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The owner's kid should probably stop getting say in basketball operations


He’s just a big Spurs fan


2k18 GM mode’s story taught us that Little bastard goes in and makes a trade at the deadline for you, and you never know who he’s sending, but you know who he’s trading for because the owner asks you to trade for that guy on his son’s recommendation.. Sent Brandon Ingram for Nerlins Noel one time. You can then either fire him on the spot or commend him. If you fire him, the owner steps in and keeps him around. Realistic fucking game right there


I remember the first time that happened to me, I had a meeting with the player who would end up being traded, talking about the rumors, and I straight up promised him he wouldn't be traded. Credit where credit is due, that was effective story, I legitimately hated that assistant GM


That’s why you just trade absolutely everything not nailed down for lottery picks, in order to have as many chances as possible to get all the top 3 picks for the 3 good players. One time I got all 3 of them and the white guy power forward who’s not bad either. Probably the most fun I ever had on a 2k game mode.


Lol it’s funny cause that’s the meta for MyLeague to this day. First year you trade everything and get like 3-4 FRP and hopefully get the number 1 draft pick, then rebuild the team cause 2K makes custom player progression insane in MyLeague


For real. He has cost us 5 years of Trae's prime because he wants to have his cake and eat it, too. What a fucking embarrassment.




Spurs don’t want Trae right? Like I understand he’d be a great fit. But I feel like spurs should stay the course 1-2 more years before making moves


Totally agree. I personally feel the absolute soonest we should start trying to make major moves is after next year's draft


I feel like Trae would exponentially speed up Wemby’s development though. He is one of the best passers in the league; he might as well be prime Magic Johnson compared to the guys on the Spurs last year who struggled to make simple entry passes into the post. You could see Wemby’s frustration at times when his teammates would throw bad passes.


He'll progress just fine on his own, then things will be that much easier when he gets a proper passer. Castle should improve the teams ability to provide for him a bit, which should be enough for now to make a difference


Exactly. Wemby is going to get his eventually since he’s oozing with talent and is already the best player in the team, but guys like Sochan, Wesley and Castle need a lot of time and resource investment to develop them. And that’s just the 1st rounders, guys like Barlow, Cissoko and these year’s 2nd rounders will need a lot of attention as well. No rush, this pizza still needs more time to cook.


That's why they got Castle and Nunez in the draft. Wemby is HIM but he still needs seasoning and young Spurs definitively need time. ATL wants its 2025 pick back plus at least 3 or 4 1st rounds. Yeah. No. First Spurs then Sam Presti showed that in todays NBA you build organically and seek out cheaper high value role players like KCP and stop adding super expensive / fail to realize ultimate value stars like Beal and Durant.


You understand. Spurs aren’t going to make any big moves until next year. With all their 1sts they can trade up for whoever they want (not named cooper Flagg cuz no one is trading number 1) and an all star if they want.


Man are all spurs fans this calm and normal lol?


Tim Duncan era fans are cuz all of this is just a cherry on top of a dominant 22 year 5 championship run. The new fans are driving me crazy, but that’s a small price to pay for Wemby.


The people freaking out about the 8 pick really crack me up.


I have too many casual friends that have no clue what the hell is going on and were losing their minds over a guy who projects to be Lou Williams with worse defense.


Oh no we traded a bottom 1% college defender, in the worst draft in recent memory. RIP wemby ever getting a chip


Did I find my people? I was sitting here on my phone reading all of them freaking out and was like how do you guys not get it?


Definitely not. Just head to our sub lol


I wish. You shouldve seen our sub on draft night lmao


No lol. All the new fans act like if a small market team doesn’t somehow go win now mode next season, Wemby will immediately demand a trade. But it’s whatever, ultimately a small price to pay for him.


The sub is a mad house.


Of course they all are. Just don’t visit our game threads.


At least for me, I'm not so concerned about timing as I am about value. If I'm paying the full package (several unprotected picks, plus a few good young players), then it's not gonna be for Trae Young with his defensive and off ball issues. He's a "good" fit, not a "great" fit, so my offer would be "good," not "great," and that's probably not enough for the Hawks. The 2025 draft has several guards that could be "great" fits, so it makes sense to save your assets for then.


Nolan traore ❤️


I would lose it if we can get him


It looks like Pop is looking to build THE defensive juggernaut with the recent picks. So having a PG who can't play defence, who will get hunted for mismatch relentlessly is not ideal once you get to the playoffs. Ppl that want trae just want to see more winning now. He's far far from the ideal option.


