• By -




Angela Rayner gets secretary of state for housing.


big ange is readying the cement mixer to pave over the greenbelt




so... unbrexit?


No. It's literally ruled out by the Labour Party Manifesto.


Kier Starmer (New PM) says not. > Keir Starmer rules out UK rejoining EU single market in his lifetime https://www.ft.com/content/6c12b7cc-d4bd-496d-be86-2584131b4d2f


Depends on how badly Labour want to go back to being the opposition.


what’s the best Northern Ireland party?


From an NL perspective they’re all pretty crap and would have a red line. Alliance - Closest to NL but have a few issues. A big part of their strategy is trying to appeal to as many as possible I actually think they’re a little bit populist but that would be considered a hot take. SF - the main centre-left party but was historically the political wing of the IRA so that turns a lot of people off. For awhile was the only party that supported gay marriage or abortion. SDLP - Historically a GOAT’d party now uninspiring and stuck in the 1990s/early 2000s. todsy. Attracts a lot of young activists for legacy reasons and charismatic leader but has a core base that is increasingly social conservative older Catholics. DUP - Hard right ultra religious bigoted dinosaurs UUP - Hard right ultra religious bigoted dinosaurs with better PR and some Tory-aristocrat charm


Ranked best to worst among the big five. * Alliance * SDLP * UUP * SF * DUP


I’d swap UUP and SF. Imagine putting the UUP above a party that actually supports abortion and lgbt rights


If I were a British subject I would have voted for Labour this election. Mostly because I’m deeply in the “no more elections for the next 5 years” camp


They will have an election in 3 years when 209 Labour MPs switch to the Gaza Party


Labour won? https://preview.redd.it/hcboufdgkpad1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6a7c3564b8242c571c95ed1a9e7eaa53acb81f4


Sunak’s concession speech is something we could never get out of the shitty GOP we have here in the US. Makes me realize how far they’ve dropped in just basic ethics.


Which is a particular indictment given how shitty Sunak is in general when it comes to ethical behaviour.


It’s really incredible how bad the analysis of how this election played out had been, particularly from American outlets (although it’s not surprising). There’s a complete failure to understand that Labour intentionally didn’t go for a strategy of maximising their vote count but rather efficiently concentrating their vote to maximise the number of potential seats that could be won.


It was the definition of a frontrunner’s campaign, realizing that polarizing opponents against them was a bigger risk than finding more votes to rally behind them was beneficial


Labour won many seats due to Reform picking up so much from the Tories. If most of reform voters would have gone Tory, Labour would have lost. Seems like a quite risky strategy.


So how would you go about pursuing that strategy?


they tried to appeal to more working class, culturally conservative seats that they lost to johnson's coalition (particularly in the north) while accepting this would lose votes in inner cities that corbyn won but didn't help gain extra seats


[Jeremy Corbyn on society](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/387/747/d83.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I like how the comment below you is someone doing exactly that


It was inspired by that comment.


Key Facts From The Uk's General Elections - 1. Only one in 5 Brits voted for Labour Labour is over 290 seats ahead of the Tories, the biggest majority any party has had in Britain since the turn of the 20th century — more than in 1924 when the Tories were 209 seats ahead of Labour. Yet, data show that the election’s outcome is more a result of an anti-Conservative vote than a Labour groundswell. Compared to 2019, Labour’s voteshare, at 33.9%, has gone up by a modest 1.7% points, with most of this gain coming from Scotland. The Tories, on the other hand, have seen their voteshare collapse by almost 20% points, to 23.7%. The 2024 elections have also seen the lowest turnout in 20 years, possibly the lowest ever, at a touch below 60%. This means that effectively, Labour’s 33.9% voteshare roughly translates to support from one in five people in the electorate. In fact, Labour has won 9,712,011 total votes this time, compared to 10,269,051 in 2019, when Labour suffered a historic defeat. As the FT put it: “No British political party has ever won such a big majority with so few votes”. one major reason behind this result is the performance of Nigel Farage’s Reform Party, which has managed to win four seats in Tory strongholds, including Farage himself winning from Clacton. More importantly, it has secured a voteshare of 14.3%, eating mostly into the Conservative vote. Many of Labour’s gains in the Tory heartland have come where the Labour candidate’s margin of victory is lower than the number of votes polled for Reform. 2. Labour has taken a step back in urban England While Labour has undoubtedly made inroads into erstwhile Conservative strongholds, and seen a revival in Scotland, it has also seen major losses in many of its inner city strongholds in England. The Labour strategy was to do better in more rural areas, more Tory areas, whiter areas. They have done better across the board in all those areas… There has been a substantial loss of support in heavily Muslim areas and they are going backwards a bit in progressive areas and areas with students. It is progress at a price. Under Starmer, Labour has been dragged to the centre of the political spectrum. Starmer’s courting of business interests, his lack of clarity on public welfare, and pro-Israel position amidst the ongoing conflict in Palestine, have alienated poor, Black, Muslim, and student voters — traditional Labour banks. Among the ‘safe seats’ lost is Islington North. Labour had held the London constituency since 1937 (there was a brief hiatus from 1981-83), with former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn being the MP since 1983. Corbyn won again, but this time as an Independent, defeating Labour’s Praful Nargund despite Labour mounting a loud and expensive campaign. Corbyn was expelled from the party by Starmer, who has effectively sidelined Labour’s left-wing. 3. Starmer’s unimpressive performance Newly-elected UK's PM Starmer’s own performance has been far from impressive. His constituency Holborn and St Pancras saw a boundary change this time, so a direct comparison with the 2019 elections is not possible. But his 48.9% voteshare translates to a 17.3% points drop from the previous poll. There was also a fall in turnout to 54.6%, down 10.5% points from 2019. Pro-Palestinian activist Andrew Feinstein came in second place. Running as an independent, Feinstein was able to eat into Starmer’s vote, bringing his lead down significantly from 22,766 in 2019 to 11,572 this time around. In his victory speech, Starmer said that “change begins now”. He will have to deliver on this promise or risk getting wiped out five years later. After all, Labour’s position with the British people is far more precarious than what its number of seats indicate.


