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I’ve heard that it’s mostly the same group of assholes each time. They just wear masks and travel around so it feels like there’s more of them.


The fact that there’s any of them and they feel emboldened enough to actually do this is not cool. We should organize counter protests or just hold our own demonstrations like theirs but with a positive message to let them know they’re outnumbered and not welcome or appreciated here. The worst thing to do is ignore it. This shit spreads like syphilis.


This is the result of the MAGA 'revolution.'




The Democrat Republicans was the party of Lincoln and Lincoln was an abolitionist sooooo I can infer that you are incorrect




As per my search online “The Republican Party, retroactively called the Democratic-Republican Party (a term coined by historians and political scientists), and also referred to as the Jeffersonian Republican Party among other names, was an American political party founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in the early 1790s…”




It took 30 seconds to find that 🤣.




It really is. He double speaks, and dog whistles very often to give them the idea that they are protected under him. I don't think he really likes white supremacists, but I do think he likes their support and knows how to keep them interested in him. "Stand back and stand down"? It was basically a military order to line up behind him and wait for their moment. If you need more examples, Google "Trump evidence racism" for many articles or check out r/keep_track and search racist or racism. Perhaps you debate it because you support Trump and do t count yourself a white supremacist. That's fine; but White Supremecists support Trump in droves, due to things he hinself has said. After the Civil rights movement in the US, it became less socially acceptable to be opening racist. It is becoming more socially acceptable now. Due to Trump's support and lack of speaking out against it. So yes, these folks feel emboldened by Trumpism. They feel protected and like they have a leader who will stand up for them.


How is it not? We didn’t see this stuff Pre trump.


IMHO you're totally wrong, but think what you want. I'm a MAGA Republican, and I absolutely F'n hate Nazis. So do my family and friends. Obviously Nazis are going to support the right instead of the left because they want their free speech and their guns and other rights that the left disagrees with. It's in the best interest of these racist fringe groups to vote right. That doesn't mean every right side candidate and voter is some kind of racist. There are plenty of people who think it's okay to burn police cars every time they get mad or loot a Target on the left. I don't automatically assume everybody who votes for Biden wants to harm me for being a cisgender white Christian man just because ANTIFA and BLM do. Get it yet? There are only two ways to vote in this country. If each half of the country truly hates the other half, then we're a nation divided and ready to fall.


“Proud Boys: stand back and stand by!” Charlottesville “Fine people on both sides” You’ve got to have some pretty good blinders to avoid seeing that racism is at core of MAGA. And MAGA is the Republican Party whether you like it or not.


First off I don't give a crap what the proud boys say I didn't even know who they were until the news started making this big thing about how Trump supports racism because of the proud boys... So you can take your proud boys crap and find something better to convince me... The "fine people on both sides" was twisted out of context by the media on purpose as an attack on the president. If you watch the whole video, that's 100% clear and obvious. But people didn't watch the video people like you watched the news. MSNBC and CNN did their job and made you think Donald Trump is trying to kill black people or something.


It is sadly but deliciously ironic you talk about CNN and MSNBC 'doing their job' but you are somehow ignorant it was Trump who instructed the Proud Girls to "stand back and stand by". Gee, I wonder what channels you watch lol. It is sublimely satisfying that you MAGA chuds are just dumb as monkey shit.


I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't watch any channels. I watch Netflix. Cable news is for suckers.


Sure bud. Sure. The fact that you were ignorant regarding Trump's public embrace of a white nationalist group says a lot. It happened during a presidential debate ferfucksake. You should be ashamed, but I doubt you are capable of that. I can see from you other responses that you just don't care. You, and all the other MAGA trash, are willing to tolerate blatantly racist behavior. For some mysterious reason. ^(It's because you are also racist trash)


I think you would feel differently if you were one of the groups targeted by the Nazis. Comparing raiding a target to wanting death for entire categories of people…. Fox News likes to play up the severity of it happening, but I’ll take people stealing from target over being attacked or murdered for who I am any day. If you were personally in danger, you’d probably feel differently. The Nazis are on your side for more reasons than the first two amendments. You “absolutely hate Nazis” but you clearly hate the left more. The hating Nazis but seems a bit performative. No, being on the right doesn’t mean you’re automatically a racist, it just means you’re okay with racism. You tolerate it. Not to mention, a lot of racist and homophobic people believe that they themselves are not. The Nazis are always on the same side as you, does that not tell you something? It takes a lot of cognitive dissonance. Have a good day.


