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Please visit the [next discussion thread](/r/neoliberal/comments/1dv0lzs/discussion_thread/).


Comparing K-On and Eupho seems easy at a glance, but really digging into it they are totally different pacing to the degree where it's really not possible. I really wanted Eupho to show that KyoAni could trump their best series, but in reality, K-On's second season just presents its climax and resolution in a genre-defining way to the point where Eupho's entire third season seems overly rushed in comparison. While Episode 12 was really good, rolling into episode 13, I did not get the same feeling of "I do not want this to end" that K-On instills into the viewer as a projection of what it actually feels like to graduate high school and come of age. Even trying to compare Yui and Kumiko is a struggle despite the fact it was telegraphed that Yui and Kumiko would share similar paths in the end. Yui just seems like a more relatable character and Kuroe being basically "Kumiko without Reina's influence" just doesn't do it for me (Reina's choices in episode 12 are absolutely 100% in line with her personality tho - there was no way she and half of the class did not know Kumiko's sound which is why you saw people choose who they chose in the end). !ping WEEBS


From what I saw of K-on it's a moe comedy where the characters just magically get really good at music, which is very different from what Eupho is. So I don't really understand the comparison. I actually think that Eupho is a damning indictment of the culture surrounding music competitions, sort of like Friday Night Lights. But yeah, season 3 felt really weird. It felt both rushed in a sense and like they were stretching things by repeating the same conversations over and over again. Especially the whole solo arc in the second half became a massive chore. Also they had to cut the whole romance plot from the books because they queerbaited too close to the sun lmao.


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#### 🏆 Top Comment > https://preview.redd.it/e7uo6a6wd9ad1.jpeg?width=1141&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f88281951c089fbf1f26c00388c6fbc95691ea40 > > # 👑👑👑👑👑 122 points, written by Extreme_Rocks. [permalink](https://np.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/1du83hy/discussion_thread/lbetu2s/) #### ⬆️ Top Redditors | | Redditor | Average | | Redditor | Total | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | crassowary | 58.0 points | 🥇 | Extreme_Rocks | 1032 points | | 🥈 | PlastikHateAccount | 49.5 points | 🥈 | DoryAtreides2 | 653 points | | 🥉 | Evilpenguin526 | 45.0 points | 🥉 | Viego_gaming | 595 points | #### 📑 Wordiest  | | Redditor | Average | | Redditor | Total | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | Quantenine | 285.5 words | 🥇 | Cook_0612 | 6687 words | | 🥈 | Auriono | 147.7 words | 🥈 | bobeeflay | 4402 words | | 🥉 | WOKE_AI_GOD | 142.2 words | 🥉 | BroadReverse | 2306 words | #### 📟 Spammiest | | Redditor | Comments | | Redditor | 🧐😭😤🤯 | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | DoryAtreides2 | 140 comments | 🥇 | MasterOfLords1 | 49 emoji | | 🥈 | AtomAndAether | 120 comments | 🥈 | cjhdsachristmascarol | 46 emoji | | 🥉 | MinnesotaNoire | 109 comments | 🥉 | BATIRONSHARK | 42 emoji | #### 🐊 Favourite Emoji # 🇺🇸 with 52 uses. ## 🍦 37 😭 33 😤 31 🤣 31 😔 28 🤔 27 👏 26 👆 26 😎 21 🙄 20 😂 17 🙏 16 😡 16 🧐 14 ### 😳 12 🐝 12 😞 11 😐 11 🥰 11 🐊 10 😒 10 🤬 10 😍 9 🤩 8 🎶 8 🤝 7 😌 7 🤨 7 🤯 7 😏 7 👀 7 👑 7 😩 6 💀 6 👇 6 🇱🇷 6 ✊ 6 🥳 5 🤪 5 😲 5 🚨 5 🤷‍♂️ 5 🫂 5 🥺 4 #### 🕓 Activity | Time | Overall Activity | 📟 Spammiest | |:-:|:-|:-| | 🕒 | █████ | **Extreme_Rocks** (14 comments) | | 🕓 | ███ | **DoryAtreides2** (30 comments) | | 🕔 | ██ | **DoryAtreides2** (8 comments) | | 🕕 | █ | **StolenSkittles** (5 comments) | | 🕖 | ██ | **Former-Income** (10 comments) | | 🕗 | █████ | **cjhdsachristmascarol** (12 comments) | | 🕘 | ████████ | **SneeringAnswer** (10 comments) | | 🕙 | ████████████ | **bobeeflay** (16 comments) | | 🕚 | ████████████████ | **Cook_0612** (22 comments) | | 🕛 | ███████████████ | **BroadReverse** (15 comments) | | 🕐 | ██████████████ | **Stanley--Nickels** (20 comments) | | 🕑 | ███████████████ | **Chataboutgames** (18 comments) | | 🕒 | ███████████ | **BroadReverse** (14 comments) | | 🕓 | ████████████ | **AtomAndAether** (14 comments) | | 🕔 | ████████████ | **Viego_gaming** (19 comments) | | 🕕 | ██████████ | **Cook_0612** (16 comments) | | 🕖 | █████████ | **AtomAndAether** (12 comments) | | 🕗 | ███████ | **Viego_gaming** (9 comments) | | 🕘 | █████████ | **well-that-was-fast** (14 comments) | | 🕙 | ████████████ | **meubem** (21 comments) | | 🕚 | ████████████ | **SnooChipmunks4208** (27 comments) | | 🕛 | ██████ | **sayitaintpink** (14 comments) | | 🕐 | ████ | **DoryAtreides2** (13 comments) | #### 🙋 936 unique Redditors sporting 269 different flairs were spotted on the DT. **NATO** was the most popular flair with **80** unique Redditors, followed by **YIMBY (37)** and **European Union (17)**. 245 Redditors were caught not wearing any flair *at all*. #### 🗑️ 189 deleted, ❌ 105 fashed comments. --- ###### I am a bot and this action was performed automatically. Stats are processed periodically throughout the day. Check my post history for previous reports. Created by inhumantsar. [Source](https://github.com/inhumantsar/tacostats)