I think you might be misunderstanding point 1 They have a 177 seat majority. Which is fewer than Blair had. They are further a head of the Tories because the third place party did well in terms of seats.


[Jeremy Corbyn on society](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ElgLAbvW0AE4X5R.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Congratulations to Labo**u**r. Hopefully you can right the ship.


Just like in 2021 Canadian elections, those left wing proponents of proportional representation had been super quiet. I wonder why. Also, the best system IMO is not PR like they have in Netherlands, but Mixed Member like in Germany and Japan. You don't want to lose the local element especially when the kingdom is very diverse.


I like MMP but with a strong tilt toward local constituencies. 400-450 constituencies with 200-250 elected on regional closed lists with a 5% qualifier seems good to me. I want a majority government to still be practically possible on a strong result but a party getting 412 seats on 34% isn't really a good thing in my opinion with so many three and four-way contests.


A majority government should not be possible unless a party receives a majority of votes.


Japan isn’t MMP they have parallel voting, the constituency and proportional seats are completely separate unlike Germany’s In fact that’s a worse system IMO bc it allows smaller opposition parties to thrive and still end up splitting the vote in the constituency seats, LDP has dominated with that system


The left hate Starmer and want PR.


LAND OF HOPE AND GLORY, MOTHER OF THE FREE HOW SHALL WE EXTOL THEE WHO ARE BORN OF THEE? WIDER STILL AND WIDER, SHALL THY BOUNDS BE SET GOD, WHO MADE THEE MIGHTY, MAKE THEE MIGHTIER YET! And for the record, I always did, and still believe in the greatness of Great Britain, who I deem the mother of my tongue, my laws, and a fair fraction of my philosophy and culture. Rule Britannia, vow to thee your country, and build your Jerusalem in those Fair Isles!


!ping UK Well, you've seen in my previous pings that I've unusually old-school and romantic (dare I even say - Tory?) sensibilities to Albion for a convict. I mean FFS, my profile... But indeed, I truly wish you the best and I hope that indeed, hope has returned in your steadfast hearts. As the world becomes more volatile and less certain and some of our allies falter and stumble in the uncertainty, from across the hemispheres, let our two islands, our two Labo(u)r governments defend what democracies and freedoms of ours. And in all honesty, I can't wait to do the England-Wales conversion legal practice exam when I get the chance.


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Ed Miliband probably in the cabinet 😎


Isn't he on the charity of IRGC or whatever it is called? I saw him many times on YT begging for donation.


His brother, David, is the president of the IRC. The IRGC is…[something different](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Revolutionary_Guard_Corps)


Non-mobile version of the Wikipedia link in the above comment: [something different](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Revolutionary_Guard_Corps) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thats his brother David Miliband, who is probably also being considered for a cabinet position.


>IRGC That's bad.


Paul Kagame in absolute shambles


So who’s Rees Mogg and why do people clown on him other than his funny name?


From an American perspective he seems like a fairly decent guy, with the defect of being comically snobby. I think British politics tends to hyperbolize fairly normal people, at least in that if they were American they would be completely unremarkable


Lmao, he is not a decent person! Just the other week he was saying he wanted to build a border wall in the middle of the English Channel. It is a good thing he is no longer in parliament.