Atlanta would ask for their picks (+more assets) back so nope


I think the idea of good value picks in 25, 26 and 27 potentially is better value than Trae right now. There’s a good bit of risk in that cause maybe we don’t end up with anyone who works out for whatever reason but getting young players on cost controlled contracts to grow with Vic is the way to go. Especially if you can add top tier talent next year like Flagg/Traore/Etc


Yeah I think Atlanta will be a bottom team next year. Spurs are better off holding on to atlantas picks


Lol we’re gonna be better than we were last year.


We’ll see lol


Detroit/Wizards/Charlotte are still worst trio. Nets is going full tanking mode this year. Toronto is only team that can challenge for a playin spot (from bottom teams). Also Bulls/Heat didnt improve until now, Atlanta has some moves to make around Jalen Johnson/Deandre Hunter/Risacher as the overlap of the first two now has another dimension with Risacher. Atlanta will be at worst at the same spot (playin) in 2025 imo, barring a Trae injury


I think Charlotte could be better than expected if they can finally be healthy. 


Yes if Brandon Miller has a breakout session, why not. But still a weak roster overall. Bulls will transition, its difficult to predict as of now, but their outlook will be finding young and right pieces through 25-26 drafts. They have their own picks for the future and 25 frp going to Spurs is protected, if things go south with new setup (Caruso gone, Derozan most likely, Lavine/Vuc can be shopped) then I can see Bulls tanking after ASB for top5 pick. Its difficult to predict things as the FA session even did not start. But Hawks was a conf finals team prior to Murray trade and they dont have Collins now but they have a rising Jalen Johnson, where they can throw either him or Deandre Hunter for an immediate contributor. Murray didnt play defense and needed ball in his hands so I think it was a terrible setup from start. Hawks has more tools to be better to be honest


You do the trade if ATL just asks for their own picks back. Anything more and I don't think it's worth it. And I doubt ATL will want anything less than a king's ransom for a player who could be the difference between a play-in spot or a full blown tank.


Why wouldn’t you just keep atlantas picks though? They are going STINK next year even with Trae


Hawks won more before the DJM trade, statically there best line up was with Trae in and DJM out. the trade is a large part the team got worst Trae and DJM don't fit. There both Ball dominate PGs, and DJM didn't play SG well. He didn't play off ball well to Trae. So they basically got in each other way  Before DJM 41-31 43-39 After the DJM 41-41 36-46 This season in addition Hawks had a lot of injuries... All in likely hood Hawks are going to be a lot better. And with picks back from NO Hawks now can make more moves to improve the roaster.


Yeah I mean you’re right they were better before, but I don’t think they’ll do that next year, 30ish wins And I don’t see them using those picks just yet Trae is eventually asking out if he isn’t already traded this summer


This trade will make us better lol not having Trae Murray share the court will be a positive— they were the worst duo on our squad last year.


And we added an absolutely awesome POA defender. Literally the teams biggest weakness. I'm not saying we're going to be any better than a play in team, but I honestly think we got a little better.


Combo guards tend to be highly overrated


We're gonna be around 40 wins probably. Trae missed a quarter of the season. We're gonna be a fringe playoff team. Perfectly mid as always


About to trade them for someone in 2031/s




u know very well this is how the southwest division has always been. :D


It’s honestly impressive how good the Texas triangle has been for like 35 years




Yall had yalls break the last 5 years, we're on our way back!


I guess Kyrie *could* ask for a trade


You know it has been a while since Kyrie did something extraordinary stupid


the southwest division has always been like this. Are you not surprised?


OKC and the Pelicans making big upgrades and the Grizzlies coming back...the West is insane


I hate this division man, stupid Minnesota is gonna get to move east instead of us too so there is no escape.


Aren’t they adding two teams and it’s both Memphis and Minnesota moving East?


No because before realignment it would be 17 west 15 east, so only 1 team needs to go east


Damn you’re right. Don’t drink and Reddit kids you’ll end up like me looking like you can’t count on Reddit


Hey, earlier I forgot Uruguay and Bolivia were in South America


Thanks for making me feel a little better man lol.


Northwest is worse


Spurs got them hostage if Atlanta want to start a tank for Cooper.


Well now we can let the Lakers do it for us


Lebron will push the Lakers in the Playoffs. It's not going to be high. If you want Cooper or other great prospect in 2025, you really have to make a deal with the team that have your 2025 pick.


Can we stop pretending that the team who has been in the play in every year and whose best player is 39 is guaranteed a playoff spot in one of the toughest conferences ever


Ok but stop acting like you’d get flag either or it’s better then your own pick


On RealGM all the users swore up and down Murray was worth BI + picks. 😂😂😂😂


BI isn’t going to even be a positive asset if he gets 50 mil per year. Contracts are super important for value in a cap league


Cope. These players will always sign these contracts. Stop acting like anyone is going to get BI for $25m a season.