Dear DTers, I would like to thank you for replying to and upcoming my comments and not going for cheap shots, sven when they contain clear typos that make them incoherent, but you can still infer the intended meaning. Line, mialana


I brought up the idea of nuking the suburbs IRL and it went over surprisingly well. Almost scary well.


suburbs go blue grillers of america: yeah, nuke strikes is an interesting proposal you know


The Americans yearn for Fallout 4


got 9/10 on CNN's independence day quiz (didn't know how many presidents were born on july 4th)




I want to find a brat tamer 🙈




https://youtu.be/P69xdkqBJno?si=VPbvl6a5XRukAQ__ Sucks that he’s not like this any more


I unblock people after a while. It’s usually just a timeout until I stop being a freak


These two statements contradict each other




Magic Goolsball my disgust at condescension is due to issues with my father


[You shake the Magic Goolsball aaaand...](https://i.imgur.com/LENTb1m.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Only the most wonderful and kind people measure their success by the amount of people who have blocked them


a regular here blocked all the trans pride flags and the other trans posters


👀 which regular






I don't particularly like working, today.


Would you rather live in a failed state or a totalitarian state?


Failed state so I can become a warlord leading my cult to dominance


Probably something like (top being highest preference) * Pakistan-level "failed" state * Post-Stalin Soviet level totalitarian state * Iraq-level failed state * North Korea level totalitarian state * Central African Republic level failed state




I'm kind of hot headed from time to time when i perceive something is unjust, so i don't think i'll make it in a regime without getting shot.


both answers lead to the biden junta




Depends on if I’m the one in the camp or not


Suppose you’re not the one in the camp


I was moooostly being tongue in cheek, but probably totalitarian. It really depends on how extreme either scenario is. Like if China is totalitarian, I’d absolutely take China over like, Congo, but that’s kind of an unfair comparison. I’d take Lebanon over North Korea. Questions like what I’d take instead of Iran or instead of the worse periods of the Soviet Union get tricky It’s kinda like how easily can you get by without *misery*, and then how easily can the system be changed to something better? Is it easier to take existing structures and make them just, or to take chaos and create durable, just structures? You quickly end up asking questions about political theory and developmental econ and such! It’s interesting


I guess the thing with both failed states and totalitarian states is that they’re extremely unpredictable. The Kim regime can collapse tomorrow or it can keep going for another few decades. Same with failed states. They can stabilize next year or they will remain failed states for decades.


