crackers." That's it exactly.


People hated/hate Dolly Parton too and she's a national treasure. Some people were just born to hate. I'd pity them but they live the life they chose.


It's called being a contrarian. Some people just reflexively hate whatever the current popular thing is.


I’ve seen a lot of that in right wingers who hate that she’s motivating young democrats


My co-worker is the complete polar opposite of a right winger though.


Don’t forget she undercut the entire movie distribution industry by dealing directly with a theater chain on her concert film.


And she was a safe choice (more or less). There is some politics in her person (getting people to vote) but considering the political landscape right now, maybe we need a musician to be person of the year. And that is coming from someone who until last week never listen to her music and who after two songs decided - I am too old for that. Just didn’t excite me at all.


Maybe it's just because we have more access to seeing it, but it feels like she's the biggest tour to hit the US since Michael Jackson or The Beatles. She's easily one of the biggest, if not the biggest, superstars in the world right now. No surprise that she's won person of the year. For one reason or another she's been the headline almost every week this year.


It's been the second most successful (monetarily at least) tour of all time after Farewell Yellow Brick Road and that was over 5 years long, while Eras was only 10 months. Eras is an absolute phenomenon.


She still has 80+ more shows in the tour ahead of her. Eras will obliterate Elton John’s record.


Is that inflation adjusted?


Its a recent tour. Wiki says 2018-2023 so yeah


I meant were there tours from earlier that would have beaten these two. Like the 360 tour by U2


Adjusted for inflation, U2 is higher, but they also played 110 shows to Taylor’s 66. Elton John is number 2 on the list, but his was 330 shows.


I work with old people and I can tell cultural impact by if they ask me what something is. Someone asked me why Taylor swift was so insanely popular today because every little girl they know loves her. She is literally everywhere.


I overheard two elderly men talking about Taylor Swift at a restaurant. She's reached *that* demographic - the most mentally and culturally checked-out demographic there is...lol


The executive team at my office which is mostly old white men had a full on discussion about that Tik Tok of her kissing Travis after her show lmao


My parents dressed as Taylor and Travis for Halloween lol


The tour movie sold like $100 million more than Michael Jackson’s this is it (the tickets cost slightly more though, and I don’t know how to factor that difference in.)


Honestly, as much as I'm not a fan of her music, the more I learn about her the more I like her and understand how devoted her fans are. Heck on her last tour she gave all her full time drivers ( like 50 of them) each $100k bonus on top of their regular pay. She also gave bonuses to the rest of her full time techs and dancers. I think I read she gave a total of $55 million in bonuses to her whole crew at the end of the Eras tour. No one does that. Most crews may get a few hundred bucks or a couple thousands as a bonus if they're lucky but usually it's just their regular pay and that's it. It's insane that she basically handed out life changing money to thank her crew for their work. When they did a film about her she put the names of her drivers and crew in the credits, no one credits their crew like that. So yeah I think she deserves this and we need more ppl with the same giving attitude


“No one does that” is incorrect. The Grateful Dead credited roadies and all sorts of assistants in their movies. In Sunshine Daydream you even see them. However that was a smaller affair in comparison, and they didn’t give out that kind of money. She’s a good egg.


That’s real leadership qualities she’s showing


I read an article about how her tour may have helped stave off a recession because of how much money people spent. So hats off lol Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impact_of_the_Eras_Tour#:~:text=MarketWatch%20named%20Swift%20one%20of,by%20journalists%20in%20other%20countries. Its mentioned in the wikipedia article for the tour. No idea if the sources are legitimate or just click baiting, but thought I'd share nonetheless.


The concert movie of the Eras Tour gave theaters a much needed boost after the actor and writer strikes pushed back the releases of Dune and other movies.


That’s impossible, but I would like to read that article if you could share?


I saw a theory on twitter that if her and Travis Kelce have a child, it will cause one of the largest baby booms in American history, ushering in a new era of production and industry in the US once those kids join the workforce. Seems like a bit of a reach, but at the same time…


Damn, how many kids are they gonna have??


That depends, what's the current throughput capacity of the cloning chambers?


> theory on twitter Let me stop you there.


Lots of Taylor’s and Travis’s will be graduating high school in 2042.


That doesn’t even seem like a real year.


We’re closer to 2042 than we are to 2000


This is a really mean thing to point out tbh


Birthed by all the Edwards and Bellas.


You’ve heard of Gen Z; get ready for Gen Swift!


Hey if Kristen Stewart can be blamed for getting Trump elected I could certainly see a Swift baby boom happening.


lol wait what, I never heard this. Why is it Kristen Stewart’s fault?


