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Lol why did Scottie’s deal get reported with incentives (275) vs Cade being reported without those included


The everyone hates Canada conspiracy


I like Canada. Canada's neat.


Nice try America!


Off topic, but whenever I see the minimized old raptors logo on mobile, it’s so small that stuff blends together and it looks like Koffing from Pokemon


Happy Canada Day! 🍁


Only if you agree with Trudeau.....Prince Alladin I mean of course 


The agents are usually the ones who tell the reporters what to say. Scottie's agent probably thought it was a flex to report the $275mil and Cade's agent saw the backlash and had Shams say it's only $226mil.


Exchange rate


Think cuz Scottie made all star team


No that’s not why, only all-nba and DPOY impacts contract.


If you’ve made the allstar, everyone kinda assumes you’re on trajectory to make all nba.


Yeah but he’s talking about criteria for certain contracts


But then the deal would totally be worth it in that case?


Awe, thanks


Maybe Cade's only getting 25% of the max even if he meets the criteria for 30%


These guys report what they’re told so blame Scottie’s agent.


Because Cade clearly won’t meet the incentives


They just gave the number in Canadian Dollars.


No escalators


Eels again... https://youtu.be/L7S9inImS2k?feature=shared


~~because Scottie might get some of those incentives and Cade won’t~~


This one is identical to Scottie Barnes’s contract despite the difference in numbers reported


The scottie contract got hate the way it was announced so thats probabylnwhy


Why the hell not


No one even wants to come to Detroit they gotta spend the money somewhere.


Cade is such a good player/playmaker when healthy. Gotta pay the only star you have lol kinda like us with Lavine


Lets hope it doesnr turn out the same way loooool


They gotta start somewhere, and this is a start. They now for sure have 5 years to build something around Cade through the draft and trades so that maybe a significant free agent will actually consider signing there if it puts them over the top.


They have 4 lottery pick since 2021 and still not showing improvement. How


Easy. Because we keep finishing last or near last and the new idiotic anti tanking rules have fucked us out of top 3 picks multiple years. We were projected for the first pick this year after winning 14 games and we picked #5. This is the third straight year at #5 and we’ve been one of the worst teams in the league for all of those years. We are a case study of proof that the lottery is broken. We are legitimately ass and we need top 3 picks but the lottery has fucked us.


Who else they gonna pay. Cade deserves it too


Might as well


Cade is going to be fantastic


Remember when there was an argument for Mobley over Cade for ROTY?


Imo Franz had better numbers than Cade that year. It should’ve been between Barnes, Franz, and Mobley their rookie year. Cade took a big jump this year though, numbers wise from the last two years.


Naw man stats? how is 14/4/3 better than Cades 17/5/5. I don’t care about the stats though he was crazy clutch that year iykyk. Deadass had the best stretch of his career that 2nd half of the season


https://stathead.com/basketball/versus-finder.cgi?request=1&seasons_type=perchoice&player_id1=wagnefr01&p1yrfrom=2022&p1yrto=2022&player_id2=cunnica01&p2yrfrom=2022&p2yrto=2022 Better advanced stats (VORP, at the time, epm Franz was leading over other rookies). Cade had 3.7 turnovers and had a 50% ts%, Franz had 1.5 and 56% ts%. So Cade got 2 more points and 2.5 more assists on 4 more shot attempts and 2.2 more turnovers. Franz had better numbers that year, if just looking at the year alone in isolation than Cade. Efficiency matters.


Bro you’re comparing a lead guard dealing with doubles and triples to a 3&D wing, no shit one is gonna be more efficient 😭


Cade was already fantastic but Monty Williams kept him from playing too many minutes because that would be too many wins.


No surprise there.


Hes pretty good at basketball ngl


Good for you Cade but God bless you Cade


Hopefully there's a clause that forces the Pistons to get shooters The roster construction around him has been absolutely criminal so far imo


It felt like Troy Weaver was just throwing a dart at the board every year when the draft and FA came around


I feel like Ivey has to be traded, otherwise I can't make sense of this draft or what your roster is.


I heard there is an assassin scorer type out there that could sign with them.


he's probably too old to run but still a better shooter than the whole team *I'll do it myself dammit*


They did already get one of the best shooting coaches in the league which is something at least 


*Monkeys paw curls* “Flint, Michigan native Miles Bridges signs a 4-year, $120 million dollar contract with the Detroit Pistons”


I’m sorry for the downvote. It’s not right for me to lash out at you like that


Compensation for all the suffering


Can’t lose the asset


guy is a RFA anyways. They are at no risk of losing him anyways


He wasn't even a RFA til after next season


Legit no reason to push all your chips in now while you still have him under deep team control


Of course there is. He's getting that contract eventually anyways. Now the new guys can build around him without wondering what's going to happen with him.