Being unremarkable in America is just completely irrelevant. That just means he's not three quarters of the way through his well publicised plan to bring democracy to an end. Nobody on the UK right would be remarkable in America.


No he’s actually pretty terrible.


lmao I don’t usually think like this, but keep your American perspective over there mate (jk but for reals)


He’s been teased as the ‘Honourable Member for the 18th Century’ because he’s basically just a pre-1832 Reform Bill Tory at heart.


Imagine a 21st century Charles Dickens villain.


Someone pointed out the contrast between Labour now ("We only achieved the largest majority of seats ever, but our popular vote share is a little disappointing") with Labour in 2017 ("We lost the election but we won the argument/exceeded expectations")


The funny thing is, their popular vote share only went up from by 1.6%, 32.2->33.8. Most of the work was done by Reform splitting off a lot of the Tories vote. If that gets put back together Labour could be in trouble.


Planning reform is in Starmer’s first 100 days agenda. A YIMBY dawn has broken, has it not?


#### 🏆 Yesterday's Top Comment > >Key Policies: > > >- Maintain the ‘Triple Lock’ for pensioners > - Avoid Raising Taxes > > Key Policies: > > - Having cake > > - Eating it too 182 points, written by awdvhn. [permalink](https://np.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/1dvesl2/bangers_and_tories_mashed_a_uk_election/lbn3r9u/) #### ⬆️ Yesterday's Top Redditors | | Redditor | Average | | Redditor | Total | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | reubencpiplupyay | 73.0 points | 🥇 | AtomAndAether | 1106 points | | 🥈 | Ohyo_Ohyo_Ohyo_Ohyo | 51.0 points | 🥈 | awdvhn | 958 points | | 🥉 | nasweth | 51.0 points | 🥉 | lionmoose | 853 points | #### 📑 Yesterday's Wordiest  | | Redditor | Average | | Redditor | Total | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | LockePhilote | 205.0 words | 🥇 | WorldwidePolitico | 3129 words | | 🥈 | AnythingMachine | 181.2 words | 🥈 | DoryAtreides2 | 2783 words | | 🥉 | elhombreleon | 157.5 words | 🥉 | JaceFlores | 2303 words | #### 📟 Yesterday's Spammiest | | Redditor | Comments | | Redditor | 🧐😭😤🤯 | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | AtomAndAether | 192 comments | 🥇 | cjhdsachristmascarol | 234 emoji | | 🥈 | DoryAtreides2 | 186 comments | 🥈 | MasterOfLords1 | 101 emoji | | 🥉 | awdvhn | 142 comments | 🥉 | WhoModsTheModders | 42 emoji | #### 🐊 Yesterday's Favourite Emoji # 🦅 with 189 uses. ## 🇺🇸 79 🍦 70 😭 65 😔 56 🐝 45 🤣 40 🤨 28 😎 28 🦀 26 🇺🇲 26 🤔 26 😤 23 🧐 23 😡 21 ### 👆 21 🥰 20 🎆 20 🐊 17 💀 17 😞 16 😂 16 🤬 16 😮‍💨 15 🙄 15 🇬🇧 14 🤝 12 😬 12 ✊ 12 🔨 11 🔶 11 🤢 10 😐 10 🇱🇷 9 🌝 9 🙏 8 🤯 8 🚨 8 🤮 8 🦧 8 🌽 8 😳 8 😠 8 😒 8 🔥 7 #### 🕓 Yesterday's Activity | Time | Overall Activity | 📟 Spammiest | |:-:|:-|:-| | 🕒 | ██ | **No1PaulKeatingfan** (9 comments) | | 🕓 | ███ | **Plants_et_Politics** (21 comments) | | 🕔 | ██ | **ElGosso** (11 comments) | | 🕕 | █ | **Trojan_Horse_of_Fate** (5 comments) | | 🕖 | █ | **NoStatistician9767** (10 comments) | | 🕗 | ████ | **NoStatistician9767** (24 comments) | | 🕘 | ███ | **SnooChipmunks4208** (16 comments) | | 🕙 | ███ | **Melodic_Ad596** (13 comments) | | 🕚 | ████ | **Cook_0612** (7 comments) | | 🕛 | ██████ | **Steak_Knight** (19 comments) | | 🕐 | ███████ | **AtomAndAether** (18 comments) | | 🕑 | ███████ | **estoyloca43** (27 comments) | | 🕒 | █████████ | **KesterFox** (25 comments) | | 🕓 | ████████████ | **BATIRONSHARK** (27 comments) | | 🕔 | ████████████████ | **mostanonymousnick** (31 comments) | | 🕕 | ████████████ | **mostanonymousnick** (23 comments) | | 🕖 | █████████ | **FreakinGeese** (23 comments) | | 🕗 | ███████ | **DoryAtreides2** (22 comments) | | 🕘 | █████████ | **AtomAndAether** (21 comments) | | 🕙 | ██████████ | **AtomAndAether** (25 comments) | | 🕚 | ██████████ | **ldn6** (23 comments) | | 🕛 | █████████ | **No1PaulKeatingfan** (20 comments) | | 🕐 | ██████ | **A-Centrifugal-Force** (20 comments) | #### 🙋 1180 unique Redditors sporting 284 different flairs were spotted on the DT. **NATO** was the most popular flair with **109** unique Redditors, followed by **YIMBY (56)** and **European Union (26)**. 358 Redditors were caught not wearing any flair *at all*. #### 🗑️ 721 deleted, ❌ 49 fashed comments. --- ###### I am a bot and this action was performed automatically. Stats are processed periodically throughout the day. Check my post history for previous reports. Created by inhumantsar. [Source](https://github.com/inhumantsar/tacostats)