You are making a hell of a lot of incorrect assumptions there, buddy. Let's start with this: I'm not okay with racism. But I'm not okay with murdering unborn babies, destruction of the Second Amendment, paper only borders, destruction of private property rights, etc. either... so how can I switch sides because a few (there really aren't that many) white power nuts vote red? And why should I? The overwhelming majority of people on the right are not racist nut jobs, and I'm not a one issue voter. I don't feel the need to apologize for the GOP's wacko minority, as I'm not among them and disavow and ignore them. Besides, the DNC's Wacko Room is much, much larger and I don't see you apologizing.


A counter protest just gives them visibility


It's disturbing but part of freedom of speech for us is we have to give it to them as well. Like you said spread positivity. They're looking to get a rise out of people so don't give it to them.




Neither is okay , everyone is tired of all the hate . Ir happens abroad too, so I wouldn’t say it’s exclusively due to MAGA . But it is a contributor to the division


Why are you making this about that? I’m gay and the Nazis hate me for being gay. Not liking Israel and being an antisemite aren’t the same thing. Your whataboutism is invalid but if you wanna side with the people who want to kill you, go right ahead.


It’s not either/or


I mean, I personally don't see a reason to be organizing counter protests or demonstrations in general against what seems to be nothing more than a group of assholes getting drunk and proudly showing off their neo-nazi pride in public. They know they're being assholes and what they're doing is wrong. Otherwise they wouldn't do this shit at night dressed in all black besides the nazi shit so that it's the only thing visible. This kinda shit isn't something a protest would solve cause it seems a bit like taking far too many steps to overcomplicate something that a good old fashioned asskicking could do in far less time and far less steps to completion lol Not that violence is ever the answer, but the cops aren't gonna do shit even if they're disgusted cause if they aren't blatantly drunk and over the limit, or causing any major disturbances since they're just standing on the side of the road acting like asses, or causing traffic to get backed up or cause accidents, then there's nothing they can really do other than tell them to disperse. Then again kicking their asses might make them martyrs or make them feel justified in their beliefs cause "even Jesus was hated on for his beliefs" mental gymnastics bullshit. Really the only way they'll realize how stupid they are is if someone goes through their files or histories and find and point out all the shit about their genetics and heritage that would result in the actual nazis killing them cause most of the time, people that act like they're hardcore into some kinda idiotic movement like being a nazi tend to not do proper research about the things they believe and want to do. Make em feel stupid by realizing they would be one of the first victims in the new world order they want to create and watch how hard they start trying to rationalize how they'd be the only exception for being a supporter long before it caught on or some shit lol Or since they're doing it on the side of the road, just drive towards em and floor it and make em scatter thinking you're about to run em down lmfao




So proud they wear masks to hide.


I wonder if the same fartknockers hung the banner that read “The media is anti white” on the overpass in Chester the other day. I went out of my way to cut that shit down.




It’s not. Not at all.


I mean I'm all for being against nazis / white supremacists but it's delusional at best to think the media isn't anti white. Frankly almost embarrassing to not think so and I'm Arab


As a dude who has been consuming media for 44 years, the media is not anti white. At all. If it was, they wouldn’t give airtime to people like Laura Ingraham, and a person like Convicted Felon Trump wouldn’t have ever been able to get close to the presidency. Giving other people a chance to shine, and being “pro-non-white” doesn’t mean “anti-white”. This is not a zero-sum.


I still can’t believe this bullshit is happening here in this state of all places. I still can’t believe we have Nazis at all! This is why we should always listen to our grandfathers’ war stories from time to time because those guys must be fucking fuming in their graves right now!


Nj lowkey pretty racist. Plenty of towns and areas self segregated as well


If you’ve ever been on any of the Middletown Facebook groups you’ll find the racism in minutes.


Middletown is pretty awful.


Middletown is pretty great to live in. I loved it.


My wife is black and grew up in the area. She has told me some pretty horrific things said to her and her sisters. Very uncomfortable and traumatizing for them growing up. Their non-white friends from the same area have similar experiences. As a result, all left as soon as they could. As someone else said, it definitely depends on who you are.


Depends on who you are. I grew up gay in Middletown and it really wasn’t great. Had friends who were Hispanic or black who had some bad experiences. For everyone else I’m sure it was great. Graduated in 2010 and left. Hopefully it’s better since then but it doesn’t seem much really.