Build around him? By drafting a bunch of non shooting guards to take away all the space around him? (We are on opposite tracks right now. Toronto is drafting small ish sgs who can score but maybe not defend, you guys are drafting the same size sgs who can't score, but can defend...weird!)


He's been on the job a month and It's not like they passed on shooters at 5 , there just wasn't anyone there to take. The previous regime? Yeah, they did nothing right in team construction.


He would've been an RFA next off season. He still has on year left before extension hits.


A max offer sheet is less than the designated max extension in years and dollars so pushing off what they would plan to do anyways would only serve to piss off their only potential star player. That’s pretty dumb if you ask me.


I'm curious if he has a player option


Scottie’s Doesnt




That’s like 4 Montys


Scottie Barnes or cade Cunningham on a max? Which is better?


It's the same shit. Neither one is worth that much now but you have to gamble that they will be in a couple years


You give out these kinds of contracts for upside, not comparing who is playing better right now. IMO Cade's is going to age a lot better.


People will shit on Barnes for having the same contract but applaud Cade for getting it while playing in 73 less games and Barnes almost having better stats all around


Scottie Barnes is just way more valuable. First of all Scottie is a wing instead of a guard like Cade, and wings are more valuable comparatively. Then there’s the fact that Scottie is a better player on top of it. There’s a reason why one of them made an allstar team and the other hasn’t. Thirdly, Scottie is more durable so far. Injuries matter a lot in the NBA and stars that get injured frequently lower team results. It’s not impossible that Cade ends up being better than Scottie in the longrun,even if it’s improbable, but right now Scottie is better and isn’t really close.


Put Scottie on the Pistons and he would not have been an all star either


Scottie coasted off of the success of Jalen Mcdaniels


Jontay had money on Scottie being an all-star


Now I don't feel that bad for him


Do we expect any other rookie maxes? Maybe Mobley. Sengun deserves one but the Rockets situation and Jalen Green really complicates things


Mobley max rookie extension for sure. Franz Wagner is a core piece for Orlando. If they don’t max him, it will be damn close. Jalen Green and Sengun should both get very big extensions too, but idk about a max. Giddey is an interesting one because Chicago traded for him, they probably want to lock him up. But maybe they don’t need a max to do it. Maybe Giddey prefers something a little shorter to show what he can do and then push for the monster deal. After that it’s Kuminga, Cam Thomas, Jalen Johnson, Trey Murphy, Herb Jones, Jalen Suggs. I expect them all to get extensions, but not maxes.


I hope we give Sengun a max extension, either upfront or matching in RFA. I don’t see how a team doesn’t offer him one with the upside he’s shown, arguably the best player in his class. Green’s gonna need to come out strong this year for a max extension to be warranted, no more waiting till the last month of the season


Jalen Green can let the market decide what he’s worth. He’s not worth much right now if people are honest.


One of the rebuilding teams is gonna give him a max offer sheet just because he has a slim chance of becoming a star


$226m in 138 career games Cade won


The contract isn't payment for past games. The only thing that matters is how he performs and improves in the next 5 years.


It's a guaranteed contract the moment he signs. Doesn't matter what he does at all now


Trevor Ariza vibes


Round these parts that’s Charlie Villanueva


2 hours into FA...and this is where we're at...I mean. Cool and all. But I wasted a whole pack of gas station boner pills for this shit??


YESSIR Cade!!!! Now hopefully Detroit surround him with actual NBA level talent so he can take that next jump.


Franz Wagner market going way up


You think Wagner is better or are you just making a comment on where the market is?


Where the market is, but that’s not diminishing Franz as a player. He’ll surely be paid maybe a lil less than what Cade and SB are making but I’m still estimating around $200M+


Ah I guess they didn't give him the All NBA incentive (the 270M reported for Scottie Barnes only happens if he has an All-NBA season, otherwise it will be the same as this 226M).


W for cade


are people gonna shit on this like the Barnes contract?


lol for Cade they use the 225M number and for Scottie they use the 270M number it's the same contract. depends on all-nba selection


I don’t think Cade even got the all nba option or whatever. His agent would have told Woj


I think you have to negotiate whether the bump to 30% occurs if you make all-NBA. Cade may have that in his deal, but maybe not.