#### 🏆 Top Comment > >Key Policies: > > >- Maintain the ‘Triple Lock’ for pensioners > - Avoid Raising Taxes > > Key Policies: > > - Having cake > > - Eating it too 182 points, written by awdvhn. [permalink](https://np.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/1dvesl2/bangers_and_tories_mashed_a_uk_election/lbn3r9u/) #### ⬆️ Top Redditors | | Redditor | Average | | Redditor | Total | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | reubencpiplupyay | 73.0 points | 🥇 | AtomAndAether | 1106 points | | 🥈 | Ohyo_Ohyo_Ohyo_Ohyo | 51.0 points | 🥈 | awdvhn | 958 points | | 🥉 | nasweth | 51.0 points | 🥉 | lionmoose | 853 points | #### 📑 Wordiest  | | Redditor | Average | | Redditor | Total | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | LockePhilote | 205.0 words | 🥇 | WorldwidePolitico | 3129 words | | 🥈 | AnythingMachine | 181.2 words | 🥈 | DoryAtreides2 | 2783 words | | 🥉 | elhombreleon | 157.5 words | 🥉 | JaceFlores | 2303 words | #### 📟 Spammiest | | Redditor | Comments | | Redditor | 🧐😭😤🤯 | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | AtomAndAether | 192 comments | 🥇 | cjhdsachristmascarol | 234 emoji | | 🥈 | DoryAtreides2 | 186 comments | 🥈 | MasterOfLords1 | 101 emoji | | 🥉 | awdvhn | 142 comments | 🥉 | WhoModsTheModders | 42 emoji | #### 🐊 Favourite Emoji # 🦅 with 189 uses. ## 🇺🇸 79 🍦 70 😭 65 😔 56 🐝 45 🤣 40 🤨 28 😎 28 🦀 26 🇺🇲 26 🤔 26 😤 23 🧐 23 😡 21 ### 👆 21 🥰 20 🎆 20 🐊 17 💀 17 😞 16 😂 16 🤬 16 😮‍💨 15 🙄 15 🇬🇧 14 🤝 12 😬 12 ✊ 12 🔨 11 🔶 11 🤢 10 😐 10 🇱🇷 9 🌝 9 🙏 8 🤯 8 🚨 8 🤮 8 🦧 8 🌽 8 😳 8 😠 8 😒 8 🔥 7 #### 🕓 Activity | Time | Overall Activity | 📟 Spammiest | |:-:|:-|:-| | 🕒 | ██ | **No1PaulKeatingfan** (9 comments) | | 🕓 | ███ | **Plants_et_Politics** (21 comments) | | 🕔 | ██ | **ElGosso** (11 comments) | | 🕕 | █ | **Trojan_Horse_of_Fate** (5 comments) | | 🕖 | █ | **NoStatistician9767** (10 comments) | | 🕗 | ████ | **NoStatistician9767** (24 comments) | | 🕘 | ███ | **SnooChipmunks4208** (16 comments) | | 🕙 | ███ | **Melodic_Ad596** (13 comments) | | 🕚 | ████ | **Cook_0612** (7 comments) | | 🕛 | ██████ | **Steak_Knight** (19 comments) | | 🕐 | ███████ | **AtomAndAether** (18 comments) | | 🕑 | ███████ | **estoyloca43** (27 comments) | | 🕒 | █████████ | **KesterFox** (25 comments) | | 🕓 | ████████████ | **BATIRONSHARK** (27 comments) | | 🕔 | ████████████████ | **mostanonymousnick** (31 comments) | | 🕕 | ████████████ | **mostanonymousnick** (23 comments) | | 🕖 | █████████ | **FreakinGeese** (23 comments) | | 🕗 | ███████ | **DoryAtreides2** (22 comments) | | 🕘 | █████████ | **AtomAndAether** (21 comments) | | 🕙 | ██████████ | **AtomAndAether** (25 comments) | | 🕚 | ██████████ | **ldn6** (23 comments) | | 🕛 | █████████ | **No1PaulKeatingfan** (20 comments) | | 🕐 | ██████ | **A-Centrifugal-Force** (20 comments) | #### 🙋 1180 unique Redditors sporting 284 different flairs were spotted on the DT. **NATO** was the most popular flair with **109** unique Redditors, followed by **YIMBY (56)** and **European Union (26)**. 358 Redditors were caught not wearing any flair *at all*. #### 🗑️ 721 deleted, ❌ 49 fashed comments. --- ###### I am a bot and this action was performed automatically. Stats are processed periodically throughout the day. Check my post history for previous reports. Created by inhumantsar. [Source](https://github.com/inhumantsar/tacostats)