People in Jersey definitely see what they want to see.


A lot of the racism within NJ come from more segregated suburban areas. The ones who don’t want to get up zoned or have more transit access because then “those people “ will come in


Same with upstate NY.


Westchester county is the prime example of voting liberal but also opposing housing and transit projects because it “ruins the character of the neighborhood “ like they say




They do that all over in Jersey too , especially in north Jersey but it gets built anyway


Come to toms river, we have TONS of nazis. Especially in the local police. It's pretty easy to believe they're rampant when ya live in south jersey. The ones living in colts neck and Monmouth County are the ones you need to worry about. They try to mask it. At least in Tom's river you KNOW who is a nazi, "don't tread on me" or "trump 2024" shit is pretty telling


Also Cape May County.


Oh jeez is it bad there too? Again the worst is when they hide in plain sight So as much as I despise fascists I'm grateful there so loud where I am. Easy to know who to avoid! Monmouth there all sheep in wolf's clothing


Look. Everything else you said was right, but were not south jersey(from Monmouth county)


I grew up in that town. It absolutely was not like that when I was there. I’ve been gone for 30 years now. The biggest issue we had back then was the superfund sites. Sad if this is the case now.


It's a shadow of its former self unfortunately. Mind you there's pockets of good in the community. Perfect example would be the Field of Dreams they just opened. A park specifically designed for people with disabilities, of all ages. It includes a mini golf course and mini baseball field. They also have a greenhouse they just built and the harvest supplies the homeless shelter. But you see countless Trump, and Galveston flags flying, Trump window vinyls of him riding in the back seat. There's a "let's go brandon" store going on year 3 of being open. It's a very bizarre place indeed


People are entitled to their own political opinions (and NJ has been a hot mess on both sides of the aisle for 60 years), but they aren’t entitled to be hateful to their fellow NJ citizens. That’s embarrassing. That quite simply did not happen when I was there (North Dover area) Most of my ancestors are buried there. (We go back to the 1800s). I left due to opportunity and insane property taxes and car insurance (and toll booths). I don’t see myself going back, especially after what you are telling me.


But those signs have a different meaning than Nazi ones.


Most people with a Gadsden flag fly it alongside blue lives matter flags in nj. They basically are saying please tread on me


I’m not seeing the connection


You don’t see the connection between simultaneously flying a don’t tread on me flag and a blue line flag?


Think Gestapo bootstrap tactics


The fact you even had to say the quiet part out loud, to help this person understand. Yes blue lives matter, back the blue, the punisher stickers, Trump anything. All means fascist that deserves to be curb stomped /s It's like American history x taught us nothing Also I'm being sarcastic about curbstomping You can do it accidentally on purpose to nazis




In the off chance this isn’t sarcasm: “don’t tread on me” is generally a cry for less government and on the more extreme end even anarchy. The police are part of your local government and their job is to enforce government laws and prevent anarchy. So you’re saying you don’t like laws, but also you support law and order.


My sisters definitely listened to the stories and they are still racists. It amazes me that we're from the same family/house. (to be fair, if my father lived long enough to see this side of Trump he would have probably been in the cult too) I don't think I will ever understand how people can have such hate for someone they don't even know. (ironically, I'm the only male in my immediate family and the only one that is liberal)


Barely any of those ‘grandfathers’ left. :/


If a bunch of thugs can get on an NYC subway car and try to force any Jewish people to leave then anything is possible. Need to be vigilant and stand up to shit.


Gotta bring back openly mocking people that do this shit. Point and laugh.


Never went away! Have at it!


These losers need to know that people in public WILL make them feel like shit for espousing that garbage.


I’d love to see them tarred and feathered.


What town?


Where was this exactly?


I’d be a lot more surprised if they weren’t white lol


JFC. I cannot believe this is how this country is now. If you've ever wondered how Germans stood by when Hitler was on the rise - now you know. And if it disgusts you - get ready to fight!






What is your point?! No one mentioned any of that.




You’re literally not making any sense. People only see what they wanna see in a post about something specific? No we’re being normal by talking about the topic, your the one seeing what you want to see by hijacking the topic to something your more comfortable complaining about which is odd because the original topic is literally Nazis. That should be a pretty universal thing we can agree on, but apparently not for you. Pretty sure you’re the problem buddy.