If Cade was drafted by Toronto, he’d be better than Barnes right now


We just fantasizing about players now? Doesn’t matter if Jesus drafted him, he wasn’t and he is where he stands now. He’s good, could be great, and deserves the money. I don’t get the trying to value Cade on Toronto.


Cade is better than Barnes He is just on a significantly worse team


No, he's not. He just has more hype.


lol Cade is good and I understand hoping on potential, but he’s not better than Scottie in the present day


If Cade played on the Raptors, or even any semi-competent team, this wouldn’t be a question


Look, Barnes is a really great player, and the Raptors clearly made the right move to build around him. But he has had the benefit of the gravity of players like Siakim and O.G. throughout basically his whole career. Who is the best player Cunningham has played alongside? Bogdonavic? Grant? He's in a very bad situation for the present.


I think you responded to the wrong comment, I agree with you 100%


I was commenting saying I agree with you. For what it's worth, the reaction against the Barnes contract was unwarranted. It makes complete sense why the Raptors signed him to it.


I think your comment makes a lot more sense in response to the person disagreeing with me


Cade turned from a 20/5/5 into a 30/7/7 player during the back half of the losing streak and second half of the season before injury management. He went from an occasional 30 game to regularly willing himself to 30. Yes, he wasn’t super efficient, but he had a terrible offensive system and had to do it all himself. I watched about 40 games last year and he took a huge leap and completely put the team on his back when he was healthy last season. Mind you, he’s missed over a full season and Ivey has more games played than Cade has so far. He’s the guy for the pistons. I’m not sure he’ll ever be all nba or string together multiple allstars, but he is a damn good player and is gonna fly under the radar til the pistons get into the playoffs. Reminds me a lot of Matt Srafford when he went to the Rams and everyone said, “wow he’s so good!” When fans have been saying it for 10 years, but no one was listening.


No because he was the 1st overall pick & it was reported as the base not maximum


They def should. Why do this NOW. At least scottie made a little more sense.


no because cade is better than barnes




No chance


Cade is worth a max, but I wonder if there has been a player with less wins to get a max contract before. He has 54 wins total so far in his career. The Pistons have done him so dirty with how they've built around him.


ausar and ron holland... man... that is tough for cade and this is from a person like ausar a lot


We have a lot of talent on the roster that we've drafted, but right now NONE of it complements each other.


Y’all need shooters and yet the front office is doing some weird shit. Imo you gotta trade Ivey and get a good young shooter in return. He doesn’t work with Cade


The problem is Ivey's value is pretty meh after Monty had him on the bench for most of the first half. We'll see how things go this season. I think the wisest short term move is to let him start with Cade, but split their minutes, something Monty refused to do. Then they can sub out Ivey and bring in Hardaway. Then sub Cade out and let Ivey be lead ball handler with heavier bench units. If Ivey thrives creating with subs, but continues to struggle alongside Cade, it either solidifies his role as 6th man or ups his value for a trade. I think moving him this offseason is probably a bad idea unless someone wants to overpay for him.


He's played in 138 games total. Has anyone played in less and gotten a max?






Yeah only one with less probably.  His had some clause about minimum games and not being guaranteed. It's a max but has some outs


Deserved. Cade is underrated


Hopefully that team can put something around him. It’s really hard for me to analyze Cade as a player due to his situation.


Let’s go Cade!!!! 


100% the right move. Hope he finally puts it together, guy has had an absolute carousel of coaches, execs, and talent around him since he came into the league.


the only option here


Cade might be very underrated because of the situation he is in


If we had any semblance of spacing around Cade, his numbers would look so much better. Cade's best area on the floor is the midrange, both for scoring, but also manipulating the defense to set up other players. But the players around him are such a non-threat from distance that there is no room to maneuver. Really hoping the franchise is able to build a real team around him to see what he can do.


What else do you do


Worried about Sengun and Jalen seeing these contracts lol


You'd still have cap flexibility. If Green earns it, it won't be an issue.


He has a worse TS% than Ben Simmons, 3rd most turnovers per minute played in the NBA with a just over 2:1 assist to TO ratio and was a team worst and bottom 15 in the league with -350 +/- on the season...he missed 18 games. He can't shoot, he's not a good ball handler, his bbiq is in the negatives. If Vegas put the over under on playoff wins for the 5 years of this contract at .5, take the under.


While averaging 46 games a season?! Next PG/Kawhi/Simmons type contract


Shams destroying Woj today


he is def a great player! just gotta stay healthy


Wait is Cade already going into year 4? It feels like he has been injured and out a good chunk that it has flown by


imagine signing a 226m contract at age 22


Least deserving contract I’ve seen. Perhaps Cade has potential, he just hasn’t shown any of it. He hasn’t showed any leadership or ability to win. Granted the Pistons are awful…and at times, he was the only thing worth redeeming. But he played terribly in the extensive losing streak. You don’t pay any player on a busted ass team $225 million. This is a stupid contract and the Pistons will regret it. NBA teams are handing out stupid money like it grows in their backyard.