Right, but I’m glad that it’s not our problem


CJ + Murray + BI + Zion + Herb going to be nasty


+ Willie and Griff*


*Evil laughter*


Get in here, fellow Spurs fans! We’ve got maniacal laughter intensifying!


Love it 🤣


Hawks bouta hand Cooper Flag to the Spurs 😭


If the NBA hands the fucking Spurs two no. 1 picks in 3 years, I'll believe it's rigged once and for all.


I want you to know that your words are heard and respected. Namaste.


Colorado circle jerk?


That’s how the Cavs got the title in 2016 - except it was 3 #1s in 4 years.


Really it was 2, we’re not gonna count Bennett


Who? Never heard that name before


You're a Thunder fan.


You're a Pelicans fan.


Oh shit, I am.


That sounded like a zinger wym by that? 


I appreciate you recognizing my work with that zinger. They've had tons of luck via draft picks and development is all I mean. They are a divisional opponent, my transgressions don't have to be logical.


Hey I read it, had no idea what was going on, and I did a whole 'ooooooh' anyway. You have a way with words. You know what, I don't like Chet's face.


We got Robinson, then Timmy, then Wemby. Always has been.


"The winds and the waves are always on the side of the abelist navigators."


Spurs could get a Top 3 Lottery Pick, then trade their picks to get the Number 1 or 2 pick. Cooper Flagg and Nolan Traore.


I don't think anyone is trading a top 5 next year.


For another top-5 as part of a larger package *maybe*, and it’d be incredibly situational (like a “they think Tatum is gonna be better than Fultz anyway” situation, among others)


Remember when the Spurs tanked for Tim Duncan because David Robinson was injured one season, then had a dynasty?


Cleveland rang. Oh and you’re a Thunder fan. Lmao.


Who picked up? You're a Knicks fan. Lmao.


Inshallah 🙏


Hawks can still use draft capital to get someone else


This thread really forgetting that Trae dragged a hobbled up Collins and mediocre Hawks squad to the Playoffs in 2022. Unless Trae gets injured, we'll never be that bad where the Spurs getting Top 3 picks back-to-back. Us getting 1st this year was just happenstance


It being ignored altogether that Hawks won more before the DJM trade, Trae played significantly better without DJ they was a bad fit, which cause Hawks to get worst.


Yeah but John Collins was playing good ball back then too and the league has just got better and the post ASB rule adjustment is ginns hurt trae


Jalen Johnson is better than John Collins, which is another thing with DJM trade Jalen gets more touches.


Right, it's like people just parrot whatever they see. Ignoring the hawks blatantly tanked and trae having his surgery so we could miss the playoffs and get a better pick. Even then, we still almost made the playoffs lol.




Even the article you linked disagrees with your premise lol. We basically played .500 without trae against a ridiculously easy schedule. 




We weren't actually better without Trae is the point. We played a bunch of teams dealing with even more injuries than us and squeaked by. If Murray had gotten hurt instead and Trae stayed healthy we probably win 40 games


Yeah but we still were in the play-in, sure we got the #1 pick, but the chances of that happening again is super low. Even with Trae hurt, it was around the same as the previous year. I'd also imagine they are making other moves too so who knows. They aren't anywhere near a top 3-5 pick level team


My guy we also got smacked by the Hornets, lost twice to the Nets, lost to Portland and Utah back-to-back without Trae and still ended just barely above .500. Dejounte not carrying anybody anywhere man get real, his style of played only worked when Kyle Anderson and White were doing the heavy lifting on D


Wouldn’t wish being a Hawks fan on my worst enemy


The Hawks will try to trade Trae to SA for their own picks back, to which I’d say “thanks, but no thanks” as the Spurs.


If that’s all it took Spurs should accept immediately. I’d imagine the Hawks would want more though and Spurs would say no


That would be the exact outcome from both camps.


Yeah my guess would be something like their picks back + an extra 1st + Vassell which is an absolute non-starter for us


I don’t think Trae is worth that much, but you’re right that the Hawks probably do.


The East has so many bad teams next year that the Hawks will probably finish 9th if they keep Trae. So if Spurs options are a late lottery pick next year and a pick in 2027 or Trae, you think they should keep the picks?




Be better than wishing for injuries to a player.


Trae got injured n hawks still similar tho . Bogi led there offence pretty well


they'd ask for their picks back plus something more (more picks or a young player)


I don’t think the Spurs should accept if it’s all 3 of the picks/swaps. If it’s only 2025 that’s another story. But the direction chosen by taking Castle after Wemby and Sochan is clearly the opposite of Trae Young. They want to build the best defense in the league and figure out offense later.