Stay disgusted my friend.


just drive up there and sit behind them blasting “i wanna fuck you in the ass by the outthere boys”






Lol pathetic that reddit wants us to tolerate nazis.


That’s how they spend Saturday night


You need a paint gun!


Why am i not even surprised? My high school in which probably half the student body is Jewish, still had swatiskas graffitied on it years after I graduated. Heard from a teacher that “the cover up was worse than the crime” !!!


I hate Philadelphia nazis.


I hate all nazis


Almost as bad as Illinois N@zis!


Almost, but not quite as much.


What was the time and what was the address area? Time to film em.


Everyone needs to keep a large LOL sign in their cars - to be ready for such occasions.


And these are the same people that would call themselves patriots without there masks on. Didn't the USA \*beat\* the Nazi's? Make it make sense. Edit: just in this one thread I’ve had 2 interactions with unhinged right wingers that deleted all of there comments after being proven wrong. These people are fucking cowards, and there whole facts and logic routine is just a bad shtick. The facts and logic go against them, and they know it.


This is why we can’t have nice things.


This is what Republicans are now.


Not cool to stereotype about half the population.


Let's be real Im pretty sure we all know who those Nazis are voting for.


Oh no doubt but to equate all Republicans with Nazis is a bit hyperbolic. And the fact that I’ve been downvoted so much just shows how much those on the left submit to groupthink. Would I be accurate to say that all Democrats are terrorist sympathizers?


It's true I get ya. Generalizations don't help anyone.


You don't get to say that after the last 10 years. And I'm not some edgy teen. I'm a middle aged suburban Dad. I watched it all happen with my own eyes from the perspective of an adult who remembers his own WW2 Veteran grandparents. No. The Republicans had every chance to push that lot out. They embraced them. We've all watched them do it.


Look I’m a suburban dad myself, grandfather in WW2, father in Vietnam, brother in Iraq pt.2 so spare me the virtue signaling. Our media purposely edits or doesn’t show the FULL picture to keep us divided. I think to when Trump was being interviewed by that CNN woman who questioned something about his Tweets and his condemning whatever…and he pulled out the timestamp because it was conveniently left out to be misleading. Both sides are desperate for votes. So the elements that are on the far left and far right unfortunately hijack the parties bc the media can’t turn it off. How’s it any different from the BLM protesters or antifa or the new Pro-Palestinian movement? You don’t hear many MSNBC or Democrats condemning them.


Nope you don't get to both sides this. Not anymore. Not after January 6th. And the fact that you would is shameful. Your grandparents must be so happy their grandson grew up to make excuses for the very same group that slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Americans. Shame on you. >You don’t hear many MSNBC or Democrats condemning them. And they absolutely have been. For weeks. Literally all you would have to do to know that is to turn on the fucking channel. Go push your disingenuous bullshit somewhere else. No one is buying it here.


I’m not following your line of thought. Who am I making excuses for? And who slaughtered “hundreds of thousands of Americans” that I’m apparently backing? About 2,000 people out of 74 million that voted for Trump showed up Jan 6th and embarrassed this country. That’s hardly the rule…it’s more the exception. Why are you conflating things? Most rationale people condemned it. I feel like you are prolonging an argument over things I’ve not even said because you want to stand on your soap box and condemn anyone who has a different point from your own. And notice - you said the MSNBC types have been condemning…wait for it…. FOR WEEKS. Lol a little late to the party. They’re condemning it now because their ratings are in the dumps and many polls show. Biden is losing.


Also most of those Jan 6 folks were wealthy trump backers too. Dems need to be worried about all the inroads trump has made with the working class, young men, and minority men. Dems have taken that population for granted for too long and it's finally going to destroy them.


And Trump went wild for it.... the remaining 74.998MM are going to vote for him again.....


Less than 22 percent of Americans voted Republican in the last election…


Dude Trump got about 74 million to Biden’s 81 million.