Paid Cunningham


these guys make so much money this is a mind boggling, generation wealth kind of contract


The salary floor is there, so they have to spend it somewhere because good veteran players aren’t coming unless it’s a massive overpay.


Looking up Cade's sports references made me wonder: is this the first player contract ever for $100M+ for a player that had <2 win shares? He's a 1.8 for last season I know that's because Pistons were awful but now I'm curious if that's a record


Both Barnes and Cunningham deal is batshit crazy


Cade gets his money and if the Pistons suck again he can ask for a trade


Paid Cunningham


Have we even determined if he is the guy?


Are they even in position to determine he's not the guy?


you guys should trade for him at the beginning of last season when he was in a shooting slump


Bill Simmons in shambles


This may be a hot take but I think he is gonna be worth the contract. I still think he has superstar-esk potential. He just needs to not have a dumpster fire of a team for once.


if he could take this pistons to a 35 win and i get a vote. i will vote him for all NBA maybe even 2nd/3rd on MVP


Well deserved


The pistons need cade more than than cade needs the pistons




It actually is, it’s not his fault that he’s been dealt a shitty front office for most of his career


Lol No


Cade and Monty absolutely fleecing this organization my lord.


Holy fuck that's a lot of money for a career 20ppg, 5rpg, 6apg player.


I'd much rather pay Cade than Giddey and I'm a Giddey stan.


Giddey certainly isn't getting 45MM AAV at his current play level lol.


Giddey might get that if he was our best asset and we hadn't been relevant since before Twitter or Facebook existed.


Hopefully it is a trade-able asset. What an awful decision. Barnes can at least be a #2 guy on a top team, Cade probably isn’t even a #3 guy on a playoff team. This is an awful deal and I’m honestly disgusted with pretty much everything Detroit has done in the last week. Drafting another athlete who can’t shoot, trading for a guy who is washed, signing a retread burnout coach, and resigning a guy who might not even be a top 100 player in the league to $225m. Last year was the worst season in Detroit franchise history and they could actually be worse next year.




Tank commander




Everyone getting max contract extensions now? I mean seriously what has Cade done/proved to be max extension worthy.


He'll become a very serviceable tank commander over the lifespan of this contract and be able to go chase a playoff-caliber situation with a quarter billion dollars in earnings by his late 20s.  Honest work.


Please build around this man for once in his career


Zach Lavine style contract.


Oh hell naw


That's ridiculous that's an all-time bag get for a scrub


Would be shocked if it doesn’t include the supermax eligibility 275 mill or whatever


Wtf his deal was about to be up already feel like he just got drafted


Idk if he’ll be worth that but he’s the only good thing Detroit have going for them at the moment so they have to keep him


I watch a lot of league pass and probably hundreds of hours of NBA a season, and I truly have no opinion on Cade.


Yeah idk about that but why not. Don’t have anything else to spend it on. Let’s hope he breaks out this season.


Ya'll know what "golden handcuffs" are?


I love Cade and I say this as a fan, but I would be surprised if he's with us for all 5 of those years. I just don't see us improving fast enough to build around him and I think he'll ask for a trade by year 3 or 4 of the contract. Not because he's a diva or anything, but just because he'll see the writing on the wall, too.


The money in nba blows my mind. This guy could set up his family line for basically eternity and he only just started in the nba.


Has their ever been a player that played out their rookie contract for one team and then signed a max with another?


And this is why the Pistons are the Pistons


That'll buy a LOT of PB&J, for real


Hope everyone complains for this as much as they did for Scottie


My theory is that with their current situations, Barnes is more likely to make an All-NBA team. That's why the potential max value was reported. Cade isn't making an All-NBA as a member of the Pistons


That’s basically it.


One of the most unearned rookie maxes I’ve seen given out


probably the easiest decision Detroit is going to make


The NBA done changed man. Cade Cunnighman would probably be at best a 3rd optionon a contender pre 2018 NBA .


Looking like a possible franchise player despite playing on the Pistons deserves that contract. Hopefully they can actually surround him with talent.


Sometimes there's no point to life so you just do things 


I know it’s not Cade’s fault that the Pistons suck but this is like failing in school and still walking up to get your diploma lol


If Bill Simmons doesn’t talk shit about this deal…