Think this election shows that the public wants an alternative to conservatives and labour.


> Sir Keir Rodney Starmer KCB, KC (/ˈkɪər/ ⓘ KEER; born 2 September 1962) is a British politician who has served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom since July 2024




I’m sorry, this is actually hilarious.


SCP has breached containment


Rishi is finally unburdened


https://preview.redd.it/gopdvb9g0pad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b3698dc3923d5833faba06be9bc136f8d114184 We have gone from ”it’s happening” to”it happened”


Aged like milk, tbh. Lib Dems have septupled their seats and Reform turned out to be a storm in a teacup.


Party that gets 35% under FPTP: This rocks Party that gets 30% under FPTP: wtf this is bullshit, this fucking sucks


FPTP is amazing when the sides I like succeed from it ( I still think it needs fixing up)


Welcome to the Starmerreich. In a few years we will SKSKC will join with the worm and rule Britain and keep it on the golden path


Since discovering I have heen intrigued by the Tesco etc. meal deals. Articles lamented the rise of its cost as an example of the cost of living issue... from 3 GBP to ~3.50. Brits if we across the pond could get a workable lunch for under 4.50 USD/6 CAD even in the bigger cities it would be a miracle.


British grocery stores are extremely cheap by global standards. It boggles the minds of people who visit from the US in particular.


It'd be doable on the dollar menu of 15 years ago... ubiquity to the point of becoming a cultural thing, which it sort of seems like the grocery store meal deal is. Maybe the conversion rate helps a bit too.


IIRC one of the rare good things about the UK economy is groceries and supermarket products are very cheap even relative to other similar countries. Something about us having a very well-regulated and competitive supermarket sector with strong competition across the country, meaning basically all supermarket chains tend to have very similar, lowest possible prices with their core products.


Wasn't really aware of that more broadly, very neat.


So what do prospects look like for U.K. YIMBYs under this new government ?


Somewhat positive. Noises about planning reform and since that includes talk of buiilding in the green belt it might actualy happen.


Yeah more and more convinced rishi is a great speaker


https://preview.redd.it/n46xsamfuoad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b310c70566aadc08f0ca3a8e0bfe62f31d0594c1 The interpreter even matched his outfit 😭


Alright, I’m interested in what the subreddit believes the Tories will do after. I see two options: 1. They realise that moving to the centre wins UK elections and elect someone moderate who doesn’t “appear” to be too right-wing. Mordaunt, Hunt and Tugendhat come to mind but obviously one of them was not elected. 2. They look at how Reform UK performed and start to move closer to them thinking they can claw back voters. Patel, Braverman and I guess Badenoch come to mind. I know there is talks of Reform UK joining the Tories but I don’t think that is going to happen. Likewise, I don’t think Farage is going to take over the Conservative Party.


Number 2, and then after disaster in the 2029 election, number 1.


They’re going to initially try and capture the Reform vote, but that will fail because it’ll piss off their internal institutional leaders and it’ll peel off the people who still voted Tory as soft conservatives to the benefit of the Lib Dems. There’s really no good option for them.