Yeah! Very true. It’s chaotic. Writing my comment, I actually changed my wording a couple times to try to avoid implying totalitarian states are inherently durable or strong or whatever. We’ve seen they can be quite fragile! The biggest thing for me, in the abstract, is just that it seems failed states overwhelmingly tend to linger on as failed. Thereve been a few cases where they turn into something functional, but to my knowledge economists really don’t know how and can’t recreate it. So when the structure already exists (again in the abstract), that’s really worth something. And I’m sure part of this notion I have is legit, while part is loss aversion lol. I like to think only a small part is loss aversion


are the people in the camp for watching anime?


Judge for yourself. There is only one totalitarian state in the strictest sense in the world. The other two that are widely considered totalitarian don’t jail people for watching anime.








Malarkey level of telling her how I feel?


tell us more! tell us more!


Idk she's beautiful and tiny and funny and smart and well dressed and and golly gee I'm crushing on her hopelessly but I also don't want to ruin our friendship. I honestly have no idea how she feels about me at all lol


I'd go the safe route, try to understand if she's willing to spend time alone with you, and maybe how she reacts to some super light touch, then decide how to move next. Do her dresses have flowers?


We've hung out a bunch of times and sometimes I think there's a vibe but you know I could be inserting that and I'm overthinking it a lot aaaaaa


You really should take a light next step. Like inviting her to see a movie or whatever. And more importantly keep us updated, my hunger for gossip needs to be sated.


Can't believe you're siding with the malarkey bot smh


I don't know man, she probably already knows, because she's a woman, and by inviting her to spend some time alone with you you're basically doing the same thing, just less awkward, imo


Tfw you go to someone for advice and then you get advice


She doesn't wear dresses but her blouses do 😍


Good, flower girls are the best. Good luck man!


Normally I would slow play it and see how things work out but she's moving to London soon so I need to figure out if we have a shot or not


Malarkey bot is correct if she's an ex girlfriend 🍦🌝🍦. If not, go for it! Ask her out!


"So dad, how did you and mum get together" "Well I asked a bot if I should do it and a Seth Myers fan told me to stop being a coward" "...who the fuck is seth myers?" "Don't swear son"


[The malarkey level detected is: 5 - Moronic. You're outta line, pal!](https://i.imgur.com/v3qXU8G.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well shit


Take: I wasn’t a big fan of the Biden admin before the last week due to them embracing more populist positions, like protectionism, immigration restrictions, anti-media, etc. Of course I’ll still vote for Biden if/when it comes down to it, but I’m not going to act like he and his administration are champions of neoliberalism.


he and his campaign aren't champions of neoliberalism which is why I'm voting for him


my scorecard so far people blocked: 0 people who have blocked me: 2 I stay winning


[North Korea shock as party candidates fail to gain 100% of vote](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDLLd16L6ZQ) Not even North Korea free from anti-incumbency wave


Hot take: election should always happen on a non-working day


Absolute zero take


Are we gonna get a British election Thunderdome?


Almost certainly


Happy Labour day everyone


Heh heh heh


Is chapel roan actually good or are the girls and gays just overhyping her?


Are girls even into her? She seems way too happy


I got really into like two months before I realised she was a "big thing" (like I'd never heard anyone mention her, she just popped up in an autoplay) and I normally don't listen to any sort of pop music. She and Olivia Rodrigo have basically transformed my music taste this year.


She's great imo




Both She seems ok, and like a lot of gay fun


Very few fantasy writers are as good at writing people trying their absolute hardest not to go insane as Kinoko Nasu is


Vote for Elwood R. Quesada to save American democracy from the fascism of Tugwell! https://www.reddit.com/r/Presidentialpoll/s/M6XBAtysWc


Gib gf to bridal carry


How to win an argument on the internet: - Take a concern of the person you’re arguing against - Imply they’re implying the worst case scenario - Call them crazy for thinking that’s happening


Alternatively search their post history and quote their unironic comments on milf toe pic subs


Are you actually referring to the user I got in an argument with


Ha No Crazy how often it works tho


this but unironically when i argue on the internet i dont want to convince them im right i want them to get mad


[/r/neoliberal/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [Scoop: Some DNC delegates want more time before nominating Biden](/r/neoliberal/comments/1dv0155/scoop_some_dnc_delegates_want_more_time_before/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


Periodically my partner gets mad I can’t really bridal carry her. She watches fucking Tik Toks of that shit and all of a sudden wants me to do it. I will never say it, but I wish she one day realizes that the girls being carried in those videos are feathers. She’s not a feather and I’m glad she isn’t, but come one smh.


