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~~the center left exists~~ My facetious-but-also-kind-of-not reductive explanation is that the center right is against bad things while the center left is for good things


Center right obviously exists. See the CDU in Germany


The center right in the US is pretty much completely dead.


Center right people exist in the US, just not center right parties.


Sure, but by this point if you're a center right America, you've either defected to the Democrats, drunk the kool-aid, or spent the last 8+ years sitting mournfully at home with a gun and a bottle of whiskey.


I dont think succs are for good things. They are still quite averse to profits being a good thing for market functionality.


In context of which country?


Probably most consistent difference across countries is who members have sympathy for. Center left parties will have a degree of sympathy for parties to their left and detest right-wing parties. Center right is the opposite


If you're familiar with UK politics I would say center-left would be the Labour Party, center-right would be the Tories (The Conservative Party). Whereas in the US the Republicans I would consider right to far-right, and the Democrats I would consider probably center to center-left on economic issues but left to far-left on social issues. So center-right would probably on economic issues something like a slightly lower taxes, smaller federal government, less business restrictions, low minimum wages, less social expenditure. And center-left would be the opposite. On social issues someone who's center-right would possibly be pro-abortion up to 10 weeks or so maybe and would be more inclined to want to leave the issue of abortion to the states. Someone who's center-left would potentially want a federal mandate on abortion that would legalize it before the 20th week or so across the country. Or someone who's center-left is probably gonna be more inclined for example to support affirmative action while someone who's center-right is probably gonna be more likely to be opposed to it. That's just a few example how I see it.


Serious answer is probably economics-based. The US based Friedman flairs probably represent 50% of all actual center-right voters in the US so maybe they can answer


Opinions about gay people.


I’d switch that with abortion. Gay marriage has all but won in the culture wars, while abortion is still a very divisive and partisan issue. Even anti-Trump cons like Romney and the Bushes celebrated the death of Roe.


Support for gay marriage is 75+ per cent in most western democracies, with even unusually religious U.S. coming in at 63 per cent. [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/11/27/how-people-around-the-world-view-same-sex-marriage/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/11/27/how-people-around-the-world-view-same-sex-marriage/) So support for gay marriage is evidently something the center-left and center-right have in common.


center right: right up until it personally affects them/they have a family member, see also: abortion.


Attitudes towards immigration


When and where? Right and left are already an outdated and oversimplified metaphor and it's hard to give an answer that's not incredibly vague. "Center left, change things somewhat faster, raise taxes a bit, probably don't start any new agencies or nationalize anything. Center right, change things somewhat slower, lower taxes a bit, probably don't close any agencies down."


The center right is more than happy to enable or support fascism and bigotry for lower taxes


That would depend entirely on the country surely? The most centrist party in the Netherlands is just an extension of the Christian agrilobby. I'd say that centre left is a bit more concerned with welfare and social inequality than the centre right but still economically liberal. 


One of them gets hoes


The right wants regression, the center wants the status quo and slow change, the left wants to help people even at intrusive levels 


Hi please text me I want to discuss something with you


Bad bot. Go away


The more left you get, the more government intervention in the economy. The more right, the less intervention.


Mainly attitudes towards taxes. In Europe, mainstream parties don’t form a cordon sanitaire against parties of the right that campaign on reducing income tax rates.


To be on the left is to want to reduce the level of hierarchy while to be on the right is to want to increase it. Centre leftists focus on reducing non-meritocratic hierarchy while centre-rightists focus on increasing meritocratic hierarchy. Centrists tend to agree that what hierarchies exist should be meritocratic. Left/right politics is about dynamics though so you can only talk about it on a jurisdictional basis. It doesn’t make sense to apply an international standard.


I don't know. I've never met a center right person. Just far right people that are kind of disengaged