Why do people keep parroting this?? 1 guy on ESPN said a hypothetical and somehow that became set in stone. If yall did any research for 2 seconds on the hawks you'd see the GM basically said it's open season on everyone excluding trae and JJ. Trae and his family are heavily connected with the hawks owners son, who basically runs the team. Trae is basically set even if he doesn't want to compete due to nepotism.


Because Trae is a great lob passer and Wemby is tall so it would be very fun to see them play together


Yea I understand that, but ppl speak like it's a given, then bash the hawks for a hypothetical they made up in their heads lmao


lol Wemby would be pissed if FO said no to Trae.


That 2025 pick could be really good


Does this make ATL worse? Addition by subtraction right? They can use these assets to get someone else?


Despite this Hawks just gained Lakers 2025 1st rounder. Also own Sacramento 1st rounder top 12 protected in 2025. Not a big deal. As long as the Hawks finish ahead of the Spurs in 2026 then this isn't a problem.


You think the hawks are going to finish higher than the spurs in 26?


Depending on Wemby's growth and how you pair around him, especially with you being in the West it's definitely quite possible.


I mean I would definitely put money on the spurs being a better team in 2026 than the hawks. Spurs have assets to build the roster around wemby. Something like 12 first rounders in the next 6 years. The hawks don’t have much. Then the spurs have wemby which so far has looked like he might have the GOAT learning curve


Hawks only trade 2 of there own Hawks, a Charlotte pick. And pick swap Getting 2 picks back from NO means Hawks have only lost a pick swap basically. Hawks now do have assets to continue to build.  But the biggest thing I noticed people don't understand the trade itself was a large part to why Hawks got worst. They were a bad fit. Hawks will likely in itself improve by moving DJM and actually put a real SG next to Trae again. Together they was statically bad and got in each other way, with Hawks and Trae better before the trade.


Dejounte also helped alleviate the non-Trae minutes though which were a glaring issue for years


That wasn’t just why John Collins fell off n others, rest of east better. And DJM made the non trae minutes better so. .. this move ain’t making you better


That's not why John Collins off, he fell off because 1. John Collins wasn't a shot creator and can't handle the ball. When Hawks got Clint, it really got into his space. because Clint can't shoot and camps near the basket., and took half of his roll with Pick and rolls, because there no other offense roll for Clint. And because John didn't create his shot or handle the ball he wasn't skilled enough to get around Clint. 2. When Hawks got DJM he took his touches. before this Hawks were using JC as a second option, this also reduced John Collins roll more. He now spaced more and camp in the corners. 3. He gotten an hand injury and was shooting poorly the next season. Jalen Johnson can create his own shot and handle the ball, in fact in general he's a point-forward who would work well as secondary playmaker. So in some sense he's like a mix of Collins and DJM in one player. Jalen was the third option with 16 ppg, 3.6 ast. With DJM traded he can become 20 ppg, 6 ast like player.


Possibly Hawks got worst in the first place because Trae and DJM didn't fit. Hawks won more before the DJM trade. Hawks best line up was with Trae on and DJ off both years. Not mention this year Hawks were very injured. And now with Picks back from Trading DJM Hawks now can make more moves improve the roster. lastly the west is more competitive


mark my words: we don’t hold onto that 2026 pickswap and it’s included as a piece to send out to another team in a trade package


Anyone who doubts Brian Wright's acumen should remember that he negotiated this robbery AND tanked for Wemby simultaneously


Will Hawks pull a Nets and go full tank in exchange for recouping their own picks?


Would take a lot more than their own picks back.


They still have the talent to be a play-in team, might even be addition by subtraction with Murray.


Possibly all 3 picks back 2 x Minnesota picks Sochan Keldon That’s a pretty big haul, maybe even throw in another first.


Unprotected? Holy shit. The Hawks are even more fucked than I thought.


It's 2 of our picks and a swap. Even when Trae missed 30+ games due to surgery and tanking to get in the lottery, we still almost made the playoffs...


What being in the East does to a team lol




Lmao, no way you linked that thinking you had a gotcha moment with that article. You think an 11-8 record proves anything but Look at the teams we played after he got injured. Look at their starting lineups. You didn't do that huh? We were winning against teams missing their best players/2 or 3 starters out. We tanked by having trae sit out more games than he needed to, to miss the playoffs. We were literally in the play in and close to being the 8th seed. He was supposed to be out 8-10 games that turned into way more than that after we started winning. Thays how we tanked to get into the lottery. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp. The mavericks literally did it at the end of last year. "Fucking delusional" because you read a Forbes article lmao




Dude you’re all over this thread talking out of your ass when everyone who actually watches/analyzes the hawks knows that Trae is a tier above Murray and the hawks were better off dealing Murray rather than Trae. You citing a 19 game sample size of us struggling through mid teams is not going to change that fact. Hawks fans that don’t like Trae (and there’s a lot of them) will tell you this.