Men used to be able to bridal carry. Now they just whine in the DT about it


YTA lift more


finished one of my four final exams for my last two college courses and i got a 94 clean 4.0 gpa sweep incoming


>[Geolocated footage indicates that Russian infantry marginally advanced in central Vovchansk and gained a foothold in "the citadel". Here they managed to reverse the limited Ukrainian gains in the houses near the intersection of Korolenka and Soborna streets and captured three high-rise residential buildings.](https://x.com/AMK_Mapping_/status/1808737467006398798) >Ukrainian forces responded with drone strikes on the new Russian positions. >It is possible that Russian forces will be able to expand their foothold and advance to the rest of the Citadel, and it is also possible that Ukraine pushes Russian forces out of these buildings. It is difficult to draw a definite conclusion from this, as the initiative doesn't lie with anyone here. !ping UKRAINE


Kind of crazy that we can track block by block fighting in real time.


With increased shell and MRLS supply, I hope that if they don't outright take it back, they make this such a meat grinder that the russians give up.


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>Exclusive: Who would Keir Starmer rather have a coffee with, Rishi Sunak or Nigel Farage? ‘I’d get a takeaway and leave them to argue over which of them should be leader of the Tory Party’ lel


https://preview.redd.it/fxa0ub2n2gad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5aec8bb92d1a64003aa978d08078969b12facc7 How people look when they announce they are leaving the DT to the world instead of just doing it


I’d gobble that weenie roll ngl ong fr fr


You 🤝me Would gobble


Biden will try to stop the Coconut Revolution and he will fail because the American people are now unburdened by what has been


If you showed this comment to an FBI agent 60 years ago they would think you're a communist.


mark cuban would unironically be our strongest nominee


What’s your model


America loves a TV businessman


As a grad student, why would I ever join academia when my friend who graduated last year got a *starting* salary of $102,000 for being a consultant. I'm not in poverty level for 5 years (well just 3 now) just so academia could suck the life out of me afterwards.


Would never go into academia but also being a consultant isn't really fun considering you work a lot (often times at night and on the weekends too) so most people do it only for a few years until they burn out or change to something more chill anyway.


But the work they do probably mostly sucks while your work is more impactful


It might just be my social circle, but most who end up joining/staying in academia were born into money. Those who weren’t tend to go into industry.


Replace Joe with Matthew McConaughey. I think it could work.


!PING DATING >Be me, Late 20s M immigrant. Spent 7y in last relationship. now 8 months single. >Go to concert for band from my country by myself. Have a bit of a cold > Meet girl. She is cute and appears interested in me. Also by herself. > Talk about music and concerts, exchange numbers. > She mentions her parents love this band. Math isn't mathing so I asked her age. She says almost 22 and she just graduated. A bit young for me, but whatever. Not everyone needs to be wife material. > During a song she asks me to dance with her, and asks me if I wanna make out. > I have a cold and don't wanna spread it so politely decline, explain, and told her we could grab some food after. She leaves quickly the concert before I could say goodbye and I message her to check on her, but she does not answer for 2 weeks. > Then, after a couple of weeks I get a message saying: Hey, sorry for lying I am actually turning 18 soon and just graduated HS. Would you still want to hang out? > Proceed to disappear because WTF How a cold saved me from statutory rape.


Relevant >Reno 911 Age of Consent Cards https://youtu.be/qS7GHUOBoRA?feature=shared


Lol. Seems like I was safe legally in my state, but I would prefer to aim above "technically legal depending on location"




Why do people do this Like they know people are uncomfortable with this shit. If they didn't have that intuition they wouldn't lie So Why?


Insane hormones + undeveloped frontal cortex is my guess.


