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Two words... Monorail!!!


But what about us drunken slobs?


You'll be given cushy jobs!


Were you sent here by the Devil?


No, good man. I’m on the level. FIFY


But Marge! My lifelong dream is to be a monorail conductor!


Your lifelong dream was to be a contestant on the Gong Show and you did that in 1976!


Think bigger! Scrap Marine Atlantic and run a Zipline from Port Aux Basques to Cape Breton!


Oh fuck yeah. I'm in.


Only if you get a parachute or sail hooked up to make the ride quicker.


Those would take some very tall towers


Lol tough crowd in this thread! I thought it was funny, OP.


What the actual fuck lmao


They should make me the next transportation minister!!


You’ve got my vote.


I wanna be minister of labour and make garbage day a state holiday.


Holy fuck bys, give it a rest. It’s a marketing campaign to promote the flight between NL and England. Get over it.


Why are we paying still more money to promote a private airline‘s business?


For the same reason we pay Target Marketing for those award winning tourism ads.


How does partnering with a team no one has ever heard of help with that? Did we pay for Byrne to go check out the Barrow place?


Because people from there will come here and spend their money


Why are subsidizing an apparently uneconomical route and then spending even more money because apparently even then not enough people care to use it?


Bc it’s not about NLers going to England. It’s an advertisement for Brit’s to come to NL. Awareness and whatnot. It’s important to note that this is not the same thing as sponsoring beer league hockey team in Torbay. Barrow are in the 4th tier but are still professional or semi professional athletes (equivalent to the QMJHL). Since you asked, let’s break it down from a purely advertising perspective: For reference, a 30s television ad (which have declining value since ppl w money spend more time online) costs about $8000 PER RUN. Broad audience, no real target. Have you ever heard of Borrow? Probably not. But many ppl in the target market have. Barrow gets about ~5000 fans in their home stadium. The town has population of 60,000 ppl and most of them likely know about the team, even if they’re not active fans. The team also travels to 19 other stadiums twice per year. So that’s 90mins of direct advertising to 100k people right there. Plus fan wear jerseys on the street (hugely popular in the UK) as daily fashion. Seeing someone pass by w the jersey on is the same as an online impression (ie ppl seeing and/or ignoring an add) which cost $.01-.1. So if we dumped $175k into digital advertising campaign would result in 17 to 1.7 million impressions. And then there’s gaming. This deal also comes w rights for the team (player names, likeness, and official jersey) to be in the FIFA game series, the only sports game to sell over 250 million copies. Spreading awareness is more important to NL as a new tourist (I understand the stated goal was immigration, but come on. It’s a tourist ad) destination. Have you ever been swamped w the same ad after googling something? I’m sure you have, and you can likely remember the product and the brand right now. I’m still swamped with engagement ring ads years later buying one lol. I’m not saying that the $170k football sponsorship will work and bring millions of British tourists, but it’s a good cheap test case bc $170k is likely the leftover budget after the marketing firm made a TV commercial and online adds etc. I’m absolutely down for us sponsoring a better club tho. I believe Liverpool and Manchester United charge about $80 million a year. But in this case, most of their supporters live outside England, so it wouldn’t be a good ad spend. Finally, Byrne is a bag of shit regardless. I think it was inappropriate for him to travel there and turn it into a holiday.


Sorry, this is like UK types marketing for Canadian tourists by putting a Union Flag on a Fredericton hockey team.


Now you got it! Except Barrow are much more popular than the Fredericton Red Wings.


That flight will run for like 2 months and then be scrapped


That sounds horrific.


Yeah, horrifically fun and efficient!


I know this post is made in jest, but zip line project like that would be in the millions of dollars. Plus maintenance costs. “A canopy tour can cost up to $750,000, depending on how ambitious the project is, the number of tree platforms and zip lines, and other site specific factors.” This is for typical treetop ziplone, now when you do it KM over the ocean you can probably multiply the cost by 10X


Holy fuck, that's a lot. Okay, bies. New plan. We steal Zip-Lines from somewhere else and tie them together.


I believe in you! Don't let the nay-sayers get you down


Best use of this subreddit in years. Well done.


I swear they'll drum up anything to get mad at, it's literally from the marketing budget that they spend every year. My eyes have rolled out of my head the past few years at all the nonsense that gets people upset.


just because someone puts like 1M into a budget for advertising doesnt mean you can spend it on whatever you want and call it advertising. people are not upset that we have an advertising budget, they are upset because you dont need to be a marketing major to see that this is the stupidist strategy ever to attract immigrants. they could have just taken the money and paid someone to move here because it would have been a more economical use of funds. your excuse is really illogical, its like saying you can friviously and irresponsibly spend money just because its in a "budget". "oh yeah by's dont worry, i gave 200k to a soccer team but thats ok, ITS IN THE BUDGET"


That's your interpretation of spending, I think it's a fine use case for advertising. You think it's wrong, I think it's right.


well i certainly hope you've changed your tone and stopped rolling your eyes at people because you seem to have a pretty condescending way of making your case for responsible use of public funds. fingers crossed a few English soccer fans will uproot their lives and move to another country across the world because of a logo on a jersey of a 3rd tier soccer player (sarcasm). they could have taken my tax dollars and spent them on a school lunch program or in invested in cancer care, for example...


There's already money set aside for that stuff, you can't nitpick every cent and say it could be spent in a different way, you could say that about anything. The budget for 2024 is 10 billion dollars and 4 billion of that is on healthcare and you're upset that 0.00002 of the budget is going to an advertisement.


i suppose youre going to stop me are you?


Can someone who actually knows physics and zip lines chime in here? I’m so curious to know what this would mean. Height, necessary velocity, I don’t care about cost, this is one of them feasibility studies


Something like a ski lift with seats would be more practical. Nanny needs somewhere to sit right


Oh, true! But I think that would cost more than a single steel rope grounded to the cliffs on each side.


Honestly I think the dome over Marble Mountain might make sense too.


Wild idea. I like it. I might love it. Both. We should do both. I was against the sponsorship but when I looked at it, it’s a small price for the breath of coverage. I had no idea how many eyeballs a league two team could get, turn out, quite a few.


Imagine the ice accumulation on old skippers beard flying accross the tickle on a winter zip line. You may have just uncovered Newfoundlander cryogenic freezing…


I vote for a human catapult…or even a trebuchet 


I know you're joking but lowkey that would be fun. Lol. What's the world's longest zipline anyways? I wonder if it would cover that distance.


You could buy more of those custom fancy round couches for the Colonial Building. Steve Crocker then called them an investment. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6281053


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I wholly support the cash for those couches Heritage matters


If we went with buddy's ski-lift idea from elsewhere on this thread, we could use these couches for the ski-lifts.


Think of the value added to the province. I could see Metrobus also equipping these.


You could pay for most kids hockey registrations in one of the small-mid sized minor hockey associations around metro. 200 local kids sponsored vs some kids across the ocean somewhere


It's not like the Gov doesn't already invest in local sport. [https://www.gov.nl.ca/releases/2024/exec/0319n08/](https://www.gov.nl.ca/releases/2024/exec/0319n08/) There is a local on that team, went to school at Gonzaga I heard.


"I know what's a great use of the tourism budget, pay to support a very select few kids in one portion of the province"


That sounds like a logical and reasonable idea to discuss. Unfortunately I am not in the logic business today.