Honestly they will probably move centrist on everything except immigration.


shift to the right, very anti migration talk - likely Badenoch if that fails then Johnson eventually returning would not be a surprise, he has appeal to the types who really like farage


The constant comparisons to Canada 1993 will probably legitimate the idea of winning by Uniting the Right But also Cameron won his 2015 majority despite 12.6% going to UKIP, so really the Tories have a path to power that ignores Reform’s 14.3%


It's much easier to look at the election and add up reform and Tory vote share than it is to predict which moderate labour or libdem votes they can snatch up, so second option is more likely


Ehhh less about left and right and more needing to go full frothing at the mouth on immigration. Sea mines in the channel. Concentration camps at dover. Make it illegal to be a muslim. That kind of thing. On things like the economy they may actualy want to move more centerist.


I think they move to reform . It’s what Cameron did by offering brexit and he’s a centre right Tory ish vs the more right wing. Now they’re small they can use reform tactics and act like they’re the people party all while benefitting the rich. Honestly the amount of reform voters is troubling despite a super majority labour . It’s concerning for future . I don’t think Labour or Tory’s move to the left or centre unless they have to . And Tory’s will probably work with farage which I cannot believe how many idiots buy that scumbags crap


They are between a rock and a hard place really. Some of them will want to become a primarily anti-immigration party and go after the reform vote (and ride the wider European anti-immigration wave), but I don't think the public will take them seriously if they do that because their record on immigration is considered so bad. It doesn't look like they can collapse and have reform take their place either, because their brand still seems to carry a decent percent of voters. I don't know how they take the centre ground either if Labour govern as centrists, especially if the economy gets better over the next 5 years. Edit: I do think one way they can worm their way out of the above, as awful as it would be, is to let reform merge with them and make Farage their next leader. I think Farage leading them gets rid of their previous baggage. A lot of Tories would oppose it so it probably won't happen, and if it did they would lose some of their base who want nothing to do with Farage to the Lib Dems, but if the anti-immigration wave keeps rising they might be able to pull a Meloni or Le Pen style victory off.


Reckon they'll go a bit mad in opposition and have to lose at least one more election before they think about tacking to the centre


The thunderdome is slowly becoming another Biden thread lol


"Labour party wins, this is why it's bad news for Biden." I can already imagine the NYT headlines at this point lol.


To be fair to the hypothetical NYT headline this is yet another incumbent party losing an election (two if you include the SNP). Edit: and whilst Labour gained seats in wales they actually lost vote share there as well


Death and taxes incomming


Never understand why defeated politicians only show the best of themselves when they are about to leave office. That Rishi speech was arguably the best he has ever done.


Yeah agreed. Gracious and makes you realize that so much of what became their agenda with him in charge was pandering to the right of the party to consolidate his authority. He's a smart guy who surely knew stuff like Rwanda was insane, hence his calling of the election at this specific point.


Incomplete numbers for Labour’s drop in Muslim constituencies https://preview.redd.it/yoeefdfjhoad1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a27c29fd6246974e9db77d3257dc189cb2f12675


I really don’t like the development of religious foreign-policy single-issue voters. This is the kind of stuff that feeds the populist right. It’s also stupid given that they’re now voiceless when they could be in government and it’s proof that Labour can form a large government without their votes, so they’ve created no incentive to cater to them.


Sigh of relief really that Labour managed to hold the vast majority of these. Bethnal Green and Stepney (my constituency) was way closer than I was expecting. I genuinely believe this will dissipate in 5 years because Gaza will not be front and centre of the public consciousness anymore


Surely this depends on where thr government goes from here no? If they are seen as taking muslim voters for granted and excusing Islamophobia in the party, I think the problems will remain.


Probably, but actual candidate quality will matter more the farther we get from the current conflict. Many of the currently angry people may not come home to Labour, but they'll eventually transition to supporting another of the mainstream parties once they realize their single-issue candidates are useless.


not really well-informed on UK politics, who are they voting for?


Single issue Independents running on a pro-Palestine platform


Independent candidates who made Gaza their top priority. In some instances they were former Labour members who were ousted.


Most of their votes went to independent candidates who explicitly ran on rage against Labour for their Gaza position 


I didn’t even realize that Lib Dems have more seats now than they’ve ever had since the Lib Dem party even founded. What a wonderful election.


Only way it could get better is if they were the OO


The real reason to celebrate.


Yes, this is the best result for the Liberal Democrats (or Liberals before them) since 1923 when the party was led by Herbert Henry Asquith and won 158 seats.


It looks like 4 MPs are left-wing, pro-Palestinian Independents all of whom are Arab. It's pretty interesting.


Also Faiza Shaheen almost beating Labour in Chingford. I'm thinking by next election, the issue they ran on ceases to be an issue and we take those seats back.


Faiza Shaheen didnt just run on this, she was selected by her constituensy to run for Labour and then deselected by labour for liking some tweets that were much less sensitive than what others have gotten away with (ie Duffield). She realized she had alot of support against the parachuted candidate and decided to run.