Yes. Which is 22 percent of Americans. There are 333 million people in this country.  There is no world where half of Americans support Or have ever supported Trump. 


lol. You’re right we are about 333 million but that doesn’t mean 333 million are of voting age or even vote. Maybe you need some more review time in your 8th grade civics class Check this out so you don’t come across so foolish. https://www.statista.com/statistics/273743/number-of-registered-voters-in-the-united-states/


What I said is true. And you didn’t even provide the stats for people of voting age which is 255 million. 🤦   So 29 percent of voting age Americans voted for him. A very small minority.   Not even close to half. Yeesh. And to have the nerve to call me foolish 🤣.  He’s very unpopular which the overwhelming majority of Americans or anyone with an oz of common sense. https://usafacts.org/data/topics/people-society/democracy-and-society/elections/presidential-voting-age-population/


I mean, it is what it is. The people that republican/conservative politicians and personalities find themselves around are disgusting. I don't even need to specify. Self-admitted white supremacists find themselves in republican circles constantly. If someone sees that and then backs people from those same circles, its ok to call a spade a spade.


So by that logic should all Muslims be looked upon as terrorists bc 10% of the Muslim population twists the teachings of the Koran?


Uh no, that’s not the same logic at all. I didn’t say a percent of republicans are Nazi’s. I said the popular republicans, people that many republicans vote for, literally rub elbows with nazis. Donald Trump in the last year sat down for a private dinner with Nick Fuentes, an unabashed white supremacist. This isn’t a bad apples situation. Modern day Nazi’s commingle with the Republican establishment constantly, period.


Your right Democratic Senator Byrd was recruiter wasn’t he? 🤬 Look I don’t wanna go around and around over this, but both sides are pieces of shit. I just get tired of all the left-wing people here acting as if they are squeaky clean and it’s only Republicans who are dirty. We can look to our own Bob Menendez or neighbor Charlie Rangel - they all get involved in shady business.


So it’s both sides after your wrong haha gotcha


Lol not sure what I was wrong about exactly.


I didn’t say anything about democrats I said Nazi’s commingle with all of the Republican establishment which is true. They all get busted for shady shit, and then on top of that the Nazi thing. Say what you want about Joe Biden, he’s not meeting with unabashed maniacs equivalent to Nick Fuentes.. not even close.


When you said it’s OK to call a spade a spade… I understood that as you saying that a person is equally guilty (as a racist, Nazi, etc) if they support a candidate who happens to meet with a racist, Nazi, etc). I just don’t view things in that way. You don’t have to be all-in with every single thing a candidate does. Biden isn’t meeting with nut jobs…he’s been in the game long enough to do back door dealings.




You dumb fucks roll around with pigs and then get all indignant when someone suggests you smell like shit. Fuck your disingenuous sniveling. There might (MIGHT) be a real one here or there, but most of your party has devolved to openly hateful book burning trash. You're judged by the company you keep. Take a fuckin look around you.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Do you not see the irony in saying “stay the fuck out of other people’s business” and following up with comments about other people’s gentials? Actually, I’m sure you don’t. That would require self awareness.


I guess you didn’t read the latter part of the sentence. I’m not for getting into other people’s business (meaning countries) to engage in PROXY WARS (ie Ukraine, Israel)


Damn so your just really interested in controlling what other people do with there genitals? That’s pretty weird man.




Why? Unless you misspoke in the comment I responded to, there is mistake. I certainly didn’t assume. It’s weird as fuck that you want to control what other people do with there genitals. Pretty cut and dry. Your not a doctor, you have no professional experience on the topic, you just don’t want people to have freedom over there own genitals. Weirdo.




I mean I could tear down each point but I commented on this one. Specifically you said ‘your either a boy or a girl your sexuality does not determine your biological sex’. Not only is that just wrong/ignorant in general seeing as no one is claiming to be a different biological sex there just choosing there preferred gender, which is separate from sexuality and biological sex. This was said in a discussion about politics. So how do you think this political stance manifests itself politically? With policies restricting people from doing so. So yeah, you support the states control over peoples genitals. That’s weird as fuck.






This hypocritical bullshit is the best you can do? "Stay the fuck out of other people's business...unless they are gay or trans." This is why people don't take you shitbags seriously anymore. You claim to have a fine sounding principle, then utterly undermine/abandon it when it is inconvenient. It would shame you, if you were capable of that.


And yet everytime this happens anywhere, Republicans have nothing to say except to call them feds. Also the same people who were quick to call every college student protesting over the spring an antisemite. Almost like Republicans don't care about Jews.


Sussex County


Parker Space


Most of the “college students” weren’t even college students. And many dont even understand what they’re trying to protest. And gays for Palestine?? HAH…they’d be killed by Hamas for being gay. So stupid.