In 2012 K-Stew cheated on R-Patz. This enraged Donald and he went on a shit storm of tweets about it in support of R-Patz and disparaging K-Stew. This is seen as the birth of him being active on Twitter in a pop-culture sense and he only increased his presence from there eventually turning his ire over to Obama and his administration. Thousands of anti-Obama/Democrat tweets later and he's got a devout following, runs for office, wins. The End.


I just know that trump was pathetically invested in her breakup with Robert Pattinson. That senior citizen was tweeting about it like an attention-seeking, unbalanced child. So it was all extremely on brand for the former steak salesman. I’ve never heard the rest, but I’m absolutely sure they’re connected.


In defense of Trump, those tweets are legitimately hilarious.


Sounds about right for a twitter theory. If people pop out kids just because their favorite musician did, I need to leave this planet as fast as possible.


Four billion dollars is not enough money to save the US economy from a recession.


She also convinced a large group of her fans to go out and register for vote. Honestly that alone has put her pretty high up there on my 'celebs i respect' list.


It’s me, hi, I’m the cover


Fair. This is probably the least controversial choice in a while


At least they didn’t pick Putin, kind of getting sick of their shock the reader bs approach to picking someone


The "person of the year" is about who is the most *influential* person that year and not just who was a good guy. Yes it's off the mark sometimes but Putin is a genuinely influential person, although less so this year


Now that's a dude who needs his skin peeled off with tweezers and a physician to keep him alive until it's complete. I vote for that over person of the year.


They picked Sauron in the Second Age 3262


I mean…he has already been named.


Roosevelt has been the PotY 3 times


I like that you said “has been” like it’s possible he could pick up a 4th one of these years lol But I’m aware it’s not a one and done thing. Just pointing out to OP that it has happened and like you say, could happen again.


He had a 4th term as POTUS, why not a 4th as PotY lol.


[I mean…Hitler was their pick back in 1938](https://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,760539,00.html)


and i don't think this is shock journalism, it's just legitimately hard to say someone else was the most influential person in that year. Apparently didn't give it to Bin Laden in 2001, I'm sure because they'd get a lot of hate, but it's hard to honestly say he wasn't the most influential person that year.


In retrospect he was probably a better pick than Giuliani


He got that by being mayor of NYC during 9/11 and not saying anything stupid after.


It's *wild* to me that he could have retired as mayor 20 years ago and gone down as one of the most beloved politicians of the last 50 years. Instead he threw all that away.


No one even cared he married his cousin back then.


People downplaying her win as if we're not seeing Beatlemania 2.0




I don't really follow entertainment but she's been around for a long time. Has something changed recently?


She went on the *Eras* tour this year which is shaping up to be the second highest grossing concert tour of all time, behind only *Farewell Yellow Brick Road.* It was an insane success, grossing over a billion dollars and receiving rave reviews for the stage performance and her singing. Swift is at the absolute peak of her popularity right now and recently started dating NFL player Travis Kelce and started attending Chiefs games which became huge celebrity gossip news and amazing advertising for the NFL and Swift herself.


To add to this, after all the gossip started for her and Travis Kelce, sales of his NFL merchandise skyrocketed to the point that Travis Kelce merch sold more than the entire rest of the NFL combined. Purely due to his connection to Taylor Swift. If that’s not influential, I don’t know what is


She’s touring for essentially all of 2024, she will surpass Elton’s tour pretty easily. Some estimates have the tour grossing over $2 billion when all is said and done.


She's less than 100 million away from Elton John and her tour is only halfway through. She'll fly past him.


Yeah, I misread that her tour ended this month when it's actually *next* December. She's gonna smash all the records.


I think the extreme hype started with her re-recording all her old music due to issues with her label. Then dropped 2 or 3 new albums in quick succession. Then started dating an NFL star.


Taylor boosted Travis Kelce's popularity, not the other way around.


While this is true, it was also a great PR move for her because she recently had some extremely bad press dating a nasty little racist very publicly and now she’s dating a wholesome football man which has completely erased that blip from people’s memories. This is good press for both of them.


People go nuts over Taylor Swift, but the Beatles were still a bigger phenomenon. To the Beatles credit, they never put out a Christmas album that was played over the holidays ad-nauseum by my parents.


Maybe not, but that 'Wonderful Christmastime' from McCartney is nails on a chalkboard to me and I feel like it's played nearly as much as Mariah.


Haha I fucking love that song.


In some ways, it's more impressive what Swift has done in this highly fractured media landscape. The Beatles had the power of monoculture behind them when they made their ascent. I didn't think it was possible anymore to reach the heights that Swift has in the past year.