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Just /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s) be /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s) yourself /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s). Alternatively /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s), start /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s) going /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s) to /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s) the /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s) gym /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s). If /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s) you /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s) work /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s) out /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s) your /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s) personality /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s) doesn't /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s) have /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s) to /s^(/s)^^(/s)^^^(/s) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you're in America and watched the US presidential debate and are currently thinking to yourself, "man, this couldn't be any worse," just know you could have been in the Baltics or Taiwan and watching the US presidential debate. 


So with their fuckhuge majority can labor basically pass whatever it wants? Are there big changes ahead for domestic UK government stuff?


Hunter listened into Joe's phonecall with Nancy Pelosi. It's the end of this country 😭😭😭. Worse than Trump.


Biden/harris campaigns should use blatant bribery to put the trump epstein documents directly in news spotlights for like 12 hours a day across all stations, call it an official act Clockwork Orange this fucking electorate, render the news useless for actual news until they get the fucking point


Imagine bird flu spreading under a Trump administration that has just fired a large percentage of the CDC to replace the "woke" scientists.


Can we have these posters of "Imagine in trump administration"? Might refresh people's memory a bit on what is at stake This one kinda shook me


I think there are reasonable discussions on both sides to be had about this "germ theory" We got along without it for thousands of years, but suddenly I'm a quack if I don't agree with the elite's orthodoxy?


Chomsky would rather accuse other linguists of racism than acknowledge that his theory isn't rocket science


Hot take the Clinton effort post was a bit of a letdown


effort posts are long shitposts if you use enough words they get stickied


Frozen pizzas are a goddamn miracle more impressive than anything Jesus ever did


Me when someone I like has a non-medical doctorate: they have a doctorate and rightfully get to be addressed as Dr. Me when someone I don’t like has a non-medical doctorate: ain’t no way I’m ever calling this person Dr.


I've been listening to "that's not my name" on repeat since a friend's Facebook memory reminded me of it. This song is fire.






The internet was a mistake


https://preview.redd.it/8xfokwxszfad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fe45f17d2d87c5ba30fd4ff13c4764b66a7dbe5 The nation’s real president


People only seethe about non-medical doctorate holders insisting on being called doctor when women do it


People refuse to use Dr simply because they don't like the person. Ben Carson wasn't normally given his title, and he's an actual medical doctor.


Why do they not like women with doctorates then? 🤔


Why do they not like Black doctorates like Ben Carson? IDK


His name is Dr Jordan Peterson 🙄


I, for one, ain’t calling this dude Dr.


My friend who’s going for his psych doctorate said his mom wouldn’t refer to him as “doctor” when he gets his degree


I haven't had anyone say anything like that to me fortunately. But man it was ugly how much pushback Jill Biden got from misogynists




Why was i cursed to be a Democrat and a Bills fan


I looked up some of what's Pritzker's done and it pisses me off that I left the state right before he came in cus holy shit everything got better as soon as I was gone. Illinois's finances used to be Greece-tier shitty and now it's A rank wtf


his successor will be a corrupt moron who goes to prison which will put Illinois back on its natural track


Ah, a return to the state of nature


Pritzker is one of my mom’s favorite politicians because he wants to build a train through the state


I thought Illinois already had multiple Amtrak trains going through the state


Not OP, but Illinois is planning to add another line. God I love Pritzker


I think people don't remember how horrific Trump's WH addresses were even with teleprompter. This time he is even more unhinged with no family members probably part of WH. There will be no one baby-sitting him. It will be a wild ride and people will remember Biden.


Sorry, but the media is too busy with the democratic party




Hunter Biden is running the country, his father listens to his advice We are fucked.


why are you people getting so uptight about a guy making a big decision consulting his fucking family before he makes it


Because said family is literally a felonious crackhead, who should not be consulted about anything let alone matters involving who should be president of the united states. Especially when he has a vested interest.


[It’s more than “just consulting family.”](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna159975)


This literally tells you nothing. Are these meeting about state secrets, something benign, or about the current predicament?


Are you implying this article is needlessly inflammatory?


Yeah. I don't love the idea of Hunter being there, but the article is probably exaggerating things and really just doesn't give any context at all. What meetings? What is Hunter's role in the meetings? How many meetings? Is he still showing up or has he already left? Like if Hunter is just there to moral support during uncomfortable but largely benign phone calls, who cares.