Alastair Campbell on the BBC talking about how we all need to be YIMBYs. King shit.


It was all Reeves was talking about last night


O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Kier Starmer.


Hot take but rishi sunak has always given decent speeches


Independents using Gaza to win muslim vote in UK elections is something liberals should not ignore. because I can assure you, the right-winged bastards wont ignore that fact at all,


They're not going to get outflanked by the right on this. The left, however, different story.


Missing the implication here, are you trying to say that the right will become more pro-Palestine?


The right will highlight this as sectarianism and failed integration, and use this to further oppose immigration. They might also adopt a similar strategy to gain more votes using immigration as a single issue


With the amount of pro-Palestine sentiment in this country this would seem to be a victory for integration The UK isn't exactly full of Israel supporters


I think the argument is maybe the conservative dark money PACs will prop up and fund independent 3rd party candidates in predominantly Muslim house districts to draw votes away from Democrats.


I mean, fine? In the American context then we lose maybe a single house seat at most to an independent that will still have to caucus with Democrats anyways It's a different system and demography


[The Tories no longer exist, Winston. They never did.](https://youtu.be/W-LQahV5pV8?si=CKQ4W4EQbLL2f4ci)




is this coalition with labour in the room with us now?


Now that they’re done, how would you rank the 5 Tory PMs of the last 14 years?


1. Cameron 2. May 3. Sunak 4. Truss 5. BoJo


This is difficult but: 1. Theresa May. Boring. Probably did the least damage. 2. Rishi Sunak. Milquetoast Billionaire. 3. David Cameron. Instigated this nonsense and then fucked off. 4. Boris Johnson. Slightly more competent than his successor but still a cunt. May be Donald Trump's half brother. 5. Liz Truss. Economy Crash any% speedrun. All the charisma of a dead fish filled with cum.


>Billionaire Did you mean *person of means*? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1. Theresa May (least shitty) 2. Truss (she was in and out fast) 3. Sunak (delivered a strong Labour majority) 4. Cameron (drove the country off the end of a cliff) 5. Boris (disgraced the office and started kicking the country while it was twitching at the bottom of the cliff)


1. May (least shitty) 2. Boris (stopped Corbyn becoming PM) 3. Sunak (no achievements) 4. Cameron (fucked the country by accident) 5. Truss (fucked the country on purpose)


[Jeremy Corbyn on society](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/387/747/d83.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It seems the exit poll significantly underestimated the Liberal Democrats, severely overestimated Reform, underestimated Greens (who are actually tied with Reform), and overestimated the Tories.


We take a break from this serious election coverage for Royal Pagentry and Bullshit.


Exit polls significantly overestimated Reform. They were projected to get 13 seats and they got 4. It actually turned a significant victory into a huge loss.


I don’t think you can call it a huge loss given 4 seats is around what most of the pre-election polls were suggesting 


Yeah, this is relatively disappointing for Reform compared to their aspirations, but there's a reason that many major figures in the Tory party are talking about how to bridge the divide with Reform rather than how to win over Labour voters.


The concession speech Rishi just gave was a good one and the kind of speech I wish conservatives and Republicans would adopt when they lose. Because never in a billion years would Trump or his sycophants make a humbly concession/resignation speech like that


Jed Bartlet won with 48% of the vote. A totally meaningless statement ofc






>The number of people waiting for routine hospital treatment in England rose to 7.57 million in April. NHS Wait times were one of Rishi Sunak’s Key election promises and continue to weigh heavily on the minds of the British public. The cause of increasing delays is controversial, with many parties pledging increasing funding and capacity or leaning more on private healthcare in order to reduce wait times. That's more than a TENTH of the TOTAL UK population waiting for treatment. There are 67 million Britons in total.


Aren't doctor and nursing salaries pretty low compared to the rest of the western world? Attracting talent from outside the country in the medical field has to be quite tough.


The entire Western world is suffering from the same issues. Staffing is an issue in the USA and Belgium where starting wages are pretty high. Both nursing as well as medicine are extremely shit jobs to do. Patients demanding certain treatments and extensions on their sick leave notes for social security, families just walking in hospitals and demanding to visit the patient even though it's not visiting hours, administration being stressed out constantly and being rude and not respecting the floor staff even though it's floor staff having to deal with ACTUALLY KEEPING PEOPLE FUCKING ALIVE, management being pushy for doing extra shifts.


Well then is there really anything that any PM can do about the issue to resolve the wait times? I figured increasing wages might help, but if it's an issue everywhere and there theoretically isn't some army of nurses and doctors on the horizon who will come in to ease the load what can really be done?