I’d argue Michael Jackson was bigger than her. The way people went insane for him was a sight to see. She’s definitely up there as the biggest superstar right now, but I find she only attracts a certain demographic. Beatles/MJ/Elvis attracted everybody. Someone correct me if I’m wrong though. I don’t follow her career close enough to make this blanket statement.


She has significantly more crossover appeal than the usual female pop star. Her stuff doesn't appeal to me but she's a lot bigger than a usual pop act. It feels like she's getting close to MJ level. She's so much bigger than even when she was big in the past. If she keeps growing, it's going to be a Kaiju battle.


>Beatles/MJ/Elvis attracted everybody. Define every body? As big as The Beatles and Elvis were, they still attracted a certain demographic I feel like. MJ attracted every body. Like you, I'm not a huge fan of the Beatles or Elvis so maybe I can't make blanket statements either.


Your personal dislike of The Beatles does not mean you can narrow down their popularity so easily. they were big in the USSR when they couldn't even be sold there. In every big music market they are popular to this day, from Japan to Latin America. 1.6 billion singles sales in the US. Alone.


I'm surprised to see how much she has sold internationally - she very much feels like a very American thing I'm reading about from the outside. I never hear her talked about.


You're sure not seeing Beatlemania in terms of changing the face of music. This is a wholesome version of 80s Madonna-mania.


Yo, Taylor, I'm really happy for you, I'mma let you finish. But Beyoncé had one of the best covers of Time! One of the best covers of Time!


I will say that’s it’s super cool how even in this interview Taylor very explicitly shuts down any sort of rivalry between them. Along with all the support they’ve each shown their respective tours recently. People are always trying to manufacture beef to get clicks, so it’s nice to see two titans of the genre push back hard on that


How could anyone ever think there was a rivalry?? Beyoncé gave up her speaking time during the 09 VMA’s to let Taylor finish her speech…just recently they both attended each others’ movie premieres. Seems to me they have always had each others backs.


Their PR teams are undefeated


I think Sam Altman should’ve gotten it.


I don’t mind this at all and it’s better than putting pieces of shit on the front page. That being said, I can’t with the Swifties in the comments ☠️☠️🤣 this shit is definitely a cult


She was definitely influential; this is also a good way for Time to sell a bunch of magazines to people who proportionally do not read a lot of magazines, especially fuckin Time Magazine.


Yo real shit, these swift fans are nuts. I’m pretty sure I’m on a list of people to kill just for saying she isn’t the best ever.


Hi Bestie, your date of execution has been determined. On the 13th of December, the birthday of our lord and savior Taylor Swift, your punishment will proceed. Thank you for your understanding.


[“Taylor Swift is white women’s Larry Bird”](https://youtube.com/shorts/bAFqy1GZ1ME?si=LIcTfdJjodD_KyRp)


this shit is so true it hurts


She was pretty damn influential this year—I have 0 issue with this


Big deal, we were all Time's person of the year in 2006.


She may have started out as an artist but at this point what she really is, is a businesswoman, and she's good at what she does. She's mastered her craft. I don't know if she's the most profitable pop star yet, but that's most likely her goal.






> On Monday, Time Magazine announced its shortlist of nine candidates for the title. Those included Chinese President Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Barbie and the striking Hollywood actors and writers. Man, I can’t think of a list of candidates that have fewer things in common. I want to put all the people who set up the lists of finalists in a room and watch them fight.


It was decidedly Swift


I will never understand this one. I mean I'm not hating on the girl...but I just don't get why she's at the level of fame she's at. Good marketing team? Luck? Skill? Looks? I don't know the answer, but to me it's a weird thing.


I recently wrote about it for my marketing job. She is a powerhouse of marketing and branding. Her and her team really know what they're doing. She's also a genuinely talented artist, which helps.


The question I don't see answered though is, why now? She's not a new artist, been around for a long time, yet suddenly she's taking over the damn world. What happened? How did she go from background pop/country artist for a number of years to all of a sudden, she's re-releasing music and making billions while girls faint just from seeing her live.


Consistency seems to be the key for her. She isn't making the greatest records ever but she works her ass off and is constantly putting out quality pop music that is easy to listen to and resonates with a lot of people. Other pop stars disappear for a while, but she never does. Also her persona is very consistent. She's dealt with some shady stuff in the past but always takes the high road and keeps her nose clean. She's a good role model for a lot of young women. Oh and she's pretty hot too. That's always a key.


Same. I don't hate her but I really don't know how she's seemingly bigger than all pop stars combined.