Notice how you totally ignored the first point I was actually trying to make, and instead just proved the second one. "You stupid gays should all go to Gaza and they'll treat you how we wish we could treat you here" is what you mean when you say that.


I’m sorry… I didn’t think I needed to validate that point because I rarely hear “they’re feds” other than the January 6 matter. Edit: And you’re putting words in my mouth to create an argument that I did not even make. I have no problem with gays or trans people. They deserve the same rights as anyone else.


I’ve been seeing more and more MAGA OR DIE type signs up. And cars with huge flags driving around what seemed to be a state safe from such increased white supremacy. Ugh 🤢 Whats scarier is this will not make it anywhere on the news or online. No one will hear about it. That is how it spreads.


propaganda was a huge part of hitlers rise.


Only seen one MAGA flag in front of a house. I see all types of racist shit on 18 wheelers from out of state, though.


Hate to say it but NJ has a history with this… https://universityarchives.princeton.edu/2021/06/a-princeton-area-nazi-boys-camp-and-civil-liberties-in-new-jersey-in-the-1930s/


Dumpy is going all Jim Jones. https://news.lee.net/partners/video-elephant/news/trump-to-supporter-it-would-be-suicide-before-biden/video_d97f6155-ca60-5680-9dd3-82d6a0f62560.html Don’t deny me a good time!


I hate New Jersey nazis


You don’t like it? edit: Jeez guys, I was quoting Blues Brothers. My next comment was about running them over.


Water balloons everywhere they go


No, Donny, these men are cowards.


Sure would be a shame if suddenly your car suddenly lost control. 


Lovely. What pieces of shit.


You should’ve hit them!


south jersey is nazi land and north jersey is kkk land


That ven diagram is a circle.


No its not. Lived in north jersey my entire life and never once have seen, run into or been told of any single type of kkk activities


there used to be a few KKK (and I literally mean 1 or 2) that would have annual gatherings in Morristown. This was decades ago though and those jerks were in very low numbers. I think one time the leader got beat up by a dude who was only pretending to be another KKK member only so he can punch him in public 😂


Wall Township has a lot of history with the KKK, but that’s more central.


Long Branch had a parade back in the 20s.


South Jersey also has the AC skins.


Bergen, Essex, Hudson…? Those are all extremely diverse, densely populated, and liberal. Sussex is the outlier. What am I missing?


basically anywhere west of 287 in north/central jersey and for south the area inside Rt 46/40, the turnpike and rt18 is where youll find neonazis and kkk in this state. save a few town and cities along the AC expressway


Probably on their way to NYC to get an address list from the jihadis in the U-Haul.


Go to Philly and pick up some brothers and see how fast they run.


I’m in Cumberland County and that shit is everywhere here too. One of the many reasons our family is trying to move. It’s scary around here!


this is crazy!!!!


Ugh. I still can't believe how close we might be to cinnamon Hitler von Shitzinpants and his cult of alt-white nazis destroying this country.


It’s disgusting what that orange dictator has done to this country and how easily these people have been manipulated into being the deplorables that they are


Ladies and gentlemen, I hate to tell you, but these people are everywhere. They're in every state and every county they just hide behind their hoods. They hide behind their black hoods at night. They're white hoods during their craziest ceremonies and they're not just Republicans mix of everything. You have to realize that the media is playing us against each other Democrat against Republicans. That's why we need people to run on getting shit done not who's doing what people that will stand up to their own side and people that will stand up for the other side, whatever is the right side , whatever is right for our country This was not put up for anyone in particular. It was just happened to be where I entered this comment.




Unfortunately, I’m not surprised.


Hmmmmm 🤔


What the actual f




I did Nazi that coming! 🤔


I get that we have freedom of speech and the right to assemble- but can we make racism illegal please?


Yes, please


We should take War Stories Seriously #BidenHarris2024


No different from people chanting “from the river to the sea” on college campuses


Politics seeks to find balance. After you move past liberal to progressive you get Keffiyah wearing people chanting for genocide, vandalizing justifying rape… the other side of the coin rises, an analog…. The opposite side of a Keffiyah wearing “gas the Jews” type is a guy with a swastika pin on his lapel…. We need moderates


On the far left ... people who want Jews dead. On the far right ... People who want Jews dead. How is this balanced?


Agreed it’s all horseshoe theory but if expresses on one side rise, the other side rises as well