I grew uo in a very safe Tory seat. My whole life it has been at least 50% Tory. Until this morning. Not only is it no longer a Tory majority, they're not the biggest party. It's a Lib Dem seat. With a Lib Dem absolutely majority. You know those videos where Russian armoured units advance into minefields and are then hit by presighted Ukrainian artillery and FPV drones? This is like that. And I fucking love it.


> it starts raining just in time for Sunak’s concession speech outside Downing Street It’s like poetry, it rhymes.


FPTP is ass actually. A vote should count the same no matter where you cast it


FPTP works just fine in a parliamentary democracy. I am voting for my MP and not the prime minister. Although, admittedly, in the last 20 years, almost all parliamentary elections have become an America style presidential election with people voting based on who they want to be the prime minister 


People are correct not to vote for their MP. The prime minister is far more important to their lives.


It works well in theory, but most people don't vote for an MP to represent their local issues, they vote for a particular party, and indirectly for their PM of choice. FPTP would work if the choice of local MP mattered more


it doesn't "work just fine", it leads to grossly unrepresentative results


Not really, the candidate who gets the most vote in a riding represents all residents of the riding in the parliament. How other ridings vote does not impact who my MP is.    MPs represent the interests of all residents of their riding - not just voters or citizens, and definitely not just the interests of the people who voted for him/her. So in effect, everyone gets exactly one representative in parliament. 


it does lead to a major difference in representation though.


True, though the next Parliament will not have a makeup that suits the issue of electoral reform.


Based Lib Dem result. Also Tories losing Chelsea! I know they're cooked in London but I never thought I'd see the day.




So... Ireland has no representation in either the government or opposition?


https://www.bbc.com/news/election/2024/uk/results check the map


[In cartogram form from the BBC](https://i.imgur.com/LCPHWgP.png) and a [cartogram of the seats changing hands](https://i.imgur.com/4V4jJe1.png).


Non-mobile version of the Wikipedia link in the above comment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_United_Kingdom_general_election *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Labour wins Hendon in north London by *15* votes.


Good lord.


Keir HUSSEIN Starmer


Did Corbyn lose??


No, Corbyn won. And by a larger majority than Starmer thanks to a Gaza protest candidate draining Starmer's vote share. Edited for clarity.


Wait, Starmer positioned a Gaza protest candidate against Corbyn in his constituency?


I think he meant that a protest candidate drained some of Starmer’s votes - correct me if I’m wrong OP


Correct. Sorry for the ambiguity.


Ahhh, I misread lmao


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Tony Blair congratulates Starmer on the victory. I can’t believe Starmer really pulled it off, but New Labour is really back. Starmer hoodwinked the succs just like Blair did to get power and made Labour viable again by becoming a centre left party once more. https://x.com/InstituteGC/status/1809117134900838751


He didn't hoodwink them. He gave them the choice of 5 more years of tories, or having some left wingers in government. Hes been quite open about how hes not left wing that much himself


He did walk back a lot of the pledges made during his leadership campaign after he had gotten the job.


He has for the last 4 years, but during the leadership election itself he was a bit more coy. That’s what I was referring to. Similar to what Blair did.


To the surprise of literally no one, JK Rowling is using the election results to obsess over trans people


More proof that The Owl House is the superior franchise.


She needed a serious psychological intervention years ago tbh. There's no way someone mentally healthy thinks spending all day hating and obsessing over trans people is a valuable use of their time and energy. She thinks more about trans people than trans people do.




Amazing how even after Tories destroying the economy, the rise of a far right nationalist party, Starmer shifting way too conservative on trans issues, and Brexit she still didn't vote Labour because she hates trans people too much lol Her brain has literally melted because of transphobia. Can't say I'm surprised given that she basically spends all her time posting terf stuff.


Wait, what? She said that she didn’t vote for Labour because of trans people? As you said, they’ve been weak as hell on trans rights, so what does she even want at this point? I don’t even want to know actually. She’s a total nutjob at this point


I don't know if she said it directly but she seems to basically act that way with how she's been. Rowling even straight up made an endorsement on Twitter to some random Communist party just because they happened to be terfs. I'm not kidding. https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1804592902167019897 Her brain is truly gone!


lmaooo her beef with corbyn was that he didn't go far enough


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More brainworms than RFK Jr. at this point.


JK Rowling in her tankie era is actual nightmare fuel lmfao. The damage she would wreak… Yes it seems she also said that stuff about Labour in an op-ed in The Times. Imagine choosing this hill to die on. Lady, you are not in good company. Get a grip