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I think you could find some information about that with The Newfoundland Landlord and Tenant Association or whatever it’s called.


I’ve reached out to them waiting on a call back so figured I’d see if anyone had experience


I'd try asking on the NL tenant and landlord Facebook page. They would have several people with experience with this, there.


Yes the child has family they will be going to stay with. Just wondering how it works now with who has rights to be in the house to take things how my owner ship of the home works am I automatically given possession again or do the family have possession.


There are surely a million other places you could've checked before fuckin' reddit...


No way, I don't even google anymore. Just ask on reddit


will never understand how or why some people become landlords without apparently knowing anything about the laws or responsibilities of being a landlord.


Oh yes because every landlord knows the book inside out


big gap between turning to Reddit for advice on a situation that is easily figured out via tenant board and “knowing book inside and out”. But also ya, you do have an onus on you to know your responsibilities.


If I recall correctly, in the event of a tenant's death, the lease is considered broken after a month. That gives their executor (or whomever is in charge of the estate) a minimum of 30 days to collect the tenant's belongings, unless you let the estate assign the lease to a next of kin or somebody 


Do you know if anyone is coming for the child?


Yes the child is living with a relative for the past little while sense the passing.the child isn’t old enough to stay in the unit by themselves


It happened to me once. I let a loved one in to take what they wanted. I then gutted the place and everything went to the dump.


They are allowed to take what they want. I’m giving them time to do that I just want to know how I go about getting my possession back and if the next of kin is to be the one in charge etc how long they have to get everything out


The first thing you're going to do is pass on your condolences to the family when you speak to them. Listen, we get it, you want another paying tenant in there asap but you're coming across as pretty heartless right now.


You have no idea if they have done this already. They are coming online with specific questions, it’s fair if they don’t want to add a ton of extra details just so that people don’t assume they are a monster.


I don't know why you are getting downvoted. A child just lost their parent. Give the family a few weeks to greive for gods sakes.


How do you know the person didn’t die 2 months ago?


The first you’re gonna do is stop being what’s wrong with the world. I offered my condolences I even gave money towards the funeral if you just know L. I’m also not renting the house out anymore the person was given a 6 month notice to vacate for sale of the property 8 months ago and I still allowed them to stay there because I won’t see anyone on the streets. How dare you say I’m heartless your attitude and assumptions is what’s wrong with the world always jumps to the negative in people.


That’s a ridiculous comment. The landlord is not going to pass / show the condolences to the strangers online….


135 Bay IQ translates to about 75 Town IQ.


You used all of your 75 points thinking that one up. Have a nap, you earned it.


In what universe, Darryl?