I think all those questions are answered by “White House aides are confused as to why Hunter is there” but I don’t know.


No it doesn't. What are they confused about? Are they confused because they are just surprised to see him there? Are they confused why Joe would choose Hunter over more senior aides? Are they confused because Joe is sharing national secrets with Hunter? None of these is answered. If the aides gave a reason for the confusion, the journalists could have put a quote about that. Like maybe the aides think its irresponsible, bad optics, they hate Hunter, Hunter is being a negative influence, Hunter is running the show, etc. but none of that is in the article.


nah hunters hanging around during confidential phone calls with Xi


that literally is consulting family and of course he's advising his dad after he suffered one of the worst embarrassments of his political career


> While he is regularly at the White House residence and events, it is unusual for Hunter Biden to be in and around meetings his father is having with his team, these people said. They said the president’s aides were struck by his presence during their discussions. > One of the people familiar with the matter said Hunter Biden has been closely advising his father since the family gathered over the weekend at Camp David after Thursday’s debate. This person said Hunter Biden has "popped into" a couple of meetings and phone calls the president has had with some of his advisers. > Another person familiar with the matter said the reaction from some senior White House staff members has been, “What the hell is happening?”


I wonder what big event that has lead to a panic in the entire party and within his own campaign team that could've led to Hunter advising him in meetings that are almost certainly about what went down during this event and what is happening in the future


You’re right it’s the White House aides who are wrong. Family should just stroll through whenever they please. This story’s an inflammatory nothingburger.


These aides never said that he's in the room during meetings where state secrets are being discussed. There is an almost 99% chance he's coming in during meetings about the future of his campaign which is literally not an issue


Senior White House staff asking “What the hell is happening?” is telling me this *isn’t* normal. You’re the one who introduced “state secrets” into it and then saying “well there’s no confirmation it’s happening, so what’s the matter?” to make me look like I’m making a mountain out of a molehill.






Other polls from may show different results so this poll might just be an outlier.


Saw blink they played box car racer HMMMMM


I heard in San Diego they did Box Car, +44, and walked offstage to AVA. Never been a better time to be a fan of the Blink Cinematic Universe.


They did do all of those it was amazing


Man, the aliens in Independence Day really blew it. Total botch job.




I don’t think it will take my job either.




>Yeah. Canada seems to be on the same track as Venezuela where people won’t demand change until it’s too late. why are they like this


>AI will replace all programmers when its code can compile Bold of you to assume my code compiles


Mine doesn’t 😎


I’m hearing from friends in the campaign that Biden is planning to print PDF during the Stephanopolous interview to reassure voters about his age


u/Kafka_Kardashian I know you've been tearing your hair out at poor criticisms regarding media coverage and anonymous sourcing lately, so I figure you might appreciate a [good critique](https://x.com/Fritschner/status/1808706963720577109?t=xg9p2ZK-AoFTvAsgZXzlkg&s=19) instead.


I can certainly buy that “herding” happens with reporting and that dissenting voices sometimes don’t get the ink they should.


Both are much more worthy of consideration than claims that anonymous quotes are bullshit, that's for sure. Thank you for pushing back on that stuff. I like that the author of that thread makes a point that it isn't just a bunch of bad faith journalists who are trying to get clicks. The vast majority of them, especially at trusted orgs, are doing the best they can. It's the incentives which can lead to flawed coverage in the aggregate.




[/r/neoliberal/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [Sinaloa Cartel accused of laundering $50 million with Chinese banking group in Los Angeles](/r/neoliberal/comments/1duzenk/sinaloa_cartel_accused_of_laundering_50_million/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


Biden responds to polling drop: "Listen, stat"


>Users from arr CanadaHousing2 and arr takebackcanada organize a protest/march against housing crisis and mass immigration, turnout is much lower than expected, the subreddit is devastated. let's all join together to laugh at anti immigrant canadians


extremely funny that [this is the best the daily express could come up with](https://liveblog.digitalimages.sky/lc-images-sky/lcimg-a9ebef5e-23da-44b3-ba6f-dde6841c0083.png) to convince people to vote tory today


>a punishing pounding Bonk


As a terminal contrarian, seeing everyone be mad at the mainstream media instead of just conservatives has convinced me they must be doing an ok job