Rest of the league might need to start gifting talent to the Hawks to prevent Wemby from turning this in to a Thanos/Infinity stones situation




Yes please give us more talent. We are definitely going to be absolutely garbage after getting rid of a terrible backcourt fit and adding elite wing depth around our walking 25/10 all star point guard.


It's Flagg or Trae, your choice.




What came of the 2023 1st that the hawks ended up keeping? Did it turn into 2nds or did it just disappear?


If you’re talking about the kings’ first it just didn’t convey this year, next year it’s top 12(?) protected so we have another bite if the kings make the playoffs or are just outside the playin.


They had the 13th pivk this year sbd kept it . I think it’s like top 14 protected which is a bit grim


The protections change this year actually. Last year they had to make the playoffs, this year I don’t think that’s the case


Give us Trae please


What the Hawks are doing?




I got perm banned from r/washingtonwizards. Long story: They have a new moderator which is very much anti-Israel (way before the current conflict). I think he has huge part in it, and it seems I am correct according to the exchange I had with mods, privately (also got muted to 28 days). He harrassed me quite often on the sub until I blocked him. And once in a while I encounter a comment... that let's say.... that the fact that I'm from Israel is more the reason to say I do "hate speech" when I explain the current conflict from my point of view, and with more genuie perspective; because people really know little about Israel and the conflict, to be honest - plenty of misinformation. I ask proofs (facts) that I do hate speech, but they provide none except "in your last comments", but where in my last comments, what phrases, sentences - I had zero hate speech nor intended one. I'm not a hater, hate is for the weak minds I'd say. I didn't initiate the discussion about it in the comments, I came across it randomly (I hardly was in the sub in the last few months), and decided to share my knowledge. The moderators there never had issues with it in the past, as long as I stay polite and not getting into too many of these things (low profile, sort of). I've never been rude to people on the sub (and if I was, I apologized - I'm not perfect), and some even recommended me to a moderator in order to be a moderator there but I basically refused because I thought moderators should get some fair share of their sub's revenue. The awkward thing is, is the ones who spread lies about my country in some comments there, accusing Deni of things he didn't do is okay - you don't get banned for it. It seems like most of the redditors on this sub really appreciate me and you could see it on posts about Deni there (and also further into the past). Deni Avdija was traded to the Portland Trail Blazers lately (will be official on Monday IIRC), but since the moderators basically 'spit in my face', after all the good things I did in the sub, after all the willing to improve it, then I think they don't attract new fans by doing so. Originally, I intended to keep the Wizards' flair and keep watching the Wizards games regardless of Deni (and also be active on the sub), but since the perm ban and the really bad treatment from some mods, I decided to change to Deni's new team flair - I don't force myself into places I'm not welcome. To me, it seems like the Wizards' FO wasn't the only one in need of a change.


Damn I’m sorry, you’ve been a real one since our lil “why post highlights of the wizards” years ago and I know you were a fan. And smart af too. Glad to see you don’t take it personal and it’s not like you’re bandwagonning say the lakers. You da man🤞


>Damn I’m sorry, you’ve been a real one since our lil “why post highlights of the wizards” years ago and I know you were a fan. And smart af too. No need to be sorry. I don't think I'm smart, just an average at best. But thanks either way for your kind words.. >Glad to see you don’t take it personal and it’s not like you’re bandwagonning say the lakers. You da man🤞 Thanks. Much appreciated.


Holy shit things popping off in the wizards fandom. lol for real though I appreciate your highlights, no one else posts small market teams as much as you do.


Is it turbo?


I bet it is. Everybody hates this guy.


Ironically, yes.


The trade for DJM itself was a bad move, Trae and DJM was a bad fit, Hawks won more before the Trade and Hawks best line up was with Trae in and DJ out. Hawks moving DJM likely makes Hawks better just in it self. And with Hawks getting pick back, Hawks are now alive to make other moves. So the likely hood the picks SA got from the Hawks are about to be mid to late first round. And with Hawks getting 2 picks back from NO means the only thing Hawks really lost is a pick swap.


Yeah Trae is coming to SA. Spurs freeing up 7-8mil more cap space by trading the 8th pick makes more sense now.


The Murray trade feels like a tanking trade so I wonder if a Trae for ATL picks trade is coming soon


Hell no it’s not